Desperate Desmond A Thumb and a Burning Cigarette Are Quickly Dissolved Partnership ByHershfield rib ToKfcAIORS (t CoovrlshL. nil. National NeM AssoeiaUoi. " . , . i ii l III l 1 I '"1 I i i i "i l I i - f?l FMi' .-Ksrv : Harrow i r a For one la hi villainous Ufa th usu ally ahwt Desmond ha been caught nap ping. Wall snoring In the brigade" ear bs was captured br th heroic Claud Bclslre, assisted by tb Spanish polio, and h I bow In U toll of th law one mors. Desmond, bowvr. doe not get flurried. It I no new xprleBo for him to be caught br tb polio and b usually to Having one subjected Rosamond to the terror of th bull ring, Desmond Is now to bar a tast of his own medicine. Heavily chained th scoundrel Is put In th arena and a aavag bull loosed at him. Th bull fighter stand around ' awaiting th signal from Claude. When that hero turns his thumb up,. Desmond I to be saved from further attacks by th bulL j Away up In th higher seats of th ring a Spalnard grows dted as h sees th bull rushing upon Deraxad. Tb spec tator Jumps up In his seat acd th shock causes his cigarette to fall. As th Span' lard Is much addicted to th foolish cus tom of smoking cigarette, his loss cause him to utter many strong Spanish words. And ven graver consequences will result. Away below th seats of Claud Eclair, hero. He . has been chosen by th Mag of Spain to give th signal of "thumbs up" or thumb down" to decide th punishment of Desmond. Naturally Claud wants to tee th villain, properly paid for hi crime and here you see him In th act of pressing down his thumb. But, ah! th elgarstta. And her you see th result Bverput your finger on a lighted cigarette, or on a burning match? Made you Jump., didn't it? Almost as bad as a hot potato which . Is proverbially dropped quickly. So you need hot be surprised to se even the Iron nerved Claude lump high In the air waving Ma thumb - aloft It is well enough to talk abort going through fire, but la rest life The upraised thumb has been seen by the watching bull fighters and they hastan to the aid of Desmond. Deftly distracting the bull's attention, they rush th man acled man out of th ring, when he In stantly begins to form new plans for th confusion of Claude and th capture of the beautiful Rosamond. He may succeed. V can't tell, however, until tomorrow. WANT ADS Waal act received at any time, but te assure proper claeeifleatioa must he areaeated before 12 o'clock m-, for lb evening etliUoa and before 7:30 p. as, for morning and Boada etlt, twos. Want ads received after such hoars will bare tlicir first Insertion wader the heading "Too JUte to llaastfv." CASH RATES FOR WANT AW. KM.1.LAK I'LAriSlFICATIO.V Oae lasertioa I H rent per word and 1 emit per word lor each rabseqaeat Insertion. Each Insertion made oa odd days 1 cent per word. S1.50 per line per nonui. Want ad lor The Bee mar be left at any of the following drug stores oae is roar "corner' druKjiUt" they are all branch offices for The liee aad your ad will be Inserted just a promptly and oa the same rate aa at the mala office la The Bee building. aeveatreaUi aad Faraara btreeUi Albsch. W. C, 4th and Farnam. H uaniPrug Co.. Ml N. Mth St. Benson Pharmacy, Benson. Neb. Remls Psrk phsmscy, ud and Cuming. Berserk. 8. A.. Hot 8. lth 8V. Blake- Hrandlsh, Sje Sherman Av. . - . , , .-it I duui-nHk Ul -,.. I. Kmll ISM-4 8. 1.1th Ht. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, till Military Ave. Cornier I'harmasr, zsn ts. inn nt (Massy Pharmacy, Mth and l.ka Sts. Khler A Co.. & Lesvenwortb St Foster a. Arnoldl. 211 M. fclh St rmiu. J. J . UK N. Mth est Fregger Drug Cu 1M N. Mth St i rAMnM rieu Co sinrenca. Neb. Oreea s Pbarmy. Park Ave. and Pacific Hreenough A Co.. win ana iticserr. Goldman Phsrm'y. Mth and Leaven win. Johaneon Drug Co., Uth and Spauldtng. I'hamiap. 2l2S Farnam St Hanscom Psrk pharm r., Jlul 8. h Av. Hlnterlong Drug Co., net Ave. ana rnr. Hoist Jake, CM N.ltth ft Huff. A. L, rtM Leavenworth t VI.. U H 4,11, anS Vamam Sts. Keuntes Ptsos Pharmacy. 