Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 12, 1912, Page 12, Image 12

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Kore Than Hundred Families Ask
Oauitiet for Aid,
Greatest He !
lm Clatalac, Taaak Maar
Setter the reas ;
- Unnr. - -
i About slur famine huiurry and ooM
. applied tor aid yesterday at tha office of
tha Associated Charities, and an tha day
betont between forty and fifty familial
vera drivea from thatr acanty boon
from eheer want aa a remit .of tha In
tense cold. v
Miss Jonta of tl Cluu-itle of flea eaji
that tha greatest demand at present Is
for fuel and warm dotblnc. though there
are many who are In dire need of food.
In instance where fuel could not be
supplied Immediately appUcanta have
kern furnished with money. .
Charltlea aearetary la Tears
Tears stole down Miss Jonts'a cheeks
when a woman la want appeared before
lier and hesitatingly asked tor aid. The
woman was garbed In faded finery. Indi
cating that she had not always been In
want. Displaying deep aniBarraasinent
the visitor admitted that she was tin
daughter of a former mayor of Chey
enne and was eoee prominent In society
there., She married a promising young
fellow, but be felt a victim of drink,
draining his wife and their five children
down to poverty. Ha died and H then
devolved upon her to support tha chil
dren, tha eldest of which s now only 1
years old. 8ha became waitress, but
was forced to give up work on account of
Illness, ("he spent her last nickel to ride
to the Charities office.
rittfat Caea at City Mleslem
A rouac womea with a little baby was
ant Wednesday night to tna -ny mm
sloa from one of tha depots, where she
arrived from an Iowa town, friendless,
penniless. 8b had oome here tn search
of work to support herself snd tha Uttle
one. j
Tha baby aad ecsema and would not
be taken at tna charitable Institutions,
ss tha mother aad child wars sent to tlw
county hospital. As soon aa the baby can
bs left tha mother will be given work W
Miss Mage of the mission.
The urgent demand for help which the
first of tha cold spell brought forth has
abated somewhat at the City Mission
but the mission Is crowded every day
with roea who need shoes and women and
children who call for food. Meat, bread
and coffee art badly needed.
Tha woman of Trinity cathedral are
'sending to tha mission each day at I
o'clock big tureens of vegetable soup,
which Is dipped out for the evening meal.
' ipt? SCTl7 J ,
Friday will be a day of 1
I Great Special Bargains
January Sales
Every day this month bag bean an extraordinary bargain oc
casion hers and every day until the end of the month will alsi
be" full of Genuine opportunities to save money at Brandela
For Friday a number of lota are shown for the first time at
these price. We state simple facts when we gay they are the
greatest of the January tale bargains.
8 Big Basement Bargains
Governor of Kansas
Thanks Mr. Mohler
Praaldeat Mohler of tha t'nlon Fertfto
railroad la la receipt of a telegram from
Governor fltubbs. In which the Kansas
leeutlve. In behalf of himself and the
people at Russell Springs, extend their
thanks for to relief that wss so quickly
funilsoee. ...
Russell springs Is a little town well out
la the western portion of Kansas, on the
Hoe of tha Union fadfle, extending from
to Kansas City. Last weak a
bUssard passed over this portion
of Kansas. It wsa followed by another,
and still another. For several dare the
town was without railroad communica
tion. Toe supply of coal and provisions
ran low. Death by starvation and free.
Ing stared tha people of Russell Springs
In tha face, rtnally they appealed to
Ueveraor Btubba, whs Immediately wired
President Mohler of th situation. Tbea
relief came quickly. President Mohler In
structed the superintendent at tha Kansas
division of tha Union Paetfle to redouble
his cfterts 1st evening tha road ta traffic
Kxtre men were employed and by work
lag night and day th cuts were cleared
ant and tha first train that pulled Into
Russell Borings was loaded with coal and
pre vlsl one. .
Plans Being 'Made : :
for Agents' Meeting
The Union Paclfl Is making extensive
preparation for welcoming aad enter
taining aetwaea thirty and forty of Us
general ageats beta next Monday and
Tuesday. This will be the first meeting
of agents aver held west, of Chicago.
A large suite of roams la tha new head
quarters aulldlng w being prepared for
tha conference. Chairs, desks and tables
an being Installed and everything pos
sible being dona to make the meeting a
pleasant one. vanlnga will be given over
to recreation. On saa evening It Is prob
able that there will be a theater party
and the other evening a banquet atiu
be enjoyed. A ocoai Denied by headquarters
officials th general agenta will be takes
out oa a tour of th road oa a special
tram Wednesday. , ,., . .
