Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 10, 1912, Page 3, Image 3

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Says He is Growing Stronger and
Better Every Day Row. ,
UeiuoRstratloBa of What .-.o Rrn--dy
Cam Do la. a lleaaarkable
Short Time An Condarted
Dally at Drag Store.
Joseph Harris, a well known clerU, re
siding at 701 S. 39th St., city, made the
following statement recently in connec
tion with 'Tona Vita," the remarkable
new tonic that Is now being introduced
In Omaha.
Mr. Harris sat J: "T have been sit for
abcut a year. I was nervous and : un
down and had stomach trouble. I seldom
had a good apitetite and when I did eat
felt bloated from ffas and would taste
the food for hours afterward. 1 l?t
poorly and my aleep did tne little good
I was dreadfully tired most of the time,
and was always nervous and depressed.
1 could find nothing tlmt would give
in relief.
"1 got soii.e 'Tona Vita" a iVw days
azo and have taken it regularly since
There is no other medicine that U equal
to It. The first dose, helped me and
every day I havo become strong r and
etter. I seem to get nourishment from
my food and no longer have stomach
trouble or fe-;l so tired and depressed.
lu fact. I am a well man and give the
entire credit to 'Tona Vita.
Tho specialists who are introducing i
' Tona Vita" a Omaha are giving dem- i
titrations of what the preparation will j
do in five IWnUtes. All day long they j
meet callers at Branded Drug depart- I
ment, ICth and Douglas Sts., south side,
main fluci, between the huurs of 9 a. m.
and i p. m., and try to pioduce a notice
able Improvement In ."ill cases of nervous
debility Within flw minutes. The people
who take the medicine are to be ' the
Jutiges. There is no charge for this
demonstration and several hundred peo
ple tried the experiment recently without
a single failure.
One of the specialists said: "'Tona
Vita' w ill bie.ik a!l records lu Omaha,
like it U doing in all o( tho big cities
of the country today. People aie fast
i-eallxttij what It will do. We arc in
structed by tojr company to take no
money for the tonic unless the medicine
proves Mtlsfactury. Thousand upon
ihuunnds In this and other large cities
are afflicted with nervous debility canned
by the strain of modern city life.
'The entire system becomes run down
in such cafes and nervousness, stomach
trouble, headncne. backache, despondency
and loss of vitality result. Tona Vita"
ill wovk wonders In such cases In a re
markably short time. If It doesn't we
want nothing other than the time it
takes to come and get the medicine."
As Quickly as Water
Lissilves Sugar
! on the FotMl ami Bring IMief.
Petition FUed to Place Him on j TMAt rAC yME.. ;
TlCKet for Vice President. I There i no long wait between the time
, i you take a Stuart's lyspenla Tablet
SLAP BTCK FRO MBKYA5 MEN I and the filing of relief It will bring to
an overloaded stomach. It gets tuny in
Omaha Xu llaa Ambition to Make! a Jiffy and quickly sets tilings to rights
in that tirtd and uiMrdcred
goes r'gtit at the work of digesting the
food It finds Itsiged there and in no time
at all has things on theiove the gases
cease forming, the breath Is sweetened.
Hare for National Committee,
una aad This Killac May
Complicate Matters.
(From a Staff Correspondent 1
LIN'COLX. Jan. .-(Bpecial.-The first
filing by any party for vice presidential
preference was made today when the
name of Charles E. Fanning of Oreiha
was injected into the politnal arena.
At first the filing was a mystery but the
secret soon leaked out. It apinars that
Mr. Fanning Is charged with having
aided A. A. ArU-r In preparing and filing
the name of VY. J. Bryan as a preferen
tial candidate for president, which would
have the effect, if not withdiawn, of
blocking the Fairview statesman from go
ing on the ballot as a candidate for
delegate at large to the democratic na
tional convention. Some one noticed that
a preponderating number of the ndmes
the coating on the tongue disappears
and you are no longer conscious that
you even have a stomach.