25 N. Mth, Ithrop Pharmacy, ttih and Hamilton. Mares. Fred. L.. t Central Blvd. Monmouth Pharroar-V, Od and Ames Av. -. ... . . . . - icM ft,.!. U. , ratnrx urn . Saratoga Drug Co., 84th snd Am Av. Srheeler's Cut Price, Kth and Chicago. . Vschal. P. I . Pierce St Walton Pharmacy, Hxh snd Orsee Sta Walnut Hill Paarmacy, Hh and Cuming AXXOtXCKMEXTg BAKKEK BltOSw TAINT CX. watt remain St Doug. 4750. Ind. A-SttL A beautiful assortment of stencil out fits and Bherwln-Wllllams goods. Ws do glsslng and picture framing at moderate prices. . At. K. Morrill, china patnt. Ita Brsndeis Th NO NEKD of worrying abou.. dessert when Iaisell Is In town. If Mrs. J. P. Duffleld, CtM Douglas St., will come to The Bee office within three days we will live her an order for a quart brick of this fine Ire, cresm. NUKTHHUP letter Duplicating Co.. tM Paxton Ulk., ctrcular letters, snr quan tity: oldest established company; experts of Mulllgrsph snd Neostyie. Bl SIX ESS CHAXCES. BEST grocery and meat msrket In city; everything new; other business. F.ll, Bee. EL CONTENTO HABANA CIOAR. Bos of u, prepaid, ts.76; try a half doten. If not sailsiactory money refunded. BI-1ATON DKl'O CO.. 1489 Farnam St. Motion picture machine and film bar gains. Dm. Film fc-sch.. Htb A Doug. Sts. Lass bee. Gross Lumber wrecking machinery ft Plumb. Met and Paul. uiJa i? uu.i.v.n. nuhiic steoosrapher. Mi City Nat I BK. UQUg. tw r o-ioti. FOR 8ALI3-Only livery business In town of 12.0G0. Address Uatnew K. Faber, Rrmeen, la. fphoUterlng. piano, turn, rep 04 Far. FOR 8ALK Office business, 4; fire, 1; life, 1: accident Insursjios company, col lections, real estate, rentals; cheap rent; no bonus; Investigate. Address O IIS, Bee.' Uavlac, fleraae aad Cleaning. EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co.-Movtng furniture packing, tireproor storage, uty offlre, S16 8. nth. Doug. tM. Ind. B-1K Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. Twenty per cent lees than Omaha price. HKMB Fl'RNlTLRK CO., Twentv-fourth and L Bta. South Omaha. Kd Bartlck. gravel, tar roofs, ltth A Laks 8. H. Cole Hlgn Co. D. rat UM Far nam. mil.l ktterini on books. 4ures, leathst nods. B. A. Tyron Co., Ul Fsrnant WHAT Is home without a nice bps of the famous csndy msde by D. J. O'BrlenT If Norman Filbert, 714 Mill m., touncu nit,ffB miii Mm, ia Th Hee ortice wiimn ihre riavs we will live him an order for a ae-cent bos of ci nrien s miliar. a nmiD rash butcher business In a live town In central neuraisa. ELASTIC stockings, supporters and I bandages; stock always new. Because we sell so many. Trusses fitted. Everything guaranteed. W. U. tieveiamj irus i l the largent surgical supply house, lllO-B Harney t. BC8IXESS PERSONAM Oetewgettky. Alice Johnson. M l Brands! The. Btdg. Katheryn Nikolas, C-4 Brenaeis Tneatar. Artealaa Wells. L. E. NKBF.ROALL, 1W1-H City NstL vmr'i.s. alwava ba aaupv If your wed-I 41ns rlnc cornea front Brodegaard's, 114 a. Wth rit At tne eign oi me tr-,.. Neb. Keef Co.. US Jonea, Uolh phones. KD HOWK. well boring. Bon ton 4t. Atteraere. 0. W. Shields, attorney. 7 B. of Trade. Fateate. TTTRASf A. 8TUROI8. patent lawyer, n. H. end forelsn oatents. trademarks snd copyiighu; 3t years' experienos. Brsndela Theater Diag. lei. mrai. ww. i . , v. a at.wm Pack. move. store and ship H. H. nods, P. 1 B-rUa. LIHTON L. HAU LAWYER. V fit. OBT your dlemonds at Bredegsard'a rrrvTiVt to loan-low M I 1 IVI M V rate. In sums to 1111 V 1 I . suit. 110 Bee Bldg " w " " Phone Doug. M. UNION LOAN CO. Aeralaaa aad Teats. OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. KB Pouglsa MOVINO plcturs nwchlnes snd supplies Nebraska mm Co., uis ramam ot Baa-gas aad Taaleaaa. THE ONLT WAT. eetu Tel, Bargag checked to destination. cabs and touring cars. Tax! Douglas St. Fhraograaha, Edison phonographs, Hhults Bros.. 1401 Far BOILER, sheet Iron and tank Omaha Htructural Hteel Works. work. , Baa Maaafaetaiwrs. PEMI9 OMAHA BAG CO., Omaha, Neb. DO I' (1 LAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 41. t. T. O'Leary for ehoeii. 411 N. K Bo. Om. Juetlee of tha Peace. Oeo. II. Barker, 134 Paxton Blk. Red. K; A-1H4; Rea. 11. sTTl Baa and Paeaag Maaafaetarere. Wooden Box A package Co. U14 N. Uth, OMAIIA MACIJINE WORKS nobll al it Oeneral machine and automobile repair ing. Pattern making; special machinery designed. Kxpert die work, patent Brew ings, fit s. nth m. uoug. Da.AtMS AMD Ft'WKHAI. NOTICSt, HABOEN-Mrs. Jennie, beloved wife of , Hanry Ilaegsa, January 14, aged (4 funeral from residence of her slstar, Mrs. F. A eViulres, 11 Madison avenue, Thursday "at i n . m..