Full dress length part silk and
Hale thread Tissue and
Voiles, beautiful styles that
are new; Sic values, in
at, yard IOC
Standard Nurse Htrlne Ging
ham; alio Scotch and Cham
bray ginghams; splendid
wearing quality;, de- syl
airable length, yd. JC
Whit Swig, dotted, stripe,
check and figures) just th
thing for curtains, etc; worth
up to 15c yard, at y 1
yard 4tC
A great assorted ' lot of at
tach lawns, print, rhalliea,
llkollne, etc., remnant, will
go on sale at, o 1
yard aJJC
Mill remnants of 25c French
Ginghams. 33 Inches wide,
Beat itripea, check and
plaids, at,
yard ,
All the wanted check in apron
gingham that will launder
perfectly, will go on sale
Pr C
yard - wt
Short, length heavy dark col
ored Outing Flannel will go
. on sale Friday, special at,
Our spertfcl January offer of No.
20 Long Cloth it a trr. Bavinf
to thou who buy now. A bolt
of to yards, worth double rn
boftl''"..p'.r. "C
Thousands of Yards of Sample Strips and Odd Lots
Worth up to 10c yard yard 2C
Importer's Sample Pieces Wide Embroidery Flonncings
Wide baiida and allovers; suitable for making yokes,
aprons, etc. 2 big lots, at each 2VC and, 5f
Remnants AUover Laces, Allover Embroidered Chif.
fons, Etc. AH kinds ' to ")' yard lengths, each 25c
January Sale of Linens
Mill Ends of Table Damasks at 25c Yd.
Best quality Imported Mercerized Table Damask, 06
and VI incJies wide, l'.-a to 4 yard leugthsj , 0C
yrorth up to 75c a yard, at, per yard -. . ,-vC
Mill Ends of Huck at 61c Yard
ij. Excellent quality 18 and 20-inch Huck Toweling, lVa
W to 10 yard lengths, plain and! figured; tt A
worth np to 25c a yard, at, ier yard V J2 v
All Linen Crash at Sic Yard W,
18-inch all linen brown Craeh Toweling, same n m.
1.-S2V r,
-- 8T BUHUNOiCN road
A' pay check issued by the' eld Burling
ton a Missouri River railroad la Ke
en oa March tU UN, signed by . 0.
Vy. tbea paymaster, long si not, gead.
amounting to only 17 cents, which payee
hag evidently lost track of aad recently
discover among; his , old papers, aa
upea which he secured the cash at fu
eaia, Colo, two or three days ago at aae
e tha banks there, was presented to aad
cashed at tha offloe of th assistant treae
arer f etas Bwttngtoa la Omaha Wednes
day. The railroad eempanjr would nat
urally sjot be obliged to honor such a
check swued aiaeteea years ago, -but'. It.
sever refuses payment of such old checks
wheat presented by legitimate claimant. ,
Another, eanttmisjase was take a a th i
KMwajr care la poaoe court yeaterdar,
At th sondtatloa of A. ,a Ritchie.
sttaroes: for th defendanta. the case wi
set aver watt! TbaTadav. Tb mmatt!
who wars -ariast ed In. th twtw aad an i
charged with ceaikUix, wUl -batrd
Saturday. - WUUam CrotcbSetd. Jack
Roosnnald and Bobert Ford, the alleged
proprietors at the Midway, will be trie
aa the charge ag selling liquor after I
o'clock p. so, next Thursday- Attorney
Ritchie baa asked for a Jury trial m the
la'.Ur case, -
iy. -sf
quality we usually sell at 7j-c Friday, yard.
Fridiy the Most ExtraDrdiaary
Ever Held in Omaha
Surplus Stock of Men's Shoes from
T. D. Barry, of Brockton, Mass."
Surplus Stock of Women's Shoes from
Exohn-Fechheimer Co., Cincinnati, 0.
Also Our Annual Clearance of Every Fair of Winter
Shoes in Our Entire Stock
Flirt of
in styles
' Wartk
$4 pr. it
Men Winter Shoe new styles, mad to sell at $S.60, $4.00
nd 15.00. all sit, at, a pair.. ,'. .-$2.50
Women' Win Shoe In all popular atyira and leather, worth
13.60. 14.00 and S.00. at 83.50
Women' Hon Slipper, strap style. II ralaea, aU.palr .
