Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 14, 1912, Image 1

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The Omaha Sunday Bee
Fair; Warmer
VOL. XU-XO. 30.
Betarns From Friday's Election In
dicate Party Will Be Stronger
Than rer in Hew Beichstag.
Second Ballot Necessary on Hundred
.Eighty-Nine Constituencies.
ContenratiTet and Clericals Prob
ably Will Iom Control.
Liberals and Socialists Come to
Blows in Bortmnnd Streets.
Saciallete Fnr Have Cantered
Might lull Pros Radical. Mae
from Jfatloaal Liberals and
tin Fran Ceaaervattve.
J BERLIN, Jan. 11-Unofflcial return of
j xna result ox ma poiuug ox tne election
te th ReteastaeT hav been received from
ail of WT constituencies, but owing to
dieorepanda la the ubulatlona It ta tail
difficult to make any definlta prediction
of tha oomplexlon of the nan Reichstag.
There an it) constltuenoJe In which a
acoosd ballet will be pecassary.
VTh oonservatlv clerical coalition,
which ha had uncontrolled domination
of tha Imperial Parliament elnce tha (all
o! Prince von Buatow, hM been badly
hakea on thla occasion. It abaolute
majority probablr la a thing of th past,
but thai combination of two powerful
parties mutt Mill ba reakuned with aa
the etrertfeet factor In the Reichstag
Socialists Male Oalas.
The aociallata bar run up the number
Coming and Going in Omaha
I 4 I
Government is Analyzing Test Cost
System of Packers Used by
of their elected mirrrbork already to fin reatralat of trade. Tlmmlna eontluued
sixty-four, ar, according to eome reporla.
to atxty-eU, of whom lwntr-lx wrested
their aeata from number of other partiaa
and in socialist alio are concerned In
13 second balluti. They need only to
hold their awn In th reballota In order
a return to tha RtlohSUS a strong
numerically a they war In lM. when
tjlr jarraaentatloa, reached biaa water
jRark. They will probably thla year paw
their old limit of elUMy-una deputlns by
. k. - ... k a I MMl MT.
itm, a ii'ij hi w
tain pf secures ninety or ninety-one
Th national HbataU and tha railtcala
hav paid the major portion of th Mil
for th oolallet feaat t th first ballot,
but th coaaervatlre and centrist will
pay tha remainder of tha reckoning at
th Moond ballot. In V of thee th
eonssrvatlve and clerical fnoa an ad
verse majority of radio!, liberal nd
ao&ailata and many of that will be tost
to them If thro more democratl partle
combine, a they probably will do In moat
Latest Flajare Available.
Tha moat correct non-official figures of
th results of th drat ballot ar a
follows: x
Of th conservative, with their ant.
. agrarian el lira. S( hav been
fleeted, as In it m elected t in xirw
allots in JWt. en
which was their strength at the die-
Reeord Shaw raiUaa Off la Aaaawat
Crrdltrd a Hide Tnm Nearlr
eTalr Thaaaaad a Meath
Haadred ThtHy Dallara.
CHICAOa Jan. U-Surroundrd by pile
of hooka and record! H. A. Tlmmlna.
chief accountant for Morrt A Co., re
sumed the wltnew at and at the oprnlnc
of court today In tha trial of th packer
charted with maintaining- a combination
his testimony recardins th details of taa
accounting ayatem uaed. Th wltnea de
amtMd each book and numerated th
accounts kept lu It.
pedal Counael Jamea 8. Sheahaa quea
tloned Tlnunina at lenfth In an ettsrt to
trac tha Jtema OTrtrur tha aal of br
producta throufh the different booka..
'An expert accountant worked uatH near
midnight laet nlRht volnt thraosh th
book of Mnrrla CO. and Tlamms waa
aaked to explain many of th Item ae-
tected by th proMcuHoa.
Volumloou voucher were road (how-
bis th trantfer of by-product credit
from one department to another. "-One
entry In the uieral Journal otMorrla A
Co. for Pmtembrr, 1907, abowed that fl.oil
cattle had bees purchaeed at a cost t
r.'JW.lSS . Th piinolpal credit were
Hi.TK.X fur hide and PIT.m.M for fr-
all M cetera a aa Deatrwyed.
