Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 18, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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A Final and Decisive Clean
lip Sale Saturday
"We are determined that Saturday will
empty every rack of
Girls9 Cloth Coats
Ladies9 Cloth Coats
Ladies9 Suits -
They will 1w marked without regard
to former cost or selling priee-every gar- '
ment will go at fmb ridiculounly low prices
.that yotf positively eannot afford to let this
chance slip by. '
VVait for this Saturday Sale
jwhtobt . rVKYl
Conncil Bluffs Phyiicias. to Be
Tikes it Once to Beformstory.
tlluHn t'ewrt Rrarh Jltm.
nseet t Asralt Declalea ef Stale
Raarraie ( eart Mejaer De
cision Wltheet Effect.
terested. The bank ku selected a hla
successor. A. J. Gettler. .of Glen
wood, on? of southwestern Iowa's pre
mier financiers. Mr. Get tier wis bora
at Stratford, county of Perth. Canada.
May, S 1S5I. but haa been a rea dstit ef
Mills county for forty yean belnt until
recently actively engaged In farming an!
i stock ralelng.
other faetorlea ai:l tare to ju!t operal-.
Ins until coal I obtained. j
(Continue from First Jfe.)
eonalrurUt measures Is well Winer way.
The work should now be pretented with
vigor and receive the financial support
necessary to mk U effective during the
peit rtx-al year. Etery economy which
haa been or will be effected through
changa In organliatlon or method will
Inure to the benefit of the government
and of the people In Increasing measure
through the yeara which follow. I am
convinced that result which are retll:.
worth while cannot be eeeured, ar at
least can be aeeured only In small part
trough the prosecution at Irragular Im
terrals ar special .Inquiries bearing on
particular atrrtcae of fealurot of adminis
tration. The benefits thus obtained must
bo but temporary. The problem of goad
administration t aot on that can bo
solved at one time. 11 Is a continuously
prose nt one."
Too Naey areaos.
la many ways, the prasldont Informed
congress, a docreaas to I he .cost of gov
ernment might be aeeured. There Is
need, he said, af reorgan'xaUoa of the
government departments, w oaneolldattoo
and a weeding out of bureaus that over
lap la then- work: eeorea of local offices"
throughout the country should be abol
ished and hundreds of political appointees
who do but little work should bo taken
off the payroll .end there should be an
Improvement la the personnel of govern
ment emolovea through the- Introduction
of the etvU eenrtoe hi p radically' every
cim 'm.tnoda should, be em-.
ployed by Cmt Sanr yort' a big tec
por Midas nao..thiroorpyste,irs of
accounting ana reporting, snouiu uw
adopted and. ! if all.' thd Economy
commission !:, b continued to. Its
work. I
The Treasury' depailtnent. Mi". Taft
showed, looked after the nation's finances
and the llfe-aavlng service. The commis
sion, he said, hsd ' recommended ' the
abolition of the revenue cutter service.
, which woald mean saving et n.OM a
Vised Tersaa should Be Abolished,
The greatest economy ana emci.nw LoNPO.V. Jen. I5.-The Brftish Isles
end the henenu whlon may aocrue rrom . ,n , of , fierce storm Vhlck
the preeldenfi deveung Me time to the creeling liavoe along the coette at
work which la most worth while, eei , )n ,h interior. A number of
the president, "may be ensured only by small vessels and fishing craft are re
treating all the dlettnctly administrative porled te have gone ashore but thue far
should be placed in the classified serv
ice. The time has also come when those
provisions of law which give to thoss
officer a fried term of yeara should be
repealed. So long as a fixed term of
years Is provided by law the question of
reappointment of an officer, no matter
bow efficiently he may have performed
hla duties, will inevitably be raised pe
riodically, no long as appointments to
these offices' must b coo firmed by the
senate, and so long as appointments to
them must be made every four years.
Just se long will It be Impossible to pro
Vide 0 force of employes with a reason
ably permanent tenure who. are qualified
by reason of education and training te do
the best work."
Fsassplea ef Waal.
Giving examples ef .excessive govern
ment expenditure along certain lines ths
president told congress that In one de
partment It coat BU per thousand to
handle Incoming mall and In another de
partment t m per thousand. Por handling
outgoing mail one department expended
KM per thousand, anuther emit. (Cither
one department paid too much or the
other not enough, he said. ' Id travel
alone (he government expends about tlt,
eso.OM year. Definite tests, he pointed
out, have shown that a saving to this
Item alone of a little ever half of I cent
a mile probably could be effected.
