Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 16, 1912, Page 10, Image 10

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Kebrukt Papers Join Movement tc
- Secure Germinating; Grain,
nm EDrroBs sesd replies
Several Testa Have Been Waae la
rial re ttulr ad it la Posad
that la (ease Cam Ceaill
Heme Are Alarming.
Nebraska papers In large numbers an
promising to co-operate with the publicity
bureau of the Omaha Commercial club In
lis campaign (or good seed corn. Of fifty
editors, who to date have answered a
circular letter sent out by the bureau,
asking co-operation, only one declined to
Some of the papers have started Indi
vidual campaigns In their own districts.
Trie-editor of the Columbus Telegram
"The Columbus Telegram began three
weeks ago printing pleas for preparation
ts avoid the danger o( poor seed com.
Our farmers In Platle county are wide
awake to the danger. Several of them
have made tests, resulting la the alarm
ing discovery that as high as 7 per
cent of the corn which tbey reserved for
planting failed to germinate."
What the Editor Say.
"Do It now," writes Editor Eric Mor
rrll of the Oakland Independent
-The com in this vk-inly," writes W.
H. iiaud of the Greenwood Gazette, "was
vary poor and needs attention."
E. K. Gerard, editor of the Looking
Olass, at Looking Glass, says he thinks
the cora in his locality la good (or seed.
The State Board of Agriculture Is
furthering the movement by offering the
servlos of Secretary W. R. Melior St
iuvin tn testing corn that msy be sent
ts him by the farmers.
Bernard McNeny Out
' for District Honors
Bernard McNeny ef Red Cloud Is the
aewest aspirant (or congressional honors
la the Fifth district. Hs has decided to
run for the nomination on the democratic
ticket and Is in Omaha to get a per.
tractive of the race from this angle, H
called to ses Mayor Dehlmaa la the
city hall and other conspicuous flgurss
IB the local democratic wo.-ld, being
piloted about town by the Hon. Henry
Clay Richmond, chief clerk of the house
la the 1st Nebraska legislature and
prospective, or at least, receptive, oandU
data tor stats auditor oa the democratic
-Mr. McNeny Is a large, fine looking
young man. commended for having a lot
of good, hard sense, daspits the tangent
off which Ms political aspirations hare
Jed hiss.
i hi ssl . k 1 " iS""""
"J Ba 1 II 1 I 1 I . I S I I I
ftp iSAiNiiiUp I
X " f I I "rl" oi
Sheets and Pillow Cases
Muslin, Cambric, Wide Sheeting and Pillow Casing.
Only the best workmanship enters Into the making of
Dwlcht Anchor and West Karrtam Sheets and Pillow Cases. All
are hand torn, neatly flaished with three and one loch hems.
The pillow case are finished with three inch hems.
Megs' are some specially low prices for this sale:
0x9l Bleached Dwlght Anchor
riheets. at ass
SlxOn lileaclied Dwlght Anchor
riheets. at Too
llx Uleached Dwlght Anchor
Sheets, at See
;: Uleached Dwlght Anchor
Mheets, st Salts
C3xk0 Bleached Dwlght Anchor
aneeia, at
0x9 Bleached
riheets, at
Slx Bleached
Sheets, st
llxsO Bleached
riheets, at ....
'2x0 Bleached
Keeets, at
3xS Bleached
riheets, at
J amain
West Farnam
Farnam Vie-
West Farnam
Blie SUi&S Bleached Dan River Sheets, at 65
Site 81x99 Bleached Dan River 8heets, at 59
Else 81x90 Bleached Dan River Sheets, at 53c
Size 72x89 Bleached Dan River Sheets, at ....-55tk
Site 72x90 Bleached Dan River Sheets, at ... t. ...... .48e
Site 63x0 Bleached Dan River Sheets, at 45
Regular 20c I Us and zee
gradea Pillow Cases - '
Tlis 4SxtMnch size, st each ..ISO
The U'xSt-lnrh site, at each ..!4o
Site 64xS-lnch Hemstitched
L'tka I'lllow Cases, will be sold
at. ea h asHe
Site 4SJ-nrh Hemstitched I'll
low, will go at each 10a
Fruit of the Loom Cases. Han
Hlver Pillow Cases. Pep pe re 11
HI I low Caaee and Kovai Pillow
Cases, sisea ex2S,, 4SxS8H,
iixii, 41x31 Vs and 42xM, at
each llVss'
Blse 42x3 snd 4Sxl-lnrh Pillow
('sues, bleached and well made,
at each Hs
, Yard Wide, Firmly Woven Bleached Muslin -
Well known brands as Fruit of the Loom, Lonsdale. Hope, to
gether with all our famous soft finished popular muslins.
