Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 10, 1912, Page 9, Image 9

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A New Truss
Does iioi pread -.he rupture on--n In-,
terribly a, con. ex iads via. Write tar i
T3E TTRRrU-L TIll CO., ,
Broadwa. ,y .rk City
YoiJ.Mi women ouiuni to Omaha s
strangers are mvitui to vii.; the
"Worn 3j Ciirisiiaii assoc.. ton
e: Sv-e-atesolh and i. Marys Ave., !
wee th-ry will it;-ed to
oa J;n; places or .-Uterwise as.s.ed. I
1 u our traeiers uld at the Cnlou i
ii ion. I
GUdish Pnaro-j-v. i?;,ti and lodse
V as . u; .h",.. A- t Ki lio- on Rid. j
WE run ami rei-tir ot Mwjij
atpa-cni-aes !r.u. A IX' ItihS.
NKHIOSK . 'V 'l.r: CO..
Lth and Harney Sts.
ft .. II MS FOR S!.K
M i "-' l'-ajm n,. Mrs Steele.
Jl.ioi-tvifj ;iJ mj,-, Ground floor.
ldASff'At.ii-uevUs.l movement; nothing
better lor rhenma ..m; 'atlle, tl; genlle
men. ts.yi Apt. i '-c IX 624
I.I B X. pas-
to ht-e. lilt How d.
aLifiOAUEi treatment. simt. Alien,
fnicago H s St.. 1st floor. D.
off ctotiing: ir. ract, anyib'n..; you do not
need. We coljeru repair and sell, at U4
N. Uth Su. for ccs; of collection, to the
worUiy poor. Call 'phone l)oug!a 412S
am. w--ots will call-
Mra Snyder, m.-usaae. electrical treat-ir.-y.
i li.rn.. .h A- lherce. D. ASk
Tc Brkc. w nen. .La as. s. Il Uouic. Pk
Yt i r- ITTTp treattuenl. li. Brolt, 710
Travcr-se-d by the
IiiiLs adaptable t tb widt rant of
eivp. Au the tnony crop o the tMUo
pluttfu;!y produc-. For literature trtatt
! ;a( wjtft thia comnx country. Its soil.
(i.nmie, church and school advantage.
I wnia
I Gaerml Pa anr Agent.
A DANDY 16, Vbtcr county, wcll
j improved, close, to town alfalfa, timber;
; fine hog aad dairy farm; easy terms, W.
1 S. Harrett, Haven Center. Nab
SACRIFICE SALE -.4' acrs fa mi.
well unpioved, Rood land, mar tlilewd.
Neb. Must be aold lnade of 30 ayt re
rardles f whtat It WVorili. C.'t bu?v
t once and submit offr. l.ltieral ternis.
end for full deacrtption. ri e or call
c hariea K. Hebb, Gilead. Xeb.
SPECIAL BARUA1N8-7 acres near
Arteaxa. quarter mile fnrai Tuna In 1a
Salle county; proven belt for onion, figs.
iuid cotton; qukk sale. $.-" per acre. Aiu
four black and black sandy land farm;
each IH acres: bst eotton, com. potato
section on South Tcxast; no crop failures;
Increasing In Talus & to f 13 each ear.
3. E. Seymour, owner, olumbu, Texas.
; Cattle of All Kinds Very Slow and
i lower.
Fat Sheep Uo.ttr Tea Ce.t. Illaaer
Tkaa Moaaar, Wklle Fat
Uaki Ar Stroac tm
Hilker la Spota.
. 117
. I"
40 -J
... t M
... i
... i
... ti
... ( X
... u
. u
m it
i ii
c i
T. Mi
C J44 11
(. 1
:i vt
j SOUTH OMAHA. Jan. . 1SU.
! Receipts eie: I atlle. tig. Si.eep
' 'll'Cl&l Monduv ..
j KMimate '1 uesiluy
.... t.ui
... .v li
Srtnm3. Jl $i rT 10ft Warner. SOI N. It
NO Kbfc.1 of worryinjr about dessert
Tbta Palxell is m town, if Mm. .N.
KmlUk SK Powier Are., will cmjie to The
Baa rB? within three rtaya will Kive
her an order for a quart brick of thui fine
If. in iji.
17.W( U.3MI
17.J61 21.S;4
i:ua M.i.'i
lil ... It
m . . . i
m . to
113 IV I U
l'IH.-tI)l)S AM) KSPS.
IS 4 i
1 1..
t IS
s u
t u
t :
. it
t 9
t 2
with prices raiurtnic from tinchaniertl to Kt "" "" "
Two Short Sharp Bear Baids De- i 'ZX'ZZn 'u SS?" I Heavy Selling Followi BnditieeU'
press Prices on Exchanje.
4o .u
ttaal rfifr
4a D(l
Fire la llqaltabl Bsll4la Protri ..,nn pa K.
11 M&. Km. a Tti . :s
N Turk Mrl . .
:.rtcl- ft Uwera.lU,
da pld H
vf Kahalaatlal .Italatince
Rrarv-VoRfT Market
I 1.1 fete.
, lVMvvr J
1 u pU
: )ini
t W!tn 1 TiouitfcM'ft Kj ... US
Mu. a st r ins tv ii. . . rz
rm . 3S Southern Tttlfc . .i
r i km o .. imiKi ftfK .... irsu
4S do pM
Sll 8 Si-el
:j pf4 :i
4a p?4 :,
!.t ptl
;'nl Trw:).
.-t.aiy ut 25 v! pr j
' Two days this week.. MC
Same das last Wf.-k..
Same da s 2 sr'ks ao.
1 ane days 3 w'k aKO.
lame days 4 w'ks ao-17,
jfeame dajs last year...U,us7
The fo low in tMhle ahuws the receipts
of cattle, hirs and sheep at Kouth trojta
for the year to date as compared with
ast yeari
w: Wt. Inc
fattis i-yas uv 1..MT 79,21; S4.tJi
I Sheep M i3 4l.aU
followinc tab.e noii mc rane of
I rrl.vs paid tor h. ifs at So'Hh itmtha for
' l!' ' '' !'rsons-
NEW YORK. Jan. 9 Two short. i,rp
bear ntld.H dt iti'!-s Mocks tolav. At tin-
H KKP 4sdition in ttie sheep and 1 opening ant .iK.iln jul befon th fUv
lamb tia-ie Were till favorable to e4 irijt 1 the markt-t nan attacked saai:-iv. Hot1)
intert'Sts, a i.odMxed supply metnti;l tinivi prt ea ti- way nulckl and "ii th
atth a hrojd and vIUiMMUS dvmano. ' llunm In the uft.-m,n I'uloii IHiMflC
, Ijiniba ruled firm to pas.bly a ImUa tank mor- than 4 io.iits Ih1o vfti'tda
i fln-nner In spoU. while sheep usually rloMv K-adiiK .itid Canadian l.t also
, brousht piices around a dime hiiier. renil a-tite weakne. loMlita-3 notnih.
Movement had rletiiv of action from the. 1 i.m- ..c u,.. ..ih..r n..M.riti!tt t,-w m-
sian ana wtttia nnai cuaraiue was rather Cliidiiiic U-hiah Valley, s.uthern PactfU- 1 io-to Mnrk- and Itnntla.
'".""f ' . . . niLd tatt-a Sio.1. Aim-ruan Mtteittna ; (.roX Jan 9 - tl.mlntr uuotations on
nd Amalgamattsl tvpi-er fell 1 to .' t1M K4 v.e-e as folio :
Mi'M'Y-f't'i;: iht cent
The rate of di-c,unt In the open market
for short hi Its 1 : per cent; tor three
month-.' M1K . l-r cent.
W ANTKl i.'tty ioan;" and warrants. W.
Farnam Sm'ih & o . l.CO ir'arnam St.
u.MAMA Pmpcrtv and .Nebraska LaiiJs
I OK New Omaha Xafl Lank Building.
FARM LOANS near Omaha; no com
m sslon; optional pavrnmis; chuap money.
Ortn 9. MerrllL L'W City Nat l Bank Bldic
! Jan
: J..n
! Jan.
I Jan.
