Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 12, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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You've' Felt the Same Way, You Know You Have
By "Bud" Fisher
thi tew uATne'n.
r TOU6-M
l VrOtL.0
- j w"", ""we
Lrrtt ti6, i fcoufcHT ,
A6OUT900 WOaJfrl CP
JOE eoutMY A
7oo J"Nne.
II s w - - ii " .V I
i i i ... ii i . . i i - i ll erx ... i
Xoyoe Teun, with Biff Handicap,
Wist Laurel at Touraey.
' SEW TTATma rj TEE bottbus
Waasen sd Lurfmkfkta Jump
lata Tint place, svltb Oread
Tatal ( 1,TP aay
tal Innl Made.
The Bare Cracker Jacks ef the Magic
City league with a handicap a( Ms Pins,
end Um Ferreli Syrups with M pin
threw a aamiiM nrprla Into tha City
Iowmmm doeeaters Isst Bight TPs
Boyoo team with a lit grand tout.
Jumped lata ssooed place and the sticky
boys task third wltk tTTl
' Hum aad landwsbrkasip Jumped
lata, tka lead la tka doubles, shooting anf with a U handicap which
brought Ibtlr (rand tout to 1.171. Both
ra new men la th game and thdr
sheeting lu phsnomsnaL Fritchsr and
Leplnskl laak Ilka champions la tin
doubles wltk a 1.01 total. They bad a
handicap ol at, making thair soars LKL
No chanta la singles Isadora rasultaa
tram last sight's work.
Plve-Mea Kraal.
Mts Bros.... it
Horn Cracker Jacks I iu
Karrall Syrups trii
rta Lorlu... i7l
Jtttcrs. ao, Oataha tin
ktiUlinsa 1.71
Factors ....I.,
Armours ,
Uuaiantsa dotainf Co 1st
Msrtln Tlnra , ....k..l4
Piowm candy Kids. ..!,
Mau-pixa , ,,.1.(1
Ssrlo Colts Ls
. Otaors wors Mo 1 M.
taadlac l tka OsaibUa, .
Manara-LsiulwiMikamp ..1.1.
rnioaor-lpimin La.
Culkin-Hsia .u
lIIKObuolt a,,,.... k.l
stilB KiwoOy Li.
lioaHfainMa , , ..m..1.L,
ur-Anaollf LL
XMirWaiena . r.....4 u...Jj
Itiinn-Ji.iy ....,..,.... ...1,.
Ortman-Mortva i 1,,
C'SJA'ohtuiua ,
Kryo-ahorwond , , ...L
ChaiaDor-HiislaMi ;..L.
t'l.rk-Wlniuni L,
aioran-Voa ,.l,i
lian.rr HuMlrmlon ,....1,1
Ottwra ors aelow LWS.
Laaaora la laalrldaala.
. Boot
isynlik .....
Nvil.y , a.
Muiaa , a.
uriifin ...a a
Oolf , 4 Si
Ansolsbsrc .
' Marks
r. Clsrk ,
Wlntors ,.....
Ortmaa U
"tuns ,. fe.
. liamls t.
Seven Who Will Be in the Limelight
. . a
h-i :.
Btvsa sportlna oslbrlUa who pramlM
to bo smont" tha buslsat of alt during
th ysar ItU. I'ppsr row, loft to right:
Martin, slhsrloaa at Now York, discus
tbrowsr aad all-around track star, whs
Is aroparlnc for Iks Otymplo gamas;
Trrus Oak, Datralt Tlgar stsr out
fielder; Prsnk Hekulta, Chicago Cubs'
homo-run swattorj John Paul Jonea of
Corn II, mils shamptoR runnar. Bolow,
.ft to light: Ooorga Bon hag, two-mils
raeerd holder; liana Wagmr, tns Pit ta
bu rgs pirstaa' grast shortstop, and
Knonkaut Brown, who Is attar tha hght
rolghl tltlo ef Ad Wolgast.
Westergaard and
Ordeman Wrestle
Here Next
W ' - " ' a'
1 At)
1 j-wtt'- r
' . ... jt. i-- . -"-y
Omaha Rifle Club
WiUStart Early
Orgaalsatlon of tha new Omaha Rifls
'Kik Is sxpactad to as perfected wlthla
tka aaat lew waoks, according to P. T
ImrU. sscratarr of tha Omaha Ous
club, wka Is la eksrgs of tha orgaalaa
lioa st the new olub.
