U k THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY. JANUARY 13. 1912. 11 V BRIEF CITY NEWS P Kan moot Mat It. II n ( Omaha Bffiinl Koepltal. Dong. MS. Ou. atle. rixturea, luTM-aiulu. pedal w are selling th Durham Demonstrator rasor wiui one, Duroam duplex blade for lie J as. Morton A Son Co. Answer ta UntN Case Wsllory Uuigaa has tiled in district court aa an swer and cross-petition to his wtfe's suit tor divorce. avage jabla to Bit Up Chief of De tet.ivc. jonn H. savage, who baa boon confined to his bed for th last week tram ton.. - trouble, la reported to be Im proved. He la able to alt up. efcjaxaa Motormaa Vaimprarad George Nelson, the street car motormaa who was crushed between two ears at the Ames avenue barn Wednesday moraine. still In a serious condition at the Swedish Mission hospital. Thawa Pipes; Starts Blase A small fire 'Started In the borne of Mrs. H. C Kaufman. Ulin .North Seventeenth atreet. at t:M o'clock yesterday moraine, when Mrs. Kaufman attempted to 'haw out soma water pipes la the basement. The damace waa slight. Batter Meals at Commercial dab Foimai aouce has guue u u musis of the Commercial club announcing that on and after next Monday W oenta will be chaifed for the noonday luncheon at the club. It has been a) cents for many years. "Improved quantity, quality and service is promised. ' raw School Bids Absent Despite the extreme cold aeather. reports receivea by the Board of Education are that the number of absentees from school Is re markably small. Superintendent Graff says In the high school the number of ataenteea is very eugnt, and It la only in the primary grades that the attendance Is diminished. y o Btei Pretty cold for homeaeekers. but tha doe not prerant "Chat" Blauf hter push ing tha business of loeatlnc and relln quishment for Bouts Dakota lands. Mr. Blauchtar Is vial tine In Omaha, and it notifying his friends that h will hav open house Sunday at tha Merchants hotel. At home, la Dallas. & D., he Is head, of the firm of Slaughter A Shepard. which has branch offices at Coiome, Win ner and Carter. Y.M.C.A. Glee Club Sings for Friends Wore than 100 persona braved tha chill of tha coldest night of tha present winter so tar to attend tha Toting Man's Chris tian Association alee club's first free concert of the year In the association auditorium last night. They were well, repaid. Tha club of fered fire numbers, every one of which was presented charmingly. The young men sang In a manner that told of care ful training of able voices. As to gett ers! technique, harmony, quality, and shading, the music was all that aa exact ing music lover could wish. Lee O. Krata, ulreoter at tha club, waa In charge. Miss Florence Peterson, pianist; Rob ert Smllsx. viola; Will Heatherlngtoa. violin; and Mis Dora Baas, reader, gave J aDie a so nigniy appreciated assistance. Eleven number were given and each waa a cordially applauded a to require an encore. Among the numbers were Lien's Hungarian Rhapsody, by Miss Peterson: Krnafald'i dchliunmerleld by L Messrs) taiMey and Heathen niton; Kip-1 lug's "Danny Devrer, by Mis Baa: and West's "A Warrior Bold," Kraut ; "Norsk Nightingale" and Krals'a "No body Knows but Mother" by the Olee club. Dr. Jennie Calfaa sang "Island of Dreams" and waa well received. The club will giv several more free concerts for It friend daring the year. The next will be given soma time dur ing March. How is the Time to Test the Slothing Situation in this 6ity Again tomorrow, our entire stock of men's and young men's winter suits and overcoats LEGITIMATE REDUCTION 25 DISCOUNT Hundreds of men ' and young mea satisfied them selves as t our great val ues and bought suits and overcoats this week. If you did not buy a suit or overcoat, you should at tend our honest sale of 255i reduction 2 off loses its meaning when our prices and values are considered. , Join the happy crowd of money savers and buy good val ues in our clothing store. Our assortments are still good your choice Is unlimited here staple blacks and blues are Included also full dress suits and tux edos. When you see the values we offer and then deduct 25 It will clearly establish our claim that It positively pays to come here. MEN'S SHIRTS, UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY at GUT PRICES Men's Shirts Reduced $2.50 and $2.00 grades now $1.15 $1.50 And $1.75 grades now . .95c $1.00 grades now 55c Men's Union Suits Reduced $2.00 grades now $1.35 $2.50 and $3.00 grades now $1.85 $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00 grades now at $2.45 Choice of any 50c or 75c neckwear in our store, tomorrow 25c Choice of all $2.00 