AJ Boy Sbo In stork (except highest cats) ' 81.50
Great Sales Saturday
AJt-wcj oi UiJ Ba.-(iin .'nts
Annual Clearing 8a le of Jewelry, rillvrrware aad Leather
Good Everything In our atock at one-third to one-halt off.
- Owr Great Half Prkw Sale of Boy' aad Meat a Clotltbac
Every Suit or Overcoat for Boy or Men ta our entlr stock goe
Saturday at exactly Onehalf It former price.
8peda tVaHag Bale of Mea' Whiter l adrrwre All our
heavy and medium weight Underahirta and Drawers at greatly
educed price.
Special Bade of Woeaem'a r rae Silk Waista. worth $4, $3
aad , at gu.50 8core of Stanntng. sew style In this great
iioup. ' ; . , .
- Grrataat Sal of Maalias, Cambrlra, Wkl Sheetiacs aad
SheeU aver tteid by aay store begJa rxt Moadsy ia Braadeto
Wbea yaw want a rauabta nedidne for
eoagh or cola tak Cbambertam s kL.
Cough lleenady. It eaa always be de-'3p
tasa, ror sale by aS drugglat.
Every Time Ton Spend a Dime You
Gvt an S. & H. Green Trading Stamp.
Interesting Events Coming Soon
Children' Shoes, Sat.. 13th
Knit Underwear, Sat., 13th
Hosiery, Sat., the 13th
Wait. Frifm,. A 19th
Books, Saturday, the 20th
Hand Bajs, Sat., the 20th
Umbrellas, Sat, the 27th
Picture Frames, Sat.. 27th
' I mS
For Friday s Selling Many
New Bargains
Make' Their Appearance as a Part of
Oar Great January Clearance Sales
Most of them are odd Iota and broken
lines that have' accumulated as a result of
this week's heavy selling. Certain it is,
ypu will not find bargains to match them
elsewhere in Omahal
100 Odd Coats and Dresses, Fri
day, to close . . . . $3.2S;
ISO Serge and Black Voile Dresses,
. worth $17.50 to $27.50, at $8.75
50 Junior Suits for ages 13 to 17,
$10to$l 7.50 values at $5 and $10
125 Children's Winter Coats, ages
2 to 5, $3 & $3.50 values at $2. 00
50 dozen Children's 75c to $1.25
Sweaters and Leggins, Fru, 49c
25 doxen Muslin Petticoats, deep
emb'd'y flounces, $1.50 values, $1
fl.10 Flannelette Gowns HOc
$5.00 and 17.00 lxng Sweater Coat $1.0S
13.95 Taffeta Waiit tl.75
13.00 Silk PetUcoata $1.89
12.00 Sactiuet ot French Flannelettes $1.00
$1.50 Eiderdown Barques . $1.00
ioc and $1.00 Light Blue Knitted Shawl 25c
Children's Sue. and 76c Knitted Cap, Bonneta
I and Legging 15c
. Embroideries
Some specially good Item from
our Annual January Sale
IH-lnrh Knlaa, nainsook anil
cambric roraet covering and
itnunrlng in pretty eyelet de
sign; a He, 4!)c A 59c value, life.
One lot of embroidery edging
aud Insertion, worth lOo to 16c
the yard at Ac.
Double-edited bandings In a
splendid assortment of very beau
tiful pattern, while they last, 15c
the yard. .
MwIm, nainsook and cambric
embroideries lu dainty pattern,
specially priced for this sale at
10c th yard.
ii'-lm-h 8 wis allover flounc
ing that regularly sell at 76
and $1 the yard, aale price, dttc.
Linen Bargains
50c, 4-Inch mercerized table
damask In a good line of hand
some pattern, 8c th yard,
' 75c, ' 64-lnrh all linen cream
' Utmak that will give satisfactory
wear: January Bui Price, Me
tha yard.
I1.3J. 8-10 mercerised table
cloth with border all around;
a good rango of pattern to
choose from, Friday only, VMc
150 doxen hurt towel with red
border the kind we have alway
sold at 8 He each-Friday only,
while they last, limit of one dozen
to a customer, at Ac each.
15o large lie Turkmh bath
towels of aa extra quality-one ot
the beat bargain ot our January
Sale, at 10 He each.