I -Ian
ElectTie gas fixtures. Omaha Silver Co.
MONEY to loan on business or resi
dence properties, ll.OM t tW,0W. W. 11.
THOMAS. 'M First Nat l Hank Bldfi.
lMll. Iilt iww .m. w;
: ifi)7-Ts C44 24 n-
: ; sr' 1 :, ;i; 4 xa i :i 5 11
.! h o;- s 14 j 'T
.1 2 rti : m s :o 4 ri so' s ti
.: " fwiii r :ct g 471 s (Bi a 22
ii iv : 4 ;. ; 1 1 . 1;
.' T 91 J M' .1 4 t4' t -
.! 6 ISH! ' ' 5 4 -3, ii ' 5 r
I 1 87! ! 5 4 : 3 r. n
shipments, everything sold rtwdily aiur
bvint arded.
ofieritiKH H)sesset a little more varitty
I than usual, but r'aiity on an average
j was notlr.nK to bran ainrnt and fat laniis
sadn up the hulk Ttie beet fat lambs
! on tale tarly brought S.7a. a mcael above
i yesterday's top, and iehhI gradeH sold at
and near h . Smie fall-shorn lambs, a
j ciaj of stok nhuwn very se dom In rs
i veipts this winter. hanvd hands at 16. M.
(tun Iambs tnovetl latgcty under the ;V
mat k, the price range being w ids ajtd
1 tu Die.
point -i
The fir.- in the tMiuiuble building was
of substantial .'j-Mt.iiu-t to the bear.
KeiHotH tatiletl to London early In the
day litUM'tt home alarm among holders
of Aim-ri an vtirtttea and prtce were
deprcKietl Ttu il.'i lln here was hastened
hv sellhik,- orders from Interior Htlnts and
from Ixoidon.
After the snx k exchange governors
ruled tha; .1-Ii ries of rtto ks neeil not
the ni.idi- t dav It.e tone of the market
43 Motir-k
$iw to mads promptly. K. D.
Wesd. Wsad Bids, l.sth and Karnam.
ANTKl City loans. Peters Trust Co.
t'ement t'o 17th an4 Cuming.
Fucba, doa A Bl n painting, decorating,
ka on y bon.. Jobber. li-a.. Web. 124L
West Farnam District
Must Be Sold
At 31i N. .list St, we have a beautiful
-room house, modern, complete and up-to-dats
in every sense of the woid.
Largs Mvlng room,
Front and back stairway.
Four feednsotna.
All oak floors.
Large screened sleeping porch.
Full basement,
laundry tubs,
Hat of ol umbtng,
Beautiful fixture,
bine decorations, ,
This Is In ons of the very fl-iest resi
lience dlstticta In Omiria, fronting on the
eairtiful realdence of H. W. Yates. This
rises la worth ts.OMft, hut It can be bought
for foes money this week. It Is brand
new, sever been occupied, and Just as
v presented. To see It Is to buy It.
Norris & Martin
ICO Be Hid. IMtuv. 274.
My property at a.T Cullfornla St., 7
moinM) housa. modern ; lot jOxlSO ft. 1'hone
llarner Ma.
bubmit OLer
Northwest ciner of 24th and Caste liar
.gtrsets, 86 ft frontage on 24tn street and
146 rc deep. Uood location for store and
three or four eottagea.
ISM Dodge St l)ou(. 413.
Monmouth Park Lots
ItiU asii
Balance tie ir month, ouys a lot on
Fowler or Lar.more Ave., between 34th
Ave. and Wih St.; 12 Iota, all priced so
they will sell now. See us any day about
these lots,
Ihe byron Reed lo.
' Omaha Nat'l Bank
lAkli loann. munic ai bonds. mort
kmtfl bouitht and ld. RFI 1.1. HKOS
to loan at Kl on Omaha home, fTAC, SI.OOU
or Addreaa H-l:, He.
1M acrea impaled land In the Sacra
mento vaiiey, l ulliorma, fifty miles Irom
oacramento. The vtry best land In the
state, pienty ot water, 22 trains a day
paaa thiss beautiful property. Dept. W.
.. H t'tty .Sationnl Hank Building.
KOK SaLK or trade Hellnnuisnment
S3D-A, IS mllo from Kosston. t.'olo. i"n
dcr tlreelev-IVuUre Irrigation fvatwm.
Water on It by 1913. li-A wheat. Price
112 per acre, or trade for slock hardware,
umoer or property. H. J. Hughes. Fair
bury, Neb., It. I
Receipts and dikposition or rve stock
at tho I'nion Stock Yards. South Omaha,
for the twenty-ltiur hours endtn at 1
o'clock ye.itenlay:
Cattle, lloas. Sheep. H'r'a.
". M. & St. P. l!v.. S 10 2
Wabash It. H !i 2
Missouri I'Hinflc lt. 3 .1 i
I'ninn I'a. lflc K. is. il S". 3
f. & X. . ea.t... 13 ii
. & x. v.. west... ;:. 34 ;
f.. St. P.. M, A (1.. :'4 J
C. 11. y., east.... i. 4 1
('. ,B. n y . west ... ta t n
' . R. I. & P.. east.. HI ft
C. K. 1. & P.wet. 1 I
Illinois Central Ry.. 4 4 I
Total receipts 1M 39
ri .. i .. a .. ' twain,- Iwtt.r.
.occupied chwfiy by fat, sou, ir The fontinu-! ' M ' ' "tnJ,.
jiood kinds H. ith.g at high as H . Us a" VUri,E 'a,''ftr, X aHn ,P
!;i suahle strings found an imilet at $4 I Mplanallone aro nd an. .-.I of the action
4 is. tl.e even money being paid for Unit i f ht market leader, tu. mnwt common
1 wonted and fall -shorn ewen. Wrv com- being "lns:de m-IIihr on amount of
. mon and cull ewes sold in smaU buachsa i oma unfavorable c.icumstaiu . -s not v. t
, at (J and less, but business in canntr i dif h-etl.
; stock Is naturally limited to poorest sorts, j The iuppr liAre made no rcMne
1 itandv wetherf. Includina ouite a decent I to the Oecenibcr figitres of the cpir
.ot of breakers, reached l4.7f. but lioih t producers. aithouKh a decline in Min k
yearltnaw and wet iters were the excep
tion tu the rule.
There were nly a few scattered sales
of feeders on country account, irt es re
maining nominal. re.Hteraay n
I A 7. I - f :N'ptiui Win
; trinoit r.i . North Hull "'
: h a r r a s m :-. nh uw
Ituiir ... . r?Otr IKiinlBtun . 'f-
.'t A Arttoiw .. lxfii l'1
( I v He.1 Pirmtt 8. ft C Hv
1 i:tittt:il l wyt-y '
'top llin.f t . W Shaonnn . II '4
I Huiir C M .- iiSuilr S
, l'rjnVliii tt.SurrHr AH M .
I t;ir,.u .m V.Tmra. k
I Urant-v Cn S S K M - 3.U
, l.tww t arnnrs tlo pM .
i lai t'.upr. :Ul'.Jii !'"
i hr-i ri.ii '...p-r r.... ;
; llp rrtpprr wn.mi
li Sillr C.S'P'!' :.V,W!?:inc o)
Uimi rapper '4'
j aK-ilU iJfrhi tUt
nf the on hand of il.fMW pounde
wss reveahti.
I Miring the lull in Ihe stMk market
through the middle of the day thre was
renewal or activity in the iteia stocks
, ! on feeder orders amounted 10 only 4-Kiand IWk Island refern-l rose t point
. j i.eaa. t V eetern Marvlsnd was unusually avuv
quotations on smvp and tamos: wooo iii,e romtuon st.Kk lost 3 nun is
to choice lambs. ..Uii."(; lair to Kotl
.. i lamb. to choice year lim-,
lj-ai i; fair to good earlniKs. $i K,v
.. v.ifi; gnM to choice wethers, 4i4.i
talr to pood wethers, f4 lfjt e. gont to
i choice ewes, $4 OW4.34; fair to good ewes,
.. j W 2MH
..! prrsentatlve as leu:
1 NO
Cattle. Hogs. SI
Co-nand goou. tvieer, ItCU center. L. M6J
er, tvnoner, s ha per, cut off saw, m or tiser,
window trams inacnine. Can aae second
hand, must bw cneap. Address X Ki, care
on.ana Hes.
