Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1912, Image 1

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    Looking Backward
This Day in Omaha
Thirty Twenty Tsa Tun Ays
See iiaitorial Mi of eaea team
The Omaha Daily Bee
Fair; Warmer
VOL. XU-XO. 1S3.
Grand Jury Inquire Into Statement
of Dynamiter in Connection with
Power Honse Explosion.
Finds Accomplice According to Pre
rions Arrangement
local Assistant Lacked Experience
to Do the Job.
McMulnl Describe Orally Has
.weveaaeata tram Tieae He Waa
lilixl 6a lata tka Dyma
asltlagl Baalaese,
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.. Jan. IS. "Wnan
you arrive In Omaha to blow up tha
power house you w 111 be met by soms-
body who will show you where It la,"
That statement, said by Ortle McMani-
sal, the confessed dynamiter, to have
been made to him by John J. MeN'amera.
the convicted secretary-treasurer of the
International Association of Bridge and
structural Iron Workers, waa Inquired
Into by the federal grand jury's ineestl
Katloa of the dynamite conspiracy today.
McManUfal said that In response to the
Inst Emotions from McNamara he went to
Omaha In Jut)', 111, to blow up tha
power plant of an "open shop" contractor
and was met by a man whose nam he
MoManlgal said the man told him ha
had communicated with McNamara about
the job to be blown up, that the man
himself, could not do It because be waa
not experienced In explosives, and so Uc
Hernial waa chosen.
The evidence was In Una with that
twins fathered by Ufa government to as
certain who. If anyone besides those al
ready known were implicated to tha MO
or more explosions scattered over tha
country In the last five years.
It was about tha time of tha Omaha
"Job," according to McManlgal. that Mc
Namara said to him?
"I am going So get six or sight good
fellows and station them about the coun
try so that explosions wOl take place
In different oHles ail In one night and
they won't know who la doing It"
McManlgal la to be kept continuously
before tha grand jury for tha nexx three
days, describing orally, and mors in de
tail than was given In bis written con
fession' bis movements from tha time
lie was Induced to CO Into tha dynamit
ing business at Detroit la Jane. 1907, down
to hla arrest last AprTL
The nineteen days' aestkm of tha grand
Jury so tar has disposed f about SO
'Witnesses. Mom thaa Mf witnesses anil
are te testify.
CHICAGO. Jan, 11-Hotel rates will
not be raised during the republican na
tional convention here In June," accord
ing to Joha C Both, secretary of the
hotel men's committee, Tha aanouaoe
ment was made after tha subcommittee on
arrangements for ths national oonvsetton
had approved a list of rates submitted by
the hotel man.
"Since tha last convention three new
hotels have bean erected la tha downtown
district," said Mr. Roth. "Bates la tha
loop district will range from Sl.SO to St.
Tha downtown hotels alone can accom
modate about 60.0OJ guests."
LA CROSSE, Wis, Jan. It-After trav
eling through five states to find a place
where they might wed legally. Miss Anna
Bletsma of Woonsocket, 8. D., and Metes
Sletsma of Fbrestburg, 8, D., were mar
ried hers today. The pair are first
cousins and because of that fact ware
unab'e to marry, in South Dakota or the
neighboring states of North Dakota,
Minnesota, Nebraska and Iowa. First
cousins may marry in Wisconsin.
The Weather
For Nebraska Mostly cloudy, warmer
east; colder.
For Iowa tight snow, colder west and
central peruana.
Teat ae ratal
re at
Case. Yesterday.
Hour. Deg.
v 7
... 13
... IS
. 17
S a. m ,
C a. m ,
7 a. m. ......
S a. ra. ......
a. m
10 a. m
11 a. m ,
12 m
1 p. m
1 p. m ,
S p. ra
4 p. m S3
t p. m 34
p. m ,. js
7 p. m ... f7
5 p. m 27
uni Weather Reeevw.
Official record of temperature and pre
cipitation, compared with the correspond
ing period of the last three years:
nil mi. is is urn.
Empress Dowager Announces Will
ingness to Make Trip.
It Explodes Hear His Carriage, but
He is Unhurt
Three Men, wpoacd a Be Revela
tion Ista, Are Arrested aad Will
Probably He Kieewtrd
The National CapitalJcHILD EMPEROR
T.eadwy. ry ... jq jyg ffJgQJJ
The Senate.
