Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 11, 1912, Page 9, Image 9

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TUF. r.KK: OMAHA. TIU'IISl-AY. JANTAKV 11. 11)1:2.
Hoiki mud IuIims. 1
S!4 Tarlor, 6-r.. tm-w, ntc-d. ex. beat, tl".
31 Parker. -r., new. mo-L rx. n--at. liJ. j
Uili Spencer, I-r.. all mod.,
J. W. RASP CO.. Douglas 153-
FlVE-RiiUM ouage wuft water ani j
gas. South 13th Si. Phone Red iSWl. i
uica i
4.111 I hUI'tUil 0t SALt,
Cuming St. Lot
A Hh-S. loiir w.leh irt!H SvW Mar- i
' ket. la-. imMuml ::t trade lor!
vwxi income uu . V ao,
II- A NKKF. -ki Bee Wit-
M M U Ma0
Supreme Couit Uuholds Interstate
Evicts' cousewifa draiioua ot
ciesgert shoaid try Paixeils pure ice i j-j,
. ream. U Mm H. E. riolta. 4540 N. Knit i
n.. win coatc to ins m rum ........ i; an we ask tar thi3 prop,r,y
for a quart brick of this tin? leg cream.
! Kl VK-ACKK suuurban home, improved
; with t-r hou;-e, eh. ire io.allon and niany
jiakable fra.utvs; value. .. eat.y term
; or will exchange for Omaha South
4lxl!. s-uth fr. til .. turairc St., mtd-,''mana tnccnie i-ropertv. An o.pjnua.if.
way between Mb and Kth Sis. rTice investigate ,....,.,, ....
to ;.. Lots on Cuming , .V.'-' ? ,,:',.
near Kth and ailh Sis . sell for more iwm u.j-n ti:y .xwr.i a
Commerce Body in Decisions.
Mure mud usliesra.
;.an we ask lor this properly. , , j
The byroa iveed La' tor or irade
..t.. Ciione-. -U J- imies oi tmavt. to nu.e hi
i I Bloat raelflc
! Depart Arrive.
San Fran, nverl'd I. is m ; 4pm
: China Jaoan P. M.alC DO a i 45 pm
; Atlantic Expieas a 4 45am i
Oiegon Evpreas all K in a i U pa i TUTTTS Tft OiHHK
lenvr siclai a7.iiain aT tTa.-ni
; Cmnnia'. flale Sp'l all. i' pm ali ,,, of KrUerial
.oiorauo r. 1 1 e ... v e a ,
, !e;.D-VVaa. L t d...all au pm a:pi!;
i North Plane lxxal .-.a 1 am a 4 45 pm :
; Orand Island l.ocai .aaUnm aio At aro
blronbur( Local. . .bU.4i pui bl tvpu
WISH to sublet auite ot Civs room In
"lti- National Hank bids, t-ali L) 4tx eimlni. a trial -iii cwnv.iK-e you
FAUX All SntEET TlKE. j ft el.rn Ituo-tcatinitJW
A fine store room in lit-w bu.ldmg on ' kJK tf.VLK couase. ais ioom aiu
arnam. Every conven-ence. uww , i,ai-ment. Kood well. lo lots; !.. tax
ten 1
om 1
Ult. LM'KK dupj.a.WK r l i : f" ;, ",": ,'."" "7" , f hlai
P.HU ....... "
ta:Ke lo-MOry orn. uouu.e rv-u
wHh drieay. dH..H .a. rut ins.
liter thai at Mate I" f'vaarrllmi
nllk loteraluie Trufllr
I i rma to righl pari y. Address B 110) W.
Jv. .(0iu unee iloors.
lll Farnam. (:rsl lloor and baseraenL :
11 ar.d UT So. lTth St. lnr esiU' tbla
;421 Karnant. IJarage. lKii t.-el.
y. r. WEAD. 11 Farnam SI.
.ash. baiantM: on uaymenta. owner lejv
uu; cily. Inquire at J. J. Maly. VI
klieet. South tlmaha. Neb.
uile sheds ani oilier outbuild. ngs. r (iverlai.d l uailed ..
wind nulls, o.chaul. school adjo.mng Terry 1-oeal
pietnisea; lmproveni nu coi over ' t'oioiado fc-apreai .,
Land consists of about 110 a.-rea ru-li : Colorado Spavial ..
valley plow land, none subject t" ovtr- ' 1 erry iK-al
Omaha St. Loult Ex. a pm 9 15 am
Mail an.1 Eipraia. a 1 am all IS pra
Kianb'y L. ilroui C R)b i.ia) piu blu.U aia
Hlltewakre t. Pa
ASIIINi.1N. Jan. 10 - I he KW
Inti-rniat.' Comn'.er. e ccium-Mon .-xcr the
ml (uniinrt.v ot I he r riiury .is ufcnuii.-u
am eaterdav through a mtI.-s of .Uvim-'U
llviprOip. tue tttii.jtinr c.iu;.
fth and 5th floors Avery Bldr . 10J7-11
Leavenworth St. W holesale district, close
m freight houses, floors HSxlI! ft. of
l.rea, elevators, two switch tracks and
leading platforms.
Inquire G. W. Perrln, Mgr. Avery Co.
tifflce entrance directly opposite lnion
WHAT ia home without a nice box of
the famous candy made by I. J- O'Brien?
If Mrs. il. Jennings. 4722 N. lh St..
villi come to The Pee office within three
nays we will give her an order for a 60
i -r.t box of . i Brlen a candy.
FOR KENT Stora room. 120 S. 10th St..
steam heat; rent reasonable. Inuuire a:
1C I lout las St.
