THE BEE: OMAHA. THUIiSDAY. JANUARY li, 1912. The omaha Daily Bee ; Ft ITS I Kf BY KlivVAKl' hOSKWATKK , Vh-TOK ROSKWATKR. KUlTuK. A Flash in The Pin. SiTuiiny of the convention call , fore all It can to lessen the confla gration hazard and remind other BEE Bt llJ'l.NQ. FARXAM A.VI' I7TII Entered at i:Biii'.a pjetuff.ce as kcjM cla.-s matter. formulated by the democratic na- j tional committee disclose that all I the talk for letting the people rule in selecting the democratic candidate for president turned out to be a To be sure, the cities of their duty. TKKMS OF tiliiSc'Kll'liuN. Sunday bee. one year - Saturday lie.-, ce ear 5f !'' Bee .thot ". "" 5"-lZi flash in the pan. 1'Ki.iVKKKit hy oarkii.R. ! democr&U. like th republiran. nave tWZS I a-tborlaed the choice of convention la diirry t.. i hv rtn uiatioa Ip- popular vote in those states which Remt hv p?.'ro.i.i i n,ve Primary 'or that purpose. Mttii w Thf ivf !wi,fih ns company , an() tne democrats ito a trifle further f Wail " Wiwrai rhkN i by permitting the state committees ,.r, otr.ha r,d canern c-.innr. m rovla for direct election, "if. In 1 i -Th-- ni-Vh He- !' . il.l'ne. i.:t!. U MUiuc lui unci . cisnnu, the oiiiniou of the respective rem ; mittees. It Is deemed desirable and ' possible to do so with proper and ' r ufficient safeguards." Whether I inr democratic committee will take ' tlvn!ae of this opportunity is d- The Star of Promise. That 1100,0V with which Balti more bought the democratic national convention is balled by the party of Bryan, Parker, Wilson, Harmon and j t'nderwood as "the star of promise." It is undoubtedly a star and it was a star stroke to nab this nest egg for the campaign slush fund at this early date, but whether it is a star of promise or not, remains to be teen. All stars do not promise good. hl.-. "If H Milf!-' Vnr ''.l -INI n-. ric e v., -!,- M V. e-t -fh . -- I-: r t f n p.rr,"Mrti.'.',( i.'V nni cidedly one to question, for, despite e,l'ln-tl matter V-f.'i ,i l.e s.irti mal.a J!w, IV nut Intent. i'ivi:.Mi:i:r. riiTi'ixATiox. 50,119 Frt,. ..f N Wnk. IViplr l'onl:l ImtKl.t vwiiiein. rt ii-,i;..u r.i r ef ih.- le PuWi-Mm: I'ijitll'' heln d;ih tw.'iri iltttl ih.- avTMre dalh rirru nltiiM. "mM .'.rinsed anil re- tomtit i-opies. for the month of lreein ler, 111. at- ".Mi" I.WI'SIIT WIl.t.MMS Oircu'atit n Manacr. P:ibtrtlltrd In rm' i're-tepce nni wim to 1 f..te me this till ilnv of January-. IM1. (S-all ISOBBBT HfVTRIl. Notary I'nhhc. loud professions that the democratic party Is the party of the people, there is, in fact, lea popular gov ernment In the democratic organiza tion than in the republican organiza tion. But the (election of delegates is Waharrlhrra lrail the plly trwpurtirll? ! U have Tke Hrr maileit lo theaa. AiWreaa Kill a- rkaaui-d aa sflra as 're. tar-Biri). llhisDay inOmata PRKSIUEXT AD rOSTOFI-K Kf. ' .TAkaiiMa cn a? av smrv cll F. UUMriMfV amw.vs) aag.K a.awav . J.t.V. II. Taft and Roosevelt Kaaollactioaa of OM-Tlau Trlaa ahlpe aa4 Tiatr Bearlaa- oa rnant malattoaa. Tliirty Years Ago Sir. and lira. U I. .lam A. Paxton Kave a Uikp rtcptloa at their elegant residence on Kar.iam and Kighteenth strei-ta. Ja) imitations liavine bten ist-ued. Among thufrf oottd ba preset were Mr. and M'S. U. o. Clark, Hr. and Un. Ed Pnk. Mr. and Mia. Ilai ker. 11 r. and Mra. Mi ton Hirioa. Mr., and lire. Ueorxe I. Gilbert, Mr. and Mr. P. K. Her. Mr. and Mrs. Some portend ill. W Bat is thl? rtar s SvToh, Mr. Kni MriL Ed nany. Mr. and name? It is Bcotes, whose rising Mia. Morar. Mi. and Mrs. Hanscom. Mr. and settings with the bright star and Mrs. PHtcl:t. ilr. and Mm. Brown- Acturub. as the ancients interpreted the signs, portended great tempests? Is it Canis, whose rising with the bright star Sirius, brought the in tense heat of July? I It is possible -on, .Mr. and Mrs. W. J. t'oniKll. Mr. and Mia. Ambrose. Mr. and Mrs. C'olpetzer, Mr. and Mra. J. O. Coann. Mr. and Mrs. Mamieraon. Mr. and Mia. Ouiou. Mr. and Mrs. Ulbbon. Mr. aid Mra. Ed Johnson. Mr. and Mra. (Joble. lr and Mra. T. U, this question may occur to the demo-, gharp mbtore tUnKmn, M,-sr8. e rata, tlietnselves, when the fervor of I ! Her. Gariichii. Crarj-. Sharp, Mc Millan. Mi'Cormlck, nrtnlngton, 8wfaton, Murpliy. Berlin. Megcatii, Williama, I'ax ton Love and FTancia. At the Land It'.itue fair a silver Uaaet preaenteU U- A. H. Uiverman. the Jeweler, in cxcltinic a lively voting; contest b- Balllmore's