12 TIIE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY, JANUARY 1JV 1912. 'A1 i - IBOe 75e Infant's L' ""'" "N f" " "hr" n Woaaea's Bom ue .oft hora.oddS m nlfiMli c n 1 sw t,ta and eads, a 1 J Uff.l I I ) LW np te M per pir .:..2CI Milk I I a. I " " ; n mAiKcJJ- ii e Women's Badoir (J JV' " . K rtt fceggtags foe Slippers $1 and r l""- flw J MMiu- la eolors iJB.: 75c kjIFIm3! rr.7ic aea, pair Iv t J I V -al r v, - I dm pair ' I 'I -Tim ii ar u THE MOST EXTRAORDINARY nn EVER HELD IN OMAHA Thursday. Friday and Saturday, Brandeis Old Store Special Purchase oi Surplus Stock of Men's Shoes From T.D. Barry of Brockton, Mass. Special Purchase of Surplus Stock of Women's Shoes From Krohn-Fechheimer Co. of Cincinnati, 0. Xe Annual Clearance oiEvery Pair oi Winter Shoes in Our Entire Stock at About i Their Actual Value 3,000 PAIRS OF MEN'S SH0ES--A11 new $50 up-to-date styles, made to sell at $3.50, $4, $5; at, pair... w Tins lot includes all the regular lots of shoes from T. D. Barry of Brockton, made to sell under the name of Regent $3.50 shoes. We also include most of ourtf( J" A regular lines of men's winter shoes that have been selling lZ at $4.00 and $5.00. All sues, at, per pair v 5C0 Pairs of Men's Shoes Samples, Odds and Ends All new styles in strictly up-to- date high quality shoes that 1 and $4-00 a pair, at, per pair , date high quality shoes that we have been Belling regularly for $3.50 tl CC ur... ...VJ.Otf Men's fint quality Rubber Regu lar fl. trade: all Ilea, will" io on Mia at. fWI , .a. 49c Any Itori' Shoe la took, Including our regular "Bhod Klt" shoes, (high cut ihoea da JJO excepted) V 800 patra Mule Hoys' Hhoee Goodyear w o I ted oak aolei; woriu JJ.2J pr. ' " $1.25 All tlie Athletic Shoe for Ormna ilum, bowling, ate worth up to 3, at pair $1.49 All the Bora' High Cat Shoes with 2 traps and Buckles blsrks and tana; $3.60 and $4.00 r.". $2.25 3,000 Pairs of Women's Shoes Made to sIl at 93.50 $4 and $3 bi lot at ...... . Kewest, most practical styles In patent kid. dull calf-kin, tan calfaklu, Telvet or craveuetle from the big Cincinnati purrhaae. Also all our women's high gride i winter ahoes from our regular stock that have been selling for 13.60, $4 and $5. will go at . v $25i All Our Women's Extra High Top $5 00 sd 58.00 Shoes at $3.85 These are tan calf, dull calf and velvets, ten inch boots many with new adjiiRtablo tops, a at, per pair , VtfeOt) All the Woaiea's Hoiue Hlippm, . strap style, thai have been selling up to $2. at pair ... $1 All as gegglags fat Chllerea Corduroy a, velvets t.rae a or lea ther, worth up to 11. ill, as? 50c pair , vw au the Suppers bueue, Milk, velvet. aiia or patent Irailmr llnl tin l-een MllllIK UP u MOil a. pair. at... $1.98 All til Oirlr and Chlt drwi'a r1.lt ttllpnrre left In link that sold at It d 11. :i a alr will so oa aai. a. JQ pair www sad OUUtn'i aaoea broken linea. odda and and In all !, worth t- up ..; on a la at. pair. . . . ; , H, L $1.49 Women's Over (laitwa lingular 76c and $1 grade, will be sold t rn ... ouc pair InfaaU' Shoes Odds and ends snd broken lines; worth up to It"..?... 