YOl.'K wife always appreciates little at
tentions you pay ner. Stop and get her
a box of O'Brien a candy, if Jars. Arthur
Wooicott, 413 oodge St., will come to inn
bee office within tnree dss wo win give
her an order for a U-cent bog of U linen's
candy. i Ht.S Z
VvAisu to rsiii oy aircn 1, tai m 01
about auy ftcr.s tu easier o eorasaa, wim
gtHMi lUipruveoaCut and ciose to ocnooi.
uood leiervmea. tt, A. Carroll, tlJa
watha. Neb.
VANliil 1 oaitM:! , a juu, no m
OflU. B. II. iNoitoo, Dtouvliaoi. Colo.
V AN'ifcU rotuon aa tiouttaeper bj
reapectaois miuuie-aged laay. prefer
home witn chuurea. Auto experienced as
uuiaa. Adiireaa Mrs. Mans 'iurnt, sen
viai uehveiy, i nuiicil Hi una, is.
a 11 I.A'l'ltlNi U. ak .. t Ml B tIM t-A i,f
general svtiv, counuy town; atwi luuuou.
yj HtS, iee.
vt AAiiiu and oui laiim dune. T H. iAM
bti hAia-v.uLidBtf, sia looms anu
batwrmeiit, gowa wen, two iota; i,tiuv, uuw
casn, oaiauos on pamenta, owner teav
ins city. Jjirauus at j. sisiy, Mus h
en set, eoutn umana. Net).
FARM 4 k.-vrt bA.j 4VOR BALs,
UroUB Ntsaiwuit
Choice valiey .arm la tracts of 1V aorsa
Or luwiS OU .ava IfMUia, Wtiuall k lu it UWil
aIOIU itaS lUnM lUtiS iliM Sj aftaAU A t aUa
X ( .0 littufiMi bltoii SOal Vrowag aua
jf I UiC IVuk-Ci 1. 11 tUt lur lMM,4 Ue
aUiBajtCb OtttMi abobt, imW SkSt-Wu
a.. oibiM a, cu.
FOR SALLWniay.wveu pi&ces at Fail
(.makS SUa Wtallat k Aae, .S.( ,UU WCHI aaaa
t( V-liav.S a. . IWUK.
If. 1 V It . 1. Uau.
IaO AOKt.d, wei aiuroved, 2Vj miles
hum tu m , j Uai.c iU .iiuvii laas iitaaM
LOtOkeVU, uu aiv.t uo.i ui, kli .a a.
CltiVlvS H4WU 6k..MriU, l4.t u jya;
AMI f)MaA MUU U .. UwullUM alt, WW
9tu. a.tfc. U, V kiV klUt
TILL Lam Ui. ovMsixusLs,
BOUKKi3.tvt-4atJ and caerivai wura
vkemnga ana emiuiuaa, u iyiettnii'.
ohm ckl, Bee.
'iHio-.K vuunif lauiua. uialiu UiSfMr ana
singer, waul Ha.uii 111 picture snow.
e. lent so. ijou.aa brvicj. k. Bee.
luowlurt Waktaoi U lump' em UUI
atsnwgi upuer ; 1 vaci atti a 10 aouity.
tenaer; experienced, t) tdi, Bes.
taC 1W tatvatt M iiU fitMMS 04
sy wt, nnai vMMuteiitviM, uiMi ai
aakpvoiutuieui iiauitiiia i'uuus u.
v AM foaiUon by an sxpert puu
uiaOi buoaaeepuati expci iitve. a.o tAim
jiencs aa po.j euiwsw.r iu .uouiauce
ikwihSU , uMi tei 1 eiet encoS, s,
Ualleu. t I.UIIt) IfUUgiaa JU.
Omaha Parking Co.
wirt V Co
Cudahy Packing Co
Armour A Co
Hchwarta & Co
V. B. Ytnsant Co ,
Hill Sn
f. n. iwis
J. B. Boot & Co
J. H. Bulla
L. Wolf ,
McCreary & Kellosg...
Wertiiclmer ft legen..,
H. F. Hamilton
Sullivan Bros
Lee Rothschild
Mo. Ksn Calf Co
Cllns sr Christie
Other buyers
Av. IT.
ewes a i
ewes 1 11.1 4 l
lam hit Ati tS
iambs, culls tt .r
lambs .H4 i (W
lambs 72 i
ewes.. 101 4 V
f ues 12 4
ewes te 4 10
ci. 4 rti
ewee ITS 4 '
ewes Hj .1 7b
ewes n 4 10
ewes, culls si 2 o
lambs 74 A
1 nd
the Preferred
The money market was lifeless. Sterllnu
ei hange advanced to a ptnt S .hove
the level at the opening of the year.
Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par
value. Si.ttM.tMl. Panamas Ss declined
on call
New nel Mlnlnu i-f;s.
NKW YOKK. Jan. S-tio-lns tiunauons
en mining Muiks wre ns fallows:
Alire l-tul I'hief . 1
..! Ttinnal i- ?t Mfki- an 4ii
Mo htw U 1 Oniart.i . 1
t-rtn "l A V ... W Hhlr
Iran Silvtr itanlarS IB
I . m t'eu. Yellow Jitket .. .
Bank. 4 Irsrinas.
OMAH A. Jan. 9 - Bank clearing for to
dav were fc.ttsl.3M! and for the corrs
spondlng d.t laat year $2 793.4 92.
&.73U 14,178 8.24ti
YOUlSii loan wauia p ata to woik fur
oixtra wiui aiieuuiug muoMU isoiea
v.oose. iuufeiis or inu. A-11M.
Yv Ais 1 A i jaitiun as wutcnuian or
secret eeiviuaus aa tcivrsacea, iM.
CATTLB There was a fair run of cattle
at this point, 3d cars being reported In.
This makes the total for the two daya
.42 hesd. the heaviest of a.iy similar
period since four weeks ago and larger
man a year ago. by almost 40 head.
Still the run local I v waa not larsa enough
to be burdensome, but receipts at some
other points, especially Chicago, were
unusually large for a Tuesday, with the
mmi mat tnst market broke nadiy and
carried other markets down with it. With
plenty or rattle in sight to meet the re
quirements of buyers. It waa onlv natural
that they should be a little alow about
getting aown lo business and ths early
morning wore sway without very much
business betns transacted. It aran m
fact, close up to midday before anything
in me duik ec the cattle had changed
Btver' early bids on beef steers were
decidedly lower, but as the morning ad
vanced and as It became apparent that
there was reslly a very fair demand bids
I n some cases were ralsd. Still the
strength developed In the market yester
day was wiped out. leaving the trade
about where It was at ths clove of last
Cows and heifers were In very fair de
mand and they did rot show very much
change, the better grades being steady,
ir at least clime to steady, with veater.
day. The less desirable ktoda may pos
sibly have shown more or less weakness.
Strictly goial feeders were sought sfter
and they continued steady throughout
the day. on the other hand light and
thin cattle were almost unsalable. It
lie In g extremely hard work to move any
thing coming under that head.
Quotations on csttls: Oood to choice
beef Meers. tW.5nfir7.76. fair to good beef
steers. efiOftlf.W. common to fair beef
teers, S6.2;Vi.00: good to choice heifers.
14. 7ffS.M; good to choice cows, 4.16tw 2.
islr to good cows, (3.7M14.&: amnion to
fair cows. 92.75tft.75; good lc choice Block
ers and feeders, 5.40tC.IO: istr to good
nock era snd feeders, 4.WK(f6.4U; comtuoti
to fair stockers and feeders. $.1 flu4.4,
stork heifers, to bfyA.W; veal calves, fl.dO
trVniiAi VA. Uj VU, !.
IULinu isuy wtaoes pvaiiiou a sttuu-
api.ri , vwu ielceiicS. V . WM.
coUimc, (kiauta atue ill waice fiir nieie )
& ttiaiiCe lot auu.SiiicUk; soiatl wa5
i .i i. fuutie ot-i. Joi-
34 ...
bulla, stags, etc. ; 3. 5.25.
