Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 13, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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    Young Man, Gel Next to This
Sampeck Clothes Are
Now Discounted
The rich, handsome fabrics, the inimitable tailoring,
and the neat gentlemanly styles which have made Sam
peck famous the country over.
No need to make your old coat "do" an
other eeaeon got into one of these warm Sam
pecks right now and save 25c on every dollar
of the pnrchase price. '
tlaM Suits or Overcoats . .' '. .$11.25
$18.00 Suits or Overcoats $13.50
$20.00 Suits or Overcoats $15.00
$22.50 Suits or Overcoats $16.87
$25.00 Suits or Overcoats $18.67
$28.00. Suits or Overcoats . . $21.00
$30.00 Suits or Overcoats $22.50
$35.00 Suits or Overcoats $26.25
Fur Caps and Gloves Now Discounted
14 00 Coney 83.25
.S Seal $5.00
17. Blended Minlt G.OO
f lt. Racnoon $8.00
Gloves $2.20
)5.00 Gloves $4.00
.oo Gloves $4.80
IS.50 Glove $6.75
14.00 Clove, lined with lamb's
wool , $3.25
$1.00 leather mltteni, wool lined, now $1.50
II. 10 leather mlttem, lamb's wool lined $2.00
l. I leather mittenn. Iamb i wool lined - $2.75
Um eltyg poor was la-
SIOUX OTT. la, Jan. lKWirtaa
with t hskrw, was the ooloeet saint o
South Dakota, Flsrre reported M below,
MMcaen, SI; gesex rail, a.
, Celt at Fart DWif,
FORT DODUK, la., Jaa. tt-8pecial
Ts(eamm.-Thirty-flvs below la official
Untanna temperature for Utli city.
B soars at Wehaie City.
WKIWTKB Cmr. Ja, Ju. H.-The
thsrasemeter raalstared forty-tiro degree
below are at I e'eiock thia avornlng the
eoldsat siae any raeards have been kept,
rreurht Is at a standstill and the city
la threntseed with a seal famine. The
railroad kava saoved nothing kut par
lahabis stuff foe almost two weeks and
ensay tewat la northern lews are get
tlnf lew ea staple groceries. The schools
were eloatd today aa aeeonnt of the
weedier which Is unprleedented. . .
' Modaeail i la Meataaa.
ALT tAKB C1TT. Utah, Jan. Ill
The extras sold moderetsd throughout
eatrel sad weotssa Montane today, al
though Havre aUII reports B below sera,
t'aias) raetde trains frost the east ware
Baa tea ta twelve hoars late.
- OeMaet ta Twenty-Three Tear.
SIOUX CITT, la, Jan. It Thirty-flva
degrssa katow era, the tenperature re
aerded today, broke all records for eotd
weather la Wetot City during the past
twenty-three years. The previous reo
erd was talrtyene dsgrses below, ea Pee-
ruary 11, 1Mb, The weather bureau ret
ards go back ealy twenty-three years.
The eseeeatvs cold brought suffering
In many forms. The Slous City schools
were dismissed at noon, because the nest
ing plsnts eould not eope with oondl-floss.
Threat of Strike . ,
Raises Price of
Coal in England
LONOO.V, Jan. li-The final ballots of
the Ensiled coal miners for or against a
national strike, hlrh will affect P90 M0
men, are being east this afternoon. It U
already known that the results will show
a vote everwhelmlncty r favor t a
trtke. A full swot waver, mutt
elapse before the en-Iks' out beoome ef
fective, as the miners sis anSwn agree-'
meat to glvs sot Ire to qett work.
The Indications are that should a strike
reeult the Transport Workers' federation
will bark up ths miners by refusing to
handle the coal which both America and
Oermany are reported to be preparing to
send hers la kuge quantities.
The price of seal was raised 71 easts
ta M cents per ton at a meeting of the
members at the Coal exchange today.
, General Ledgers of Morris & Co.
i Placed in Evidence.
Praasratlaa la Trylac ta Skew that
Allewaacee far By-Prodeeta
Are Tea Lave Other
Beeke Mlselag.