June sun gets down to real business.) Or is It Castor or Pollux, of better omen? St. Louis, evidently, and the other cities contesting for the convention, entirely distinct and different from ' ipclied the astrological training that I iween the friends of Colonel J. J. Dickey, the inrtructlon of delegates by aiengbied Ifaltlmore to win tho fair ! superintendent of telegraph of the Union presidential preference primary. If pr1(, Tne). canie mumbling the the delegates are to be sent fo the j nomenclature, not of gods, but of democratic convention uninstructetj mBi i tb, BtUpd exiectatlon, evl- whether they get their credentials dently, that that would get them auy from a primary or from a conven-' thlng with thla bunch of astrologisu. lion the rank and file of the party j These amateurs talked of "central will have no more to say about who locations, " "railroad facilities," Any old kind of publicity will do far a faker. shall be the neit democratic stand' ard bearer than they bar had to say In the past. fa ille and Hon. J. A. MeShane, one of our representatives In the state legisla ture. "Fresh vaccine vlru. with full direc tions for using. Jul received at Kennard Bros.' ' The Omaha Barbed Wire company lias I purchased fifty carloads of wire and has vrdera enough ahead to conuume the en- "straleglc states" and such mundane! tire amount, nnn-eaaentlala. Ra'tlmora did not I 1,f- "" m,,e Wathington Diapatch to X. T. Pom. Prienda of President Taft have had no difficulty In learning the state of bis feellnga toward Theodore Rnoeevelt. It Is not the quertion as to how the presi dent regards bis predecexaor s polities! attitude, or his poptble ambition to suc ceed the man who succeeded him which has the strongest IntereM for those per aonally close to Mr. Taft, for be has spoken his mind on these subjects. Be fore there waa a suspicion of "a second elei'llve term' putrosr, the ties which had bound the two men together had been cut in a dosen places. Men who draw their information front a sure source say that in the time to come, when retirement has claimed both the president and the colonel. Mr. Taft believes that he and his predecessor In office will be as good friends as they were In the days when one of them waa in the White House and the other as in the War department. To Mr. Taft what , Mr. Roosevelt has done la a case of what might have been expected. The president, his intimates ay, understood the temperament of Mr. Roosevelt ro thoroughly that he knew that whether approving or disapproving of administrative acts, retirement could not keep the colonel quiet. The president knows that human nature prompts moat men to think that they could do the thing much better than the man to whom the thing appointed te do. One day in the White House the sub ject of Colonel Roosevelt's attitude to ward an administrative measure was under discussion. Senator Root was pre sent. As a friend of the president tells it, Mr. Root said: 'Mr. President, once on a time you succeeded me aS secretary of war. I ConsffTeaaaaaai rrla l.lsiea I p with Prealaleat Taft. Xew Tork Tribune. If Representative (Jeorse W. N'oriis of N'ebrmska. a leading western insurgent, thinks that lie Is ma kin? capital against President Taft by Intrixiucinsc a bill t" put all postmasters and postal employe under the aegis of the civil service regj Ictions he is egrel;.i;sly mistaken. V t President Taft ha-s ne much flirt!;, than any other president in ursiny cor.- rrss to take the poslofflee out of Pol and drudgery involved In contnualiy fill Ins vacancies in peetofflce. marshal ships, collector-ships and surveyorships merely because the four-year terms of the incumbents expire. Instead of resent ini Mr. Taft would welcome the 1-assaKe of some such mvisure a Mr. Norris has intrnd-jcd. LAUGHING LLVES. vaccination recoid taik at all. but produced, and got re- "T I The slrangest part of It all is that i .Mils. ' nrin. ..t imi-r me I even with Mr. Bryan present as a; In the meantime, what a grand passed both ways over the I nlon Pacific j vou in orrice. and before you I -. i..... i. i .... ,. t. s.i.uii.m.iii,i.i w:.,,..r.1 been there long . 