-to Sacred Heart cMki si a- m. Interment Holy SeP ultUre cemetery, t.. ' LvDGB KOTICEt. i - XtTBNTION,' Degree of Honor All nf Waahlnaton lodge. No. 11, are rMueeted to attend the luneral of aur ' hrloved sister. Janey ilsegen, from tlur reeldenre of her slater, ttle Msdtson t Tueeday morning, !:. to fesered Heart chur-'h, o'clock. Interment Holy 8p)cW eamete-y. Sister lodsee Invited. Be-order uf Marr Anderson. Chief of lldaor; Johanna Strain, Recorder. ' T. O. C. W. Pineral nolle. The roem-h-.r nf S'fVlli tlaiaha lodse No. 15. sue rewoeeied to attend the funeral of Brother John Jackson. Thursday after. noon at I o'clock from residence of J. t.' susford. B41 Howard bt H0NKSS1H0NK HBIiJJ'S THB BtttT ;rLACE IN OMAHA EHBIILT STODDARD pATTONS 7. I- r-psaeenger I 7t) a. F. ;-passengei'( l. a 1 1 - a 1.4, ' ' I A. a-Dssacnitsr!!! MJ SEVERAL OTH Kit .kV.KKS OF CARS . AT RKPl'CKD PRICES. J. J. DKRIGHl' COMPANY,' '' Ull Fa ma in St Omaha, Neb. BIRTH! AND DBATH8 ni-,,.. w.nrv and I'.mmi Oorken. Flf- eanih and Piiooleton avenue, girl; Otus- and Anreilna Lantl. lili Mason stream, slrl; Otis and fcdna F. Deoiina. Knrtli Ta iniv-iieveoth etreet girl Hay and Margaret Davis. 1901 Sou.h Filth ilireet girl; ana An,nwiui, Hortb Mnth street, boy; rrsnk ana An. , ia Pandia. i?is South Twelfth eiteet boy; h.rUa snd Edna Fishbach. U Pinkney direet, girl; Alois and Mary Ksnper, ITU (nits Twelfth etreet boy; Charles snd si-kmm iMiuaa. Omaha General hos- ei.aL slrl: Prlmo and Lucy Nanga, H WiUnul etreet al'l; William R. snd al a Balrd. ZT North Twenty-fourttt an set twin girls; Sebsstlano and Oius- n. aanuernsia. 1114 Paclfie street boy - raina Ura. Minnie 8. Aplmger. 2t tan; Twenty-second and Howard imi; Ehsalieib Hopeon. 11 days, Four ik and Cioltol avenue: Fred Jackson, 1 m,Mitha fiis Davenport street; Lraory W. French. M rears. Thiny-lourth and Meredith avenue; Henna Dwyer. a years, &M Sautn Twentr-seventh street; Lllllsn )u anck. a rears. Clarksoa hospital Ruth Bergman. 1 year, an! Charles street u.rMi lonard. 1 Tea a. Fort Omaha J Irs. Kllsabeth Dohse, 71 years. Mxl South 'ourteentn street; Mlas Elma Berryhtll. S years. 8t Joseph's koapital; Margaret Leonard. 2 years, t en uosu. MABRIAOB LICKItiBS. marrtag licensee war Carpeat aad teatraetere. Stevenson, carpenter, cont Both phones. , Prlatlagi. Lsw w . uatjer, mnter, Sil BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. Lyngstad Printing Co., 14th 4 Capitol Ave. Tel. Ind. kJO tor good printing. Al'TOMCnrLM ' ' ' ' CklresedUte. .- - TH; HOT, 1W6 Farnam. Douglas 4rT. Cigars aad Tabasco. THE Sanitary Crown Pipe. HI 8. Wth. lleiklag Mauafaclarsrs, Wear Ideal dree shirts. M. K. Smith Co. DRUMM0ND oqalk leal Dealer. Special prices by ton. I bu, for 1 el. uuut. ' Mth and Hnrner Sts. Murphy Did itVS: Sutter Feed A Coal Co., atl I'ar. H. C S.Johnson. coal, lmh I sard. 1 phones. Uk-h'.!,!.'!! Vl'HVAril! COAl. D. i:l Charles A. Weaterileld. A-13M. Auto isiupa reiiaired. Omaha Silver. Co. COAL and'kindllng. Wagnsr, HI N. Wth, KINDLING, t losd. H. Pros. W. just taralea aad Steel telllsga. CARTER Sheet Metal Works, Omaha. Creameries, Dairies aad aarplte. Fairmont's Diadem butter. Always good, DAV1DCOLB CRIuAMBKY COMPANY )RE DOORS '8vS0dJo..n,,?npi Douglas ana. rrsittei tarnags n oraa. Daaciag Aeadessles, Msckle's Dancing Academy, 1H Harney. Daily classes sion., Thurs., Bat evea.ngs. BUSINESS CHAXCES V UIOl l-.Sl'IIK'.R KOSSITEU School ot Dancing very Tuesday evening. Assembly 8:i p. m. mbti mutii.i iAa mv. TO set lit ui out of business call on OANOKSTAD. 404 Bes Bldg. Tel. D. MTT. MORTGAGES, 6 ON GOOD a . FAR51S ana our cituu ana aurpu oi mw,uw. NO SAFER INVESTMENT Aoads for lieu, tie and up, as suit your savings, kiase your money orlng you a gooa income, ass tor particulars. PAYNE INVESTMENT 00. lain and rarnam Ms., Omaha. Neb. i lessons Mondsy or r riday, p. m., at Maraud a. taUles. ai; gsnusmsn, ax iPrlvsle leesuns during the day. i. Deatlets. Bailey, th dentist City Nat'l. D. tMt Mach MacJt. Id floor Paxton. P. KI Deteettvea, nmaha aarret sarviee det axency. Inc. bonded. 