Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 11, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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A Slue Sale Tomorrow al Prices
Which Will CrowJ the More
The lieavy price reductions have made this the mod
successful shoe sale we have held iu years. To make to
morrow the bijrsfest day of all, we have arranged some
special prices which make it of sjwcial interest to you
to be fitted before the range of styles and sizes are broken.
n,,.. lot of Ladles' shoes. A special lot of miss enoea,
.1 i nii
in good lasts ana learners, n
rtgular and JS.UO val
ue, tomorrow
l-a.iies' shoes in dull alf,
patent, velooie and suede, eiies
.' to -
tfi.uu shoes 84.95
$.j.0D eLoee .-S3.S5'i shoes Sii.9."i
An excellent Una of boys' shoes,
patent leather in lace or but
ton stles; tan In lace style.
tl.bu vaiues
Dull taif and kid leathers, sizes
5 to S; $2.00 values
Sites to 11. all regular $2
and $2.50 values
in serviceable, goo.1 looking
styles and ever; shoe a $1.26
or 2.5'i value
Misses' shoes In tan or dull calf,
sizes II to 2; $3 and $3. Si)
Misses' tS. 50, high top tan but
ton boots
Patent, dull leather and kid
with patent tips, sites 2 'i to
G' $2.75, $3.00. $3.50, $4.00
t allies
Patent leather, with pink, blue,
red and velvet tops, clever lit
tle styles, comfortable and
good looking $1.50 value
Men and Women Appointed to De
cide What it Permissible.
Dra Motors Maor Takes First Step
Toward Voalrlool Water Works,
OroVrlos: leTrstlaetlen of
SeBreea of Water.
Untrained Reporters
Garble Statement by
Colonel Eoosevelt
Hundred and Forty Officer. Watch
Saint of Equitable Building.
iBalk of iteres as Bean's of Herrl
oss. Coal, Byen mu4 Belaieat
Ketalee Arc la lha Big
It ore star Ira.
NEW YORK. Jan. Half a billion
dollars or more In seculllcs l! In ths
Slowing- ruins of the Equitable building,
guarded by lie policemen and detectives.
The bulk of the OouM. Ilarrlman, Ryan
and Belmont estatee and the vast securi
ties of the Kqultahle Life Assurance so
ciety are locked In the maaalv si eel
vaults. All of ths vaults are believed to
be Intact.
The ruins still hold the body of Bat
talion Chief William Walsh. Two mlee
tnc watchmen also art believed to have
perished In the fire, la which sis lives
wets lost.
Because tM.OK.m to .OOO.OM In col
lateral of Wall street loans are locked In
lb vaults, the goveenlng committee of
ths stock exchenge announced today an
other postponment of one day In deliv
eries. lbs records of the Ilarrlman railroad
lines showtiuf the names and addressee
of ', stoekhoMere wera Inst.. A dupll
eats aat of the aamea without the ad
dressee waa kept by the Meroantlle Trust
company. It la not known If these hava
been destroyed. It they are, It will be
necvisaiy to advertise for the names and
addressee of stockholders.
Kinkaid Preienti Sworn Statement
from Sjottibluff Club Head.
aoatk llakala Baakee Pardoned,
riEUKK. Jan. IO.-4tlperlal.r-U"vernor
Vessry baa granted a pardon to W. M.
Hows f Faulk county, who was sen
tenced on a conviction of making: a
false return to the state bank examiner.
Yeu naturally feel secure when you
knew that the medicine you are about to
take In absolutely pure and contains no
harmful or habit producing drugs.
Such a medicine Is Dr. Klln.wr'a
nwamp-Hoot. tlie great Kidney, Liver
and Bladder Remedy.
The same standard of purity, strength
and excellence is maintained in every
bottle of Bwanip-Root,
(Swamp-Root is scientifically com
pounded from vegetable herbs.
It la not a stimulant and la taken In
teaapoonful doses.
It la not recommended for everything.