98c Odds aad Kads of WoBtea's Rubbers . First quality, will be sold at, pair ... ..25c 3 DAYS' SALE BEGINNING THURSDAY. BRANDEIS OLD STORE Ocr Annsal Sale ol Linens Continaes Eitrj D17 This Month t Yeu'li-fiBi neons ifMitl kirftiai Ur Thuriltf In t Bsismsat . Advance Notices Big Special Sales for Saturday Ocr Annual Clearing Sale oi Jewelry, Siherware, , Leather Goods Begin jaturdat E rytMig- ia Stock at Ob-T ilr4 tu Onr-HaJ Oft ' Everything must go- regardleas of cost. Wonderful bargains In all lines. See the 1U St t.lndow of special bargaies. . : , . Saturday is Our Great Hal! Price Sale of Boys', Men's Clothinj Everr Belt or Overcoat for Boys snd Men in our entire stock will be sold at exactly one talf its former price. Great ssle muslins, camhrics, wide sheetings, sheets begins Monday t will b thsfreataat sal eir held by say stor. Mi tvery Time Ton Spend a Dune Yon Get an S. & H. Green Trading Stamp. Interesting Events Coming Soon Children' Shoes, Sat., 13th Knit Underwear, Sat., J 3th Hotiery, Sat., the 13th Wauts, Friday, the 19th v Book, Saturday, the 20th Hand Bag, Sat., the 20th Umbrella, Sat., the 27th Picture Frame, Sat., 27th The completeness of the sale ofundermus tins is fully appreciated only by those who have already attended. ' And there is hardly a woman leaves tins department without making large purchases-due to the extensiveness of the assortments, great variety to be had at each price' and the very'supeHor quality and finish of the goods. ' ' We were eareful in'our purchasing for this event to see that there -was an ample range for choosing for each-woman who comes no matter what her figure require ments might be. The styles domand perfect-fitting garments; correctly proportioned. Ton will find only that kind In this sale. - And so far aa the quality goes-we have repu tation ior "always the best. . The price ranges ara:- Gown at. ,. ;. . . ': ...39c to $6.50 Underskirt of . 69c to $8.95 Drawer at. ,wji5c to $2.50 Combination Suit at 69c to $5.95 Cortet Covert at.. 15c to $2.50 Looms never wove finer embroideries' than those in our Annual January Sale. And designers never produced more beautiful patterns than those represented In the various large assortments. There are designs and q .all.les for evening dresses, waists, underwear, children's dresses, women's summer costumes, etc. Prices are such as should cause you to anticipate all embroidery wants for some time to comet IS-lnrh Mwlas. nalneook and cam' brtc flounclnga and ooriwt covarlnsa In floral and pretty eyelet daalgna; tic. 4e and inn values at ISa. one lot of embroidery edclnse and Inerrtlnae worth 14c. lihe and lie the yard, at se. 4-inch t-wina nounrinsa in a ereat variety of floral and conventional pattern t lit value, at SSe the yard. 27-Inch tfwlae and nalnaook flouno Insa In beautiful allover effects, re duced te SSe tiie yard. Swlaa. nalnaook and cambrto an- hroldarlea In dainty patterna specially priced at 10a. iT-inch Hwlas aHover tlounclnca that rerularty aell at 7 So and $!. the yard, during tbla eale, sea. 27-Inch flounclnra with bandings te match are vartoualy ' reduced in price aa the quality call for. .