Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 15, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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Arapahoe Xaa Will Take Guaranty
law Claim Into Courts. .
Kale Gasae Waraea rU Heaaarlaa
Fheaaanta Island la PUIIa
River Were Owner Will
Preveat llaatlac
roads get more fuel thro lib. by then
they will be in trouble. Eier lpce the
cold weather set fa they hue been run-
nine; etoee to ut snuuown point, . t:ik T 2 oul V..
factares Sent Abroad.
have heretofore managed to pull through.
The supply of domestic coal, while not
larce. la not eo low as to give eauee (or
alarm at present.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN. Jn. 3L-(Sperlal.)-The
State auditor (ranted the petition of Sam
Patterson of Arapahoe for a hearing on
his count for two years' salary as chief
clerk of the banking board, and. as he in
timated when the application was made,
the claim was rejected. This, howerer.
will permit Patterson to take a a appeal
to the court.
Patterson a appointed by Governor
Bhallenbenrer. but was prevented from
exercising the duties of his office by the
Injunction proceedings against the guar
anty law. lie any he was willing and
reedy to perform the duties of the office
and therefore Is entitled to the salary,
but the auditor's office oeuld not sea It
In that light Mat Oering announced
that an appeal would be taken to the
Onlaleas Telephones.
The state railway commission has
Baked the attorney general for an opin
ion whether a rural telephone compauy,
after establishing a line, could abandon
It without obtaining the convent of the
commission, especially so long as there
mas a subscriber on tlx lino who wanted
and waa willing to pay for the service.
The eass somes up from a complaint of
Cass county man who says h Is about
to be thus cut off.-
Beede front VI eilnnfen.
The Department of Agriculture has sent
to the purs food bureau a casa ef 10
bottle of seeds labeled seeds of economic
value. There ran be no question con
cerning the great majority of them, but
n would be difficult to convince the small
boy Who had Just completed the painful
task of extracting a sandbur from kla
keel that these particular seeds bad any
utility. Farmers might also raise the
sama point regarding cockleburs, beggar
lira and foxtail grass. The only aaawsr
of Kecreury Wilson must be th reason
Josh Billing gav for a fly. that It was
th only thing which would mak a buy
ma exert himself. Th collection, as
whole, howsver, 1 Instructive, for In
addition to th many common seeds It
con U ins those of littl known species
which th department his found valuable.
' Paeasanta Pat an Island.
1st Oeme Warden Miller has tried a
new experiment to ptsnting Hungarian
pheasants where ha thinks they will
urvtve th activities of hunters onlll
I hey hav a chance to Increase and b
or some practical use. lie has placed
fiv pairs of these bird on an Island Hi
the Platte river, the owners of th Island.
whoNlve oa It. having promised to pro
hibit ail hunting on th Island at least
until It is demonstrated whether the
bird will pro negate and become nu
merous enough to be of value as g game
bird. The bird were liberated several
months ago and (he people on th Island
say they ee some of them practically
every day and that they aire every In
dication of ore poring and Increasing.
Baldwin Visits l.laeola.
R. C Baldwin of Council Bluff waa In
ha etty today; railing on army officers
at th stats nous wront b had known
hll m the Philippine. Mr. Baldwin
Is at present lly treasurer of Manila
and. w Just completing hlr first vara.
t toe la fie years. Jle sail again for
hl poet January 93.
Land Commissioner Cowlee la In Hear
aey totlay, trying te expedite th open.
In of th tuberculosis hospital.
"late Auditor Barton went to Aurora
lodsy to visit his mother, who ha boon
seriously III for soms Urn.
Fred A. CorMn, former postmaster at
rtsraotds. Neb , convicted of erobesils-
meat In th federal court her, has ap
pealed from th verdict. Th federal
court will tike up th civil docket Mon
day. . '
TIM Houlh Piatt Miller club meet at
th Undell hotel In this city January U
and l.
. ' Mrs, Ueaa.rra III.
