Desperate Dtesmond Saved by a Chance for Picture Postals the .Villain Plots Mischief Anew ByHershfield j .... . . ii a . w i unvnrBf i-tii. viriortu ayi asuc euimi ON LVW CIAK1 i r ! l'l ea ih top of Gibraltar greet rork strange straggle i liking place. Amer ican looriet. Ignorant ot Ixmoml t crim inal omr, are endeavoring to a wild tug of war to rescue him from the soldier of the British rarriion. Far below Claude and Rosamond, la My nothing of the vecigefid Don Frltole. watch tha contest from their steamer. All three hare cease for wishing Dmnoiul to mart military justice. Juat us tha tug la al lit t liggieet point there centra aa Interruption.- The tourists, Intent apod tha struggle In ha VI. have not been looking about I htm. but the guide, ever anxloes tri point out the eights, baa observed a yecht passing. I V does not know what lecht It la. anr mo:t than yon or I rrtrght hit a known, bat h Instantly calls hla chart w to look at Kin ( Uoorge'a at fa mar returning frorw tha la dWt Dnr. bar. Zing! Every tourist lets go tha rope, end the soldiers, suddenly released, go lopnling backwards over tha cliff, dreuc .ging Desmond along. Not that tha tour ist! c.y-e much fur a king aa a king, but ft Is at every day that one gets a chance to take a snaps at of a real live monarch, and a monarch certainly makes a grand ostii card, even If ha Isn't good for arty tatnici else. 80 Desmond hi entirely for-gntte. Although hurtling through the air over tha slue of tha great rack. Desmond docs not lose hie presence of mind, Everybody might learn a. lessen froat tba acoundrei in this respect. It Is foolish to get flus tered, no matter what happens. 80 Des mond, while falling apparently to certain death; notioea that the powder from a saluting gun haa burned tha rope that bound Mm to Hier setdiere. We hope they fell In a soft spat, but don't knew. With the quickness of a eat, the villain catches his feet in the muzzle of the ell.i smoking gun and hangs there fir a mo ment. He knows that he has but a tew Seconds, for the next aalute that la fired will blow his feet out. However, he has observed that the royal yacht Is below aim and he trusts that It he drops on the awnings he will bounce unhurt Into tin water. Risky, but tba only chance he has left. Desmond' a plaa was successful. Ha haa dropped Into the water sad hi now close beside the steamer, where Chuide and Rosamond arc watching tha king. Per haps the kiusT baa heard at Claude s hero ism aad Rosamond s adveaturea aad la waving his sympathy to these. It la cults likely. Pea Frijele. tba bandit, also re gards the king Intently. Bj Frfjole la think Ing what a ransom ha would bring. For Desmond's plot ace tomorrow's pictures. I V WANT ADS DCTk A0 Ft S.OTICB. POMKHOT-Mrs, Msry, aged , January . She la survived by her huahand. Justin, and one dsuahter, her mother, Mts. Isabella Mesons a, five brothers and one sinter. Funeral Saturday morning .from resi dence, 011 Lake elreet, at I . 10 Serred Jlesrt ebttrrn at 9. Interment, Holy eepulchor cemetery. CAB1B or TOISKI. We wish to esprwe) to cur friends and nelshburs our heartfelt thanks for Ike beautiful floral etfertnaa and kind ness ahoan ua and tha many espres alens of sympathy reeeleed during the rolongd illness and the recent death ef our brlnved hashand and father. WR8. MINN IK UKHKKR, ' MR. AND KM KHNEaT DOLL and ''Jru'ASD MRR W. J. W1LLI83, MR. E. W. UEHRKK. t.'NDKK-TAKKiUt. Dou. ins, A-O. AKXOtjirEMESTS J. A. GENTLEMAN, ""S&b. ewihalner. IJ4 Chicago at D. la, B-ltia. 'HULSE&R1E1E.V, im a, trh fM. UEAFEY & liEAFEV, ffifiZ ' ""4J-aJt" r-ktnaw. A-S6; ll2i. iUFiy y & BoL.vxi) it. H MiMTin. ennia paint. m rTrandela Th. BAEKEli BKOS. PAINT CO. lawH Farnam KL Doug. I7DS, Ind. A-8tn. A beaatifui asaorlnent of siencll out fits aad eiherwln.wiliiama goods. We do glazing and picture framing at moderate jirVces. RKMoVAI. sale of disinonde, Jewelry, rhMhing. aien'a and ladlra' fur overmats, caps ana glovea, now on aaie at Fried mans Lean hank, 13th and Douglse. Will move In nil Ixmglaa Jan. Ii, Auo iXm sale at M p. m. t'phuMering. ptawo, turn, rep. 2Mi Far. Vi eiiulna) muwuwimsh kei. Ftg. C. twenty per cent les than untsha prices. lfliMK Fl'RMTL'RE OO Twenty lo'inh and L ta Bouth Omaha. NOKTMRUP letter lupll. sung Cos hi Paxtsa Hi., rlrrular letters, any qoan tity: oldest established company; experts ef Multtsrsph and Keneryle. Hd Barrira. gravel, taf ref. ltth a Laks. t. H. Cole HI I'M Ce. D. 7. U14 Farnam. GOLD lettering on books, purses, leather gaoos. K. A. Tryttn Co.. ml Farnam. YOU'LL alwaya be nappy If your sea ding ring comes from brodegesrd's. Hi H. Hth 8t. At the sign of the ermrtt - Neb, geed Co.. HOI Jones. Both phonea Maggard Van Blorar. 