Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 11, 1912, Page 11, Image 11

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iVyri:h'.. y2, International New t
By Winsor McCay
But ru worn1
tts! yes, rn
Ofou unihstand:
p0NT K LOM&y
vAH' n.L PUT onJ JThave V3s53 t Ah we ! this vwd3 3 H3 &&Blf
V Mt vRAPS AND k NEVER L$&&P$3f E LtMS T0 THAT.. , . ., v k L
Saw FOLLOW THIS ScAUGHT kf4 Tf$J&i Jg3r SKT LIGHT! 0U 311$ xSt3
HE REALLY WAS Jl MUbT SATISfT llC.YETpjW rfe H'S V" j 1 3 j
O OF BUSINESS 10 llTRI TO 4lP! jSbKTfil '4t:Cr55SX X
5eoTo I I Wfmf'' v, VH hooW SUR-LT
nun iniRi. nt
IS! HOW 010 HE
SvtHson TCAT
Married Life the Third Year
Bostonians Try to Red use the Cost of Dying
No., 2 Helen Exhibits Fuss; Purr-Mew at the Cat Show and
Wins a Blue Bibbon.
"Uut do you think she'll et rnoughcat'H never B't a priic It'n sood enouglt
Ir tlmt a;ii akcl llfk-n, anxiously, j for Winifred to aroum!. but It won't
.he Cast-tied down the terforatfd lid
of the baj idl his In which Ptisiy l'urnicw
had lx en protesting p laved.
in ?m, but
t ( ;in make 'em
larsnr if you want."
and thruitt
the tcisfors Into
(me vt ihr hoU-s.
"Oh, don't don't!
You niiKht strike
i?r! alt. I II do
that: taking the
nirajx from her.
Now, I've inadt; It
totj large!'' as a
little pink nose ap
I" a red at the hole.
' tin, do whh she
wouldn't cry an,"
Klnn with a pile
ouh mew the pink
iiopl appeared ut
antithvr hole.
Shell be all
tand a chanee beeide thoae how vats.
Don't fiKil your '.t about that."
A nd now 1 lettn dt-t .Tmliu .1 t lial if
Pussy 1'urrmrw did not win A prUe sh
would tuy nothing to Wain-n tfbout tuv
in Khuwn hvi. tl. would Xmt k In
three days und Warren would probably
not inksit Iter livfore thru.
Mrs. .Stevens had ana j red Helen that
all the eats had' the best of food and care
uhlie on exhibit, and that she need not
rmtner about her at aU. Hut the thouKtu
of ir, (rigiuened little Fuaay l'urrnK'v
In IhHt big piaL all alone took lieUn
ineie ewiiy tut next
The kitten greetid her joyously, rub
uing Ui aKditiri the bunt of tnc cugv,
I'tttidiiig .in p.utnl a& a Kitten can mo
to bo lane n home. And lleien run
finiHtt over tiic cage ooor a buu rtbou.i
MitU "i-'ut i'nte. Kitten Ciafs, " fcuu.
edereti u,jii it-
4 he 1 1 rat pne: I'ujwiy Purrm
I was a niue iibbon cat! tteifii cuiu
light, m'am," reaanured Ielia. slipping;,....,, , v.un UPt
Ff forts which have betn made to de
create the hlsh cost of living have now
reached the next atage, which ia to reJuce
the higher cost of dying- ThU If to be ae
con.pli."hed by the oi giitiis..itl"U of the
1'nited I'mlertaking mmpany. an a
SAciutioti of Hitori bunlntse mon. who
will not utitntrtt to compete with un
dertakers, hut to reason with them.
The company, whh li is niibenevo
1 tent In Its purpose and nation-wide in
lis scop', la the outcome of a dit. ustion ueoi ge
men. At time nmnie'Sl
was urged. Si;.ir then Kibllc
h:S been HUhMUul.d as tlie remr.l;
pnUic control. It is ho..l will
tried lluough
hVs -m r Hepn s ntat:o
long . Ca.nli. i;:e Is -
-uminy, a tut i al '
nun mid plivKUiati'. atuoit
; nd. M rf the
I uit d I'ndi rtak n
j iirv. 1 r. KMsiworth Shumaker. are letul
' ir.g n urul Mippoit. The aim of the com
j Ciitiv tM l.i have it b irt one timlertaket
In eery citv and town In New Kngl&nd.