4U- Paxton Blk. D. Ui. A-Ulk L. W. LONONECKEB, 111 Karbacb Blk. JAMES ALLAN, Neville Blk. Tyler UJt Koh bALk-oiily exusivs eioUiing and I furnishing booos store.-In good southern! south Dakota town. Clean stock. Fins I buainess. Cheap rent Oood crops. In-1 vulre. K.0M Address T St. care of Bee. IOK SALL-oaraae In town of 1.30U Address Maihew R Faber, Retnsen, la. Dressssaktas. Terry's Dressmaking college. 31 h A Far. DRKSSMAK1NQ, 8611 Harney. H. 144. fclverythlag Elcetrleal. Burgees-Oranden Co.. 1511 Howard. D. tl - The following taaued: . Kama and Residence. Age- Fred H. OambUn. Fscifl Junction, Ia.a Ltlllaa HeruDS. Omaha jamas H- Manning. Independeao. la-.S Anna Clark, St Jos.oh. Mo -TMraaa Zoueha. South Omaha ..... .Catherine Bogus, auuth Omaha. U Fred C. Stou, Nehawka. Neb Cbioe Tanner. Nehawka, Neb Jt lrnard A. Heseman. Omaha Marr u Coupak Bensoa.. KcS....Oer U Thomas Klrnan. Omaha f, Hop Smith, omans, av Louis Lecce, Omaha K Vbilopena Perrl, Omaha .-- Wejdeea Ostregs, South Omaha ... Josephine Orlck, Seuui Oman 3 TRUSTEES BANKRUPTCY SALE. Notice Is hereby given thst a genera! stock of merchandise, formerly owned br Nellie Young, at Correctlonville, la., will t aieposeu of Dy sealed ssld sealed bios to be filed with C. U Joy, reteiee In bankruptcy, or J. W. hlndlg, trustee for said oatate, at Sioux Uty, Is., and that said bsls muat be In not later than naturuay, January axn that said Slock of mercnaMlise, furniture and fixture Invoice tor aa foe lows, town; Grocerle $ Ti bhoes lavt Toys 4 i4 Cloaks, sun and skirts.... l.z.W Iny goods.... 4,e.a4 Machinery and furniture..., 4144 Futures lii.A The location Is a desirable one and prospective purchaser can examine the stock at Correction vtlle at any urn by calling on N. L. C Br1gA who Is In charge of the stock, and who bss an In- voles in his possession. Bids must b oompanled by a certified check or draft equaling 1 per cent of tie bid made. The right at reserved to reject sny or all was. j. w. KIMMU. Trustee In Bankruptcy for the Eetate of Neuis a Young, s) lowa timg, sioux city.-Ia. Electric lighting fix., wholesale and reiall. Feed kllli sad Marc. Feed, all klnda. Olencoe Mills, MM Issrd. iverrthtaa far Wassem. CONBCLT DR. BURKE. 41 Doug. Florists. BENNETTS, cut flowers. Douglas Ut. A. Deaahue. 1407 Farnam. D. W. A-lCvL HESS A SWOBODA. HIS Farnam St Stewart's, Florist Seedsmen, lit N. 1. PAULSEN, florist. 1711 Brown-St BRANDEIS FLOR18T. Brandels Bldg. U HENDERSON. 141 Farnam. D. 12. BATWS FLORISTS. Boyd Theater Bldg. Faaadrtee. irrTVinaid brass and bronse foundry, alu minum, tin. lead castings, lain a J season. aUxxoiTiiCEsiirjrrs i i a nrtTI t'VI V L'NDER- r -aJ.A.UAaaCjLrsj.s. ta.R embsJmer. H14 Ch-cttgo St D. 143. B-U. tt- n a nnmlU' ?sl B lath Wt. XXLlXXCi C UX.irii.t,!,; ua" A-Xa ' UNDERTAKERS. IIEAFEY & ILEAFEY, Meted to stll Farnam. A-SS. H. DUFFY & BOLAND,' Tyler 1474, . Ina. A-laU. Harness, Saddlery, Leather Oooda. Wkhert harness, leather goods. gMt a. FOR 8 ALE Three-chair l arber shop in I town oz good payer. Address Msthew R .sber. Remsen. Is. Hospltala. WISE MEMORIAL. MtB and Harney. lasasmaoe. !2LJS l$ZAn norWl Alfred C. Kennedy, snce, i", rim. f,c. za. nius. ljous. W nronosrtion? It Is rood ROBERT C. DRI KSEDOW t CO. ISsee Acenta.1 w On Nat Bk Bldg. Omaha. Neb. Rhodes-Montgomery Co. Ins. Ramge Blk. ' INVKSTMENT. On ttSM.M to aa Inreetment good, substantial and established buaineee we will guarantee investor to Dec cent Tms proposition ut open to your Investl ratio and your attentloa. All replies treated confidentially. Salee will average tK. yearly. Address O Be Iroa aad W ire reaetaa. Anchor renew Co.. 1ST V. IT. Tel. Red 114. Leaadrle. FRENCH Hand Laundry. Tel. H. Bet GUARANTEE IdUUkiry. work. Douglas m Bl'Sl.XESS PEKSOXAL8 iiaearaal Maaataetarcrs. Skinner's mscsronl snd spaghetti, lec pkg klaaassests aad Maasaleassa. F. Bloom a Co., 17th and Cuming fits. win City Express. 