Where ar th memoranda, from which
thoaa Journal and ledger entrlea are
made?" aaked Attorney tlheelian.
They are destroyed a soon these
final entrlea ar made becau w have
no further use for them after that," re
plied th witness.
"War there aux department reports
made for refulaf periods V
Tea, we made monthly reports for the
different department."
The monthly report were alao destroyed
after a few raonlhe and no aummary or
The National Capital
Satarday, Jaaaary 31, 112.
The Senate.
Not In seaalon. Meet at 3 p. m. Mon
day. Lorlmer hearing adjourned until Uon-
Interatate rnmmerca comntlaaion hear
In; on triiat problems probably will end
next werK.
The House.
Met at noon.
Iiletrk-t of Columbia appropriation bill
"Sugar trust" InveatlBrallrut committee
hoard w. R. Wlllett of New York re
garding technical details of sugar In
Ktel truat" Inquiry adjourned until
General Croxler before tha labor com
mlttee advocated the Tavlor ayatem and
aald the aovemment could rompet auc
ceBkUliy with outalde contractor.
Ileaolution to prohibit alien accountanta
In tli naval eetKbllahment. Introdured by
Mr llarrlaon of New Tor, to preeent
forelaner araulrluc knowledge of confl.
dentlat orocaea.
l.iiaimiaa mtigeram or tne appropria
tiorta committee declared a plea for an
Increased army to protKt outlying poe-
aeaalona wa the "annual war scare.
Adjourned at S3 p. m. until noon Mon
day. ntULunoDi.
Proteata from tha New York Society
of iVrtlfled Public Accountanta that
Brttlah acmuaianu are. itiaialUna ot
kaeplng eyitxrn In American navy yai-da
and are thua becomine; familiar with se
cret mnufcturlii melhoda and pro
ceaaea uaed In thr navy oauaod th Intro
duction of a reeolutlon by Hepreaentatlv
Harrison of New Turk aaklnl Secretary
Meyer for Information.
The Weather
fair; cold
.... ". ',. .im ua i record of them waa kept, Tlmmlna testU
K.nt. in iK erul 14 at the "eu-
Phi IIW Ml.. - -
Of ths national llberala. S elected
gainst U at tha flret ballot in w, ana
nxn a.
I of the radical, none elected, aralnat
I at tha first ballots In 13T. and with
I at tha dissolution. "
.1 Of th aodailata, C4 elected, a com
pared with W at th first ballots In iWl
and si at th dissolution.
Two Independents also hav been
Th conservative ar conleatanta at
(ha ncond ballots In alghty-taro oonatlt
Denols. th centrlsu In forty-three, th
national liberals la alrrj'-four. th rad
- Scale la fifty -alx, and tha aodallsta in IT.
Th gala of tha socialists thus fsr ta
twenty-eight seats, of which eight wer
captured from tha radical, nliva from
iatlonal-Uhrala, tw from centrlata, and
tvln from oonaervatrr.
A disturbance dcettfied at Dortmund
flurtng th elections, tha oclallata and
national liberal conrlr.g to nlowa on the
Streets. Otherwise, no Incidents are reported.
In an effort to show that th aUow
ancea mad by th packer for by-prod-ucta
wa Inadequate th government
counsel read Into tha record a mass of
figures selected from th monthly vouch
ers ef Horrts Co. for the period be
tween lilts and 11.
District Attorney Wllkeraon expressed
the opinion It probably would take throe
week to complete thla line of statistical
Despite the objections of tha defense
Judge Carpenter ha ruled that th gor
ernment I entitled to thla Information,
and th present plan I to read Into the
record a large pact of th books of the
packing compantea.
Allawaae for Hldee Decreases.
Attorney Bheean, reading from the
books of Mortis A- Co. for October, 1SV7.
showed that ),9I cattle were purchased
at a cost of lUtYCT.a and that the al
lowance made for tha sal of hide was
In November of the same year 3.173
rattle were purchased for,72(.17 and
O.M6.S was allowed fur hides. Th gov
ernment contends the allowance for hldea
was discontinued about the middle of the
month. la December, lso7. an even
greater slump in allowance fur hide was
shown. In that month J7 cattle were
bought at a cost of and th
hide allowance was 11. 931. S3.
n January, 19. cattle were pur
rtor .SitbraskaUenerally
Wave northwest portion.
bly enow flurries: colder tonight, and , chased for $l,lC5.r and the allowance
West and central portions this afternoon. I or n(d as only tl2.3t.