In session at 2 n. In. - lw , . . .
Senator Larimer, resuming his defense 1 Message f fOm Shanghai BOYS Edict
before election Inquiry committee. teetl- i , Vsi.4im TT . Pnkli.h.J
fled that after "We sent A. J. Hopkins Of AoOlCaUOB Was rubmned.
to the senate lie turned on everyone of TnetiUw Tvenins-
us." , J
Interstate commerce committee re
sumed its hearings on trust problems-
Poatofflce committee liesrd argument
of Charles S. Hernly of New Castle. Ind..
against establishment of parcels post
Senator Ualllneer deckled not to press
for vote today for president pro tern, jff
senste, foreshadowing a protracted delay.
Senator Kay nor spoke in advocacy of
the pending arbitration treaties.
Resolution Introduced by Senator Hitch
cock directing the foreign relations com
mittee to report what authority existed
for sending American troops Into Chin-a
was agreed to.
Chairman Smoot of the printing com
mittee reported his bill for re-codifying
all government printing laws.
Adjourned at 3:27 p. m. until 1 p. m.
The House.
Met at noon.
Resumed consideration of the District
of Columbia anoroDriation.
Rules committee heard reports and i
others regarding money and shipping
Areurkle Bros, claimed SISO loss In
1910 from ohtpplng syndicate comblnslion.
Foreign affairs committee heard Buf
falo. Detroit and other Interests advocat
ing additional water power privileges at
Niagara Falls.
Renraeenlative Rherlev 4Kv. before
interstate commerce committee urged his
bill agatnet patent medicines claiming
fraudulent curative properties.
Sugar Investigating committee limited
public hearings, barring testimony on
tariff and beet sugar conditions. Inde
pendents protest In vain. Judiciary com
mittee favorably acted on plan to change
presidential Inauguration to last Thurs
day In April.
Rem ssentatrea Beraer (Wis., sndallat)
proposed a constitutional amendment for
woman suffrage.
Represwtatlve Sherley (Ky.l asked an
appropriation of IllaOs-emUvalent to a
year's salary for tha widow of tee 1st
Justice Harlan of ths supreme court.
Krban A. Walters of Denver, before
civil service reform committee charged
that tl7.0W.0M had been Illegally ex
pended for postal service in non-standard
railway cars.
Conference on popular election of sena
tors bill. Two amendments suggested
for submission to states.
Revised bill for Alaskan legislators and
council Introduced by Delegate wicker
"Steel trust" Investigation committee
to resume next Monday with President
Fan-ell of steel corporation on etsnd,
Naval affairs committee favorably re
ported resolution calling on secrelsry
of the navy for report of all expenditures
tnis year lor armor, armor piaie, am
munition, etc.
Adjourned at IM p. m. until noon
Committee Suddenly Decides
Take No More Testimony.
Highest yesterday....
Lowest yesterday ....
Mean temperature...
C. C. Hnsslla Allege l-alee State.
, assets Have Beea Made and
Waste aa Oppesrtaalty t
Aasvrex Thesa.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 11 Th house
"sugar trust" Investigating committee to
day decided to shut oft all further public
hearing except to W. L. Bass, a Ban
Domingo sugar grower, tha Wisconsin
Beet Sugar factories and tha Hawaiian
sugar- plantations. The Independent re
finers protested la vain against the ac
tion. ,
This sudden limitation of tba hearings
was made la executive session and whan
tha committee resumed la public session.
Chairman Hardwlek announced that no
mora testimony with tha tariff Involved
will be taken. A score of witnesses were
waiting to be beard.
Protest frees Haaslla.
C. C Hamlin of Colorado, represeritiag
Independent refinery Interests, asked if a
witness who had mads aa Investigation
of tha European sugar beet Industry
could be heard.
Tha record has bean filled with state
ments which Independent sugar refiners
are prepared to contradict are we to get
that opportunity?" asked Mr. Hamlin.
The gentleman understands ths ruling
and will resume his seat," said Mr. llerd-
Refers ta Ssrecklea Letter.
Sir. Hamlin referred to a bunch of let
ters which ths committee accepter! from
re presents tire of tha Spreekles sugar
Interests. Thesa letters, stating the con
dition of the sugar business In Europe,
were not a true presentation of tha facta,
the Independent beet sugsr men asserted.