They will Rive splendid satisfaction. - They should be of Inter
est to every housekeeper, hotel or restorant keeper. We ad
vise you to lay In a year's supply at. yd. 4d? 3 6t 7i 8c 9
and 10t
Great Cleiriii. Sale Oidi Tf ; J f 1 ..g, "
and Eodsof Womei's...... IVlu UlOVeS
Thousands of pairs of these gloves, some in all
sizes,, but mostly small gloves; some slightly
Boiled and mussed from holiday selling; a few are
imperfect, but many are positively
worth up to $1 a pair; black, white ,
and colors maja floor, bargain
square, at, pair
ux,a sen sic
Work is Resumed at
l the New Court House
' Subcontractors who abandoned work on
the new county building last week be
cause John La tenser. entity building
architect, and County Commissioner A. C.
Harts had criticised their work, resumed
operations yesterday, having been assured
that sons of the work will be condemned
unless It Is proven sbsolutely u nestle
factory. They are Fochs, (oa Blind,
painting contractors, snd Rasmuses A
Co. ef Ceend Bluffs, wood finishing sub-
Oeorge W. Caldwell of Caldwell A
)rea, the general contractors, who was
xueeted to be In Omaha today, did not
arrive and the eraferenos oa the county
building stutatton which the commission
ers had expected to have with him had
to be put oft. It will be held ss soon ss
be co rase.
Swimming Lessons
Given to Children
The campaign started by the Young
Men's Christ tea aasoolaUoa to make aqua-
tie sports popular with Omaha
school eaildrea got a good start yesterday
raorstag In the Toung Men's Christian as
sociation pool when ever M youngstsrs,
varying la ages of between I and U years.
took their first lesson la the art of swim
ming. M. H. Corsan, swimming Inetruc
tor, sent bora by the International Toung
Men's Chrlstlea association, la la charge
snd be exhibits remarkable control over
the youngsters. Mr. C ocean will remain
Mi Omaha about fifteen days, and ha ex
sects te tee oh all whe come te him to
swine nt that time. Over 1.0O3 grade and
high school past Is have enrolled and the
swimming Isssani are kseptng him ex
aosdlBaly busy.
The alalia departmefrt ef the street rail
way compaar will be completely reor-
nslial partly ss a result of the Omaha
Bar esaoctaiioa's attack ea the company
and partly for personal reasons ef borne
mea ra the fepsftsaeat.
In accordance with Its promise te the
Bar association the company yesterday
removed Arthur W. arose, who has beaa
claim agent and asststeot attorney for
the oompaay. Walter P. Thomas, assist
ant attamay. was made claim agent to
succeed Oroas.
Ray & Shields, assistant claim agent,
some time ago decided te leave the street
-all ws compears employ and enter the
practice of law oa March L About the
same time Oeorge W. Oalnes, assist set
claim agent, will go te Texas te practice
aw. Their sveceasors bare not been
Brandeu Great Sale of
swe . I
t I
piles I
2,500 Boxes, each containing from tl worth of aiwful Botiua ng
artirlea, all for aCoC
ICarb box ronuins following US artlcl
One hair net, worth Be; one package
good needles, worth 6c; three HcCall Pat
terns, worth lSo each, 45c; two package
wire hair pint, worth 6c; one spool good
sewing silk, worth tc; one card collar
buttons, worth Sc; one card safety pint,
worth 3c; one card collar supports, worth
5c: one.SDO-yard spool basting .thread,
worth 5c; two bolta tape, worth 5c;. one
spool good machine thread, . worth 6c;
one box shoe polish, worth 5c; one card'
pearl buttons, worth 5c; two spools darn
. Ing cotton, worth 6c; six spools embroid
ery twist, worth tc;-also a number of
other articles, worth from 1 6c to 6 Or
on Mill ;
. ea
aPstm 'xeumm nm
(Main Floor Notion Dept.)