1 bagan to think j i'"7. n,iia iimiFiwt-i. tuing ii la w ire rriwiBiui. nw - Kven the gas froze In Kansas fliy i enactment of a presidential prefer- loo.OOO. we are told, will be to" cure primary law In this state, be ; into the fund for the campaign, which Th, ,.,. comieiion by the Omaha did not even propose to incorporate j will bo replenished by many such recommendation of the preslden- bagatelles. It Is new idea ot se curing the cold wave. That was a fierce blizzard that blew into Washington from fleroiuda. I iocs It. Wilson still desire to knock air. Bryan Into a rocked hat? How high does a man's brow have to grow to make him a high-brow? "Is your lit i on straight?" asks the Washington Post. Yep, drive on. Oh, very well, then. Colonel Gut fey, you may remain on the committee. No, gentle reader, the "flaming ark" traces no lineal descent from Noah's. , ' Kvldenlly the packers not only had a pool, but they refused to apot us a single ball. tlal preference vote In the demo cratic national convention call. Such a proposition was, of course, fore doomed to defeat, but no, more than waa the effort to oust the distasteful member from Pennsylvania. So It Is a fair surmise that Mr. Bryan and bis followers were more It Is to laugh to see our demo cratic contemporary trying to get eager to force the primary uoon the ; ""1,' tovf bv alluaions to "the lecting convention cities, putting the convention up at auction to the hi (test bidder, which. In this case, proved to be the only practical bid der. Now. for a clean campaign. republicans than to have it for them selves, and that for thomselves they want, not a popular expression of preference as between democratic aspirants, but a convention o divided or unlnatructed that the democratic bosses will be free to make the same di als and dickers as of old. The weather man resent the In sinuation that be guesses, but he baa certainly had the rest of ua guessing. One more of the last eye-witnesses of the clash between the Mon itor and Merrlmae haa died. Next! They threw Mr. Bryan over the transom, but he got revenge by speaking until 3 o'clock In the morning. A Sioux City merchant advertises: "Extra, good ladles woolen hose.' All others, evidently, must go without. The Bic; New Tork File. The real wonder of the Equitable It seems odd that a three-time i building fire In New York Is, not runiier should bare f. beg lo have that ,t rieitrayed $,000,000 worth his name scratched off ballot. ' of property, bnt that II was prevented from destroying many times . that amount of property. The district within which thla fire oocurred is reputed to be the most aerloua con flagration hazard In the world. Says Arthur K. McFarlane, a itudent of such subjects, In the December num ber of McClure'a: The eight square miles between Forty-Second street and the Battery In New York City contain the great est congostlon of population, tho greatest mass of buildings and the greatest accumulation ot property value ever brought together on the same area ot which we have any re gard In history. - After the Baltimore fire the In surance companlea Instituted an ex amination of the cftlcs of the country with reference to their fire hazard and President Roosevelt "loaned" Captain Jobs S. 8ewell, the army en gineer fire expert- to help out. Cap tain Bewail la quoted by Mr. McFar lane In his report aa pointing out tbe Irlghtrul dangers of a conflagration in thla very dlatrict, together with the miserably Inadequate fire alarm facilities, '"the poorest In tbe coun try." Captain Sewell stated: "The conclusion la Inevitable that the mag nificent personnel of the fire de partment hag been the only thing thst has prevented sweeping con flagrations In the past." Yet, In spite of thla report in 1903 and another one In 19i, thla-dangerously deficient fire alarm system remains practically unchanged. It ap pear that the fire which destroyed the Equitable with several live and so many Invaluable recortd and se curities, would have spread Into conflagration but for the "magnifi cent personnel of the fire depart ment" When the chief called out the full force i:, 000. 000. 