It la nature a great helper In relieving
and overcoming kidney, liver and bled
der troubles. -
A sworn etataoient of purity la with
every bottle of lr. Kilmer's A warn p-
If you need a medicine, you should
have the best.
If you are already convinced that
awamp-Ront la what you need, you will
find It on sale at all drug stores In bot
tles of two sisea, fifty-cents and one-
Settlers A leas; artaj Platte tteela
asatlea Projeet Olsaatlafle at
Order Kateadlas Tern To
Nevaro Kew Bailee.
From a Btaff Correirpomlent.)
WAMIIINCJTON D. C, Jan. lO.-tHpn-clal
Telegram.) Representative Klnkald
this morning appeared before the "Sugar
trust" Investigating committee and laid
before Chairman llardwlrk a sworn
statement sent to him by C. A. Morrill,
president of the Scott's Bluff t'ommer.
cla! club regarding conditions of the
sugar beet Industry In the North I'lalte
valley. It Is understood that thla state
ment Is msde In lieu of verbal testimony
of the witness from thst portion of
The etelrment waa sworn lo In proper
legal form and Judge Klnkald rw-ueated
that It be considered by the committee
es sworn testimony. The point made by
the statement which was offered to con
trovert former testimony In wnlcb the
colt's Bluff people objected, le that
the sugar beet growers srs treated fairly
by factories handling their product ami
that they' con alder them as vary bene
ficial and profitable Institutions of the
community. ;
Settlere Are Dissatisfied.
There hi a good deal of dissatisfaction
among thoee living on the North Plette
reclamation projects over the public
nntlre recently ordered Issued by the
department purporting to extend the
time on which ssttlers must meet their
payments. It wae understood by the
settlers thst the new order would relieve
them from financial obligations at this
tlma which It Is difficult for them lo
meet. They ssy, however, thst under the
notice recently published esch settler
must raise about law and this In many
cases will be great hardship and In
not a few Instances Imitosalble. Mr.
Klnkald la working with the Interior de
partment In the hops of securing some
order that will enable settlers lo meet
the requirements.
Henalor Brown today recommended the
reappointment of tleorge U. tluffey to
be postmaster at Klgln.
On the recommendation of Represents
tlv'e Klnkald a board of pension examin
ing surgeons hsa sbeen established at
Alnsworth with Drs. J. J. Krans, V. B
Ely and Q. W. Lumbley as members.
The poetofftce department has ordered
ths establishment of ststlon Five at 1601
Park avenue, and elation Two at tKA
Dodge street, Omaha, effective February
Bottle oHwams-Root sy st Mall
Kend to lr. Kilmer Ce., Bingham'
ton. N. T. for a sample bottle, free by
mall It will convince anyone, Tou will
also receive e booklet of valuable Infor
mation, telling ell about the kidneys.
When writing be sure and mention the
Omaha Iially Bee.
Many a count woman in this
town is wearing a prematurely
oU look through defective eyesight.
There are smokies on her
forehead which have no bosi-
:e there.
Defective Vision
When reading is aa effort,
and the brows packer, it's time
to come to as. The right glasses
will aacVe reading a pie-Mare,
and smooth out many r. crinkle.
Huteson Optical Co.,
' sUS Boats. IStk Btraet.
Ll.NCOLX. Jhd. 10.8iwctal Telegram.)
The annual report of tht gum) warden
madt tu the governor shows that for the
first tlma this department has taken In
more money than It rtst to run It. The
total recaipia from licenses and f net
were 30,33.fi0 and the expensea were
tifcfifi&U. leaving a balance- of litXtUtW.
This Is due to the operation of the new
game law requiring Ik-ens from all
hunters and fishermen.
From a Staff Ojfr-ipoi.tie..t
PEsS MO I X Kg. la . Jan. V . Hpe-cial
Telegram.) U". II. Kobinon. Fred tfie'l
ler, I I. Seider. Vra. William KnulUh.