That is one of the chief recommenda
tions' for Stlsarl's liyspepsia Tablets
that they don't take forever to accom
plish (he purpose for which you need
them. It Is just as if you put an extra
stomach or two to work when yours
needed help. You can't continually over
load yoir stou.ach and expect It to al
ways smile. It is going to get rebel
lious and sulky after awhile and refuse
to go on beinK driven to do double work.
You must rest it occasionally not by
starving and thereb weakening your
self physically but by using a ftuart s
Food Commissioner
Jackson is Dead'
UNOOLX. Jan. l-t Special Telegram.)
W 11. Jackson, state food commissioner,
died of anemia at his home in I'nlversity
Place this morning.
Mr. Jackson was democratic state su
perintendent of education from 137 to
1WI and was constantly in school work
from the time he came to thetMe in'
1SSS until he was appointed food cominn-;
sioner by Governor Aldrich at the begin
ning of Aldrich's term, lie was at onc
time superintendent of public instruction
of Holt county.
He leaves a widow and five children.
1 I
signed to th Lryan petition were em-1 pyspep.sia Tablet to tio the work of dt
ployes of those in ctofctj touch with "I he gating your food.
Fanning paving interests. Fanning is Th. tubietn .omai.i all the active ele-
known to have an ambition to go on tie j men;a of tne n;ilural stomach Juices and
m a i- mr s".
ash iuururvcer
to Send Yon a
Case of Blatz,
or order direct
from distributing point.
Pkonei Uoaglas aSSl
FINEST 111 ! Mz
lommonweallh -oiel
s.i?;"Su,e. boston, Mast.
"?? Twofi.ii with )m tr4 M tt for
II SO an4 bt. wfi! a includes frw w of
vhovrr bair-.a
sTotAiag to Equal this In Haw SngUad
KMiiMi wuii pnvate Mttls r 11 '- VT mj
op; MUM ef to room and fca:hs fir $I.W
cay op,
Cait F.rt Hiu. noropaa P!tr.
Ablutely Fireproof
fitns rigors, awthtit; wood but fiocri.
V.4 'p;""l tth its tn .otiHarjr V- uaa
s'.n-tiy a 'i"aiprc HkcI. SHXD FOR
SVORKP. V. I'RAFTM (,en. Manager.
democratic primary ticket as a candidate
for national committeeman. C. F. Hark
ness of Omaha wrote C. W. Bryan setting
forth the facts i he viewed them and
the Fanning petition 1 the outcome.
Their intention may be blocked, however,
by the careless wording of the petition,
as it does not say definitely what ticket
It is desired to have the name of Fanning
adorn, but this defect of course can be
cured. Incidentally the secretary of
Mute is Miiiiderlng what he is going to do
when it comes to finally makin up the
primary ballot if it Is to te made th
plaything of political svhemers or tlu
dumping ground for political ambition
whoso gremiuating powers ur too Weak
to ever peep above the Klitical scd.
Following is the Fanning Minr and the
names signed to it:
We. the underlg;H(l. In:lifil electitrs
of the county of loualart nml Lana.stir
In the state of Nehru ka. atfilialed uith
the democratic party, and i-culding at
the addresses ft opjHislie our nannit, iio
hereby request the natm- of Char let VI
Fanning of Omahs, iKmglas county. Ne
braska, be placed on the official pri
mary ballot u f tho naid party for the
primary election, to he held on the l!Mh
day of April, 1912. In the Mate of Ne
braska, as a candidate for the office of
vice president of the United folate:, and
do hereby pledge ourselvea to abide by
the results of said primary.
Beverley E. Jackson, lata .South Thirty
fifth avenue, Omaha.
K, B. Damaieat, 2!!?. Podge street,
U K. MiKenxle. 1310 South Thirty-first
I f. Kohn. 114 Aiuth Thirty-fifth
avenue. Omaha.