Traireratare at ua yesterday. Timmlns was unable to explain the
I'jurs. Deg. ; practical discontinuance of making aa
e a. m I allowance for hides during this Derlotl.
The government contend that all mem
a. m.
10 a. m.
U . m......
JI m
1 p. m...H..
t p. m
t p. m....
4 n. m
aK r. p- m.
S a? -va fp. m it
-5si&. in m U
CoasparattT LacaiX Kceara.
imi. isi uo
Highest yesterday IS 31 2S
lowest yesterday 11 3 1
Mean temneralure i 3 n
i'redpitatlon T .
Temperature a:i.i precipnairtn
u-ea trom the nurcial:
orrcaJ temirafure
lefu w-ncv for the oay
Total excess snce Msrcn 1 Zli
Komial precipitation 05 inch
Ijerlclency for tne oay (E inch
Total raintaii since March 1..1a.s Irvchs
SMflHencT since MalTh 1 13.l Inches
tflciency tor cor. period. Inches
j irn si tor cor. period. 1X lacaos
S aisJteates trac of precltdtaOoa,
( a. m...
7 a. m Jt t
S a. m 2 1 Dcrs of the alleged combination aiseon-
tinued making allowances for hide In
1 1 figuring the test cost of beef In Novem-
i brr, 19ua, and did not resume th practice
I until April. 19, or until an Investigation
Ji , of the packers waa begun by the federal
12 : grand Jury.
.01 T
In Western Nebraska and Other
Sections Snow Kelts Bapidly.
Weather Reports I ad Irate that Aa
wtaer Storaa la rnraslaB I
la the .Verthweatrra
Warm weather 1 promised for today.
At T "bSlock last night tha temperature
waa It digreia above aero, th warmest
weather Omaha has had tor two weeks,
and tha prospects at that time were for
continued moderate weather for tha re
mainder of tho night. However, the
present weather I not to be long lived.
Zh forecaster save that by tonight It
will begin to get colder.
At I o'clock yesterday morning and also
at t o'clock th temperature wa but i
degree below aero, th coldest tlma of
tha day. With th rising of th sun the
mercuric stream In tha tuba began to
crawl upward. At o'clock It wa
exactly sero. From 1 o'clock yesterday
afternoon until S o'clock last night the
thermometer registered one degree
warmer every hour. Although Omaha
was apparently vlalted by the tall end
of a Chinook wind yesterday tho weather
man Inalatad that he had received no
report from any part of too country
of auch a wind.
, Rise Deere an Dear.
There was a rtaa lu temperature of X
degress In twenty-four hour beginning
at o'clock Friday morning. However,
it was not very noticeable to the resi
dent because of tho high wind which
accompanied tho warmer weather. The
day before, when It waa th coldest in
Omaha for twenty-eeven years, there was
hardly a flutter of wind, but yesterday
tha wind blew almost all morning. In
the afternoon It aubshVed.
At Sheridan, Wyo., th mercury -stood
at 41 degree above aero at 7 o'clock yes
terday morning. A strong and warm
wind was blowing from the northwest
and tha anew was melting rapidly. At
Crawford, Neb., at the seme hour the
mercury had risen ,to 4fi degree above
sero and a warm wind was blowing
strong from the northwest.
At Bridgeport, Neb., the thermometer
registered 40 above. On the McCook divi
sion of the Burlinaton temperatures
ranged from 23 to W above, the warmest
being at Denver.
Dakota Keels Wans Wave.
Along th Northwestern' lines clear
and warmer weather set I n Friday night
and was general yesterday. At Winner, H.