1'ai k. niovsT Store and ship II. H. goods. P. MSB. H-SU. OET ys'ir diamonds at Brodegaard s MONEY TO LOAN-LOW rate In sums to suit. tlO Bee ttldg. Phone Doug. tSDi, VMOK LOAN CO. MOVINO picture niachinee and supplies. Nebraska Film Co., Hit Farnam 81. BOILER, eheet Iron and tank work. Omaha Htructural nteet Works. PortrLAl Prlntlna Ca. Tel. Doug, all. J. F. CTLeajry lor hoea. 4l N. M. So. OmT IF you have a sweet tooth be sure to try a box ot P. J. O'Rrlen's candy. Al ways frteh and pleasing to candy lovers. If Mis. N. Kennnedy. r N. !7th HI., wH come to The Bee office within three day we' will her an order fur a teVosnt , box of O'Brien s ready. AUTOMOBILE. itinaah aelOk tIrTt(r tear ton. nil sn KOMrf '.,. .K kl HERB'S THK BdT PLACR IN OMAHA DRUMMOND ltth- and Haraer RIs. OMAIU.MACIUX& WORKS (SenfrRl niuh.ii sad tutnmobli rrfilr lft. Pttarrt. DsftKiiiB; I'vci machinvrv Hhict.Ki. KxtMtrt di wm. patent 4rmw- Murphy Did lt?g HAilU,b T1NJ, MMIMI. Auto repaired. lmha ativer Co. FORE DOORS u, odsa. tope, a ju.cj ,BOOW painting. Pooglaa mti. Ptelffer Carriage Works. KVKRY housewife desirous of a nice dessert should try Dslsetl'e pure Ice cream, if eirs. jno. !'ry, Urand Ave., will come to Tne Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a ouart brick of line lee cream. BCKIXRW CHAXCES MORTGAGES, G? ON GOOD FARMS avlngs bonds aecored by first mortmures and ear capital and surplus ef teAuoe. . v . iM 1M VESTMENT jftord for tl, tM and ip, as suit yonr MVltm. ilaka your mn?Y bnog yoa goutl incume. Aak far tMarttrulara. .....1. iNVtvh'fMKNT CO. Uth and Farnam Rta.. Omaha. Veo. FOR ALK-OtH exclusive clotluag and frnimn geoaa More, la good south era South Itakota town. Clean Block. Jrlne bualnesa. Cheap rent. Ooed crops. Invoice, M."'. Addreu Y rt. care of bee FOR. ItALE uarane In towa of l.ttM. Addreea Mathew IL Faber. ReniMit, la. FOR BALE Hooper Bottling works. Discount given rt taken before Jan. I. IIO.NMCH a DENSLOW. Uovper. Neb. . FOH aALii-BulMllna aad stot-a of dgars, confectionery and !unh counter, near B M. depot. Grand lalaad. Nee. A-tdreee Tony Balietto. tXikL liAlJfc-Tome-chair barber shop In town of 1.X0: good payer. Address Msthew R. Faber, auasu, la. WHY NOT INVESTIGATE oar FleTlda propoaltlont It is good. ROBERT C. DRUESETKTW A CO, (Sales Agents.) $St Om. Nat, pa, BMg. Omaha, yak. To at la or oul of bu mesa call on OANiKdTAD. Dj Bee Bldg. jTel. D. 3Ml Motion picture mathine aid Mm ter rains. Om. Film Ezra . ltth Doug. Bis. Mlt-H K MILLKU. public at enographer, f City Nat'l Hh. lioug. rat w A-lill. WA.NTD-Froia lo i.k feM fao- tory space. Address or call B. Jeasea, landford Hotel. , A Bi nlNKUd .htuce. Ueneral mer chandise re. good eatsbltsi.ed trade, low rent and lonav lease- If deeiteeV- sWm can dofihle your ntor.y on the oruposi- llon. Harney Adtr-ss Hiwti. rare una FtiK KA.u-.nly livery buiineaa In towa of 1,-mu. Address , MalSew H. Fsher, Hemsen, la. ' ANY cinnolseur of eonfrcUoaery will reudlly tr-II you thsl there are ne canllea which can outshine O'Mrlun's In ptiflt "r rialnllnesa. If Mra: Mark Vbdike. JM! Fowler Ave., will come to The IWe ot.Ve within three uavs we will gtve tw an order for a ent boa ot O'Brien's tatmy. lll SIXEHS PRRH05A1.fl Arleetaa, Wella... U E. KEBKROALU Wl-H CltyNafL kt 1T0WR. Well boring. Benson ;tk I Altaeaeyov 0.W. ghlelda attcmey. ttt cf Trada. "LliTON U HALU LAWTBR. Bee- Anaiage aad Tenia OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. 13 Douglas. Mag aiaaaiaeaarera BFM1 OMAHA BAG COi, Omaha. Neb. staaaaae aad iaxteabe. THE ONLY WAT. Rasiiaae checked lo destination. Tasl- en be simI touring cars. Tel. Douglas xaj. ash sas ias Ataaelavturers. Woedeet Rnx A Parksgs Ca. lit! N. ICth. carpets, Mags aad llraperles. POLCAR&CO.'.'-.'