Looking Backward Tnis Day in Omaha Thirty Twenty Tea Tun Age fee Sattorlal rag et mob inn The Omaha Daily Bee WIATH1R FORECAST. Snow VOL. XU-KO. ITS. OMAHA, THURSDAY MORXIXO. JANUARY 11, 1S12 TWELVK PAUKS. S1XOLK COPY TWO CENTS. PART OF PRATT'S STOJtf REJECTED Two letters Introduced in Packers' Case in Connection with His Testimony Stricken Oat. TWO OTHERS ARE OMITTED Evidence Begarding Pencil Harks on Them is Exclnded. ABOUT DIVISION OF SHIPMENTS Memorandums Said to Have Been by Keeker and Connor. LOSE MONEY ON DBESSED BEEF .11 r. Pratt Sara Mrat la Aalmnl Coating Slur Dallara ua Ike Hoot Sells for Fifty Dollars. CHICAGO. Jan. 1.-Unlted States Dis trict Judge Carpenter today struck from the record In the trial of the ten Chi cago packers, charged with criminal vio lation of the Sherman law, if ruin papers and letters bearing notations purporting to be In the handwriting of J. Ogden Armour. The ruling was on the motion of the defense, who contended, that that portion .f the evidence to tho Jury without ilefinite connecting links would be pre judicial to the defendants. Others papers bearing similar notations purporting to be In the handwriting of other defendants were permitted by the court to remain In the record, but tha court ruled out Jerome II.. lTatt's teetl nionx Identifying the handwriting. The ruling In detail orders stricken from the records exhibit M. which letter, dated October is, ISM, from J. II. Pratt, then, manager of the dressed beef de partment of Armour Co., delivered to J. Ogden Armour, and returned to I'ratt the next day with figure of margins and shipment percentages, alleged to be In the handwriting of J. Ogden Armour. The court also ruled out exhibit M. a Megrim dated October is. 1904. aent by I'ratt to the office of Armour & Co., giv ing working and closed margins for that date, and returned to Pratt with the letter of October 18, 14, Willi figures alleged to be In the handwriting of J. ogtf-n Armour, covering margins for otlier concerns. Two DMsawstl Admitted. Judge Carpenter allowed two of the documents to go Into the record, but ruled out testimony Identifying the hand writing on tha letters. They were: Exhibit (memorandum dated April SI. MM, addressed to Arthur Meeker from J. H. Pratt and returned the next day to Pratt with pencil figures showing working and closed margins for other concern and figures Indicating agreed percentage of total hlpped for the pt week and the amount to be shipped the current week, alleged to be In the hand wrftln of Thoma I. Connors. Exhibit K, memorandum dated July IT, HM, "signed by' T. O. tee of Armour Co., retained to J. H. Pratt with pencil notations giving agreed percentages and margin for the current week, alleged to be In tn handwriting of Thomas J. Con nor. Exhibit 5 and 57 were read to the Jury- Profit All la Br-Predecte. On crnes-examlnatlon Mr. Pratt de scribed the details of marketing fresh meat through the branch houses. "What Is the difference between the price of a steer on the hoof and the value of the dressed beef?" asked At tcniey Barton Payne. Well, a steer that costs W will bring about S"4 In dressed beef." was Pratt's reply. "Is It true that because of the revenue received from the by products the pack ers are enabled to sell fresh beef at less than the actual cost?" "Yes." After Armour. Pwlft and Morris bad branch houses at Willies ba ire. Pa., the National Packing company established a branch house there?" "Yes." The National Packing company was an active competitor at that point with Armour. Swift and Morris?" "Yes. I suppose It was. although all I know about it was by letters and written reports. I never visited that city." Tells of Omaha Company. Pratt aald the weekly statements giv ing the shipments and margins of the National Packing company were given The National Capital' PASICS DUE TO RANKING SYSTEM Wednesday. Jssaary 10, 1I2. The Senate. Not In session. Meets at i p. m. to morrow. Foreign relations committee referred the Cummins general