At. Pr. No.
. 7M .S6
,. M SKI
V Outv wA.vii.u-i iniuuie-aeu
man, uvjtsct w k;vui n units uma lu..
t i a.l t ooiiion as oiiae ciei k i
yeSia eAjyefn-Me. can aiitinail a uiL
cias refeicnte. lvw2, bee.
MAiuiliO man wauia pvtattinn, oince
or ievtiectiuoa; ut. re.tieocta, cu aai
uy. s ee.
VVANiaVl A IHMuUOll. InsIUS Work, ol
any aaiai; is au oAriiwtKu cuoa. inu.
A-ttal. .
w a.m a.i' -en.n woik in tnosaet
mg, w toiiif, e-c. oy bau-
ua.s vi cai.eru uiavc.aiiy. Jtcieieie.t.
.a llM ,.hhl
laaa a-uae u
rfiA.avawUul aaa Ui. M lua uuui o.
Auauiir. iw aliMM4MrkM
Uy UaaIC itatli VUa k4 1 CyUi4st.uu,
W :ia.ll ixl UtU ! Ovl. V tWa t
j tMiuv a MC) lO M IliajU l h w. .aau
Llkcu oiatva.
ia 0'Ui.. Is idea!. 1-ine .arms ate
now woi ai-u u uui n t.i
excepuwui Svv Cju U. c wia oua ui
tul iaiaaa.,S our VaLtil. fiuaau
iaa nnai auu toiuj.
isuw laics taij- AtcavU aod unu,
June i.
Kvjiif. C. LiiLteOLiJvov ot CO.,
iMi.c Ageiit7
Mv Omaha .uw.tu xana BlUj.,
UlllAl.a. aCD.
r AJAlLs I vvauiliK lieati Oufie. ruugo
ury or uunoiea. nai r.ey oj
KuL.Mj gin ueii's ps.liua in ofilce.
Cuht g giaauate. cau upeiatt: t..peritfci.
VuL.Vi man, mar. teo. of god appear
atiLe, a pusition wah firm, nave
nan exier.fctav us telegiapa operator,
tiuiiipeuni lur quick ana accurate work.
t' l'i4, Itee.
.. Kl 121 2
.. 7 It il
.. TT.3 X TS 13
..Ml IN II
. . SM 4 li S
..PSA t IS 1
.. n 4 an
.. 7T1 3 kW 2
.. MS 4 20
.. 6v 4 S 2
.761 4 70
1IW 1 7fl I
.1V IU 1
.xi it.
. ? 4 ti
. f.21 4 3j
. 4 V) 4 i1)
Ar. Pr.
, ll 4 M
. 1 '7 4 W
. 1IU W
1M0 S
,.1432 I 74
. . ik e
.1144 4 M
, . lfl' 4 5
.1973 4 7S
.mo wi
lues 4 ft
. M4 I 00
. Ml t) 75
.411 I JJ
tn 4 :i
. 174 I 0)
. Hi 7 OS
.in 7 oe
,. ITS 7 71
.140 7 H
LxPKRI EXCEL) stenographer wishes a
position with a him; g.ti apeiier ai.d i ;
la.-t on tne L naerwu'.e typewriier. a iws, :
t !
wulAAS witn s-year old chi.d wished'
H.n.iai housework to do. Harney Ui4. .
QRJktU H.i ii. uiaave and ar.nier
wauiui la.iu nai ak.uh, me c.-i'U:..
seat i.X Lieaulo uuuul', r.utiua. is, up-
terms easj. Att-ni. wai. .e uoaict uvm. ;
Hyde m Grai.t i-4irul o., frairmm.t, jtna 1
ALl. 1 a?a l . ct. aiice lo leit o. o.
cur in r,v. lua. aiar '
W. ti. FKliO,
Phone jTU. l..l . ai... iaha
1 l,v atini. wsina and Ironing: lor
first three e.ys in the te; steud. i;j.j
LiOuKe fcii. Pnone Lwuxtas .137. j
WANT work by the day. bhone Uouc
a.. b-itu. t ad before i p. m.
biup our .likm lo aouin utnaiia. aara
uieni. receiv pioup ana .urint,aa-. Voui eA,ns..n- I
'touiia anu caictu.
THE easleat way to find a buyer for
your Mtm la lo insert a tnuii want au
in lo J40i..cs capital. Lritia.t tur-
culauon in in .tale ot lows, aw. uaiiy.
Tha Capita, is read oy aitu ueiie.ed .a
by the at Iowa, who a.mi.
refuse lo priuit any other paper m j
home liAie I tei.t a woru a b.) , .4.,
er i'ne ler mt.nui, s.x oiu,nai
w r-l.. to tna tifia. Aourca i'e
Capital, i'e MfJl.. la. j
FOCr. CHOICE Ea1:CAIX.. ten acrea'
tearing p .i.ea, ! aciea a..a.fa. 40 ace
a.lait. m. in. actK . in ca o.t. i
..overt u.cnt f riiuiU'.n. p.tbi; ot watr. f
l.a tntu. cii;:ie, ,. Kik,j... t. r... t
....y iiAiis-.n, w iv, iaiu...
carUbwu, Jl. ,
tHA.VtS j
cyers Proa & Co. String and respons.kla
viyOif jR.. a cxCi.anae H.dc. !
Cm at Wetit. t,oni. Co., Omiiit A Denver. ,
U . 11. 6M1 i H A So.N Just nandie sneep.
iAOU BKH.S. 1. entile eatue. hogs, snaep.
s 113 4 2...
1 llfl JU
I t t ti. 1 w III
4 4M7 4 SI
HOf!K llearlsh advices from other
points dominate the local market and
prices for VflKhty hofta. including1 butcher
avcraKs. ruid jftluc lower, with IlKht
stuff fully a dime off, hut very uneven.
Heavy receipts alao aided buyera In
ch-uienlnK cost, the run amounting 10
uv-r lji heHd.
The daraand from packing quarters
proved broad, but was well controlled and
tia,je aa a whole waa rather fiuiM than
otherwise. At tlmea movement s.emed
fairly active but these periods were
caused largely by good Individual buying,
tha competitive element Wing almost
absent. ,
( I en ranee waa delayed until wall along
toward mlddav and "sneculatlva bivera !
had very little Influence In making it
complete. Only ten or twelve loads sold
on outside ordera. lea than 10 per cent of !
tha total. Closing bualnesa ruled dull and
weak, nam of the late sales showing ,
tha flat dime decline. j
The best heavy animals on sale brought j
;.. a dime under yesterday lone top. I
and butcher brad moved around ?r,.l..4r 1
Bacon averages, running from S.m
pounds downward, changed hands at fVkj
and uaderweignta usually selling
below the KOO mark.
Hi pre-aiitauve sal:
St. Ar. eh. Pr. N.. a. gk py.
1 1M ... 5 71 IH . 14
1 11 ... 10 . m ai t 4 i
t l- ... f M tl 1-4 ... 4 It
r. 144 ... M (1 m ... 4 M
t 14 ... i (S 44 R W 4 1114
141 44 t M 11 144 I 4 la
Deaaaad for I alt Ir llall Hoaa Mow
- keai air ag.
CIIICAOK. Jan .-c'ATil.K-Receipls,
estimated at IS,""" head; market, duil and
weak; beeves. U.lilM. Ttlaa steel..
KJuotVMl; western sieers, $4.&04T.-i; atock
era and feedern, k.jMi5.1in; cows and heif
ers. Onj to; calves. HMOa' aO. '
HutlH Hecelpts. estimated at ."
head; market, slow, loo off; hght. Is ib
.; mued, K IVffK U. heavy, .Uw.lkl.
rough, h.mf4.3t; gotid to cnolca heavy,
tti.diti.6ti; pigs, H isttra.ifi; bulk of sales.
8IIKGI' AND iJtMHS-Itecelpts. esti
mated at "b.OV head; market strong, 10c
oil; native, la :Mi4 6: western. U.5m4.J;
yearlings. r..M'k.n; native Inmba, .K4j
i.10; Weslern laiiiba, to.M41.1V.