1811 Howard. Both Tel. Furniture mov.. 1 men H per nr. w. n. Masle, Art aad Lasgaageo. PIANO Studio, Howard. Doug. 4M. OptteUaa. F. Wum, fitting rep'g. 4tt Brand!. O ret ere. David Col Oyster Co. Wholesale only. D. O. Baroell, Paxton Blk. Tel.Red 7117. Wlllard Eddy, ifJO City Nat. Bank Bldg. Photographers. Rlnehart, photographer. Ulh a Farnam. rutiag. OMAHA SILVER CO.. tit S. Uth. HELP WAXTED FEMALE Haaoekeeaera aad DeameaUes. WANT a younc sir! to saslst In general housework; no washing; no cooking. uoug. siesi. WANTED Women to wash and iroa on Mondays. J61 F St.. South Omaha. WANTED An experienced girl tor gen eral housework; small family; one willing to go to Chicago; good wages; references required, liw ueorgla Ave. roon Har ney W7L I HELP WAXTED MAXE MtsceUuacaus. STOP! READ! WANTED A girl to assist with house work and help with children, tit N. Sd Ave. fhone Harney a. KXPEYUENCKD girl for general house work. 119 S. nth Ave. 'Phone Harney HS. WANTED A good cook. Phone Harney Mil. UT & Kth St WANTED A competent girl for general housework: two In family. Mrs. R. L. Huntley, M44 Harney. Phone Harney 14. WANTED Competent white cook. In family of two. no laundry- Mrs. Arthur P.. Oulou. Beaton apts. Harney 6SH7. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Sit Hamilton. Phone Har ney Wi M leeellaaeaaa. TOUNO women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Woman's Christian assodstlon building. at St Marr' Av. and 17th St. where ther will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at the Union station. AMATEURS of ability for dramatic show. Apply director, lilt Harney, be tween N a. m. and t p. m. ANY connoisseur of confectionery will readily tell you that there are no candles whloh csn outshine O'Brien's In purity or daintiness. If Matilda Kelson, fcla 8. sth St, Council Bluffs, will com lo Th Be office within' three day we will give ber an order for . a 10-oant , box ot O'Brien candy. HELP WAXTED MALE SALESMEN wanted to sell our attrac tive new eecret proceeo calendar In ex elusive territory. Reference necessary. Dubuque Art Mfg. Co.. Dubuque, la. Get Into a paying profession. Learn automobile engineering In our large training shop. Hundreds of successful graduates. Complete equipment of auto mobiles and machinery. Address Nstiunal Auto Training Assn., 43 Brandels Theater Bldg., Omaha. Neb. (Jl i r lll ll FOR KEXT Board aad Roasxs. O. M. E. hauls trunks. D. L A MU. Faralshed H earns. FOR RENT Two ' furnished parlor rooms with heat and gas. Ml A ltd at' DO vou want a steady navlna position? Call at Intl. M. P. School. 218 Bee Bldg. TOI'Na man to solicit sdvertlslng; ex perience not essential; good opportunity for advancement Address E 1 1M. Bee. TEAMSTER, living near SCO Camden, to do hauling on way horn. Phone W co aler 4141. WANTED FOR U.. 8. ARMY Able- bodied unmarried men. between the ages of Is and 25; rltlsens of United Stsgea, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language, rw information appiv ui re cruiting officer, ltth and Douglas Bts.. Omaha, Neb.; 407 4th St, Sioux City, la.; 1M N. Wth St.. Lincoln. Neb. MAN wanted with rig to take cha.-g of sal of our medicines, extract, pices, soaps, perfumes, toilet articles, stock and poultry preparations, etc.. In your oounty. One man made 194 on week. Steady work guaranteed. Work healthful, pleas ant, very profitable. -References required. Write US. we mesn ousinews. onurea Mueller Company, Dept It, Tripoli, Ia, IJVK STOCK FOB SALE " Horses aad Vehicles. FROST, wagon repairs. IKS Leaven Wth. .iir.irr. . 1 4 - . t. - 1 1 ni,nn one jennet and Jack colt by side, will sell all together or single; want ' to quit busi ness on account of advanced age. Ad dress P. S. Underwood, , Lock Box 1 Rush Hill. Mo, LOST AND FOVXD LOST Tan pocketbook with 1180, also gold ring sst with two whits and on red stones.. . toward. Return to llt Lathrop St. AM. Printing Co, KM Cuming. D. M7. Rles-Hsll Ptg- Co., 1 8. 14. Ind. A-KJ4. Hrataaraata. Clark Cafe, home cooking. Wit Pods. YOUR husband and son srs looking for. ward ts deeeert Urns they know that you have ordered eome of Dalsell's Ice cream. If Mrs. K. A. Benson, thai uoage St., will com to The Bee ortic within three days we will give her aa order fur quart nrteK of this fine ice cream. OKI the hsbll, eat a' Uneeda. Cap. Av. MORRIS Cafe, home aooklng. lit 8. Hh. aartiaa Oooda, NEW shopworn gun at low Townsend Oun Co., 1U4 Farnam. prices. Steel Task aad Calvert Companies. NEBRASKA and Iowa Steel Tank Com- psny, Uth and Nicholas. Li. am Steaegraphere aad Caart Heparter. Myrtle A. Keller, 701 Bran. Tha D. tSM. CM MA A. TELLER, 417 Barker bk. DttL Talleriag. A. Williams, clothes altered. 