i and e i'tit ually in the Tnlted Slut en, co
pi-rule in wht
i mm ftm nt for a
W ! the i-.-st of tilt' I
f the TI';U the i he
it char accrued an "the
siittantial re lu-Hon in
A t service tt the dead."
ue Ik not too altruistic
recently held at a conference of clergy-1 chunh. Kcv. lierlwit A. J
H'i - i to be
!: j thai f
otllt; ' alren.l'
hnieii and (),.Im
praetUnl I prmcd by the fact
wml nmb ri niters have
- promised their miprt. ltoMtn
How to Keep Young and Pretty
inc ,-huwl map aiouml l lie Uix nd
A fi'W niumrrits later Helen,
me canaDox witn much care,. wa on t-r
way to the xntLition halt, where the rnt
show nptntM tnsroaj-. "' ' ' ' "
It was due ta Mm. 81ovn' (il.-adiiiKa
that Puy I'urrmrw wan to be exhibited.
She was one of the officers of a proml
I Mluhly fine kitten you r.! jot there,
currying niaaniM ttti ,n uli,.nnant who wa
uruahmg up around tne cjjfea, expectan.
of a tip.
Oh. yes: Isn t she a lovely kitten?
anawerrd Helen proudly.
8he couid hardly wait until Warren
iame home that evening; to tell htm the
r,uo- " 'n msialM every time ; eniit,rIU na. Hefore he t hla over
Kho called on Helen that the kitten :,,, ff ,h, w, out in the h with an
a rarely fine silver I'ers an and should i excited account of It all.
be showu. ..Am) ohi you-u tn m tonlnht and
Helen had protested that t-he know j,t., her-won't you, dear
r.olhliiK of exhibiting Htiens. Hut Mrs. 'Humph! A cat show Is about the last
ravens had promised to make all the, thin I'd ever K' to. but I suppose I'll
urranaemejita, enter her. prepare the have to In this nw."
cukp, every thlner-lf only Helen would j "oh. then, let's hurry mid net throuxh
i.llow ber to be exhibited. I dinner." tarerly. "I'm to anxious for you
Mrs. .Stevens was jlo to send after to aeo It all. 1'uaay I'urrmow looks ao
her. JJut this mora;! when the mesn-dcar In her red velvet cane and there ore
Ker hoy camp Helen was afraid to trut i so many wonderful kitten, there."
the kitten in his care and decided lo lake "Now. look here. I snld I d (to. but you
needn't expect any cnlliuituumi.
a fuss
It herself.
Hut It nas en embarrassing trip. Kv-Pr"lr pluie for cats ia Him cellar or the
r body in the cur stared at ! barn. It's thc.w t.o wmen wno haven't
when from the bandbox came th
f rairer scratching and piainiive
. When si c reached Uui hall Helen
uewiklered by the lonB row of aKC and
the general confution of the place, i'ul.n
w.-re tieintc tirken out of haykets and
hoxts. cnz"A were being lined and decu-1
..... .... .1- ,.A .n.bu
round ! uiiytiiin nctier uu i
.iver a lot of pamperen cats.
Hut Helen waa m (lad Ihat Warren
would eo that even this aultude did not
I lamlen her ardor.
I It was Just 9 wh.-n Ihey rea hed the
exhibition hall. The poultry show was
i downstairs, and they i nieren amiu a
n mtvlnff e.M.U.
rated, aou attendants were hurrylnK bit. j ..,,, In me concert II ill!" read a
an.i tortn un lin e wooden dunes of )aTI(e (n lt,e ,ir.
chopped meat and tins of water lo be Helen had seen tills sign before, but it
Jastciied the cages. had not Hrurh her aa comical. Hut now
An official ionkinr woman with a hand Warren almost exploded,
full if iih -r came rustling by. Helen "fata In the Concert Hall!" he
Mopped her viilh a t;mld: ronrcc:. "That's a lovely sign!"
t an you te!l me where I II find case "Wby. dear, I don't see anything very
2Kty ' funnv in that."