Naws bsa been received In this city
of In asrlvus Illness In a Ban rraoolsoo
hospital of, Mrs. J. S. Meadows of this
city. Her husband and her father, U C.
Burr, have started for Han Francisco.
Or. apealanan. city physician, la au
thority tar the autement there were
seventeen new case of yohold reported
today. All ar in Jb so-called Infected
' Coal ailaatlsa serious. '
The cost situation In this city, so far
as It applied to Industrial plants, con
tinues ' to be a source of worry. Th
traction . company and the Beatrice
Creamery company hav enough to last
until noon Monday, but unless th rail
Oiossulsiou Haa the Cunridtace of
Una (jesw ratio After .
Farmers' Institute
and Corn Show Are
Held in Stromsburg
STROMSBITRO, Neb.. January 11-
( Special. I The second. annual meeting of
The Farmers' Institute. Corn and Poul
try Show was held hero January I. N
and II. In spMa of th extremely cold
aeather there was a large attendance
and great Interest was taken In the
meetings. The speakers en the program
aere: Prof. T. A. Ktsselbach of Lincoln,
Dr. O. K. Condra of Lincoln, who gars
a very Interesting address on th "Con
servsuon of Soil Fertility," and In the
evening gave an address on th "Rela
tion of Town and Country In Develop
ment" and F. W. Chase of Pawns City
and Karl Ilamley, member of th Pur
Fod commission; F. W. Johnson of Har
vard, Neb., and Miss Louies Ssbla of
Beatrice, Neb., who addressed the women
at the high school on "Helpful Hints to
th Busy Housekeeper." She also acted
as Judge to th domeatlo sclsnot exhibit
There were three varieties of corn ex
hibited, being ytllow, white, other than
yellow and white. Twenty-one exhibitors
n the yellow, thirteen In th whit and
sixteen In th other. There war fifteen
single ear exhibits, F. A. Snarnon tak
ing first on the single car. It being of
the yellow variety; Leonard Fuaby re
ceived first prlio on white corn and O.
r. Olson, first prtx on th yellow and
also received a silver trophy, give
by the First National bank of Rtroms
burc. This trophy was given for the
best ten ears exhibited.
There were three exhibits of spring and
five of winter wheat. Richard Peters re
ceived first on spring and K. E. Fusby
first an winter. Potatoes, three vsrletles
and Uilrtsen antrlea ah) told. tUchard
Peters receiving first. There were thro
entries of alfslfs, F- C. Carlson, first;
two entries of oat. Oeorg F. Anderson
taking first.
Little Girl Burned
to Death at Humboldt
HUMBOLDT. Neb., Jan. U-dpsdal
Telegram.)-Louis, th S-jrear-ola daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Collins, who waa
frightfully burned about the face and
chest yesterday noon by a bias from th
stove while she was attending tha fire,
died at .o'clock this morning. The
shock waa too much for her and aha
never rallied to speak of aftsr tas acci
dent. Th girl In her frensy ran out of
door and around In a circle In a vain
endeavor to get relief, pat Walsh hep
pensd along about this tl m and quickly
pulled oft hi overcoat and threw H over
her and smothered th flames, but It waa
nearly burned through before th fir
waa entirely put out.
HUMBOLDT. Nab., Jan. K-aneclal
James I'hlrualde. ex.shertff of Jefferson
oeunty. has filed bills with thai county
lor lUW for Jailor fee from Jan.
awry I, IMS, until January L wis. THIS
I In addition to th salary allowed by
Mr. ChlrnsU asserts that he I en
titled to this extra compensation for
Jailor (as undsr a statute of Nebraska
which provides that tha sheriff shall be
entitled to a oartala allowance for feed
ing prisoners In hi car. In addition, a
provision Is mad for paying th sheriff
Jailor1 feee for keeping th prisoner
under lock and key.
II la said that tha Rhertfr association.
of which Mr. Chlrnslde I secretary and
treasurer, will carry tht case Into the
courts with th Intention of getting this
allswanos for all tha sheriffs of Ne
braska. Th county commissions rs hav
positively refused to allow th claim.