arbitration bill to a tuh...mn,ittee fr consideration. Senator Uorliner resumed his defense before the tnveMisating committee and. dealt at length witli Illinois politics. Foreign relations committee considered : HE arbitration amendment to maintain sen ate control of Jusilciahle .lucmion?. What Happened at Your House? Andrew Carnegie Makei Above Statement in Testimony Before House Committee. The House. TAXES OPTIMISTIC VHWj Asserts Freedom of Trade from; i Mononolv Will Come. Mit at .ioon. : 1 Routine li;isU(iu!i considered. Andrew . Carnegie din usst-d his iei tartar before ATX INTERESTS ABE IDENTICAL' steel invcstlijatiHS Mniuittfc ami den I I nouneed prt-smt hanking onditions aa a ' disgrace to civilisation. Hearing before predicts SoUarC Deal for Consumer may and means committee on dangers. . of manufaclur of white pliophorus gnd ftOQUCer. matches. Beet sugar farmers testified before the sugar Investigating tmnrittee contradict ing stories of tutrdyhiiKt In the beet fields, laong debate ove minor bridge bills. ItVneral Wood uhn,:r,ed protest ugainst Hay army reorganization bill. Adjourned at .:li p. in., until uoon Thursday. (Continued on Second Page ) The Weather Kor Nebraska Continued cold. For Iowa Continued cold. Tesaperalare at Oavaka YMtrr-laj. Bryan Has Not Yet Decided on His Candidate PHILADELPHIA. Jan. l.-A riilla delphia evening m-wsimper quotes Mr. Rryan aa follows on the democratic pres. ldentlal proposition: "I have not yet U-i'liled on my candi date. 1 waut a strong, active progressive. Of the candidates at present In the field Governor Wilson of New Jersey seems the most progressive. I am not In favor of any third arty movement." Bryan, who came here last night to deliver addresses before religious bodies, left for Sew York at 10 a. m. today. Before leaving the hotel where he spent the night he was asked to sign his name In the private autograph reg ister. .Seeing In It the name of Prince Tsal Suun, uncle of the emperor of China, who was In the city In September. WW, Mr. Bryan wrote under It: Waiting to repolce over the establish ment of the republic "'China Yours mily, W. J. BRYAN. NrYw YORK. Jan. Jo.-Willlani J. Bryan arrived b.e:-e today vA went to his hotel, declining to nlscuss politic or any thing else. He aa asked particularly for some statement on the Woodrow Wil son letter and for an opinion of Colonel Roosevelt's attitude. On the Wilson Inci dent he would say nothing. As to Col onel Roosevelt he said he preferred to leave that to the newspapers. Mr. Mo an comes here to attend a meet ing of the Winona assembly, an organi sation of Presbyterian schools. Woman is Charged With Killing Girl to Get Insurance LANuAettR, O.. Jan. tt.-SIr. Nancy Iran, aged yer. mother of B-year-ola Ruth Hall, who died December 11 after eating pancake, wag arrested today and charged with having put potoon In the cake. Her husband and two other daugh ter had been made seriously HI- The Hall home had been heavily mortgaged, each member of the family carried life Insurance. MOBILE. Ala.. Jan. W.-Mrs. ilary T. Oodau. her daughter. Mrs. Thressa Was serlaben, and Thomas Williams, a negro, were held without ball today on the charge of murdering Kred Wasserlaben. Mrs. Wasserlaben' husband. Desire for Insurance money I given as a possible reason for the murder. British Coal Miners Will Vote on Strike LONDON, Jan. 10. Nine hundred thou sand coal miners are now voting whether or not there shall be a national stoppage of the coal mines In the I nlted King dom. The ballot will occupy three days, and the result probably will be announced on January is. Early reports forecast an overwneiming majority In favor of a fight. The ballot Is to decide wnetner notice HISTORY OF STEEL TEASE .tlagante Sketrhee Growth of 1 ila.trr In tailed States- Saya Charlie Schwab Is (real tsealne. WASHINGTON. Jan. 10-Andrew Car negie was an Involuntary witness today before the house committee probing the affairs of the I'nited Statea Steel cor poration. Mr. Carnegie, who