-n.ertr carpet cleaning. Met 8. M. U UN. A-eseh tavweatevw aad t-wauoelaeB. W. P. Deverell. eentraotoe. Itairgc Bldg. ateveaeon. oarpemer. eont Bote pauaaa. Cateepedteta. PR. ROT, lldn Farnam. Douglas MS. t'lgasw aad lebasra. THK anttary Crown Pipe. S It. lcth. tleiaaa ataaaiaaisirerse Wear Ideal drsca shirts. M. B Rmlth Co. t reasserlea. Dairies aad Sappllea. Fairmont's Dtadem hotter. Always good. DAVID COLK t'RKAMKRY COM KAN 1. I aal Deatera. CCS X T . "pedal prleea by tnn, I htk for vVAU 11 1-1 r ai7a uls-s Hutter red ar loal Co,, ma Kss. hi. teV eeal. lath at laara. t 'pnenea C. M. Johnson, HKKl'KK FLHNACB COAL. D. MO. Charles A. Westerfleld. A-i'M. COAL and klndtlnc. Waawer, m tt. it. CARTER RHKET metal works. Okaha. Bailey. !he dentist. Ctlv Natl. P. tm. Maea Mean, Id fl. fasten. Daaaiag Aeadesatea. Vsrkle's Dancing Academy. Uil Harney. Deity classes Aiin.. 1 nurs., hsc. eve.ti tigs. lil.sH EMTHKR ROSSITKR school of dancing every Tuesday evening. Assembly 111 p. m . MKTHOPOI.1TAN BI.DU. 1 1 lessons kioii. or Frl. g p. m.. at Mo-A- rand a Lsdles, P; gentlemea, U; pnvme ieasona during the day. II. ttelratlves. Omsha sercret service det. agency. Inc., biMided. UH-B psxton Blk. I ll. A-UHX U W. lngnecker. 117 Karhaca block. JAM Kd ALLAN. Neville Hlk. Ty ler I1JB. Uresaaaaklag. Terry's Pti ssiuaking college. N ft Far. WANTKD eVwlna Is do at SHI 8. Uth Rt. Mm Maher. 1IRKHHMAK1M1 mil Harney. H. IMa. seed Mills aad B Feed, an S'nds. Oleaeoe Mills, ta? Isard. Kvewythlaa sitewsrieal. fturreea-Orsnden CCj Mil tirward. B 6sL Elrctne lighting fix., wheleasle and retail. Fleets ta. BENNKTTS) cut flowers. Poug. IT. A. Donskue. Ies7 Fatnam. I). 1091. A-Wct. HKSi gwtiHruiA, lil Farnam BU Btewarl'a, Florist dt beeuamen. Ill N. la. PAl'lJiKN. fl'VUtt, II'.: Brown BL BKANI'KIS FUIH1HT. Brandela Bldg. U HKNDKK IN, Ids Farnam. D. Hit. BATH'S FLOHIgld. Boyd Theater UMII rewadrtea. MrDenaM brass and bronse totmdry. era atinam. tin. lead cMHwtv Uth ar Jackaoa. Maraewa, aaddierr. Uslkce Ossda Wlchert, harness, leether gooca. Sat g Ik Meapltala. WTUg strwriRlAU Nth and Harney. Alfred C. Kennptlr, . JiT; ance. First Nst. Bk. BHg. Doug. T3. Kbuoee-Moataomery Co. Ins. Hamre Bik. Isess aad Wlra s'eaelaa. Anchor Fence Co, V. N. 17. Tel. Bed IM. FRENCH IU;4 Lsundre. Tel. H. PH. fgersgp latfedry. )x3 N i h lto' h phoejea UtAMAk lBhi laundry, tiigh grade rork. leiglaa t3TX Fk'.saet's mare rem and epechettl, Ne pkg I Bt'SI.sW!t mHNU.AUt l.aasbejr If. Greets Lumber e VI recking Ca E tail a in lumber, plumbis f, machinery and steam fitting. zii and l am. wen. au. M ia nmv a im aad Jaaaadaaaaai J. F. Bloom Co., ITtH and Criming Uta St Si las, auaraaa at d Clasualsuft 1 t-:X PttKSftMKN'S Dells err Co. Moving, furniture packing, flrepreof atorage. City efrMw WH Sib. Doug. 3M, Ind. B ui '1 win l.iiy Kiaas. tiit 1 .a.d. Ho.n lal FMeaiure aiev.. 1 men 11 per nr. W. ru. Manlrt AM aad La aaaaaes. PTkN'O Stucflo, Ww Howixrd Doug. OM. , Uatiesaas., H F. Wum. frttln rep', ell Brsndela osteoaalhy Alios Jnhnsrev lavs Brandt la The. Whig. a.neryn ,v.iH Urea dels Tneater. iT era. David CoSe Oyster Co. Wholesale oaly. t'aleala. j , III RAM A. STUROK". patent lawyer. IT. . and foreign patsnts. tiadetnarks anil copyrit hta; ii yeara' expifrlenoa. set Brand-is 1 heater H.dx. Tel. ' Doug. Sua. 1 1. o. Ham. , I. rax.on B.k. Tel. Bed 71 17. "willard Kkldy, last City Nat. Bank hulg. Rlnehart, nhetoarapher. Will A yarnatm. fa .raah Fdlson nhonnarapha nhults BrnavMOl Far Plating. OMAHA H'l.VKIl CO.. tit B. l!th. HELP WANTED FKHALB Uoaselurepesa aad IroaeeeaJee, CIIRL r middle-aged troman for gen eral housework. 1514 N. th. THU SEKVANT OIRL PROBLKM flOLV ED The Bee will run your Domea tle Help Wanted ad FRKK until you gat tne dnslred resJlts. Bring your ad to me nee office or tdephunc Tyler ltmn. VVA-NTlvD A white cook. Refer enees required IA. UM North 38th St., Harney ng. WA.NTKD-Competent girl for general nousewora; good wajjes. 1'hona liarney iM. ' LOST AND rOlTfB WANTRD Girl who wants permanent ptsce 10 worn in lanuiy ot two. Foreign preferred. Must he iiulat. neat. Want ateady place. Hplendld home for orphan. joqreaa mn s.s, teeumen. r.eo. WaNTKD A- yeurfg girl le asatat with housework. Phone D. fy. WANT a anod eoita. Auolv WW ZIU1 Pi. or 'phone Harney 1M7. WANTEI ilrl for Beneral housework: good wages and no washing. Harneylati. 