Mrs. . K. Granger and Mrs. Mary Wake,
field were today aMolnted ceniHrs for
Ie Molnc-s pubile halt. By the
(t-rm of the oidlnaitoe, whh &-" panM-J
totiay, a male and ft-maie cernwr ei j.l'iyed
by the pollco department will attend all
dances and henidex passing upn the ad
mlttanre of the patrons of the hall will
censor the dancing.
This will eliminate all Immoral (jane,
such as the "arUatly bear" and the "moon
light waits." 'turkey trot" and other
terpfrk-horean ft-atP.
liy HimU Wt r riaat.
ten Moines will build Its own water
work at once if the Des Molne Water
company continue to obstruct the con-
demnatlon of its own plant. Mayor Hanna
took the first step for a municipal water
works today when he secured the parage
f a renolution directing the engineering
department to "investigate and reinirt to
the coundl the adviaabllity of other
sources of water supply for the city."
ftampaoa t Mneeatlne.
Henry (Sampson, representing Attorney
General Comon. went to Muscatine lo
make a seclal Investigation of labor con
ditions. Attorney k-neral CoMon has
taken no altitude other than lo say that
h believes the inanufaclurern (hould
have secured wpeclal officers In M'jaca
tlne liiftead of ImjKjrting th.n from i'ht-
NEW YORK. Jan. Ift-Just what did
Colonel I loose v el t say to hi possible
candidacy for presidency in his speech
at the Aldtn club last ntsht? Thla Is
I a question which is vexins; a aood many
, New Yorkers todav. Reporters were
! barred from the fathering at the colonel s
rrquest and the accounts of his seech
iriv.-n today by those who heard him were
widely In variance.
The flrxt man to leave the club quoted
Clone! Uoosevelt as saying:
I am not a candidate for the presi
dency. I'it If nominated f will run."
The nxt maa out declarej fUKWcvelt
had raid:
"I am rot a candidate. ! will not be a
r-andida'e. I do not want to be a candi
date. Another man declared that a:: the col
onel fetid was;
"I am tlie most misrepresented man in
A merK a."
Th? statements that have appeared In
certain papers are absolutely without
foundation i:s fact."
Lawrence Abbott, acting fur Tndore
Uoosevelt. who declined to receive Inter
viewers, thus spoke today in repudiation
f vsrlng newspaper accounts purport
ing to quote the colonel on his attitude
toward the presidential oonimaUun as
voiced here last night at the dinner.
yMr. Hooscvelt will make no statement
or comment of any kind regarding the
AMine club dinner, no representative of
:he press was present and I am certain
that no one attempted to repeat Mr
Roosevelt'a words for publication, because
to do so woutd have been to break faith."
eald Mr. Abbott.
ESTHKRVII.LE. Is.. Jan. 19-(Speclal.)
The opera House Reporter, a weekly
theatrical journal, owned and published
here by James f. Cox at Co., was yes
terday sold to Will II. Bruno, an actor.
Who took possession todsy,
Mr. Cox began the publication of "The
Reporter" In Kathcrvllle fourteen years
ago nest month, and l.aa built up tlie
paper from a little four pas Journal to
its present sise of from 3t lo 3S pages.
Mr. Cox will remain In Kstherville as a
theater architect and will also manage
the Cox Xcenlc company.
Mr. Bruno Is a man well known In the
theatrical world, having played In some
of the largest companies on the road.
He will move to Ksthervllle soon.
(Continued from First I'smM
hint by Arthur Meeker, one of the de
The National Packing company ner.
ated no parking houses under Its own
name." said Trait. "It operated the
plants of the U. II. Hammond company.
Omaha Packing company, I'nltcd Dressed
Href company and the 81. lxuls Dressed
Beet and Provision company under the
oki names. The Cnlted Dressed Ileof
company limited ha operations to sup
plying the Jewish trade In New York
City. The other three companies did
busineas throughout Territory A."
Pratt declared there waa no substan
tial difference In the packers' methods
of diilng business between lot and I IK'S.
The National Packing company gate
us lots of trouble for severs! years after
its organisation, particularly the Omaha
Packing plant," ssld the witness.