A lady In Brooklyn write that ah I
taking Osomulsloa bees us she la rua
down aad lack appetite
0b haa bean giving OioutuWn t
lir dauiM-, aged five veers, whom It
cured of a stubborn cold.
Several years aeo, th lady ' recall,
her mother gav Osomuuwn te her
children with tlx best results. ,
There must J pretty solid merit In
an en.ulslon used In this way by gen
eration after generation in on family.
rfuch Incident ar not vncommon in
t!i history of Oswnulsion.
Sample BotUo tree by Mail
; That thos who ar seeking health and
atrength for themselves, children, rela
tive or friend may experience th It fe
ci vlag properties of this exclusive Nor
way gold medal cienlxed cad liver oil
medicinal food ernuUlua aa well as to
knew Osomulsloa superiority In being
most paJa table and easy to Is Irs a gen
erous 1-ea. bottle will b asat by mail to
those who send addresses by postcard ar
letter to Usoraulsle. MS Peart St. N. T.
kiMi ww.i
Jury far District Court Draw for
February Term Officer Ap
point Deputies.
WKST POINT. Neb., Jan. R-tHpecial.)
-Clerk of th IHetrtct Court Otto II.
Zaeek ha drawn th Jury for th regu
lar term of district court, which con.
vene on February a, aa follows: Oustav
Mlelka, Charles C. Mtlchow, Al. Wetsel,
Herman Ollgmueller, John O. Tonjea, Jo
seph H. Srhulte. F. D. Kafka, Otto Do
wns, Charles Reimer, Herman Munder-
loh, Nicholas Wackel, Jacob Henrlcksen.
T. O. Kan. T. O. mocks, Robert Buch
hols. John Hols, Anton Dvorak. Robert
Hansen, Frank Flennlken, Leo C. Meier,
Chrl Lorensen, Carl Meyer. Wen set Poe-
plsll and Frank Fuellmer. Th docket la
exceedingly light, there being only at.
teen cases for adjudication, th least
number In th Cuming county court for
many years.
Charles C. MsJchew ha been appointed
by Sheriff Knight as hla dsputy for the
coming term and hi bond s proved by th
ebdty. board. Joseph febueth haa been
appointed Janitor of the court hour, tak
ing th plao of August Meals, who re
signed. The county board haa author
ised County Asssasor John Clatanhoff
aad County Clerk W. II. Harstlok to at
tend th coming state assessors' meet'
lng at Lincoln, which will discuss th
new assessment laws In their relation to
the a sesame nt of real setate.
Th new Board of County Supervisors
ban organised by ' electing Henry d.
Paulson of Bancroft chairman of the
rrrral M. Prion pleaded guilty oa Fri
day' before County Judge Dewald to a
charge of assault and battery. Dtxon
was th man who. 'on November R last,
whlls under the Influence of Hotter, ran
amuck In Bancroft and cut Marti Peter
son, n bartender, across the neck with
a knife.- almost severing the Jugular
vein. Mr. Dixon, ordinarily, I a good
dttaea and this tact Influenced the court
ta assessing his fine, which was iMe sod
Agricultural Implements, Steel
alia, Wire, Teals aad Structural
easaa Seat t All Parts
I th World.
WASHINGTON. Jsn. li-The high
record exportation of practically
M worth of Iron and steel manufactures
from th United States In th calendar
year 111 and of over II. M ." worth
In th decade ending with that year baa
led th bureau of statistic. Department
of Commerce and Labor, te prepare a
statement showing the relative rank of
the leading nations m ths exportation of
that Important factor of International
eo,,. utf rce.
The world's leading exporter of iron
and steel, according te official figures
covering th latest period for which sta
tistics are available, ar the United King
dom. Germany and th United States,
with totals ranging from a Itttl less than
HMOmeno down to about CtMM each.