Number of "ales and leading quotation, t yrmtu, 0( ,ke Trading aad lo.lag
I'rlce. oa Hoard of Trade.
tUlCAHll. Jan. s.-An unexiM-.-tetlly
liravr Increase In the world s available
supply figures cause.1 a lueskdown t.wday
In the price of wheat The close war
So to V- under last night. Corn cloned
unchanged to V down; ost, '.tS' I"
and hg products. l.'ifilTV. , ,,
It availed nothing to Ihe bulls tp
wheat that the enlargement of the tc
for the w 01 ids atock was due In a cor
tecllon of Canadian counts which had
not been kept up to date. Ucfore th
etpliiiiallnti was forthcoming, tha mla
chlef to prices had been done. Th.
tlownturn In prices here received Imp-ttla
ftoni the fHct that northwestern car lot
arrhalM hail lteen piling In w-ltlt. more
vigur than the majority of traders ifeike
for. Withdrawal of support appear-d
to slop ..nlv at the dollar level, and made
the tone In the end unmlstakahly mrt
Mnv ranged fi-oni II mi 0IS, closing at
II lS. a decline of V net.
Corn displayed steadiness Mhv flue.
tuated between a4',erMV and gy, with
the close tMSc. Just Ins same as taet
night. Cash grade were easy. No.
yelhiw was not quoted.
A heavy feeling developed In oats. Mav
rang.-d between 4HH0 and 44V. finishing
'0c ilown at 4.
Provision sagsed In g material en
tent. At Ihe cloaa pork Aad fallen JV
to l.(i;v and Ilia real of the lint a
shade to Tlfcc
The leading futures ranee a followe
St. Loola Live glurk Market.
PT. mi'IS. Jan. .-CATTI.r--Recrtpts.
i.St.t head, including t.KM Teiane. mar
ket 10 to 2Ac lower; native shipping and
export steers; dressed and hut
cher steers. A.tu.n!; steers under i.imi
pounds. k.atio.Eii; stockare and feeders.
,lt!f t, rows and heifers, Kliui.
cannera. V tMM.'m; bulls. 11 ilmt.U.
calves, a4.6taU4i.74; Texas and Indian steers,
,4 i--&vut; rows and heifers. It uoti "
IK Kir Receipts, Is.uw head; market
6 to lOc lower; pigs and light.;
mixed snd mitcners, t.2ori..dii; good
oeavy, jM1"6-t"".
BHEKP AMI I.A. MRU Receipts. I.M
head; market steady; na.lve muttons.; Inmba, li.ilwtri.10; culls and
bucks, Jl.504,4 2.. stiM'krrs. tl iVMOV.
Kanaae llr l l (tork Market.
KANHA14 CITT, Jan. .-CATTI.E-Re-ceipts,
lli.uu head. Including '.w southerne.
market steady to luc lower; d cased beet
and exiKirt steers, ti.ewi.4n; fair to goo.1,
K, ii. western steers. 16 lOo"" m.
stockers and feeders, t4iwa4k"t; eoutnern
steers, aiuoii.). southern cows, 4.1 uu
6.W; native cows, t.A-otsl; native,
Asji'i.uj; bulls,; calve. lo.tMi'
niMIK-Recelpt. IS. '"Hi head; market luc
lower; bulk of rales, Io.WjiS.W.. heavy.
ta.sOfti'i.l'; pai'kets mid nulcners. n. Ioh,.
ii.HA: 1 ;:nts. o w; pigs. 44 zi-rn, 11.
Mltr.r.f A Nil MHlis- Keceipis. l.vs
head; market I to luc lower; western
ambs. M,.w-t lamns, sr.'"-ai."; yearungs,
tl. itm-vKJ; wether. 1 imu M); ewes. 4.1.20
i43t, stockers and feeders, t)OOe4.09.
St. Joaepb l ive gtoek Market.
ST. JOSEPH, Mo. .Un. 1 -CATTLE-Itweipts,
head; msrltet, steady;
steels, 14 GJ4ill.2"; cows and heifers, ti. lt
film, calves, 4.5ojw.i-i.
" HOGS Keceipis, II.'") head; market.
h.ow and lower, top, P.'&. bulk of sale.
to lH fi
KliKr.l' Arvil l.A3lli!-i"liecciine, n,m
hi ad, market, steady, lambs, K. '' 75.
Qaatatlaaa at Ihe lar ea Varloa.
NKW YORK. Jan. .-PU)l lt-9tesdy;
spring patents, fr..iwif..4i: winter stra.guts,
t4.irH Za. winter patenl. 4 .Tu;
spring clears, ti.&Jt. winter extra No.
1. li..uJl.l. ftliuer SIITM. NO. -. 4-' "
16... kinui stiRlghts. U t4-7S. Hye
fiour. firm; lair to good, I4."'aj4 4v.
choice to toncy, H Mt 1 Hue wheat
Hour, quiet. ,oi2.-i per hundred pounds
CotlMw..AI-Sicrty; tine wnne, and
yellow. 11 .Eu-I.S6; coarse, tl 4MI1.4"; kilu
dried, BtM.
HVI.-V)inet: NO. Z, , c. t. I. liuitsio.
HAHLr.V -.-ttadj ; malting, 11 lsil.
I. f. Muffs lo.
WHEAt riNit market. eaiy; No. 3 reu
iSc eiealor. exM.rt liasls and 'litV t-
0. u., ati.t. No. t norttiein uuiutn. 41 ih,
f. o. b.. afloat. Futures market was firm
at the start on tne Liverpool cables ana
bullish Argentine news, but turned weak
under hav selling on the liberal In
crease in stocks, weak northwestern
maiket snd a poor casn demand, ebbing
- net lower. May, tl.04 ;-l..,il.ot, 0-1.
losing. D ot 11-1-.. July closed ll.JU. Re
ceipts. 42.IM1 bushels, shipments. 1&.MU.
CORN tp.t market steady; export new.
titHc. f. o. b., nfKiat. Future market was
nominal. Receipts, 7t.aVi, anlptnenta, 10.
t bushels.
tlAlt-e'liot market steady. Futures
market was nominal. Receipts, Tt.dat bush
el; ahipment. X.4W bushels.
IIAV-Vlulet. prune. II AI. No 1. X.Q
I. So. 2. U"Ul it; No. 1. "fK SItl m
HOPS Firm: state, common to choice,
mil, 4--K-; r.ld nominal. Pacific rotut.
..... ,7rw I..... ...... . .,..1WH,
wir.t - J. .. 1 . -4.. I At bie. sen
Bojrota. C HtWe.
LEATHER Firm: hemlock flrat. rvn
r'c, wond-, 4tt3t; thirds, 2'rl22; re- I n. a "too 4.
Alll.-Ch.tntem pM
Anulfainale li.p.r . .
Amerl... Asrl.uilur.1 ..
Amrlr.s Itt Suc.r . . .
tmeKii as
Am.rl.n I" A I'
Am CHtnn IMI
Amerli .u H g I. tli ..
ni t. 9e.urlte.
Amrrl.-.n . . . A K. .......
Ata S II ,14
Am Strel K..vti4rl
Am Mussr Nertttlsg
AmHr.n T T ......
Amerl. .n Tot...o ,14 .
Ara.r..n U'.a.l.n
Anartmd. Mtnlns t'e ....
AtrhlMi. ,t.1
All. RIM t'.MUrt Uar
tiarnrsnr. A nil. stMl . ... H.pl4 Tr
Central leather
entr.l lalt.!- 1M ...
.'.nlral at N.w .lerer...
lt.eMIM.lie A Ohio......
chl..p. a Alton
1 41. W
'hl.'.l tl ".' vfd
Cklrase N
CM...". Mas. I'
C . I' . C. A St. b
Colorado F 1
rnlora-k. A Southern
CoSMtlKlalMl Ilea
Corn pnnlucts
11.1a. ar. Hu4a.s g Hi. Urans.. ..
INmt.r A It. tl. ,44....
IMMIII.ra' ttersrltla.
Krlr l.t eM
Krk. M ,t4 .
llot..rsl H4rtrHt
flir.t Noetsars ,14
Ureal Ors ctta..