Through the Introduction of labor sav
ing machinery, through the elimination
of unnecessary copy work, by cutting
down needless expense In the distribution
of publio documents and la many ether
Ways could mil lions be saved each year.
The president urged the adoption of the
"budget system." which would bring be
fore congress, the prose and the people
ef the eour.'.ry net only the' pro)
txnendlturqs of the. government, ,tt
revenue. "The I'nlted gtstee IS the only
artel .nation whoa government I epar.
sled without a budget,;' he said, letter,!)
the president declared, he Intends te send
Id congress plan tor the rettremem of
civil service employee on pensions, which
will safeguard the government's Interest
and yet provide for their old age.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DE8 MOIXKS, Jan. I7.-Speeial Tele
gram.) Dr. Harry I. Kelly, tne young
Council Bluffs physician, convicted of
; manslaughter and sentenced lo the state
I reformatory December i. will he taken
to Anamosa tomorrow to begin his sen
tence. Slate Senator Saunders of Council
Bluffs and John Jlulvanry. for the de
fease In the trial, entered Into a stipula
tion with the county attorney after ths
Jury had bean put In the box and sworn
In that the defendant, now In the county
Jail, may begin Ms sentence at once.
This trial, which was to have been the
second, was baaed on a second Indictment
against Kelly In the killing of Ieputy
Sheriff Clarence Wool man of Council
Bluffs, which occurred on the same day
of the homicide ef Bartender Edwin
Sterling. Criminal Judge Hugh Bronnaa
eomented to a continuance until the
supreme court has decided on ths "In-
nity manslaughter verdict on which
Judge Bradshaw passed Judgment.
Manor Decision thaaard.
The supreme court todsy filed an addU
tlonal statement or amendment to an
opinion filed a few days ago In which
Ihe effect of a decision .on filling out'
blank applications tor liquor was msde
clear. The amendment Is that the law
has been changed since Ihe suit was
commenced, hence the decision Is of no
fores as to present conditions.
rw taetodlaa.
'Governor Carroll today appointed to Me
custodlsn of the slate house, cantata
Kdward B. Kerr of Ptgourney. lie has
been a member of the board of super-'
visors and county surveyor and Is now
county engineer of Keokuk county'. He
was a member ef Company O. Thirtieth
lowa Infantry during the war, and la
now adjutant of his Grand Army of ths
Republic post. The governor's first ap
pointee, J. N. Cladd, was forced to resign
bs&euso of the opposition of the Grand
Army of the Republic members when
they found that he was not In fact a
The articles af Incorporkilon were filed
today for the renewal of the life of the
lowa Canning company, of Vinton, with
KOO.OSO capita.'. The company Is one of
Ihe largest canning companies of the
The Palo Uv Htock, Qralr and Lum
ber company, of Palo, Linn county, filed
articles today with the secretary of state
for u,ow capita).
Pan I try Mea Kleet.
K. I. Beck of tee Moines was elected
president of the Iowa Poultry and Pet
Stock association. Other officers elected
for the ensuing year were W. L. lull,
secretary; H. K. Townsend, Dos Moines,
treasurer:- A. P. Chamberlain, Lee
Moines, Carl Dere, Osceola, A. D, Mur
phy, Keesx, Alert Kahan. Clarlnda, A.
Hoskine, Jesup. U. . Richards. Cedar
Rapids, vice presidents.
Twenty-Three Banks
Hand Out Cash With
Utmost Liberality
WATERIX). la.. Jan. K.-Before a
epecial referee IB the district court ef
Blackuawit county. K. A. Boggs. society
leader and head of the . Central leva
Granite company of this city, today teetl
fied lo having borrowed laVCaa from
twenty-three banking Institutions and
anmereue private Individuals, practically
without security, and put It In a buetnesa.
which, according to Boggs, netted about
taOiWkt a year. All this was accomplished
In eighteen months.
No record of dissipation, speculation or
of luxurious living hsa so for developed.
The Investigation into Boggs' affairs
wss started en application ef the First
National Bank of Dunn. Minn., one of
the creditors, for the purpose of finding
property with which to satisfy a Judg
ment for .600,
According to his testimony, bank offi
cials whom 'he had met, but casually
handed out thouaanda to him and asked
no questions, made no investigations as
to his financial standing, the amount of
hla business or the va.ue of such security
as he chose to offer.