000 of prop erty was threatened and how many S u Ting-fang la a good fellow, all Tight, but I'nrle Sam la a Missourian when it comes to recognizing new republic. Mayor "Jim" says he heard and believe that money was paid, but protests that he didn't get any of It Now, "Jim!" All of which goes to prove again that a person who expect some day to run for high office has no business writing letters. ' The man who hope to be con sulted a th oldest Inhabitant ot the future should be making notes about the wonderful winner of 191! That Kansas divorce proctor who has made the discovery that poverty I the general cause ot divorce. could never have heard of Reno and New York. This garden-wall courtship be tween Mr. Bryan and Mr. La Follette Is getting very Interesting. The ques tion, "Will you support me?" may be popped any minute. me tnited state I eager for a republic In Cbma, a well as else where, but its anxiety doe not trans gress the bound of prudence, either by sending troops Into China or pre maturely giving official recognition to the new government. ground Omaha haa los, In point of being a clean, orderly and law-abiding city," from which it is suddenly to be rescued by a new democratic sheriff. Everybody know that for six years Omaha bo been adminis tered by a democrat mayor, vested with full executive power, who haa run the town Juat aa be thought the people who elected him wanted him to run It. and tbe hyphenated was counted as his chief supporter and defender. So beholden waa this man agement of the city to the demo crat I rgan that It did Its very best to reward th nmyor chiefly respon sible for It by promotion to the posi tion of chief executive of tbe state. "Why wait" for the regular grand Jury to investigate the "ugly ru mor" of city hall corruption .and shakedown, asks the World-Herald of The Bee. We know of no reason for waiting ex.. ,t that the grand jufy about to be drawn 1 to eit In February, which I probably aa early aa a special grand Jury could sit. A a matter ot fact, there would be no need ot waiting for a grand Jury at all If, Instead of our present demo cratic attorney, w had a county prosecutor up to snuff, and on the firing line all the time. Newspapers throughout Nebraska are coming to the front in th cam paign to Impress farmer with the necessity of making sure ot planting tend corn that will grow. Whenever any movement la started for the pur pose of improving general condi tions, or enhancing the prosperity of the people of the whole state, Ne braska newspapers may be depended on to do their share, end more. The city council seems to be per turbed because the Auditorium com pany has not teen fit to supply an official list of stockholders. If the council will send a clerk over to the Public library to go over the f les of The Bee, or other local, newspapers, tor the time the stock subscription for tbe Auditorium wss on, it csn get for the copying a list theat will be at accurate as any. Tbe Lincoln Journal declares that the selection of Baltimore for the democratic convention city "is an other brick aimed by the national committee In the direction of Wil liam Jennings Bryan." Some people are so used to dodging that they see brick coming their way all the time. The De Moines Register and Leader has a page feature story on "Why Perry C. Holden la a Candi date for Governor of Iowa." With out reading It through we venture to guess that the professor Is a can- more it Is Impossible to state. Men talk of fireproof buildings; thla w ' - -.. - ... supposed to have been one, but ex- "r on""e"c United 8tate sen perience how that "prevention li,or ''' ln Washington ventures better than cure" with reference toith vlew lnl Mr- BrJr" cn Pul1 hi fire even In a fireproof building. o- nllnl off ,he Primary ballot, or put It called. Fire, once under headway and beyond control In this district of New York, might produce more havoc in one hour than the flames did in San Francisco In a day. It Is said on good authority that not a big insurance company but is carrying more risks in thla district on a second time, by mandamus. Quit possible, but. If so, so can any one else. , . . ' didate for the same reason other men ! than It desire or should. The total go into the political game. amount of insured property there ex- . ceeds $1,500. OftO. 00, while the total The worst part about that tele- "loss-paying ability" of the Insuring phone merger is thst It knocks all companlea I about one-fifth ot that those beautiful argumenta about the amount. So that It la little wonder wonderful advantages of two tele the companies hesitate to Increase phone system Into a cocked hat. and forces the vry people who used that argument with such telling effect to backtrack and swallow their ward. their risks. This Equitable fire, dis astrous a It la. will serve yet a very great purpose if it bring New Tork I ecle Jwe tai Kesssr. Cleveland Leader. The public la gratified to observe