1 is n, SMir rir. WANTKD A xirl for work, lis M Jim Rr. general house- atiaeellaaeaaa, TOt'NO women coming to Omaha at slrsngera are 'invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building, at ft. Marys Ave., and 17th St. where they will be directed to suitable boarding piaoea or otaerwlee assiated. Look for eur travelers' guide at the Union stacoa. AMATKURs ot ability for dramatic low. Apply director, lilt liarney be tween le a. in. and Ip. in. Lew W. Raber, Printer, ".P. n.V. BLDO. BNTRaNCH ON COl'RT. Ite-naeted fnatlng All Punting Co, JM i.'uiuma. lath Captioi ave II. Ml. Htes-ltall Plk. Co.. ltd i. 14. Ind. A-!. phune inu. a a.Ai lur good printing. Meataaeaate. Clerk Cafe home cooking, lels Podge. OKI tne hsuu; eat at I needs. Cap. Ave. MokellH caJe, home ouuking. Us a. JMh. Kill KK 'or alteration department of reedv-lo-wear store, oue who ia thor oughly competent and can fit and a.ter costs, stilts and dresses; steady position. New York Store, Main atreet. Dead wood. H. Ii. TOI'K huahand and son are looking forward to dessert time they know that you have onlcred some of Dalzell'a Ice cream. If Mrs. W. II. Page, MN Amea Ave will twins to The Ilea office within three days we will give her an order for a quart brick cf this tine Ice crease. I'EHSo.VS having lost soms articls would do well to call up the office of the omsha A Council Blufc afreet Hallway Company to ascertain whether they left It In the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company la anxious to restore iiiem to the rightful owner. Call Doug Its . OMAHA A COCNCIL BLTTFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. 1XMIT-A woman's light blue silk scarf. Wednesday evening about I o'clock, be tween iyal hotel and rhe Boyd theatset Return for reward to Bennett's Book de partment. LOST A brladle bulldog: one-half of face white; breast white. Phone Douglas tail. MOSEY TO LOAX salary aad Chattels. a STOP Right her It you ire looking (or the heat - -place to borrow money. LOOK The city ever and you can do no better, nc matter how cheap cthsrs adt ertlse. , LISTEN We wm loan yoa all the READY CASH you need on your Fl'HNITl.'Rii, PIANO. WArtr.MOt.SK KECKJ.PT. Al 'TO, KEA1, EaTATK or ON YCV3 PLAIN NOTK. If steadily employed. Such loans are procured In a few hours' notice, ori. vately. conildentlaily and In a way pleaa li.g to all. why take chances of having your busi ness pedaled about the city whea you can cet the money promptly of us. THE OLDRbT, LARGEST AND BUST RELIABLE CREDIT CO., ! Floor, S4 Psztun Block, 117 8. SCth 8t Phonea Deuglaa Wl and A-HI t. iniHammiiiiiiiil OI' EItfcI FOII REM ttaiels aad Agtajrtsavaie. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for gen- tlemeu. THE CHATHAM, lis S. Uth St. Hub Hotel, stram-heaiel. law Doug. St. Excellent meals, ? N. ,th. So. Omaha. Howard Hotel, elegjnt rms. 1002 Howard, HOTEL Floaiar, 17tlf and Capitol Ava Burlington, nke rooms. 1 block to depot, OXFORD and Arcade, .perlal w'kly rat. CAUFWRNLA hotel, Uh California, ateam heat, hot and cold water. Mpeua weekly ratea DODtJK HOTUL. running hot and cold water; teleithoues in every roum prices the same. Apartments aad Flats. STEAM HEATED. Pine eroow hardwood finish, thor oughly mod., tiled bath, ia Centrnl a part- meat, Ga S. Islh tit.; vsry good, price 14. Apartment can be seen aay time by cail inif at the Ccntril or D. V. Shole Co.. 913 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Tel. Doug, at t-r.QOM aoartment In the I In tan. Ap ply 4I Omaha Nat I Bank Bldg., or phoas a-room flat on Sherman Ave. Web. &7ek THKtK and 4-room tiata; die taaco, all modera. exi-ept heat, wausr inuajded fee I1A and tu.x per montn. A snap for small family. Call al S-'l Deway AVtf. Eew air. King. THKKU and five-room heated apart. mepta. 19 to lit. Call D. low or A-UM. VataratMied Meoasa, THREE unfurnished steam-heated rooma loltitae sua. ztaeac aad Cetlagea. FOR RENT-Slx-room rmlage, 14 N. 13th t. A. K. Merritt. tare Jiyers-Dillon Drug Co. VtHY desirable s-iooin modern cottage. 1314 So. 11th. Red 7X. HELP WASTED MALE esMftrtiast ttewda. NKW saonerorn gune Townsend lun Co.. IS14 Farnam. at low prleea. Ktasxsncrlaa aad ktatlerlag. CtTRFTD. Julia Vaughn. Ramge Bldg. hteaagraphera aad Cwerl Heawrtere. Myrtle A. Kelt , fat Bran. The, P. M. tewl teak aad Calvert fosaannles. NKBRABKA and Iowa Keel Tank Cea peey, ittb and Mchoaxe, D. fkak. I'aUaieeuj. . A. Wllflama. clothes altered, fl A Lake. FINNKYTai,eilng Co.. Web. 2St Ou4-of-dategaj-iaeits ea. for new. Vl'J' Jsk laxideasaaelav Aulabaiigh, im Leavenworth, poug. xm. 