TIIE BF.K: OMAHA. THURSDAY. JANTARY 11. Wll'. Nebraska BERGE WORRIES DEMOCRATS Will Not Say What His Intentions Are as to Candidacy. THOUGHT AFTXK GOVERKOBSHIP lacola Maw Will 't Say Wkat Nil Paaltloa U n Leaalws Qe Umnm aaa Mmplr Hn Hla Ear (a tke Craaaa. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. K.-iSpec!al.-Tbe po- sitlon of George W. Berg, la JuM no j worrying the democrats and the afore said Mr. Berge is letting them worry while he preserves silence as to his in tentions. He is generally credited with a purpose of entering the race for the democratic nomination for governor but h has not filed his papers and is simply keeping his car close to the ground. All he will say Is that he Is "not cut" of the race but declines to say that he !s "In." If he decides to get In the wiseacres differ as to the result. Some th:nk he will win. Others are confident lie cannot land the nomination but this class are widely at variance on the ef fect his candidacy will have on the other aspirants. On the question of wet or dry. which has disrupted the demo cracy Ir. Berge has been as communl ratva as the Egyptian sphynx, and is claimed by both. For this reason the forecasters differ on which of the pre sent entrants will suffer most if Berge gets In. II. M. Detrlck of York lias been named on the Fourth district committee of the Tift club in p'ace of WtlHam Husenel ter. who could not find time to devote to the duties. Joseph Pearson of Morefleld writes from a hospital in Seward where he U at present, aakjnc for blanks on which to file as tfcs democratic candidate for representative from the oGsuer-Franklln district. FARM HOUSE NEAR EXETER DESTROYED BY FIRE EXETER. Neb., Jan. W.-(8pccial.)-A house on a farm owned by W. H. Wallace and occupied by A. F. Ingels was burned Tuesday night. A lamp was accidentally knocked from a sewing machine, broken and saturated the carpet with kerosene. The flames spread so rapidly that It was with difficulty that Mr. Ingels succeeded In rescuing two of his children, who were in a small bedroo?n. lie finally got to them by breaking through a window from the outside. Both are badly burned about the face and hands. There was no time to save a thing, and all they had left was the clothing they had on. The household goods were insured for $133. The people of Kxeter, who esteem Mr. Ingels and his motherless family highly, made up a purse c.f tm and presented to him. MERNA MAN IS FOUND DEAD IN GRAND ISLAND GRAND ISLAND. Neb., Jan. lO.-tSpe-cll)-E. M. Copemberger, who. It has since been ascertained, recently came to this city from Merna. was found dead In a chair In a room over a Greek restau rant yesterday afternoon, and investiga tion by physicians led to tha statement that death was due to acute alcoholism. Copemberger had been in the city for me days, had stated that he was a sufferer of the grippe and had been in dulging heavily in spirits. He Is said to Have formerly lived at Kenney. 111., to have been divorced and to have two ch -dren In the Illinois town. The body will be taken thither, accompanied by lodge members from Merna. Br.. rice Pays for Water riant. UEATIUCB. Neb.. Jan. lO.-HSpccul Telegram.)