that one of the best things t'ncle Joe Cannon does is In the extinct volcano line. sister works Is called to mind by the resignation of Mr. Chester It. (avla, wno since shortly after the works were com menced riaa filled the position of engineer in charge of construction, .An exciting runaway on North Eleventh atreet uismant d a wagon belonging to C. V. Goodman, the druggist, and but tered up Ingold Smith, the driver. Twenty Years Ana The Co-Operallve Jlaaterere' Interna tional association of America and Canada opened Ha convention at the liclione' hotel. An overheated salamander In the tin flnlahed residence of L. Msndelson. at tut Dodge stteet, caused a fire, but no particular damage waa done. These officers were elected by the Ne braska Life rndefwrlters' association: President, M. L. Koeder: first te presi dent, I, U. Mapei; second vice president, O. H. Jeffries; secrets y. W. 8. Wilson: treasurer, W. I. Hawks. The president appointed this executive committee: O. II. Jcfrrles, John Bte. l. W. J. Fischer, 1L D, Neely and II. O. Another attempt was made to organise an Afro-American league In Omaha, but the cold wave prevented a good enough attendance. K. ft. Overall, Rev. Mr. Woodbee and Rev. Mr. Williams thought Omaha ahould by ajl means perfect such an organisation at the earliest oppor tunity. Chief of Police 8eavey submitted his annual report to. the lioard of Klre and Police Commissioners. It showed i.-M arrests made during the yesr, 2.3J3 of which resulted In convictions, ft weut to the district court and 4.721 were dismissed by the police judge. LI. W. Peterson left for California lo spend the remainder of the winter. Th Board ot Trade directors elected these officers for th year: President, Kuclld Martin: first vice president. Max Meyer: second vice president, H. A. Mc Whorter; secretary, W. N. Nason; treas urer, C. F. Owdn'.eii. The committees were headed by these as chairmen: Ap peal, James A. Connor; transportation. K. E. Bruce: arbitration. . A. McWhor ter; auditing, D. II. Wheeler; railroad, Jamea Stephenson; grain, C. II. Fowler; live stock. E. A. Cudahy; ways and means. If. li. Clark: manufactures. II. T. Clarke; membership. Max Meyer; memorial.'. Champion chase; meteorology. John Ev ans; provisions, A. It. Noyce. Ten Years Also Mrs. Susan Krager of Eeast Omaha was kicked by a horse she waa driving, when the buggy upset in the road, and as she was trying to disentangle herself from the mlxup, the horse kicked her and she waa taken to xt. Joseph's hospital. Samuel Edmonaton, .4 years old. 1914 Cuming street, died of Injuries sustained by . a Missouri Pacific train while at tempting to cross the tracks in the rail road yards. Mrs, W. J. Uroatch entertained a email whist party In the afternoon for Mrs. Rrtvln. Charges of Jury tampering were made by T. W. Blackburn in the form oi a letter at the annual election of the Omaha Bar association and Mr. Black burn called tor the appointment of a committee to investigate the situation. W. F. Ourley, president, said he would appoint such a committee. Mr. Black burn said he was certain In his own mind Juries had been fixed and the mat ter received much discussion. Mr. Ourley was elected president. J. A. C. Kennedy secretary. Howard Kennedy treasurer, and these composed the executive com mittee: W. D. Xlc!!ii!t. J H. Mcintosh, IC. c. Wright. A. C. Winkler, r. A. Brogan. Yudett Carlson. 1j years of age, died at the family home, lis North Twenty- tilth street. The -month-old bahv of Mr. and Mrs. L. I. Abbott died of pneumonia. John J. Byrne, for thirteen years agent here of he P. K. Collier PuWiahlng com pany, returned from Europe after an extensive visit on the continent. tJould P. Mela, for eighteen years resident of Omaha, died suddenly of .art dlssass at his hJm. lt North Twenty-eighth street. He had been all in ir for ten days. He left a widow and three sons. C. X.. J. F. and Oouid Diets. how much better I could do certain things than you were doing then. Later on Mr. Knox became secretary of state. an office which I also bad held. I watched Mr. Knox and I am still watch In him. In Ilia pride of spirit I have thought occasionally how much better I could do tblnga If I bad held on to the Job. I only thought these things, I didn't say them. It la human nature to think them, and with some men It is human nature to speak them, but some men speak them more frequently and louder than