and $150 silk reefer mufflers 95c Choice of all our $3.00 to $4.00 Men's high grade Sweater Coats, at $1.85 Men's Silk Hose worth to 35o 19c Omaha' largett and bett equipped clothing afore. If fen Crown Make Suspenders 50c and 75c grades 25c f Annual I n tt iicaii up Sale Ideal Cement Stone Go. Branches Out Th annual stockholders meeting of th Ideal Cement Stone oompany was held January 11 at the office of the company at 17M Cumlnf street, at which time th following; officers and director were elected: N. J. Peterson, president and manager: P. J. Denlson, vice president; were elected directors. Owing to th (rowing demand for first class cement stone in Omaha and sui rounding town in r'sbraska and Iowa was decided to open an additional factoo at Twenty-fifth and Oak streets, thl plant principally to supply the south pan of the city and South Omaha. This sires the Ideal Cement Stone oompany three large factories, all equipped with the most modern steam curing and up-to-date pawer machinery, enabling them to fur nish the best cement stone at lower cost Shnrti tstfiti fop n tiotii m (jiiiT) cut. (ji?nimiUv r I i ' i i 1 II w 11 AFFAIRS ArSOUTH OMAHA City Treasurer Says Transfer of Money to Grade Fond HlegaL MOTHER BOND IS PBESEKTED Delegate FaraserV Caafereaee Will Be Eatertalaed at racking Hssmi aad Stark Yards Teday. It I contended by the city treasurer that the recant order of the dty council authorising him to transfer eome 1600 from tha general fund to 'the depleted fund of grading district 106 cannot be done according to taw without laying the city treasurer liable on his bond tor such transfer, i In a written statement with extracts from Cobbey's annotated statute the treasurer give his reasons for refus ing to comply allti the order of the Charles Peterson, secretary; E. If. Car-1 council Insofar as It relates to the trans act!, treasurer. These and J. A. Pearson for of money from the general fund to the fund of grading district 1V . nother part of tha council's order i named the transfer of 1700 from the terest and sinking fund to the depleted und of the aforementioned grading iletrict, which embraces- Q street from Thirty-sixth to Harrison street The reasurer admits that the transfer of he ST0O Is legs! because It !s paying back what was formerly taken out of the grading fund Illegally. ft seems to be the opinion of others shout th hall that th KM need not be You Nocti Vitality. Strength, Force. TP 7mi r Wtnh. mm J a Nirr)41pM- fflnnrlleitM- 1 your arms are bound, your energies paralyzed. Sooft's Emulsion is the Vitalizerand your opportunity. TAOC-mAMK all Dnuooiara transferred to the fund of grading dis trict ice, but can De paid directly from the general fund. As yet the city at torney's office ha rendered no formal opinion In th matter. Delegate ta gaatk Oaaaaa. Delegate from th Farmers Co-opera tive Grain and Stork association, the Nebraska Farmers' association and the Rural Life congress will be entertained hy the packing house and th Union Stock Tarda this morning. The visitors will coma to th yards In special cars from Omaha and will be escorted about the packing district until noontime whoa luncheon will be aerved In the Kxchang building and an Infor mal program rendered. Among the speakers for the occasion will be the following: Bruce McCulloeh, who will speak on "Shipping and Mark ing IJve Stock", O. a. Smith on "Th Farmers' Shipping Association", L. C Lawson on the "Farmers' Congress", J. a Walters on the "Stock Yards", John O'Hearn. on the "Packing House", Frank Odell on the "Rural Life Commissioner", T. B. McPherson on "Commission Men." Raffles Makes Repart. After a long wait th report of J. C. Raffle of the Arthur Young auditing company of Kansas City was received hy Mayor P. J. Tralnor yesterdsy even ing. ' The reports were voluminous and the mayor declared that he would peruse them himself before making them public. His honor. expected to go over the re ports carefully last night The audit covers th condition of the city and school finance and I made out In tri plicate form. It la expected that the report will bring some startling truths to the knowledge of th dty council. Boat Caasea Stir. Consternation reigned In th office of the dty treasurer yesterday when a letter appeared from O. C. Dovey of Platta mouth asking for the redemption of a bond held by him on grading district forty-twa. Issued In lfl. , According to th file of the treasurer's office it appear that th bonds of th district In question war retired year ago. Of th original issue of tt.Ma. divided Into five bonds, ail are marked cancelled and checked oft on th book of