Tha opportunity to dispute them, Mr.
Hamlin asserted, was denied by the com
mittee's action.
The public hearings ended officially at
1:30 p. m. The last witness heard wss
Robert P. Rlthets, president of the Cali
fornia and Hawaii Sugar Refining com
pany of San Francisco. He aald:
There is no agreement as to price. The
world"! price controls, if our competi
tors go up. we go up."
Chairman Hardwlek then announced
that the committee would meet In execu
tive session to consider tha record. Two
sugsr refiners from Wisconsin did not
take the stand, although given that
SAN FRANCISCO. Cel.. Jan. lt-A
gable message from Shanghai, received
today by the Chung Bat Tat Po.
Chinese newspaper of this city, stated
that newa had reaobed there from Peking
that a proclamation of abdication was
published by the throne today. The mea-
aage further stated that the empress
dowager and tha emperor announced
their wtlllngnesa to retire ta tha summer
palace at Jehol.
Tha Shanghai meaaaga reported also
tha capture of Tang Chow, aa Important
town In fihea Tung province, located en
tha coast. No report of tha forces an
gaged or casualties was mad.
Attempt ta Kill Yeas.
PKKINO, China. Jan. ItThe bomb
which waa thrown at Premise Ytutn 8h
Kal'a carriage while he waa en his way
to court this morning killed two soldiers
and Injured seventeen other parsons.
Eight or ton of thesa are expected to die,
Tha men who attempted to take Yuan
Shi Kal'a life hoped to escape by mixing
with the Crowds which thronged the
streets at ths timet They war, how
ever, captured aodVsrara take Into a
house In tba vicinity.
Tha public, exeeutloneer was at once
called and with his assistants Is now
standing sentinel In front of the house
where tha would-be asaaaalna are eon
fined. He will remain on duty there un
til he receives orders from tha Imperial
authorities, who It la said will command
that the men be executed Immediately.
Yuan Shi Kal's assallanta war three
Chinamen said to be prominent revolu
They were stsndlug on the sidewalk
when the premier's carriage approached.
When tha vehicle was about thirty yards
from them, one of the men threw a large
bomb In Ita direction, but bit aim was
so bad that ths missile exploded twenty
feet from the carriage. The vehicle rat
tled and ah oak from tha shock of the
explosion, but Yuan Shi Kal escaped
unscathed Slut appeared1 uot to be Anally
Tha fore of the explosion wss so great
that many houses hundreds of yards
away wars shaken.
escorted by Cavalry.
Yuan Shi Kal waa driving In a carriage
with open windows, which waa preceded
and followed by an escort of cavalry.
The route was lined by soldiers and
police stationed five yards apart, the
m-a' facing altema'ely Inwards and out
wards, and carrying loaded rifles with
fixed bayonets.
When Yuan Bhl Kal'a carriage arrived
opposite tha residence of Dr. Morrison,
correspondent of the London Times, at
tha corner of which tha assallanta had
been observed tandlng, a bomb wss
Without waiting to see the effect of
their deed ths perpetrator rushed toward
neighboring tea bouse. Soldiers and
pellce, however, wars close at their heels
and they wars arrested before they were
able to effect their escape by a rear
door. Others suspected of being accom
plices In tha attempted assassination have
been arrested.
What's the use of running up and downsulrs?
From the Minneapolis Journal.
Why not fix for It nt just Mick on the Jobf
Asks About Sending
Troops to China
Omaha Plum Dtods Into Basket of
Well Known Attorney.
Senator B re era llrlrrailara a
faalre aad Arts at tiaee- la
asalag Haeereear I Bra
i. Taessas.
Repabllraas Bay Hala Llae.
SHANGHAI, Jan. 14-Tang Khao Yi.
who waa representative of Premier Yuan
Ehi Kai at tha peace conference hers.
snd Dr. Wu Ting-fang, tha minister of
Justice In the republican cabinet, both
said today they war glad tlut Yuan had
escaped unhurt when told of the at
tempted assassination.
There Is reason believe that the re
publican government secured ' control of
the stock of the China Merchants' Steam
NavigatloB company and purposes to
mortgage the entire fleet for f7.Mo,0O0
Bhang Ilsuan Hue!, formerly minister
of communications In the first constitu
tional cabinet of China and now a
fugitive In Japaly has hitherto held the
-ontrolllng Interest la hs company.