SMALL office room for rent furnished
c r unfurnished: Inquire Svl Brandela
Theater BWk.
4th an 5th floors Avery Bldg.. 1007-11
Leavenworth Bt. Whoieaale district close
to freight house. Floors f.xlS2 ft. Of
fices, elevators, two switch tracks and
Lading piatforms.
Inuuire u. tt. Perrln. Mgr. Avery Co.
Office entrance directly opposite Vnlon
NO NEED of worrying about dessert
when Daliell l In town. If Mrs. W. M.
Burka, 4tt N. Hat ft., wlil come to The
Be utflco within three days we will give
her an order for a tiwrt brick of this
tine let) cream.
dresseis, mlMtlon rockers, buffet. line
otlerry cauinel. j-rono loaitier touch, din
ing room tauie, misaion ban tree in use
a few months, j'ti ri St., pp. umana.
Vu SAi.i. sioie, itadiaiu Home
lmo burner. No. li, tlrst-ciai condition;
must sell at once. Hi. 'fhoiie Webster
Mnslvai lilrsKlt.
ELEt:TRIC piano and music box re
pair i n n. A-.-m Haenmt 10 . a i '"
Uose In nome
l.aikc. MaHiiiui v.iHim
liouje un cxNiiri lot,
toih streets (a.t-d and pM
(ur; una to raroatn
car; line sua-ie trre".
Houm- is vir& wt'll built
anil ai ranged: :.a iai
Ur, dintiK room, niu!ic rtum.
unj'n uu fioor,
four bedrooms and bath on
acauil dmir, lare aicc In
wh.cb thrco more rttoais can
he finished: uiod
tin and btautifun itnUhed.
Owner will conoid r 5 or
ro- m eoitiige in got, rental
location :ti cxhan;; mu4
have nome rash. Trice it-&4iiabU-.
Tvrnis can be ar
rarijie.l. GEORGE k. CO.,
S0M2 City National Hank Bldg.
lou. 7m Ind.. A-1TW.
flow; 1 acres unlarifl, a.t uf union tat., i.t4ta.. uuck lln . tic44U
lb cultivated. ar.J abuut .0 aciv in iwa Kbl.
. ttiTv, which may b- rlnf-d nUKh The - Kocky Mountain Lia air"?am alOKpm
'ill is rich loam with lav tuili.d. Tin- i l imau Lia .iaa. tW S am bW lOpm
1 ianil I all fence! and rnolnei. Prk-r ; Chuaa lmy tixsm a fc aii a 4 3W pm
IIS (je. one-tnnii rann. etKumi'i-tnf i tucaau fc.xra a .ipu a i ivm
would conitltr t Mnahi or SmiU iualia ; iea Motnvft LrtxaJ I 'a, a 4 it im aliUm
projterty for eUit. or would take- iu.cao -Set. UinUM-i i.'A im ak.twsia
In (PHH. clean nMrvl.anll tKrk up to j WAIST,
value of equity. , chi.OTtiiv Lratd to i- o-
..a am a t:u pre
. . .a 4 m pm
.. a -sM am
.lia am are i Thv i.r.tu-.i'ic
...b i-U pia K iaji ' rers miUi i niv. ti ':
Bemis-Carlberg Co.
SIMt ItramteH Theater i;ldff.
a Missted bv the rilnads, nor that
ilurf was no e:cnce to support the
eo in :v. r. s lau s.
Vhe ton: UM down th i-rln.'ipl lhat
i abroad i.vuli !il?. er.- not to be it sob
1 ;iis tor ju'bvn; ti c reajs.niiiblent'ss of
i.t.-s. but coiui (i.'ii? as a whoie
vtie to t-e lak"Mi int- C'-uMriatSop,.
ttiuakit Hate JaMitietf.
The fact the comll:s,.'rl ilowe.l a
iuil.'r rate to Omaha than io .-'t. Iau.
..s s-aid ti !' jiiUi.rti b jtcvIows rate
.liinci.on- ln(v-:i ibi: lilies by ttn
KlUlVuds tluiiieiVi-.s. The vnikiay of tl:tr
Iti-i'l-mn late .aw wa l.oi ln'.ed-
Mi. !i attention w5 attracted to Ji:-
ti, .v. in s no in. hi ow truiinir the
North la . which n.tuired nub accoriinK to advice, reteive.1
i,atl ti ice. i e iioods for iniersiatc
tiauspoitatit'ii. wluthr they had pub-j
,UhM rate tor thv propt'setl shipaiem (
or ri 'l. Jt'MUc M Kt tina referiwl t'J tie :
utirithie commeice laH which forbade ;
iailto..da t4 "eiKa:i " tit t asportation I
,n (itHrtlf i-util tlicy bad a lixtd. published
Objections to Johnson-FIynn Bout
Made by Many Persons.
Metropolla otl(le Curler lt
Offer f Nlte feir Areaa mud
other ladueraarats Are
Wllhrfraii n.
SALT LAKE IMTV". Jan. It". -A spirit
of opiHisitUin to the proiKised Jnhnsonf
Flvnn fight has developed throughout
ml down Ibat ship
c.iil injuri.s lr.-:li
ailrtiur.s mti.-t go to ll:e con.mis.m .
fore lushing .m i the ouits lor relief.
