THE liFlK: OMAHA. SATURDAY. JANUARY 13. 1912. KEAL ESTATE HA.MH l.A.NO I'll SALE REAL ESTATE FARM HASCH LAXUS FOR SAtK REAL ESTATE Ri.NCH LAND FOR CALIFORNIA versus NEBRASKA ' Temperature in Nebraska tocfay, 2 to 30 below zero Temperature in Sacramento, tal., today. S3 to C above xero. Six months' winter in Nebraska. Perpetual sunshine. (lovers and fruft in the famous Sacramento Valley. where winter is one continuous spring time. You have not seen the best of California aatil yo see LIVE OAKS located 60 miles north of Sacramento on the main Mae of the Southern Pacific railroad and Northern Elec tric with 22 trains each day In and out of Lire Oaks, which has all modern conveniences, such as tele- paones, electric ngnis, etc. . . Abundance of water supplied by the Sutter-Butto Canal System, which runs through perpetual water right with each piers of land sold. c'.ateifkd Oue of Sir. Prouty amendments provide tua: ron ocrti- fled tor appointment a pot matter not be natntd until an election hs been held in tte community he Is to serv alve the pslrons an opportunity la aicept or reject hito ur ivr. The other amend- ', COOLNESS T0WA2D LA FOLIETIE : "wM rvW' ,hl h ttrm ot I 1 master unpointed on certification of the !i-lll service commission shall bo limited to eisht ytars. ! CUMMINS' EAR ON GROUND i Iowa Senator May Yet Inter the Presidential Race i STEEL KING NAMES M'KINLEY Ui i Carnegie Seeommeads Xnox for;,, Aliuincv ucuti ai needful, but. In fact, it bad . been 'out ! grown long ago. TeM MeK later 4nniaa:. ! "I have eonalstentlv advocated reduc- on In the tariff bv congress." be said. ana l !oia rrexiaeot sxceurowy, jwi po- fwr he went to H'tlfalo ta make hi re- thia land. A DAIRYING Uiraa Said Br Roc-! Inr K rjrsMn?Ml nmd I . Not Trm I inmtvn l.iifrr -K.iMa-krouk mm llamlltuia. From a Staff tVrrFjwiKU-iU.) WAHINTON, Jan. .i-tSitl T-eram)-Albert H. t'umnun, jiUr from Iowa, my soou aunounc? that he mill be a candidate for tb republican prwidcntial nomination. Aocordiac to Gompers Would Know Labor Unions' Status WASHINGTON. Jan. 14 -Racking up bis drmund tUt the sUiermsn anti-trust lav should be so amended as to exempt labor organisations from its provisions. HOLDS SXmTAmWIEOID, "J; J Told fcseenllv of Oplnlwa Prior la (he Beftalo Reciprocity Saeeee Is elsrd an Hta luo raar of l.ew. WASHINGTON. Jan. Si.-Audrew Car negie pressed jeslarday by members of me houae committee of inquiry on the tnlted States steel corporation, sdmtttcd thst he recommended the appointment of Philander C. Knox, the present secretar? Mends of ihe senator. Mr. Cu nmina Is ' samU(.i Compere, president of the Amcri- of tie a attorney general In pica aent N.,tvln laft.-rv: trw n rniihlietf nA. retn- i LV.Un .if 1 .h..e whn enneared , MeKinley't cabinet til lrDl. Mr. Knox Lira and proarwslves alike, urging him ! h..r,.r. n, v. ::,i interstate commerce i having lie. n one of tb chief counsellors j tr,imnlc. !tn get Into tlie race. It Is represented ! committee tooev quoted an Interview he! for the Carnegie Steel wnipany since IBS. , j,lr ornei!ls ateo Insisted that the ia- that America j needed no tariff on steel. I woutl make an exception of needles because tliat la j a great btistnen and as yet we Bisks i none In this counuy, so far a I know." Mr. famegie explained that this coun try aeed not fear foreign Importation ef steel in ease of free trade. Wneo asked It he did not think the government regulation. wMcb he recom mended was bordering dangerously on socialism Mr. Carnegie declared that so cialism had no terrors for him. "My motto Is.- he said, "that all IS) well since a'l goes better. The world Is I s rowing bettor every day. I have faith I In humnn nature, t hat's what make mo Is exceedinily profitable. The abundant yield In a climate where alfalfa grows the entire year makes it pos sible to keep two cows and six hoc on a sins acre. ALFALFA, when cut for hay, frequently yields 10 to IS tons per acre. Creameries provide settlors srHh eowa at cost, to be paid for with half the cream produced. A splendid opportunity for the man ot amaJI means. Success Is certain in this valley, wnern the demand for the products of the soil is ever on the in crease. Farmers at Live Oaks are now puttinj in their first crop. Our Next Excursion, Saturday, January 20th. Better come with us and see a country where life is worth living- and everybody is happy and prosper- that strong presMire Is betng broutm to Bai w1lh forlTO.r Preeident Roosevelt In bear on Mr. Cummin - in this connection j jg. and be may not be sola tourer to resist. I -preiiidrtit Roosevelt." said Mr. Oomp- ers. "said the law should be con- Write. 