"The Omaha packing company," he
said, " had no branch houses but shipped
to consignees."
This concluded ths examination of
Hall County Sheriff
is Killed by Train
nttAND ISLAND, Neb., Jan. W.-tSpe-
clal Telegram.) Sheriff James K. Dunkle
of Hall county waa instantly killed to
night at Chapman while crossing the
I'nlon Pacific track In front of approach
ing train No. IT. Ilia body was thrown
sgalnal s truck and when picked up he
was dtsd.
Northwestern Railroad Contends I
Against Deterioration.
Llae Officials Assert as LoagT
TEealoaaeat Serves Farpoae of
ew, Its Vols els Asaaaat
It Orlalaally tost.
Continued from First Page.)
in the world." tlie committee would find
"no restraint of trade."
Mr. Carnegie frequently pounded the
table with his hand.
"Why." he said, "we were going to
holld at Conneaut, O.. an enormous tube
mill thc.t would have astonished the
world and outdistanced competition.
That's where Charlie Schwab comee In
again. He told me he was satisfied h
hnd a plan whereby we could build a.
tube mill that would save II" a ton In
the cost of manufacture over snv other
tube mill In the world."
Parehase of Mlalog atork.
Jlr. Carnegie explslned how the Carne
gie Hteel company iVl purchased five
sixths of the Oliver alining company's
stock In the 'Ms. Mr. Stanley asked him
why tlie final sixth was purchssed oil a
valuation basis of liT.OOo.OMJ for the whole
tract, though originally the company was
capitalised at only l,sW.ono.
Mr. Carnegie expressed surprise at this
"At thst rate." he exclaimed, "we would
have paid liCvOQO.OtIO for the whole trect.
I'm Pot surprised at anything nowadays.
If that Is true what fools we were to sell
our property lo the I'nlted dates Steel
It wss then rxp'ainrd that the IIT.OWi.'JUO
valuation basis waa that of the whole
tract and not the sixth. Kven then Mr.
Carnegie eld that If such e sum sa In
dicated by those flguree waa paid he was
surprised thst he "wss such a fool ae to
sell our property to the steel corporation
on the basis of moano.000."
Mr. Carnegie then turned to the chair
man. -My friend," he said, "you will have to
ask somebody who knows about those
figures. I never heard of them before."
ClllCAtlO. Jan. .-Pat Crowe, kidnap
per, evangelist, promoter of a sanitarium
for Inebriates snd police character, made
his appearance In court here attain today.
Thla time his brother wished him sent to
the county hospital. He was suffering
from exposure. Crowe Identified himself
as an "author." saying he was working
on a book. Though he had been "ban
ished" from Chicago some time ego by a
municipal Judge, he was sent to the
hospital. .
Thomas Skryoek.
PLATTSMOCTH. Neb, Jan. Ift-tRpe-
cial Thomas Shryock, an aged cltixen
of Louisville, and postmaster of the vil
lage under Cleveland, died at his home
about C o'clock yesterdiy morning. Mr.
Shryock was the fsthrr of the late Wil
liam Shvrork. who waa a member of the
legislature from this county a few years
ago. Mr. Phryock was a cltixen of Plaits
mouth for twenty years, coming to this
pUv-e from hie native state. Virginia. In
UM. he engaged In the furniture busi
ness. His funeral took place this morning
Mlaa llee Urates.
PI.ATTHMOCTH. Neb.. Jan. H-(H-ctal.1
Mrs. Alice tirsvee. wife of At
torney snd Editor Chsrls L. Graves, died
(From a Waff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Neb., Jan. 10.-8necia
Telegram. Fire In the store of the
Western Glass and Paint company today
did damage of .0W to the stock and
to the building, both covered by
Insurance. The firemen hsd s hard time
of It with the temperature sis be'.ow
sero. but by hard work confined the fire
to one corner of the building, though
the stock of palnta and glass sll through
the building was badly damaurd by hi at
and water. An explosion, suppoaea to cause. ,
be that of a barrel of oil, caused part of j ..ature L.