"I think and certainly hop wa will
havs tha organisation fully compistsd
within a lew waaks." said Mr. Lorsrlng.
Than wa can ga ahead with ths work
of getting ready for business. We shall
a tha targets sot up and hare ovary
thing ready so that prise contest! may
bs bald weekly as sosa as tha weather
perama. Tha shooting range will be
laid sot so the ground of tha Qua dub.
Bast of tka Douglas street bridge, and
will bs assy at sccesa." -
Rlfla shooters Intonated la tns aew
club should address Mr. Lowing at
postofQea Boa II, Omaha.
DespainSaysHe Will
Keep Control of Uiub
LINCOLN. .NeJ.n. 1L-D. C. D
psln, presMent of ths Lincoln bass ball
cnia. In a statament tossy said ha bad
. rSCSled SUCb SUCOursanlBt ta emr.
raat bins la asyuig bs would retain
' rearral of the frsnfhisa snd dab, and
wovad caase aegouauoos auk tha Lia
oola Comnsuwiiai dub laofciBg to a aaat
-o( a part Interest la the dub. Uesfsua
said an plans for ths transfer of toe
dub to snoUMr ally wars off anu the
property woum remain m Lincoln. :
NBW YORK, Jan. IL-lUrry Hoiver.
ton, the aew manager of the Mew York
Aowtoaa leagae dak, atmooved toalgbt
the spring training arfetdule of the
teasB. Tha schedule calls for ths Io
lowtac gaawa: ,
Maish a SI Atlanta: Marck St. a.
April L ClBdnnaU; April tU Indian
apella; April a Dartaa; April a 1. Co
hiabus; AprU a, , Toledo. President
Fraad Farrofl said that his Vim would
bold the ChMtnaati Kauanala la earn
shear saw park aa Marco. n
All tha psven base received inJlmo
tloas ta report at Atlanta m March a
Cl.NCISWATI, tea. lk-Baetneaa Maaa.
ger aanereft af the Cincinnati Katleuat
league bass baH stub sonlgnl asawaaosd
ths spring training schedule as follows:
Fraettp at Coiajabaa. Oa, Mareb 1
to J; play March a and B ai Birmiag
basm, March M. M aad M at Caattaaaoga:
March tl aad tt at Atlanta; btareh
a, first taaat. at Chattsaorgs; seaaad
fceua at Kaoxrule; at Cloclarati, Marah
Visa aces I. M. Otllaa announoes that
j) completed arrangements tor a fin
,i wrestling sngtoh bet wean Jasa Wsst-
ksrd. the Iowa giant, and Fred Ords
in, the Minneapolis hearyweurht. for
s night of January V. Ths tnstch will
stsged at tha Auditorium,
.Vsstsrgaard recently Invaded Minnas
ila and was thrown two out at three
nrs by Ordeman. OrOmsn took ths,
st fall snd lost ths second, and cams
sk by tsklng tha third after a long
sgs, which lasted almost sn hour,
snsger GiMan has been trying to bring
rsa tws men together ever since ths
.st match, but Ordeman hold out for
e staging af H at Das molnss or Minna
alls. Westsrgaard wanted Omaha, and
rdeman tnsevnoed today In a Ulegram
a Mr. Oil Ian that arerytklng bad been
ettled. Tha preliminaries to ths mala
.vent will be aaneuaeed utter.
Jack Johnson Under
Ban in New York
NISW YORK. Jan. 1L-U Frank
aNalll sf ths reoantly created stats
attueUa oomnilaelon has anything to say
about It Jack Johnson will not oon a
glare for a contest wlthla ths limits of
tlt York stats. There bad been setae
talk at at axtng a short bout bars for
Johnson ss preliminary to ths pro
posed match with Jim Flyna In Nevada.
"But." said Commissioner O'Neill to
day, "this 'sthletlo committee wss
created to control boxing and we are
going ta control It- Wa corns ta ths
conclusion R Is against public policy aad
expediency to have Johnson box here.
This la flnsf
O'Neill added that In ths event any
promoters should Insist In putting aa a
Johnson bout hers, he would resign.
"And that." he concluded, "would stop
all contests.''