'Phone Douglas 109S, or call at our office, 404 City National Bank Bldg., for about excursion rates. full particulars TROWBRIDGE-BOLSTER CO., 404 City Nationai Bank Bldg.. Omaha, Nebraska. I'.KAL KSTATK CITY PROPKBTT KOK l.t FOR RE.N.T. 4AI.B OR EXCHANGE. Btnctly modern residence of J rooms and bath; largo barn, choice sovtli and oast front lot, una block from Walnut Hill car lino. Will ssU en easy terms, take smaller place In exchange, or good, clear lots; or would con sider good tenant. 4iC Parker St. R H. Landeryou. 411 Bd. of Trade B.og. Douglas DSJ. A-iitl. HEAL KSIATK FARM NtKCN l,P Hia Arkaaa TWO cents will bring a wireless mes sage from the rice ben In Cross coamy. write A. Ark. H. Uveas, tUkaory Kiuga. aruns isiasMia, Cliolcs valley farms In tracts of ie aefaj sr mors on easy terms. wiUiln I to mues irom the towns along the Orand Iruna l'aetrio Kailaay Iwtwtsn fort Oeorgs on 'rlnos Rupert. Write for bookie us icrlbtng this wonderful counliy. u. aleyah District Bales A""t. sis i'astou ulg.. Omaca. Net). laUtornta. DON T WAIT S YEAR. BUT CAUIrORMA ri'LAe-aMtAHlJkO ORCHARUIs. ., untierr nju la nui SATISFIED. imiuu cash and Mw Pr month buys . T .. f,i heanaa rruit tress In the tanwus Mtdweii utvnnrds at Cairo. Cat. twymsms ineiud. Inlerasv aidia-. Kour money Iok If not ined upon Uivesogstion. the orchards are- the most note snd gro daciive in. the woaaerlui sKtia.ui Taney of t ailTernia. H i our con noetic. " tius Utnd that prompts tnm ssaoroas uffer Vtee peecnes. pron. .13 msis Buyers- .W tares, not .caoa,g $.. sw t . .iA- Mirttiiaswi itritur iMtta a- K T.'s T tnrivrr.1,"- ldoa ttt. populntront. t Hotel sneoa. " "" "V"" Catm. American National bauk of dan tranciseo and Ktrsi National bank ot Zm Leandro.r ed for v.uablo uifor nstns end laete to , , Hidwsll orchards. Inc.. Ctilco. Cat. Aov ntensoa. FOUR CniMMU JJSlIWJUir.o, im v,w bearing peaches; ) seres alfalfa: s acres alfalfa, close In ; aoros S s o out. government Irrigation, plenty of water. DeaJUiful climate, good schools. Write to day. Hartshorn i Co., TansU) btlg.. CarUoad. M. si. M lacollaaooas. tiAND-41 cash per acre and tl per acre monthly buys IS acres and up ot fertile, prairie Florida Utnd; use Missouri farms. Box 20. a R. 36. Peoria, lit FOR SALE Oit EXCHANGE A UOLUKN tlHrHJRIf MITV. to trans your tmana, imnroA'sd or va cant property, for CUtll) c'AKM U.ND, 107 aorea, Cass county. Neb., only 3 miles Iron) gova town; has sol good 1m provsmenis; about i acres undur cultu vatlon. Price oniy JSC per acre. m acres, only miles no rt beaut of Mis souri Vslisy, ia.: has fine improvements, isrgo orchsrd: about ss acres under cul tivation. Price. st per acre. 0 acres, only li mile from Colby. Thomas tounty. Kansas; over sej acres under cultivation. This land is all black loam and almost level, and Is cheap at M per acre. Tills lend Is all clear snd will tsks business or rtoss in fist prop erty. Might pay some cash differences W.UJAM)rl ro. m . Wth tiu tnu-eet Moor.) HftAli ESTATE LOA?f8 AM'bu-ijtt loans and warraauj. W. Fsrnsm r'mltb Co.. U? Ks rnam bL wMAttA Woperty and .Nebraska Utnaa. O'KKErU RKAt. KjiTATE Ca lent New Orash Nat l Uauk Bunding. , e-taviaw. THE LAND bUNSIIINE, ue ere ottering 10, and aj-acre irastt end upwsrds Kat I In coiun. couaty near Laks city, t'ortoa, s muss west of jsfnsinviile and only nuiee from ntj iiuJuV "na. mis property - imsrsecua anleh farms lue beet of aervi au as ?easoi.a"s r.tes to an markets ol Ins "JheSumiS ts meat. Fin. f.rme are aow being worked Us our tract with ?w...nTJli sood results. Own one ol lur farms. Investigate our oner, rh say mee. ta and easy tonns. tier rates oatly. 4lcku good ,UROBT. C DBUrggDOW A FARM LOANrt near Umaha; uo com mission; opttonsl payments; cheap money. Ortn a. Remit. m City Nst t Bank Bldg. "IsoiTicV tv loan en business or resi dence properties, tl.'je) to two. W. H. TMOMASl. tut First Rati Bank Bldg. ' wss u 1S,M mans promptly. K. IX ViessK Wsed Rldg.. itth snd Femam. IVAM'kU-ORy lusn Petsrs 'I'riist Co. GARVIN BKOii A"LT. unlit CO. nnaPR FRUIT, orsnse and amter "ubl? land near Arcadia, the fount. Hi? l Dedote eounty. Florida. The oa i?, 3 a l.fetime. Prices right, Kr-Teaey Agents aantsd. Booklet tree. iSf rficantLand Co Fairmont. Minn -., l i ask Is a cnanos to tell you ot our wporfinmes c" u b a'eluck of write cl OT w lL FORD. Phone Harney Ml. DMB.IM St.. Omaha. Meornia. GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA Traversed by. the ATLANTA. BiRMtfUnAM ATLAR A1 TIC RAILROAD. Unds adaptable to the widest range ; of erooaT All the monsy crops of the south auErfidir produced. For literature treat with this coming countryiu soil, iats. church and school advantagss. W. H. LEAHT. DEPT. K. Ocneral Patsengec Agent. ATLANTA. Q THE easiest wsy to fmd a buyer fer your fsrss ie te rneert a smsU wsnt ad in the ls Motoos CspUak Largest liita In the state ot lows, ttsMdallr. The Caal is read by and tarred In br the stand patters ef Iowa, wlio strnply ftu,e to Pmlt .ny other paper ta the komea Rates, 1 cent n word a day: Hi ,7r P rnonta; eonnl six ordinary Grot to e tiZ. Addrose Pes Monies . iiL Das aoatev "KARM8. for rent or le on crop pay- j. Jump", pw , y lickfttka FARMS Three or four extra bargains when the li- geU off. tBSMO-S GIVKX. Orrin S. Merrill Company Rooms lili-M City Nafl Rank bldg. La HUH loans, municipal bonds, mort- gagts bought and sold. KTL'LL UKUH. PRtVATR r.NDK to lean UHh Omaha home, fl.OW or II. Wu. Address K-lwt, iw UaJJTKD TO UCV w-aaad eauaa, ieser, tsiu Canwr. 1a Kg. Want TtrBtir Interest In Nebraska bank. Have cash and unimproved section In McPhacson county, and imoroved section In Wheeler county. twin clear, correspondence confidential. F Jan. Jee- UVE STOCK MARKET OP WEST snip your stock to tiuuib umaba; save mueags and snrmkaga, lour eoosisa- menta recviva prompt ana vereiui iuw non. LIVS STOCK XMMl8SfON MJKK- firm Bros. Co. strong end responelble WOOl URilei.. IM-a e-xenange Biug. Great Wast- Corn. Co.. Omaha a JJeneer. u, . K. SMinl st Ho A lustjnandjeieen. I AUG RKCW. nsmlle cstile. nogs, sweep. Clay. Kobinson et Co.. as fcich Rtudg. luleratale CO. befer resulti. fchip te us. t u. io.i Com. V.O., fc-' fcscnange st'd L k,. KORtKI B CO.. L,. tltug. cox si Jones com. Co- bunch ' ..ustier. s armers L. B. cum, ta. as fcUchanse, genual, iuimtu. . .. - Aiartm ttros. si Csu JW-t aJtco. snog. OMAHA. TUK SUMS MAJthtT uaULksi UKA1N CO., Conagnioeats soliaJtcd. graiu msienaiHs, ta Nrandets. UjtaJt rtAtXWAx" TI.MF, CARD. lAttMi tisiios no) Mans I'nlon rnclftee- Senart Arrtvs. fsn Fran. OverTd L..tlui at:pm China A Japan P. M. Jt 4 pin a I 41 pro Atlanuo Lxiness at sSam Oressa Kxpress .ail Xm a I ts am Los Anelee Limited .alt tapm a Jt uia Lenver Mpeclat a 7K4 am a T ft am I'.ntesniaJ it tate 8ps'l.aU:W pm all: am Coloiado Kxpress. ...a I pin s t i pni Oregon-Wank. L't'd...aliaopm alrjspm Nsrth Htstts Local. ... S is am at .ssiim Grand Itland Locsl. ..a nm aki:aiata buomsburg Local. . .uL!;tl piu u I II pus The La Foilette boom has gone Into partial eclipse since the prominence trucl,i mat it would affirmatively stste given Colonel Roosevelt as a probab.e i (nat vn!ch Is unlawful and omit refer candidate and should Mr. Cummins now .nrM . r,hor organlutlons. He asid he projei-t himself into the field there would j woujrt take It up with h;s cabinet during be blood on the moon. aummer. but that was all that came II is known hire that there is a told- j , ' cXeept that he fmiuently made nexa between Mr. ijt Foilette and Mr. I reference on his swing around the wem- Cummlns, due to the conflicting ambl-' ern nates to the fact thst the law tlons, and regulars declare that if the : jhoiiiii be amended .' Iowa senator bei-otnes a candidate that a i nr t lumpers declared he hsd been break will be made In the ranks of pro- tfyrn assurances that tlie Sherman law grrsrlves thst wti be difficult to al-: wol,ij not afreet labor organisations, but lust. Whatever Mr. Cummins1 present ; nevrr tmk them -riously. intentions are. It Is known that he is ..We j nut WHnt swh assurances," he keenly observant of present pres.mtlal mphiuilieil. "Klther we exist of right or we should be dissolved, no do nut want to be hoodwinked or lulled Into a fancied security that ws do not posarsx. The men of labor want to know their developments and that he entertains the notion that possibly he may be selected as a compromise in the event of a dead luck In the Chicago convention. Ovatlea far Eatabraalt. , Henry D. Kstabrook of Now Tors, formerly of Omaha, was accorded a msgnl Meant ovation tonight at the dose of hts oration oa the life and character of Alexander Hamilton. The Nebraska colony turned out in force to give Mf. Kstabrook a rousing send off. Among those la the audience being Gen eral Cresrder. Mr and Mrs. Fred Abbott, assistant comnMastener of Indian affairs; Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Ctlllns. Representa tive Sloan, Fred Nsllssn. coach of George town university, snd Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Snyder. - Mr. Kstabruok'e analysts of the. charac ters ef Hamilton and Jefferson was one of the finest bits ef oratory heard In Washington for a long lime. Franty Han Aaneadaaent. Representative pronty of Iowa today proposed two ira portent amendments to the Norrls bill, which provides that sll postmasters shall be covered with tlie llg.u, JvoncF-a. WATTED TO HOT Has soma lady a small room In a strictly modern home, that she would like te rent at a tow price te an office girl, who would be company for her? can furnish best of references. Answer at once, statins price and location. Ad dress X H'", Bsc. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTkLk frtoelliuA si AooaeaasBar bv respectable middle-aged lady. prefer home witn cnuoreo. aiso expenencea a aursa, Address Mrs. Marls Turner, gen eral delivery. Council Bluffs, la. tflTUATto.V wanted as manages of general sturv, country town; axperxueeu. O U. Bee. WAmMIau end ironing done. T. H-itat KcKJltKt.t.flAO mm cisrlcat work evemnga and aaturdajis, use typewriter. Address L "4i, Bee. - THRast yoong Mdtes, risno oiarer and slngsr, want positions In picture snow. e perleneed. Douglas Witt. K ui. Bee. I ueiiius wauusd by oompetsu lady sUnnarspner; tetsrencse at U abutty. Harney 44. ' WAXTKD-Day iEtS.' work. Call Jlarnsy POSITION wanted by experience ateno- grapber. M 1W7. Bse. . TOCNli MAN nauts position as bar tsndsr: esperteneed. 4 tlx. Bee. ANltu roeition by an expert peo maa; bookkseping experience; also expa rienee ae policy engrosser with insurance company; best ot references; age. a. married. 'Poena Uougias adl. Wnila laay aawrss nam P lay worn: seat, euneeteauoas; a disappomUMBI sasueoU. I'l suff . WANTKA-A Boattiest i secret servUiinc. sm1 rttereiicea Use. . Omaha Ht. Louts Ex.. a pm II U am Mail and klxprese a J:M am allMi pm ktaob'y 1 Im paj UisiU am t kleago. Mllwaakaa Jt St. Paul Overland LlmitaeS a T. pm s ;i am Perry Local ,. am il.w pre Colorado Raprese .. stpm i.ti pia Coloraao tlpeclal a t li am e:W am Perry Local .. ....0 d-li pui U.ia put Ihteaca Crest Western Chicago Ll"niisd...a IX pm ............ Twin City LlmUsd allium at. Mem Twin City a M pm ClUcago Kxpreas a .4i am Iacal Pasaengsr t l pm ....... Lklaago, HecK la lane ss PnclUe AVabX. Rocky Mountain Lut..alf: am 1"X Dm Cliicsuto Local Pass.. .bis torn bis IS pie Cblcaito Lay lixjmsa.a S.4I sic a pm Chicago JLxprsss .a 4: In urn a 1:1s pm ties kiulnea Local Pas a 4:il t-m ai::U pot Uiicaae-Mea. iamitso.a tj pm as.suais WfJuM'i'. Chi.-Neb. Lntd to ln- ooln a l:l am a SS pm Ciil.-Colo. Krseo....a I. a nm a I ts) pm Chl.-Colo. Express ....a J.1S pm a 4:us pm Oki. Tea. lixpress..a i in pm alLtt am Uucky slounuun inn ui::s am Illinois leatrnt Chicago Ksprees a 1:1 am t i d pto Chicago Limited a iM pm a :00 am Mlawarl .aelfrcw K. C, Ht. U Kx....a5:am a f: ass K. C I BL U Jvx....ali;lS pm a isi pm Chicago st Narthwesrera NOKlniiUIJMJ. Ulnn.-SL Taul u....ii.SM Rmn.-8t Paul L t d. .a pin a I.4S em lain City Jsibreas ..a 7:4 am alv: Dm Kioux City Local a I ts pm a I. a pm Minn, a uaxuta a s. is ass Twin City Limited ...a S4i piu a 1: am Minnesota Lxprese ait;w aa AAbTiiOl'Mj. Carroll Local a l:u am a I ts pm Daylight Chisago. a 7 aoi alv w pm Clilcago Local . alt (li pot a t:ti pie Colorado-Chicago" .....a 4.K pm a l m Chicago Speaat a It o n n w Pac Coast-chlcagc....a e:x pm a pm Los Angeles Linnted. .a !. pm altjs iwi tverland Limited a i:ss puj a an, arroii Local a 4 1 pm awttsa, Fsst Mail a -u a i.u pot iiioux Ouiaiie a l it p Cenisuiua! dtate l.ini. 12.411am pn WESTBOUND. Long Pine a l: am sll -re Nuriolk-Dallas sl.Wsui aie ji o Loi s pine Lincoln.. ..a 2:1 pm a i ts t a llaitiDgs-Huusrtor b 2:u yai a s.SV pea Li.aduooe-riot Hp gs-.a :ai urn a t.Js nm Lai-par-Lanaer -a ixm pas pa. ) nininiu'Aiiii ....... w e-M. em v ii am bl'OCKtloLiJlCHtl' UKhifl.Sti. The stmual meeting of the stoekhoklera of the Bee Building company will be held st the office of soul company, Orasns, Nebraska, at 4 o'clock p. ra. Tuexlar. January IS. 113, for the election of the board of directors for ths ensuing yesr, snd foe the transection of aueh other business ss may proporly come bvfore ilia mestlug. Cy order ot the President V P. FK.L. Secretary. I , TKAVKLti. BERMUDA moM XATirtri. tram it alt" ?rShnu $lO f -puS.S. TA6U$ Ibe Uxorious ARCADIA!. Registered Tonnage. S.'SO Dliesiacetnent Tonnage, K.l-'O Every maris y Csstsnae. t ie. J THK LAROKHT and FI.NK8T ITRAMER lii THK BKItMl I'V SsiVICr-ROUNlJ TRIP - t'P. The Boyil