Heboale Pis we at Assay.
AMOY. China, Jan. . Bubonic plague
la reported to have appeared again in this
city. No esses had been reported since
October is st year, but before that the
city had suffered severely, nearly too
persons dying In ths first nine months of
1911 from tha dlaeaae.
Five Children Burned
to Death in Wisconsin
PRBXT1CE. Wis.. Jan. 16.-Flve chil
dren, two boys and three girls, of John
Daring, ranging from 1 to 12 years ol ge
wen burned to death today when the
Armed Peace at
Lawrence, Mass.
Temperature and precipitation depar
tures from the normal at Omaha since
March L and compared with the last two
Normal temperature 31
Deficiency for the day s
Total excess since March 1 30S
Normal precipitation 02 Inch
Deficiency for the day 02 inch
Total rainfall el nee March 1....1 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 12 aS Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, ttlt.14.92 Inches
Excess for cor. period, 120S i.3i Inches
Reports trass Stations at T p. M.
Station and State Temp. High- Rain
of Weather 2 pm. est. tail,
rheyenne. partly cloudy.. 41 44 .
Dsrenpurt. clear IS
lenver. cloudy , aft
lies Moines, cloady 20
Dc-dge City, cloudy 42
lander, partly ciaudy
North Platte, pt. cloudy.. M
Cn-sha. cJoiy , ,,,, V rr est
Pueblo, Blear X ..
fiapld City, cioudy it 44 .mi
Kelt Lake City, rain 4J .-'
Fanta re, partly cioudy. ..0 Si .
Sheridan, cloudy 44 at .'
Sioirx City.V-Ioudy 20 2
Yaientlne. clear 4 8 00
"T" Indicaiee trace or precipitation.
L. A. WEL6H, Local Forecaster,
LAWRENCE, Mass., Jan. K-Armed
Hace prevailed In thla city today. Yes
terday's rioting and disorder were not re-
Dering home, two miles from here, burned I pea ted during the forenoon. Seven mlU
to the ground. I tary companies, numbering more than tm
j men. continued to maintain order In the
WOMEN OF SWEDEN WILL mm dltrtct ,ni th Improvement In
Mwru tuc Dal I I conditions made It possible to open every
BE GIVlN THE. BALLO' mm In the dty except three. The
STOCKHOLM. Jin. W. Women are
henceforth to take a full and equal share
with men in the political life of Sweden.
The speech from the throne st the open
ing of the Riksdsg today contained the
announcement that a bill was to be In
troduced enfranchising women and
making them eligible at the elections to
i strike spread to four worsted mills In
North Andover. where 1 struck.
(From s Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINUTON, Jan. IS. -(Special Tele
gram I John C. Wharton Is lo be post
master of Umaha tu succeed II. F.
Thomas, whose term expires In February.
,Thtg solution lo the problem was
reached by Senator llrown today, who
sent the name of Mr. Wharton to Presi
dent Taft with the recommendation that
he be appointed to the place- A number
of other men had been suggested as
aspirants for the position and several
had endorsements on file. These were
not considered by Senator Brown, who
had sought lo secure for the Kltlnn
some man who stood high In local busi
ness circles and whose name would carry
weight and dignity with It. For this
reason he offered the appointment to
Robert Cowell. and when the latter de
clined the senator turned to Mr. Wharton
the most available. Mr. Wharton's
name will be sent to the senate without
Postmaster Thomas will be permitted
to serve out Ills term. The president
reached this conclusion after a full ex
amination of the charges against Mr.
Thomas, deciding that ndlhlng would be
gained by his removal, but determining
not to reappoint him. The others who
are Involved In the charges with Thomas
will be continued In their employment on
probation under the new postmaster.
Sraater Brawa'a Stateaseat.
With reference to his decision Senator
Brown said: '
"I Intend to ask the president to ap
point John C. Wharton to be postmaster
at Omaha. After diligent Inquiry since
Robert Cowell fee la unable to accept the
office, I am convinced that this will be
the most satisfactory appointment to
the patrons of the office. Sir. Wharton
was not a candidate for the place, but
he seemed to me the second choice of
the friends of the other candidatea. One
thing Is conceded by all. that he would
make a good and efficient officer."