was first requested to appear aud on declining that invitation was peremptorily summoned to Washington, was wanted to elucidate many of the details of the organisation and operation of the "steel trust" and Its domination of an Industry In which he was for so many year a predominant figure. Mr. Carnegie reached the hearing room ahead of time. He talked commonplaces with Chairman Stanley and other mem bers of the committee. Mr. Carnegie had once expressed a willingness to appear, but recently declined to testify on tha ground that he waa named aa a defendant In the government suit (gainst the steel corporation. When Mr. Carnegie took the witness stand ho furnished the rommlttee with a statement regarding steel Industry condi tions and told of bis career In the busi ness from the outset. Mr. Carnegie waa accompanied, by J. . Reed of Pittsburgh, hia courts. The committee room wag crowded with spec tutors, Including many women. He was sworn by Chairman Stanley. Karl History of fltrel Trade. Mr. Carnegie said be began his steel career In November, left, with the firm of I )o;oiOTAy. ' I J yif I Sine ioxe MIT V fifki ' VOt A""a:e d?9 3H;.iJ etJraaoas. f asC ff f VNHAT inoafairN. Tl TWO M'MAXIGALS GIVE TESTIMONY Confessed Dynamiter and Father on Stand All Day Before Federal -Grand Jury. ASSISTANTS IN PLOT SOUGHT Testimony. Shows that Numerous Other Persons Were Involved. IMPORTANT QUESTIONS RAISED ome Explosions Occurred When McNamara Were Far Away. VISITORS" MOVEMENTS TRACED WHAT . 0 HIM. ,N jgi KWOWS AlAPV From the Cleveland Plain Dealer. FRENCH CABINET SHAKEN UP M. Delcasse Succeeds M. Deselvei as Head of Foreign Affairs. OTHER CHANGES ARE PROBABLE Minister of Foreign Affairs Kefnaea to Confirm tntesnt at Pre mier Made to geaate Committee. PARIS, signed. Ill I.LKTIN. Jan. U'.-The rabinat ba re- PARIS. Feb. l.-Theophll lielcasse, until now minister of marine In the French cabinet, haa been offered and has accepted the portfolio of minister tor for- et.n Sff.r. In ii.-miiUh t .fti.tln ll.. Miller fmall and that In W he bor-l.,,. who ytsrosy a rowed SI.Wu from the National bank of Pittsburgh to engage In a partnership In the Keystone Bridge company at Pltte burgh. "Five or six of us," he said, "sere en gaged In this, in we built another mill in Pittsburgh and In IBS I waa one of the organisers of the Superior ore mill and furnace. In 16S we built the loco motive work In Pittsburgh and In 1K7 we united two other mills In Pittsburgh That was the beginning o( tli Cgrnegle Steel company, limited." "In Interesting other me with you tn those early days." Chairman Stanley aakelTr"dld row do by selling stock In Wall street or other tichanges, or did you get men of rtperiencs In the Iron business?" "Oh, no. I did Dot look for men who had no experience In the Iron business, I was one of the youngest of these men and we had very little capital. At dif ferent tlmea we would put In $50,000 or tw.oo each." "What was the capital of your prop erties In the sixties?" "My dear sir. I hare no more Idea than you have." "I have an Idea," replied Stanley.' "Was It as much a IWO.000?" yes. the Superior will alone was I ,trirs. has had probably "Oh, worth that, but I do not want to guess. i live me time and I will give you ill the figures." Banking Bialrm (aasea Panlea. Mr. Carnegie denounced the banking system of the United States as a "dis grace to civilization." "When panics come In this country," he said, "they are due to the fact that we have the worst banking system In the world. Panics siiread ruin and If the bill now before congress la pa "fed you will have something to prevent such panics." Mr. Carnegie In the written atatement filed with the committee pointed out that the steel committee's task had arisen dramatic scene during the meeting of the committee of senate on foreign atfalrs. It I rumored today that other changes may occur la the ministry and speculation I life a lo who will jo.n the cabinet It waa the "cabinet breaker," Oeurgea