IbiH Stram Fifke (o. Banaeraoa a bod, teen, nets ie ae. Aa BalJe at. Ohlcage. ir Any Locsl riieaniship Ticket Agent status." Referring to a court decree Where the laboring men were enjoined from "going out" Mr. Compere satd: "It Is nothing mare than the establishment ef awrery to attempt to suppress a strike by a court decree and force) asen t wark at their own peril. No man In this country should be compelled by a court to go to work." Mr. Oompi rs appealed ta the ossnmittee to amend the law so aa to make labor organisations Immune from Its operation. Yuan Complains of Looting by Outlaws J'BKINO. Jan. li. Tunn Phi Kal has sent a message to W Ttng-fang. the republican minister of justice at Blianc hal, notifying hint that he has received telegram from viceroys of Chi LI and Hukwting tprovlncea ot Hta Pea and Hu Nan) and the governors of Dhantung, Shanghai. Ho-Nsn. Ktrln and Jehol, re- porting' that eutlawa In the name of the revolutions rtre. are murder ii.g snnocent people and looting. Such oaRaws were re- sKoosibte lor the murder ef foreigners m Phen-Pi province. Yuan fill Kal seys that when the lm- neriallsts snpprtsss these outlaws, the revolutionaries protect against what they call an Infringement of the armistice. lleresfurr. the premier declares, outlaws will lie rigorously dealt with regardless of protest. The provincial assemblies ot Kansu. Plien-SI and Rtnktang have telegraphed to Premier Vusn that they favor a monarchy, but leading republicans of these provinces are aeoosnpanylns the column, which entered llo-Naa several days ago. The Russian statement, made yester day at Ht. Petersburg, that both the Chliieao represetitntivee Identified with the negotiation In Mongolia and the Mongolians themselves, reuaast the mediation of Russia la technically correct. POSTMASTER OF REYNOLDS . HELD GUILTY BY JURY LIXCOLX. Jsn. li.-Fred A. Cor bin. postmaster 11 1 Reynolds, Neb., was to night found guilty by a jury In the federal court of emberslement of govern ment funds, ftentmc ass deferred. The key to success In business Is thhs Judicious snd persistent use of newspaper advertising. BEHOVES THE CAUSE OF CATARRH VA!TH1XJ or cleaning for Mondays. Thursdays and Fridays, 'phone Webster tWL ..... 1 .-r. u fin p.a acre farm. well nnpiovrd. good land. J' I Ne. Must be soid Inside of J dsy si ro- , tt, , at gsrolats of oust It rs wonn. m j at once and submit oner. """"'"rr. WAR"! EU Postoon 1 .-end tor 1 u u oeat . uo-, i eoung lady who has WARTEI Kvsmng worst aa book- accountant or copter oy graau eastern university. Reference. slt. caieBeet Charles B. oerlence. gMALL FARM BARGAIN. 1 salary lit. j Sjcrse. sultrtsted; small imptove-. UM wood a meats; i roues bkm 01 omne . .rz, Bee. i billing c.era, by hsd 4 years ex- n aiso do some shortnand. Operate ElUott Fieber, Us I Monaren machlaea, Cluas Bnrllagloa Stnttoa Tenth A Mason Bnrllngtaa - Depart, a ere Denver A Cillfornls. .a 4 ! pm a I 4t pes Puget Sound tixpress.a t IS pm a I ft. pm .Veoraska points a I.W am a S:tt pm B ack RlUs... a :1S pm a I 4i pm Lincoln Mall b 1 JS pm oil st pm Northwest aUpreas....all:Si pn a t.w) sm Nebraska potato. a 1st am e 1 pin Nebraska Express a 1J am a I U pm Llncola Local a V.ej aw, bchuyicr-Plettsmouth b 1:1 pm CM) a am Lincoln Local b I ts am Piattsmonth-iona a l:U am a S hi ass Bellevus-Plattnnoath aU:a piu a t at pn. cuicaxo Kpeciai a 1.1& am aU:t pm Denver Epecial all:a pm al eta Chicago kapresa a 4- pm Ik via cuK-. rat s.xpress....a pm a am Iowa Local a .u sm M S s., t.icstoa tsa.1 Lneal....b l.k pm bM.ti em ) be Louis Lxpres a 4 sj pm ail:W am j K. C. Ss. Joseph.. .M:k pin a s.kt ai K. C A at- Josepu....a L am a S:M ak. h. c. a tst. joeepa a pm Kb remedy that doe not entirely remove the cause of Catmh from the blood will ever make a permanent cure of tlie trouble. Just aa long as the circulation remains contaminated wili the impurities and catarrhal numer, which produce the trouble, the mucmia membranes or inner lining ot the body will be kept in a etate of irritation and disease. Sprays, lotions snd ether local applications will sometimes temporarily relieve, the. tight, full feelinivtn the head, brazing; noises in the ears, uncomfortable, stutiy leelinjg of the nostrils, and help to loosen the mucus in the throat; but Catarrh is constitutional blood disorder and until it has been entirely driven from the evstem there can be no permanent cure. S. S. & cures Catarrh, by removing the cause from the blood. It attacks the disease at its bead and by thor. ouchly purifying and cleansing