It is understood that Senator Brown
reached thla conclusion after a confer
I ence with the president on the matter.
I and after ascertaining from his colleague.
Senator Hitchcock, that he had no ob
jection to tha appointment of Mr. Wliai.
ton. Senator Brown was at the White
House this morning for the purpose of
presenting John O. Tucker of Valentine
and It la supposed that he took the case '
up with the president during his call. I
s North Platte Dass.
Tha Secrelsry of the Interior Is asking i
for bids for the construction of an earth
dam and auxllllary. worka on the North
Platte Irrigation project, six miles north
of Minatare. Neb. Proposals will be
opened st ths office of reclamation serv
ice, Mitchell. Neb.. February & The
purpose of thla dam la to create one of a
series of reservoirs on the Interstate
canal. The water Impounded by this
dam will be used to irrigate about 90.OM
acres of the lower end of the North
Platte project.
' ,TrnfTrtff Correspondent. '
WASHINGTON. D. C. Jan. l.-(Hpecla
Telegram. I-Menator llitf h.-rnk today In
truiluied a aenate resolution calling upon
the committee of foreign relatl.ais In
furnish the aenate with all the Informa
tion aa to what warrant there is In lew
and the reasons the I'nlted Slates sends
a large body of armed troops in China.
After conferring for a ininuta Kenatois
Ciillom. 1-n.lge and Warren deride there
was no abjection to aupplylng tills In
formation and the resolution ergs
Senator Brawn today called at the
White house with John O. Tucker ef
Valentine. Neb., and presented him to the
Miss Lin-lie Brown, daughter of Sena
tor Browo. who haa been spending a tew
days In New York, returned to Washing
ton tonight.
New French Ministry Submits Plans
to Parliament
Popular Catholio Priest and Worker
Dies at Home ia Alliance.
Weakened by 1peaaaar t.sbara,
. otrd Divine la I aable ta
I oss bat Disease ky Whlrh
He Is Attacks.
ALMANCK, Neb.. Jan. lS.-tSieclal
Telegram.)-Kal her William I. Mc.Na-1
mara. one of the leading and best known
Catholic priests In Nrliratka. tiled at his
home here today, aged 44 years. Tha body I
will be take i to the old home ut Wiener,
wht re funeral services will be held and'
where burial will lake place Friday '
morning. i
Father McNsinara was born at Yel
low llwil. a email village In Kankakee
couniy, Illinois, Drrrm'ier . 1. When
small buy, with his parents, he came
to Nebraska, locating In Cuming county.
Here lie grew to manhood, receiving th
education afforded by the local schools
and an ac.i4.iiny. it was while working
as a farmer boy that be decided to enter
the priesthood. Uolng to Uulncy, III., ho I
studied at the Frandsoan college and In
log, at Cincinnati. O., was ordained.
is.n - ... t. . Father Walsh ofst. Pelei-s Catholic
Will Ratify I rsaco-Oerasa. Agree.; .. hmMiv .h.r. .ease a ne-
i resally tor a priest tii tske charge of the
work st Chsdron. Srsrcely having at
' mined hla majority, the young man went
(out on his flrat charge, ills success waa
State Department Serves Notice oft.
Oomei that Military Must Not .
Interfere in Politics.
Laws to Safeguard Free Gorernment
Mast Be Enforced.
Army Officers at Meeting- Against
Spanish Sympathisers.
nwttflratlea mi the taltrd Stateg
Gaverasaeat la Served aa Presl- '"
deal Uasaea by Beaapre
a t Havana.
WASHINGTON. Janl M.-The State de
partment bas served notice on President
Oomes that the I'alted States will Inter
vene In Cuba If further attempts ara
made by the veterans' organ:sallon to)
nullify the Isw . prohibiting th Inter-'
ference of the military In political affairs
in Cuba.
Tha attitude of th United Stales lg
shown In the following note presented to
day to th Cuban government.
"The situation In Cuba as now reported
causes grave concern to tha government
of the United Statee.
"That the lawa Intended to aafeguartS
free republican government shall b en
forced and not defied la obviously essen
tial to tha maintenance of the law, order
and stability and Indlspenaabl to tha
status of the republic of Cuba. In tba
continued well being of which tha United
State haa always evinced aad cannot,
escspe a vital Interest.