-At a meeting of the city council last evening, the Matthews ton struction company of Kansas City, pro duced the necessary bills and Invoice of the stock used in the work on the new w.ter works plant as requested by the council last week and the claim of I7JW0 ws allowed. The city decided to pur chase meters to be used by water con uiners when the new plant is put Into operation, which will be In a few months. YOl- CAN NOW KKPMCK A POOR STOMACH WITH A BRAND NEW ONE i'RKE. 2 5. It takes certain unvarying ingredi ents t o ""S861 food. Alter each meal a healthy stomach pours out k Mm these Ingredients Jn from Its lining food is promptly tv xisalk ind thoroughly dl- tjj" gested. The un 2 Jk healthy stomach larks ai me or all oi these agents tood ferment a, wnirs, lies as a doughy lump in your stomach. If you could supply I these larking di gestive wouldn't you do it? You can do It! Spruce Pepsin Tablets contain nothing but natural elements necessary to digestion. One table will digest an average meal. Dieting won't help. "Heal'M-fx1" digest itself. What is the difference to you If the elements i..-. . ,. jour food come by wtv of youi uiouih or from the glands of the :i gestlve tract. How much better to let Spruce-Pepsin Tablets turn your food Into power and force for biains. nerves and muscles than to go on withholding from the stomach the digestives It lacks with consequent sour stomach, constipation and head aches. We will send you a free box be cause Spruce-Pepsin Tablets have had the severest chemical tests. We have proved that they will do whiil we say. if we hadn't we would try and sell job a box firs!. Ve rre glad to let you try 1 -"- ' ing. Send today to Spruce Tablet t o.. Heron Lake. 1! tejt vol are sure of le'i.t riht. iOc and SI sizes can lie secu-ed at the following stores in Omaha: SHERMAN MrCONXEM Kith and limine St.. Offl. DRIO COM PA NT, Ifllh ami narney Sis, HAKVAKIt I'HIKMM V, 21th ml KarnHin Si. MVW. 1'HARMACV. J7-U North ItMli St. p5g)Ss IPIek ait tactom From the Great Collection of Marvelous Values An kilipatrick:9 Thursday, January 11, From 8 Till 6 P. M. BASEMENT BARGAINS These which should draw a full house. EXTRA HELP to wait on you. Jacquard baby blankets, Animal figures, Pink aud Blue 25c Heavy weight Silkoline covered full sized Com forts, extra, each Sl.tJJ) Cottou IJlankets, grey medium size, note please a pair for 5J) Heavy Plaid Blankets, 11-4 size, sold freely at $3.IH, will be sold at S1.9S lluy Sheets and Pillow Cases on Thursday. Our famed No. 30l0 Sheets 2xH! will be sold at 39t Ironwear Sheets, named becuuse of Hearing well quality 4Q- Harvard, a larger sheet than the foregoing and a good one 59( Hotel, still larger being Sl.99 inches, special value at 69k Lockwood, same size, an old and very reliable make, at 75 C Pequot, same sue as the preceding, 81x9, ex tra quality S3? Pillow cases, ISo, 15c, 13'sc, 114c and 10c Embroidered scalloped edge cases on sale Thursday at 19 Embroidered fiower hemstitched rases on sale Thursday at MAIN FLOOR, West Aisle. Please Make an Effort to Come in the Morning. Awfully hard to give prompt service in the afternoons. I WOMEN'S INOEUWEAU Overstocked on tlie Eiue tioods This great de partment contains so many special and desir able Items, that space admits of emphasizing for Thursday only the STERLING lines most of these iu the medium weight cotton and the mercerized are rarely reduced especially at trctive iheretore should be the discount of 20 offered on Thursday 1-6 off the price of all Sterling brands. We do not believe you will want to overlook the great bargain lu WOMEN'S HOSIERY 30c fashioned