CHICAGO, Jan. lT-Further details of
the bookkeeping methods employed In
the freak meat business were given todsy
la the trial at the Chicago packeri
charged with maintaining a combination
la restraint of trade.
The general ledgers of Harris A Co.
from last to were takes before I'nlted
Stales District Judge Carpenter, and
items showing the allowances credited
for byproducts were read to the Jury by
I the district attorney In an effort to prove
the government's contention that these
allowances sre inadequate.
The government's attempt to. show by
the intricate method of accounting em.
ployed that the systems of the different
packers were practically uniform.
eevsrai witnesses who have been ax-
I emitted stated they were unable to rec
ollect the details of the allowances for
byproducts to which they had previously
testified by a federal grand Jury.
They declared that many of the books
and records which the government de
sires to use In the present case and which
were produced before the federal grand
Jury In a rebating Investigation a sal est
the packers la lit bad disappeared.
When Harry A. Timmlaa, chief account
ant for Morris A Co., resumed the wit
ness stand he brought with him the cor
poration's general ledgers for 1M7 to Bis,
Inclusive, for which ths government had
District Attorney Wllkerson Inspected
the books before continuing ths direct
examination of the witness. The witness
declared that the cost of killing cattle
wss higher than ths charge of tt1 a
head skowa by the books, but that this
was adjusted later when ths actual Items
of expanse were available
Casts Beaks Taken I " Vaalts. '
Kmll W. Schmula, sa oocountent la
charge of figuring the beef coat for Mor
ris Co., was the neat witness.
It developed that Morris ft Co. need t
"dressed cost" In determining the selling
price of fresh meat, while Armour A Co.
use a "teat" system.
"When did yon last see the eoet books
for IMS. UN, 1M and lmr
1 do not remember," replied Schmula,
Did yon ever sea them after they were
takea from the federal building In Wr
"Tea; I saw thsra once In the office
"Did you do anything with them!"
"I cut out some blank pages."
Asked what was dons wtlh them after
that, ths witness said Dick Ellis, "a
handy man around the office, took them
a a ay and hs never saw them afterward."
"Where la Ellis nowT"
"lis is dead."
Schmula said the bound sheets used In
figuring the dressed cost of beef In Mor
ris A Coe offices were alwaya destroyed
a few weeks alter they were compiled.
as there waa no further use for them.
TO CTjlts) A CUi.O l Asl pT
The key to success la business at the
Judicious and persist sot ase ef newspaper
Take 1.AXATIV MtOMO tjulnln. Tab-
s. urugsiets eeiuaa mosey if it lane
sure. ., w. titu ti a siaoatige is ua
tad) bus, ' Be. -
Half-Yearly Event Continued
' Semi-Annual Reductions
on Metropolitan Clothing
Browning, King (L Co.
We knew that the Announcement of this Event would bring to our Seventeen Sttres
many Customers anxious to take Advantage of the Reductions on the kind f CUth'
ing we sell. These geois are not made up for "Sale" Purposes, but consist of the
balance of the broken lines of Fancy Suits and Staple Overcoats.
Formerly $18 and $20, now $14.50
Formerly $22 and $25, now i . . . .$18.50
Formerly $28 and $30, now $22.50
Formerly $32.50, $35.00, $40.00, now ....$25.00
All Staple Overcoats, consisting of Black and
Oxford Cheviot, Vicunas and Kerseys.
Formerly $15 and $18, now $12.50
Formerly $20 and $22, now .$14.50
Formerly $25 and $28, now ' $18.50
Formerly $30, $32.50, $35.00, $40.00, now.. $24.50
Mixed with these Fancy Suits are a few broken
lines of plain Blacks and Blue. , '
BrQWiiingKing & Cq
R. S. WILCOX, Mgr.
15th and Douglas Streets.
Store Closes at 0 O'clock Saturday Evenings.
Iswt Xewa Xetee. .
ARLINGTON The itaptut church was
completely destroyed by fire jart nlicnt.