'I'ewta aad Aerauaas. OMAHA Tent Co. Tel. gfl Douglas. 'Iraaka aad Salt laaea. Frellng A Stelnle. IM Farnam Rt. Wlar Maaafaelarere. P. . Orlfflth. wig mfg. 1! Prraxer Blk. Wlsti aad Lliisun. Aaeaia, aaiessaea aaal Bullcltara. LOCAL salesman to sell 10. S and at aare Iracu and upwards of Columbia county, Florida land. Produces splendid crops. A llrst-claee proposition that will stand the olosset inveetigatioa. HOBT. C. DKUKMDUVf 4k CO., k Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. Atll-iNTH-Bervd fur free sample new artielei geta yea into every home and of licet sella at sight; big profile, 'the Northwestern Mall order HtHjae. slo iitu slreel, N.. Wahpelim. N. P; Atie'18 ateatly employment and good pay tor three months to a few reliable men. write at once tor psnmuai Household Necessities Cow. P. IA ktox. Jilt, Fort worth, Tex. WANTED A young man in our Cloak and nuit depa-'mem aa assistant, oue who hss had experience in cloak base ness. N other n. d apply. Apply to a. flreenhlatt, Nehvaesa Clothing Co. Clerical aad Utile. Bookkeeper and stenographer .ff& Mih..kUnc and ateuoaraoher t Accountant ll.ata-fl.ialOi CO-Ol'fcltATIVK RKFfc.Rc.M K CO., Ktll-l City Nat l Bank Bldg. TAko Jtigit-gJane positions, sue Bee. Factory aad 'Iradea. Prog store (snarert joba Knlest. Bee Bldg M tevws la aea aa. WANTED More people to raise pouul try with the Old Trusty Incubator. Write tor free catalogue Js. M. Jotinsen, Clay Center. Neb UAT a CO.. family llouers. llut Douglas. WILLuW bur hiss beer. 1 1, 1 nor. clears ' Picture School. eanewicnes. Alex Jetea 1XR Dougles. Lofttnan, s-yt-a.d why. toe drUia. 14 ic Har. MR. HCatAND. If voa are lookina- for something la take home for an extra fine dewrt step in Ditlzell's. If Malcolm 1 ow. ea California Kt., will rpme to The Bee office within three days we will give him aa order for a quart brick of this tine Ice cream. Oeod money-matting moving picture how In Omaha. International Moving Call at us bee Bldg. WANTED Man and wife to work on a ranch; Oerman. Mwede or Pane, pre ferred. r lua) Bee. EDICATIOXAL BOYLtS COLLtXiB DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR Csmplete courses lu Business. Book keeping, rltenotrrephy, Tetegranhy, CivH Service or SaJssmanshlp, The catalogue la tree rnr the asxing. call, writs or 'phone for It at once. Address H. B. Boytea. President. Boy lee CuUese. tmana. .sit. Y. M. C. A. NIGHT SCHOOL NOW OPEN. New students received la all elassae. Personal help given new studeats. Ke handlsap by starting new. wizteea-weea term la ewmmca argathea. commercial and business subjects. j. w. Miller, idle sttosei Becretary. Phone Tyler 14US. OMAHA COMMFRCIAL COLLEGE "BEST IN THK WESfT." Pav and evening sesstona all tha year. Shorthand. Typewriting. Bookkeeping. Agriculture, Civil Service. Salesmanship. R. A. Zartmea. Prea, Uth and Farnam, TUTORING, ut te Ilk grada H. IMt, HELP WANTED FEMALE Aatewta aed saUeasswaaesu PR. MORRIS famoue support eta Safe. sure, reliable. Always In place. Lady agewta clear gs per week. Seat upon recetpt of prKe. only 13. Ulve our height. M. K. Mirrls. Omaha. Neb.' WANTtCO ton IHki C. ak AHJdY Abie-bodied unmarried men between til ages uf 1 and x. citizens or Lnited States, of good chsraetor and temperate habits, who can speak, reed and write the Kne lien languaae. For Information apply to recruiting officer. 13th and Doug las afreets, umsna. rteo.; ew reini St., stonx City, lawa; at Ji. TeatU at. 14a eom. Neb. $10 TO $100 LOANHD TO ANYONE gt 1 H U U HOUSEHOLD GOODS parsed, for warded, cheap freight ratea, awviag and storing. ExiireNNneu's Delivery Co. 'fei. iiougiis Jfi. i-iiy oiues. z a. jitn ot. Bee llldg. OF-EKED tOH KEXT Uoaeea aad 1'atlajxee. FOR RENT Store room. 1M S. Mth St.: stsam heat; rest reajouabla. lauulre at Hi DouHlaa St. OrKERED VOH SALE. Faraltare. THRE8 BRASS M, complete: dreeseis. mlsaiua rockers, buffet, flac china cukinet, plane, leather couch, din ing room tabic, mission hall tree In use a few nvetutis. M k It, M Oasaaa. ataaseal iaasraa sata. ELECTRIC akaao and music bag re pairuut. A-'tue Macnine Co.. U-4 Lev Wth. Iigesngtiarav RENT aa Oliver typewriter tram tha Oliver Typewriter Co. Deaglaa n SMITH PHkMikK, mvdeie No. I or No. 4, in axceilcBI condition, rented threw months for ax SMITH PRr.Mlrift TYPBYTR1TBB1 CO., UUk snd Douglas. UWlT ' atoNAJtCH V1S1BLK for lent. THIS MONAJtCH TYPK WRIT KK CO..