14 a Lake. Out-of-dais g arm en is ex. for new. W. aBO. Teau aad Awalac. OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. 131 Douglas. Traalt aad Salt Caeca. Frellng t Stelnla, IMS Farnam St Wises aad Llejaere. MAT sV CO., family liquors. 190t Douglaa, niuiiUn o,i isa r , . ' ' ' - , wndwlches. Alex jetes, uus uougias. Loftman, t-yr-old why. 10c drink. 14 gt Har. Wig Maaafactarcr. D. S. Griffith, wig mfg. U Frenser Blk. EDICATIOXAL B0YL.ES COIaLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL TILE YEAR Comptet courses In Business, Book- kseDins. Stsnoa-ranhr. Telecraphr. Civil Service or Salesmanship. The catalogue Is rre for the asking, fait write or phone for It at once. Address H. B. Rovles, President Boy lee College, Omaha, Neb. OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. "BEST IN THE WEST." Day and evening sessions all th year. HhATihend. TvDewritlnc. Bookkeeping. Agrlcullure. Civil Service. Salesmanship. A. artman. rres.. inn anq r i,n. Y. M. C. A. NIGHT SCHOOL NOW OPEN New students received An all classes Personal help given new students, Vrt kanHleau he atartlns BOW. Sixteen-week term In common branches. commercial and Business subjects. J. w. Miller. Eeucaiionai neeretary. Phone Tyler WW. Tl TORINO. 1st iq. 8th grade. H. IM4. MR. HUSBAND, If you sre looking for something to take home for aa extra fin dessert step in Dalsell's. If Harry Brown. CMS Underwood Ave., will e te The Bee offlcs within three dsy ws will give mm aa order (or a uan ones of this nm lo cream. HELP WASTED FEMALB He wee keepers aad Dasaeotle. TMS! SERVANT OIRL PROBLEM SOLVED The Bee will run your Domee- il Halo waste ad I (ttJ. until vou awe the desired results. Bring your ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler roos. " WANTED Experienced girl tor general housework; small family; good waere; one willing to go to Chicago; references reoulred. U2t Georgia Ave. Phone Har ney tn. WANTED Girl fr genera) housework no washing. l K. Austin, us a. Ave. Harney Ja. WANTED competent gin ror iimh housework- Apply at 1H4 8. Bth Av. WANTED Good reliable woman for general housework. .'Phone Harney 497. ant 8. 17th. High grade WAXTED Girl for general housework. 1714 & Sd Av. TeL No. HO. Wanted A hlgh-clas man ot managerial sod galea mantblp ability (or an Important 0LNERAL AGENCY position tin Omalka and Nebraska . by one oi tha oldest, best and largest dividend-paving Life In surance companies Address A 1130, care Omaha Bee, FARM IMPLEMENT SALESMEN. Vid want four first-class salesmen to act as special salesmen for our Canadian land for coming season; must bs men with reoora for good closing. A goiden opportunity to the right man. A good man can clean up $6.Mi during 011. Ex penses, salary and commission. Writs at once, giving age, nationality, present occupation, how long employed, present residence, sal Plymouth vttuliding, Minne apolis, Minn. AOBNT8 To hsndls remarkable m ney- getler; easy to sell: easy to handle; write today fur part.culsra. Illustrated cata logue and confidential pries list Ths F. A. Co I Supply Company, Delavan. lit Clerical aad Of (tee. "CANO"-Hlgh-grade position, an Bee. Factory aad Tredco. Drug store (snspsi jobs, KrdestBe Bldg laeellaaeeae. WANTED More people to raise poul try with the Old Trusty Incubator. Write tor tree catalogue, M. si. jonnaoa, tuur Center, Neb. PERSONS having lost om article would do well to call up th ofric of tha iwiu a, i-nuaHl Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whethsr they left It in tne street care, . - Many articles each day are turned In and th company is anxious to restore them t th rightful owner. Call Doug- OMAilA a COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET KAIbWAl tuarwii. MODERN, well heated, oomfortabl room; rents! reasonable, sis B. sra St DESIRABLE furnished room. . private family. Kl N. Mth. TeL Webster 6878. NICE, new modern room; privets fam ily. Ut 8. 