Slock- ing" "t 15c Neither words of ours nor argument could he more Impressive or expressive PIETY CENT HOSIEItY THIRSDAY AT FIFTEEN CENTS PER PAIR. Just inklings of general reduc tions in this department. INION SI ITS FOR MEN Half fashioned, made from heavy selected cotton, regular $1.50 quality, on Thursday SI. 15 BOYS' SUI.A1KHS Regularly sold at l.m. will sell at 75c IIRAOI.EY MIEEEERS Used universally, the DOc kind, at 35c Lest you over look let us remind you, we guarantee all silks. Just in an im portation from Nippon of 36-in. Wash Silks for shirts and pyjamas. AS WE CANNOT HAVE YOUR EARS, I.ENIt IS VOl K EYES, Pl.EASK A liu riled inventory shows aliout 1.730 yards on hand from our recent til.K.lT S1I.K PUR CHASE Alter Thursday whatever is left will be withdrawn from sale No offering of fancy Silks in years lias c'-ven such general satis faction, and in our experience we never saw so many pleased purchasers. Itecause of size of this lot many of the styles were not shown before. Silks of many "eaves and most col orings, new- and desirable, sold freely pre viously at $1.00 iuu $l.:'i, 59c ISO yards of L'7-iuch Black Messaiine on Thurs day at XSc"5"0'1' some at $1.25, well worth $l.oo. "4."i yards of ::0-liu h Mack Messaline on Thurs day at S1.0O -sold by some at $1.50, well worth $l.j. 178 VAI!IS of 26-inch Illack Chiffon Taffeta at 9Sc SU 1" h'Kh grade stores only and then at $1.35 yard. 23 PATTERN SI ITS to be sold Thursduy to the first comers We wsh we had bettor descriptive powers it would really take the brush of the painter to convey style and colorings 7 Suits of Messaline Satin, 27 inches wide, bordered, worth $20. OO, at $10.00 8 Suits of Messaline Satin, 4 4 inches wide, bordered, worth $1.1.75, t $8.75 8 Suits of Poplin, plain bordered or flowered, 45 inches wide, worth $15.li, at $8.75 You may bo further encouraged to Know that llordered goods ill be especially the fnshlon this spring of A liutterli'K Pattern will lie rt.il helpful If In doiibl Jiotv to muke up one of these Wo an- Solo Agenls. ' 7 Lots of Colored and Black Wool Dress Goods The price reductions convey only an idea of values Hoods them rehes tnjst be seen so that you can have a proper conception of the beauty Iho fabrics and their inoillslinoss. Lot 1 Foinieily up to $2 25, on sale at 98c Lot 2 Formerly up to $1.50. on sale at 7 5k Lot 3 Formerly up to $1.25, on sale at (JSIf Lot 4 Formerly up lo $1.00. on sale at 50 Lot ! -Forme! ly up lo '') and 85p, on sale at -$ Lot tl Formerly up to S9c, on sale ut liiiC lot 7- I'onneri up to !0r, on sale at ilOt A few pieces are slightly soiled, most of tiiem are new and fresh, many of them this season's purchase. THE NOTION Si;tT10 has aarticlpated in the price cutting Here are a te Hems for Thurs ay liiibher Cushion Hair llrmhes, value 7 jc, will go at 39c Wo mcnt'oned this item previously, but the notice did not attract as tiK'ny bi.yers f the merit of the value warrants tiREAT VAI.l'E. Shears Pi.tei.t uilon spring", all sizes, should be 50c. at ...