Itliooia t'Miual ..........
lnl.rta.rmik Mat.
I.,i.r. Met. p!4
hiler-Uarln. pf4 ........
lnMTrsatioa.1 Paear
Inlarsstutnal Pun
loss tVntrsl
Kual I'll, So
K. C l
LathkI. Uaa
I....I..IIU. A Naak.llkl...
Mtss A M Uxil4
m . st r A M...
Mlwaill. K. A T
U . K A T ,14
UIMOurt Paritlfl
National Us
N H It. .t M M t4
1 York fwaltal
S V . II w
Norfolk A 4'sMn
N'nclh Ama1rn
Northern rarltlo
Pa.lllr Mall
'.-op!.'. II. a
p . c . r a at. t
PIll.tHirih rosl
Pollm.11 lala'. Tar .....
Hall... Mat gprltuj
H.puhlli- Steel fieri ptd
It'o-h l.laiol Co
K.o-li Llaiiit Co Pfd
SI I. f y M I4
at l.ula a w'
m 1. w pM
SIom tlhfri.l a A I I'.tlfl,-
Riuthern -
So Italia. r pM t -oplr
T.s A P.. III.'
T , SI. I fc W
T . HI I. W pM
Colon r.. Ifl..
I ntnn I-., in.' t'f l
t nurd Stt Itr.ltt . ..
t moot state. Uut,la.r. ...
I oiled .Male. Slr.l
f S Itteel pM
flat. o.per
Va -Caro. tli.tiilral . ...
V atari.
w-.t,art. pt't
W'Mt.ra M.rt.n.l . ..
w .tti.too.e Klirir ..
W rai.m t nlon
Wttlln. A I,, i:
lehlth V. II.,
Chin. Copo.r
Hav naalldatM
Tout sal, lor It., dar. 441.1
Hair. Hih bow. CloM
' tH 41
u a:s t'iN
l.lao a", kti. r,t
)4 I'l, US IIS
I .tan 4J 4.1 MS
Ml 44S 44't "
po IIS it's 11
t. ti :i, us
.e lots I le-'S
leu 44S S 11
i.m its iS i".
i.wai litis to; ion,
? loo t:, -. iS
law tas l"tS 1
:w lis i'"1. h''S
M lUt, Ult. Ill
441 Itll. iww PKI4
too 31 It 414
tool TS :K '"a
1.100 Ills, MIS 1IS
MM ttl, .S i-l
to 44S "A R
144 144 444 11
1,19 11 11 II'.
141 14S H laA
... . ttl
4,H t UW lS
". ... 44
.. ... ...... 44
r.4t ICS 111 mi
14 IU 14. 14(1
we US :S
m 41s 41s is
tea us "w 1'
l.sau 11 w .. o,
ins IS 4IS 41
14 IIS 41S
t ne 1." iws im
I.-H 11414 una u:
tm 41s 4i 44
1".. 144 14 114
twe 1114 t'S., I'S
Il eal 41 44 4
:i lis
l t't 4S I4
... 4.11,
4M l"74 1"4S l't
1.14 144V 114. 141
...... .... ..... II
la) u :, ks
i.4as ml. .11
tm nit, 141 Hi
1.41 UH (IS SI',
tl 44 tK et'l
1.4S4 101 v IMS
ns i4 s
a Its lo pa
MU 11 'IS ',
1.14 H4S Hit. it''.
I.I4 ms IBS i:S
44 141 ISIS 1"".
. . . tS
14 tie 14 rut
44 "I 14114 144', !lr
Cat 44', S 14
t.wi -4H "'. '.
kaon lt' 40 4ol
ins 4, 40
"4V lias is l"'S
4,1 WS - !
ire ToS 7'l 4B'a
100 3t, It lit,
3ai 111, si 31
l.lao I44S It'S IMS
14 Slw IIS tlt
1 404 4IS US 41S
a.4o 47S 41S a
44.1 III 1I4S 1IS
II. ! MS 4S MS
las US' 4'S (lit
Itrl 7S ? 4S
I.Tna IfS I'S lu
line Mo, US
I ano Ti 44 til
3.11 41 4l f'S
11 IS 1444, 142 IV
i m r -4
4 Wat , lit, It II
1 abarea.
rrr tj ark Mo ner Warket.
NEW VOItK. Jan. l-MONBt-tW cH.
aleadv at r.eii. per cent; ruling rale, J
per cent: bids. 2H per rent; of
fered at "s per eiit. Time loans, easier;
sixty davs. 4 per cent: ninety days, MctV
per cent: s:x month. S4i. per cent
per cent.
KTKKLIN'l KXl 'II ANflK Firm, w ith
a'-tual business In banker' Mils at II Kith
for sixty-day I. lis and at 14 KM for de
mand, commercial blue, 14 w.
A rttc'li oi.n 1 Utah 1 l.ow 1 Close . Yea jr.
Jan.' s:
May. II tlS'ti
July. I iii'ij
Corn I
Jan... 1
Way. 44SHS
i niij '"Vtii' f 'i't.sri'iii''
I 04
4Sti4'.ttS MS.,
M4, 4,4VtH)',1lS t4',4li
K'-l tSi vlSt 04V
411 4n
fl 4XH
13 ffi IS Kl
May. lneSAi l 42',l14.;vilt-l;.7ii M y,
jiiiy.!itm4-;sT i ( Kx-iWi w a ma
Lard I I I I 1
Visible Supply Estimate.
For rrearat Trade Win Be Can-,
erard Lairgelr ky "Heavy . err
l.lgkt Offrriaara tra Ike
toaatrir aure.ra.
OMAHA. Jan. S. Hit
I ivartM.I cable ware higher today and 11a weal her report vera again
ulilavoral.le. Cash maraets Were all
tifnger. which gave ear.y price a sllgnt
(Uavy selling developed iater in the
tlav, when Htadstreet a world s vis.bU'
Kate an estimate of lo.tfiw.isitt more buslic.a
.11 afi;ht now than a ear ago, Cloatug
.allies were a hit lower.
The latest revised flg.ires on corn cer
tainly shows a chance f-.r a strong eitua
tn.n later in the season. For the present
lite trade will he governed largely hv the
heavy or light country ofleilng. There
la a friendly f.cltng toward a lite-hcr
Ihe big liter, aae In the Bradatr.-et's
vl.llile started wheat values lower today
tn face of hullUah news, cash wheat was
Corn ruled rather dull, hut sentiment
..inong the leading traders waa bullish and
higher corn valuea are likely. Cash corn
- iS V higher.
Primary wheat receipts were bu.
and shipment were isi.fw bu ajrainat
receipt last vear of bu. and ship
ment of !4,to bu.
Primary corn receipts were Sa4.0OI bu.
and shipments were 421 "0 bu., agalnat
receipt last vear of (71,utU bu. and hlp
ment of 734 001 bu.
Clearances were lnK.tYo bu. of corn, itfai
Im. of oats and wheat aad flour equal
to H7.40 bu.
Llveriool closed to .d higher on
wheat and to Sd higher on corn.
The following cash titles were reported:
Wheat. No. 2 hard: 2 cars. 11.02; 1 oar.
tl 01. No. J hard: I car, II. l1.. No. 4
hard: 1 car. Il.limi.. Rejected: 1 car. HV.
No. 4 mixed: 1 car. Ikc; No. "2 durum: I
car, MV. No. S durum: I car. 94c. Corn.
No. 4 white: 1 car, kOc. No. 4 color: 1 ear,
-. No. i yellow 2 cars, tic No. 4 yel
low: 1 cr, otic. No. 4 mixed: 3 car. Hfr.
No giade: t cars, Slilfc; 1 car, tec tiats.
stftndard: 1 car, 47V. No. 4 whit: I car.
Omaha uaa rr rea,
WHEAT No. 2 hard. t1.iSjl04: No. J
hard, 11 '"Un Otl; No 4 hard. -aScajtl .01.
Ct)RN-No. white. tl4Atllc; No. 4
white. aivulc; No. .1 coior. taWjjnric; No.