- til S, Phone D . TYPEW KlTkRHt ALL MAKEA-Fer sale or rent, largest stuck, beat bargains. B. F. .3 W ANSON CO., 1514 Farnam St.. Omaha. Tall or write jalaeeltaaeaeaa. FOR BALE Two scholarships la tha Omaiia Commercial college and one la ii ua neat 01 live, vmana Uoyiis college. Bee. ELECIRICFIANOS res nut, gum. match and machines, Acme Machine Leavenworth. post card. Co. XUs SAFES Overstocked with second-hana rafec. all stses aad makes; bargaias: American Supply Co.. ll Farnam at. FOR hUl.K-Naw and saeond-aaad. carom and Backet wuiard labJea and bowling alleya atul accaasorlss; bar fix tures of all kteds: easy psymenfs. Tha BrunawWfe-Baika-Cellaader Co.. erdll a. LlOth St. raw MAfLhi t, eeiH furnace. ISO, ;i"C: A-ted. 3i. k spomi modera ax Hall, 41 Kaaigs. D, oaa tor any. body who jwna furniture, pi. horses, waaona. or am-oaa ho ft Steady puslUoo at tne moat raa. aonaule cnargsa All we ask M yuur luouiiae 1 peg. No red tana. No dsiey. teuickiy. piivaunv, tueas.. Vi In installments uf M A. let m lastslimenta of, 1SS la lnalaAlmet.ia at no. Loses 00 sue uora oae uuuia ea M M Is 41 eae Vear. Terms lo suit you. w M LOAN CO., l 14 vsauaa Loaa uetruneat.1 si H JM w lUioeli Bik. Over Nsu. Cyaie Co, u w o. m. wor. i&ia aoa neruej. si if . Dougiaa Emo, lad. A-uus, i t W MiiwiitwmwiiiminniiiiHMHtTHitsiew MONKY MNUMd salaried people, women keeping house and others, without se cui ity ; easy payments, offices in a. prin cipal cities, 't'olman, 6u3 Omana nat'l Bank Bldgs . formerly N. Y. Lite Mldg. CHATTEL LOAN Lowest rates, easiest terms. See others, then sea us aad be convinced that we win cave you money. HOI'S KHOLD LOAN Co.. N. K. Cor. Uth. A Doug. Sta. D. tat), lad. X-r h.iiiM. ' - ears riiBtrli.t In a fine aspalc. 11VW S. SHk St. Only IM. Mi i-t cottage, modernv except heat, lilt film wnn bam, aaa. FLATIt AND RO0M3. t-r clone in, V1 aV Utb St. 17.01 s-r close m, 7v A ?7lh SL. tx.M. t-r flats. Mis Dewey Ave, only IU.M, STORES. ltvl N. Nth St.. large room, only CO.M. Ill I. nth St., small store room, laie, N. P. DO DOE A Ca, . 16th snd Harney. ,3 Coal tar stove er furnace. Try lu Harmon 4k Weeth. Webster HI. FOR SALE btuuy tent, with floor aad stave. Webster etmi. 5 SAFES. DEIUOHT, Ult Farnam St GET IT OF Mlsa now. C L. is., at Star Loan Co.. (44 Paxton Blk. S to Uvs. without seourrtv: to suit you. MONEY on furniture, pianos, at very low rata of Interest. Ktbraska Loan Co. a BEE ELDO. Poug. I.'.'. A-1334 FOR WESTEKX LAND LOANS. Write us, we might be able to help you. a E. Walt A Co.. Mortgage Brokers, S17 Bee Bldg., Omsha. DIAMOND LOANS at 3 and i per cent. riATAU, uil utHige. tm. rtau uajjL OFFERED FOB RENT YOU Alia, WANTED- for government Jch. ptui month. Send postal for list of positions open. Franklin institute, wept fie L.. Kocnes'er. N. Y T T fl im MONTH AUTOINU. IJ J ALTO SCHOOL, OMAHA. NEB. ww jiiaranteea more actual repairing than aay three other schools. Come see. TF.LEUHAPH posilxm guaranteed you by both Union Pacific and Illinois Cen tral railroads ff yM gera your trajmaa la our ornoeJ. Practice on R. K. wires. Ad dress tor particulars. H. B. Boy lea. Free. Boyles College. Omaha Neb. STOPiRhAD! Oat lata a pa y In g Drofeeelnn. Learn automobile engineering In our large training shop. Hundreds uf successful graduates, complete equipment of aute moblles and macniuery. Address National Auto Train. Assa.. edl Brandeta Theater Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. AMATEURS of ability tor dramatic show. Apply director. UK Harney, be tween IS a. m. and I p. m. .on OOVaKNiacNt June oven. Writ tor free Nit. Franklin Institute. Oep't iu ttoeheeter. N. Y. Mweisel aad isaeassi O. M. E. hauls trunks. P. 111. A-NU. lAlil.t; boAKD by tne week, home cooking; git pee week. 71T So. nth Ct- ROAKD and room with private family; two rooma, light and well heated: walk, tng distance; reasonabla 317 N. 21 St 7-ROOM house, tit; -room. Ki. Han scorn psrk; modern. Pbons Harney 