D, where Friday morning the mercury in
dicated 37 degree below aero, yesterday
morning at 7 o'clock It wa 30 above. At
Long Pin- Friday the coldest waa 33 de
grees below xero and at a corresponding
hour yesterday tha registration was 33
above. On the ..yomlng division from
made an a- i " " . ... i
3S degrees atoe zto acd (T the entire!
ra a M.oritj wtit to northwest wtnd wa.
blowing. '
Id the western iart of Wyoming the
cot of beef at fto esitv figure in kr. . , . . ,
r to mamtftia a hlgt tetUnf coat. i!11! huUr beteD
Tlmmiiia waa smi tba wliaem rtmod when I "vt" w w
It 1s charred that the covenunant al
lowance of 4 to cents a pound oa hides
was inadequate, as they were actiialiy
sold for prices varying; from to 18 cents
a pound.
In the matter of fats the government
deciar that the packers
ktweniT of t rente a pound. tMlf the I
by-product tias really soid for a" in
... jS101 pound, x
This, the a-overnment charge. as pirt
of the general plan of keeping the lest
He Aocepts Task of Forming' New
Ministry Tendered Him Friday
by President Falliere.
Paeslag af rreaala Calllaaa (alls
Forth Hardly Slagt Wara at
Rorrt Km Fraaa Farmer
Sappwrtora. s
PARIS, Jan, 11-11. Poln-ar. who wa
tendered th premiership yesterday,
called on President Faltlerea early today
ani announced, hla acceptance of the In
vitation to form tbo new ministry.
M. Folncalr I endeavoring to Induco
auch prominent men aa Leon Bourgeola.
Theophtl Delraaae. Arlatld Brlsnd and
Alexandra MlUerand. all former mlnla
ter. to become mmbr of his cabinet.
XL Bourgeola ha already agreed to ac
cept g portfolio, probably forslfn aftalia
or tha Interior.
Louil Luclsn Klot and Albert Francois
Leartrn ar B.Ulr t retain tha port
folio they held In th la at cabinet, those
of finance and tha eolonles, respectively.
Th passing of Premier Calllaux call
forth hardly a single word of regret even
from thoaa newspaper which hitherto
wera hla moat faithful supporters. This
1 Indioatlve of th tat of the public
mind, which generally hold that M. Call
laux leava office a discredited man.
Th general conviction prevails that he
has not yet repudiated the charge that
he had secret dealing with emlsrarlra of
Uermany to whom he wa to grant Im
portant concesalnn In Africa. Th pttrw
llc Is now coming around to the view
that tho real cause of Germany's send
ing a warship to Agadlr and tlma
forcing urgotlatlona In regard to the
ongo on France, waa tha anger frit by
Germry when tha private nrgotlatlona
which had bean begun by Premier Call
laux were suddenly broken off.
Two Men and Three Women Are
Drowned Near Trenton, N. J.
Beaambed ay laid Ho la t aable.
I Make a sharp Tara aad Ma.
Southern Pacific
Men Charged With
Attempt to Bribe
REDDINa. Ca., Jan. 13-Ocorg- w.
Buah. attorney for tho Southern Pacific
company; J. J. llarrand and George TV.
Munderf, aecret agent of the road, were
arrested here today on Indlctmenta re
turned by the gru 1 Jury, following an
Inveatlgatlon of alleged attempted bribery
In the recent trial of Daniel Fleming, con
victed of manalaughter. Fleming waa a
railroad policeman. Tha charg against
hem In offering a bribe to Frank
Hooper, a negro convict on parole, to
gat him to change tha testimony he had
given In th Fleming trial.
Several Small Eiots
at Lawrence, Mass.
IAWUKNCB. Mas.. Jaa li-Sevoral
disturbances by dissatisfied textile oper
ative occurred bero thK afternoon. The
moat serious occurred when a number of
women workers objected to the cuts in
of their py envelopes. They re
monstrated with tha employers and when
ordered to leave resisted. On of them
was arrested on a charge of assault.
Miastlea wera thrown at the windows
of the Brerett mllla, breaking half a
dosen panes of glass. The crowd then
moved toward the Wood Woolen mllla
Chunk of lea were thrown and one man
wa arrested.
The Everett mills hut down at noon
for an Indefinite period. About (,400
operative In the city are on atrlka and
nearly as many more have been forced
Into Idleness.
court adjourned BotU Holiday iaorxtU)C. iContlwed, a Btoood, Pacta
DENVER, Col.. Jan. 13. -A posse la
earchlng tha outlying dlatrlct north of
Denver in search of a negro, who at-
tacked-Uas Ex fa Haslett, a school
teacher, 41 years old. on th prairie last
Ths negro called an employment agency
to telephone and represented himself to
be a Mr. Allen, who wanted a governess.