-23 Fancy Picture Frames Sold up to iOc. on Thursday 9J NEW TOILET 4iOOIS SECTION Cold Cream and Glycerine Soap, 10 for bo il :t cukes usually M-'tr ier box. COIISKT OI PAKTMEXT On Thursday we will close out a lot of Hoyal Worcesn r. low bust Corsets, worth $1.50, at 9Sc The s' irt is extra loner, 6 hose supporters, fine foutil. made from a special lot of Cloth, all slr.es. Come early If you are Interested. HEME IS ANOTHER Still bigger value but odd sizes, which we lad left ou'i- "Irene." "Redfcrn' and "O. n." users will know what this means -they sold up to $ti.OO, on Thursday what's left at. each $1.95 And a rev- model Kabo, made of very fine fancy striped material low bust, lug 'lips, all sires, worth $3.00, also at, each $1.95 More la,:loi have taken lo Outing Flannel gowns during the Arctic voatlier tivin cwr before In our trade experience. Prhaps not the daintiest yon imaginable, but uh so comfy we have great variety and exceptional values Wo have tmd for 3 days to get details of stock from our Muslin I n 'erwvar department "Impossible, too busy," has met us con stantly. Fortunately the stock was vast, so there will be plenty of good values on hand for Thursday' selling. lUght here we wish to apnlor.i'c tor I'cllveiy ielay. Mont of our customers understood the roml'ttim and gave us credit, for doing the liest we could. THANK Vol KIMV.i for helng so lery atieiit and considerate. We be gin lo see :iiliFU again from now on tilings will go smoother. ALL THAT WE II VE S.ll AMI MORE IS TIU'E OF OCR CiHEAT SALE OF LINENS We have had some remarkable sales before now tlilj one t.ulrtvnlled. outdone and outrun all past Bales, and it Is still s 1 uniiulns: lakes all the time o( the manager and his helpers to slrnli'hten up at night f'ir the next day's rush. We are in apple pic order in the luornlngs do please come then If you can glad to see you o' course at any time. You will still help us If you will Mndlv "take fclong smill packnges. 1HOSF WHO HUE llll.ltRKN SHOll.ll REAl THIS PART $ -0 011 Suits, ages U and 15. oil Thursday, each $3.98 t o us which sold as high as $10.00, ou Thursday, each $3.7. For Clillthen 2. :. 4 and ! years of age Polo coals Thuis.. each g5 v.l Utissea. f l years, from ' lo , .llnw values, priced at lT.as, 1S7S. tt.lt, 17.45 anil as luw as .'"V. ("YTS AMI bl lTS FOR tJHOWN I IS ARE 8EI.MNG CHEAPLY AM RAPIIH.Y. Wr I...uM close out on Thursdayall lllsi.kct !. Women like thev sro so i-osv ami llsfful. Thosn which wre selling at S3.S5 ' r n.-Hv u . !." .1 S.. All fhsllv Kimono. ...1.1 urt.lim Thur. ! 10.00 ch. S.lfc W .lst. .ld up U--I "i!. a W.rM Tn.-r. re nil kln.ls of ShIc. the.. H - Oood tato ad aalM aa worse Sal... Show your approval of tl.o OwJ. ..el Help liulld up a bigger and bettor Uumlia. THOMAS KILPATRICK CO. 9. Woodman Company Decides to Retire and Reinsure Risks (From a Staff Correiondcnt.) LINCOLN. Jan. 10.-(.pecl.l.l-A sud den ending lo the affalra of the Woodman Flro Insurance company came last night, when II developed that at a meeting of directors of the comiany held during the afternoon It was voted to reinsure all the Woodman risks In the Phoenix of Brooklyn, N. Y'.. and liutruotlona were ordered aent to all agmta of tho com pany to ce.ise writing now business. This means that the Woodman company retires from business. This Is tho com lny which proposed to take over the L'nlon Flr. a mutual company, out of which grow the scandal of tho payment of tW.WM to the eld officers of the l'nlon to resign that the officer, of the Wood man might lake their places. It tus developed 'hat the only tiling nlikh blocked the meraer at the annual meeting of the I'nion was the threat of Auditor Barton that lu case it was pushed through he would Immediately apply for a receiver for the Woodman. Ills examiners