'J Boggs wss formerly auditor of the
Waterloo, Cedar Falls t .Northern railway.
MARSHALLTOWX. !.. Jan. i;.- Spe
cial.) The coal situation here as else
where in central lowa has become acute.
One factory closed today because It could
gee. no more steam coal. The C. A,
Dunham company has been forced to was
t a ton patent fuel because It could not
get coal. A canvass of the leading manu
facturers of U-ls city today shows that
the supply of coal each has on hand
rangte from enough to last forty-eight
hours te seven daya. Unless coal Is re
ceived here within the next two days
British Isles Are in
.Grip of Fierce Storm
officers to the department el weaning
ton and to the ftetd In Ihe same way as
Inferior officers nave been treated. Ths
time has coma when all these officers
, I have been a terrible sufferer tor a
number of yeara with kidney and liver
trouble, alee nervous proet ratios and
health generalty poor, oonetrlullon en
tirely run down until life became a bur
den. I tried physicians and every avail
able remedy wot fovnd ae relief. Wae
Induced to give Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root
a trial, which acted tike magic, and am
happy to aay that 1 believe 1 era entirely
ured and now as -road a man as ever.
I beHeve It aty duty te make this pub
lic stateeaeat that I may help ethers who
may be suffering front the same trouble.
Swamp-Root 1 without question the
greatest remedy la the world. Anyone
la doubt ef that statement or the autha
tlcHy can address me as below.
Tours very truly.
M. H. McCOT.
Van Wert, Ohio.
Bute ef Ohio I M
Van Wert County (
The toregouig atataatent sworn to b
fore tne and sevtibed In my preeenre
this hnh ear of July, IM. by the aa'd
M. H- McCoy.
' ' A, C- GILPlfc. Xolanr Pubnc.
fatalities hare been few.
The British steamer. Grove, et Chicago,
wae driven during the gale oa to . the
seawall at Methll dn the rlrth of Forth,
and four of Its crew were swept away
before the rescuers could assist them.
A driving snow Is raging In the north
ern districts, blocking the railroad
through the mouxtalns and making ths
reads lm:eable.
Aa unidentified three masted steamer
foundered with all hands In the vicinity
of Peterhead during the etorm. The gale
la so tierce that the ltfe boats have not
been able to go out
BOO.VEl JsV W.-Vhlle' adjusting
i-keif In a laundry here this afternoon
Mum Mliel Itunyon, aa employe, was
es.iight.hy the hair and drawn almost to
the celling, where she hung until help
could reach her. Half ef her aoalp was
torn from the head, the waa hurried to
Ihe hospital, where It ts said her condi
tion la serious.
Fac Paint Tabooed;
Remove Skin Inatead
."A tew years ago only one elaaa of
women fainted their faces,", says Dolly
Madison In Chicago News. "It waa a
sign of serial set racism and waa ts booed
to refined circles. The custom haa be
come so universal we must admit It la to
be deplored and to b shelved aa soon as
How foolish to seek artificial "beauty"
of this sort obnoxious from artistic and
moral standpoints, when It Is so easy to
obtain a truly natural complexion by the
use of ordinary mercollxed wax. Aa
ounce of mercollxed wax. obtainable at
any drug store, mill cause such a trans
formation, no one need think of using
anything else for 'the purpose. Applied
like cold creeYn a highW and Washed oft
In thp. morning, II at once begins te show
Its remark.!' rejuvenating efforts. It
gently absorbs the UMeeg surface skta
la tiny particles, revealing the fresher,
livelier, beautiful underekln. Naturally
It lakes with It all surface deferta-Adv.
Partictilarly the Ladies.
SHORT COURSE STUDENTS I rg to the system, Synrp of Fi and
I Elixir of Senoa W particularly adapted
GLEXWOOD. la.. Jan. IT -(Special.)- k. lcfica and cMdrea, and bcndiaai
all cues in which a wholcwrae, itmijrth
esing and effective luabve should be
used. It is perfectly safe si all hraegaivi
dispel1 cold, headaciie sod die pains
caused by bdigntioei sod ccxtstipatiao so
protapdjr nd eSedjvery ths. it r the one
Derfect faraSv laxative which gives sahV
George Molton. Malvern, second. Mi': L. w- j Uctioa to eg Sod it recorntnesded by
mSion of families who hr used it and
who have personal knowledge of its
Cdfleoce. -lis
wonderful Dooularitv. however, hat
led VBcMfniom dealers to olfet aTika
tioBS which set imtatiB'actorur. There-
The examination papers of the MS etu-
denta in the Ames Mills county short
coarse, held In Olenwood December 1S-3,
were received from Anus by Hecretary
Carter today. The winners oJ the prlxes.
based on daily work and examination,
First Tear; Corn and Farm Products
Maui lee Phelps. Center, rtrst. .
rence rftnne. plattevlle. third. &; W'ngate I
Globe. Glens ood. fourth. M.