'The president of tha United State
therefore, looks to the president and gov
ernment of Cuba to prevent the threat
ened situation which would rompel tha
government of tlie United ISates, mii-h
agTaluat Ita desires to consider what
measures It must take In pursuance of
the obligation of Its relations lo Hubs.'
Beaapr nerves Aatlee,
The notification of the American gov
ernment wa served upon President Oomes
through American Minister Besupre at
Havura. Penor Martin-Klirro. Cuban.
ir.lnlster to the United States, waa un
apprised of the action except througli
the press, and declined t comment on It.
tie attended th president's dinner at th
Whits House tonight where he met Se
rclsry Knox as well as President Taft..
but before leaving the legation he said
he did not expect l discuss ths matter
even Informally, with either. !
It wsa w reports of American Mlnlstee
Heupr that today's ants was based.
Minister Baupra (reported today from
Havana that In defiance 1 a d sere
Issued by President . Oomes forblddingr
officers of tha army and rural guard t
participate ia politics, which also Is pro.
hlblted by military Isk, many army offii
rers and rural as attended a meeting Bune
day night of ths National Council of
Veterans, an organisation of veterans of
the Cuban war of Independence, Th
veterans have been active In tba last
three months In attempting is have dis
placed from tha civil service persona who
sympathised with the Spanish country la
the rebellion. Press dispatches today lmM
rated that th veterans Were threatacunaj
to oocrce members of Congress. Bow lit
session, to nullify ths law regarding the
participation of tha military In pouttcs.
rat aad Negotiate New
I aderetaadlaa ells
PA It IS. Jan. IC-The Chamber of Depu
ties this afternoon passed a vote of con
fidence In the government by 440 to .
A ministerial declaration selling forth
the policy of II. s new French cabinet was
read In the Chamber of Deputies today
by Premier Polncare and In the senate!
by Minister of Justice Krland. I years. Father McNamara was called back
Th -declaration Insists that France 1n- j to Omah and placed In charge of the
tends t remain faithful lo Ita alliances 'orphanage at Benson. When he took over
and friendships, and that to ha strong! this Institution It wss loaded down with
assured from the first and In a short time
he became the most popular clergyman
In the northern part of Nebraska, ma
king warm Mends among all classes and
with the people "t the different churches.
Spleadla Work at Srssss.
After remaining at Chadron lor five
and respected It must have a government
tliat really governs.
The first duty of the government, ac
cording to the declaration, will be that of
ratifying the Franeo-Oerman record ou
the subject of Morocco and negotiating
a loyal accord with Spain. Thla will per
mit France speedily to organise Its pro
tectorate over Morocco.
The development of the workmen s pen
sions scheme Is favored In the declara
tion. It promises to defend the public
schools against all aggression and says
lust the strengthening of tlx army and
the navy will receive special attention.
KNOXVILl.E. Tenn.. Jan. K,-Rev. w.
1. jscrariana oeciinea tooey to maae any i r-vDDfTCO UCCCriir CD
the Riksdag- on the same conditions as statement concernir.g charges ara. rat blra I tArntJ llil.oi.iiU(.n
aroi. j In Pittsburgh In connection with the!
Every Swede over it year of age. and death of Elsie Dodds Coe. Ma former j
not under any legal disability has the stenogi apher. Dr. McFariand is at Cedar j kw ORLEANS. Jan. t.-Au express to vote for members of the second j Creek, Greene county, near Greenevllie. . mr,vnsrr was kill's!, several passengerr
ciiamber. I I' I stated traj Mtss Co has vialicd ! ho-i and a car was bunwO
On behalf of the government it was 1 1 the McFamald home In Greens county. 'after the derailment this morning of
stated thst King tiustave. w bo opened the j Dr. McFariand resigned his position m a train No. I on the Alabama aV Vtrksburg j Mayor W. 11. Jones to be insufficient and
sessions of tbe Riksdag in person, re- , public acool st Pittsburgh. to railroad, seventeen miles west of llerl- j no( good, reasons given being that the pe-
gards it as right and In the best interests a Knoiv.i;e minister. Because moral eon-jdlan. Miss. Newa of the wreck was re-jution tails to comply with the law. r.
of the state that women should be placed i ditlons In the school would not Jusufy i -vived at the offices of tbe New Orleans callers may appeal to district court
Ohio Workmen's Act :
Upheld by Court
COLUMBUS. O.. Jan. 1.-The Ohlo'su-
preme court today upheld tha constitu
tionality of the workmen's compensation
Isw. known also as the employers' lia
bility law. The act provides for sn In
surance fund created by contributions
from employers snd employe and pro
vide for benefits from Sl.toi to S3 en for
death resulting from Industrial accidents
and f to SIS weekly for a period up to
six years In case of leaser Injuries. Tha
law is optional with employers.