Henry Gusteson, 113 Main street, Flor
ence. W. B. llapp. Eiahth and WHIard streets,
H. T. Hrisbln, Wesr State street.
I. B. Brisbin, Florence.
liev. At J. Barrett, Florence.
F. M. King, Florence.
James Brennan. Florence.
Ii W. Wight, Florence.
William Pulte, Florence.
A. Pulte, Florence.
Joseph Both, Florence.
St. Oplts, Florence.
Frank J. Llehinsky. hOi North Twenty
sixth street. South Omaha.
C. Fa. Hcaiaj JAaeiity-r"iiriH and X
streetn. Houth Omaha.
Nell Byan. Forty-sixth avenue and Oas
tellar streets, Omaha.
John Welch. Martha xtn-et, Omaha.
M. J. Ilea fey. South Omaha.
J. S. Satna, 14jK North Twenty-fourth
street. South Omaha.
JJ V. K owner, 4TS South Twenty-second
street. South Omaha.
Wull A. Frans. MOT Locust street,
John K. rvarr, 4l;t North Twenty
fourth street. South Omaha.
J. K. Colvln. Wh'i K street. South Omaha.
M. J. Corcoran, 2418 K street. South
Mew Hesatorlal 4 aadldate.
Another development of more tlia
ng Interest was that J. L. Fergi
duster county wrote the secretary of
Miate that he Intended to file as a peti
tion candidate for Fritted States senator
and not as the candidate of any party,
tie wants to know what MmWf a peti
tion will be required. His name there
fore will not go on the primary ballot if
the petition is filed, but on th regular
ballot for the November election as a pe
tition i-andldate for senator. Mr.- Fergu
aon'a pott tin, so far as can be learned
here, are as indefinite as his designation
will be on tho ballot, if he perfects his
petition. At the laM election for county
officers in Ourter county he as on the
primary ballot as a democratic canuidate
tor county surveyor. Two years previous
to that his name was on the primary
ballot as a republican candidate for the
same nomination. He Is a farmer ai;d a
man of some education. His petition will
require 1.000 signatures.
it was announced today that F. C. 11a
mer of Lincoln would fi as a republican
candidate for the nomination for state
treasurer. He Is a loan and bond broker
in this city and is connected with a safe
deposit company in Omaha.
TafC Circular Javaed1,
F. M. Currte, secretary of the Taft
league, Is sending out a circular letter
to republicans over the state asking thm
to attend the meeting of the committees
in XJncoln and wishes it understood that
the Invitation is extended to all repub
licans, whether they receive one of the
circulars or not as It Is obviously im
possible to send them to all. Following
Is the circular:
"The meeting of the several commit
tees heretofore selected to recommend
candidates for the vnnous offices to be
will stone and unaided digest food Just
tho same as the gastric Juices. And
nothing could be more harmless than
these taMets, They do not effect the
system in any way do not cure any
aliment except as they digest food. Use
them freely.
Htuurt's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold by
all druggists everywhere. Trite. T.0
cents per box. A trial packago will be
ont if jot- will write F. A. Stuart Co.
150 Stuart Bldg, Marshall, Mich.
All of them wilt be present at the meet
ins; January 15 unless something unfore
seen prevents and It is assured that prac
tically all will be here.
Aldrich for
It was given out by Secretary i'orrick
from the la Fotlette headquarters that
petitions would he circulated akii-g that
t lover nor Atdrich'd name he placed on the
primary ballot as a candidate for dele-gnte-at-large
to the national convention.
guWn of
ORAXD I8LAND, Neb., Jan. 9-(8pe-clal.i-A
brief session of the I'nlted Htatea
distort rourt was held here yesterday.
Judge T. '. Miinuer nl Lincoln presid
ing, with flerk lloyt and Marshal
Warner present.
The rase of Christian Meinlnger. ad
ministrator of the estate of Henry Mein
lnger. a section n an killed by a t'nlon
Pacific train In the local yards, for dam
ages, aas settled by agreement, the
comvuny accruing Judgment for fl.DW
and tho unpaid costs.