one floor to collapse end for a time It
was tesred some of the firemen hsd j
NEBRASKA CITY, Neb.. Jan. 10.-
(Speclal.) Richard K. Gress snd Miss
liulda L. Krelfrls were married yester
day st high msss st the ft. Joseph
Catholic church in the presence of a
large number of relatives snd friends
After the ceremony the bridal party and
all guests repaired to the home of the
bride's psrents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Krelfrls. where they were given a recep
tion. There were over W guests present
and they were entertained until n late
hour last night. Hoth are natives of
this county and are the children of
wealthy farmers. They will make their
borne on a farm belonging to the groom.
(From a Staff Correspondent.) i
LINCOLN. Jan. W. -(Special.) The j
hearing before the state railway comrois- j
.-Ion on the physical valuation of the I
Chicago ft Northwestern railroad has 1
reached a point where the differences
are not entirely of fact, but Involve a I
vital principle. In making his estimate 1
of the valuation of the railroad. E. C. ;
Kurd, the expert employed by the state :
for the purpose, took the original cost or
vaiue of each item and deducted there- i
from the amount which he estimated it i
had deteriorated through use. The rail- J
road, through its attorney sought to as
certain how Mr. Hurd arrived at this val-1
uation and incidental to this line of ques- i
tionlng asserted that the value of rail
road property at all times was its) per
cent of what It cost, regardless of its
present condition and so long as it was In
use, for the reason that It was answer
ing the purpura of a new article.
'l he railroad attorneys also contended
that even If it were cjneeded that the
ir.atertal itself deteriorated the labor
which it cost to put the raw materia?
into a finished state did not. but that
it was a constant factor. Mr. Hurd and
members of the commission took Issue i
on both of these points, asserting tbat j
even If the articles were replaced when '
discarded and payment made from!
company funds Instead of charging up!
additional capitalisation the money toj
do the replacing was earned by charges
for service, and that It was this fund
which keptt he property up to its oper
ating standard but which at no time
reached the actual physical value of an
entirely new property. The atate also
holds that Improvements and enlarge
tuenta are on the contrary always
charged to new capitalisation.
It la readily apparent that the point Is
one of vast importance In fixing the
actual value of the physical property of
the railroad, as little of It Is actually
new, ranging from that down to factors
which have practically served their use
fulness and ready for the scrap heap.
Roughly speaking the property of rail
roads will probably average 50 per cent
worn out so far as It spplies to build
ings, rails, ties, rolling stock and similar
article, while, of course, real estate and
;ems of a permanent nature. In many
'nstsnces are Increasing in value, based
on the theory of reproduction cost.
It la svldent from the proceedings to
dsy there Is no prospect of the com
mission and the company getting to
tethrr on this proposition and therefore
In the examination of Mr. Hurd both
sides were eireptkinslly careful In get
ting Into the record the things considered
Hals la I. lie Hates.
The Nebraska Htate Mutual Life in
surance association held Ita annual meet
ing at Hastings yesterday, and Auditor
Barton was present to confer with the
members. The annual report disclosed
hat the assessments permitted were bare
'y sufficient to permit the compsny to
meet its obligations during the past year
and It waa decided to raise the mextmum
Permitted to be levied, to Insure the
raising of enough money lo meet any
future contingencies. The plan of the
company Is somewhat complex and
flguree are not avallehle to show just
what the raise on esch class of policy
holders will be.
Land Commissioner Cowles Is back
from Kearney, where he went to assist
lu putting the tuberculosis hospital In
nape for opening. The cold snsp frose
up some of the radiators, and the neces
sary repairs will delay for several days
the opening of the hospital. He still
hopes to have It In running order by Jan
uary 18.
OverrallagT Proat.
The opinion of the attorney general's
office which the county Judge of Gosper
county overruled and characterised aa
larking In common sense. It appears wss
rendered In Hot. when . N. Prout wss at
torney general, and waa written In re-
The Recognized Quality of Our Furnishing
Goods and the Extraordinary Reductions at
Which They are Offered, is Making This a
Busy Department During These Sate Days.