the circulation, and ridding it of every par ticle of impurity, and at the aame time enriching the blood, allow the inflamed and irritated membranes to bra!, improves the general health, and stops every disatrreeuble symptom. & S. h. reaches clown to the very bottom and leaves no trace of the disease iu the system. Book: on Catarrh hv merncol advice free to all who write. TEE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATXATTTA, Gi. jas county acre. W. T. to GRAHAM. tUTb' AllOJt wanted by a young mar- 8M Bee Bldg. Irled man. very capable and willing to Work. WOOIO '-3 JWMIMMI H V, , well lm-!, tmrt , innd f work. Can lurnlsn refersseee. Phone Webster less or Bast. kiuiv eountv farm. Good, Moved 1SS, i miles from t.retns. Large .ouMeconi crib. 5-room bouse. ts, rsl A) H experienced 1 girl wants position to m eu.tlvatlon. rmtts) per acre; ctxaej, assist wub. oooaareums imoae. ,ih will handle Una Bo Spring- trsnsfer oinc.; , n.. Iid Neb. i drees 2781 Hamilton Et, SM A. 1 Krtstit ptatlea tntk aad Webster. rsnric DeDSrt. rrtve. b j)pm tU:llia Faal, Mlaaraaalis a wages. In AU- ! Auburn Local. 1 1 blear, at. Depart- rr!r 1 Sioux City Ctpress....u z.u pm hi: K pm ' ! Omaha Locsl. .e 1:2s sm eixial 1SVW-A. HTU K ranch rur sate; aw a. EXRBRIBJit ctJ s-.enograpner visnes a oi -" u e- m deeded and 2 A. school land lease: position with n firm; good speller and Is twin .- rsss o 1 sm - ; .iralfa and araxirg tand. In Hitchcoea 1 ttM n the Underwood typewriter. A 1 Eroejjon Locsl b pai b j Ut ass 10. Neb., tn the never-go-dry Frenchman ' lws. Bee. t b daily except bundsy. c tmrwm , A Lneamore. . ' . . . Y". ..r.L" WHITE woman seeiree oay worn; neat tin .-! Looost. ibi daily excepc bundsy. sir. aj dsi y. Xersss. land clean. Tel. IX C. a hotel or restau wtfe. JSxpertenced. i DiMUi work XORTHWEFTERN Nevada. "rU"1" : . uk . t& nr month. It ' J 1 1 se;. S Clernona. Orangs Cel. I POMTIOX Agentx i housekeeper. IW Omaha XauonaJ, Bans niog, 1 jxaw i the aiGaattan-Jma Want Ada, by middle-aged K lies. Ree. lady THE OMAHA BEE prints dean news and clean advertising. Free Land Information The Twentieth Century Farmer, to meet the demand of its readers for land information, has gathered and compiled data on soils, climate and farming conditions in all parts of the '.ountry. It is willing to give out this information, free- if postage is sent with inquiry. Do You Want to Know About government land laws, location of 'land of fices, etc How to get irrigation lards, location of projects, laws governing same, etc. Best sections for fruit growing, general farming, stock raising or dairying. Your questions will get prompt attention. State plainly and specifically what you want to know. Trite, Land Information Bureau The Twentieth Century Farmer Omaha, Nebraska when the Sherman anti-trust las passed. Mr. Carnegie reptstrdly ;isd declared before tlie coniralttre that he never knew thst ihe participation ot his company In ths steel plate pool and other Use pools was unlawful and Representative Mr. Otlllcuddy of Maine sought to show that he hsd recommended to ITcaldent Mc Kinley tlie appointment of Mr. Knox after the latter, as counsel for his company, had left him U Ignorance of the govern ment statutes so many years. Protection I nneeesaary. Mr. Csrneirle also told the rommlttee thai be bellaved no protective tariff was necessary on steel rails or steel products. with the exception ef needles, whteh sre not manufactured In this cowntry. lie as sarted that eonarese need have ne fear that foreign rsils would flood the l tilted goatee it the tariff were resneveo. The Iron master was given an nneera- fortaMe naif hour late In the day by Representative McOllllcuddy and ha ts la reralled tomarrew. tnougn ae nrgeo that he he permitted to coneiues his testl mony today. -Tea said that yon Old SM anew tor man rears the scops ox tne emarnian anti-trust law?" aata Mr. Mcaillleuddy In beginning his examination ot Mr. Carnegie. Between the years ws ana lass you re Ihe head of the Carnegie steel com pany were yon not?" I never wan at Ra head, not even a director," Mr. Carnegie rep ilea, "i was ihe majority storkkotdrr, owning M per cent of the stock.' from WIS until IP you had attar neysr' Mr. Mcojiiienaoy asxea. The company had attorneys. "Was Philander C. Knox, the present secretary of state one ot themT" Tea, Mr. Knox was one of eur stlor- neve. He was m tne nns 01 nnw m Reed-J. H. Reed.' Mr. Reed was sitting at Mr. Carnegie's side, appearing as his counsel at the in- "tulry. "Was Philander C. Knox counsel