It m not knows now the tire originated,
ss ths aulklins was In flamee wuen tne
lire wss discovered. The lose Is ,.
Insuranee, it.OuO.
GRANT The l-veareM dauttater of
Jamea HoiKhls, living three miles south
east at lews, wss probably fatally
burned last sveeitnf. She had filled a
lantern with kerosene and spilled some
tm her rlothlnf. When ehe lighted the
lantern her clothes tausht fir and be
fore It eould be estlnculshed she was
fearfully burned. Her mother suffered
severe burns on her hernia and arms In
the effort to save her daughler e lite.
Unci Jnd TUnki mcKorj
Might Straighten Hatter.
Oh la's Cetera or Tells Deseeerafe la
1 East St. teals si Road ta sal
vat Ion fee- the lalte
EAST 8T. MlfleV IlL. Jan. It-"Ob.
for aa hour of Andrew Jackson!" This
wish lor las resurrection o( the tariff and
economy' policies of President Jackson
summarised the views of Governor Judson
Harmon of Ohio la a speech tonight be
n th nemorratle club heie. The oc
casion wss a celebration of the one hun
dredth anniversary of the battle of New
Orleans In the war of Wit
'Jacksoa urged a gradual reaucuon oi
tariff Uaes." saM the governor, evr
dally on necessaries, at a time when
ih. wera levied mainly for revenue.
When recently ws saw aresldant lad.
against his Just Inclination, to sign and
praise a tariff bill which broke his own
I his aartr'a aronuee 01 reionn, ui
then In the fate or ms sxpresa ""-
ttenm Into bills tor ted notions passed by
(Tss andtr direct rommana or ibsj
voters of the entire eo entry, men every
where earlahned. aa they did la the days
of the vadllatuu Buchanan, "Oh. for one
hour of Andrew Jackson!' " I
The aovarner attaeksd ths financial
eoocy ef the three last repuhllces admin
IstraUons aa having Increased the fed era
sutler from ., every iwo year
ta snore than B.M.e.tlO, each year. H
devoted most attention, however, to wha
he described as 'one ef the worst abuse
m hlstory"-erraagm tariff taxes ea a.
ta enable favored manufacturers to col
act from the pubUe a much larger sum
Tel. o. toia
Batraaoe oa Court
1510 Douglas
Special Purchase of 500 Dresses
On Saie Saturday Morning at 8 O'clock, together
with our Great Final Clearance of Stylish new
Dresses that Sold at $15, $17.50 (Q)Q
and $19.50 for. ipO.O
We place on sale Saturday a remarkable purchase of 500 dresses in con
nection with onr great final clearance of dresses in oar regular stock that sold as high as $15.00, $17.50 and
19.50. Yon will find a wonderful selection of Serges, Bedford Cords, Corduroys, Silks and Chiffon Dresses in
all sizes and colors. Every garment is absolutely new for style and material This big purchase added to our
splendid stock makes this the '
Greatest Clearance of Dresses in the History of our Store
Our Entire Second floor will be devoted to this great salle. Ti j to be here early. Sale starts promptly at 8 o'clock.
Our Great Annual Clearance Sale
' is now at its height Everything in our entire stock nothing reserved-
nothing excepted
At Just Half Price
. . Owing to the heavy demand for Blue Serge Suits, Plush Coats and
Tur Coats we bought and have just received a large shipment of these
goods. All these have been placed In our regular stock and are included
in this wonderful half-price clearance. .
Blue Serge Suits at Half Price. Plush Coats at Half Price. Fur Coats and Furs at Nearly Half Price.
thsa H4W.eM,m for their own benefit.
"It Is significant that ths gherraaa anti
trust Isw aaa the McKlnler tariff law
were under consideration at ths ssme time
and passed at the same session," he said.
'That tariff law went far beyond earlier
laws In ths bestowal of special favors.