Clemenceau, who brought about the min isterial crisis, aa he haa dune on many previous occasion. He hes been a thorn In the side of Premier Calllaaa for some time and waa aware that tnar was some dissension between the iorelga imnlsisr and the premier. When during the meet, lug of the tenet committee. M. Cklux denied tha( there had .been atevret nego tiation "between Fraooe and tier many a tlx (abject of Morocco, M. Clemenceau prang to hi feet and hurled the ueiun to M. Deaeivls, "rtill you confirm tn premier's statement?" After tome hesitation the foreign min ister replied that he could not answer the question because he was between a double duty the telling of the truth and Ibe Interest of hi wintry. Later on M. Deeelvea Informed the premier tnat he could not remain In the cabinet, and handed In hi resignation. Kaiser ulsiiitea lie lea see: Theophlle Delcasse, who once more has taken charge of the French ministry ot Lorimer Tells About Row Between Deneen and Hopkins Men WASHINGTON. Jan. l.-Srnator Lor imer of Illinois continued his testimony today before the senate committee which 1 investigating charges of hflbery In con nection with his election. When yeeter day'a hearing took a recess Senator Ixir imer a as beginning to tell of political conditions In Illinois In 1 and 1M. Kvl. dsntly the drift or his testimony was calculated to indlcatr that there was a movement of a faction of the republican to prevent the re-election of former Sen ator Hopkins and thai Uovernor Deneen waa favorable to It. Senator Lorimer took up his testimony at that point today and under uuestlon luat by his counsel. Blbrblge llanecy, con. tlnued a recital of the evenla which led up to his election by the Illinois legisla ture In May. IK). Senator Lorimer testified regarding Uovernor Deneen friendly relatione with the Chicago neweiprr publishers. Deneen had finally dicllned to become a candidate for senator, because of their opposition, he said and refused to support Speaker Shurtleff tor the same reason. Lorimer said that when Ieneen nam waa pre sented to the legislature on March 24 he had advised hi friend to auiiport him. it. Pstrlk i ' day, Uinmer said, Deeneea m fearful that an effort might be mad u elect Hopkins, becaiie a treat many Irish members ot the legls laiure who were opposed to Hopkins would be absent celebrating. Later, h ssld, representative of the Chicago Trlfeun advanced Ihe candidacy ot William J. Calhoun, now t'nlttd States minister to Chin. "1 was asked to support Calhoun and would not." WILL MOVE AGAINST PEKING President Sun Will Personally Lead Attacking Force. HE WILL HAVE 10,000 MEN Troops Already Mobilised at an klsg Will Be Part of the ( edition to Take the ( nines Capital. Veterans Poisoned By Eating Hash for Dinner m Big Home experience In that department man any other statesman In France. He held the i i.KAVKN WORTH. Kan., Jan. More portfolio of foreign aitairs from 1W until tnan 150 rcteruna of the National Soldiers' Wi. during which periud lire dltlerent , home near this city, are seriously III of ptomaine Kisoniu resumna nom si, all be given of a national strike to be- j (rom tne f,rt ,,, th law o( con,,,,,, gin on warcn 1. 1 n i-ue, era' federation are against the movement. The demand of the men Is for a fixed minimum wage. Bonanza Mining Pioneer is Dead Wt ip Hour. Keg. i a. m 4 f a. m 4 7 a. m S a. m -1 a. m -i 1 a. m 2 11 a. m - 1: m -1 1 p. m 1 J P. m I 3 p. m 1 4 p. m j 5 p. m s 6 p. m t 1 p. m 6 In business has seemed recently to be Im paired In certain fields, notably those of natural oil, steel and tobacco. Kven now a gigantic railway system, embrac ing nearly one-half of the world's rail way mileage, has been affected, and sev eral companies have been tried and con victed unier the Sherman law." "We are In a transition stage." ssld j Mr. Carnegie, "and naturally suggestions SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. W.