Ti.iril ulsle-turn to your left." I "Tou don't? Vou don't? Oh. well, you
novrr hsd snv sense or liumor. aia
' "U" rtad the number on the cage at
lii. Hid of the third able; 311, .110.
lieii n fu.iowcd on down to 3W, tlie num
.r in lies entry ticket. Mrs. fl'evens
had the rage ailrai-tlveiy lined with red
e!vrt. White blotting paper was on the
liottom and a l!i!e red velvet cushion
In one corner.
With some difficulty Helen got Pussy
ihe Conceit Hall!' I say that's rich!
"Hut. dear, what else could they aay?
This la Concert Hall and the cats are
here." said Helen seriously, still not see
ing any humor In the sign.
But Just then Mrs. Stevens sighted
them and made her way over through
the crowd.
oh I am so glad you came," cordially
the corner with eyes dark with fear anj
l is as saucers. Helen tried to stri'ke and
reas.-ure htr, but for once she was ob-
I don't thing that you. over here, con
sider a dainty waist aa necessary to
beauty aa we do In France. That is
ptobably because we seem to have smaller
walets than you do, and are not so
I am told by people over here that
athletica make the waist smaller. Hut
there Is a certain type of girl athlete
ho may be taking all the exercises in
he world, but of one thing I am certain,
er waist line la not getting smuller: on
he contrary, her figure la very slouchy,
and she would not, for too world, wear a
tight corset, or Indeed a corset of any
kind. So she slouches around with
athletic figure which" la anything
The Corset and Waist Exercises
Gaby Deslys Says:
''I do not believe in tight cor
"I never wear them.''
"Simnle exercise will redVf
your vni't line."
y s 1 M
3 itHZ'V&ii
I tit? k"
I ; A 'Qlf? Y-m:.: ....
I I . lil "" ' wa'st nr.-
; j L t I Y A ' vil I the ive dn,,'
V. I WV t'.' l -.ll,,inik
Encourage Emotions; Dwell
in the Land of Romance
ihe Emotion, Are tlie Ideals of Life and the Ideals Must Be En
couraged if One Viiihea to cape Becoming; the Paragon of
Death the Mummy.
rrmew Into the cage. She was tlmr- .,.v, -i.h Warren "Vour klt-
oughly frightened, and huddled back in ! . ri..i, ii kinds i.f honors."
As shi led the way towards Ha"y l"urr.
mew's cage, she pass.: before tnat or a
ti.ri.-e Dure white Persian cat with a cago- j
livlnus to potting. .u I of prile ribbon? (nd tropi.!es.
Oh, it II get over that." sa'd a woman! -This Is Prince Kdnard! 1 want you
v. ho waa Ucking up some blue velvet in ... , hlm -ru,v ,ay h- s worth U Otf)!
a pt-arby cage.
friKhttiitd when
Three thousand d.illars'" mused Sar-
ren. "Imagine $r.. walkirg along your j
ba. k fence! It d gle m. lie cold shivers
every time I'd see him disappearing over
My baby was Just as
! first exhibited her.
Hut she's been in over twenty shows now
no ..he s grown to l ive them."
And then she went on to dwell on the j ,u ,he neighbor's yard." aud ru-ny blue rlbtx ns and pr.x. s j .-0n these cats never walk the ba k j
i f her cat. liter He en strolled around j frnn ! ,'islied Mrs. Stevens.
umung the cages. There were lung-j "Well. I wouldn't trust them If they had,
ha.ied, short-haired, silver, blue, while. ;,ne chance. The threc-thousand d illar !
Mack, coon, S'amese, .Manx and anil the aiiPy brand are pretty much the i
many other kinds of cats. A few, on ex- i kinj cf cat. I
1 ib.tioo for the first time., were as fright- j . ()n here's Pussy Purrmew!" exclaimed !
end at Purrmew. But the greater j ,iten' -im t she dear?" as the kitten
rose and rubbed against the cage the
r..miter v.ere pr..fess,f.nal "show cats,
!.-(; to lytr.s complacentiy cn a silken
t ami b;ing gax.1 at by an admir- 1
t! runs. '
.:a:.y uf the caces were gay with prixe '
ir;i..s v.on at previous shows, and a
m! r r cup was irt the cage with one i
.an.i!'i. w-.iH-haired beauty. i
li... n w al hunte full of interetit and'
ttii uier.t. What if Pussy Iurrmew
shi-uid win a prze? She was entered, of
Lour!.'. in the k.tten class, and
moment she heard Helen's voice. "Oh.
you've got your collar all awry. There!"
opening the cige door and adjusting the
bow of red satin that adorned her neck.