hail just completed an Investigation of the two companies and lwas on the strength of the facts thus disclosed that he took this stand. He de clined at that time tu give out the result of the examination, but intimated that ilte Woodman showed an unsatlffaetory jonditlon, but that the l'nlon sua finan ially all right. Th action of the Vo.xl .. ui directors in reinsuring all its risks o.d going out of business bears out this talement that it was doing an unproflt .ble business. Auditor Haiton annou.ic-sl today thai tus action of the Woodman would have .o effect whatetrr en tils proposed ac .,ou to recover the r-V) Involved In the csignation deal. Secretary Nalt of the Woodman com . u..y taeied tlio folluwing ttatement con fining the action of the dnectors; To Our .gontr: At noon today liu ..oodman File iusuranee ocmjany relive. .iom .cine husiness ana has le.nsureu is outsiana.nK l.a...iliy unar jsjucia aow In toife witn In. Kid--ilty-l hoen. . u-e Insurance compan ol -New Vorn. iac write no more I'lij-iiiess Inr n Iter receipt of thla teller, but obllxi liv wtii.t by making no .irangein.-tu .or disposition of the l.us.nes now on tl.-Ks-ks uiit.l a special aiceol oi the ridcl-.j-l'hjenix can ea.l cn ou. or 1 can fee .i in person. While ieretting that It bj pronei .or the Woodman to retire from active juiness. the riisturrw.1 situation as re sards rates, the .uiotanlly inereasins eins of . .1'iuiting the business aim .li,. unfavorable outlook for li: as re. .ards mercantile buslntse. ImlH-ls us to lois.ie this cours. and Ksee our poil'-y-, nldeis nnd.T the i.role. tten of one of thr- ..rst inslliutions of it- kind lu the I world- ... I I wish to a'knoultlK" from tee bottom I of mv heart, my t reclatl. n jf the iy- IaPv manifesie.1 on the part of our airents during the existence of our company and it it. indeed a satisfaction to have all our , .jlieyholders so amply protected. " I BOTTLE MAKES TRIP FROM I FAIRBURY TO FLORIDA I'assaKrlll?. Kla.. Matinir that while pick ing up shell on the beach the writer ft tun J the bottle. Inasmuch an he him Hlt lived at Swantun ou Cub creek he decided to write to Mr. Ntder. It is aup poeed the buttle drifted dov.n Cub tree. Into the tig Hlue river, thence Into the Kaw, afterward the Mlnsotirt then Into the MiMlsi;pi and thence Into the Guff of Mexico. Four years clapped before Mr. Nlder heard from his bottl. stealliis a team of horHea frum tho l-.lls livery stable at Uncoln. The offirera at Lincoln notified Sheriff Hchlek nf this city that lh team had been Rtn!tn atul he drovr o the vicinity of i'uitlaiul ni tils auto .-if he plucod HalU-nr;t r umler arrcst with (he team In l:!e pontwanlon. He was taken to Lincoln lat night. NEBRASKA CITY GRAND ARMY INSTALLS OFFICERS Vl.'ru? . W A rlTV Vr-li .Inn 1.1 Ine. clal.) The newly elected rf!.era of the Grand Arms of tb Itepuhlic and Wom en's llellef corps were publicly inslulleil ut their loduc riwin. Mrs. H. I). Uastmaii a...e.l ;s itikialtius' officvr for the 'om- en's liellef corps and ill Inlialf of the corps presented the Isist with a handsome silk flair. .Mrs. E. Ouencl, retiring pres. idfllt. and Mrs. W. I). llollalMUKli. reur loir i i'esj..ircr of the Corp, were each given a handsome present. The follow Inn- r.,. II. e officers Of til. COIPS that I were Installed: ITesldent. Mrs. Aria Wil liamson: senior vice. ...is. i Junior vice. .Mrs. Al Helmut; secretary. Mrs. J. It. Mpplc; treasurer, Mrs. . n. HollabauKh: eliaplaln. Mrs. K. Ouensel: o.i.ieinr Mrs. W. W. Palmer; guard. Mrs. Griffith; color bearers. Miss Kar- .