The paraiM' Jiii autaoi ty ol the coin
mission j u r .3 rate making wu- I , 1U,
upheld by the ...iirts division that the I Meiue Ta Law talld.
fiHleral dislrl. t curl of Minnesota was . ,.,(, income tax law enacted by
wroni; in preventing the einoieni.nt ol ,u, u iinij,,,,,,. Ba, i,ei, to be .111
Ihe commissi, n s re.ln.eil rates on lumt-r , Il!ullon., , H d, lsi..n of the supreme
Irotn tin ra me coasi. ouvu " 1 .o.ut loilav. The opinion was written 1
irMoiW. Si.....l.M .i: .mi' . " '.out
1 ChL-Colo. ...a I li pm aim pm ; tana points, in M- i ui, tunana ana tin- v j,tiCe winslow and the court
: am ;
lucky aluuntain piu aia
OkU tt Tex. fcaprs a :ii pm
As executor of the estate pf Mrs. Cath
erine T. Lacev, I will receive offers un
til February 6. 1S1 at the I'nlted States
National bank for the west one-half of
lot three i3i. In block one (11. In S. E.
ringer' addition to the city of Omaha
The property Is situated on the south
east corner of Eleventh and Martha
streets, fronting about 132 feet on Elev
enth street and 144 feet on Martha street.
It was occupied by Mrs. Lacey as her
home and Is Improved, with trees, shrub
bery, bam. a t-ronm dwelling house In
good condition, with space for furthei
buildings. The property can lie purchased,
if desired, subject to a mortgage for
12,000. and payment for the equity may
Federal Authority I iiheld.
j The littlslative Held touching the .
a rii ara I . el-tar. e t.l goods by rai'roada for Inler
a t: pm ' state shlpiut lit was in.irhi.1 fortver as
a l it pm (ra territory and siates were warned
1 to keep off
I .... ,..,.. f ..Out.
Chicago Expns a T W am a 1:43 pra I 1 uih-i" ' '-"' '
Cblcagj Lliuued a t.w) vut a I. ara liar Import of Ihe federal hours of sen -
uUwarl l-aellic. 1 ice law." Ihe enfontllient of which Is
Ortn S. Merrill. lL'ls Cltv Natl Bank Bldg it c 1 SL L K1....1 30 am a . H) aia i ,.,,(,. .1 to the 1 oiiimlsslnii. wns uv'i. I I
u'aviv ... int. l.iitin... or rssi. lv.Cfcbl.i-.
wns unanimous In the derlshui.
I htcaga Urrat W raters
Chicago Limited a s;3w pm
WANTI I'-City loans and warrants- W. j ; .."" a a ti arc
Fam.m Smith a Co . ia Farnam St , V".go LaprSIl....
OMAHA rruperiy and Nebraska li.di. , l.ocai l'a--a. uaei a S.16 piu
O'KEEFE KKAb ESTATE CO. I ,iiii. ......1
lfis Arw I'mani iai 1 nana tiuuuina.
fTrM-LtVANS niar"maha; no com.
mivton; ept'onat pavnients; cheap money
S.Z. Batten Scores
Operators' Tactics ,
in Muscatine Strike!
MONEY to loan on business or resi- r - - Tn)1 j,Knt over xlll. uiniiiei rales nan
dence properties, $1,000 to li. W .11. lklu 'VZ'Z'Zl! ; Iv-n Ihe most nil- e. .... . ..
THOMAS. J, Jnj?yjLJlld. J 8t Ui!im ,,o,, s rate, eradl, al. d .ub,,y a
ltw to lio,u made promptly. F. . Ximn .st j.aul l Id.. a ;.'. om a isi am , the ineruasr In raits, proposed by rall
Veatl. Wrad BMg.. 1Mb and ?snw : Ttio City Exprasa ..a !:. am alo.Jo pm ; . , ,he northwest In . After
-iE.v-City loans. l'e,-r Trust Co. ' Sioux W W ...... P. . J. um " ' ,..,,,,,, . tho ,.clt ulH)
the coinilllsslon's order. Justice Lamar
Minueaola Exprsss con. Ju.l.-tl that Ihe court could not say
r.rr.11 Local.EK.0wU; am . It pm ' h' r mt" """' "
Daylight Chicago a 7 40 am alv.ts pm 1 of the advances on the lumber Indusiry.
Chicago Loral all pre a l.U via
Colorado-lhicaga a :! pm a 1.A u.-u .
Chicago specta' a pm a b i aia
t ae. Coaat-l hit ago... -a cat pm a I .A pm 1
Los Angelas Uoiited..a x. w iu j vm
uve".and Limited a La iul a aia
v arroii Laval a 4-sv pui alv.igi an.
Fast Mail a pu a i.m put
v.ctia;- t., blvux 4s
Omaha a 3:1 p.-s
Csutciiuial citaia Lim. 12 40 am U.i via
Long Pins a :u am all .4 -a
Soirolk-liallas a o am s... pi
Long ine Lancola....a 2.1a pin as.sva
liastings-outrior b 2. la im a a. at pig
LJeadwoud-llot bp'gs. .a a.&a pin a b.3t ym
caspar-Lander a 1 pm all. so pot
1 1 suiont-Albion t a -a pui ! Ijm pa
(1 RY1 I5ROS Lo"1"- Sni ! Twin City Limlu
UVtt J...N imuo.0m4na N.,. Bank lioueaoia Exprss
LAKtiE loans. municiH
gages bought and aold.
1 bonds, niori
to loan at VJ on Omaha home, IPOO, SLOOQ
or ll.Sttt. Address I1-19K!. Bee.
be made, one-third cash, and the balauce ' 2d-hand gouus. ivieser. itrjo Center. 1. ssffi.
In iw. no or w days as agreed upon.
I'nlted States National Bank,
16th and Farnam streets.'