The rase of Albert P. Davis against
the ChlriiKo. lliirllUKton A yviln. y was
In the case of James U. Martian against
Kllen L. Kosa and others, the defense
movAd for security of costs and to strike,
out the amended petition. ?
Tho bankruptcy rase of the t'Rllowav
Clothing company was dismissed, settled
out of court.
A Jury, for the trial of one criminal
rase in litis division, will le selected
later, for trial probably In April.
Guy Harrison was appointed Jury com
missioner for tho district In place of J.
K. Mullln.
DKSHLKIl. N-b., Jan. 9. Special. -Deshlcr
cltlxens are rejoicing over the
fact th it the long expected advent of -a
mrth and south railroad through this
place t ms about to be realised. David
Itichie of Salina, Kuii., attorney for the
Winnipeg, Saltn:t & titilf rallroal, wh in
conference with some Ikvshh-r citizens
hero a few w-eks uko, and stated that
construction work would commenre lu a
short time. The proved road will ex
tend from Wlnnlwif, t'anada. to the
gulf, crossing the "Nebraska state line
at Chester, aasing through Chester,
Oak and Lavenporl lu Thayer county,
running to Lin. oln, thence to Omaha.
Tho broom fa:tory aero will give $10,000
and 11. J. Struvo will give an additional
ffc'.OOQ to tho company whn the road i
In actual operation through leshler.
KKAUXtV. Neb., Jan. iSpeclal
Telegrar-) Edward 1). fowles, state
commlf ier of public lands and build
ings, du ig his visit today Installed the
permaiie foreman, 1'aul Garner. In Mis
state tubercular hospital. Lumber was
hauled to the hospital for minor repairs
not et completed, liroccrles, furniture,
beds and linen and other supplies are on
the way to Kearney.
Mrs. Pearl Barker, head nurse, will ar
rive Friday. Mr. Cowlca stated his be
lief in the hospital being ready to receive
tne first patients by January 17.
I'lrMrn' lastllate at Oreara.
CEIUif "O. Neb., Jan. 9. (Special.) Ilau
weather did not keep the people from the
first day's sessions of the annual farm-
BEATRICE. Neb.. J-m. .-tpeclal.-The
stockholders of the. lt-mi'st.r Mill
Manufacturing company held their an
nual meeting last night and elected the
following as a loard of directors: l 11.
Dtmpster. H. W. Shaffer. J. W. llur
gess. 11. U Dempster. 1. .". IVmpster,
P. Miller and U. II. Vale. The re
ports submitted showed that the last
year ha, been a proserous one for the
company, which now tias twcnty-flvi
mea on the load and operates seven
branch houses. The annual liamiuet of
the company wl'l be held next Saturday
The stockholders of tho Hoag Fanners'
Elevator comny held their annual
meeting yesterday and elected these of
ficers: 11. J. ltuss. presklrnt: 0. 1. Ksau,
vlca preside it; YV. J. l.anil. ari-retury;
Henry Penner. treasurer. During the 1
last year the company handled GT.tas bush- I
ela of wheat, UM bushel of corn and
,oj bushels of oats.
The following were elected as new
directors of the Young Men's Christian
association: YV. H. Kilputrick, D. S. Dal
bey. It. W. tirant. Juttln Thompson and :
J. E. t-'ailth.
THK 1IOMK ' ,H AL1TV ll.tli'HKS.
Although jealous competitors rave,
we are holding the one big, legiti
mate, beneficial sale of the winter.
Of Men's and Young Men's
Suits and
Goes Merrily on.
Wo have always sold cloto
inx at half pitce uuciua out
half-price sales. Too puoiic
knows U. MHII, COIlliWtUOCa
conless iKnorance of tne fact.