I yellow, 'Stlc; No. 4 vellnw. oVl':
No. .1. sV'rUolc. No. 4. WliK"iC, uo grade,
OATS No. 5 white. 47W43I7V: ta-idanl
47sn47-: No- ' white, iXetf'Tr; No. .
whit. 4T47Sc; No, 3 yellow, 47t7'4c; No
I yellow. 44-.4J47C.
RARI.KT-Maltlng. n.ictrl SO: No,' I
feed Mfltsc; heavv fewl,
RVE Na 5. -n!ioc; No. 3, hktissc.
Carlot Reeelpta.
Wheat. cnrn.Oats.
Chicago 1 la 74
Minneapolis 212
Omaha 24 20 i
Uulutil 47
M, I. en la fiearral Market.
T. LOI'IS, Jan. .-WHEAT-Cali.
Iteedv. track No. i red, ll.l4aul.trH,; No.
2 hard. 11.001.10; May, W-SHWs.c, Jul.
coRN-Rtrnng: track No. S, de-OV;
No. I whit. H4v-c; May, Mt'c:
Julv. OfeSc.
OATS-Htradv; track No. 2 iOc; No.
white. HiatnlWc; May, Uc.
RVErnchanged, 6c.
KLol'lt Me4iy; red winter patent.
rl-Ofia.att; extra fancy and tttnilgnl, 13.30
"14 : hard winter clear, ta.eiu-i.ial.
HKKIl-Tlmolhv, Il4.nli 5C
HRAN-Sirady; sacked east track, ILtl
411 sr..
HAY-Hlcadv; timothy, 4tt.O1m2t.O1;
pralrla, l4urlSiW
PKHVISIoNS-Pork. unchanged: lob
Mn. flP. He). lairJ. lower; prime steam,
(riifai li. Dry all nieal. unchanged;
iaixe.1 extra short a, 8c; clear lib, Sc:
short taWar. IV. Rncon, unchanged:
boxed extra horta, SSc; clear liha, lre;
short clear. Ilc.
POI'LTHY - Firm; chicken. IJ-v:
spring. 13c; turkey. HV. duck, IJc;
,RCTTF.R-llleadyi creamery. M30c.
KUtio Firm, -aw.
Receipts. Shipment.
.!! "H.0TI1
, -2.ii
I'l.OHO 3S,iJ
Flour, Mils.
Wheal, bu.
Corn, bu. .,
00 Is, bu. ,,
Kaaaaa rilr lirala aad Praylaiaaa.
KANMAe) CITT. Jan. .-WIIKJkT-fah,
steaily; No. I hard, LuiUl ; No. t. II 010
l.oj. No. ! red. 11.02; No. t, tcrtl.0L
May. 31 01: July. Kdr.
COKN-I it' hanged dull: No. 1 mixed,
da-; No. 3, tMV; N" 1 white, ta'Wtnc; No.
I, kPU'-'V; May. V: Ju'v. 4Sc.
OATH-1'ni'hanged; No. White, IOt
tos: Nn. t mixed, 4llrr94c.
II AY Firm; choice timothy, JLsli 22.00:
choice prairie, IlkoOtj i.i.
HCTTER-Creamery. c; first. 3K-;
econd. 32c; packing stock, SIV.
kaitIM Extra, 34c; firsts, '. geconds.
Kecclpts. Shipments.
Wheat, bbl lo.t-) 27,m
Oat, bu 2."il S.Cio
f-oi n, bu S.iW ..on.)
jan.f 1 m,i H-7M ',' 1 sis! .r-uJ
May. t6:-4j t.71,' Slaw $ U (714
July. I I ti" tilsij t2lo5ll itHti 7S7o
Rib I ill
Jan..! H2WM ofl-'t,' 5ft-jn tyu
May. 'I 72S7;t 7t-7l' TO-ll 0-2SI g 77
July.sojjljtjl,! I r! 7711 gvt
Cash quotation were aa follow
KMH'lt Finn; winter patents, .t.7ij
4i. winter straights, SHotil: spring
patent. ia.Wairai.iat: spring straight. 14 4
W4 H6; bakers. 4U "i 4.'1.
HYK-N.i. J. .
ItAHI.EY Feed or , mixing. !l0ci$1.01;
fair lo choice maluttg. II 24411 34.
HEKH-Tlmolhy, l2.tASttn.t. Clover,
l! ""411 SO.
PltovlsloNm-Mca pork, ikt lM..
llo..".ajrl(. M7S. lard, per Hi lb., t- H-
Hh irt rib, able lliosel. 4 PI.
Tolul clearance of wheat and flour
were cu'l il to liai.l.ll bu. I"rlmary re
ceipts were 371. bu.. compared with
373.001 bu. tha corresponding day a year
g . Tha visible supply, as shown by
Uradal'-eet's. Increased i.irZo.OOO bu.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow:
Wheat, 10 cars; corn, 44 car; oats, IA3
cars, hog, 43,l"" ho. id.
Chicago Caah Price Wheal : No. 2 red.
iaii,sc. No. 3 re.!, letau;. ; No. 2 hard.
ncU4l 04: No. 3 hard. tsv-jl ill ; No. I
northern, II IOul 114: No. 2 northern. 11.07
Ul III; No. 3 northern, ,1 lleUtl. No 2
spring, Wc4i! un: Nu t spring, laa'titl 04.
No. 4 spring, lsk-tall 03; velvet chaff, lle4
11.04; durum. IsjciTll.eA. Corn: No. 3. wii
t.ilr, No. 3 white. blVuli': Np. 3 yel
low, "Ovttrolr; No. 4. oklaWiUS''; No. 4
white, i-4l)V; No. I yellow. W.
oat: No. I while. ttrt.nU'Hc; No. 3
white. 4k4-r4V; No. 4 white, 4M)-4Sc.
standard. 4J7il)c. Rve: No. 2. Iftc. Mar
lev, KX-nll 3T. Timothy: ti2.tgrf4lS.oO.
Ciover- I14ilfljnl.
HI'TTER Creamerle. iWix;
Kl.lirfSteady. receipts. 1.472 cases; at
mark, cases Included, 211311.. f I rata, "iff
30c; prime flrsta 33c.
t'll ELSE steaily; dalates. ' ICMi"aic;
twins, lail'eSc. America. ltaSax
IAt: Ion horn. K'vu lfcV. 1
POTATOES Mrm: choice to fency. SBfr , :Mii.
Ka ; fair to good. M"0c. oATS - Hteady: No. 3 white. tJlkC;
lnrLTKY-meady; turkeys, 114 1 ;V; 1 standard, tistMSSC
thlik.ns, l"MlH ; Mirlnga, 13c.
VEAIa-ft.adv. 74lllc. I . .. --TT
Car lt Receipt Wheat: It cars, with
geallahle gapplle. af Grata.
NKW YoltK. Jan. . -41 pec la I cable and
telegraphic communlcatlona received by
Hradstreet'R show the following changea
In available supply g comired with
prevlou ccounl:
Available supply: Wheat. I'nlted Ptatea
and east of Rockies, decreased a4v0
bushels: I'nlted States, west of Rockies,
decreased " buaheia; Canada, tncreaaed
.KI. 000 bushels: total. I'nlted His tea) and
Canada. Increased t,aX.00 bushel. Afloat
for and In Europe Increased 2.ju.000 bush
els; Total American and European supply
Increased 7.W6.0I1 bushels. Corn. I'nlted
Slates and Canada. Increased 34J.4O0 bush
els. laxrge Canadian Increaae cauaed by
addition to official visible supply of Cana
dian whest afloat In buffalo and fniluth
harbors. The leading increaae and de
creases reported this week follow: In
ereaaca, Louisville, 102.0OD hushela; Cleve
land, K7000 bushels. Decrease. Lincoln
and vicinity. 27O.O0O bushels; Manitoba,
221 000 bushel; (loderlch, WOUt buaheia
Peoria Market.
PF.ORIA. Jan .-CORN-Hlgher: Na
3 white. r.A' : No. 4 white lic; No. 1
v.iinw. :.c: No. 4 yellow. fv.effjic: No.
I .i mixed. Jt:, So. i mixed, 6sla1c; sample.