IK you have a sweet tooth be sure to
try a box of P. J. O Brlen's candy. Al
ways fresh and pleasing to candy lovers
If li. B. Kamsdale. .VIH Cass St., will
come to The Bee office within tlnee days
wo will give htm an order for a eD-cent
box of O Brlen's candy.
KENT an Oliver typewriter from tba
.... " .n f. HouuiB 3119.
uuver ill" 1 . . . a
SMITH fKK.jalc.ivo. iiiuuets no. v.
No. 4, In rxceiltnt condition, rented litres
f'r lent. Tllr) AlO.vAltCH TYFK
WltlTf.K CO.. 411 S. loth. Phone it V.
;;v...... vrt. h, a k For
J 1 1 r. i 111 1 i.ii... " .
saie or rem; la.aest stocK. best bargains.
B. F. aASoa "-"U-t ul m
timaha. Can or write,
FOB SALE Two scholarships In tha
Oman, commercial college and one In
Boyie coiiegs. BUJineas otuce, oouuia
Bee. .
I'ranut, gun. match and post card
luachuicR. Acm
ilauhine Co, aL
8 A FES Overstocked with second-hana
rales, all sisea and mages; oargauis.
American Supply Co.. lllo Farnam St.
FOR BALki Now and geconu-iianU
carom and pocket billiard tables and
bowling alley nd accessories; bar na
ture ol .U kinds; easy payments. 111
Brunswlca-Balfca-Uiliander Co., tol-4011 o.
loth St.
struts. uluaabla.
Choice valley farms In tract of KO acres
or tnor on easy terms, within 1 to 6 mile
trom the towns aiong tba Grand Tiuna
Paoitio Hallway between Fort Ueorga auu
frlnce Kupert. Write for booklet de
acribing this wonderful coustry. is.
Meyel. District Sales Ageut, ski Fanou
i.ida.. oraatia. Neb.
er, tenoner. shai or. cut off saw. mortiser.
window frame machine. Can use second
hand, must bv cheap. Address Y H cart
Omaha Bee.
Interest In Nebraska Have cash and
unimproved section in McPherson county,
and Improved section In Wheeler county,
both clear. Correspondence confidential.
F 1101. Hcc.s
WANIE11 to mil by March 1, farm of
about 200 acre In eaatern Nebraska, with
goott iniptuvemtnts and close, to school.
Ootid Is. A. tarroll, Hia
watha, Neb.
W A.N i lil iy baioei , a Job, no stu
dent. M. II. f.ortou. pioiieham. Colo.
WANTED Poailiun aa souseaaeper t,
respatiabie midtue-aged lady. Prefer
home with children. Also experlencsd as
nuiea. Address Mrs. Marie Turner, sett
era! oeliveiy. Council Blufls, la.
W. are otf.rlng 10, and 4-acr iracU i
blTLATToN waotcd as manage of
an.i iitoiisriia located In Columbia county
near Lass Ctt. eioiida, aO nines waai ot
Jacksonvllla and only SO mile from St.
Auguauue. This property is intersected
by three railroads ul national reputation,
which turnish the best ol ernca at
reasonable rata to an luarkaia ot me
United bis tea. '
The climate ts tfieai. Fine farm are
now using worked id our tract w th
cxceptlooaily good roault. Own one ol
our farms. Investigate our oiler. Buiau
tash payments and cusy terras.
Low rate dady. sivkst good until
(Bales Agents;
MO Omaha National Bank Bldg..
Oman. Neb.
vVti:n nr always appreciates little at
tention you ly her. Sum and get her
a box of O'Brien's candy. If Mr. Daniel
Johnson, 4030 Calltornla St.. will come to
Tha Be olfaio within three days we will
give her an order for a cent box of
o'Bilens candy.
Coal lor atove or furnace. Try IL
$0 ' Harmon at it ee 1 h w ebster M.
TRAliBuggy lent, with lioor and
tove. Webster t.
2D hAFES. DEKIU1IT, IMS Farnam St.
MNi.i.l.-v... at luau. II. moss, w. '14.
l.'oR SALE My ten bowling alleys, six
tables, all high grade, located In oiuana
on one floor. Place will earn llono a year.
Address O. O. Francisco, Denver.
BALCONY' for Interior 01 store as good
us new; reasonable., 201 South iilih, 1.
Friedman. . .
FOR SALE One single name. G. W.
t-'miln. lyler IJ.
' tJLlCK MEAL range, hot water front,
good condition. 2v2 E St., South Omaim.
A iNew iruss
NEVv t w ...y... avnoa AND
Does nut sprcau me rci-ture ojtpn In
ternally as convex paus uo Writ fur
37Vii Broauway, .ea fork City
GRAPH FRL1T. orange and winter
vegetuble land near Arcadia, the county
eat ul DeSuto county, Florida. Tha op
portunity 01 a l.ieiinie. i-ticm rigtit,
terms easv. Agcnta wanted Booklet nee.
Hvde al Grant Land Co., Fairmont, Minn.
au. 1 ask Is a cuance to leu you ot
our opportunities In Florida. Cail up alter
o cl-Kk or wrne
Phono llarney 3711. 1301 8. Sid St.. Omaha.
THE easiest way to find a buyer tor
your farm Is to Insert a small want au
.n tne uea Moines Capital. Largest cir
culation In tue stale of Iowa, tj.uuu uatiy.
The Capital is reaa oy ana ueueveu iu
by the siaiultiauers of lona, who simp.y
refu to iHTinit any other paper in lueit
uomes Kates, I cent a word a uay; !.,
per lino per monln; count six oiuinaiy
words to tue line. Address les Alwtnvs
capital, Des Moines. la
vv Asni.vb and cutia.tis gone. T. II. &4JI
" BlXiKhtrTI-r.vAl and clencul wora
steiiinas ana e.tuiuas, usa typewriter.