Stock Krneet Stone. Wattevltie, first.
C: Joseph Barbour. Piattovtlat. second,
M",; Porter Rowe. West Oak. third, et;
Frank w. itoberta. uienwooa, lounu.
M1- .. . .
ee.-ond rear, uorn ana r arm t-rooucis
-Krnest Mchade, Center, fut. st: Clar
ence B. Carter. Henweofl. swonu, ; ; . , , . , t r t
Harold Graven, oienwoue. intra. i: i wen, wiecaj uuyiug n pi h vcucuu
nivm .iraeie, wienwwn. iuuiiu, 01,
Paul Kowe, Glenwdod, firtn. fi
Second Tear. Stock Krneet aV-hade.
Ciiter, first. 4; Clarence B. Carter,
Olenwood. eeandv MS: Haul Row. Vt'est
Oak. third. Harel.l . Graves,
Glenwoud. fourth. We.
Persistent .tdvertieiag
Big Returns.
Is the Road to
eAecU. shvafi note the ful name of the
Cooipany CaUoTnia Fig Syrup Co.
plainly printed on the front of every
package of the (enuine Syrup of Fajt
and Elixir of Senna.
Fov tale by all leading druggntx. Price
SOccnta pet bottle
The wedding present queslioi
After all, whether you are choosing for a near rela
tive, a dear friend or a mere business acquaintance,
nothing; settles the wedding present question so quickly
and in a manner so satisfactory to every one as silver
from Kdliolm's. Whether the present chosen is a chest
of silver, a fish sot, or an odd spoon, the bride who re
ceives it will enjoy that intense satisfaction which in
heres in every piece of silver bearing the Edholm im
printsilver, intrinsically worthy, beautiful and orig
inal in design, honest in workmanship and material.
Sixteenth and Harney
hew Steals Peeeldent at Olenwood.
OI.KMWOOD, to., Jan. 17. tBpoclal.)
D. L. Helnshelmer, who for four
teen years haa been president of the
Mills County National bank of Glen
wood, la., retires this year from that
office, being desirous of withdrawing
from the aotlve management of the
various enterprises In which he la In.
How Wrlnklas Are
Cauaed and Removed
4lda Weddlea at tlrtaeell.
GRIN.NkXL. la., Jan. ll.-tHueclal.V-Mr.
and Mra. Joha P. Ha near, with
their three grew sons and three daugh
ters, are today celebrating their golden
wedding. Both were born In Scotland.
Mr. llaanay In Lochmeben, Dumfrle
shlre. and Mra. Hannay la Falkirk, Stir
hngsolre. Their marriage took piece In
heir native land and they emigrated ts
America In October, ltsa. settling for the
first three years In Davenport, la. They
next moved to Poweshiek county and aet-
tld near this city, where they have lived
for the last twenty-tour years. They
have a fine farm of J7 acres, kept la up-
to date style.
bene ts
I Sr. lau Oe
BlafaaeEton. St. T.
rrsft Watt Svajo-Egoi WiU Os hr Ts
dead te Dr. K.uner Co, Blncnam
tea. N. V, Jar a sample bottle. It will
ceavtace anysne. You will alee receive
a booklet of teleaete InfenLaUoa, tell
ing aU about the kidneys end bladder.
V ben writing be aura and moot lea Tne
umabe Dally Bee. Regular flfty-oeat
and eoe-dolUr else aotOej far sale at
a'l ou stores. '
lew Rifle Temas Wlaa.
IOWA CITY, la.. Jan. 17. - Special
Te:eiTam.-Relurns from Washington
today show that the Iowa City High
srhcol detested the Moms High school
of New York city In a mall shont bv
to PjO. Victory was won over the
McKinley manual training school of
Hsshlnk.oo. D. C, by the score of S3
to Cli.
' (From American Home.) .
"Why did no one think of this before
writes a dear-thlnklng reader. "Wrinkles
are caused by the skin becoming loose.
Obviously the remedy la to tighten the
skla. Kquelty It la obvious that the only
thing which will tighten the akin Is
powerful astringent.