We are not so uu..u
as to uesire a prolit at tcis
season. e are anxioUv to
tasa a losa tteaoy money
pays us Interest, t-tottung ly
iiiK on our tames uutil next
fall, rusts us interest. Our ail
important ohject is to clean
up sloes.. For these reasons
we continue to hohi Halt Price
fates, some stores now call
price sales impossible, dis
honest and ui holy. We admit
some may he. Tney prouaoljr
anow wiiereif they sueaa. No
tater than last July, tney them
selves ndvertised half price
sales. VYhicti will you tielieve.
their last July advertising or
their recent advertising? You
can't believe lnth. Wnat do
they thus publicly hi knowl
edge? The conditions totlay
are no different from last July,
tnur advertising was truthful
hi July it was successful tw!
We didn't have to bout face
In January. Isl2. Jealousy
pron.via competitors to assail
our Integrity, but It Is, and al
wavs will lie. Ill good standing
with the public. Ths .-rowds of
the last few days prove that
the statements of this store are
till believed and that It Is
still the recognised value head
quarters of tlmana, defamatory
statements alout our Integrity
and the Integrity of other
stores notwithstanding. Trutfe
fnl statements heretofore anil
I today. Thanks for reading this.
Deahler Telephone t'ompaar Klecta.
DESIU.EIt. .Neb.. Jim. S.-iSpeciaU
Ths annual meeting of tl c Pishler Tele
phone company was held In the opera
house this aiteriiom. liepori showed all
Indebtedness paid uid lw on band. .Mi
assessment of !.: per share wax made
for lsl The following officer, were
elected: A. Caughey, president; John Al
brecht, vice president; II. M. Harms, sec
retary; II- P. Wolf, treasurer; P. lliTit
mann, director.
rarmera laatltate at Stasias.
8TANTDN. Neb., Jan. S.-(8vliil.)-Clreat
preparations are being made for
the coming sosal"n of Ihe Stanton county
farmers' Institute, which will be held
at ths county court house lu Stanton on
Monday and Tuesday. January IK und '
A large list of premiums will tie offered
for prlsa products and an Interesting pro
gram has been prepared for each dny.
Islreeat la I'oaca Paper Sold.
PONCA. Neb., Jan. . -(Special. -J. II.
Stevens, former auperlntendent of ponra
schools, has purchased a halt Interest in
Ihe Leader, the democratic organ of
DUon county, from Elmer Kingsbury.
Microbes Frozen,
Say the Doctors
The unprecedented cold of the lil-l
three or four days has frozen disease mi
crobes, rontrary lo scientific axioms, dr. j
clare local physicians. Even la grippe
has lingered on Ihe uulsidn waiting for a
hand-out. There are few rases or "had
colds" and thrrc have Iwen but three
deaths due to grippe. This is a better
condition than has prevailed here fur sev
eral winters. Colds with other complica
tions havo stricken a few residents, but
tl.e majority of the people were never
rV'hool children lime been ellJolliK the
weather and there has been but one case
since ihe opening of school yesterday
where It was too cold for selnsil to keep.
Thut was at the Franklin building, whetc
the engine broke down und no heat could
be secured. The T10 Franklin pupils were
st their desks lisluy. School teachers
have been fortunate this winter. Iturely
has Here been a time when mori lhan
ha'f a doxen were st k and their placcc
filled Willi substitutes.
SIO to SCO Overcoats,
(No winter weights reserved)
S3. GO to S3Q.OO
SIO to $4l ults for
(All broken lots of blue serges included)
$a.00 tO IsaO.OO
Notwithstanding tlu- fact that Saturday was a bit
torly cold day, this store's business was ptjual to that
of t lie corresiiiiiiliiiir Saturday, 1!UJ. More people at
tended our sale than attended all other saltM eoinbiiKHl.
l"i below zero doesn't deter people from coining here.
Monday was a hummer too! Why
This wag our 7th hull' price- sulo. People hive had time to
find us out If, hh sonic ronipolliors noul.l have you believe, we
lire "takers." The crowds at this bhU and tho absence of
crowds at other sales would urovo Dial the public has ronft
donee In us, and the public's ronfi.lrnru Is nil we rare about. 1
Salo will continue until all am disposed of. We are satisfied
to take a good, big Insa ut tills time. Thut loss 1 your gain.