Mlas Haxlett was aent to the supposed
A regro. who met her when she alighted
from a nl. rajd he was the sen ant rent
to escort l;rr to th Allen h'me lie led
the way across the open prairie, where.
Fhe aald. he attacked her and choc bed
her to Insensibility. Regaining conscious
ness, she made her way to a nearby ranch
and told her story. Miss Haxlett came
Bar from PeoxiaylraBla,
TiiKNTO.V. x. J., Jan. li-Two man
and three women were drowned early to
day, when th automobile In which tbay
wera tiding ran on tha lea covering an
artificial at ream of ' water used by a
power plant outalde this city.
Tha men wer Donald Read, son of
former fiuprem Court Justice Alfred
Reed, and Cheater A. Van Wee, an auto
mobile salaaman.
Frederick M. Foater, a third man In tha
party, who was running tha automobile,
escaped drowning, but Is suffering from
exposure. Foster mskaged to escape from
tha machine after It had brhn through
th Ice and ran nearly a mil to get help.
Th accident happened at a point what
there pa a sharp bend In a road and II
I believed Falter had become numbed
from th raid aad 'ilia t ht wa unable to
control tha steering wheel.
Foater waa In another aertoua -acetdent
at New llrunewlrk aome months ago.
Two of the girts' bodies wars" soon got
ten out and to tha morgue her.
One wa Margaret Tlndall and lha other
Helen Mulvry, aald to be from New
Haven. Conn. Tho third I believed to
hav been Anna llaxle.
Foster, who Is at a roadhouae about
a mile from tin scene of tha accident, re
fused to give th name of tit women. It
la believed that they had been Invited
tu take a ride aa fnr aa Waahlngton
Cruaaiiig, N. J . a dlatanr of alx or seven
When Foster i each Ml tha roadhouae ha
waa roated with Ira and Is now In a.
critical condition.
All Men Well kaaai.
Fualar, the owner and driver of th car,
la a member of a well known Trenton
Th three men met tha threw women In
this city last night and went to the road
houae. aevaral mile north of lieie. On
the return trim the thermometer being
below serot th curtalna were buttoned.
Th member of the party had no ilianr
of tsrape when the machine, running at
a fast pace, audd nly left th mart and
plunged on the Ice covering the nilllrace
at Hrookvlllu
Fotcr went unler the. waters surfac.
but managed to struggi aahora.
Foater then went to a road house, a mile
away, and auinmonea i.eip. jie ta tnreai
nned with pneumonia and waa brought to
hla hoin-j here.
Up So noon only two bodies had been
recover jd. those of ths Tlndall and Mul
vey girls.
Former Justice Itced, father uf one of
lha victims of the tragedy, was heart
broken. Despite hla yeara and grief he
directed the efforta of the searchers.
The body of Donald Reed waa re
covered i- ra the water thla afternoon.
Thirty year ago Justice Reed s brother
waa drowned near thla spot through a
carriage accident.
London Suffragette is Unable to
Have it Left Out of tha
Wedding Lines.
t aaplala C aepaaaa at t kapel af
Rayal avy Makes Aaaatser
seat After Seeklag
LONDON. Jan. 13-The omission of th
word "obey" from a marries service
celebrated in church la Illegal and In
validate th ceremony according to a
sensational announcement mad by Iter.
Hugh Chapman, chaplain af th Chapel
Royal Savoy, this afternoon.
Before th altar stood Miss Una Dog
dale, daughter of Commander Dugdals
ad nlera of Vlacount Feel, with Victor
D. Duvaal waiting lo be married. Both
are prominent supporter of th militant
uffraglats, and they had decided that
th word "obey" shtuld be emitted from
th marriage aervlc and had communi
Baby Emperor and Imperial Family
to Retire to Jehol, Learing
Affairs to Ynan,
Empress Dowager Realises GoTem
' ment Helpless Without Aid. '
Hundreds of Women Commit Sui
cide la Fear of Bandits.
Premier Keeps Control in Peking
Soring Negotiations.