There was plain warning of its evil ef
fect, and ths leaders did not dare face
the country on It without a law to pre
vent stifling ths competition from ablch
grest benefits were promised to ths peo
"It Is said that an ounce of prevention
Is worth a pound of cure. la this Instance
It would have been worth a ton, for the
Sherman law was olstlnctly a preventive
Ths first step surely must be to re
deem the tariff from Its perverted use
and restore It to Its proper place as a
revenue measure by gradual reductions
so that all concerned may have time to
prepare for the change. With the chief
csuss of ths troubls thus removed I be
lleve ws shall make our way aafiy back I
to normal conditions,"
BEATRICE, Neb., Jan. ttWfpeclal.r-
County Assessor Hemphill yestsrdsy
Uled with ths board of supervisors a
request to appoint W. W, Wright, former
county treasurer, as his deputy. Mr.
Wright, It Is understood, will be a can-
dldate for assessor next tall. Miss
Jessie pyrtle waa allowed tioe for clerk
hire In the office.
Mrs. Victoria Waxham, an old resident
of Oage county living four and a hall
miles northwest ef Beatrice, died last
evening, aged 74 years. 8he Is sur
vived by her husband, James Wsxhsm,
and eon William.
Daniel Kngle, aged F7 years, and Miss
Amanda Paulson; sged IS years, were
married la county court Thursday by
Judge Walden.
Beatrice Camp No. 27, Modern Wood
men of America, met Thursday evening
and Installed thess effleers: - Daniel
Denneby, venerable consul; D. C. Rsmbo.
advisor; W. L Lelfht, banker; T. J.
Hardy, clerk; D. A. Wiley, escort: O.
P. Ralston, trustee: 1. lawls Webe, C B.
Curry, O. H. Brash and T. M. Triplet t.
physic lens; H. R. Thomas, watchman;
R. ft De Lay, sentry. Ths affair was
brought ta a close by the serving of
aa oyster supper.
All records for cold weather were
broken for this winter when the temper
ature dropped down So M degrees below
aero this morning. Since January 1
.here has been only one night thst the
temperature haa not fallen below the
aero mark.
H. A. Miller, who recently assumed
charge of ths Paddock hotel, has greatly
mproved the appearance of the place.
Mrs. A. H. Coon, who has been In
charge of the hotel for the last few
years, will leave aoea with her family
for Laurel, Mont., where they will lire
ea a reach.
. ' v 1 V-
Your wife deserves a
pearl necklace
Buy her one merely aa an fnTegtment K tor
nothing elae. Th demand la greater now than
have ever known and the price of fine pearls are
steadily increasing.
A really fine necklace becomes a fa sally treasure
that all take pride in. It gives people a better 1m-
presalon of your social and business standing. It'a
a real asset.
Beat of all, It selves, the "What-to-glve-vour-wife"
problem once and for ail. J oat add a pearl
or two on any occasion that requires a gift. Look at
our pearl necklaces offered at $709, 1 1,000 and up
ward. Albert Edholm
Sixteenth aad Jtarner.
(Proas a Staff Correspondent.)
BEATRICE, JVeb.. Jan. U- Special
Teiesranv ) Governor C. H. Aid rich wss
ths ariadpal speaker at the Men's broth
erhoed banquet held la tne Christian
church thia evening, which was attended
ay about sax Hie subject, a rather un
usual one for a man In political i..e, was.
"The Mental Biography of ths Kssareae."
He snowed that he had gives the subject
much study snd his address wss one of
the best ever heard here.
At noon he was entertained at dinner
by Senator aad Mrs. Peter Jansea and
la the afternoon he visited the InstHate
for the Feeole-Minded sod the plant of
Desnpater MIU Maaufartarmg eosa.
asay. where hs gave aa address oa the
snJhject, 'A Square Deal la Business.'
DKJ ,":R. Cole, Jsn. I2.-Wbetber
Sherman W. Morris, alias Frank Sher
ehffe. will be freed from the penitentiary
at Caaoa nty, where ha ta sin lag a
term for murder, depends upon the action
of the governor. When the pardon board
met today twa ei'inbois favored grant-
lag the pardon, while eoe stood eat
sgsinst Um inutomd action. Governor
Shsrrath Is said te be epeoeed ta re
leastng ffharcJirfs sad. K Is generally
Bettered, will decline to tesas the pardon.