other men." It Is said that th president In klndil ness ot Judgment feels that air. Rooae veil constitutionally Is compelled to apeak, and to speak quickly, when any subject which affords a base for differ ence of opinion obtrudes itself. It Is also said that Mr. Taft knew this before he ran for the presidency, and that be waa certain that on some matters ot ad mlnlstratlve policy he and his prede cessor would disagree snd that th White House would hear from It. Not long before the president became a candidate for the republican nomlna tlnn Mr. Roosevelt, In sneaking of his own administration, and what It waa try in to accomplish along certain legtsla live tinea, said that the country had been good enough la call these endeavors of his the "Roosevelt policies." Then he said that he didn't know whether they were rightly named. He thought it was possible that they ought to be called the 'Taft policies." and then he added that some years before, at a time when h had no idea that he would 'be president, he had thoughts on certain questions, honing that some day soma on might give them legislative form. Mr. Roosevelt said that at the time he found out that another man waa giving con sideration to the same - questions, and was thinking as he thought With the other man. he had corresponded, and be found that their alms were Identical. The other mail waa William Howard Taft. A visitor at the White house the other iisv told Mr. Taft this rtory. He had never heard It before, but he said that as far aa coincident study of the sub jects to which Mr. Roosevelt had referred was concerned, the story was true, and that he had exchanged with Mr. Roose velt at the time letters In which each set forth view which were virtually Identical. The White bouse visitor dis covered quickly that Mr. Taft liked the story of a day when there waa no ques tion of the Roosevelt royalty. "M-n these days have plrnty of saill and resource at hand, but they have nothing on rome of the smart ones or a i oui'ie of generations ago.'" "Huff so?" "Look at old Ueneral Putnam. lor ex auiple. He jumped into a hole to Set out of one." iiaiunwre AimTivan. , Off. al Ho barber, condemned to deal,. '--hi wi hoes s uoW. my poor man, .. ou must prepare ir i -;iWhv are vou so angry with Jak? Behe-l told him never to attempt to iss mt' andin. " he didn t.-Ph;lade.phia fllra by e?t&bji-h.iiic a t nure h.txl on Ra-cnl. eumpetenry and KMd behavior. Th? irw- j .dent would be heartily Ud to-unrendi-r ' his trtent power to nominate poMmas ter fr fixed terms, twit owji-w h turned a roW rhoulder t lui Ml:ti'n,. ( beeauite represents. v. and x-niMrs hat to surrender the influence .vhlcn they now exert In the select ion ot p't masters I In their atateit or district. The riant to confirm preside n ull ap- ; rantV tasAaa It. 1 .. , ..-.i-l I..- t i . , .. , ant- lnt f . miT A'il 7 KV'""e sr ua:u IIIUDl auuilSI uo.urtl a-JI p imv ': - - .. a. i th. sen.,, and the traditions of lHlc. j i XwT2iZlZ practically compel a president to consult dol opln.oii to a larita extent the opinions and wtfhes ) of senators in iniklns nominations New learn eve reveia were at ineir which th tanata miiKt annrav Tn taki1 po-tmatt-rs from the exempt claa and give them Indefinite terms under the pro tection ot the merit system would strip the senate of a perquisite which It espe cially prize. Xo federal officeholder is In a better position to do party work than the postmaster ot a town or city, with his facilities, for reaching and In fluencing votei. The -service was one a vast political mtchine and has ceased to be so only because of the steady pies sure of public opinion and the Increasing disinclination of administrations to per mit postmasters to be active In politlca. President Taft believes that efficient and economical administration is a far safer reliant than patronage in seeking popular support, and be would be de- liirhted to free himself of the annoyance 'iiitiii a man Wlin a prrierniuriiy nui- emn fate aiu.-. Mine glass in hnd. to tr:ne a taM. Mav we never."' ha said, in deep, measured tones, "drink any more of this 9t.V- paused, and a horrified silence reiajiw. for several seconds. -ttian is a od for u!" Then the revels broke loose agaln. Chuago Tribune. (.. - ftition is the life of trade," Mid the liusir.e man. -Ot cetir.