30th St. Harney 47M. S 8. KTH AVlu-Nloely furnished. steam heated rooms Douglas 1447. lit N. ltTH-Cosy, warm rooms D. THC Farm lakes Heasekeeplsg Heasss. THE MANUEL Two-room apartment, SSSOn, Th Howard, t-rooro, Brivat bath, tK.OO. list and Howard. Fsrwlaked Heasoa. FURNISHED houss for rent In Wart Farnam district Tel. Harney t7l Hotels aad Aawrtsaeats, Dewey European Hotel. Uth a Farnam, NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for gen tlemen. THB CHATHAM, 110 8. ltth St. Bxoellent meal, Xi N. Nth. So. Omaha. Howard" Hotel, elegant rms. kXtt Howard. HOTEL Flomar. 17th and Capitol Ave. Burlington, nice rooms. 1 block to depot. OXFORD and Arcade, special wkly rate CALIFORNIA hotel, Uth A California, steam heat hot and cold water. Special weekly rates. D01X3B HOTEL, running hot and cold water; telephone In every room-prices the same. Aaartsseata aad Flats. 4 -ROOMS. CLOSE IN Look at lutt Howard St, a atrlctly modern "St. Louis" flat, within easy walking distance, KM. PAT NIC a SLATER CO., . . Solo Agents. 6th Floor Omaha Kational Bank Bldg. 4-ROOM flat on Sherman Ave. Web. I7a UUtSl iOlo cull iifia.'Vn nui, w- Farnam and Howard. Reward. Return to Be office. ixibt Lares cameo dIb. between Mason snd Park Ave and Mth and- St Mary's. Rewai-d. Harney sou. LOST Scotch collie pup, months old: male; Mondsy morning, between 7:10 and 38 a. m. Reward for return or Informs. Mon. Mrs. If. A. urotcnie, evi r ivitul, Blvd. Tel. Webster toot. ; GOLD watch fob with the Initial F. C. B. and M. R. Telephone Douglas 4aJ for reward. TOUR wife alway ai jreclste little attention you par her. S oi and get her s box, or O Btien s cano; . it r. v.. Mellck. SMI Amea Ave., wll com to The Be offlcs within three day I we will give him an order for a a) cent box of O'Brien' candy. MOXET TO LOA". salary aad Chattel. STOP Right here it yon are looking (or th best place to borrow money. ' LOOK The city over and you can do no better, no matter how cheap other advertise. LISTEN W will loan you a.1 ths READT CASH ,..1 wane fl UN 1TI : RK. P1A.SO. WARtHoUSfc RECtaPT, ALIO. REAL SJilA'lK Or O.N lOLK rUAlH JUl if ateadiiv amDioved. such loana are hvuimI In a few hours' nonce, pn- tstely. confidentially and in a way pleas ing to all. . n by taks chances of having your busi ness peauied sboot the city wuen you can get tne money promptly of us? Titi, I..LDLKT. LARGLST A.ND BEtol. RELIABLE CREDIT CO, 3d tlo.r, oa l axion b.oca, ill 8. lath St tii..nes nil ana a-nu. alt S. Kth. -r. flat UI S. Kth, 4-r. flat twin. BEM1S-CAKLUERO CO, ilv-IU Brandels Theater. IF you have a sweet tooth be sur t try a box of D. J. O'Brien' candy. A ways iresn ana pleasing to canny lovers. If Mary A ten, 4 Glen Ave., Council muffs, will come to The Be offlos within three days we will give har an order for accent box or o; Brian s csnor. tnflOM snartment In the Uintah. Ap ply 41 Omaha Nat I Bank Bldg. or phone uougias ices. ' ; 4-ROOM apartments, brick, readenoe secUuB. Phone Hsrney tvH. lafaralsked Maoass. I and 4 rooms, modern except heat water Included, only 113. ft Call at S2l Dewey Ave. fine ior smau lamiusa. References required. MODERN steam heated rooms, ltth. flat II. stt 8. Hoasee aad Celtagee. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed and for warded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Douglas XH. City offlos, Ut S. 17ta St, Bds Bldg. J609 MAPLE St, I rooms, modern ex cept furnace, W. Hall, 411 Ramge. Doug. 71, A-teX. IS.J ' 7-ROOM house, tM; t-rooin, 3t Han scom park; modern. Phone Harney lfrgi. For Kent Brick House Four bedrooms, bath and toilet oa sec ond floor; larg family room, dining room, buttery, kitchen, refrigerator room, hall sad vestibule on first floor; full cement besement with toilet furnac beat; everything first-class and strictly modem. Located at 1611 Oeorgia Av. See the owner at Unit Georgia Are., or phone Hsrney 130. WEST FARNAM homo of 9 rooms, baa two bath rooms snd all latest modern conveniences; will leass; vacant February 1: 7e per month. THE BTRON REED CO.. Phone Doug. t7. A M4. til 8. 