-tens, Mrs. John I.. Patterson, Mrs. j. r.. .Summers and Mrs. CSarwuod; patriotic instructor, -Miss Vina Kills. NEBRASKA CITY NEWS NOTES John f VIlMs. Umasier. onsly III la flmaha. Will Be Bruaaht Home. -AIRHrr.V. Neb.. Jan. 10. .Special. I i place his name and address in a glass tie and to-s arne in a swollen stream r. tiui county and then to receive an an--w.-r four years after from Passajrrille. F"la . was the expel Urtee of Wii; H. Xider. who U.M northeast of Falrbury eilit or ten miles mar Oib t"Ye-k. In during the hhrh water Cub creek. Mr. Xidr pia.-ed his name aral address In a cla bottle, also a request that the finder i write to l.im. and threw it into ..ub creek, 'ju-t r.ently he i:celvd a letter from NKDKAKKA flTV. Jan. W.-tSpeclal.) -Vor.l wan received from Omaha lasl evening lliat the condition of J' hn f. v'.at.-oi. of this city, who was taken to one of the hospitals at that place. I. not as good as it had been hoped for. and the phjsl.lans refuso to operate upon him. ,lc will be brought home as soon as he Is able to travel. His condition is consid- red dangerous. 1.;-. I. W. llershcv, perhaps one of the .Idert ph slclans in thia st:ite. and one of uc ploneeis of this city, is unite ill at is homo in this city and fears are enter .ain.d for his recovery, lie Is KT year, of age and came to this city in li7 and has been In active practice until a ( years ago. John J-taii-bui;-. a government ins-: .r, has been here several days gatherln data reganling a claim that the heirs o. L.ani'-I HS.w have flhd ogaln.-t the gov . rnmcnt for K',) for pn.pirty destroy i 1 ior th'-ii father, vi... wi. a resident ... his city in .".. 1-W at.l Wo, and stai t. j across the plains and was kllied l.e In dians in ArUona in 1.. when the to,k all his pnMerty. The ease cf Ake Ilelm-richs agaimt John t'asiKT. has been on trial In the i district court for the last two days. The I plaintiff claims that the defen.lant I. the ' father of "her 5-year-old son. This cise has been tii.-d twice !ef..re in the court here and ea' h time resulted In a dis agreed jury. The ease has been In the court, for five years. M.il Harrington of O'Neill Is here defending the case in corn par.. with County Attorney W. h M'.ran. The parents of both llti'r.nls are ii'Jite wealthy and have spared no money in the matter of prosecution or dv-f. nse. EXETER BOY SHOT WHILE HUNTING RABBITS K.XKTKlt. Neb.. Jan. H-.-(.Spcciiil.-1 I rure Kochndarfer wnn eht und bicllv J Wfiiimlt'il liv I 'Iai fiu'o Itnke-i' voHtt-niMv ! while the loy were, hunting rut-hit . Kochftitlarfer had fthut a lahhit anil went to pick it up. Whn twenty-five fe't ii way the K"ii In linker's IihihIk whu aci l dentally diHchnrKod. Kochemlai fi-r re ceived the entire ehartfc in the flnhv Prt of the brt thfKh. just below the hip joint. The woun-i In a v-ry lud mtv and may cause serious trouble, at It In altnoft iui posixlblf to Kit the tcHd and muuy pnrii-ch-s of cluthiiiK out. DISTRICT COURT IN MADISON Nam fir r of Cane Piurd itn and Ad Jon rumen t la Taken to MnMdar. MAtIi5(aV. Xeb.. J.i'i. 10.-(Spt-cial.t-IXstrlct court convened 1 uesday iuon und adjourned until January If, la.st nlKht. Jutle A. A. tjui-kli piCMtUitic and V. II. I'owers court t)-Mitr. The following cases received attention: Charlea M. Thoniprvm and William T. H'-rry Htf.llnt Peter i. 