TU Siltst
22-lnch fine Swiss, Nainsook and Cambric embroiuei...
flounclngs, skirtings, corset coverings, wide Insertions or
and galloons; many worth 50c yard, at yard d&OC
Fancy wash lacee and Insertions, curtain cluny laces, pure linen
torchons, point de Paris, silk ehantllly and French f
torchons; many worth up to JOo yard, at yard DC
SPECIAL BARGAINS in Imperial Long Cloth la
Main White Goods Dept. Basement. v
rteveral qualities of fins chamois finish Long Cloth for un
tiri garments. They coma In It yard bolts.
31-lnrh wide, It
J.-lnrh wide. It
at ....
2-tnch wide,
yard bolta.
yard bolta.
yard bolts.
t-Inch wide. It
at .J
t-lnch wide. It
t t) a s e e e
tl-lnch wide,
yard bolts,
yard bulls.
. H1.50
11 yard bolts.
ctprciai nnmoer oi ii-incn supenine imperial Long Cloth, very
soft finish bolt of It yards at 81.35
I Every Time You Spend a Dime You Get I II
an S. & H. Green Trading Stamp ysy
YZ?'r a vrsras ssTiatrnc
I I -r roaaxa aim, t-mm. m
afcf S .. 1 I
ff AHtiiepuC rowatr
sss raut sscnic was at eaaa.
y A. t. TTUZ. Caaaaa. Tilsieist, C
Dairy Specialto Be
Eun This Spring
by the Burlington
Co-operating with the state university,
dining the last weekia Merck and the
first week in April, the Burltngtoa will
rua a "dalrv special ever Its Kebraaka
j lines, stopping at as many stations as
! poeslMe la the dairy end agricultural
' portions of the state.
The schedule for the Burlington's "dairy
spatial" has net been fully worked out.
but will be etlhla the next ten days. The
j train will carry a corps of dairy end Irve
stock experts, who at all stops will I
struct the fanners relative to the sew and
Impsored methods that apply la the
dairy buataeaa. stock raising and s the
growing of crops specially adapted te
treeing cattle. Tksy wilt be gives up-te-date
Ideas concerning improving the
breeds of cattle and everything tn eoB
nectloa with tne Industry.
Besides having a corps of lecturers, the
special train will carry "Prince," the
world's champion steer, a Nebraska pro
duct, beaides a high daae dairy cow,
these being 'Shows te tllustrats tne pos
dbtlltlss of stock raising and dairying la
Eliza Dohse Dies .
at Advanced Age
sirs. Eluta Doase, aged U years, died
Sunday night at the family home. MS
South Fourteaatb street. She had been
sick only a short time. Had she lived nam
November t she would have celebrated
her golden wedding snd anniversary. Mr.
and Mrs, Dohse came te Omaha twenty
eight years ago and lived la the Bouts
Fourteenth street borne all that time. Be
sides her husband, there Is a Surviving
daughter, atlas Mary Dohse. ead SIX eons.
F. T. Dohse. William Dohse, T. A. Doha
of Omaha, Henry Dense of Council BloRa.
John Donee of Ho walla. Neb, and frank
1". Doha of Spencer. 4ieb. Funeral serv
ice will be conducted Friday afternoon at
the restdente. and Interment will be made
at Laurel Hill remetery.
Deoxferate Sheasiaa-
pelns In the cheat require quick treat
ment. Take Dr. King's New Discovery
far sate and sura relief. Wr, For
sale by-Beeton Dreg Co.
Events You Should Know About
Waists, Friday, the 19th
Books, Saturday, the 20th
Hand Bags, Sat., the 20th
Umbrellas, Sat., the 27th
Picture Frames, Sat., 27th
Watch for Others
Some of the Bargains in Our
Clearance of China
are quoted below, but this small list must in no ways .be taken aa an
indication of the immense proportions of the sale. DINNERWARE,
fered at very small prices. We don't believe in making our clearance
sales half-hearted affairs. Everything In the way of odds and ends
broken lines and patterns to be discontinued are marked at fractions
of their real worth. Come prepared to see bargain after bargain
it would be Impossible to list in a single advertisement.