- .. Double edged bandlnca In a splen did aaaortmant of very pretty pat terna, during thia sale, lie the yard. Saleof Men' Clothing at Half Price Which price Is for yeitr unre stricted choice of every man'a and youns man's ault and ovarooat In our entire atock. And plaaaa don't forget that Ihoee who come ear Ural always sat the beat picking. tT-. : : Sale or men zntrtt All of the ahirta in this sale are strictly dowa-io-date in pattern, and come In a great variety of handaome eeloringa aad styles. Three lota to go at these' prices: SS-OS sklrs at i.l. 1J sains at sea. ? MM shirts at SSe.. ' Great Bargains From the Linen Sale Damask by the Yard Pattern Cloth t-IS hemstitched table eleths ef the (meat wearing qualities, guar anteed all linen, J.2i value., at tlM ""one lot of extra fine dansk table cloth., ranging- In sise from tHxiti to Jx3 ya.-da--one ef the vary brat valti.a of the pale, while thay la.t, at So. 00 for your choice. Hardly any of thaee have ever before beea priced at laae thaa f 1V.0S each. , Kxtra good weight table elotha, of nice round thread linen, in a good variety of pretty patterne-Tix'l-lnch alte, 13.71 values, ti.se, 7'.'xl9-lnch alio, tl.it values, SSSe. Ilxil-inrh eiie, 14 .24 values, gsja, :tx!l-lnrh napkins te match, It.li value., at ea.es the doaen. ' IJ.Il 11-Inch all linen damask, In spot, roae, fleur de He, 'thistle. Illy and ether patterna. Sao the yard. II. 1 "S-lnch double aatln damaak. In a fine range of handsome patterns, tias the yard. , 7io t-lnch unbleeched all lines table damaak, of an extra heavy quel Ity. see the yard. 10c tt-lnch mercerized table linen. In a fine line of patterns, see yard. Hand Embroidered Napkin Oenulne Madeira band-embroidered napklna are priced as foUowe. . l7.t values at filM the doxen. III. ee valuee at tio.es the doxen. ' III. 10 values st ta-ee the doxen. , 10 SO Valuta at S7.S0 the doaen. IMS valuee at f-e the dosea Fruits and Vegetables at Less Thursday we will give FREE OP CIIARGE,'a gnaran teed orange spoon with our extra fancy Sunkist lemons at Ota. nnrl 5tfl Hip lri7pn. Thnrsdav nnlv. . . . fVW U1U W IT suv " J J Fancy Redland oranges at 15c,' 20c, 25c, 30c and 35c the dozen. 3 large bunches of radishes for ..10o Fancy cauliflower, lb. ...8c Fancy green onions, bunch at ...... .5c Fancy yellow onions,: per peck 'at .V, . . . i : . :35c DR. BRADBURY, DENTIST v, imtms SU SflTtrJ rad isf. 17H. Platsa ......... .ItH Vp sL( 'gaif "Tra)Ut-twlW Extractias Us Ul LWrS.A fllJ BfUg. flUlngs Me Bp xfiyy f TtQ wrk ' remsved Crowns Hidlp r(JJULr- iUa Mim, Vark fw Bridge ork I1M C se W gaaae votea, Msiwt ten yean. Free Land Information ' The Twentieth Century Farmer, to meet the demand of its readers for land information, has (gathered and compiled data on soils, climate and fanning conditions in all parts of the country. It is willing to-give out this information, free, if postage is sent with inquiry. ." - ., . . t Do You Want to Know . About government land laws,'-'Ioeistion 'of land -offices, etc, ' ' ; . ' -V :;'V '""'i" , IIow to get irrigation lar.ds, location of , projects, laws governing same, etc.' . - Best sections for fnuH growing, general farming, stock raising or dairying. . ... . .. , ., . Your -questions, will get. prompt, attention.. State plainly and specifically what yon want to know. Write, Land Uifomiation Bureau The Twentieth Century Farmer Omaha, Nebraska Comic Section The Sunday Bee With Happy Hooligan. . Littl Nemo, the Katxenjamtner Kid , end the whole interesting family ; Splendid Opportunities for Saving in the Great January Sa.es 1 on AH Men's Suits and Overcoats . IP1 M Men's ' Suits and Overcoats at Vi OFT. All Over Laces 35c to $1.00 Yd. Values. . . . . . 