(Bpsclal. With their Crst gams coming
Friday night the Wrslsyan basket bai
team Is fast rounding Into shape. Hard
dally practices have been the rale stase
ths cloee of the Christmas vacation, and
as a result of this work, ths men sssm ta
be In fins condition for their first contest
of ths season. There are four letter men
la tha game this year, althsogh Meyer,
almonds. Beck and Mitchell of lee yeea i
team are mlaalng from ths floor. The
sew mMsrml Is very goad and the seech
hopes to fin tha went places from this.
The old men la school are Captain Me
Candless, 8wan. hstrr and ctark; added
ta these are Oery. f Imaon and Hill, the
moat prowdslng of tha new man. The
trarslty shows Ha true strength Friday
night whoa tt goes p agamst ths team
composed of fonaer varsity etaa. The
renters here are very optimistic and are
looking for another winning team.
Zbyszko .Wins from ,
Jesse Westergaard
won two straight tails from Jesss Wsst
ergsard ef Dee Mntnss tonight Ebyssko
won ike first fsll In ens hour and two
minutes with a far-arm and body hold,
snd ths second In seven minutes and
twelve seconds with' a head scissors,
which he worked Into a reveres nelson.
DENVER. Colo.. Jan. lL-Alfrsd Ds Ore,
world's three-cushion billiard champion,
tonight secured a lead of points over
Joseph Csrney, Pacific coast champion.
In ths first Mock of their lis-point mstsk
for ths tills, scoring M to Carney's .
Ds Oro wss at his best and shot con
fidently from tha opening of his effort
to retain bis title and ths Lsmbert trophy.
A practical demonstration of his mastsry
of safety shots left Carney helpless.
Carney was In good form, but was un
able to run more than three, while De
Oro thrice scored five la sa Inning. Sixty-
four Innings were required to make the
t points.
Ths Omaha Pirates' basket ball team
will play the fast Co. E banket ball team
at Snanandoak Friday night, and will play
the Beatrice Young men's Christ las asso
ciation teem, touted sa being ths best In
ths ststs, at tha Omaha Young Men's
Christian , assodstlon faturday night
Tebeao Forward Psrrish G'lard
Harroeow .Forwsr" tttchcy Quard
fhields Koiws .Veill Guard
Rocca Center! Hubtneon Guard
Kills Teacher Who- !
Refused to Elope
and Himself
WARRKXaVILLlC 111., Jan. lL-RsJec-tlon
of the leva of a friend's husband
oust Miss Edith Smith, a school teacher
In a country district near hers, her Ufa
Wednesday and caused the sulclds of
Sylvester Adams, tha husband, all la the
sight of pupils of Miss Smith's school.
In Adams' pocket waa found a letter
from Miss 'Smith la which she said: "1
do not wish to go any place with a mar
ried man, especially the husband of a
desr friend. Plssss leave me alone."
Another note, ready for malting and ad
dressed to ths teacher, conveyed a threat
against hsr If shs failed to join him.
Pupils, who summoned nsighbors, ssld
Adams appeared and demanded that ths
teacher go with him. This wss just as
school was dismissed. She refused and a
quarrel followed. Tns children watched
through windows and saw ths struggls,
ths murder and ths suicide. Adams bsd
locked ths outer door tram ths Inside.
MINNEAPOLIS. Jan. LL-Cs plain Karl
Pickering ef the University sf Minne
sota's UM foot ball team, has been
offered a position ss foot ball coach
of the I'nlvereity of Vermont, It was
announced here today. It Is ssld thst
Pickering also baa been offered a coach
ing position at ths 1'nlvsrslty of Ne
braska, but has not as yet decided upon
any position.
DF MOINES, la, J as. 1L--Dss
Motnw dees not want wrest llsg sMtches
which the Chicago author! ties have
branded with suspk-ioa." said Mayor
Henna today la lofeisims to ths an
neunceatent that tns Mshmout-Pederssn
ssatcb might be brought here. "Further
Bh" ha said, "tola city will net toter.
kl matches which are aot aa tns square
ia every detail. I ass aot saying that
this ssatcb hi a fixed one. but so long as
htayor Harrison baa Indicated It la not
wanted hi Chicago, Dea Moines caa get
along without It.- ' ,
" '-l- " I
LINCOLN, Jan. ll.-(8peclaL-"'Ducicy"
Holmes continues to hang around the
outskirts of base balldom In this city
snd It Is generally cons dered that when
the air clears hero "Ducky" will be found
In the- menage rial berth In this city. It
Is generally understood that Bob L'nxfaub
will not under any circumstances be the
manag-sr the oasnlag srassn and probably
will net even be a sssmber of the team.