"Now. It Is well kHCwn that the only
powerful- astringent whtcta la absolutely
harmless and beneficial ea well. Is pure
powdered senolite. obtainable from any
druggie. Dissolve one ounce In a half
pint of witch hate!. Bath Ihe face to It
dalV and nohold: The result I' aim
magical. The akin becomes firm and
smooth, the face feels smug, comfortable
and sottd. Instead of loose and febby,
Simple, Isn't It? Aa I asked-why did no
oris think of It before?
"One should be careful, however, te use
no other astrtngenta than pure saxollte.
as the former do no good and are really
injurious more often than not." Adv.
Interest allowed ia
saiiags department at
3 per annum . . .
The United States
National Bank of
Omaha give prompt
and courteous service,
affords absolute aecur
Hy and lias a most con
' venlent location.
rrtarcst Ca ffs3 &aJM
Cerser jffc iC S7M COw
Vxtoegft jAll VZ'L
ami Faraaai aVaf 5',
"trtrt XT VX.OOt
lowa ewe Xetea.
GRIN'N'F.I l-Out of a Met of nineteen
I contestants for piece on the tntercoileg
fate debating tam that to to reoteeent
Grinneii college iM Its series of debate
tne ludres nave, selected the rMklnr
f Clinton Hsrrlsnn. Harvey Toung. Joeepb
I Welch IJoyd Ts lor. Fraaela Kills. Jud
aon Blakely. Jay Wllean and Bruce Goes.
The laat two are alternates.
STURM UAKB-J. W. Marshall has
trsded his stork of merchaadise ro this
city to a. Wuembr Son of Burton.
Minn, for land. Mr. Marshall eame to ,
S this city from Sheldon twelve years ago.
DT3 sf fcf 1al 5 I STORM LAKE For the fifth time In at j
vW t? many yar Haas Petereon of Newell has !
B&ONCrniLTDnrtrta been convicted of selling nauor. This I
. - . I time he sold some of the alleged raf "
Aiiailjef eapertorsswtlnieCisgbs, Bosrss. drinks, but analysis r ho wed that they
hrrltauoe ef (kraat, glrtag weederf si eome under the baa of tne lowa law.
?Ml .I1" SmosblSe sad Assa-o. , BIOI'X CITY-Jodge F. R. Gay nor of
iVT"". j ov "r aorwrai ngreeisas, , ienars. for twenty-one yeara oa the dle-
1 trirt bench, haa announced his candidacy
: for the republican aomiratkm for a place
ew the lowa supreme bench.
GI-EVWOOD - Olenwood Commarrfal
dub last evening electee the foiiowtmt '
officers for nil: President. J. W. Carter;
vie president J. M. Doneian: treasurer.
U K. Oell; secreta.-y, W. R. Bruce.
S28 Suits & Overcoatsto 0rderS17.50
Cur big clearing gate reduce the price oa every sattinf and
overcoating la onr atore.
130.00 Suits and Overcoats reduced to ,$20.00
140.00 Suits and Overcoats reduced to B25.00
HE. '10 Suits and Over-oats reduced to $30.00
tf.U.00 Eults and Overcoats reduced to 835.00
We use good, gtreng lining. We have our own workshop
and carefully try on every coat before finishing It Every garment
perfect in fit and style.
MacCarthy-Wilson Tailoring Co.
si guaranteed
I MacC,
Five Steps Mouth of Farwam
Just in the iuck-o'-tirne our lolid train load of
Tellowitone Coal waa ruahed thro' to Omaha
on pasaenger ichedule. Brand new fresh Yel
lowstone Coal that haa not been out of. the
'mine a week. 1 h . 1J ' l.'i.'.'
Having eoatracted the otttpnt of the nine, the pro
rlscers, could not tint oar coat up daring the cold
weather, and ae we do not bare to raise the retail
price of YellowBtOM Coal, which Is still 97.OO a toa.
We guarantee Yellowstone Coal to be perfectly satis
factory. Our guarantee certificate accompanies each
delivery ticket and bind as to refund purr base money
or replace with other coal If purchaser desires,
Omcha baa long needed YeUotsstoae Coal. It la
smokelews, cllnketiess. Bootless, clean, durable. Try
it. X el low stone at T.O0 la "find" and those who
bare beea paying and tS.OO for satisfactory coal
caa bow save the tntferewce. '
Skidding is due to
a film of mud or
water or grease
between the tire
and the pavement
Cut through ana clean
away tka film ana tht
tin won't skid.
