Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 13, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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lHi-: BJE: OMAHA, &AlLKUAi, JAAtAitl' 13,1312.
In the Department
at Ons-Half Price
Saturday will be a day that will never be forgotten by any man or boy who visits the clothing department in Brandeis Old Store."" This
is a genuine half price sale where all our boys' and men's overcoats and suits are sacrificed at exactly one-half the former prices.
You can choose from immense assortments of the very best ready to wear clothing
that is made. The newest styles, the newest patterns, the best materials and work
manship in these overcoats and suits at exactly half the price of a. few weeks ago.
- f - -
Good, warm, stylish overcoats and suits m the
newest patterns. Everything in this group is strictly
up to date and of excellent wearing quality.
Choice el Our Men's
$5 Extra Heavy
Overcoats or Suits
Well made, good
II sizes; In
Unrestricted Choice of Any nnilil1
Doys' Overcoat or Suit PlilliE
Every mother will find in these clothes all the goodness, all the
style and all the wearing quality she can possibly expect in a service
able winter suit or overcoat for her boy. The prices are exactly
half what they have been all season.
Any Man's $301' or 535" S
Soil or Overcoat for . . .
In this (roup Is Included positively every high class over
cost snd suit In oar entire stock.
All the Rofers-Peet.'sll the Hlrsb-Wlcltwlre sad sll the
Rosenwall snd Well wakes blue serges, blscks, etc. Highest
grade, band-tsllored clothes made. '
Any Man's 510
Overcoat or Suit
All sizes In this lot Warm,
well made clothes ot good
quality; old .
1 store, St. ... . . .
Any Man's U
Overcoat or Suit
Hundreds of these, suits
not one Is worth less than
$20 all sizes, 'J
All Oar Boys'
Knickerbocker .Suits and
Russian Overcoats
Tnat Have Beee Selling f A nr
0 I 3
Rave Beee
at $2.51
Good quality suits that
will wear well and give
, fine satisfaction.
Choice et All Our Bore'
Knickerbocker Suits and
Unler Overcoats
That Have Bees Selling at $4
Russians, blouse and double breast
ed . suits for boys Overcoats are
warm, well made
and strictly up-to-date
Boys' Suits -
That bare been selling at $7.00
Tweed snd cheviot Knickerbocker
. suits ot good quality and up-to-date
Boys' Overcoats
That have beta selling at $7.00
Russisn Overcoats, sees 3 to 8, and
boys school overcoats,
ages t to 10,
at .' .'.
A3 Our Boys'
Overcoats and Suits
Of the 'highest 'grade. Fine all wool
materials In newest patterns, beau
tifully hand tailored; both suit
and overcoata .have been selling
regularly at 110.
Your, uarestrtcted )
choice Saturday,
at....... '..
2 Clearing Sals of
T.lanhaltan Shirts for Men
fQ the 11.50 and tt.75 Manhattan Shirts at f 1.15
Hi the $1.00 Mauhattan Sbirls at -S1.38
ill the $2.10 and $3 Manhattan Bhirta St.... $1.83
fit the $3.50 snd $5 Msnhattsn Shirts at.... 2.38
Sen's ISe Silk Hose at, pair. .............. ,15a
aita's extra heavy lined ft Gloves and Mittens, 754
wester Coats, worth up to $3.60, St. . . . . .2,50
Hn'i an4 boys
! till II 1 I I 1 lit Sweater
costs, at ...see
Men's snd boys'
11. so. Sweater
.Coal at.... ate
Mod's Ms Bhlrts.
basement, at Me
WINTER UNDERWEAR I !?!??, f J1!?. il?
Men's High Grade
Undershirts, Drawers and Union Suits, in medium
bargains ever offered in Omaha.
Alt the Men's Shirts and Drawers, Imported wool .
and silk and wool; worth up to $6 garment,
.... $2.98
. All- the Men's Imported Wool Underwear, worth
$4.00 and, $6.00 a garment, at $2.25
All the Men's Wool and Worsted Underwear, worth
$3.00 and $3.50 a garment, at. ...... .$1.75
All the $2.50 and $3.00 Wool Underwear, at, per
garment .v i $1.50 n $1.25
Broken lots ot Men's Wool snd Wool Fleeced
' Undershirts and Drawers, worth up to $1.00; st,
per garment .......... -501
and heavy winter weights, at the greatest
All the Wool snd Silk and Wool full fashioned
I Union Suits; values Op to $6, at, a suit.. $3,50
All the fine Worsted Union Suits; $4.60 and $5.00
values, at, a suit...... ....... ,.....:$2.50
All the Wool snd Bilk Mercerized Union" 8ults, $3
and $3.60 values, at. a suit .,$1.88
All the $1.00 and $2.50 Winter Union Suits $1,49
Men's Undershirts and Drawers In wool and
fleeced; worthy up to $1, in basement, at 39
and. ........