.teady; ralln.a.1. ' " " -"V"i "-i
RONIiS tiovemment.
Irregular. ,ir.t .if wheat at Chicago. Mlnnrannlla'
quotation, on -00 war. :;,,,. ... '
Kith 4:3 care laat week and 211 car the I
I lie.
e. foliowa
C. Sr.r t.nt
. r.uia
D 4. ra. ...
4o C5 0.9.
t 4.. rtt ....
Aill. 'I,. I
After As
Ar. TolMK..
do 4.
11 Inter M V 4',, . irt,
la. ajapaa 4, an
leiS 4V. 4S . 41
lai -K .'. . 1.1 1. ... TJS
Itl.U S. dab. 4. 1)11... t.
114-.L AX nnl 4. .. 4
dS K & T 1 4
IWa, o ', .. at
lu Mo IS-llt. 4. . 71S
MSN. n IS. at M 4S f
IS. .. o
'Arsi-air A I. S 't 4. .lab. 4a
. 4S
4a ISa
W tS
ns v x 11
"a ry . 4
I X IM , 4.
H "Mo r. I.
SIS Ho P., (ft,- 4. . ..
IS do la
"So 1. rM,. 4. .
.IVan . I. lilt.
S da ron 4... .. I-!
i-.a. c.ol,insn r Co.. Exrh. ili'.ua.
do ill .old 4
lnlTtte t. o. i?etter reeuits. Ship to u.
. 1.. r iO. Coin. o.. exchange Bog.
lT l.. rti 'IlK.tiS at Co.. uj ...c ,. iiiug.
i x a jt.irea t ..m. C.... biK'ti of husi.eia.
r ar irrr. a. om. p.. joj Exchange.
.-epoalt plo.aa-as ol ellip-itent In Ktrxg
Ti ro ,at"l bark t.niv at yards.
WEEKS URAIN CO.. gra'n me. chant.,
raorrrari'r Wl'lcited 7 3 Mr,nnels. t
MR. Ift SBANIJ, If Tr.u are looking for
something to take home for an extia fine
daasert step in Palxell s. If I... .. Tin-,
ner. 3770 Meredith Ave., will come to The'
Pee office within t.iree dv we will gie
km an order for a quart brick of this
Xarun brva. u to.. auj-t Lxcn. li.i. Lne Ice creua. j
Jeel a. l.'a-.
PROVI.ION'S Pork, firm: me, 11740
tlK ire; ramilv. !'. Oaf5l 00; short clear. . Itr-a Te
l7.t0isa. Beef. eady; me, lt.Ji. " ' "
l.i.!; family. I'.I.Mttii W; beef. ".., ! 7 "j;
1! ' Cut meals, quiet; pickled beef. 10 ,.',.
to 14 Ihe. !rtc: picked ham. 1111 c i'Yr s.
Ird. easy; middlewest prime. IS We? 40. J ., . a a. IV
re.,neo iirmer, coni.nenr. onuin i r RAQI4S. a- a a I, 4...
Ametlc. IK) 45; compoung. tS7e. d ra 4 "' ' '' ' 4a
TALLOW Dull ; prime city hh'l lr;- II I tH " 4.
apetlal, V; country, i C II 1 r . r. 4a TH do ie rrf
HI TTER - Firm: creamer-.- anael.i. ' a ri " R.'l... S.
Sc; extras, tktts-djc; hud extra. i,t,'
a a . A. e tu. tr
CHi-,Esr--i-irm: ktm. JSttllV : , - 4. s 4. k. M .
E"dS-8ta!r: fresh gathered, eltras. lei a a OH . f e.asae 4.
3fij.Trc; extra fir ata. "He; f-rats, 34c, west-, at M .. I !' td u '
em gathered, white. MyMc. , nwltleej- 4. 'V '1.-, a.
PTll lTRY Adve. firm, western ehtck-1 a... a I 4a ' w.s-ao a.
en. I! tIJUse: fowls. iSWKar: turkets t a. s a 1- 4 t A e. 4a
P: dreeeed. serong: weatem chickens.'
lOVni'-c; tow is. imiftr, turaem. IJrqj
corresponding day a year ago.
Mverpdiol Urala Market.
easy; No. 3 Manitoba. . Hal. Futures,
firm; March, 7aka.l; May, isti-Sd; Juiy.
7 "-Sd.
coilN Spot. Anierlcjn mtxed. new,
y al m 1'ld: Amerkan mlxe.1. old.
firm al teal!. Futute. tedy; Januai,
o4VL February, os klau.
Metal Market.
NEW YORK. Jan. -4ill'Ki: Stand
ard, quiet; Spot. 114 0.VI4 2f.: futures,
I14V7S lo 111 . I'hdon market steady.
-Irf.t lo4 2 ad: futures P4 17 d. ljike
e.,.,.e 14Ut.A.c: etectroivtlc. 14 l44 1 . e
41 Readta era 4a. . . a, .,a n.'.lli. Tn doll: annt la.t rata!
"jl -! !' 4s 4s I M.4; futtree H0 2init2i. London, spot,
a!?. rj '. (I'll lw; fl'ure fllai 1'H. Iad. tl Kill VI
,! New York, 44 SdM Kast St. 1-Jls
J I I on.lon 1 I. KI. Stwlter. quiet, "k. 41
New York. 3b"j0 Eaat St. lajula
'a . , ...
a fata.
I,ndon f? ifa. Antimony, dull: t'ook
,i, , ...I. s. ,..,.. i .ii. renriaiia warrania we.
laas ' td In London. Iicatly aleadv. No. 1
n foundry northern. Il4.7'air.': No. 1, 14:
v '4i)4 7" No 1 aiuthern and N'o. I aouth
iiiern. soft. H4 2Ail4 7i.
IS1 ST. lil lil, Jan. 9 .-SI ETA 1.15 Steady,
i4SiK. Spelter, stronger. Kn'"i''.W.
a.o . 4a a.r A. -.-a .
' 4a .eM"" ... 74 "-
Cn ta ra 1 SWt. .aatr.
111 res 11 rat 4. M". 41. Pa
i.rar Ma 4Ha.... lia.iSaam. :, .
, a-itd airreret.
Dteark la Itabt.
, ' Receipts of live Mock at the five prin-
., fipal western markets yesierrtay
nasaba liar Marxtet.
OMAHA. Jan HAY-No. 1. t4 il
No 2 111"1; rrre. fll 00; packing sira-k ! " " "
p. ,otj.,(A: a:filfa. III.' straw; Whesv! taada. ataek Mark.t.
p.SO; ry and oata, f 34- 'J LONLioN, Jan. S.-Amirlcan Mcurltlea
ai 'Bouth Otraha
t. St Joseph
it, Kansas city ..
8t- latuia
... 2 10
... 12.0
... t.:u!
caJCTAXi 0,00000
Will loan on ecurlty requlr
Ing a pact a I Inveatlgatlon
or cloa eupervialon. and
not available for bank loaoa
Large onterprtaea fl nance,!
Prompt Investigation of
aecurlty offered, whatever
1 1 a character o r lo.a,uou.
W TOmX gS Bread 8trt
-rHIIaADatlraUA laafajatta Bldg.
uaUCAtX) rirat Matt Baak Blag.
Cattle. Hoirs. Sheep.
' Kemoves Banal Ijaia rg-wD ts
Thickened. SwoUm Tlssass.
i il Cdrba, rilled Tewloos. Horweei
from tu iirnlse o Strain; lares
J hpavln Lame-neee, AUajs rain.
1 4 n lVooa am BUst-ar. remo-rs the hair
fcf J or Imt up tha honw. ft i.OO a
ftr krr hot tie. delaTeraS. fln 1 K tw.
i SM
ABmKBI.E, jKUalmMf-rmatlDd. lor
DOTitlaV Jtr!n. ljuatT or r hi 1 1 mi i ii Dmoitu
oilaSB. Pauiful Tarterwe Teios. AIIsts Pals,
rul t-p'l -foo atom ,f Ttn rlr il m4 U mmr xi
Jnk-r- or ScUTer-M. Maantsnaras Mtfe kv
S.F.V0gM6.P.B.F f'- tl. I ill III, MML