An Extra Special Shirt Offer
One Immense lot of negligee and plaited bosom shirts,
which sold regular from tl.oO to 12.50, every pattern
desirable range of sues complete. Its the best shirt
bargain of the season, your choice
All Fur and Lined Cloves,
Outing Gowns and Pa
jamas, Bath Robes and
Smoking Jackets
Here's the Way We are
Selling Shirts
$1.50 Shirts, now. . . .$1.00
$2.00 Shirts, now.... $1.35
$2.50 Shirts, now.... $1.65
$3.00 Shirts, dow. . . .$2.00
$3.50 Shirts, now.... $2.35
$2.50 Soft Hats, Special $1.95
Every hat a this season's style, all desirable shades. Our inten
tion of discontinuing this price hat, allows you an opportunity to save
on splen.lid headwear..
Any Sweater Coat in Stock, Choice $2.95
R. S. WILCOX, Manager.
Save One- Third on
50c Neckwear, now.. 35c
$1.00 Xeekwear, now..65c
$1.50 Neckwear, now $1.00
$2.00 Neckwear, now $1.35
$2.50 Neckwear, now $1.65
Suits and Overcoats to Measure S17.50
Reduced from S25.00 to S28.00
Our Wk Stock Kcriuring Sale reduces the price on every Suiting
and Overcoating In our store 25 to 411.
$40.01) Suits and Overcoats to measure for $25.00
4.1.00 Suits and Overcoats to measure for , $3000
$.10.00 Suits aud Overcoats to measure for $35 00
BiiO.00 Suits and Overcoats to measure for $20!00
All work, made In our own shops. Every coat carefully tried on
In the bastings; and every garment well lined and guaranteed perfect
in fit and style.
Five Steps South of Farnara.
spouse to an Inquiry from Jesse Koo.
who was then county altcrney of Cass
cointy. and whj has since served three
years on the supreme bench. The stat
ute under which It was rendered is still
in force, however.
GRAND INLAND, Neb., Jan. M.-(Spe-clal.l-Wliile
the census returns of 1910
gave prind island a distinct lead as to
third city honora. counting the two
Omahas as one, and the railroad re
ceipts gave it a lesd bf over ,0)O per
snnum over any other of the so-called
third cities of Nebraska, there has always
been and Is still a close record In postal
receipts between Kremont and Orand
island. In 1910 Fremont beat Orand
Island by a small margin, having HJ.249,
as compared lo hls city's H3.14J. This
yesr, however. Grand island forges ahead
to ste.324. aa compared to Fremont's M4,
1S1. Outside of the melrupolltsn cities
these are the only two offices of the first
class In the state.
ateel Traat Haa Maay Orders.
NKW YOKK. Jan. 10. Announcement
was made Unlay by the I'nlted Htatea
Hteel corporation mat tho unfilled ton
nsge on Its books for the month ending
lc. .mler 11, 1911, was S.).;M tons. The
unfilled tonnage on the books of the cor
poration for the month ending November
X, last, was 4.1(1. 9k tons.
Bi.ns t tni. ::r:iDtt'iiK.
I.AXA I I VI' RItOMO Quinine, the world
wide Cold and Onp remedy removes
II ;or full name. Look tor ig
VY. GltUVt;. 3c.
Fads for Weak Women
Niee-tenths oi all the sickness of women is due to some derangement or die.
ease of the orfeaa distiaelly teminiae. Such sickness can be cured it eared
rerr day by
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
it Make Weak Women Strong,
Sick Women Well.
It sets directly oa the orfsaa afeoted end is et the ssme time e general restora
tive toaie for the whale system. It cures temele complsint right is the privacy
ot hosae. It saekee ssjaecessery the disagreeable questioning, examinations and
local treetsaeat so waive realty insisted upon by doctors, and so abhorrent to
every modest womsa.