..duress I. '.43. Be.
THtttt. young lauius. piano player and
singer, want positions in picture show,
evpeiienced. tmugiss tiwt. K 7i, Bos.
Barllagtna Hallos. Teat. Masoa
liarllagtaa .
Depart Arrss
rvenvsr California... 4. 10 pm a In pm
puget Bound Ex press, s 410 pm a in pm
Nebraska points a 1:20 am a l.U pm
B.ack lulls a 4:10 pm a I il pm
Lincoln Mail B 1 JO pm all:U pm
Northwest Express.... all J pm a i.utl sm
Nebraska poiuts a col am a : piu
Nebtaaka Express a 9-In am a 110 pm
Lincoln Local a I t, am
bchuyrer-plauamuuth b J.Ui pm bio a) am
Lincoln Local b i.M am
piaiumouin-lowa am a w au
UelleviM-Plallamoulh aU.du pui a I 40 piu
Chicago Special a 1 li am all I pm
lienvsr Special ail:la pin ai:wpm
Chicago Expreat a 420 pm a pm
cbic cast s.xprss. . ..a pm a s.tM aia
I iuwa Local a .l aui alo JO aia
Creaton tut.) Local. ...0 4.M pm in ti aia
bL Louis Express a 4.a pm alLao siu
K. C. at BU Joseph. ...altf: pui a 4.4s am
K. C. Ik St- Josepli ...a l b am a 4. Is p
K. C. ti bu Joseph..... I. pm
.vdi.iv.N wauteu by compeier.i lady
stenograpuer; tetsreuwa as to aouiiy.
Marney 444.
S all. Bo.
vviiiAfi, tauj ucciias atuauy y.aca o
day work; neat, touscicliliwu, uoss oal
u.SappuiutiUstit vhaascuisuts. I'iiuu .
AM E.iy 4 oattioii by an eapsrl pu
man, booaaeeptue eapeilence. tap
iisuca aa ponci enaioaavr who ttisuiaous
vompaiiy, btat 01 isieieucea, ..aa,
utatlteu. rootle iOugiaa stti.
VtANll.i A portion aa waaculliau or
secret attivtcuig, gowu leteraucea. v. lit,
bee. .
IIHE woman desires day work; ueai
al.d cteun. Tei. I'- '
FOK SALE y-acie fariu near Council
Mutts al enu 01 ... i-ii.. - ...... .s
well improved a..d all tillable, and a snap
II taken al once. For turiher particu
lars auulesa S20 Suutu
lliuffs. la.
FARMS for rent or sale on crop pay
me.nts. J. Mnlnall, Sioux CHy. la.
rt e Javaiv.
bearing peacues; so acres anaua. 40 aciea
a.iaila, close in; 10 acies 4 out.
uoverumelil urigalton, p.euiy oi water,
hca-iniui ciimaie, goou scuujis. vv rite lo
usy, uailsooru ac Co., luustli t.Ue-,
caiiaoau. M.
Yot-iiNU Wuuien coming to oinaha as
strauaer ie luvitea to vis.t the souus-
omens Cunstian association hunoing
i t Seventeenth and al. Mary's Ave,
where they will be duerted to suuauie
boarums places or otherwise
.,. uu, u-witis' aid at Ihe Lmuu
i,tation. '
Gludl.-li Pnaimacy. i2tn 111.11 Hodge.
,Mtj.i, i.l.t.e..llousCi
Juv chi tos.on Bid.
Y, ti lenl alio reiNiii ah siitos 01 sawing
faculties, inu. A-iwi Dougias looi
NEBRASKA CYci.e. t:o.,
iilh and Harney Sis.
1 Kufce.
aVira riieeo;
Giound lioor
aAacAviv-OTtJisli m,vtnieiH, noining
bgner ir rneaii.auii. lauies. H. gen. lu
men. I.oU API.
12 Karnaiii. u. teti.
astaV.M.U Uj la
AlLtAfr 1 A, lia,j. A lrt-i
Lands adaptable tu tie wiuest i an tie uf
Uupe- Ail Ui ujIm: ciopo ua I no aou.a
ptCUtaJi!' pAUUUCvU. jT Ul 4lse.ialMe licatt,-
iu -itu lUta cwai.bK coufluj, iu o.,
ti.iuate, Ltiuttn aiiu i-Iwji auVaUil.a,,
,1M W. II. LLAliV. DiafT. K.
UtUeiai 1 it-KfUaii icu;,
.UU..1A. UA.
(uuU Utliea K.liU in oitli'e.
CubeK titt"ni. opt lriyeria..
i.tuiei . ,,
"Ttj i&t -" mar. mm. oi goiO appear
ain-e, WtBiii-a a pomuon wan a iiitu, nave
i,Hd eX ovr. .-: B irHBini'H ifjytigixMi
coniittni lor guua aim acuarattt wora.
t' icii, ii'e.
blXl'EKIIi.Ni'KD MeiioRi apher wlhe a
Itokiiiun wnh a mm, a-oo iter and i.
tat 01. the tndcrwutt DiKWutei. a ivw.