ror tne aennany between the years tt and lr Mr. Carnegie whispered to Mr. Reed and then answered that he was. Nas Advleesl ae ta Law. "During all that period did Mr. Knox or any of your counsellors ever sdVtse you ef the existence of the Pnerman anti trust law. aaseea In tsso, and that pools, such as your company partial isttad In, were unlawful!" "I never heard a word from, any of them," Mr. Carnegie said, "and 1 don't think they understood that the Sherman law had anything te dn with our business. I had heard somewhere of ths Sherman law. hut thought R applied only to rail ways." "Wasn't It the duly of your legal advisers to keep your company advised aa te the laws passed by congress and the stetaar Mr. Mcaillleuddy naked. "I suppose thst they would consult with the officials ot the company." was the reply, "t never wee sn offtctxl,' "What did you have attorneys fur?" .To appeal to ia cane ef suits." "Now, Mr. Carnegln. as principal owner of the Carnegie Steal company for which Philander C. Knos was the principal at. turner, wouldn't you have expected him ie inform you about legislation as im portant as the Sherman anti-trust lawr "No sir, I had no relations with those entlsman. 1 was simply a holder of stock. Was I, as such ,to he bothered by three lawyers, when I had men to run the business for me?" "Then you were left In absolute Ignor ance aa to the effect of the Sherman lawr "Ves, sir." Reeesnmeadcd Appointment "Mr. Carnegie," Representative Mc- Gltllcuddy continued, "did you recommend to JTestilanl McKinley. after his election In 1W0 that this same attorney, Philander C. Knox, who left you m blissful Ignor aace ail those years about the effect of the Sherman law, he appointed attorney general of the t'nlted States' Mr. Carnegie looked at bis questioner for a moment la xmaxement. lie started to speak, turning to Attorney Reed, hs exclaimed: "Did I. Judge Mr. Reed, almost In a nlilsper and with a smile en his fare replied "Yes, you wrote a letter to the presi dent about Knox's appointment' "Now. Mr. Cnrnegle." Mr. ItotlllUcoddy went on, "niter ten years' experience with that attorney, who did not let yon know bout the laws of which you ought to h.ivs known, you recommended him aa proper and fit man for attorney general of the fatted States?" "Yes. I did," be rep led. "but I object to the form ot your question. You ask 'After I had experience. ' I bed no ex prrtrm-e with Mr. Knox, so far as the i corporation was concerned. Mr. Knox nad po official relations with me." "About the rame time that Mr. Knox 'went Into the president's cabinet, did !Ms partner, Mr. Reed, go Into the di rectorate of tlie 1'nlted States Steel cor poration?" Mr. McOUIIniddy asked. j Mr. Reed, appealed to by his client, re plied that he did. I Csseeralsg Igaamnre of Law. Before the Ironmaster was aulxxed as tn hie views en the tariff several members I of the committee heckled him about the Ignorance ot his partners and himself j about the laws. ! "Don't you think It rather unusunl," Representative Reall asked, "that so ! many of these great business men were ignorant of the laws?" "No." '-Now, don't you bene1 r that some men in the Carnegie company knew they were vlolatlcg the law?" "Now. Mr. Beull, when you say that I ' can see tn your face aa irresistible smile." ' Jlr. Carnegie replied. I "1 see you are smiling, too," the Jegls ' later answered. j "Tee, let's smile together: you with me." "Rut not be s villain etui," Mr. Beail I retorted. ! Mr. Carnegie told the committee that ne believed that there was no necessity I .'or a protective tariff oa steeL He said jin the Infancy of the Industry It was irihutton of wealth from the bands ot the few to the hands ot the many was Increasing yearly. Dental la Made. Secretaiy of State Knos tonight de clined to comment on Andrew Carnegie's testimony. The Inference that Mr. Knox was appointed attorney general by Presi dent McKinley. In 1951 by Mr. Carnegie's recommendation, was I'hsrscterteed as "abattrd" hy an Ultimate friend of the secretary of state, who spoke In hla behalf. He said a recital of the facts siirnwne ing Mr. Knox's entry into the McKinley cabinet easily disproved Mr. Carnegis'S Inference and pointed out that Mr. Mc Kinley first offered him the portfolio en February II. 1SST, when the newspapers devoted much space to the offer and Mr. Knox'a declination. Mr. Knoa was to Santa Rarbara whsn the post neat wan tendered te him In March, Mm. Me was requested hy telegraph to coma to Washington and after a conference accepted at the Insistence ef rresioent McKinley on Marc Mr. Mcmniey a desire to have Mr. Knox In the cabinet was said to have been based on S personal friendship ot twenty-five years. Shuster Starts Home; Scores Persian Foes TEHRRAN. Jan. M.