We shall sot particularise here es ta the symptoms of
these peculier affections incident to women, but those
raatiag tall tniorssatioa ae to their symptoms end
aaeane oi positive care ere referred to the P topic's Com
ssea Sease Medical Adviser 1008 pages, newly revised
aad ap-to-date Edition, seat re on receipt oi 31 one
eont etsssps to oover cost ot wrapping end mailing eafjt,
ir. Fr""ch cloth hindiag Address : Dr. R. V. Pierce,
No. 6vi Kaia Street, Bufsio, N. Y.
5AlArAf (-eWvnJjt QVSHFQ, wjg
oalili'l mt- jl ft
fresh frnlt ana Vsgstaole V
Michigan leieiy, per stock loo
lrge buncoed ttauisues, Tui-
nips, lieets and iinions. . . .So
too los. fresh Turslsn r'iga,
per lb lbe
i plain Lettuce o "
SPECIAL, f - . (i
DO boxee tiunsist lancy Nave dl
oranges, per dos. ....... 93c E
tine tspoon Free. G
IV rakes Beat-'Em-All eeap (SI
for .' SSc V
Kid. (linger Snaps 80e
10c can Medium Green Aapara- (j
gus Sue T
Jams. Jelllei and Preserves 91
in glaMS sach ,...S90 rA
Four 10c cans tioUpa assorteo VI
for So
1-lb. carton Lsyer Haisina Soc O
12 pkgs. Argo uloa eitarch sou dt
Michigan Navy Means, lb... So 6
Uur own make Peanut Mutter, H
In glasii I0e-l5o-asc fiH
Home ilade Mince Meat, per V
jar 16c-S5c-40o
Hulk per lb lac lj 1
Chow Chow or Celery Keli-ii. 9
per quart SOo $
Hiiuer Kruut, per quart.... 10c g
Hill I'icklea, per Uoz.. l&e-SSe Cr
Xdqaor Department
"Lotus" Kentucky Whiskey, t. ff
year old full quarts. .$1.00 01
port Wine full quarts. .. .too y
White Tokay full qts SCO Jl
t. Sherry Wine full ql SOe (fl
Cajifornia lielsling, per hottie, v
at 2Sc-3Sc-50c g
C4uV.&i (J-iuAryyJk C5SKfg (JfluiVj
j tar se i k x t s.
BOYD'S TOenoavr
" Mat. Taareday
war aaaooaces
the noted English eaaaedlaa, la
The Earl of Pawtucket
2 ISS Fnda, Jan. 12,
Ainci'iaa tireateat lenor and
Fanoua Cast In
lYiilay Night and taturuey Mat
Saturday Night
been caught,
but this proved to be
Sattna O. . It. Installs Otfieerm.
8CTTON, Neb.. Jm. lo.-tSpeciaD
Sutton post. Grand Army of the Repub
lic, installed officers for the ensuring
year as follows: Post commsnder,
piiiiiip Schwab; senior vice, W. K. Itemls.
Junior vice. John M. ltiu-k; edjmant. I.
H. Htewart; quartermaster, I. N. Clark;
surgeon. IT. M. V. Clark: chaplain.
Charles Newman: officer of the day. II.
Newnham: officer of the gaani. Iiavtd
When Your Hair
IsFiided or Lritt.e
There's Ho "Dull Season" with Nicoll l
"A beautiful growth of long, glossy
snd flutry hslr csn be hsd by every
woman hair of a itch, even color,"
writea Mrs. Mae Martynn In the Wash
ington Leader. "The only condition to
thte le that shampooing be Indulged In
at !eat once a month. Ard a word
bout what to use: Never no, never
rirkaid. George Ritsel: sergesnt major, 1 employ scat oi mixtures containing
Kobrrt A. Pauly: quartermester ser
gesnt. tai id Plckard: post Instructor.
Pr. M. V. Clark: Installing officer,
Jasaea Formally Kleetea aeaatar.