-.. J...
soft snd stiff hats thst have been selling at $3.00,
$3.50 and $3.00, at
All the men's and boys' Winter Caps, fur under-
lands; values up to $1.60, at 25tt nd 45
AU the odds and ends ot boys' and children's Hals
..and caps; values up to 50c, at 10t
All the boys' and children's 7 Be Hats at.. 25
$1.00 Aviation
eaps for women
and children;
specially priced'
at ....I.39C
From: Our.' Near Neighbors
hll of the now condenser plant. The
""Dud will bo hold out Friday nliht.
Mro. Louis Lesleur, Mr. John iiearue,
Miss Maud Corey, at. 1. 81 rf. Henry
Niemann and J. R. Wilson ara all con
valescing with Mrs. Carl Niemann
merely tioidini her own.
e Artlaisa J '
7 W. O. ffetffer maoo a trip to Omaha
an Monday. "
Holly Kakin waa a bualneas Ylattor to
aVmaiia on Tuesday. '
nehmetil Hrotlirra shipped - a ear of
XWs to South Omaha Monday.
Prof. It V, Qarrelt of HcrUinef was a
Jlsllor at the hish school thta week.
A baby rlrl wu born to Mr. and Mrs.
Merman Junfblutk on Monday of thta
D. t. Mummert eamo from fllalr aton
ey on buaionw connoctod with' ht
Jiato bank.
C. I. Tan has arrtd hla farm anuth
wf town and on January 14 will bold a
)ublle sale.
I no cutting has cnmineno4 hro acr.
Jral loada of vrry fltw twolvo-lnch l
(avo bcn baulrd through town.
Mlao Vara McVr'y dfpartl Wadnoxtar
J.r Htorkton, III., where aha will
Jiatt frltnds for n f'W wooka
o Frd Hrnmnan waa In B'alr.Mnndav
attetidanoe at tho meeUlif ot tha
Jl aabinctoa coonty commlaatunera.
Mra, T. K. Wroh returned bom lat
Vaturdar from Madison, whero ah had
Il'-m vlsltl&s her laurcnts sine th holl-
Sletrhlnf was never bettar her than
la now and thoee havliuc fleigha and
leda ar out wjuylns It In nplta ot th
xid waauiar. ...
T. K. Morley waa railed to Hampton.
la., on Wednesday where ho will vlfjt
la brother. H. O. Morley, who Is lylug
. cry low wun pneumonia.
John Strobe beaan worklnc this week
Sn tha blacksmith shop, of K. O Mrnk
tt:S. Mr. feHrob t'comea from Madlsun
u.d expects u move bis tanuly bar
and waa fined M and Costs by Judge
tiler in ooumy court .
'Rv. Mr. Mallerbenr and Mr. Peter HII-J-nksirtp
were at (liuaha Ttieedar where
etaey ylalted Herman UieeoeJman who Is
t an Omaha hoaiHlal recovennf from
Jin oporatloi.
Rev. J. H. Barnett preached hla last
ermoai In the Congregational church last
unday venlng. Ho with Mra, Barnett
iKIwte to depart If i point soar Houa
tun. Tea-, In a few days.
" Ttfo blowing out of a mud ralr In on
7f th boilers of th steam beat ins plant
Moused a shutdown for a few- hour
-4..n.1ay. Ftremnn E. H. Kelt who waa
landing In front of tho boiler, was
ovorely scalded by tha steam but at
resnl is setting along very nicely.
: lalr.
m TA Bunting was In Eagl Grove, la.,
asVrf Sunday.