Plenty for nil. Coico In.
Here Is Wliat We Do In This Sale-
We take all the broken lots (one to three garnieuts) ami nell them to you at ex
actly half price. We take an actual loss of 25 to 4(1 over wholesale cost. For
instance our rfl .".! K garments cost us $11.HI and $11.50, you get them for $7.50t
onr .f2.').0l) garments cost us $17.50 to $20.00, you get them for $12.50. When you
pay us $7.50 you are not getting a regular 7$.5() garment, but a regular $15.00
garment better than other stores run sell at that price, too! Same way when you
pay us $12.50. A proportionate loss in taken on every garment we originally sold
vl'or $10.00 and up. This method brings iu ready money and takes away broken
lots that wouldn't lie in keeping with the superb stock we next Fall.
These are truths honestly uttered. We ask you to give us tho benefit of your
doubts at mast until you investigate our elnhus. After you do don't buy
these bargains if jqu have room to doubt. Wc certainly won't harass you into
--.-a '
Estimate is Marje
of County Expenses
lliinninfr I loHL'hiH cimnlv Witt COt !
this year, according to ihe financial re
port received by the Hoard of Count v
coinmlssloncrs. The cost estimate la as
Oeneral fond purisises
Hnnd sinking fund purisises
Koad fund purposes
Krlilge fund uirswes
sjldicrs' ltellet fund puisi?es... !.
The following tsbh; shows lu the first
column the amounts ri-celved during the
year by the several funds and lu tlo
second column the balances on hand
January 4. 191?:
rcr, J. M. Hates, Fort Creek; sorretuiy
.1 K cnni. So'Mh ihnaha. '
With th" exception of A. K. A gee of j
V;lkhorn, who was circled In Ihe place I
of J. II. Seefus, who resigned, tho follow- I
Ing illrvstors were rr-lerted: l. M.I
Drexcl of Wiishlnglon. N'b ; J. K. Curl I
of South Omaha. J. P. MrAr.llr, W. II
Davidson of Kprlngfleld. J. P. Mullen of j
Atkinson, J. M. liales uf Fort Crook, J. I
E. Sobota of Schuyler, A. K Ageo of
Elkhoin. !
Th' llKK !t niMiit-y kavIiik cvriit of thr
wliits-r miwii Ih our i inl-aiiinial ! ar-,
atitp t;il In full nwliw this wrch. t'oim- j
tuiiitrriw. IS neon A Thorne ",, I'M-")
I'jIltUlll BlUt't-
Tlie key lo nuci tfts Hi bunlnesa la tlv
liidUiuiifl ancj jM iH ftt nt use of newpaptj
Slaughter Sale Continues All This Week!
12.011 mid $1.60 Shlrta 05 llriso a!5t
$2.l)d Ulovea, llnrd and unliued S1.1J5
jl.61) liioves, lined and unllncd 8lil5
100 fsllTIl HIXTKKNTH.
. 75. "ii
. Isi.wHi
KmerKenry brldse
Hond r'nklnir
Soldiers' relief!W-.:
.. ,o it:
.. ;,
.. 3.eM.lo
II '.HJ.J., !
t".w i; I
l'l.M ss I
.'s III
; voceo ou ai ine slate primaries ipril is I (,.,,,, r,,.r .ne hundred farmers
ill be held at the I.lndell hotel l.ln-, Institute. Oier one nunurea farmers
coin. Neb., on the evening of the Uth were (.resent st the opening. In
of this month. All republicans srewth other points In the (late the seed j
earnestly invited to attend and take part I ... ...uij nrohahlv not 1
in the deliberations of tins meetins a c"rB " " crbabiy not
full representation of the republicans of more 56 pr c-nt strung, sord-
every part of Ul state Is desired. Jf n- to ruf. Pugsley of the university,
secretary of the State Taft leaanie. I most . M nrr. , ttl- m .1...
earnestly reiuest -that you attend thlslMr' r tn "rm,r" arc "' mTktl
meeting yourself and us eevry possible for feed corn for next year,
endeavor to secure as latfce an sttend-4 Profs. Spansler snd Pugsley of Ihe 1 ni-
versity Co'Iege of Agriculture were the
Hotel Flanders
133-137 West 47th St.