th 1 treasurer. This is tha second claim on alleged ' bogus bonds within th last few months. Recently an Issue comprising 17.300 ap peared In New Tork for redemption. They , were repudiated by the dty, which la In possession of th original Issu sow can- . died. j It Is understood that It may become necessary for tha city corporation to Join tha Backers' association of the I'nited States in order to get at the bot tom of the frequent appearance of alleged bogus bonds. Wait Mar Tralas. Seeking to have the Northwestern In crease Its train servtoe Into South Omaha, secretary of tha Live Stock exchange. A. F. 8tryker I absent on a oonferenc with the railroad official, Th commission men It Is understood want an Increase of train service on the Crofton, Blfomfleld aad Wynot branches of tha road. At present there Is one train a week on these branches, and that on 8unday. The commfoslon men want four trains a week. laapala Caase at Theft. Crged by an uncontrollable Impulse. 1;. .Her, a respectable man of family an-J a property owner. Is accwed of having pilfered eight pounds o: sugsr from the J ma ha Packing company. Alles was arrested yesterday evening by .h!ef of Detectives James Sheahao of i the city ptllc department and James Austin, chief of th police of the Omaha Packing company. Alles when brought to the station Is said to have admitted th theft, but ex plained that ha waa unable to account for th Impulse that forced him to take the sugar, Masle City Ooeslp. For rale household goods. Leaving city, zw n i. Phone Hell South WW ln.1. P-1M8 for a rase of Jetter (.old Top. Prompt delivery to any part or ins city, wuuaiu setter. It Is. reported that a shortage of coat la threatened In the packing house dis trict, dial operators and railroads have combined to nut fuel to th packers. It Is understood. John Pap pas, residing at Twenty-eighth and O streets, waa arrested yesterday evening on a warrant Issued by Justice of the Peace George Collins. Pappa Is charged with the unlawful pnaaeiutlna of 160 belonging to a fellow countryman. The Union Paclfio Railroad oompany reoorted to the police yesterday the loas of nenrly 200 pounds of mest out of a car standing under the O street viaduct Wednenday night. The meat was con signed to Omaha from the Cudaiiy Pack ing company. Rev. C. T. IMey. pastor of the Baptist church, has engaged Rov. A. W. Tandy evsngellpt lor a. revival service, which liessn January . The services will he held every evening at the Baptist church, Twenty-fifth and H streets. All are In vited. On Saturday evening Rev. A. W. randy will preach at tne west ewe Bap tist mission. Desire for Warmer Climate Causes Boy to Desert Fireside To search for a warmer climate, Walter Hatenholx, IS years old, ran away from his home, 273S Jefferson street. South Omaha, early last night, but was cap tured by the Omaha police after he had nought a railroad ticket to Kansas City. The boy said he Intended to make his wsy to Oklahoma City, where he hoped to find a good Job or at least a warmer climate. He had spent most ot tne salary he had drawn from the South Omaha Packing company f.r his railroad fare. His father. 11. O. Hakenhola, came to Omaha and took him back home. If you want to run away, wait until summer time." his father told him. "You don't wsnt to be going around without a Job thl kind of weather." "If I wait till summer." the boy said. 'It won't do me any good." WORLD'S SPEEDIEST TYPIST WILL DISPLAY SKILL HERE If. O. BJalsdell, the world's speed lent typist, came to Omaha yesterday from New Tork and will demonstrate here that the Underwood typewriter and himself are of th fen' mi dynamo in th speed realm. Blaisdell has a large silver loving cup he won in the world's championship type writing contest held at Madison Square Garden October 26, Mil. His record waa 112 net words a minute for one hour. When It is considered that five words are deducted in this contest for each typographical error. Blaisdell stands almost as a wizard of the machine. He will give exhibitions at the Com mercial club, at the business colleges and oire of the larger business Institutions. before he leaves the city Saturday. FOOTPADS ROBFOUR WOMEN This ii liit of Eoldupi that Took Place Last Right OVER TWELVE HI FEW BAYS degrees Take Part la Rack Affair, Frlahtealag Vletlraa lata tilvlag I'P What Valaahles They An Carrying. . . Th Highwayman' rule book, gulds, or whatever It is, for tha year, 1H states in th first paragraph, perhaps In the preface, that women have been picked by the Omaha Association ot. B?d Ban dits aa the best robbery victims. Accordingly, frightened. hysterical woman