-c it Is." replied Mr. Ouailn Stat. "tnlv a want to gft trade so r-fc::!i-i i1 that folks will be competii.K for o rhanre to hny in?tad of a chance to svM. Washinston Star. S!iiRton It's wonderful what love will enarl .4 fellow to see in a girl that he newr saw before. Wemnore Yes, and It's equally won derful what love won t let him see that .-.. II see later on. BoHon Transcript. Why Wait a Month? Why wait a month for the continuation of a story? You don't have to do it now. We have just brought out an all -fiction WEEKLY MAGAZINE in which you can get the contin uation of your story every week. A month is too long to wait. The thread of the story gets lost in the mesh of events. The WEEKLY is the ideal periodical for con tinued stories. People Talked About am m Mrs. Antoinette Funk, who has in herited a !eg-aey of WXi.ow left by her father-in-law, Duncan K. Funk, of Bloom Incton, Is on of the best-known womar lawyers practicing In Chirajto. Tips have been ruthlessly cut out of the travel bills of Kansas state officials, g.nce th festive pasa ceased to be an official perquisite th Sunflower squad haa not had such provocation for a 'holler." Mrs. Mary Harrlman, widow of E. II. Ilnrrlman. has deeded to th town ot .odus. near Rochester. N. Y., three par cels ot land for a park, to he known an Harrlman park. Th property Includes a is the name of this new WEEKLY MAGA ZINE. It will publish 52 full-length book stories a year. A new serial begins every week stories that make you sit up and take notice. On sale at all news stands at 10 cents a copy a great big magazine 192 pages THE MUNSEY COMPANY, New York ' ! 1 1 in 1 m Far-Fetrked t rlllclasas. Sioux l-'ity Journal. It Is carelessly observed that Presi dent Taft la trin "to fore hi re aomination." La Follette. we are to understand, ts not tryln to force his nomination, and It Is expected ot us. If we are ant too dull ts understand, to acree that toe preatdeot haa a snoo opolc of force In playlns the same. The president haa led up to thla by sarin he would not ho forced to quit pend I tner th. del.i mtrtsttoa of th. national to do what It should hare don be- convention. beautiful chestnut (rove. No matter what capers Jack Frost may Indulge in durtns the winter the heat of local polities in Chtcaeo will maintain a summer altitude. Factions ot th rival parties placed relays of men at the win dow of tbe county reaister to secure the advantage of the first filing on Feb ruary which carries with It the first j name on the party ticket. But the police ; chased the patriots awav. The Smoktais Osjt Process. Brooklyn Kajrte. Roosevelt says, "1 am not a candidate." Bryan says. "1 am not a candidate." Hundred of thousands ot entirely sin cere advocates of each man regret th declaration. Hence these sporadic "smoking out" efforts. Enemies do not sow such tares. We tlilnk the "amoklng out" Idea la a laudable endeavor, whether H succeeds or not- The fairest and man liest thing for an aspirant to do ts what President Taft has done. Lenin con cealment Pke a worm I' the bud feed on s damask cheek Is Juat as bad In Oyster Bay as la IJnfp'ifl. Selataska. HOME A5S PEACE. Thomas Moore. I knew by the arnoM mat so gracefully curled Above the green elms, that a cottage waa near. And I said, ' if there's peace to be found in tbe worid, A heart that la humble might hope for it here"' It was noon, and on flowers that lan guished around In silence reposed the voluptuous bee; Every leaf was at rest, and I heard not a sound But tbe a ood pecker tapping the hollow beoch tree. And "Here lo this Ion UtU wood," I ax claimed. "With a maid who wss lovely to soul an to eye. Who would blush when I praised her, and weep If I blamed. How bleat could I live, and hew calm could 1 die: Hy the of yon sumach, who rod berry dip la the erush of tbe fountain, how sweet to recline. And to know that 1 sighed upon Innocent Hp. Which had never been sighed oa by any but mine.' A Great Convenience At a Small Cost A 15ell Telephone iu the lioir.e jaoiiK'ti-s t-tiin-jmnionship and a fooling of security, permitting you at all times to ooumiuuicato with neighbors and friends, and with niemliers of the family who are away. It should Imnisli loiiIincs and bring a sense, of comfort. Vou need a telephone fur shopping and for social pnrpmes. as well as fir emrruency raIN In rase of fire, serknesa or herniary. It may not cost ss much as yon think. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE CO. lloU Teleidion Lines Reach Nearly Kveryn here.