Th Blair firemen cleaned up to) with
S r homo talent show oa last Friday
evening. i
Mlsa Lucy Clausen, clerk In th P!,-rt
aakery, was taken to Omaha Wednesday
T be operated on for appcndldtia,
R. M. Pnbble, editor of th Kennard
9nterprls, and wife, spent last Hunday
'tn hla brother of tha Blair Tribune
J Mlaa Margaret Woods of Lincoln ta
Sot for a short vtait with her aleter.
cli'aa Ruth Wooda. teacher In tit city
a -Mr. and Mra. Orvlrte Butler of D-
Mich., spent several day visiting
Ivlth M.t. Butter s parents, Mr. and Mra.
t. v urcn.
I -A pair of twin girts wu born to Rev.
end Mra. P. F. McClure last Wednesday.
Kv. Mr. McCIur la paaur of to Fre
iHouaodlat eaurctt.
r iienrr Rnwc a former resident of this
Scmnty. who baa been living la Omaha
Jur several years, baa bought property
-and will make hi bom an Blair.
t At th annual meeting ot th Blair Mu
t.Lai Tephon company on Wednesday
"II.. officers elected were John Biaea.
prestdeot: Frank gebwefer, vie president.
anl lienry rtonwer. ireavurer. -
. Mra. HarrtH MacMurptiy, deputy food
"ppector, ffWd a oompualnt agalnet John
ills, a botcatr of Hr-wan. for selling
Ufteased meat Will cam to Blair
-ocaojr, pleaded guUtjr f the eharg
C. B. Nichols auem several days In Co
lumbus laal week.
airs. Harry Coi rington, who has beta
quit. Ill, Is impiovuig siowly.
Mlsa Morrow returned from her vaca
uu me urst of th week and la at work
again In Krway'a drug store.
bum pearl Mexican waa elected to fill
tha vacancy In th grammar room and
began teaching 'tuesuay afternoon.
Mia Vardllla Klc gav a very enjoy
able birthday paity in honor of her
seventeenth birthday riaturday evening.
Dr. livers and Dorothy returned Fri
day from eneiidlna the' hulldeye With
Mra. Uyara at e.lver city. N. it li
re puna Mra. atyare Improving nicely.
Th Valley camp, Wooumen of th
World, held an opes meeting. Installing
their newlv elected otflcera. Ketresli-
mrnU were served snd a general sood
time Is reported.
The Independent Order of Odd Fellnwa 1
of. Valley Installed newly elected officer
Ihursdsy evening: A. J. McDonald,
noble srand; C. 1J.- Nichols, past noble
I rand: I'iuwter Miller, vice grand: Mona
ohnson.' secretary; John Monahaa,
treasurer. The Installation waa followed
by refreshment and a social Urn.
Th Independent Order of Odd Fellow
of Valley Installed the following newly
elected officer Thureoay venlng: A. J.
MelJonald, noble grand; 0. B. Nlchola.
past noble grand; Chester Miller, vice
grand: Mons Johnson, secretary; John
Monahan, treasurer. The Installation waa
followed by refreshments and a social
Th regular monthly meeting of th
"Busy Heea" was held at Hubbard a hail
Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Nela John,
eon. Mra. Fry. Miee Marlon Whitrnore,
Mr. iugh and Mrs. Mclnene were re
ceived aa new mem hem. Mrs. Fit Herald,
Mrs. rtmllh, Mr. Warner and Mra. Foo
ter served refreshments ta over 111 mem
bers and guu preecut'
Th annual meeting of th stockholder
and dlrectora of the Valley litete bank
waa held In the bank -mil 1,11 rig Monday.
The following director were re-eieciea:
C I. Itosera. J. H. Wllllama, Frank
Whltmote. Mona Johnson and F. C. Ken
nedy. Thee officer were slo re-elected:
rrestdent t . I - iwen; vice preeiueu.
Frank Whitrnore. and ,F. C. Kennedy
1 Elkherw. -
TamI a retrlslered from tl
to n derree below aero Friday morning.
January 12.
vn rharlee vtetta of Benson vt sited
her mother. Mr.' Uinadale, Wednesday
and Thursday.
m a Volte lost one of hla valuable
black horse -this week. Th animal waa
sick but a few. hour. -
Mr. and Mra. J. B. Fat returned Sat
urday from a two weeks' vacation -at
Weeping water, wanoo ana outer puwes.
Mrs J. W. Housley went to th erty
Haturdav and visited until Sunday wit
theThvrrias Hcclenegliaa family at th
county hoipltat
Th sever cold epeil of th last two
weeka I playing havoc with th water
works, msnv pipes being frown, also th
cellars are treealng. a number losing their
appiea and potatoes.