Lee. ,
"VOMA.N with tt-year 01U chi.d wisnea
(.enetat nomea nrk 10 do. Harney
H the palatial cnila- I
lai ateainiar
lt:.ou Tun)
Salllsi tram Ness l ark
JANUARY 30. 191 i
-n ?N lay f'rala t
roit rt i. i,. tiMi, tu
MhlM I KHKiNKt , Iml
th oikT. :-t :ta.
oti ticwaid Th TIMIN
NAlT" U enulpi-Ml with ftrrf
miMlfra fiiiure, imTlilitii eterr
luinry and eoiarort ou Ivug
Amn4 tkt Hur.J, lt'g ttad Syvpt, rte,
rVwl ttr llliutntrd aVioilet.
ICO W. Baadolph ttt., Chlcaffo. or local atft
I'KS MttlNKS. la., J;tn. b-lrof. l .
attcti. of 1H m Muiiiet college, a ntem
, er of the comnilalon appointed by the
Federation f t'lmrchea of America, at
rittabiirKh receiitl to invevtlKate condi
tions at Muscatine, la , in a utatemeitt
inadtt public tonight aeverety crltlclHed
the action of prominent manufactuivrn In
etinnection with the button woi kers'
lri'f. Hatteu declares that eonie of the
button manufin'turcn. who are prominent
in church worK, have by their attitudes
"done more to alienate people from the c T 1
churchesi and drive them Into oteu hua- jJCIIlOCrEtS JLOOK
ttllty than all the anarchiM aim innaeia
who have ever lived In Muscutlnc.'
That at ri kerf aa well aa citiai'ita wer
dubbed and roiiKlily tnated by Imported
detectlvea from fhlcaRO, la contained In
l'rof. liatteii'a report.
Neadans say that any Ut-nefita from
battle ataKed i4ear the Nevada-rtah lire
will accrue to Salt Ike city while anv
Mlum .nt.ichd to the fittht will remain
with the tate of Nevada.
A pnpMil rt call a epectal neaakm of
the NYvada U gti-Iature to repeal the law
i under ahicli unlimited riag battles aro
aancttoned h.vt been disci;.'aed and there
Is no doubt that Governor Odle will bo
urged to do his utmost to prevent tho
Metropolis. Nev.. has notified Promoter
(Jaek t'urlev that the offer of a all for
ithe fight arena and other Indiwementa t
jbrinK the bat1 to that town has bee:i
withdrawn. Wendover. mentioned by
ii'urley ai the le of the battle, la in
I'tan, but H Is probable he intends to
place the arena acroaa Ihe state line.
Filth. I.ori lo wradoirr,
t'llU'A'.). Jan. lft Wrndover. not
Windward. Nev.. la to rm the acene of
'thi- Johnaon-Klynn flKht next July. Man
aer Jack t'urley made this definite an
Inouneement today, while until Curley
I spoke It bad been thought Metropolis.
Nov., miRht have a chance to get Iho
puKiiiitlc plum.
In addition Cm ley any Windward wai
Wendover mlpell d.
I " don't know how the mistake wai
Imade." said he. "Maybe I mispronounce I
the name of the town. Anyhow Wen
dnver Is Ul miles weft of Halt Lake City
and the altitude la VI7 feet."
American Troops
to Guard Railway
From Peking to Sea
WASHINGTON. Jan. -Af(er a laps of
more than ten jears American trttop are
again lo Invade China. They are to aid
In keeping open the railroad from Peking
to the sea.
In the t ours of eight or nine days CO
regular Infantry will lis disembarked at
the Utile Chinese port of t'hlnwangtoo.
The movement was ordered after ma
tine consideration of the policy Involved
it landing American troop tn a foreign
country tinder the iierullur conditions now
existing in China.
Wekatrr utaHaav
Mlsaourl Paclllo
-lata Wsbstr
I i
S3 S
Perslstrnt Aavrrtlaitig I
Big Return.
the Road to
Longingly on Check
That Got Convention
I From a Staff Correspondent
WASHINGTON. U. C. Jan. 10 tSpc utl
Telegfam.-Baltlmors won Hit. demo
cratic convention today with an hundred
thousand dollar check. It wus lovingly
fingered by Chairman Mack, and there.
are those who say that even Ihe Com
moner a took long lingering look at II at
it passed on Its way m become part ot
the "slush'' fund of, progressive demo
cracy championed by Woodniw Wilson,
W. J. Bryan, William Randolph Hearst.
Alton II. Parker and other gnat leaders
who saw the "star of promise" at last
night's banquet.
Mr. Bryan threw bou.iitta at Governor
Wilson and with Ihe aglllly of a contor
tionist lh Isle president ot Princeton
threw them back, and so It seesawed all
Ihrotigl' the night tha commoner closing
th bannuet at 5 o'clock this morning very
tired but very limy.
And so the democrats go to llalllmors
on Jun 2S to nominate a ticket and Wll
imu J. Bry an lia said he would not bo
a candidate.
"How about Ih man In Oyler Hay!"
asked un democrat of another as they
came out of tha banquet hall.
"tih, well, whatever Teddy doe, re
illed Ihe other, "be will send thrill
,wn our spines.'
Ye, and dun t forget Tail, he will gtva
Tbe conditions find causes which produce Rheumatism all guggist u sum thrills heforo November tomes'Jiiul vegetable remedy as the surest sod safest cure. The disease is trmmd.'
....t 22epm biris p. brought shout by the acciiinulation ot uric acid, aa irritaUn(r, pain-producing senator Hitchcock, who did not attend
o t.S am c 6 2 pui property in the blood. This causes a weafceninR- and souring- of the circula- IM nigiii's banquet of "unterrilied," aniti
CeDart A rr!
Local blwiw lll.ii.