-W. Morgan Bbus ter, the American, recently removed aa treasurer-general of Persia, left today for Europe accompanied by his family and Kdwnrd Bell, secretary of the Ameri can legation at Teheran. They win pro ceed by way of Dattttm ea the Week Sea to Constantinople. Prior to hie depart ure Mr. Shuster Issued this statement: "On December the Illegally appointed cabinet notified me ot the termination of my services sfter ascertslnlng that I would not con lent the action. The aa tionat eounrll having been abolish sd I felt Justified tn accepting the dismissal of the de facto government. Since then. In eptte of repeated requests, ne proper steps have been taken to relieve ma of my duties. The members of the oastnet, vindictive oa account of the tact that the national council support sd me, sought by all possible means te kuralUata aad embarrass me. "After receiving an Impolite and Inco nstant proposal to turn ever my office. I notified the cauuet ea January s tnec the office would be transferred te F. E. Calms In forty-eight hours, to enable sue to get out wllh my family before the roads were blocked by snow, no aerten was taken by the cabinet and I left Mr. Calms In charge with complete autherRjr and ordered him to transfer the eerie to his successor. In my opinion ths members ef the Persian commission are entirely unfit fer the functions ol treasury sdmtnletratlon." It la understood that the commlseiea ap pointed to uks ever the duties ef the treasury-generalship, composed ot tour members, has resigned. M. Mornard. Uie Belgian ex-dlrector of Persian, cus toms, is aow understood will assume con trol ot the department. It Is reported that the chief mollah at laps ban la Incitlag the people ta holy war. Equitable Fjre Due : to Discarded MatcU NEW YORK, Jan. li-Between IS00,- ODsJxW and M,a,(e In cash and securi ties wsre removed Intact late today from the vaults of two of the financial UssU- tutlons whose quarters wsea dsativyarl hy ths fire that gutted the Baarumw Ufe Assurance society building Tuesday. The vaults ef the Eaultahle Trust asm pony elme yielded faw,gM.M which wsre transferred to the cnts9any"s tewtporary offices. Many millions more were takea from the vaults of the MescaatUe Trust, company, of which a&,sm,as was repra. Sented In a single box sf gold oarttfl eatre which aa officer ot the lesttlirtlon. carried through the streets tucked under his arm with only a ions poBeemaa to protect him. There remains yet to he esened the great vault of the EtmlBsbte Assurance society itself with Rs treasure of taA C.(UI. which was etui buried aa deep, tod.iy under tons ot Ice eaeissrtod dearlg that the doors could not e reached. The body ot Battalion Chief Walsh Is still In the ruins, and Its recovery likely to he a task of days. , "The official tnvextlgatlen of the Bqwj. table building fire reveals pretty ear tninly that thia disaster was saastd by the careless throwing away ot a snsaeh," reads a rrpnrt submitted to Mayor Oay aor today hy Fire Comnvpjssoner Johnson. "Our Investirattoa indicates,' tne re port continue!!, "that erupt cry ee ef the building discovered the Urn at 6:14 a. at. and that they tried ta fight the fire urxtti 5:31 when a policeman turned la aa aagrnv. If the employes had called anew the ttrw department promptly 1 am aura the tire could easily have been extlaawtsfied." COMMERCE COMMISSION ORDERS CHANGE iN CARS CRESTON. la.. Jan. U--Ssaolal.) The Interstate Commerce esymmtsnvisi seat out notices to Burlington railroad ofnexaae. regarding changes that will have ta s made la all ears that they may eaose up to the standard set for all railway cars. One of the Mages end snoot smaoctant changes Is that requiring all freight ears having a capacity ot , pound car aver te be equipped srtth steel center eWs la stead ot the wooden ones with which they are now made. It ia said that there are ever ASM earn on this division alone that will hasre to be made over aad win require at least a yenr to complete the work. Another sWqoJre ment Is that all running boards an top ef can must he fastened down with KSv li bright screws. Instead ot being aaBed eat at present, and that all freight ears saws-' plying with prescribed requirements must be steadied on the aides stating that they are standard can according an a&g commiseion's requirements.