FUANKWRT. Ky. Jan. .-ln Joint
session the senate and house of the Ken
tucky ieattlature today formally ne
at her heme in t'nion yesterday morning, i clared tlllie M. James, democrat, elected
after an Illness of fourteen weeks. Bhe!i h 'itr "te '" "cced
. I... .. .... . , . nomas n
daughters. The funeial took place this
I.. Vct'artr.
BIOCX CITT. Ia.. Jan. 1S.-U Mccarty.
a well knows pioneer bustnes man of this
eliy. died today. He waa the father ot
Kev. Thorn is McCarty. vicar general of
the Catholic see of Sioux City.
t awtala '. . Daklgreo.
TRENTON. N. J.. Jan. W -Captain
Charles B. IMhlgree. a retired naval offi
cer, died here today. Captain fiahlgren
waa sen of Admiral bahlgrea.
The key to suet -ess in business Is the
Judicious end persistent nee of newspaper
'free' alkali, because of the disastrous
effects following j
"A depeiiiltble and really delightful!
shampoo mixture can be made by dis-
solving a teaspoonful of ranthrox in a
cup of hot n eter Thia a enough for !
a thorough c'eanslng of both scalp and
hair. After a ranthrox
hair dries evenly and quickly and re
gal r a its former shade, soft f1ufflnes
and rich gloss. Nothing is so effective
for removing dandruff and keeping the
scalp healthy and pliant' Adr.
Btwesiniign-IhiNicoll Plan ii ta kep larft erfan cation
of skl.led tailors ic'.iTJ by addin
' An Extra Pair of Trousers
ts tut sait atiet Ltr tat siice of tuit tlose
Suit and Extra Trousers $25 to $45
i Phones: Douglas -I!I4: mil. A-1IUI
aUt Bvsry lsy S:1S; Every Wight :10
I Mary .Norman. Valerie Uergeis tc Com
pany; Un lloven, Weston t Lynch: The
our i-ioooa; uarry llreen: Intemstton
I Polo Teams: Kinetoscole: ortiheum
.'oncert Orchestra. Frioss. Mirht 10c S5c.
SOe. 75c. Matluee. 10c beat stats S5c.
except Saturday gad Sunday.
Tonight, ttU Sat. Matinee Eat,
ft. H. Buuley k 60 Singers a Daacera
Prices. SSs. 50c, 75c Mat, SSc, 60c
Ia Little Miss Til-It
; t&JUHZAi ia-ss-so-7So
j Daily aiat, ta-as-soe
y Hurrah Show.
The His.
Hurt. A
; s-eamon's
Full Black, Blue, or Grey Cheviot
Thlb-'t or Wtrsted Suit,
with extra pair of Trousers
YtnlvlQllIi awn VftirnnrT.r
shampoo the;- , ...aj Ovefcoit Fabr.cs this WJtk t: $25, $ JO and S3S'" ...m . u. j...,e..
llckly and re-i " ' I tit.' Jcnnl- Alrto. Koctrir ( t t
o?- w rri w sr-l rrt war aT Ts) li:i,ur tts mho n st'-ny t-itiv.
Kerbach Blk. WILLIAM JERREMS' SON J, 209-11 S. 15th St,
Ask Your Doctor
Stop coughing! Coughing rasps and tears. Stop it I Coughing
prepares th throat and lungs for more trouble. Stop it! There is
nothing so bad for a cough as coughing. Stop it ! Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral is a medicine for coughs and colds, a regular doctor's medi
cine. Useit! Ask your doctor if this is not good advice. t,S.Vi-
i Ladies' Elmo Mstinse Every Weak Day.
Tilt's Cental Rccnj
KRiiii lHEAIERs...
Mat T .
Bos Beata SOc
and rraakia Eeatk.
tiiUl bOUVII'Ut lo .autcs JLl
Tomcat. Mats. Tuas-. Thnrs, Sat.
MISS ETA Uia and the
-WatEE WE WC11 21."
.e:.t Ween -Tee Maa of the SWar."
Less than a penny and cleantr
i than any.