Offfatala of Aaaarteaa Shvy Dkf
patea Xiao Baadswd Mea la
Saaall Xaaabera Freaa Fallla-
Juat befor. th. tlm. approached VriJ'?"
Steamer Sinks Near
Helena; Two Drowned
MTTI.i; ItO'K. Ark.. Jan. U-Korout
from Marlaua. Ark., to Helena, the
ateamer Nettie Johnson struck heavy Ice
In Dike I.'ugullle and rank In twenty
five fast of water today. Two passengers
wera drowned. Fourteen others were res.
cued. They were badly froaen and are
In a ertous condition.
Th steamer left Marianne early today
for its regular trip to Helena There
waa much Ice In the river, hut no danger
was expected.
Three miles south of llarianna. heavier
ice cruatieo tne steamer a nuu ana it
eank In leas than five minutes.
Fourteen persons, including Captain
Johnson, his wife and eon. escaped, but
were too chilled to make any attempt to
return to Martanna.
Word of the disaster finally reached
Martanna and rescue partlea hurried to
the wreck. Tha aurrivors wer found an
a critical condition. Th two passenger
drowned ar said to bar been negroea.
the ceremony Key. Mr. Chapman sought
legal sdvfc and obtained a ruling which
la likely to Invalidate many man"! ogee.
Mlsa Dttgdale and Mr. Duvaal altar th
announcement by th chaplain decided to
walvo their objection and th mamas
ceremony proceeded.
Tha chaplain himself dlaapproved of the
compulsory ua of th word and prior
to thla evldem-o expressed th hop that
there would anon be an amended form of
marriage service, "rendering It poealbl
for Christian people to receive the Mew
ing of lha church without hurt to their
Attempts Made to
Kill Witness in
Morrow Case
CHICAGO. Jan. 13.-Th elate' at
torney' office, Investigating th killing
of Charle II. Moore, an Inventor, waa
today informed that three attempt had
been made to asaaaalnata Dr. Arthur W.
Morrow, nephew of Charle B. Morrow,
and one of Ilia witnesses who had testi
fied In tha preliminary heariug of the
widow. Mr. Ren Morrow..
Dr. Morrow aald that threw times he
had hearer bullet wbl by him. In addi
tion ha hid received a threatening let
ter telling him to cbang hi testimony,
ha said.
Argument will b mad Monday before
Judge Fak In th municipal oourt and
tha Judge will then decide whether
Mrs. Morrow should bo held to th grand
Taft Supporters in
Ohio Are Lining Up
COM.-UBUS, O., Jan. ll-Lwrenee K.
Ingdon, republican floor loader to tha
Ohio house of representative and man
ager of the Taft campaign In Ohio, today
began marshalling republican aupport for
th renomtnatlon" of President Taft. He
held several conferences with leader
here, but failed to tea either Walter F.
tirown. chairman of tha republican etate
central committee, or M. A. Karshner,
th local republican leader.
Brown, who Is a delegate to the con
stitutional convention from Lucas
county, left Thursday for Waahlngton.
wharo he expect to meet a number of
national leader In conference relative to
th proposed candidacy of former Presi
dent Theodore Pooeevelt, Befor leaving
Brown and Karshner conferred, and the
latter waa expected to visit Cincinnati
and Cleveland an political matters.
Bank at Newport
Beach, Cal., Robbed
Thre bandit Mew up tho Bare of tho
Stat Eank of Newport wtth mtre
glycerln early today, but tn a battle
wtth ejtiaen were forced ta drop their
loot, amounting ta about 32. SOS. befor
they got outalde of tha bank building.
One of the robber was wounded, but ail j
escaped. They are closely pursued by a i
PfTKlNO, Jaa. A-Ttio abdication of
tho thrort ha baa practically decided on
aad th retirement to Jehol will tak
plaoo Immediately. (
A prolonged meeting of tha principal
membara of tho government this after
aeon partly arranged th detail for th
Owing to th growing disorder ta the
provinoss. th Manohu prlneas at tha
Imperial clan, th Maacha official aad
tha soldiery agro that thla la th oaly
eoura open to th throne.