Eastet saia than done
in fact the Dtamond
Safety Tread Trre is
iht onln one that
'does it
The Diamond
Safety Tread Tire
is a year-round
tire, Kreater in
mfleaRe even than
the regular Dia
mond Tires.
At your Dealer or
Of New York.
215 South 20th Street. ,
Ask your
grocer to
show you
the guar
(tet Ae ia aeew ea asedfii '
With handles that won't
stick. If a hasn't them
writ lo us and we will tell
you where you can get then. .
iYrrJ 9 Stewart Mft. Co,
: a
SIstrtButed by SL t. Smgae Oompaay,
Wholesale wiooore,
Omaaa, STee.
In the papers of Hemes being
burned or entered by Burglars,
which means a loss of valuable
to the owner. -
Don't risk your valuables In
this way a Safe Deposit Box in
our Fire and Burglar Proof
Vaults Is the sure way te avoid
the risk.
The cost I from ft. upwards
yearly. ,
Omsk Safe Deposit Cssvnasy,
See the locations offered today.
Street Level Kntraae te Venlta.
You reach people who buy
when you advertise in The Bee
Are You a Candidate for Cimmisaioner?
The Citizens' Union desire to know the
names of all those who have filed or who
contemplate filin., for city commissioner.
Any request made by a signer that he de
sires no publicity at this timejvill be abso
lutely respected.
The Gtizens Union has no candidates
and will make no endorsements except from
among the names received from the candi
dates themselves.
Please use the following blank and mail
information to the Citizens Union, if possi
ble on or betore Saturday, Jan. 20, 1912.
Te the
Sissallie Committee ef the CrUsea traie,
1SSS Otty Zfattoaal Baa Blag.
SKOWK a fttS', B-olnn. Ma
i" miSis swaiifc
v - d
roiDt cttiK nctsit'HK.
IaXATlVB BftOMO Quume. the workl
wMe Cod ad Or! remedy reaaovee
cause. Call -or ful. name, look tor ig.
nature K. W. ORUVe. Sc.
$1.00 Embroideries 39c Yard
' Thursday morning w will place on sale a beautiful line of
i'-Uich Skirt I'luUBdngs and Allover Embroiderice, worth Tie to
11.00 per jsrd. .
At the special price of 39c per yd.
request for the Information,
ladi-iate for City Commissioner,
la tMoansa to your public
wtn atat tkat 1 axsect to be a candiJ
and. If elected. I can and will devote the time and attention
aeceesary to perform ail the datlea et the office.
Reside Dee - .....
Occupattoe Date .:
If candidate d soiree a p reseat publicity ef the above Infor
mation, pleaae ae state below:
This Afternoon, 25c to $1.0
in the Musical Gaiety
The last Appearance In Thla City A
the Oreatest Violinist In the World
'. ... ..
Knabe Plane Used
Price. ?c SI-, tl.a,.2te, i;S
tU ihi f l Vn (3 a T r T v a w'
a a-T. a XV 7J.l(j JlaVA 1
Th Greatest Hit of Tears, Packed
llouaea EWrt-jrwtra - -. j,
III ae Tnuilas- Mm G. C ta.t!.
TeaigHt, Matinee Today
StlSS BTA IVaJIs) aa tae
rti stajr or na axoxrsv.
Xaxt Week -TtLBT.-
Mat. Bvery Bay S:1S. Xvery STIgat Sili
Odtva: Howard e North; Agnes eott k
Henry Krone: Six brown Bros. ; PeOerse i
Broa: thaa. Nerltis at Ada Oordon: Lev
LMirtiybeli: Kinetoecope; Orphewm Con
cert orchestra. Prtoee, Me, SSe. SO, ts.
aut, beet eeata, as, sasspt Sat. aa Saa.
That Hilarious. Joy-Riding Bunch
SRfSST taxi girls
Brilliant Olio Includes Farreii-Taylor
Trio: Henry Fink sister: Semen Lmw:
Ward S Bohlman: Beauty 4'h.jrue.
Tdlee PUm atstiass Bvery Week Say.
roup TuriTro "
wrestler, who will saest ail eoasers.
toneina- SlOO to aay wxestlsr
whesa ha falls te taiow ia Sea zata.
a tea. Tkte atteraooa xfakmsat aad
Jena Bloidea. ToUga a trlpi
all ta SO xaiantee.