' Mrs. H. A. Moeke'man entertained the
C. C. e.ub Thursday. Mra. J. M. tlrun
ner woo first prise and Mrs. Milk con
solation. A very delicious lunch was
served by th hostess.
Mrs. William Folti rnd child returned
to rbetr home at ieereka tity naturaay
after several weeks' visit with Mrs.
Feng's parents, Mr. and Mr. J. Ooen
nder. Mrs. Odenrtder accompanied tltem
home and will remain for aom time.
A birthday party was given Otto Niel
sen Friday night.
A. U Bpearn-ei of Dawea county was
In town tin wk.
H. C. Mumoiu left for his home St
Wayside, Neb., Friday.
Ice la two feet thick in Schaal's Ice
pond and la atlU freealng. - .
U A. Thlemen has Bold hla Interest la
the local meat market to I C. Oldrrog.
W. R Prugh, formerly of Springfield,
but now residing In rilnkln. alo., waa hers
thla week. I y
Th Methodist Ladles' Aid society gav
a dinner at th horns of Charles Kirk.
Patrick Friday.
The Farmers' Institute will be held
riaturday at the opera house. A good
program Is scheduled.
The Thompson-Davidson grading outfit
-am in front Parkvllle. Mo., where tt ha
been grading a railroad between Ht.
Joseph and Kanaas City. It will resum
work when sprng opens-
- Irvlaatea. ..........
Mlaa Andrews of Iowa Is visiting with
Mrs. 8. A. Bates.
Mlaa Clara Hrndrlckaon has recovered
from a abort tllneaa.
Mlsa Andrewa of Iowa spent Saturday
night with Cora Klcharda.
C. I RVhsll returned Friday svmlng
from a abort visit In Lincoln.
M1as Mamie Wooda has been confined
to her horn for a abort Urn with a bad
Mlaa Florence Richards waa tha victim
of a surprise party last faturday evening
when a number of her friend gathered
to celebrate her birthday, Th evening
waa pleaaantly apent In games and con
Luther Cobber of Beatrice snent a few
day laat week at tha borne of hla aunt
Mra. U. C. Krata.
The Christian Women's Board of Mis
sions will hold Ita monthly meeting In
connection with th annual business
meeting and that of th church which
ha been postponed until nest Monday.
Fred Augustus mad a trip to Beaver
Crossing laat week.
Herbert Rigs wa home from hi uni
versity work over riaturday night, return
ing Sunday night
Mr. and Mrs. C F. Sutle and children
of Belleville. Kan., are visiting Jacob
Christiansen Snd family. ;
Isaac Rhode and family arrived the
latter part ot laat week from Washing
ton awl are settled again in their own
Mr. T. W Lewla of Harrison. Neb.,
mother of Mr. Frank Coatea. who waa
visiting bar daughter and family a couple
ot weeka, left tor bom Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Bergs t mm of Kimball
county and their baby girl have been
visiting st the home of Mr. Bergstrom's
parenia. Mr. and Mrs. 8. T. 8umner, fur
two weeks.
Mrs. J. O. Harrington went to Mil
waukee last week to welcome tha eon and
heir born to Mr. and Mra. Claude Lutton.
the latter being formerly Mlaa Jeasi
Harrington. i .
Mrs. J. H. Pederaen, whs wss visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mra, K. Jacobeon.
waa called to Orand Island Monday to
meet her son. Douglas, who waa coming
from th ranch la Wyoming. . -
Mrs. Grace Wheeler cam from Omaha
Monday vnlng for a visit with her re
latives. Joining her grandmother. Mrs, C.
Met The Utter bad been with tor
daughter, Mrs. A. H, Campbell, since the I day, after spending several .weks -with
Christmas holidays. her pa rente. Mr. and Mrs. H. Koch.
Mlsa Anna Luenenberg visited In
Omaha Wednesday.
William Von Dohren, sr., apent Tues
day in the city.
Mlsae Margaret snd Else Slert went
to Omaha Thursday.
Miss Kena Wltta spent Sunday at her
home near Elkhora.
Kdward Shunt of Omaha waa a Mil.
lard visitor Saturday.
Mlaa Minnie Delfs waa a attest of tha
Johanaen family at Omaha laat week.
Mlsae Amanda and Auauata Nelson
ar attending business college at Omaha.