"Tou see. Warren." pointing proudly to
the blue ribbon; "the first in the
kitten ciass."
And there were a great roany kittens
entered this year." sa'd Mrs. Stevens.
"But I knew ail along she would win."
And Warren, manlike, when anything
Helen had seen no orh?r kitten that ' belonging to hlin Is distinguished by aorae
teensd htr superior. 1 IIWrk r merit, was row prompt to share
And yet she hao not toid Warren. When ! credit.
I V?' -' ' v. V '
'. '-. e.
t W 'A
: -J I Us
I: :
I '. :
iii dr.
' Tin v
b'lt !l
' tot.tlll
I yiwiieij
refii.-4, ru J think
.'i nd in botttT Mplrtts.
nd done. It In more
than Htiyihlitg . l.-p,
our wutyl lOf)k sma
in oft i n uf'.nSshe.l how little
Foo nw hoi-h- women liav
fnc thini;J.fH.
'-n to liave pl.utv f,f money,
y buy or oi.,r Hiiat they lmvp
1 eii. p,.n; ),., v.l.lelj in oltf-n
oiiMtt'fl to tli.h own Hth. f have
tl"-! tlmt gn'..i.)i Ahkli wuie de-f'-r
nie .ir- iivuallv cniii.-d In- wrv
Mont women, wliili you will tako ome
of oi r ftttt.-vfM Kin, r.ifirh ! miimIs
or nn.n- fiiirl their fn.tks will be imitated
for th" fbbiitwiiiMi--,
If you are frlilit you ran wear brrad
wamt Im a, bK b lm it wldf ribbon
wli-'i. Vo i can al.-o indulge in tin whb
hoi z-. rial l.i'MM which mil arouiid uny
whe; ..'i i;i f.timtabie drehhe.i and
liut, .h, th inc, if mi are fat, don't
do anv or th."-,- tj-Kn. W hy Is It Ihat a
fit v. 'Hiiu-i uluay.4 will wear a wide
l.aii'l .r emhriddety or trlrtimiiig uttMKht
aero.-s tli-- bi:-t. li lo i tite n .-t
pHit of f.T bark?
Koil.' till.' . !.. Will i ii (Jo ;m far :IS
t-. put tlo- b.i!,d of t!.nnning all the way
;iro.iii'l, i p-y.-Ii.g mv- r b.rh U--i-n und
I loakii.u ii'-r.-" if !o.k at broa-1 h.j a Uatn.
j An-jitt.'-r f.j.hi'-n hf nffit eonsi.i-t of
jtt.e w .1- v. ;,i;-t lili--. Hie li; .-a tin lelt
y iiuent leattw-r ntnn uirien r letups
"L-et tlmne lova now who never loved
In1 fort, lsft thoMi who alwayn loved now
lova tha inor.
Let ut take a good look at tha Kgyptlan
tnu in my.
ItM little hand are quiet ; It little mouth
Is plnehed aa If It wer trying to keop
back the KucretH of the agn; It little
eye am to all life, to all emotion.
It I a perfectly proper little lady. In
a fashionably accrpted
It not only ahowa no emotion now, but
it look .in if It had never felt any. Ha
Ilttlo heart haa been atrophied to long
that l( It ever longM and ached and
loved, there I no atgn.
lhi you want lo b like the Kgptlan
mummy? Ihi you want to bind every
amotion, which mean every Instinct of
life. In inortujiy ha ml 7
Of couirc, you don't, but when you put
a restraint on yourself for fear you will
laugh too long, oi smila too often ur
love too much, you are diong It.
The emotions live on th Ideals of life,
and tlie Ideals must tw t neon raged If
one wish to escape becoming the par
agon of death, a mummy.
To ancouraae tha Ideals, lead a wet,
rlenn love story often, and put yourselt
In the place of the lover. Itnn't ba
ashamed to go about your daily tasks
dreaming of princes and potentates who
wdl come btmiiig their heart a in theli
Lwell in ttie land of rjn.unce. It wih
strengthen your powers of Imagination
and sweeten you tor the aay tnat Is
coming when taney la uwui by tact.