To these might be added n aecend group
of countries with smaller totals, which
would Include Belgium. Netherlands,
Franc. Swltserland and Sweden. These
sight countries bad In III a total ex
portation of Iron and steel of over ii.M.-
8M.0M, or about I per cent of th entire
value of all merchaadls entering the in
ternational market of th world. At th
head of th list of exporter of Iron and
ted is tha United Kingdom, with a total
of eMl.m.tti exclusive of 116.00. 00 worth
of agricultural machinery, manufactured
In part from Iron and steel, and by cer
tain countries Included under that till.
Germany Is rcond in exports of Iron and
steel, with a total of ins.WO.WO, In addi
tion to which exports of agricultural ma
chinery aggregated It.uOO.OOu. Th United
Slatca ta third, the Hit figures being $301.-
M.(K for iron and ateel and t31.Wv.UW
for agricultural Implements. Belgium
shows p,0O0. worth of Iron and ateel.
Including agricultural machinery, ex.
ported In 11. and France a total of pis.-
aaaam xolulv of worth of
agricultural machinery. From Swltxer-
land and Sweden th sx potts of Iron and
steel were. In th latest availabls year.
bout 111,0118. 0t each, excluttve of agri
cultural machinery, amounting to nearly
I!.. la th casa of Bwedsn and about
tlAtut In that of Swiuerland.
Expert Grew Rapidly.
Whll th United State thu ranks only
third as aa exporter of iron and ateel. Its
progress In that branch of commerce has
been rapid, th total exports of that class
of article having Increased from llOtM,-
000 In 1M1 to nearly ar quite f2M.0 In
111, and of agricultural Implements from
H7.eM.0M to I9S.MB.W during ths lam pe
riod. Taking th period . UOO-tM. th
latest period for which figure r avail
able In tha ease f foreign countries, th
growth In exports of Iron and steel baa
been as follow; Th United Kingdom,
from tni.Mttw t 00: Oermany,
from I171.. to I3,0M.; United
Bute, from tlM.kV ta rW,M,D;
Franc, from ta.mtot In WMM,03; Bel
gium, from Ml.OxMM to tU.0Ot.orA and
Swttssriand. from to tll.0K.ta).
In exports of agricultural machinery the
United States leads all other countries.
with a total In Ml of tS.tWtt, against
tttOJMM for th UnHed Kingdom, tMO,
cat for Osrmany and tl.7t0.tet for Franc.
Machinery aad Wire.
Th (4009001 worth of Iron and steel
and taVSlK.00 worth of agricultural Imple
ment exported from th United Stats
hut year found market In practically
very part of th civilised world. Steam
locomotive and steel rslls wsnt largely
te Canada, Mexico, Brsatl. Argentina and
Japan, where th rapid development of
railways enabled an Increased absorp
tion of these material from this coun
try. Structural Iron and ateel of Amer
ican manufacture t being utilised In In
creasing quantltlea by, most of th lead
ing countrlee of North America, a wall
aa In Australia and Japan. Th farm
Of Canada, Argentina, Brattt. Australia
and New Zealand ar requiring Increas
ing quentltlee of American wlreT Our
salss of electrical machinery show a
healthy expansion In such Important
markets as ths United Kingdom and
other European countries, as well aa the
newer communities of the weetern hem
(sphere. The ssme might be said of sew.
lng machine and metal-working ma.
chlnery. Amerlcaa rash registers and
typewriter ar facilitating business In
office scattered In every part of the
worldV-ln France, th United Kingdom
and Germany. In Canada. Mexico and
Cuba. In Argentina and Brstil. In India
and Australia, and In many other coun
tries, nearly all of them showing larger
total In toil thin In any earlier year.
Experts Classified.
The principal articles forming the 5,
000 SO worth of Iron and ateel products
exported trcm the United Statee In the
calendar year Bll. with tha approximate
value of each based upon eleven months'
figures already at band, are: sheets and
plates. Il.u; builders' hardwire,
saw and tools. tl7.00o.O3t; locomotives
and ether engine. tl7.nat.0W: ateel rails.
tliOOO.OJO; pipe and fillings. 111 100, 000:
wire. tlitO.); structure! iron and steel. sewlrur machines. aua.
sVectrlcal machinery. (t.OOt.00: mining
macninery. (; bare and red. .