have kept th polios busy since the year began looking for those bsndlts who have tacitly agreed to work In com pliance with the rules. So far during th last few dars more than a doxen women hav been accosted by negro robbers, some choked, some threatened at th points of revolvers and some frightened almost to prostration. Four women last night made reports ft robberies and attempted robberies Gertrude Nelson, returning to her horn, !K1 Dodge street, was stopped by an armed negro at Twenty-second and JJodg. streets at t:t o'clock last night Whe.. tha holdup told her to throw up he, hands th young woman grabbed tor hi. revolver. But th ronber caught her .. th throat aod waa choking her whe! she emptied her pocket book of U am even pennies and gave to hint. Thra hour later, Emma Van Mete, waa held up and robbed of H near he home at Twentieth and Dodge atreet b, a negro. rh also waa farced to glv. the bandit her topax ring and pearl pin. A negra who had na gun got not hi n. from E. Jacob ot Nineteenth and Isar street, when he held htm up betweu, Cs and Chicago street on Klxteem street at l:. Jacobs was returning bom. from his work at Orkin brothers. When a negro pointed a revolver a Misses Lula snd Margaret Cory near thel home at Hi North Eighteenth stieet earl, last night, they screamed and frlghtenei blm away. They then hurried to then home and notified th police. Til key to success In business Is th Judlrlou and persistent use of newpapei advertising. PlGasantRGfieslaiii, TaX1- arwl - nf 0 GGntloaiiAEffQctiYQ, CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. in the Clrcfe. on evenj Pacfae of tho Genuine. DO NOT LET ANY DEALER DECEIVE YOU STOUT OT FIGS AND tXIXUt Of UNNA HAS OVEN IMYEkSAI. SATISFACTION FOft UORC THAM THIRTY YFARS AST. AND ITS WONOUnn. SUCCESS HAS LED UN SCRUPULOUS MANUFACTURERS Of MITATIONS TO OFFER PtfTWOg rTSARATIONS UNDER SIMHAR NAMES AND COSTING THE DEALER LESSs THEREFORE; WHEN BUYING, Notetfcj FulTNam9 of thfl Gompanuv rilllAl.llllBJIJl'l.lllTTJ' isf.iaisii'j.ir.va x tra.1 i'ui'a m n.iiiii.iiii.iiiriiiiiavi, BUNTED STRAIGHT ACROSS.NEAR THE OTTOM, AND THE CIRCLE. HEAR THE TOT OF EVERY PACKAGED THE CENUINE. REGULAR ntKX Kit DOTTLE. ONE SIZE ONLY. FOR SALE IT ALL LLAOtNC DRUGCSTS. Will ic.'.''T-of ih5OM BiU l jj J 'IS n zu'wj swuruas nr-rua ornauo. SVtT Of FIGS AND ELTTIR of ajw THE MOST PLEASANT. WHOLE. SOatE AND ErTlCnvt RMUT FOR STOMACH TMUILES. HZAL0TJ AND MLJOUJeCSS DUE TO COStSTVATION. AND TO CET fTS atEFKlAi. BFtCTS IT ES NECESSARY TO aVT THE OCJCJXAL AND ONLY GENLaw. WHsCH MANUFACTURED IT THE California Fig SyrupCo. i I ULfA na ft Bin ,i,na. All JXsctal iiisrasn cured witbowt a ran ksl a operalioa. No Chloroform. Elder or ether gen-) aral socssthetic oied. CURB GUARANTEED j to last a LIFK-TIME. tTaxAJtiaATtcoi ra. WRITE FOR BOOK OS PILES AND RECTAL DISEASES WITH TESTIMONIALS DM. C- ST. TAwsjV, 124 EfeKmg. Oaeawa. Moaeaeaa I OF Lighting Fixtures AND Gas Lighting SunnIi- ! 0 l.eev oounie weave, wmta light Inverted mantels, with genu ine magnesia ring. Regular :ie quality, while f they last tJC only I'm' Ml II I, l.sce Cpngnt Mantels, an ran, and with double wire sup port Pries these anywhere and you will find them a regular ito and I0o value, i luring thla aai f turn pries ta tJC only Irtish sack tavtrted lUgkt 43 tVelsbsch Inverted Light of the guose-neiik type, with magnesia burner-tip go In litis sale. Finish, polished Ltas. lioxed compista with a No. 1 Weiahach inverted Mantle and No. 1011 half, frosted globe. Iteg- ffl. u.sr pries II IS each. ajVC sal price only Corns Yaor i Great IT M Kit Buy Kcw Genuine fcr ,fl Sale I m Fulyn 1 J ,- J m 'A. s it- "..'M r CMndellers at Saving Tee lias and two K let Irk: dining room chabUeliera, -like . cut, . n ith art glass shade, av a llegular price elirt !. r" S Oaa and 1 Electric Chande liers. Ku. " IU0J. Kegular price S.5. Hale fi Ef price only iBl 1 Oaa and : Klectrlo Clianda llers. No. 1U'L Hegular price ! . fcai r A price only wlWU 1 Use and one Klectrie Fend- ant. No. - C ou. Regular pri.e 13.00. bale price $2.03 PFt.IJiVENTORT SALE Ovw I.OOw Gmu and Electrto com bt nation Chaudtira, not mentioned ubove. t exception ally low prices In order to clean up our uample line and stock previous to Inventory. Ttieee article are from our wholesale stock and titer are actually being- offered at less than their wholesale prices and are quoted at from 42&.t Jowrt to S2.te. Ve will lastatl any order far Oiandeliers In Omaha, iouia Omaha or Council Bluffs with out extra charge. These p-icea are only In ef fect so kmc aa this assortment lasts. - ... Burgess- ! Grandeo Co. j 1 1511 HOWARD ST. I