Henry Teg of Weston. Neb.: haa been
visiting his parent. Mr. snd Mrs. Mike
es ....
Mrs. Carl Solomon left for Oilorao
last Thursday, where ahe will Join Mr.
Solomon, woo has seen there tor several
Mrs. Chris Dahmk gav a party last
Tuesday evening in honor ot Mr.
Dahmke'a birthday. Cards were stayed
snd deHclous refreshment served.
Mlsa Grace Rock returned to ' her
school duties st Ui htearney Normal Sun-
ra pi 11 tea. -
Mra. Minnie '8mtth wa. granted aa
abeoiut divorce from Ray Smith Satur
day. Tha yoweger class held th first of a
series cf dance Friday nigbl ia the
At this season of tho year, when the ground and
street car platforms are, be covered. with snow or
ice, especial care should be taken by passengers in get
ting on and off cars. . ;
Wait Until the Car Stops
Get olf in the Right Way
Omaha & Council Bluffs
Street Railway Company
Elk City. . '
Prof. E. E. Odell and Mrs. Odell are th
proud parents ot a little girl baby since
Saturday night. Mother and child ar
mg well.,
ABERDEEN. 8. D., Jsn. tt-8pcial.)
With th settlement of the Indian res
ervations ths big hards of cattl are dis
appearing from South Dakota to give way
to the farmer with a few bead of cows.
In place of ths cattle baron with his
thousands. As a, consequence many of
th old-tlm cowboys ar finding ,th in
occupation gone. Pour of th former well
known cowboys of the Cheyenne River
reservation auccumbed to th buvltabl
laat week snd rather than forsake th
lir they had grown to love they psssad
through Aberdeen oa their way to Gal
veston, wbere Uiey will embark for Brasll
and will eecure employment oa big cattle
ranges which ar being opened up by
Mirrdo Mackenzie, president of the Mata
dor Cattl company. Ths members of
ths party are Clarence Wilson. Paul An
deraon. Dick Holder snd "Snoop" Edwards.
PARIS, Jsn. lt-Lesn Bourgeois today
declined ths task of forming a cabinet,
tendered by President Falllerea. Presi
dent Falllerres today ssked Tneopnii
Delcaasa to form a cabinet.
M. Delcaasa declined th premiership
and President Palllerres sent for Senator
Raymond Polncare, a former minister of
public works snd minister of finance.
The remsrkable savings our Annual Dinner wire 'Bale offers has been taken advantage of by
hundreds of Omaha women. We offer roll aew. up-to-date Dinner Seta at prices far below our nsual
low prices. Ereiy set Is from our regular stotk snd can be replenished year after year. Thla sale
includes sll our English; Trench; Swedish. German, 8yraense and all our English and Domestic l'or
celsln. Only a few of the bargains are shown nere. - ,
Sale Begins
Jan. 13th;
, Jan. 19th.
ix' ff.ewiKv.'5ty
I OO-Piece Austria China IMnoer
, Seta Lavishly treated with coin
gold; regular price la 136.00
now 225.00
lOO-Hec Frrach t Til ma IMasww
SKa Regularly worth 58.eO;
special at S38.50
lOO-Piere French China Dinner
Sets A very handsome service;
, worth regularly S.00. sale
prlca , $39.50
20 Discount
on AH Onr
Open Stock.
lOO-Pleca Synsrase China Dinner
Bets Beautifully decorated
regular price 3.6Q; sale price,
only 824.85
lOO-Pter Byrwrase China Dtaaeri
Sets Beautiful patterns. wUrtb
regularly ftS.00. bow $29.50;
too-Piece rench China lhaacr
fete Wide bands of encrusted
gold, worth (138.00, special
at ....$05.00
tOOPlecw Dinner Sets Fine do
mestic porcelain, new shapes
worth 13.85, now S9.S5
100Plece English Dinner Bete
Conventional designs; former
price was 118.50, now $13.50
100-Piece English Dinner Sets-
White and gold; worth $19.?3;
Pedal at $14.S5
Cut Oat This Coupon.
:A handsome 7-Inch Fruit Plate, daintily decc:
rated with assorted roses: delicate, creamy :
; background; for this coupon and .... 10
An Extra Sale Special.
1 Fine 13-piece English Roast Sets, 13 dinner
plates, 1 large platter; at, per set, A qq