156k For Rent Brick House Psur Bedrooms, bath aad toilet ea ood floor; large family reore. di room, buttery, kitchen, refrigerator room hall and vestibule on first floor: full cement basement, with toilet; furnace heat; everything first ciass and strtotly modern. Located at UUl Georgia Ave See the owner st 1309 Georgia Ave.t or pnnns liarney ia. SEVEN-ROOK MODERN One black to car; full S-atory, square; complete basement, heating and plumb ing. Speclsl offer on thla O'KEEFB REAL ESTATH CO.. 10W Omaha Nal'L Douglas or A-ftti. Hntiuno m ail parts 01 the city. iHISfa. Cr,it(l gon, 4 Co.. Bee Bldg. liiD. s-roura cottaxc; line rep r. H. km. Housss. Ina RitxnaU. BranaVls ih. Bid. S-ROO.M strictly all asodera house, W7.i ?2l Ponpleton Ave. KEVEN room m deni flat, heat and water furni.ined. SB. web. H9S. KINDL1NN., M load. U. Oreaa t economy phtlo elekea coops. STEAM radlatora for axle cheap. narney mi. S W. 8MM. mJpS Wee, laa, leap. ll " YtM'K wife always apiireolatea little sttentiona you pay hsr. Stop and g-t her a box of O'Brien's candy. If Andrew Mi-shide, ems Capitol Ava. will come lo The Bee 01 floe within three days wo will give him aa order fur a fp-cenl box of O'Brien's candy. PERSONAL A New Truss NEW IN VEN l ION. ACTION AND RESULTS. - -Does not spread the rupture open In ternally as convex pads do. Write fur Tin! TTBRELL TIUTSU CO, 17m Broadway. New York City IOUNU women coming te Omaha as strsuaere are Invrted to visit the Ysung W omen's Christian association building at Seventeenth and SL kfary'a Ave., whtre they will he directed tu suitable boardlnd places ar atherwlse asstaied. l.eik lor our uavalcrg' aid at the Uoiou station. S-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Clsdieh pharmscv, Uth and Dodge, A ai-aaxe. Klueiikuuse. JW Old Boston Bid. w t rnt and repair all kinds of sewing tractiincs. Ind. A -IDs. Douglaa Mel NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. Uh and Hamey 61a. MASSAfJK Trsauneni. Mrs. Steele. aaooaUD 70l Dodga Ground floor. 6-rootn loner flat. 2li Dor cas St. hath, gas, electric light, half block to car. cloee to Hsjascom park. IU R. H. Landeryou, 40 Bd, ef Trade B dg. Douglaa 211L A-1151. aariiialksd ktaaaas. FOR RENT Two furnished parlor rooms entn neat ana gsa m . n 11. MODEHN. well heated, comfortable room; rental reusonatite. lie So. JSna Si. DESIRABLE furalsnsd raoat, private family, am N. arte, pneae Webeter ss.. NICE, new modern room, pnate tan lly. 1 8. snth St. Harney 47$1 WtsT samara district, near th and Dewey, for lady omy, large, comfortable, well furnished, front room, ail modern, small private family: close te Farnaxa car. 'Phone Haruey 43. YOUNO I-kDT CAN HAVE A REAL NICE FCTtNISMRP WARM ROOM TN NEW FLAT, WITH HOME COMFORTS, IN PRIVATE FAMILY. RED (4i NICB, new modera room, private family. It b Mth. Phone Harney 47M THREE largs.' furnished, comfortable. modern except heat: Ilk, Harney MEN. JO to 40 years old. wanted at cnars fur ciectrki railway motormee and conductora; pit to kit a Biooth; ne ex perience necessary; tine opportunity: ne strike. Write 'mraedlaieiy foe appucatlaa Address 1 si, care ef Bee. DO veu want a steady waving position! Call at IntL hi. p. School. 211 wee Bldg. Clerical and Office. Rokkeever and stenographer 17 fiiuik-ep.'r and stenographer M CO-OPERATIVE RKFRRKNCR CO.. ldj-lt City N.u l Bant Bliig.. t'aelery aad Tradee. WANTED Neat girl for plain roeklnc at the Creche. 11 Harney. Dcugls at. WHAT Is heme without a nice box of the is mo us candy made hv D. J. O'Brien; I If Mrs. E. F. Dorm, itif Famam Mt.. win come to The Bee office within three days aw will give her ait oruer for a ie cent hex of O'Brien's candy. THE more yea eat the mote you want of D. J. O'Brien's candy. Delirious and tasty. If Mra. E. A. Phillips, 4S7 Harney St.. will come to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a eveent boa ef O'Brien s csndy. Faratalsed Ha ettregdagt THE M ANCELTwo- room apartment, eta). The Howard, s-roem, p-ivats bath. gg-OP. tlst snd Howard. ROOMS, for light housekeeping Harney. 8k Mo rears and Uwmeatlee. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Hereon aad Xeaielee. SLEICH-Cheep. Frost. IM Lea van wth. GOOD delivery horse- a set of harness and wagon. Phone Doug. igSe. GIRL for P's la cooking and aeneral house work, verr email family, good I SOUND bay mare, weight Lie Iba : caa w agea. onng reference. Phone Doug, r be eeea at uraverrs barn, call SM. Mrs. Stebbens. 