: cash registers, fri OOt.OOt: pump,
and pumping machinery, HOJO.tot; print
ing presses. AM.ON: sugar mill mar hi n
ry, C0M.OM: and tin and term pistes
nearly .. or five time as much
aa In th preceding year: while stoves
and rang. shoe machlnerv. isuiuin. ma
chinery, scales and balances, castings
ana wire nans each exceeded ll.N.e
In the value of the t ear'a .
sentlng for the most part Increases when
eemparea wnn earlier years. )
West Pelat Brew Electa.
WEST POINT. Neb.. Jan. U-.peelal.
-At tht stockholders meeting of ths West
Point Brewing sssonailoo th following
d'ractors were elected: H. R. Howarth.
J. F. ZaJicek. Henry Hunker. Ferdinand
Koch. R. H, Kerkow. The directors chose
ofnosra a follow: -w-ddeat, IL IL
Howarth; -vice president Ferdinand
Koch; secretary, J. F. ZaJicek; treas
urer, H. H. Howarth. The matter of the
removal at the brewery la Norfolk eones
qucst spsa the offer of dtlacns cf that
place of a boau for It location there
was discussed at great length, but no
derision waa arrived at Opinion seemed
to be evenly divided among the atock
hoMers of the association.
Aged Woman Sues
Rector at Keokuk
for Child's Support
KEOKUK. la.. Jan. It-Rev. R. C. Mc-
tlwaln. rector emeritus of St Joha's
Episcopal church hers and for forty
year a pastor, wsa sued today for tcew
In a breach of promise action by Mrs.
Roaa Haga. St year eld now of Tulsa,
Okl.. but formerly of Keokuk.
Mr. Haga'a complaint recite that In
addition to promising to wed her. the
pastor had her go to Tulsa and build a
cottage which they wsrs to occupy when
they were married. An t-year-old girl
appears la the case. Mr. Hsga eaya
that It la her owe and Ciat the suit Is
to procure support for It from It father.
The rector's attorney denies thla, aaylng
the girl waa one given to the minister's
care and that he entrusted It to Mrs.
Mcllwaln la reputed to be worth Cue.tOt.
He eaya be never promised te marry Mr.
ISradle Friakt
pnasessea sufferers from lung trouble till
thev lean Dr. King's New Discovery will
help them. Price Stc and Jl 0 For sale
by Beaton Drug Co.
Army Officers in
Washington Will Be
Sent to Other Posts
TVASlllxriTOH. Jan., li-An order la-
sued today by th secretery of war detach
ing Brigadier General William W. Wlth
erapoon from duty here aa president of
the war college and assigning him to
duty as commander In chief of the de
partment at the gulf at Atlanta, vice
Brigadier Oeneral Albert L. Mills, who
become president of the war college, in
itiate a series of changes la the atatus
of a number of Important army poal
lion In this city and elsewhere. Th
purpose la to relieve from duty in Wash
ington eleven of the officers who have
seen more than four years' service
nehewl Mas Mewtluc at Pawnee.
PAWNBB CITT. Neb., Jan. R-(8pe-cial.)
A mass meeting baa been called on
January 3, at the high school assembly
room, where every man or woman who Is
a tax paysr, or who haa children of school
sge, can vote en the question of what
atepa are advisable ta be taken to furnish
additional school room In pise of the
building recently burned: whether to pur
chase the academy building, ' now occu
pied as a court house, with Its two blocks
of ground, or to erect a new building
n the alt of the building recently de
stroyed by fir.
(Continued from First Psge.)
are not to occur In th future I think
this ULsodation should be more fully
advised. I think there should be a meet
ing of the association with th street car
company'! committee. I think we should
hav th whole matter laid before us,
and should know what th work of In
vestigation of our commltte ha brought
out. whether or not these charge have
been aubatintlated. A 1 understand It
that waa the purees of appointing a
commltte. Aa It la. It leaves things up
in tha air and practically nothing has
beta acoetrmllshedY' - ......