Whether or aot the Omaha Rod and
Oun dub will pejrenaae CooTtlaad Bsach
rib bs decMcd even at a meeting st tha
club at tha Poms betel Thursday eveo
nw. January X The matter has been
ander easnsMaralloa for several weeks,
but no definite action yet has been taken.
At a meeting an week the club will
either dadde to drop the project or
adopt It and make pleas for ths purchase.
Chaiks V a.i .aiuoua pr.z ,ht
referee, who holds the New York fran
chise la the new United States league
This Is White's first venture In the
base ball world, his former sporting
activities being confined ta the ring.
Pataeo la Ybrwsm Baralasj.
VIENNA. J as. 11 Fire destroyed a
considerable portion of the palace of the
Archduke Frederick In this city but
night, BeaMes the MrvMura, which was
badly wrecked, a great many
and paintings ware dastroysd. 7 he rtr
started fn the apaitiasnts af the Arch
duchess laibslla. wfla .at the Archduke
Beatrice Defecate Felrbarr.
BEATRICE. Neb.. Jan. ll.-(pecUl -Three
games of beket ball were played
at Ilia Young Men's Chrlstisa assoctatln
Isst evenins. The first game was be
tween Heatrice and Fa.rbury. the former
winning by the score of tt to It In toe
srotnd the Harare tram oefeat:d the
Rusner Coll re tesm by the score of I
to L and the Heal rice High school sec
ond team defeelrd the young Mens
Chrvetlan sseoci-rtlon second teent by the
store of a to li
Chairman Kennedy
Asks Committeemen
to Act on Primaries
Pursuant to a ruling of Secretary of
Bute Walt, that he would Insert on ths
primary ballott tha nsmes of candidates
tor alternates to ths national party eon
ventlon, in spits of ths fact the law
msde no specifto provision for so doing,
John L. Kennedy, chairman of tha re
publican stats committee, has sent ths
following letter to each of the members
ot the state committee.
In ths official call for ths republican
national convention. It Is provided, "that
delegates and alternates, both from ths
state at largs and from each congrea
slonsl district may be siscted In oon
formity with the laws of the state hi
which the election occurs. If the stats
committee or any congressional commit,
tee so direct.
Thst tris credentials of our delegates
and alternates may be entirely regular,
n is bub; Keeled tnst sn omer do mens
by. our state committee as follows:
"Bs It ordered by -the republican state
committee that the deleeraiea and aiter
nstes sttDortioned to Nebraska In the
republican national convention. called to
meet In Chicago. June in. It'll, be chosen
by direct vote. In conformity with the
provision of tns iseorsssa primary iaw.
If s ma tort IV of the members of ths
committee favor such sn order, and will
Indicate their asset thereto by mail. It
will not be necessary to call a meeting
of ths committee.
The filings were scares In the secretary
of state i office today. R. C. Regan ot
Platte Center, Madison county, entered
as ths democratic candidate for repre
sentative from the Platta-Madlaost dis
trict. Hs waa a member ef tha house ta
ths Isst session.
Premier Indicates
Russia's Attitude
Toward Mongolia
plicit statement on the course ot Rus
sian diplomacy In the Mongolian contro
versy was made tonight at the direct
Instance of M. Kokovsoff, premier and
minister of finance, who la the author
of Russia's announced policy with re
gard to that province.
The alleged distorted account of Rus
sia's action, as given out at Peking,
which affected ths bourse unfavorably,
hsstened the publication which Is tarns
mount to recognition of tha Mongolian
Certain circles would have preferred
open recognition at the first application
ot the Mongolians st St Petersburg and
ths grant of adequate military supplies,
but ths condition of Chinese affairs gave
no reason for haste.
NANKING. Jan. 11. -The re Is some rea
son to believe the abdication of the Maa-
oh us baa been decided upon, the repub
licans agreeing to meet Tuaa em Kal half
way retarding terms upon which tas na
tional conventions shall be called.
While nothing definite baa been given
out officially. It Is understood thst rec
ognition ot ths republicans aa belligerents
by any one power would be Immediately
effsctlve In securing a settlement satis
factory to both parties.
Republican military leaders say ths ac
tion of the powers In guarding the rail
way Is entirely unnecessary, especially as
communication was Interrupted by order
of an Imperialist general.