Cblraao. St. Pa alt Mlanrapolls ,
Depart- Arrl
Flt-ux City Eitpress
IWlh. Iwsl
moux city pass tioa which then becomeii unfit for nourishinir the bodv. h ile the drDos Li ,ou" ,n" mr- "ry"" """" "ri
'-IZlZi- of urkacidin the serves, sc. Joints
would be to mandamus the.
slate against putting Bryan's
name nn the ticket and, he thought any
court would not hesitate to comply with
the ri quest.
"It's a man' right to say whalher bo
should go on the ticket or not." said
Hitchcock, "any lis to th. contrary notwithstanding."
tb dally except Sunday, w) Muwa agony of Rheumatism. To treat the trouble with medicines containing pot- : ' , . ' v.
only. iai dal.y. ash or other Strnno-Tntnrml. is sltnnlv addintr nnnlhrr noiwi ta the alreailv .. .
, . , i . , , . t , p 7- 7- r - - . j i stM-retary tit
wcug, ciseasea piooa, sapping u oi us rciiiaiuinr vitaiuy, ana pernsps 10
the end male ingr a physical wreck of thesuflercr. The one sale and only Cure
for Rheumatism is 8. S. 8. It is nature's remedy fur this disease, made
entirely from healthful vegetable ingredients extracted from the roots, herbs
and barks of the forest and fields. S. S. S. goes down into the blood and
removes every trace of the cause of Rheumatism, cleanses and purifies the
circulation, and restores health and comfort to those who are suffering from
this painful disease. There is but one wny to be sure yon are not dosing
Comic Section
The Sunday Bee
rh With Happy Hooligan, LktU 1T "em In,ncri1! tat is to take & & & Book on
r w. ""w . . Rheumatism and any medintl advice free.
Nemo, the Katzeniammer Kidt
and the whole intereeting family
A Kerloae llreakdowa
reiiulla from chnmic (unstlttton, l)r.
Kings New Uf 1111 rellecea lieadache,
atomach. Hver and bowel trouble. Sic.
For sale by Hen ton DruK Co.
LaUV V.UIHI waanuig aim iroliilig ioi
first thrtu uan in the ween; stauy. li.v
L.oiKe m. I'hone Iiunlaa wITi".
W ANT woik by tue oay. i'iione ioug-
a tii. . ad toe tore t p. m I
WA.N i Kir hveiiiii oik aa book
keeper, accountant or copier by grariu
att of eastern university. Jieicreiicvs.
W AN I Kl .'ORition u-h billing cerk, by I
young ladv who has had i years ex-1
peiie.tce. -can auto uo some frnortnand. ,
j&aiaiy f 15. Operate Kiibut Kiher, L'n- t
ueiood and Monarch, machine. Ciyjs
iw. :
iSliLAiiON wan led by a youiiK mar
ried man, very caaoie and willing to
work, would like p "Miion as e.Lrv oi.
in iuet. any kind oi hoik, tan
refereiiees. i'hone . i-beier ivwi or Uj fi
.r rM4awa.
" at. tu our Mock to aumn umana, save
mileage and FnriiiKajic. uuy
p iiimta itceiVt piuuipi and caiefUi suiivs.
' Byers firo. A: Co. auwig an3 re-pontbl
Don't plant seed corn that won't grow
Men from the state experiment station who have examined samples
of the best seed corn exhibited at the local corn shows, short courses and
farmer's institutes all over the state say that only from 10 per
cent to 40 per cent of the samples submitted will grow.
Corn for seed purposes is in a worse condi
tion than has ever been known.
How to test seed corn
tit in
i bos 61
A UANDV lw, vvebivi' county, wli-j
i ui pro ea, clow; 0 w-u, aiit, moow,;
liu lo au uiy LsAint, tay iwuis- .. . j
t. Amat, .i,..a ccolci. aei j
l.ieat W hm ot
r.xc..auK Kids;
, Um iha & iJentti
tSACKiJ" l-ta -
a ea iiu,-. ov t-a. fcuou iau.
AtU. Mull be Ifo.t
klUltrS Oi .-HaSl
2s, ii.asrv Siiii-- tu hire. 1514 tto a.
near lintdu
insiue ol f uay it
VU til. Uvt
. at oiK-e ami suuinii otiei. aUnerai itin:
. i -enu to .un uea. Mf won. rtiue o -'a.
. hi.a-v r.. Ibuj. tiilean. .eb.
treatment. Mme. aij& j s.vuri toatitw iini. w, ni ini-
t. l.-it tiijor. li. .KV. pruvtJ ", iioiua g--i,.i
! i.aiin-iii Itsirii -airW-il.. aae 1
THt; BAia,V.UO. A KM i B.iciw cas.-!" oi) ,.lUl. a-rooin hii,e. J, acieo"
off ciit.i.nt,: iu Ci. anyinin you 4o aoi j t.UlllVau,jn. ti.wi per a,,e;
collect, repair ana arm fc will handle licx i -, btrin,;- '
j iitiO. Neb. :
alCJ-J. vl A- treatment. Aime. i
. hicago.
K- t-Si i ll a tiO.N Just iianOie iuep
it Huurv t. until.- eattie. ,i-tH. anee.,
t ;jy. ivootlihoii Ac i o.. taith. Bit'U,.
Int rtat-. eHi r results. Ship to us
" ox Jnef in t."-. bun. .,uutto.
pj c um
, a i s .at i
1 .: 1
. i.i iwi.piiiems m fioca
t'iu isaria at yaru.
ns-.-tl vv
a. Jllll til.. tOl CCSl Ol -ti3vvi;..
wenhy poor. Call 'pnons uougiaa 41i
,-i uin wt.l call
Ladle Guaranteed Uem'dt'ja. 4 1 Ware hk-
tiaii.n airoa. Co.. i-ato. bids.
j. a. buydti. Biawdin
rie-irnai treai
: 1'ierce. l. 4Su
."mail iniprox e-
Baia, WviufH a uid asts. 44 Doug. UK
91 frS. L'UitlVaiH
mints'; . miies noitn of Uietna In buuj;
us count. ,
V. T
Lr sjU at once, .j m
GRAHAM. 4 Itee Kid pp.