131 Park WUd TWO er three botiaekeptng apoma. 3iui Pavenport. o JaA fx A ur, CO.. moving vans and storage. Trunks, buagaga dsk D. an. sis it. inn. sl a. win gl. a ruotua. completely "rwwa m, m namga 11. 1 A , eon Ka-it-Ni-w iv-roem aiouarn ortea nvuae, . iiarnei; ready Jan. t. Hot water heal. Inquire T. J. O'Brien. Heaxnaw hotel. Phones. Di t'Kt !!. xi. fc FIVE-ROOM kungaiow. JtM Blnney, completely nsodern. Hail Distributing Co. 41P1 Rxmge Bldg.. D. 740a. A -440k ALL MODERN k room house, hot water beat. Me Arbor St. Ihruciaa ia MO INii, packing aud atortna of Kouu. noe gooos aaa piaooa la our buejaees. Omaha Van borage Co.. flrenrnnr storage, m s. 14th. by the viaduct. Branch or 1 ice. a. inn rii. tel. IX 411 A-iy FIVE-ROOM cottage with water ami gaa. rr Mouth Uth St. Phone Red W1 NO N'KKD of worrvina about whew Dalsell is in town. If Mrs. 1 M. Hlhhs. C3 Chlcaao St.. will ,. to The Bee office w:thia three davs we will give her an order for a quart hrick of this fine Ice cream. kleeee susd iMttees. W1F?1 to aublet suite Of flea rooms la City Netteai: Psnk Bldg. Call n 41S. COMFORTABLE luilia for rent smalt lodg.. ( and ap per meath. Mackle. 1st Harney St. FARNAM STitKBT STORE. A fine store room in new bu.ldinc on Farnam. Every convenience. Good terms to right party. Address E lint Bee. 112 8. TH St.; warm room: good home cook tng. Douglas 313a, Close in. Farwleaed Meases. FOR SALE a-room new apartment, nicely furnished. rSU So. hth. Doug. "s A MODERN five-room furnished apart tnebt. Hanecom Park district. Call Har ney ISO. 'UrukJartJiJ sws for f,t la Wast Farnam district. Tel. Harney E7S4. Dewey European HoteL Bth A Fanani. I V Howard at.. thrtM floors, lies Famam. first fit or end hatement. li and 117 So. 17th St. Inrestieate this. 2431 Famam. Oarajre IsySS fee; F. D. WEAD. mi Farnam 34. STORAGE ROOM FOR RENT OR LEASE 4th and 9th floors Averv Rid?, r7-n Leavenworth St. Whoiesaie ditrict close to freight btaw F! at, 11s rr ctt. flees, ekevetors. two switch tracks and leading p :st.'orm. Inquire G. W. Perrrn. Mgr. Avery Co. Office ext trance directly opposite Union station. UASstAOkl gaediab movemant: nulhtnr better for iheumati'm; ladles, tl; gsntls men. SI m. Ant. 31 l.J Farnata. 6. cm. I h- N. nissa suits to hire. 114 Hew . .H.KN(;K bath, salt glow aremaile Chicago. 109 8. inn el.. lt floor. D. 7&,. I UK SALVAl'lO.N ARMY solicits cast off ciotiiingi Is fac, anything you do pot nettr. We collect, repair aad eeiL at U4 N. nth St.. for coat of collection, ta the worth; poor. Call 'phone Doutjtae tlfi am- waaona will ealL Laifiee Ouaranieeif Remedlea en Ware Bk. alia, 'in. titty oer. auesage, slsctricai treat - ounsans. Hah at Pteroe. D. 4JM Dr. Borne, women's diseaaea 41 Doug. Bx MAGNETIC "setmenu B. Brolt. 7lii Mftel. DL'UAN: Last met In Fremont Call Hubert Taylor betweea t and 1 p. m. Bell phone Doug. 1177; ind.. A-S77. Could not find you in answer te your card. THE 1st saea en street oar az St is and C'tmlng streets on Saturday night about te o ciocg, January a, uu, when man fell from car are requested to call Dotialaa IITJ cr A-ai, or address letter to Ml Pax- ton block at once. SHK naturally Is looking lor a dessert tknt needs but little preparation. TCI her of Palseli's Ice cream. If Mrs. D. C. Dodds, aua Ctw St. will come te The Bee office within three daya wo will give her an order fur a quart brick of this fine ice cream. REAL ESTATE Mllt.Dk.HS' INPUMMATION. Fleet rte gas futures Omaha Pllrer Ce. t -m 1 e.nept t'o 17th and Cuming. Fucha. S. a Bl ad. pa is ting, decorating. ws t.n can., j. uoer. Mmv. Web. U41. 4.11k I'KliraHll ISkuLa. OCR LETTER duoacatlaa- wort ss rm- excelled. A trial will convince you. Both phenee. Western Duplicating Ca. CM Bee. FARMS Three or four extra bargains when the snow gets oft POcE.saION GIVEN. Orin S. Merrill C'ompany Rooma IfU-14 City Nst'l. Bank Bldg. FOR SALE-Cottage. six rooms and basement: good well, twe Iota: H.&4. tW cash, balance en paymenla Owner leav ing city. Inquire st J. J. Maly. lexj O -treet. South Omaha. Neb. AT A BARGAIN. My property at JS3 California: T-room house: modera; lot ZmlM ft. Harney kS.