' vVhst the Commute Did.
In reply la Mr. El gutter C. J. Bmyth
declared that Wi primary purposa of th
appointment ef the commute was net to
mak further Investigation of th alleged
charge of corrupt practice on th part
of th street railway company, but to
hav ouster proceedings started In ths
nam of th state or to take such other
action aa sseintd alvtsabl to protect
Ih coo its from such practice In th
"We have accomplished whst we
started out to do," said Mr. Smyth. "W
believe th comnsny officials are acting
in good faith. They said they have the
power te and will prevent any Improper
practices, and w believe they will do
what they promised to do. If they do
not, th com nlttee. being continued, will
hav power to take further steps. I
think It I proper that w should wall
now and before anything further la done
ar whether or not thee promises will
be kept"
Mr. ElguHor repeated his pretest, but
no one arose to support hi side of ths
debate. The yeas end nays were called
tor. Klgutter waa the only member to
vote la the negative.
tiroes t Displaced.
Though m not of th remarks was
It stated that th street railway company
officials had promised to remove Arthur
W. area and put Waltsr B. Thoma In
hi place, th word was passed around
that the promm had been mad and
member ef the commute confirmed the
Reports of th officer of the assocla.
tion ahowed It In flourishing condition
and te hare prospered thrccgh th year
2d. A. Hall w elected prnident over
Frank L. Weaver, the present Incumbent,
a w j
a r
v'e Pelat Banks EI eel Offleen.
WEST POINT . Neb., Jan, RMSpsdal.)
-in inree nourishing bank of W
Point have elected lh,i ein ..,
rcctora for the year WU. Condition ap
peared to oe ee favorable that nose of
the banks made any change In their of
ficial force, the officer of the last year
being continued In power tor this year,
as follows:
VT est Point National: President, Wil
liam Stueter; vice president, J t
Bsumaim: esatiiar linu, U'
Directors: William Bluefer, J. T. Beu
mann. J. W. Knearsr, H. W. Baumaca
and Joseph Hunker.
First National: President. W. A. Black
view president. Henry Hunker; caahlee
Chris- Hirer hats n. Directors: W. A
Black, Hsarv Hunker. Chrie. Hlmch-;
man C. H. VM ai y--, g..
iveorasaa etsie nana: President. T D
TttomnsAit! vice II k .
case lev. j. r, nana: assistant cashier.
J. F. ZaJicek. Director: T. D. Thomo-
. ... nv. n. n. r nans, J r. ;
ZaJicek, James Mortensea. J. F. JUup ,
. ... t- i , u i . " r
An Honest
for the Family
Serred with the
meals It helps the
appetite and dl-
. KCStaOB.
Vrril IL
i v. -r m iiiiWi
20 to It. lUymond 3. Young was elected
secretary over Police Judge Charles E.
v rr tn i A R. Shotwell ttnard-
nvmiiv wee elected treasurer to succeed
J. L. Kaley. T. W. Blackburn. Frank L.
Weaver. Charles O. McDonald. J. L.
Kaiev and Harler G. Moorbead unanl-
naousiy were elected members ef the ex
MAHitiee. Thev will elect a
chairman who will be nee president of
the association. .. ..
Coffee and sandwiches were served by
th entertainment committee.
G000 OLD
IN just two week we
have convinced thou
sand! of women and a
host of skeptical physicians
and hyjienists that these new
corsets will do all we claim.
It was a good deal to ask
women to believe that any
corset will reduce the figure
permanently-. But our new
corset is simply the success
ful application of well-known
physiological laws.
You know how the deft
fingers of a skilled masseuse
soften the fat so that it is
absorbed and removed by
natural processes.