VtLK. liitAlN Co., tfta.n merchants.
toiignnienu, soiKitea. iirandeis.
ou a.e oo.
ug for
Ttifc two men on street car at -tin
gnu Oinung streets on Saturday nigo. ,
about 10 o clock. January ti, fc.u, woen;
n,an fell from car. are requeMcd lo tn (
j.ougias iyZ or A-21-. or address letter ;
t waJ Faxion block at once-
iter. -vit-reuini -we.
an! come i
oflice witn.n ti.ree day we win gi.e
m an uiotr lor a t,ut.rt brick ol tu..
I... lee tr. am.
gcreemng. R 3a per 1'tO. SVagner. cl N. I
SPECIAL EARiJAlXS 75 acres near
Artesia. quarter m.le Irotn 'luua in i.a
oa.Ia counlj . provtn oeit lor onions, figs.
at.J cotton. q'JKk sale, li, per acre, AUo :
four biack and b!aik sandy land tar.iut; i
each Its aers; be?t cotton, corn, potato I
section on South lexss; no cr p failures; 1
. increasing in value ss to ,i eacn vear. :
Is E- Sevmiur owner. Columbus. Texas..
HuCaHtilaitl.' Jit.ttl.-U.
The annual meeting f lite sto:aholdsr
cf tne bee llultdtt.g t ..upany wilt be be .4
at the office of aa.-. company, omaita.
.Nebiaska. at 4 o cuca a. m. TucwUj .
January ls 1H, for trie election ul tas
totrd of director lor tne ensuing year,
and for the transaction of aucu utne.
busmen as ma properly coots bsiure
t..e i:.kv-i.i.-Ly
order ul th pres.deat
N. K t LiL. Eecretary.
Kuougli ears to ilant tueiity acres ran be
a .Inels day v.iti home made tester. Take
liich.ii t)ee and nbout two bv llirnt! fpet In site. Kill lue
box nboiit half full of moist dirt, sand or Rawdtit. Tress
It ell down so It will liac a smooth, even giirlace. ."vow
take a while cloth about the size of the box, rule il oU
i-heckerboard fashion, making xiuareb one and one-half
Inches each way. Number Ihe check I, 2. and so on.
Place this over Ihe saud, d rt or gawdusi.
Take the ears io be u sled and ell her lay Ihem out on
the floor and marl, a number in front of each or ultath a
Itumbcreci tag. Now is.e off about six kernels 'rout each
ear mot all from the same plate, but at several points
on all sides . I'nt Uu.-se kerm is on the souaresco rres,iond
Inr. in number lo those phif-ed on Ihe eais ol torn. lie cart
ful not to get them mixed. Keep iho eara numbered to
lorrvsjioud EXACTLY with the utiiuhers on the squares of
After the kcrarl have hen placed carefully on llm
tleth which coiers the moist sand, dirt or sawdust, tover
Ihim with aiio'.her t Intli, oi.gideralily larger than the
box; cover this cloth n it It shout two In'-lieB of the game
m'.ist sand and keep the box in a warm place. It must not
fret told.
The kernels will gerniinute in four to six days.
Remove the cuter carefully to avoid misplacing the
kernels. Examine them carefully. Some will have long:
sprouts but almost no rools; others will not have grown
at all. but the kernels fioni ears which will pruiutsi torn
if planted, will haie both sprouts and good root system..
Compare tbe rumbers on the sq .ares with those on Ihe
ears. P'lt back into he feeding corn bin the ears which
correspond in number lo the numbers tn the si lares
where the kernels did not grov. or where they showed only
weak roots.
The tars numbered rorresponilini; to those on the cloth
which ehowed strong Sign of lif are the oues to preserve
for seed. Every kernel from these ears sho ' nroduce a
staik, every stalk an ear.
Electric gas fixtures
MR. Hl'SBASD. if yo i are for
' something t'. take ii'.n.e ioi an extra
omits .iver i.o. i r. desert ste; m Laizen s
h smt 1-nm.r.r ' McCal! X. th yt.
m 'come ti; prints c'mji news and clean ad-
- iThe Fee off:ce allhtn three oays tve ,
FMchs. Sen ft B. nd. painting, decorating ,v; him an ornfr for yua,., britk Q( j
aonty con., jvitoer. liea,y. Web. iiU. j th
A number of more convenient seed torn testers are
manufactured for sale. They are aii good any Implement
dealer or seed house will know where to get them.
A grave situation exists.
If we are to have a corn crop next
year, every car of corn should be tested
to see whether it will grow, before it is
Suppose one dead ear is planted. The planter fails to get
one thousand stalks of corn almost twelve bushels of corn lost.
Leading corn authorities say that no
man can tell whether corn will grow or
not, without making a germination test.
Particularly this year, com that looks good on tbe outside
is di-atl in tin- tfenn, and positively will not grow.
The liusiiif.-s men of Omaha appreciate that business pros
perity tlcpeiiils upfiii the success of the corn crop, and are there
fore inakinsr this effort to arouse the state to the necessities of
the case. If in any community there is more than enough seed
corn to plant your own farm, please let us know, that we may
secun- the additional supply for other parts of the state.