200 Feet Kast of ISroadwajr.
A modern ftreiiroof hotel in
the heart of the theater, club
aud hotel district; convenient
to all car lines. An exceptional
orchestra. Rooms with private
bath $2.00 per dajr. Krora
Grand Central Station, Broad
way cars without traasfer.
From Pennsylvania Statloa. 7th
Avenue cars without transfer.
Booklet on request.
H. It. SHAll!, Vvp.
speakers at the aflcrnoon session. Mr. !
Spansler dlM ussed the grouifig of catalpa :
trees, whiie Mr. Pussley took up the silo j
question. Idr. (tramlirh and Miss Ilowan!
are lh speakers f.r the second day.
ance as pcssible.
Osjtlook Kaesaaraslaa,
Mr. Currle is greatly encouraged by the
reports lie is receiving, lie has received
replies from more than fifty republican
editors in the state and more st- com
ing in on every mall. The replies are
uniformly favorable to the renomlnatlon
of Mr. Taft and all speak hopefully of ; W wish to call you. attention to the
republican success at the election, as well j fact that most Infectious; diseases such
as Indicating the certainty of the prcsl- . as w hooping cough. l.;.ritheria and scar
dent receiving a handsome endorsement i let fever are contract! d when the child
from Xebraska republicans. He has alfo ' has a cold.,'s Cough llem-
recelved replies from all of the members ' ey w ill quickly cir.? a cjld and greany j
of committees annointed to nreent ram. ! lesu-n the danger of c.ntrartinr him.
of candidates for delegates and electors, 'diseases. Ta;s rem.oy i-. fa.oous for its
' j cures of colds. It c-j;'ia;n?i n. opium o.-
otber narootic and may given to a
child with impucit cnliili act.
all dealers.
Bessey to Deliver
Oration January 26
Ir. ri.ail-s K. lsiwy of the Put
Lnlvrntty ut .bt will dclivtr th-)
mW-t-rm mm mnt fimtion In
Omatisi. The t-omrnrncpnit-nl jX' 'niw lll
b IwM In thm Yotmic Worn-n's t'hrtftlan
awctittl"n tiuildlnff oa Ftlday evrnlnit.
Jmiiuary The nild-lrrm t Um vt hitth
w hoo i,i4uiitfB now numbers vmu- n.
but at U-t thr mrr rf rsiwn-txJ to
Ik? aWr fu cnnipl'-tc tltr cuiirH'. Ir. !?
jwy'H talk t th frrHdnates will l on
Thlra Worth WWk" '
A PrclloB.
Thr'urh an trror In Bnixin & Thorm-'s
advertliwment In lact evening ai-r.
wool difeii for Junior and email women
w-rc litl at a reduction of 25 r c-nt.
Th? corrt dliw-ount Is pr cent.
The Quickest Cough Cure
Cheap, Bui Unequaled
A Whole Pint of It for 50c. Savt You
$2. Does the Work Quickly or
Money Refunded.
Tor quit k bliJ positive rtsulu, lh pint
of 1 1 -.j nip that yuu tuuk wilb
rent rwitdr of I'iii-ji, aunut be (sjuallf
it I It In i iiiHtuiiily anil will usually
I hp njt olj-tnmt'' d.-'n-ti (-oiitii
inkidf of i!4 lioiin. Kvfn rroti mid
wb'mipinK fvufh yield lo it quickly.
The QKtr of 1'ini-i mini it with homr
made auKwr pyrup. Thia icivra you full
piut a family supply of bMirr rough
irmHy than you tin Id buy rmly inil
for f Kunly pn-iMirrd iu o tui utiles
full dimrtioua in pakaK.