SI.VRSHALLTOWX. is.. Jsn. H.-lgp.
cUI T-legrsm e-city i terk Derby today
held the petition of "wets" to recall
on this equality Willi men.
him continuing there.
Northern railroad In this city.
I circulate a new petition.
a debt of v0. aFthcr McNamara went
to work and In lesa than two years he
had tha Institution free from debt.
Having established a reputation aa a
money raiser, as well as a church organ
iser. Father McNamara waa called to
Alliance, where the need f Just such a
msn wss felt.
It wss In liSK that he came to Alliance.
At lhat time the Holy Kwary church of
whlrh he became the priest, waa not
strong, nor was It In the best of condi
tion financially. To place It upon Its
fret and build It up Into one of the
strongest religious Institutions la the
stste wss the slm of Fsther McNamtrs
He went ta work and succeeded, but his
long snd strenuous work perhaps cost
him hla life, for a few days ago, when
attacked by pneumonia, hla weakened
condition was such that he waa unable
to combat the disease. -
, Xeve I'kareb at Alllaare. i
Since coming to Alliance, Father Mc- j
Samara waa instrumental In tbe ereotlon ,
of a splendid brick and stone church, ,
costing SX.OS) and which waa dedicated I
last November. He caused to be erected J
a lance Catholic academy that haa been i
In successful operation for more than a
year. . Besides this, through bis Instru-
mentsllty, a hospital, fully equipped and
the equal of any In Ihe state, outside of
th' city of Omaha, has been erected
here. I
'ether HcNsmara was a broad man. 1
While his religion and business duties
were great, he always had time to give
attention to public affairs, which made
him a leading spirit la ths upbuilding of
this community.
NEW YORK, Jan. IS.-Colunel Theo.
dore Roosevelt dec la red today that ha
waa ."Not discussing pips dreams" when
he; wss asked about, a report from In
dlanspolia that he Was favored by th
ateel Interests for ths presidential nonue
"That Is a depth of tomfoolery to whlctl
I cannot go," be aald.' -
' Have you reed Sir. Carnegie's testi
mony before the house committee?" he)
wsa ashed.
"I did not know he testified," Colonel
Roosevelt replied, smilingly.
"We hear from Washington." said 4
reporter. "that Postmaster Oeaeral
Hitchcock aald today that government
ownership of the telegraph llae la
favored by Mr. Taft." .
"Do your asked the Colonel, as h
turned away. ,
BF.RLIN. Jan. IS. -Joseph M. Vos
Radowlta. formerly Urrman ambassador
Id Constantinople snd Msdrid. died to
day. He waa probably the latest survive
ing colleague of Prince Bismarck In th
building up of tbe German empire. IS
aas be who laid the foundation ef Gere
man Influence in the Turkish empire)
while he was ambassador at Coostao !
nople. Later on he suffered a reduction)
In rank owing to bla former connection
with Bismarck and wu sent as ambas
sador to the less Important embassy at
Madrid. He retired from active serrlcsj
in IttS.
lie. Mays B
ROCHKSTKR, Minn., Jsn. 1.-Dr.
Chsrles Mayo, who recently underwent
two serious operations in New York, re
turned today after a successful recov
er. He wss aecomDanied by Mr, aiavo
arid Msu Msrgsret Henderson.
Boxes of
O'Brien'. Candy
Dalzell's Ice
Cream Bricki
Giraa away each day la
lb want ads to til ox ftadia;
their Bamaa.
Head th wtnt ad aac
4y, If son don't get a piisa
joa will probabl find some
thing; adverusad. that apoaale
to yog. ". v .
Eadt day the prUes) ar
(Tared, no poulea to solve ao
subscription to get nothing
but fiadlBf roar nam. It will
appear gome time.