The ingenious new con
struction of these newest
Nemo Corsets does exactly
tht same thing; only you
don't notice it you just feel
stylish and comfortable, and
you see your figure gradually
getting smaller. Two models:
No. 353
lee ri
sewtnas I aa .UU
354 O
tana I
and suitable also for women
of medium fortn. A superb
STYLE corset, saying noth
ing of its power to reduce the
A great value simply as a
CORSET. You must SEE
TRY it.
KOPS BROS, Mfrs, (tew York
1 1 ir-w" rn I. ; sj ra i
Wyii-li 0IWTaTMiaTfMifix'Wi.-J5a
A vision of health
in the vapors!
smilbgly they reflect back a picture of the health that you
formerly enjoyed and, through them, may enjoy again.
Whether you are aeeling health or pleasure. Hot Springs offers
moat of both to you. Pino, acented air to breathe, golf to play.
Gov't built magnificent mountain roads to ride over, and aoclal
life at its gave and beat Hot Springa is the mecca of thousand
who come just for the winter pleasures that h holda out. Go
now. The journey to
Hot Springs, Ark.
via Frisco Lines
ia aa pleasant aa arriving thereyou leave Kanaaa City at 6: 1 5 p Jtv,
you reach Memphis 8: 1 5 a. m, and Hot Springa (via Rock Island
lines) at 3:55 in the afternoon a quick, restful ride in luxuriout
Electric lighted through deepen
Tn Frisco cbmrif car serves onlidotie Frti Wsreoy aneala. Lst an send yen
. .U Hut Snrinaa. it SDWnoid hotel and boaroxasi
it heausf waters and csxpoetoniba for pleasure. 1 will ales ssll van caetef a
ticket and anaka up a cotnplss achadul from roar home town -writ today.
FriOTr.cart Office, WilOsk BUfcllta Maaa'Saa,
Kansas Cirr, Me.
' J. C LOVHIEN. Drriafcaa f asunter Aswat
Hav Your Ticket Rtd "Burlington"
To California
"Whether you travel via Denver, Kansas City or
through tho North-West, Burlington tickets are avail
able for any of the recognized routes to or from the
Coast. Note the broad choice of Coast routes in con
nection with the Burlington's high grade service"
through the West.
OHIO via Denver aaa Beata e Boats i personally
eoaSaotea threats tourist sleeper excarr as
te Iioa Aafsl (rem Oaaasa ever Taa-ay '
via this rente. i
BBToaamio aaata Te atoate, or via Salt &ake, or
Bbaata BLente aa Vnrst Bound.
OOIKO via Boeale Oalereao aaa Bait Lake.
kSTvaaiara soatkera roate, e via Bkaeta Seato
aaa Vases Be aad.
aOISTO to BeattU or Portlaa via aireet aertkwass
Una, ar via Dearer ssd aiUllaf, tasace Baeata
Boate to Calif orals.
BXTUainaa tarswrk Salt lake aaa Boenlo Cole-
rade, or via seataera seats sa Beavet ef
assess City.
faonro via Sanaa City, tkeac aeathsra rente to
avSTTnwisTO) via Salt Lake, Boeale Colorado, or el -akaata
Boate. Vortlaaa, ro-s Be aad aa BUI.
. .- .Via -Dcn?er
Seattle &
' Portland
Kansas '
Electric Lighted Trains With All Classis of Equipment for
Denver and the Norti-West at 4:10 P. M. and 11:35 P. E
1502 Faroam Street, Omaha, Nebraska.
At this season of the year, when the gi-ouud and
street car platforms are apt to be covered with snow or.
ice, especial care shoiild be taken by passengers in get
ting on and off cars.
Wait Until the Car Slops
Get off in the Right Way
Omaha & Council Bluffs
Street Railway Company
- The
To Do
It yon lose roar pockotbook,
umbrella, watch or some other
article of vain, the Sofas; to
to ia to follow th example of
many other people and advar- -tls
without delay ia tho Loot .
aad Found colnma of Tko Boo.
That la what most yeopto do
when they lose artieleo of value.
Telephone oa nnd tell your loos '
to ail Omaha l Btn1e attar- ;
Put It
y In ;