When you nt-e a Utile love story In life,
dun l sent l at It as a sign ut vvruKnesa,
but teHi i it aa a bian ot siieuatii.
"V ate all loin lor lova,' auu iba
raell. "It u trie principle of vaistunce anu
inu oniy and."
lie did not let his burden of public life
depilvn him of thin heritage and the love
Mory ha lived has a more human Inter
est than tiu- deeds which ingiavud his
name in inarol-.
One m love foollnhly, but it ir not to
one s di.seieOit, ami muco to one's ctedit.
"For to In wue und love e&rtids man
might; that uuens with K'i aiaive."
What If a.icusiies have no tounuallon
und ai on orami. M1 bu.idiuK
of tlietn 11 not or.iy a griat joy to tn
aerial aien ut.i, hut the man, or woman,
Wlto bulldi idte l Is a Joy to oilier. i ue
visionary are always, hopeful; the ro
mantic are always sweet and tender.
The old woman who am ilea at memory
of a love si ivy her day have long since
told is younger, broader In mind and
charity, sweeter and more wholeaome and
helpful than the old woman who ragardt
a enf-xlon of lova as aa admission ol
weakness or shams.
The girl who la emotional And loves
many, and shows It. will bo ft better wife,
a more devoted mother, than the
utiophled young woman who has her
heart In Iron bands.
Hi-fuso to feel any emotion and the
day la coming whrn In your great
annul h yoii will find that you can't.
"I cannot love Aa 1 have loved, and
yet I know not why; It ia the on great
woe ot life to fe.t all feeling die."
-The ona great woo of life:"
That Is something worth while avoiding
and tha only way la lo encourage your
ueart to expand. '
For aase.
Judge," said the caoer, 1 wiah you'd
tall me a hat 1 have In do to get my
name changed."
"What ia your present name?
"llenuett Lemuel krcbu.on llubb."
' Vou wish to have 'Wunb' cnanged tfl
umethlng e.o?"
'ao, 1 want a new one entirely. So me
eting like William Thompson or George
juiiea-sotm-thlng short and cy, you
-nui- nh taction to your name, then, la
,nat It Is too mug, I piesume. Why can't
ou jum use your Inltia.aT"
"ihai only niakea it Worso. Judge.
Whenever I give my nam aa B, L. Z.
atuno goiueoouy snickers," Chicago Trt
How ll Kld Esa
"Was the operation on old liondc Upper
Vt. lie's all right physhally-and at
Ua.H ahead of tha game."
- How did he work that?'
"Why, the laity old millionaire dla
gutHed himself aa ft street .-leaner and
got the. Job done for a $J0 hill-yes, and
kook a rectlpt In full."
"What did the surgeons do about It 7"
They held an Indignation meeting and
denounced h.m as tha b.ggest swindler
of the twentieth century." Cleveland
. Jain I'eaier.
Christ Crucified
Mr, eleven had flrat a-ked to
exaibit tite kitun Helen i-ad spoken to
bim sbo-u i. He had only shrugsied his
ehourders wi'h a
. 'Well I t-hould r.:nk y.vj .1 f.iid a bt-t-.r
way t-j fptnd y ur t.ino. And that
V-, patting the kitten condescend
ingly, 'we're got a pretty dent cat
here. Soems to have Mood up pretty well
against tne other, didn't she?"
And Hel:n was too proud and too
happy to mark the inconsistency.
Now I am sir that both dancing and
sw mmlng are es'-elU nt exereises for the
figure and are calculated to make the
wat small. But lota of sports that '
girls go In for nowadays develop the
mcV of the bark ao much and broaden
the waiat to u h an tnt that when
vj:.; nil'-- '
it te tr.d v it!i
A simple exTf-i-e re ti.r.d v U 1. iri'N
elasped ale-,'- ;h ! end t o nrm- h d
out- nri'. body : f"-r a' poit.!.- to
oik side, a-id then to th otht-r. All l
muscle", of t'.e u';-er i-art "t th- bojy ainl Khou! I be Ptret- r- i, an I oi -h'-,il )
feel that y-i i are hftii your ' he.t i:p
th fashions return to more tight-fitting j very high. Another good eXt
effects, we will all be astonished at the
aid, broad wj5t which have ben ile
veloped sin' the empire style came In.