A Daacersaa W'eeed
Is rendered anttseptie by Bucklen's Ar
nica Salve, the healing wonder for sores,
burns, plies, ecsema and salt rheum. Sc.
For sale by Beaton Drug Co.
INDIANAPOLIS. lod.. Jan. 11. In to
day's issue of the Mine Workers Journal
President John P. Whits of the United
Mine Workers of America Issued aa of
ficial call for a Joint conference of min
ers and operators of ths bituminous coal
states. Pennsylvania. West Virginia,
Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, ta bo held
hers January S. Ths annual conven
tion of tha miners will open here next
Tuesdsy. . - .
Negro Murderer is
Subdued by Cannon
ROCHESTER. N. Y.. Jan. lL-WUItam
Twimaa, a negro, sonstdsred Insaas, to
day murdered bis father. Turner Talmas,
at their horns la Boottsvllle. a milage
near here . killed a . deputy shsrift
seriously wounded three other deputies'
and slightly Injured Sheriff Harley
Hsmll. tha leaders In a poses at snore
than M persons who endeavored to aster
the Twimaa bouse is wnloh ha bad barri
caded himself.
Twimaa held the besiegers at bay for
six hours whan a one-pounder s
hurried to ths scene from ths local ar
mory with a squad of naval militia and
national guards. - Shsrift Hamll then
sent an ultimatum .to ths negro that
It hs would surrender be would bs pro
acted from violence, but that It be per
Mated la defying the offlcatra, ths house
would be shot to pieces. '
The message dsclded ths negro promptly
and hs walked out ot tha house holding
his hands above his head. Officers placed
him la aa automobile and harried aim
to the county Jail here.
Customs Informers
Get Large Rewards
WASHINGTON, Jan. 11 Secretary of
the Treasury MaeVesgb today a ward ad
sa aggregats ot rrLOOO ta two Informers
in customs frauds cases.
Joseph L. Payne will be given
for tha evidence hs contributed ia the
Duveen art esse and Peter BedUng will
receive 3.) for his servloes in connec
tion with the Bradford lining prosecutions.
In ths Duveen eases tha government re
covered (1.1M, by sivil preosssss and
kVv la fines by criminal prosecutions.
The recoveries la the Bradford lining
cases prsasoutsd tat New York, Boston,
Philadelphia. Cleveland and Chicago,
amounted to between and IHam
The Treasury department has a fund ot
tisa.eo ts be used aa awards for lafsr
matloa la customs traada.
Aimsat all ot ths remaining f2MM avsil-
aMs tar the eorrent fiscal year has keen
disposed of la several smaller awards
granted during the last sow snoatha
FAIRBL'RY. Neb, Jan. lL-8poelaJ )
Miss Clara- Lod Is Flatting and Charles
a. Drcer wore saarrfed Wstteesday saern
rng at tha Catholic eh arch. Rev. ruber
J. J. Carer stYMatad and a large number
ot fricoda and natures af the contracting
paruss witnessed tha ceremony. Ths
church waa handsomely decorated. Fol
lowing the ceremony a sumptuous wed
ding brwaialsst was served at tbe haras of
the brtde'B parents at TBI street The
bride ts the daughter at Mr. and Mra
Peter Flatting aad wag rained aad edsv
rated In Jefferson esssaty. The groom at
ths son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dagsr aad
la alee a product ot tbla city.' He at
tended the Fairbury schools aad Is en
gaged la business at pssssat Mr. and
Mrs. Deger will ceenmsrjc bssaUisping
at once.
BEAT RICK, lies, Jen. 11- tSseassJ )-
Harry Beckwtth ef ths) ctty aad Musi
Helen Ormsby ot St Joseph were soar-
ried here Isst evering by Rev. U. a
rwn. Ths groom hi sngagsd la the
drag business la that ctty with his
father, O. W. Beekwttb,
' arateojeesl ta Btsrhteww Maaths.
MILWAUKEE. Jaa. 11 -Robert o.
Stein, arreetsd m Wash nsten. D. C.
chsrged with using the snatis for fraud
ulent purposes, pieaoea gu-ry bs was
Befrtercea to etgnteen nioeiia in um tea
re.1 DrtmB si Fort Leavenworth toder.
I Kinet Steia. a brother, aa altegtd accvat-
iMjca. waa liurd let.
Kew Flan to Amend Betolntion Be
moves Objections of Senate.
gwfsparters' Measures Kacoarased
1st Hepe far Early Ratlfteataosr.