Fine Gingham at 10c '
Thla la a clearance of our
lephyr-and plaid glnghama in
length ranging from five to ten
yarda and width of 27 and 32
Inches. All are In perfect condi
tion and the colore are strictly
fast. Up to 18c value, Friday, at
lue the yard.
Tbia synopsl of the sale la
imply to remind yon that all of
our sale prices are still In effect
and that assortment are still so
wide and varied, all can be satis
factorily served.
(owns at 89c to $0.50.
1 ndersklrts at 00c to $8.05.
I Iran era at 15c to $2.50.
- Combination Bulls at 00c to
Corset Cover at 15c to $2.50.
Domestic Specials
55c, 72x0-lnch seamed bed
sheets made ot a good, grade
heavy muslin, January 8ale
Price, 80c each.
15c, 42x:i6-lnch pillow case
very specially priced at 10c each.
$1.25 grey cotton blanket with
pink or blue border, Friday, 08c
the pair.
10c outing flannel of good
heavy weight, choice ot a good
variety of pink and blue pattern,
tt The the yard.
Dress Goods Remnants
at Half Price
The pieces In thla lot range
from on to alx yarda in length
and the gooua are suitable for
coat, auiu, dresses, waist and
children' wear. Valuea from GUu
to $2.00 the yard. Friday, or
while they last. Just half price.
In the China Store
8-lnch footed bowl in Tiffany
glasa effect, three shape to
elect from; 69o to 75c value,
Friday, or while they last, choice
at 10c each.
China photo frames In hand
painted etfecta of various color
ings and design, either oval or
square opening. 49c to $2.50
values In on big lot, Friday, at
Half Price.
Closing Out Corsets
AU of Our Broken Line. From Our Regu
lar Stocks in Two Lota at 39c and 69c
Thla la a complete clearance ot all of the broken
1 1 nee In our regular atocka and- the bargains will b
for Friday only.
Regardless ot former selling prices, yon will find
them in two big Iota, marked at your choice for 39e
ana 4 Sc.
There are many style and klnda-not all sixes ot
each model, but all aixea in the lot.
These are, rare good bargains for the first who
come. Be early for the beat.
Choice of Lot
No. One at
Choice of Lot
No. Two at
Are Cut Price Days in The
Big rure rood Grocery
Country Gentleman corn
and 1 stampa 1 cans
for ase
tv-lb. sack of either
white or yellow corn
meal for lse
1 . eana Cottage evapo
rate ' milk . and i
.Mamp for v.aba
tedium else bottle Gail
lard'a Hre ell and it
otamaa for
biaKle butter and 1
stamps, the eaa See
I p&ga Bennetts Capi
tol a.tneemeat and 1
tamp for ase
Horseradish and is
Full cream eheeee and 1
tamps, the lb.... as
1-lb. box Sterling CMojs
starch A 1 at'pa..3
Snider'a cocktail eau.'e
Scarpa, bottle... 5
Kmu UB. SaVaaTt?-
aowaa, iuo
1 eana hailed beana wttu
ch.cken ) at pa, ase
oooaix ttu.
An entirely new aapply
of ltens fresnly banco,
crisp and delicious cur
rant eooalea will ho oa
sa.a Friday and Satur
day at the vere .imtUI
stamp, the bottle.. 10s I price ot IS th pound.
i Fruits and Vegetables
Fancy dates. S lb, for 25c
4 Florida grape fruit for '23c'
Fancy apples, the peck '.mtc
Fancy Redland orange, the dozen, 15c, zoe,
25c SUe and - .iy
Fancy cauliflower, the lb..'.
5 large bunches ot radishes -for. .joe
Fancy green onion, th bunch ,.,..iw
Hour' too ear. SI-
Bennett' beat cot tee
m .tsmpa. the b..e
I fee. fevunett'e best coi-
roe and rye, gle
assorted tea - and
stampa, the lb
AseorMd teas and
stampa, the lb.....
t-lb. raa B. C. baking
powder A 1 St pa, 1
Jar Tea Gardea pre
served fia for as
I pass. Oranire Otty rasa
and m stampa Sae
Seeded raletna and 1
, stamp. Ike pkx. lgWe
"atwl;ed peek assorted,
A 1 at pa. the In. SSe
t pkre. Creeeeeit Klbow
macanai aad 1 tamps
for aae
Dennett's Capitol whole
llalo,... . eSiKaacy yellow onlona. the peck
Remnant Day oCr January Clearance
All Men's
Suits and
All Men's
Suits and
Grand Special Lace Sale
This will he the greatest lace season known in many
years and we want to clear up our present stock before
receipt of the new importations. .