I do not believe in tight corsets myself,
and I am thankful to av I have never
needed to wear thm. Dancing kep me
aligl-.t enough, and I have on or tw- ex
ere!ae wlilh I should u. vry rtay If I
felt my waist line or my waist
growing wid-
standing up atraiKht with the hand.-' on
the hip; t'irn the holy a- f ir to t!;
right af 'ni fin. fl a? if you were
twisting the miwlYs ,,T the w;tit: n w
twit rfiund to the f.tht-r Kicr. going J is,
aa a yo-i tan. You fho-iW a No bnd
forward and hack ard to the ni-b.
IWllni? thfS XrrC.lra Oliee .,i U'.iee
i won t help you any. but If you continue
;theo. da 3ft-r day, yo i oujiht ceruaiulv
her wa;t iim- Uii-lei il.i- l.-n,. eff. t t
her wai-t
"i"..e v.oman who N --to it in i-l ivinembrr
l-...t the V- la,-e-l ttlni.O.llff for ihe
v. a -t. the very iiarrow le n. or, letter
. ; lo belt at ail, ani ti.e lung lines of
rimrninif for the .-kilt, aie Iter nly i-ai-vatioi:.
Jt . wait r:iii ! di.-ui?'d l.-y hav
. IjT tne belt show on y for a f-w inches
: in fr-ril and baefc. rthii- the iJe ran
n of tlie same g'Md.i a.s tin r't-t of the
fleck, but under no ('irrum5tanew photild
the v,a:-tbar,d be wi-ie, .p-i;aUy not If
one i short-wai."trl.
The fc)ty:t-a pud woman la ar-t to get
difCour.;ed alout ! r f,Kure, and settle
dr.wn ifitu .tr wais-'t line. She does not
: lave to do tiiif, howevr, lKcaue he
an nrnk1 her wan-t look longer by dress
ing appropriately and by a very erect
ia-:iaa,f .oiitantty holding hnelf up. I
! Ity HJ, liKKI.Klt Wll.t OA.
I'opyiiKhl, 1!HJ, by mertran J ein nal -Kiu miner,
j Now, ere 1 i-lopt, my pruT iihd Own that I uiighl o my way
I To do the will of Christ, uur Lord and Maater, day by day,
I And with this prayer upon my lips, I knew not that 1 dreamed;
Hut suddenly the world of right a paiulcmcnluai seemed.
t-'rom forest and from slaughter house, from bull ring and from sull.
There rose an anguished cry of pain, a loud, appealing tall.
Ah man -the dumb beast a next of kin with gun and whip and knife,
Went pleastire-fteeking through the earth, Dioou-oeiu on i a a lug lire,
i roni trap and cage and bouse aud zee and street that awful strain
Of tortured creature rote and swelled Ihe orchestra of pain.
And then methought the gentle Christ appeared to me, and spoke:
'! called you, but ye answered not "- and in my fear I woke.
Again I slept. 1 seemed to climb a hard, ascending track,
nd just behind me labored one whose patient, face was black.
I pitied him, but hour by hour he gained upon the path.
Me stood beside me, stood upright and then 1 turned la wrath.
"Go back!" I cried. "What right have you to walk beside me here?
For you are black and I am white.' I paused, suutk dumb with fear,
! Tor lo! the black man wan not I Lore, but Christ stow! i:i li ia place;
And oh! the pain, the pain, the pain that looked from that dear fac.
Then next 1 heard the roar of mills, and moving through the noise.
Like phantoms In an underworld, were little girls and boy.
Their backs were bent, ther browg were pale, their eyes were sad and olo,
Hut by the labor of their hands greed added gold to gold.
Again the Presenr and the Voice: "Behold the crimes I see,
As ye have done it unto me, so have ye done to me."
Now when I woke the air was rife with that sweet rhythmic din
Which tells the world that Christ haa come to save mankind from Bin,
And through the open door of church and temple passed a throng,
To worship Him with bended knee, with eermon and with song.
Hut over all I heard the cry of hunted, mangled things-
Those creatures which are part of God, though they have hoofs and wing.
I saw In mill and mine and shops the little slaves of greed
Iheard the strife of race with race, all sprung from one God-eeed
And then I bowed my head In shame, and in contrition cried:
"Lo, after nineteen hundred years, Christ still U Crucified."