Key te the Situation-Bee Advertising.
Suits and Overcoats to Measure $17.50
Reduced from $25.00 to $28.00
Our lUg Stock Kedoclng Sale reduces the price on every Suite
Ing and Overcoating In our store 16 to 40.
$40.00 Cults and Overcoats to mens tire for....; $25.00
feS.OO Bulls snd Overcoats to measure for.... S3000
JVO.oo Suits sb J Overcoats to measure for.....; 83500
930.0O Butts and Overcoats to mesaure for 820.00
All ork made In our own shops. Every coat carefully tried
on In the bastings; and every garment well lined snd guaranteed
perfect in fit and style.
MacCarthy-Wilson TaUoring Co.
Five Steps South of Farnain
Safe Robber Opens
Oklahoma Strong
Box for Treasurer
OKLAHOMA CITT, Oki., Jan. 11-Paul
Hayes, accused of several safe robberies
in Oklahoma City, gained entrance to
ths state's strong box yesterday under
official supervision.
When State Treasurer Dunlop tried the
combination the vault door did not re
spond. Experts were called, but their ef
forts were without result. Hayes "
brought from" tne prison st Tecumseh.
After a few minutes' manipulation Hayes
bad ths safe, which ta equipped with a
time lock and burglar proof appliances,
open and the state funds st the disposal
of the treasurer. Before hie arrest, Hayes
ss employed aa a safe expert.
BOYD'8 f"-' ?f?!
Bad. A-33S
TOVlJn S4T. xUTTfll
sosjera sujmam nr
The Leva TaJe. of Hotfmann
n Troratare
Coming Sae. Ta. Boaesaiaa Slrl
Wllklns, who waa convicted of the mur
der of Mrs. Vernie Carmen, with whom
he eloped from Kansas city In 19SI. was
hanged at San Q two tin prison at HVIi a.
m. today. Ths body was pronounced desd
sad taken from the scaffold at 10:.
WUxlns made the following statement
to the warden:
"I want you to ssy for ma. as my last
words en earth, that I am an innocent
n and bavs ae fear of death. Express
my dees gratitude te those who hsvs been
active In trying to secure a pardon."
KANSAS CITT. Jan. li.-Mrs. Vernie
Carmen, for whose death Frank A. Wll
klns waa exeeated today, waa the daugh
ter at Henry P. Linderman, a hotel pro-,
prletor at Sheffield. Mo., a suburb of
Kansas City. She wss the wire or Louis
L. Carmen, a railroad engineer, from
whom she had separated a year ago, he
nna her death, but they were never divorced.
Kane PleM Plaat.
nvci.VNATL O- Jan. It The piano
manufacturing plant of the Knabe Bros.
Plsno company m Norwood. O.. s sub
urb, wss entirely destroyed by fire today.
txattnoe tss SOs Tealgst See te TSs
Witt S. M. BtroXBT. la
tbs arrrsiOAx oaxbtt.
Phosies: 4S4; aui. A-1404
Note: Early Curtain Saturday
Niit-J3:15 Sharp.
-oatAmA-s rvM CEaTram.
aTarUg Seaaiea's SOCIAI, sCAIBS
Oeu. Oiwat toi lasrd at us iaiue
Petite Jennie Austin, Electric City four.
Wilbur IX hue and a Merry Fifty
Ieiss Btsse aaaMase Svery wee Bay.
Sua. Us.: "Tui utrox" arsnd new sner
BEATRICE. Neb-. Jan. 11 (Special
TetearsA-Wasnea Arthur Go ft and Miss
Elisabeth Baird of Falrbary, Nebv. were
married here today by Bar. J. W. Feraer.
KeT to the Situation See Advwrtistag.
Voaigkt, Kstiass Teeaarrww t
mimm aiva lasTS aas the
Next Week-
Maa ef the Stsz."
Mat. Tnc-.T. t : rt, y
srzsxrs bis) rnw
and Jrraakla xtssum.
ieaBtUul ae)uun w asusea at i
mub I