20; Discount on Irish Crochet Laces Your choice
of our entire line for selection.
Machine Made Torchon
Laces. A big line for selec
tion, remarkable bargains
Friday, 5c, 7Vie, 10c,
15c, 19c and 25c
Beautiful Venice Bands
39c, 59c, 70c, $1.19
Elegant Flonncings On
sale Friday
at $1.75 to $3.75
Big special line for selection at
Special Values in White Goods
and Bed Spreads in Linen
Department Friday
12 yard bolt Long Cloth, 12 He
yard value, per bolt ---95
12 yard bolt Long ' Cloth, lie
yard values, per bolt . 81.19
13 yard bolt Long Cloth, lsc
yard values, per holt --$1.56
12 yard bolt Long Cloth. 25c
yard value, per bolt --31.96
12 yard bolt Long Cloth, 30c
yard values, per bolt" '..$2.48
Checkel Indian Dimity, worth
ISc yard,. at .10
Checked Indian Dimity, worth
18c yard, at 12 W
Checked Indian Dimity, worth
22 e yard, at 15,v
Checkel Indian Dimity, worth
30c yard, at lf
Checkel Indian Dimity, 1 worth
45c jsrd, at 25
Hemmed or Fringed full ize
crochet Bed Spreads, worth $2
c $1.25
Cut - Cornered Fringed Hed
Spreads, full size, worth 12,50
cl 1.50
Hemmed or Fringed Bed Spreads,
lull size, worth $3.00 each,
" 81.98
Special Table Linen
Bargains Friday
Bleached Damaek, worth 50c yd.,
t 25e
Bleached Damask, worth 75c yd.,
at . 390
Bleached Damask, worth 89c yd.,
at 50
Bleached Dsniask, worth $1.7 S
yard $1.00
Bleached Damask, worth $3.00
yard . .... ... .$1.50
Bleached ' Pattern Table Cloth,
worth $1.60 each $1.25
Bleached- Pattern Table Cloth.
worth $2.00 each $1.50
Bleached Pattern Table Cloths,
wort $2.50 each $1.98
Bleached Pattern Table Cloths.
worth $3.75 each $2.50
Bleached Pattern Table Clothe.
worth $5.60 each $3.25
Vleached Dinner Napkins, worth
$1.50 dozen $1.00
Bleached Dinner Napkins, worth
$2.00 dozen $1.25
Bleached Dinner Napkin, worth
$2.98 dozen $1.75
Bleached Dinner Napkins, worth
$4.75 dozen $2.68
Bleached Dinner. Napkin, worth
$7.00 dozen ......... $3.98
Friday is Remnant Day in Our Famous Domestic Room
Ail the remnants of the groat1 white goods and linen departments
will be on sale In the Domestic room at about one-third of their real
.value. . r . '. - . . . . '
TABLK LIXKNS About 1,200 yards of Table Linen in length from
2 yards, 3 V yards, S yards and 4 yards, on large square
t:.yrd 25? 35 490 59 nd 750
WIIITK GOOim India Linona, English Long Cloths, Persian Lawn,
Cambric, Nainsooks, Dimities, Fanrle. In full piece and long
remnante. at. yard 5 7Kk 8H 100 1 12 HO
100 "I - 12H0
Remnart of nil Linen Toweling at .'.About Half Crk
Remnint of Ginghams. Percale. Print. Outing Flannels, Flan
nelette. etc., worth about double, at, yard 50 60 7080
100 ' 13'0
Our great Linen White Good 8heet and Sheeting atill continues
7&c Sheets ..590 c Sheet .-480 09c Sheets ,-390
Great Remnant Salt
Dress Goods
Hundred of fine remnants,
plain and fancy weave. In
Imported. wool, taffetaa,
ergee, panamae. cheviot,
Venetian, broadcloth, pop
lins, etc.. In all i color and
black, 75c to $1.25 yard val
ues, lu t big lots, at
28c 38c 68c
50c Silks at 19c
27-in. Jarqaard and Stripe
fancy Bllka, lVa to 20 yard
lengiha, all colors, regular
39c and Due yard value, at
yard -190
Plata Bilk ' Meiwaline, Striped
Taffeta and Hair Mae ef
feet, etc., 20 different
shades, oa sale, at, yd. -380
8c Black Dress Taffeta, 580
$1.00 all Bilk Meetallne and