'ttier Hllil U II- ! ham fouiier; caw nettle'! and dlHiutR-ci-ti j '"a: Tews ami Krntme Tewa uattiio-t I William si.. hi T. etjuity ttctlon; Mrnkvii fi'-m the d-teket. Ileruian J. Hi-hnteilecke aKalnt Snty ! S' liniedecke el nl. ; ttefejitlBlitH len jieiiwcr to file atnenl-d answer tttftantei ; philntirf excepts, (lalnlllf Ivtii euv; to I file re l v tn tuiiMhiit-ti answer ItiHtanter. ease ita'lhmltti nil Uiriiin iihnr taken. ICmmio'Im N'ellpon mraint the h!taro & XMTttiwett-n. Kallway omipany: Hs mi'l without prejudice at pltilnt ff'?. COvt. ; . It. Vail a Ka. tut f'hrls Xoker nnl j Sena OfiterKaril: flti'lti-c for plftimiff after i jieductine; ejaims of defendant. t'l.lKutet.t ' for plaintiff a linst difeieldnt, I ARE YOU FREE -FROM- l,i;0.T6 nhd cor-tr-; defendant ex cept plaint It f Hen prior to nmrtKaae of Heiiii Or-tteiKBrd; decree of foreclomire and ualt a prayed: defendant excepts and.Kiven forty dayn to aubmlt bill of except lorm. T ll i. .liaf.lt .1. ult.a, h.al.1 mar- ntitiee in aid of exw utlon on lrnn-c.lpt of JudKnieitl; ttlrd and dlinlNMeil. Hiilph T. ''in H t .il.. ag-al'iHt I loan Cain et nl. ; p; (((...; i eoort if referee ap proved and t nft Htid; referee ordered to ell vum pn.me; IhmJ fil ut Il'ltllft 1 lllilAV BLUtllliMt JMint I'1 Lltid.-ay, divorce; drfeniatit urdtTed to ih v H.-rk if fniirt i?f. fur moII tuioiev .lat t.iry net for trial Jnnuary ! at 7 :3u p. m. M-rd.in odinen nf Aineiica aKnitn-t Hanuali Kind tnen HryHiit, demurrer to petition amended; defendant e&eeptK; de fendant alven time to answer int-tauter on Iter upplh-HliHU. llem T. Ilrnwii et al. am Inn! Surah Jit'iiWn et nl.. wirtMh-n; refeiei kiiU- eoii tirnit'd; det-d ordered; prtweedn dH-trll.ut-l, $:,li. theieof K"ln; to Hat a 1 1 Hii'W ii. Tho Xorfidk l.nn.h'i' enmpany acnlni-t A. W. Kink limine; Injunction ; denui rr to answer r-iuoaiiied; defendant exieptM and tl"clliiet to tai l tier plead ,nul elects lo -t a lid on ttiimv r; jidi;nieiit itBuinft fle feiidant for e.itK and inHkina .-nipoiary lujtmi llou h-i Mini' id, an piael, di fend u lit exeeias. t'ltvle (1. I'aiker HKiiitiRt VIIIH (teorKe Hat-kins, damage suit in mum of $jfi,orw; difinlMr.,il by pliiihtlff Ut Plaintiff rontH. Maiy i. 1'(dlefoii fiKalnt Aiih'UHt IViornon et al.; partition: M. I. Tyler np m luted Rtiardlun t litem for all minor derentUnta; finding fir plaintiff; W. 1-. I Irk ley up pointed referee to tnakt par tition. Judjte Wcluffee tiilar Inane! a mar rlate llcnw to llaya II.. Miller, aon t William Wilier and MIm Verm L. Wright, dauichter of lan Wrlht, all of Battle v'reek, Neb. The cutatc of John II. Klchoff, late of Tllden. deceased, was admitted to probate, and C. .V Hinlth and W. W. Klchoff of TUden appointed by the court executor. GAGE COUNTY NEWS NOTES Mr, elllp I'm I. (iraat'a Dlvurre II. rre HW. Klvrl lirrlern. lIKATnil'K. Neb., Jan. H. (HrLil.l Nellie Koa. ua. .ranted a divorce e. ter.lav III tlie .Hull let eourt by Jildae IVlnbei toll from John Kom. Ile b Klven the cilHody of tlielr ebild, ' ali mony and f-'io for attorney, fee.. The aloeklKililera of the, Hlue hnlim bank hi Id a nieetliiic etrdav and elected the follnwinK as a liard of dlreet or.: . K. Illeliop. Oeol.e. Ilarr!., W. C. lllaek, Jr.; VV. W. I!la'k and T. U llreen. The director, .lected W. W. lllaek prcnU. lent, and T. I llreen cashier of