Sale Is for This Week Only
Four open
stock patterns
of, English and
American por
celain ware to
be . d iscon-
tinued at prices pro
portionate to the following:
27.50 white and gold, plain shape.
JOo-uiece .dinner sets . .918.35
1 tie. B0 pink and blue, floral decorated, fancy shaped
' 100-plere dinner sets, now at .. .912.33
117.50. plain shape 100-plece-dinner sets, with conventional border
decorations and' full gold lines "...9 11, 03
(23.50 plain shape 100-plece dinner seta, with pink rose border deco
rations and two gold lines 913.00
Please note that all of the above sets will be sold in open stock
at the same ratio of reduction.
$23.50 100-plece dinner seta with gold lines and pink and blue border
decorations, by the set only, to close '. 912.03
$22.50 100-plece dinner sets with heavy gold bands, two fine gold lines
and conventional border decorations, only 4 of them to go at 913.30
' r J
500 pieces of hand painted
china from the famous
Stouffer factories of Chi
cago, III.; including plate,
bowls, sugars and creams,
vases, chops, tankards, etc. ;
values from $2.00 to $50,
Special attention is directed
to the great values in fancy
china salad bowls, trays,
plates, cracker jars, sauce '
dishes,etc, on bargain tables
at 25c, 49c, 95c and $1.95
each. They're worth two
to three times the sale price.
during this sate at HALF
PRICE, or $1.00 to $25.00.
100 dozen pieces of decorated American and English
porcelain dinner ware in eight different patterns-odds and
ends-to be closod out in open stock at these prices:
Cups and saucers, worth $1.85
to $2.50 a doten, at pair ..10c
Dinner plates, worth $1.95 to
$2.50 doxen, at, each ...,10c
Breakfast plates, worth $1.50 to
$2.13 a doien, at, each ....0c
Pie pistes, worth $1.25 to. $1.75
a doten, at, each Te
Covered dishes, worth $1.00 to
$1.50 each, at 48c
Large platters, worth $1.00 to
$1.60 each, at 0e
Small platters, worth 50c to 75e
each, at 'Me
Sugar bowls, worth 60o to 75c
each, to close SUc
Bsuce dishes, worth 75c to $1.25
' a doxen, at, each Be
Open vegetable dlehes. pickle dishes, covered butter dishes. Indi
vidual butters, gravy boats, etc., at proportionately reduced prices.
New Plush Coats at $17.50
$25.00 and $29.50 Values
This is a small lot of the genuine Scalette Plush Coats,
whoso silky sides give the wearer a distinguished air and
remove her far from the ordinary in
matters of dress.
We were fortunate in securing them
at a great price concession. You get
the benefit of the reduction if you come
in time to secure one of them Tuesday.
Each coat is full 54 inches long,
warmly and finely lined with heavy
vtirn.ilcail calm nnrt lina n lnro-n
shawl ctllar trimmed with three j' A
i.. .,:m. r. v, "
$25 and $29.50 val., $17.50.
aw je . . v m
! ?v uii a w s.-' u st
1 if
M loi
m 5
vvs; u i
For Tailored Suits That
Were $17.50 to $27.50
A clearance affecting practi
cally every woman's tailored suit
in the store formerly sold at and
in between those prices.
They are made of the finest serges.
worsteds, cheviots and mixtures snd come
in a gooa variety oi styles ana cotonugs
The hall-mark of quality is very evident In'
aU the linings and trimmings and the
superior workmanship.
Sisea for misses, sixes for small women,
sites for the woman of average sit, sisea for tue very large woman. J
Don't "freeze"
office boilding
in a poorly heated
these frigid days
While tenants of several
Omaha buildings are suf
fering from cold this win
ter, occupants of offices in
The Bee
are enjoying the warm comfort of a perfectly heated
building where there is no trouble in "getting up
steam." When you come down to your office in the Bee
building in the early morning you do not shiver and
huddle up to a radiator. You do not need to; every of
fice is warm comfortable not only in the early morn
ing, but all through the day and night. Enter your Bee
office any time aud you find it evenly heated to a temper
ature that makes the room pleasant. Bee tenants will,
tell you ask them.,
The offices of the Bee building have all other ad
vantages of a modern building, being well ventilated;
immaculately clean and prettily decorated.