-Thomas II.; r numerous for effective compliance Roonev one of the mo picturesque,""" ,he -herman act Interpreted by (lres'otTh. old Bonanza day. and unc.e '" ai . tl.tactor., of M Wl. K. V.nderbllt snd Mrs. ! measure will finally be evolred Is certain 01 sim. ,one which does not go further than Herman Oclrichs. died her. today f '..o.n,. ece.,ry to prevent restraint of henrt disease. , ,rade an(, monopoly. Rooney was one of the few s i. vivors of 1 the romantic Comstock mining days. He Hetolntlon Xol Necessary, was born In New York in ikK He came ! " There 's no cause at present for to the Pacific coast with his parents either alarm or haste on the part of the when a child. - j courts, consre-s or producer or con- A widow, three sons and three daugh- i sumers. whose interests will become mu- lers survive him. ,u' 01 o 'nm cabinets came and went. M. Delcasse would In all probability have continued In office even longer but for the fact that his policy, especially In regard to Morocco, was vlewtd with such disfavor by the German emiierur that the two countries almost came to biows. The German emperor atter d)ls visit to Mo rocco on March 31, eald In a speecn that French domination In that country would not be tolerated. On his return to Uennany the emperor. It is said, demanded Delcasse retirement from the French cabinet. His resignation followed shortly afterward and the rela tions of the two countries Improved, an agreement being finally rearned during the Algeclraa conference in 1!. While he held office as forclan minister M. Heliasfe was successful in forming friendly relations between France an! several European countries. Including Russia, Great Britain and Spain. M. Delcasse is tt) years old and started his carer as a newspaper writer. He w I elected to the Chamber of lputles I: ! ItiSS and soon became a junior memtier of I the ministry as under tecretary of state ' ST. Ia'CIS. Jan. 10. An order to for the colonies. He has always displayed j school prlndpals lo shut otf all drinking a remarkable aptitude for administration, j fountains at the cliy schools, except for t emergency use. was issued today by NEGRO MURDERER DEFIES iSrarlVr.he .,1" POSSE SEVERAL HOURS lmi"lo"r M,n8 thn dr.n-.ni ot th- , i watfr, vvntcn jm unm iur u bollinx. tiafth nerved to (hern at a rrRular nwal today. A number of th men are daiiKT outi.y HI and are In the horpHal, Nearly 1.5"0 men were being nerved In the dining room and before the meal wae over Beveral of them fell from their rhlra to the flo-M. Other be ran 'o tthow "inns of I ll nee and the phyrirtanit ami nurfleg were ally railed. ' An rapidly a poenlbly the sufferlnc veterans were given empties and In tills way' many were revived. noon aa the cause of the lllnra waa discovered the haih wan thrown out. Moot of the tn-n In the home are more than ari old. The totnl nerved to them la auppoaed to bo rigidly Inspected, particular attention being given to the wat to m that It is freh Water Supply of St. Louis Still Short SAX FRANCISCO. Jan. W.-Dr. Sun Yat Ren, president of the new Chinese republic, personally will lead an army of 1K,'1 men against the Manchua In Piking. This announcement was con tained In a cable message received today by the Chinese Free Ptess. The troops already mobilised at Nanking will be a part of the attacking army. Hauls llenlra Meaaolla Steer. XT. IT TKUSIll ltll. Jan. 10. -An official denial is alien today by the Foreign office of the reports that the Husslan government had addressed demand to the Chinese government In regard to Mongolia or waa planning the occupation of Mongolia. Indian Treopa gent to ('anion. HONGKONG, Jan. 10, -A further de tachment of Indian tmopa wllh field and machine guna mat dispatched today front here to Cnton to feHiforc the contingent of British, troop alreed- ststi,.c there, ftoilelsnal WonTeransont f emstev NANKING. Jan. H. -Th foreign poe!a were today officially nollfleit by Forslgrt Minister Wang Chung Wei that th or. ganlaatlon of th provisional government la now completed. Dr. Wu Ting-fang, re publican minister of