Ilia bank. Tim annual meet In a of tl. stockholders f lha ileal lea National bank as hM yratcrd.y hcn tlis folluwltic wcra' elMted a. a board of directors: It, J. Klltrlrk, If. T. W'e.ton, E. U. Irake, W.illaeo KulMrtwin. D. W. Took. D. '. t'ook, Jr. Th officers elected ar. D. W, Conk. rr.ldenl: Wall.es ftobrrtaon, vie. prei.ld. nl; It. Cmk. Jr., caahler. John Lens, a local wreatl.r, will meet "Farmer" KeriwnKck of Crate In this city January 1. Inn MeColery and 11. il. Hepirlrii havu dlnpoM.! of thlr Intrre.ts tn tho lleatrlri llrlek works to W. N. Farluw. and laul Vu. At a meeting; of tb officers of tin l'lr.t National bank yeatrrday K. II. j llowey electril president lo .uccee.1 Iik brother. T. II. llowey, whu u re. j.etilly made preeidetit of tho City Na Itloiutl bank nf l.lneolu. Mr. llowey lias i lieen caiililer for aomo tlm. and W. W. lllaek wa. elected a. hi. aucceMor. Tha key to succua In builncn la th Judicious and pcnleteut u.s of newspspec advertUInc BMll From Blizzards lo Blossoms! mm Pip Ml if Mmm h.r.ea tlk Kteallnis Tr. liKATKIt'K. Neb. Jan. W. iSpe. lai Telegram. e-A. O. BaH.nR.r of Arcadia. Neb.. i arrested at 'ortland, tliln county, tliii evening on a coarse of Hearjaches, Colds, Indigestion, ' Pains Constipation, Sour Stomach, Dizziness? If you are not, the most ; effective, prompt and pleasant j method of getting rid of them is to j take, now and then, a desertspoon-: fuJ ol the ever refreshing and truly j beneficial laxative remedy Syrup i of Figs and Elixir of Senna, it is well known throughout the world 1 as the best of family laxative remc-! dies, because it acts so gently and j strengthens naturally without ixti ting the system in any way. ! To get its beneficial effects it it always necessary to buy the genu- J ine, manufacture by the California Fig Syrvp Co., bearing the name of the Company, plainly prir.'ed on the front of every package. , i From Blizzards to Blossoms i lower gardens are In bl'iom in tlio sun sunllrilit of baiiiiy Xoc- erleaui the lawns wear tin- green of et.rual Summer. The nearby bays and. bnynus Invite the angU-r game of all sort Is plentiful. New Ol loans has thoroiiKhly modern hotels delightful eating places, i :irk: irldisrent with tmnl.al foliage, right theaters and great public buiiillnta ciiual to those of any city of like siie in America. In addition to its ruolern sttrartlons, the city is rich in historic Interest, with Its quaint buil.iiigs, old markets, antique stores and fpeetarular Mardl Crag, Leave all thought of winter und its cares behind you come to tba must favored winter resort in Amcrl.a. The St. Charles and The Grunewald are Hie pre-eminent horielrien of New Orleans. Ksxh la sumptuously fiipointe and has every convenience known to modern construction. Kiiropc::u Flan. For rales, reservations or literature concerning points of Interest about New Orleans, address either hotel. ILLINOIS CENTRAL The through line to the Crescent City, maintaining fast, double daily, electric linhted, nam service from Omaha to New Orleans. Steel equipment. Observa tion cars, sleeping cars and coaches. All meals In dining car. Information about winter tourist fares, tickets and reservations, and a beautiful book entitled "New Ot leans for the Tourist" can be had by calling, at Illinois Central CITY TICKET OFFICE, 409 South Sixteenth Street S. NORTH, District Ps3ener Agsnt Pftonmi--Don flat 264; Ind. A-2164.