Sooms sol, SCO, COS A very attractive suite m the sixth floor, facing the
court. Tnls space being near the top of the building nas an abund
ance of natural tight and good ventilation afforded through the sky
light to the court. 0l is Hxls-S and has vsult; (03 la U-xl, and
ios la ll-Sxlb. Space will be rented en suite or separate to please
desirable tenant If you need a large spare at a reasonable rental It
will be to your interest to sea this proposition.
Boom SOS Here Is an exceptionally fine large office facing Farnam street
and also having a west exposure. The space is so partitioned aa te
make four rooms, all being well lighted. In addition there la a vault
In one corner of thia room which has shelving, providing an excellent
place to see; private papers, records, eta Think of it sto square
feet of floor space renting at, per mootn S&6.0O
Booms 4JS 130 The larger room la a corner apace having a north and east
light: slsa 1125. We will partition to suit. The sn.aller room,
4J8. has nort i light and la lDxls. Theae rooms will be rented either
singly or together. Ask us to show you theae.
The Bee Building C.,
Be. Business Offict, . 17tk and Farnam St
At this season of the yeaiywhen the ground and
street car ptetforms are apt to be covered with snow or
ice, especial care should be taken by passengers in get
ting on and off cars.
Wait Until the Car Stops
Get off in the flight Way
Omaha & Council Dluffs
Street Railway Company
UM rana-
t IT-V Fkeee Dewf. KM,
Plates RjN Cb
IitnurtJn me U
rtUlata see Vf
traixewerk ILM Cf as Tea4 eaaa
atlulac Teeth seasaee
wltfeewt Flstee er BrUge
werk. gervee reaisvs4
wHkeat seis. Wert fnuw
satree tea yean.
Commissioners Tilt
Over Opening Bids
Following s lively tilt the Board of
Oonnty Ccssmisatoners yesterday voted to
open bids oa the Interior decorating of
toe court house- Commissioner Lynch
voted against tte opening, making the
argument that the board should read
verttse to give ethers whe are antrum
of figuring aa the work time to submit
teeir figures.- atembera Best. Mane and
O Conner voted for tne oeeaJng.
AaeUier equabale la aatlclsiaUad at the
afteraooa WNCtlng. when tee matter ef
awarding a contract will fee broasbt up.
The foilotrlng fciddera n imfrt
figures: Sachs at Lapldas. tllrC; M. U
Endrea, S5.e; Pucna, 8on Blind.
The Omaha Water company has paid
County Treasurer W. O. t're IS.ICi.el In
taxes. This represents the personal
taxes of the company payable to the
county. They were paid under protest.
A S per cent rovaltv has been paid br
the Owutha Klectric Light and Power com
pany. This royalty amounted to Oieei
These twe payments have been the lam
est received since Jar. I're assumed his
d!ttes as city sad county treasurer.
Free Land Information
The Twentieth Century Farmer, to. meet the demand
of its readers for land information, has gathered and
compiled data on Boils, climate and farming conditions
in all parts of the country. It is willing to give out this
information, free, if postage is sent with inquiry. '
Do You Want to, Know
About government land laws, location of land of
fices, etc
How to get irrigation lards, location of projects,
!aws governing same, etc
' Best sections for fruit growing, general fanning,
stock raising or dairying.
Your questions will get prompt attention. State
plainly and specifically 'what you want to know. 'Write,
Land Information Bureau
The Twentieth Century Farmer
Omaha, Nebraska
5 ILJJ 3 Jarr i
Will be found in the "For Sale MisoellaatHyM'
columns of The Br. Stoves, chairs, couches, bed,
dressers, sewing machines, pianos, safes, kindling
and coal, and hundreds of other necessary artiolon
ate offered for sale at a great deal less than their
original cost.
Ton will be money ahead by reading
Bee Want Ads