Th ni prase dowager, recognising that
th government hi powarlaaa without for
eign financial assistance, of which there
I bo hep, ha aaked Yuan Shi Kal to
conclude th beet poeslbls arrangement
la oanctloB with tho retlrament of th
Imperial family.
Premier Tuaa, Hsu Shin Chang, view
prsatdeat of th prlvr oounctl. and other,
govern meat leader met tkla afternoen
and dlsatuaed th beet mean for pro
viding for tho emperor aad tha amprta
dowagar, 'and autllned tho Bsoaeaary
ooawnaleatlos which would b made t
th rgpukUoatii. To aracslw lattase to
ramala la PeXlag and ssatntala aoatrol
pending fitat arrangements with taw we. .
W III appat Tata.
ready to support Tuan Hhl Kal. believing
h 1 the one strong leader eapablo of
grappling with th altuatlon, aapaalally
In view of th dlacord among tha repabll.
can leadara.
Dispatches received today from thaf
provina raport many murder aad the
looting and burning of house. Rrvfrad
of women are rommltUng suicide. In
fear of bandit, who ar committing all
klnda of atrorloua Crimea,
Tha armlatlc will expire January IS,
and It la therefor expected that abdica-,
tlon will be completed befor that data. '
Tha paler at Jnhel ha a been aulfldently '
restored to accommodate tho Imperial
Aaaerlraa Marlnea la rhlaa.
WAHH1NOTON. Jan. lt.-Nino hun.
dred men of th United State marine
corps, it was learned today, ar at
praaent lo China, dlepatoued then fmaa
th Philippine m email aomber alnr
last October. Tbo United h tales aa early
aa that data waa moving quietly tn prap-
era Uon for any eventuality tn Cam. ,
With thla marina fore and th battaUoa
of WS Infantryman now on It way, tha
United States will be well equipped for
It ahare of International work la China.
In October whan official and private
report from Admiral Murdoch, the commander-in-chief
of the Asiatic fleet aad
marine offlcera In lha tar east, wer
metre. by official her they began to
realise tho probable extant of tha dts
aff actio la China. Very 'quietly and
without awaiting any tnatructlon from'
th Stat department, a movement wai
begun ta strengthen th small force of
marine In China. At tliat tlma It coa
slated of only 37 enliated men and five
officers, comprising tha American legation
guard at Peking.
Utile by llltl reinforcement wera sent
forward. Only on detachment waa large
enough lo attract any attention. That
waa composad of fifteen of floe ra and '
about, 0o marine, coanmandod by Major
Ban non, which quietly allppod over from
Manila to Shanghai, whaee th mea now
ar quartered aboard a naval vessel.
ready to bo landed at a momant's notice.
Thar ar other amaller awtachawnt
aboard th cruiser Paratoga and oo aev
aral other naval vrs lying la Chinese
Although a full iwgimatit of marina '
ha been gathered In China wtthoat pub
licity and marina off wars are chuckling
over their anrraaa ta having at tha scat .
of trouble twice aa many men a the
army will have, avail after tha transport
Logan, .with tha detachment of tha
Fifteenth Infantry aboard, reach Chia-wangtao.
j Bert Kimball, who hastened to the
; bank, was mistaken for on of tit rob
XEW YORK-. Jan. 13,- The tlste con-. tni KriotuT wounded by William
vint lop to elect delegates ta the natioual i wri0 al-o wis woesded by th ba
republlran convention will he held in
Rochester on April . the republican Etate . t(,,r, tti dynamited the bank saf
committee decided today. Nicholas Mur-. tnr bandits robbed th poatoffle of lit
ray Butler, president of Columbia unl- I and cut every telephone wire trailing Into
verally, waa selected as temporary chair-1 tha Newport Beach oavchaog, located la .
sow of tba convention. I tha aamo bulldliig,
Boxes of
O'Brieni Candy'
Daizell's Ice
Cream Bricki
' Olvaa away aach day ta '
tha want ads to thoaa tUtdiag
ualr aamv.
Raad th waat ads oach
day, 11 wo sVaat got a arts
von will probably tiaat obm- .
Uilng dtartiawd that appeal
to you.
Eaea day thai prttaa ar
altered, no puxxla to olv B
subacrlpuoa tm cat aothicg
tat tladiag your pass, It Slu
appear toni tlma. .