10c This Is a lot of Odd Pieces of black and cream allover laces, plain an J fsnncy Nets, Chiffon and Silk Tokings, goods worth 35c snd $1 ard, Thurs ay at, yard....... .10t fiOc Embroideries Thnrsdar ZSc yard A beautiful new line of 18 In., i'Mn. and !7-ln. Flouncings. regular 60c yard values, ' on sale. at "...; 25 New Lines Brought Forward Thursday In Our Great Sale of Women's Outer Garment 300 New Imported Flush Celts for Your Selection 500 Handsome New Tailored Suits added to our already im mense stock.' 400 New Cloth Coats offered in Thursday's sale. . Your choice of 400 Women's or Misses' Cloth Coats, made to sell to $35.00, at $10.00 $10.00 Tailored Suits S4-05 All beat midwinter styles, fine assort ment for selection. .- All Other Tailored Soils Just Half Price i Matchless Bargains la Pen, Coats, Sets, Muffs and . Bcarfa, greatly nnderprlced. .. Red Fox Fur Sets, $25.00 to $40.09 values, at SIS. 50 815 820 Near Seal and Pony Coats 10 in the lot, $S5.00, $98.00 and $123 values, your choice Thursdsy, at 849.00 52-ia. Sable Squirrel Coat Reg ular. $200.00 values, an tale Thursday, at 895.00 1 Hudson Bay Mink Set 24 fin est, quality skins, $35.00 value, on 'gale Thursday ..8175.00 All 'other Sets, Muffs and Scarfs at Half. Ladies 1 piece) Dresses Mescalines, Taffeta, Serges, all newest styles regular values up to $25.00; choice In Thursday's sale 87.05 Percale sad FUsaaeletta House Dresses, values to $2.00, 95g Ladles' Long Kimoaos, In Elder down or flannelette, values up to $4.00, choice 81.95 Woman's $15.00 Winter Coats, black and novelties, on sale Thursday at 84.95 Children's Loaf; Flannelette Kl in obos, $1.50 values, at . -89? Extra Spoolsla In Linen , OspartmantThursdsy Hemmed buck towels. Ho values, eac , ..10a Hemmed buck towels, lo valuea, each .' ise Hammed buck towels. Ho valuea, eac h c Hemmed buck towel, to valuee, each ISO Hemmed buck towels, Jo value. each S6e Bleached bath towala, 16c valuea, each toe Bleached bath towala, ltc valuea, each ,. , ....tSte Bleached. bart, towels, t4o Value, each v1 Bleached bath towels, ito valuee, each ISe Bleached bath towele. He valuea, each tse t'nhemmed pattern clothe, ll.fcO valuoa, each SSe Cnhammed pattern cloths, it. 00 valuea, each S1JS t'nhemmed patters cloths, 12.50 valuta each tl.TS Cnhen.med, pattern cloths, 14.00 valuea. each SS.se Bleavhed napkins, worth ll.TS a doaen .'...fias Bleached napkins, worth $2.00 a doaen - ....1144 Bleached napkins, worth 1175 a doaen gl.TS Bleached napkins, worth $J So a doxen SS.SO Bleaabed nspkins, worth 14 00 a ooeea Extraordinary Wrjittr Goods Values in our Linen Dept. Thursday, r " Imperial Long Cloth, worth IGo yard, per bolt of . IX yrds 954 Imperial Long Goth, - worth ISO yard, per bolt of 1 yards, ...... 8 1.19 imperial Long Cloth, worth tt yard, per bolt of 12 yrai ...... 81.56 Imperial Long Cloth, worth 25c yard,, per bolt of It " -81.96 Imperial . Long Cloth, worth 35c yard, per bolt of 12 yrds 82.48 Fine sheer India llnona, , worm lie a yard I6e Fine aheer India llnona, wortli lSo a yard ll'o line abeer India llnona, worth toe a yard ise Fine aheer India llnona, worth ?c a yard ite Fine aher India llnona. worth tic a yard ate amorted lot of white goods, worth lie a yard 10. Extra Specials for Thursday 25c bath 'towels.. ISc too bath towels 12He 18c bath towels.. 