Follevrlag Coafereaco Tfte
fweea Lodge aad Kasi.
WASHINGTON, Jsn. lL-Supproters ot
the general arbitration treatise with
Orsat Britain and Francs today were
encouraged In their hope for early rati
fication ot the pacts when a psaa for
amending the resolution ot ratification
rather than the treaties thsmselvei
waa advanced before the senate commit
tee oa foreign relatloas.
The committee did aot act. but the
plan awt with favorable comment and
administration officials expressed entire
satisfaction over ths outlook.
Tbe proposed amendment to tha resolu
tion ot ratification would preserva to the
sensts all of Its prerogatives and would
be binding on tha country.
Tho senate would be given an oppor
tunity to pan upon all matters to be
submitted for arbitration, but tba trestles
themselves would be left Intact and no
further negotiations would bs required.
This apparent solution of a vsxed situa
tion followed a conference early In tha
day between Bens tor Lodgs ot tho senate
committee sa foreign relstiong aad Sec
retary ot Slate Knox.
Tba secretary referring to his recept
speech In Cincinnati, declared there wss
no Intanttoa ot ever abrogating or abridg
ing ths powers of ths senate
Attar a protracted discuasloa senator
Lodgo left tor the eapltol to meet with
the committee. It, was understood when
ha left the department that there waa an
understanding that tha new agreement
would sat aside tbe Root and other pend
ing amsadmsnta to ths treaties;-:'
AD of tba republican members present
expressed themselves .la favor .ot tbla
Changs, but the democrats. Including
Senators St ins ot Missouri, Clark ot Ar
kansas Baoon ot Georgia and Hitcbcouk
of Nebraska, voiced opposition. ,
Ths proposed amendment which would
leave the treaties Intact as submitted by
President Tsft. also requires that the
names ot ths members of the Joint high
commission, proposed by tho pres. dent
en behalf of the United States, shall be
submitted to the senate for confirmation.
Four Drown When
Barge Goes Down
, NORFOLK, Vs.. Jan. U.-Captaln
Charles Miller and three men, composlne
tho crew of the barge Alabama, went
down with their vessel five miles east
of Caps Lookout Monday morning. Nor
folk beard tha news today when Cap
tain W. L. Herman and three men, the
rescued crew of the bares Pocomoke.
wars brought In.
Tbe Alabama and Pocomoke were in
tow ot ths tug Margaret, bound from
New York for Savannah, when they
struck a terrific northwest gala Monday
morning. The tug wss forced to Aban
don ths barges snd the crews on the
Alabama and Pocomoka wore left . to
their fata
The snout cruiser Salsm, vshlch suffered
In the recent storm at sea and tha auii
iary cruiser Prairie, towing tba disabled
torpedo boat destroyer Roe, arrived la
Hampton Roade late today."
Tha Salem and aioa will both proceed
ta tha Norfolk Navy yard for repairs.
WAUHLNOTON, Jan. ll.-Wtth tba tor
pedo boat destroyer MeCaU reported to
tbe Navy department tonight aa safe and
approaching Bermuda under its own
stsam, the Isst of tho government craft
wbass whereabouts has occastooed anx
iety during tbe last tew days to accounted
SEATTLE. Wash, Jsn. U--The United
States revenue cutter Guard struck on a
rack at Charles Island, la tha San Juan
group, today, aad tt la believed it will
be a total loss.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN. Neb., Jan. 1L tSpacial
Telaiam- Firs in the store ot the
Western Glass and Paint company today
damage at Sp.flSS to tha stack aad
Iters) ta lbs baUdlng. both covered by
Insmanra. Tbo firemen bsd a hard tlaaa
of tt with tha temperature six below
sera, but by bard work confined tba firs
ta sbs corner of the bulMinsr, though
tha stock ef paints and glass all in-vugd
tbo bunding wss badly eajnaged by beat
sad water. Aa explosMa, swppssad to
bs that of a barrel of OIL ran sad pan af
one Boor to cot tapes aad far a time R
waa feared some af tba firemen bad
been caught, but this proved to bs
ST. LOUIS, Jan. TL As a result sf ths
threatened water famine hers. St
Iewieans drank boiled water fa aa effort
ta avoid typhoid fever which officers of
tbe hes th department said would result
from tba cesssumptioa of an purl fled
water pumped into tha dry ma. as direct
from the river.
Persistent Adverusmg la i.e Read ta
B S ReUal.