Justice, ha left her for Hlianghal. t sited talee Troops Itrady. MANII. Jan. IO-lrl.r. for the first battalion of the Fifteenth Infantry real ment tn leave for China reached her yesterday and the eipedltlon was pre pared Immediately. Major James M. Arrasmllh will he In command of the 'M enlisted men and fifteen officer with whom will he sent a detachment of the hospital corps and a machine gun platoon besides the field servlie wagon train. Other troops are being held In readiness here. Hrlgadler General Frederick Kun ston. commander of the department of I. unm, took charge of the arrangementa for the expedition. Many Men Injured in Eiots in Paris TORPEDO BOAT DESTROYER o.l sl.orever fr,,l,.m ..i. . KOCH r.HTrJK. l wan. lu.-narri monopoly Is established. Nothing revo- ended In two-story nouse at ncotts- im u..., - I i-lil tulv miles south, and armed sllh & Mr CsriM Sle said thai ilurlnr th. -i. n a revolver and Identy of cartridges, Wll- ROE IS RcPOnTtU SArEir suffered a runnruke and aas.llam Twlman, a negro. Is holding off a ordered lo spend his summers In a cool ' liosse of deputy sheriffs from Rochester. NEW VOHK. Jan. HX-Wlrelefs dis- i climate. It Is said Twlman had gone Inrane n.l nalches re-elved here ludav tell of the 1 ""' " name Scotland and killed hla father, wnose noay is supposeii I'AHIg, Jan. 10.-A scrlra of violent riots occurred in the vicinity of the pal ace of Justice this afternoon and re sulted In a large number of rioter and several policemen being Injured The demonstration was brought about by the trial of several trade unionists In the correctional court of the lelne on a charge of distributing circulars of revo lutionary character to soldiers serving with their regiment. When It was announced that the trade unionists were to be brought before the court today the General Federation of Labor called a twenty-four-hour strike in symiathy with the accused. Thou sands of laborers, unemployed owing to the bad weather, massed In the streets surrounding the courts of Justice. The authorities ordered out a large body of police, who endeavored to keep the demonstrators on the move. On the place du Chatelet. at the northern end of the Notre Dame bridge, a mob at tacked the police with sticks and nine without I policemen were Injured. ' The mounted municipal guards were or- Klder MrManlanl Assists rrssecn. lion In iiapoolnsi Men from Cleveland nnd Toledo Who Went to Tiffin. INDIANAPOLIS. Ind. Jan. HU-Th moat Important evidence yet obtained In the government' Investigation of tho dynamite ronaplracy la believed to have been presented to the federal grand Jury today. The point In which the Urn of Inquiry waa directed were aald to pertain to the complicity of men other than those already convicted or Indicted and to have raised questions as to: Who handed Ortl G. McManlgal all en velope containing tl In Chicago a few day atter he had blown up part of a railroad bridge at Clinton, la.. February it. ISO. Who met In Boston and showed him where to put the dynamite which partly destroyed a new opera house there on March 27. 19. and who sutsequently went with him from Ilostnn to Mprlng fleld, Mass., where . McManlgal blew up part of the municipal buildings. " Who met him In New York City In September. 1ft, and escorted him tn Hoboken, N. J., where he attempted, but failed, to blow up a viaduct. Who met him In Jersey City, X. J . July , 1HI0, and pointed out a viaduct which was to be blown up. Who met McManlgal la Peoria, m.. and took klm about town to show him some Iron In a freight yard which later Mc Manlgal Mew up. McManlgal and hla father. Jemos V. MiMsnlaal. of Tiffin, O.. In whose ahed stores of explosives were kept In read iness lo be carried wherever a job was to be done, were before the grand Jury almost ail day. tllber Porsons Involved. Th person who met him t various places, aceordlng to McManlgal. war others than the McNamara brothers.; Much of hi testimony haa been corrobo rated by witnesses who were called ti testify