10c ltc bath towels :.c llttebsth towels 8Hc Hack Towels 25c huck towels.. lie 20c huck towels 12 He 18c huck towels. .10c 15c huck towelf . -Be 12 He huck towels, at .... "He 10c huck towel 7 He In the Domestic Room. 25c, 20o ' and 18c white goods . .12Hc 15c, 20c and lUc white goods ....10c 12 He, 20c and 18c white goods . . .iHc 10c, 20c . and 18c white goods ...6 He 7 He, 30c and 18c white goods ....fie Closing out all outlngi flannel, - Be, 7V-c Hc and 10c Closing out all blank. ets at less thsn cost to manufacture. Closing out aU com- fdrtables very chesp. 32-ln. Scotch g tug hams, materials mads to sell at 18c 12 He Aberfoyle - Ginghams, rl2 In. wide. 10c Opening last of new goods in 'the, -domes-lie room,-'" - Remarkable Clearance Bargains Thursday On miner unaerwsir ana rumisnings Ladies' Heavy Inloa Saiu to $1.50 Talues, heavy ribbed or fleeced, in two' lots, "choice, t 75 sod 4e Ladlea' Jersey Ribbed or Fleece Vests or Paats, 3c quality, all perfect, on sals at 19g Ladlea' $1.00 Vadervests or Pants, Silk finished, white, - grey or cream 494 Ladies' Jersey Ribbed : Corset Covers, to 76c values, on sale Thursday, at --25 Ladies'' Outiag Flannel tSowas, thai sold to. 42.50,. Thursdsy, at choice ..V-98 and 49e Ladies'. All Wool Sweater Coals, that sohl to $6.00, on sate, "83.18 82.93 81.98 id ....,.' 81.45 Big Special Lot Corsets, all oi them standard, makes, to $2.50 ! - OS $2.00 Auto Hoods 81.45 Angora Wool Scarfs, in all col ors, choice 494 HAYDKN'S M.1KK THK GROCERY PRICES FOR THK PEOPLE. s - . ' SOT A FEW. Our Aim is In Cm Dowa the Iligh Coat of XJring We Fight Trust Prices, 17 lbs. best granulated sugar . tleo 41-lb. sacks beat btsb grade Diamond H family floor, nothing like it, per each gl M t lha. bvA white er yellow corn meal for ISO ( lhe. good Japan lice SSe Iba beat rolled oreakfaat eatairal for. ......see IS bars Beat-'Ea-AU or Diamond C aoap SSe Gallon cans OoMen table ayrep...ase J-lk. pks- aeir-rtalac pancake or buakwheat flour ..e Quart bottle Canadian maple eurar rnip ...iSe Pint bottle Canadian maple sugar syrup - SOs Bulk Cocoa, more nutritious than coffee, lb. SSa 3oldea teato. Coffie. llx .S6 1-lb. cans aaeortad aonpa ....... TH The beat criap pretxela. IK. .......... ta Beet soda or oyatar crackers, lb-.THo S cans Lu La eoap pollch . .'. SSe bars Sllexo scouring soap ...... 90e Scans Lavallne pollab ..aoa Bulk peanut butter, lb. ......... .IS. Batter, Cheese aad Batteriae gate The brat crean ery b itter, lb. ....see The. beat country buuer, ib. .... soe The beat dairy butter, bulk or roll. Per lb. no Full cream eheere, ib jsa 2 lbs. good table butterlne gee The beat So. 1 etorase ecsa see Tne best rrvsh eggs, notnirux better tor SOc a doaen. our price. . . . See eeh Tee-etablee aat Fralt Wrtoas . .- Haaaa. I boncbea fresa sieeta. carrou or Turnip. ilo Fancy Shallots, bunch ,M 1 heads fresh Leaf Lettuce . 6. t buachee fresh Paraley v Sm Fancy Ripe Tomatoea, Ib u Fancy Caullflowar, Ib Brusaela Sprouta, lb " jl. Freah Cabbaaa. lb "'iiTI Fancy 8weet f-etatoes. J lbs. for loo On Vaaasws BUghlaaS Vavel Onagae, - eases. ISe, SOa. seiTaOa H? iT; Julcy tmen. .Ii" l4.ai",.,, ' recdo..joe IS.) and ate aiu. per dux ijo .v. mm. mil, miK ......... j Try HAYDEN'S First