17th. TTTl BURT- lr.odern except heat houss with range. Inquire within. tV MEN of Ideas and Inventive ability write Greeley a Mcintlr. patent attor neys, Washington, D. C, for their list of inventions wsnted and pnaes oUereu by Issuing manufacturer. GOOD money-making moving picture enow In Omaha. International Muvuig ptcture School. Call at lis Bee Bug. You ARE WANTED for government Job. tMLW month, bend postal fur list of positions open. Fianklln Institute. Dep t 1M U. Rochester, N. T. WANTED Men to learn the best bust- ness la th world, tb barber trade. Can have your own snop and earn big wagas; light clean inside work. Aa army oi our gra.uates running shops aena ior help; for these positions; lew weeks required: our Manual Is splendid for home preparation; tools given; wage In finishing department Writ for dis tance or call from city. Moler Barber College. lh 8. 14tb St. ' Ttft tlC MvXTH AUTOLNO. 11 S MJTO SCHOOL. OMAHA. NEB. ww'.uaranteee more actual repairing than any three other schools. Come sea. TELEGRAPH posittous guaranteed you by both Union Pacific aad Illinois cen tral railroads If you gain your training In our school. Practle on R. It wires. Ad dress tor particulars, H. B. Boylea, Pre. Boyle college, omsns, neo. AMATEURS of ability for dramatic show. Apply director. 1514 Harney. Be tween I a- m. and 1 p. m- eaaa nnrmviim toba ooesv Write tor reaa net Franklin Institute. Dept. HI L.. Rochester. N. T. to MEN. 34 ts St years old. wanted at mm iw ale.1 irte railway aiuiai man s conductor; te t tM a month; we ew- ., iit rine orjoortanlur: strike. Write immediately tor appticatloa basalt Addrse B, ue $10 TO $100 LOANED TO ANYONE W will procure a loan for any body who owns furniture, pianos, horses, wagons, or anyone a steady position t the moat rea sonable charges. All ws ask is your to pay. No red tap. No deiay. Quickly, privately, cueaply. Ifi In Installment of tl.AV. Ui In lnais,.ments of 11. si. ti In Installments of S2 4k. Loans made from one month to one year, terms to suit you. GI'ARAMEE LOAN to. (Smsll Loan Depart roe. .t SEVEN-ROOM MODERN. One block to car; full t-atory square; complete basement heating and pituab-.ns- Special offer on tola. . O KEEFE REAL E STATU. CO.. ' KM Omaha Nat'l. Douglas or A-tUt ABOUT January 2s, to a first-class ten ent house of nine rooms, modern, Ita Csss street Very desirable; walking dis tance. - tt tl II it Wi iSet Jones t-r, all mod., t3S. IM S. tad, 4-r., awd. ex. heat, lit. til N. 47th Ave. t-r. mod. ex. beat, tit I71S N. 23d. t-r, mod. ex. heat, ta. t.17 Ohio, t-r.. mod. ex. heat. tli. Mason, l-r. strictly mod.. Hi. VM Haraey St. t-r., all mod., I. s. attn, 7-r.. all mod.. tX-ts. Mfi Chicago, 6-r., al mud., new, $3s li!l Ohio. 4-r.. mod. ex. hcai. lit. 2dt paraer, t-r., mud. ex. :ca;. 111. . Houses a.i peits if the city. h eon a Co.. Bee iudg. MOD. t-rom Cottage. Fine m Sw'l'r.?vf.C,, St.: .u,, e.eclrlc light on Dougias tuts. Ind. A-US. t car lines. P, one Haiuey No. awt for .I' Intoimatkn. qtrr'WtmgTqPI'lllllllllt t-ROOM swell, all BMdera house. MOM,V loaned salaried people, women : a rfPileton Ave. keeping bouae and others, without se- OMAHA EXP. CO.. moving van and turity; easy payment. Offices In 47 prtn- torag. Trunks, baggag det D. gat eltle. Twmsn. sul Omaha Nati 414 N. 17th ' Bank Bldg.. formerly N. T. Life Bldg. . & 2STH ST.. t rooms, completely CHATTEL . LOANS Lowest rate, modern, K&.MI Hall. 411 Ramga. D. 74W. eeaieat terms. See others, then see us A-saH. sad be convinced that ws will savs you jr REXT-New 14-room modern money. HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO, N. E. brick house, xs Harney; ready Jan, L, Cor. Fth Doug. Sts. D. OS tnd. A-lt un GET IT OF Miss Snow, C. U B.. at Hot water heat. ' Star Loan Co, (44 Paxtoa Blk, It t 1140, .J" J' ,L. l?rZ Henahaw hotel. without eecurlty; to wit you. S Phones. D. lfl. H. HM. unvCT nm fnrnltnra. olanoa. at very tHa, more you eat the more yea west Ji rsS Tal mnorebrslta liiaZ O Brlen s candy. DeUctou and low rat f 2Eq tasty. If Ruth Wallace. 701 Mill St. r,. ,a a.p. , Council Bluffs, will corns ts Th eo rmg effice within tare days we sill giv ber DIAMOND LOANS at Hi and I per cent an order for a ts-eeat boa of O'Brien' FLATAC, 1U4 Dodge. TwL Bed tm csady t