aa to having seen him at th time and place h mentioned.. James Mctianlgal la aald to have confirmed his son's story about visiting Tiffin to get fresh upallr of aplostvea. Th government detective, who r assisting l!nltkd Hlalea Alloc nay Cbaries W. Miller, are declared lo have followed, (hi line et Inquiry: That some of th 100 or more explosion directed against "open shop" employers In the last fir years, occurred In cities at time when both James- B. and Johu McNamara Were far dlutant. That, therefore. If McManlgal had as sist ance in these Instance If came front other than the McNamara, That, without asking tor Information locally McManlgal could hardly In a slngl day. visit a city unfamiliar to him. pick out a "Job," blow It up and eacape. McManlgal, In hi 'confession, said h did receive assistance and he did meet various men, but the government now Is seeking corroborative evidence. It It exists, along this line. Th tracing of ' men from Cleveland and Toledo who visited Tiffin la also believed to hava been taken up by the grand Jury througli the examination of McManlgal' father. In an abandoned woodshed near hi father's home McManlgal kept at tlmeej more titan 1,030 pound of explosives and aay he sometime was visited at Tiff lis by men who accompanied bim front various cities 1 Ohio. BELIEF MISSING FARMER HAS BEEN MURDERED CKNTERVIU-E, 8. D.. Jan. W.-Th theory that lievid Fuhlberg, the Clay county farmer, who myserloualy disap peared a week ago was murdered, gain ground each day. Deareh for the body of the missing ma a continued today. Fa hi berg s brother) have offered a reward of ItOD lor tha recovery of the body making the total reward VJ0. The sheriff of Clay county, is reported to be on the trail of th par ties who are suspected of killing Fahl berg. and Important arrest may be made at any time. Hecause of the danger, not yet past, of dered to charge, which tuey did repeat- Comparntlte I .seal Record. 111 191 L 1910. 1S0O. Highest vesterdav 1 SIS S ; lowest yesterday -4 a is j K,e fansage across the sulf rtrcam of'"1" 1 wnicneo me oesemer process or to be In tne iiease. PreDttluonr,,Ur' 1 3 S) T the United States t.,n-cCo boat destroyer j making steeL There, too. 1 met a Mr. ! The negro opened fire on the poe. mnTraTur." an V'meclpltahon 'del-: Roe enrout. with other navy craft to Lod.".. who had Invented a patent f..r k,ln( ,,,, Sheriff Blmon Bermlng- :uTS from the normJl: Gu.nlan.mo. but now apparently heading hardening the face of steel. I pureha-ed , ):am. . wounding Deputies Herbert M. . . . ' ft,., n-l-rl atul hrnn.lit Ur 1 triaa f A ! ... . . ... , . Aormai lemiKraiure. "for Norfolk. No word has beer, rece.vc: Vm ewc.ne&cWi:::::::::::::"5 ' of torpedo it v.tror m Nom.al precipitation f. inch !Call. the only one of the torpedo flct Iw-flrlenry ror tne day 03 Inch n reported since the vessels were scat- I Total rainfall since March 1..15.9S Inches I . . -h,,. u ,t, i lwHOncy since March I lis: inches U""1 b '" ,hcr off ,h At- Deficiency for cor period. 1910, M.7S Im hes , lanlic coast. i:cess for cor. perlud. llso... a.Ulnches i Reports from Ststtsos st 7 I'. M. ! Ftttsburgh. nhere we built a furnace and made the first nsrd surface rails in this i p. m. . c . 4 . 44 -14 est. 1 II K I '4 '. fall. , IWTCRW&TIDnl Al MINT wtatiA:. awA rt Trmn I1lwh Usl. . I II h. i i " w " wws.w. of V eat her. i iieyeniV' clear .. I avtnpori. loudy l.!:rer, cle. ilolne", cloudy iKidtfe CHv. pari cloudy . Lanier, fiear or.h Flat w. clotKir.... ai.a. cloudy Fiiwu, "lai Rapid Oty. Hear jEait I.a ;e C'-r. Pi rry fanta Fe, ew. ."-'bfridan, part etoudy..- Sioux iity. rlwiay. . -4 Valentine, cioudv S .1 "T" Indi'nt' trt-e r.f precii-ita'Jo.i. country." Vrb-ib la i!r. ("arneaie rfeirei to "that great mechanical genius, f'harlle Schwab," aa i)ie '"itTeatet man I ever knew In that water famine, the water department ha ceased filter. rig the water. ,An Ice gorge below the city raisM Ihe Mlenls sfpfH river to a level where five pumps could work at the watr works. This will enable the city to accumulate a Urn Ited surptun. APHIsETO.N. Wis., Jan. K.