Pean de Sole, 36-in. wide, on
sale, yard 780
Special Undernvear and Furnishing Bargains
All GannenU ia This Sale Guaranteed Perfect
Lnoie' Jersey Ribbed Vest and
Pants, 39c values, on eale at,
garment y 19e
75c quality Jerwy Ribbed Veal
or I'snU, silk finishej, on sale
at 390
Ladles' gl.00 anil Ml. BO I uioa
halt, In gray, white and cream,
all alze 75 r and 490
1 .allies' aad Children' Glove and
Mil tens, to 39c value, slightly
soilej, choice 1100
Ladies' Wool Knit Hhania, $1.00
value. Friday, at 250
Dr. Denton's Mleeping (iarnieiU,
all sizes, boys' or girls', on sale,
t 490
Mea'a Heavy Fleeced Suirta or
Drawer, great map at, - gar
ment 35 and 250
Men' $1.50 Inloa Halts, Jersey
Ribbed or Fleece lined ..750
Men's and Roys' Gloves, value
to $1.00, all kinds, on sale,
choice 49, and 250
Men's, Ladies' and Children'
Hoe, all kinds, to 26c values,
at 12'0 70
Meu's, Women' and Clilldrea'
Ouling Flannel Gowns, $1.00
values, on sal at ......49
Children's 60c Fleece , Used
Sleeping Garments, at . . , -250
January Clearance Sale of
Open Stock Dinnerware '
Open stock Dinnerwar in' French, German and Austrian
China -thes sets are worth regular $18 to $25-8-iHeh,
7-ineh and 6-inch Plates, each . 10e
Covered Dishes, 10 and 12-inch Platters. .. .20c and 25c
Bone Dishes, Pie Plates, Kckle Dishes, each 71C
Cup and Saucer and 8-inch by 7-inch Bakers, each. . . .10c
Bread and'Butter Plates, Sauce Dishes, each. ...5
Plain White Clips, 6 for ...I....... . .T..:20c
Plain White Saucers, 6 for. ,
Read the Big Money-Saving Specials in Groceries for Friday
t . A Saving of 25 to 50,
17 pounds Best Granulated Sugar..... ...... $1,00
41-ltx sacks beet hirh erade Diamond
H family flour, per sack tM
1 Intra beat-'Kro-Atl or Diamond O
aoap ase
Grape-Nut, pas. 10a
Corn iTeses Breakfast Food, pk.
t the. beet rolled oreaaraal oatmeal
lbs. bet white or yellow corn meal
Iba ood Japaa rice
t lu. fancy japan rlee. !2Vc quality.
cans i.u Lu scourma soap aoa
e cans La valine polisa
cakes BUIsco it don't scratch.. aso
Gallon cans Golden table syrup... 4Se
oil or Mustard sardine., can 4o
t pksa. Kellrlsln i'eivuke Flour. S3
pure Apple Cider, gailon tic
Ueet eoda or' oyster crackers. lb..Tte
T.e beet crisp Ginger Snaps, lb. ..
Vne beet tlisp Kretiels, Ilk to
least f oam, pk a
Battsr. Ckeeae aad Bettariae Sala
The best crean er butler, lb. see
The best dairr batter, bulk or .roll
pvr lb. ' ,..
lu oesi country butter, lb. ... ao
Full cream cheese, ib. '
I lbs. Mood table butterlne ,'asa
Tha beat No. 1 storage ea aae
The best fresh egas, nomine better
for ve a dozen, our price aia
aaah WeretaUe sad Tnit Frloe
as t u of Omaaa.
TurpT. .";. . ftr.f: . ;rm 10I
Fancy Shallots, bunch . . . ." ..'" aa
heads fresh tf Lettuce.,...' e
I bunchea fresh Parslee il
Fancy Klpe Tomatoea. lb.;.....Ua
II flower, Ib euo
f ancy (.'aultrfower,
Brussels Sprouts, lb.
rresn catbee. lb...
il ....,
eawr eweet rots toes. I be. for.. loo
pedal aUfalaaa BtaTat Oman Bale
' naay as aataraay
The Wig' las aTseela Asa tha IMae
of California.
We are .pec:al distributers of this
delicious fruit Nothing like them.
Take no substitute.
U' else, per dosen ..0
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II alse per dosen ...t.BOe
Z and 11 tlxe, per dozen 16a
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