Viufx soothftt and hrala th Inhumed
inriuhrau with rrniarkabl rapidity.
It fltiuiulatM the apilit, is ulizlitly lai
fttive, and tatM ffoud i-hiMrvn like it.
Kxllent for bonnt.fKv iMbmi, tron
fhitiH. and oihr throat troubUn, and ha
uonl-rtiii rnvtd in i of iti -ipirnt
luiiy tMiitdr.
Tinei la a ppm-ia) and highly rrn-tratt-d
oiiuiNrijiiu1 (if .Nurmuv U'lntf rin-
eitrmi, Tn b lit K-mii'-ul ind other natural
hfaiinc pine eetnf-ntn. Simplv mix with j
miiar syrup or KtrsitiM honpy. in a pint
lot tie, and it it read for . I hed ic '
Mure home in ihe I". H. and 4'anada than
-nv othr counts ru.l.
I'inex hasofif-n been iiuifated. lint nver
an(fiill . fr not M n jr else will produce
the i-ame re.iili. Tne fen ii me euat.iu
ted to aive alnolute Nttifu lKn or money
refunde.1. tVrtmrate of Biinrnnt".
wrujiH in ea b pa kac. Vour ilruKift
ha.H I'ibi'i or ill i:.dly j;ei itfor'i. If
not, and to The Vtv.x i'o.. Ft. Wayne
Gulf Coast Resorts
New' Orleans, Mobile, Pensacola
am) all other principal raserts In ths south raachsd by cjaick ami aasv
vssmmt schsdulss of ths Louissilla 4 Nashnlla Railroad rthst- in somi
!. gk - .l.epioy ran trom TMeagit, St. lmia, TlM.s.el, nBJ
Rapids, Louis villa, Esanmlla, Clavslaad and Indianapolis, CompUta
diniaf car sasrvica. Round (rip tourist ticketa. rwtura limit ta Juns 1. oa
sals daily at rsducad faros. Greater varisr routes thaa any -thsr liasc
oitstm roatss to Florida sf dssrrod. Hmnssoshsrs' tickets oa sal First
and Third Taosdsj sack sooth at vary low rates
The Most Attractive Way South
For full pafticalars, rate, ticks, dsscriptrra illaf
tratsd boohloti and slsoping car rsisrvslisaa, address
!d by
There are still i. i
ait ds-namr.',n;s ;.f ;
Is of I arca:ns In
- -.f jr. v-t ren:. t
JPi st rci.t ar.d s-.- ,t r.s'ii.-:!t,-s. lhD!) '
j her.- t.. morrow. ..,-, a. 'i horns- Co . j
I m9-J t'-rnam ijv i
j wo nunarrsi larmers. memners of the
8tate Farmers' Mutual Insurance cm- j
psny, rsthered In convention this morning
in tho Independent Telephone buildimr '
Twenty-r.fth and M slrts, Sjuih Omaha I
The foliowlns offl-rs wore re-el..,.; f
I'rsssl nt. T. it. Ilolnnn. j I'l.ili' ; il-ti
l.?.d ol. J. I . ilcAnili, fcikuoiu. Ui JJ I
CLARK'Sg-f.ffCRUISE,. :.t AiWJt-. T-.ra. 1
I.. I-). .'tf. n, ( , tjr-l Tovi. .
i-RA.VK r ' 'K T'm- Ullit. New ara.j
' t-'aV'aVaZa fitlCt, UOiva.
w. a hf tt.
11 Hi Bifx a
tLmsiV 3 E fLJk fe), AM Kcctid Diseases ccred without a surgical
Ei B m A ssf ftsjl operation. No Chloroform. Ether or other ("eo-
MM Jr haase eral aueasthetic nd. CURE GUARAX'XkEO I
tollita ilrt-TIME. ti"EXAlIIAT3 KO.
I PHt. TARRY, 24 a KuiMma. Oruha. Nebraska .