-The (sower plaint uf the ViC(msiii Light. Heat and Power company aud about thirty factories and the imWKpaper plants hut down today on accou: of the lack of powtr ocrsslonetl by th freezing up of a dam In the Fox rivu .e;e. ' line." C0MM SS ON ORGAN ZED r. .-amegle aid he auggeated to , 8chwab that he teet a process for making ,m WASHIX'ITON. Jan. I. -Tha i:.trna- j 're in oi-n hearth funure and thn -;tional joi'it cnimion, creatcl hy traty 1 '!l ten the i'nited 8tat and (.rat l'.rlt-1 Std'ain with juriwlktMin to onld-r ami dt- J termin ail n;U-ins f (iiff'-renc Ik- 'iw.twaM the lHm:ni'r, ? j United States. ft rr.aUy an organised .hrre totiay. Jamts A. Tawmy uf ihe Arnriv-an section ni-ri. im ad'ir' . Th .if, mrr.Krs thu caH-l iu fre-.-lnt Taft. !!r:tih Amlaai.t! Lryce sni tfecs-- Jpnktne. all of Itochester. Tn -latlonal guardsmen left here at Z teiocU. Th men are armed with rtflos. I LLTiJiJTi. 1 ! WEBSTER WILL NOT MAKE u.. . hli head and surrendered to the oese. j lie was takeo to Rochester. t TRAFFIC CONDITIONS IN WYOMING ARE IMPROVING CHEYENNE. Wyo.. Jan. K. Railroad h'Tild an open hearth fume.ee. "CharMe." acceding to Mr. Carnegie. "-aid he would tn', and It was not more i traffic In Wyoming Is Improving today. th in a vek later that he canie to mv ! . ner tiain of the Colorado anada and Ihe ' m''' Xew York wl,h f"15 ,or 'i,ht i Southern railway, which became enow nsenlficrnt olen hearth furnace.. We ,.h veslerdav. waa dug out todav. II reTumed to Cheyenne, a distance of seventy miles. A pa'senger train on the ! probsbly Wednesday or Thursday of next n i:ie open u.e greatest garstoga. but the passengers and crew cape with a life sei.t'-n," soid open hearth steel for ft a too more ' than other steel. ' Mr. Carnegie sai1 that hearth mills at Homestead. DETA" r CONFESSION STKRIJXO. III.. 10-Harry Elgin Webster, at Oregon, II)., refuned today to dlu'us the announceineiit that he would plad guilty Friday 10 th charge of murdering fletwle Kent Webster. He t not t'rejatiiiT ft detailed confession. Some evidence Mil he J-ubmttte-I to Judge Karrand Friday after Webster change bin a to guilty, but It it be lieved sentence will be postponed until lutm lin: U s.Hwd In twelve miles north! week. u'dahMier set 11.8 iiurim tnat ne win es- i outh:ti(d on g?cjnd 4'ag.) 'hao takco to garatnga. edly. eventually clearing the streeta. A number of the rioters were Injured and numerous arrests were msde. WILL CF LATE SAMUEL CUPPLESJS PROBATED ST. Irirt. Jan. lO.-The will of Sam uel 'upp:e, multl'inllllonalre philanthro pist, maa filed for probate today. It contained no direct bequeM to any educa tional or charitable object. I Miring his lifetime Cupplet had given away a total e.timatM at t. 000,000. The bulk of the estate fa left in lrut for his adopted da tight ex -and her daugh ters. If they should die during tha trust term It la provided that the estate shall be divided among the Vaoderbtlt univer sity. Central college and Washington university. BRIDE CHARGED WITH PUTTING POISON IN PIES AI.LEXT11WX, Pa . Jan. lu.-Juatlce A.' I). Kachllne of Kgypt, near here, decided today that Mrs. John Kulp, tha sir months' bride, must answer In court her liusbsnd' charge that ajte tried to kill him by putting poison and ground glas .n pies. R. 0. RICHARDS ANNOUNCES j CANDIDACY FOR SENATOR! CKSTKRVILLK. S. D.. Jan. .-, Richard Olsen Richards at a public meet- i Ing held here today announced himself a progres':ve candidate for United Htateai senator hi the republican primary to be' held next June, ' I Boxes of O'Brien'i Candy and Dalzell's Ice Cream Bricks Given away each day u th want ada to tho findJoj ibeir names. Read tha want id each 47. " ya don't get a prtzo you will probably find coma thing advert Ued that apnnalg lo you. Each day these prizes ar ottered, no puulea to olv aa subscriptions to get no thiol but finding your name. It wm appear aoma time.