Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 10, 1912, Image 1

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    Looking backward
This Day in Omaha
T'aUV Twsatf Tea Voire Agj
Im Elrtoriai Peg ck bums
rHE Omaha Daily Bee
Snow; Warmer
VOL. XL1-X0. 177.
sixulk copy two cents.
Monument'City Captures National
Convention of the Opposition
Party on Second Ballot
Victors Pot Tin Certified Check for
Hundred Thousand.
States May Select Delegates by Pri
mary if They Wish.
ihla W Oae Wlt After Hcpiiblloea
rimratiai Meets la t'klrai
Stnln Will D Held is
Bis Armory.
WASHINGTON. Jan. .-The democratic
national convention will be held 'n Uat
timore, beginning Tuesday, Juna H. The
ciioice was made late today bjr the dem
ocratic national committee alter a spir
ted context and after representatives of
Jialumore. St. I.ouis, Chicago. Denver
and New lurk had presented tria clam-a
of those cities.
Two ballot were token. On tbe first
1 allot Baltimore received 8 votus, St.
l.uuls 13, Chicago. 3. Denver and New
York 1. On tue second ballot Uultimoro
received Z votis. ft. Louts and C'hl-i-ao
1. Thia vavo Ualtlmore a clear
majority and the destarkm theu waa made
The committee adopted a call for dele
gates embodying- the permissive plan of
liriniartca and finally adjourned adoitly
blore o'clock.
Member of the comiuillca were late
In assembling tms morning, due to the
tut that the Jackson day banuuet kao
continued until an early hour today. It
was almost 4 o'clock this morning when
William Jennings Hryan finished his ad
dress and a later hour when the dinner
guests quit the banquet hail.
Date Selected First.
The first business transacted was to de
cide that the convention should be held
June 25, one week after the republican
national convention. At .this time the
place of the convention had not been de
termined. t!t. Louis was working ham
to overcome the Baltimore lead.
Charles F. Franklin of Licnvcr pre
sented the Colorado city's bid for the
t onventlon.
Arguments In behalf of Chicago were
presented by Fred V. I'pham of Chicago,
assistant treasurer of the republican na
tional committee, and J. Hamilton Lewis.
Chicago, ID addition to defraying the ex
penses of tbe convention, offered a con
tribution of K,M to the democratic cam
paign fund. Thia announcement increases
Chicago's chances.
O. F. Hershey spoke' for Rebert Craln.
chairman of tne Baltimore committee,
and called out a storm of cheer wnea he
drew from Ola pocket a certified check
for lluo.WD and laid it upon the table.
K. F. Ooltra. fanner Governor David
It. Francis, Kolla Wells and James B.
tfmlth spoke for 6U Louis.
Edward M. Tlerney spoke for New York
City. As aoon a the New York bid was
In the committee began balloting.
Will Meet la Bl Armory.
tlALTlMOME, Md., Jan. 9-The dem
ocratic national convention will be held
In the Fifth lleglment armory', Balti
more's largest auditorium. The armory I
an Imposing structure of granite and will
feat comfortably more than 12.WJ0 per
sons. There are two balconies and of
necessity ay the erection of raised plat
forms at either end of the building the
seating capacity of the building can be
increased to more than 30.0H0 persons.
Kxpert say the acoustic properties can
be made almost perfect for a hall of its
WASHINGTON. Jan. . -Representative
Victor h. Berger, socialist, of Wisconsin.
Introduced a bill today to appropriate
Jl.lMi.WW for the establishment of govern
ment owned department stores In Wash
ington tor the benefit ot government
clerks to be operated on the linea of the
commissary stores in the I'snama canal
The National Capital
TUc Scaats.
In r'3n at J r-. ..
l.o rimer election committee .lucsoue'l
lwtnu Hincs.
Trust heari'igs -sver rcstr.uer! by ti.e
ti:ittrst;ue Cwinmertv con.nuttvc.
Kobert BonyiiKe of Co!trdo resigrutl
from iHononiary com nit --stun.
National monetary commiio;itj"i final
report rcporud to lth liouw.
Senator lvi-ont s,iok in sdviieacy of
the bill to raises voiuntt-rr forces a u ring
threatened or actual war-
The House.
Met at noon.
interstate co.iireree committee- decided
to hold immediate hearings on Panama
canal legislation.
Suuar trust inv.sticatinp committee
heard Dr. Wiley on suar trusts.
W.iya and means committee was urged
tu recommend another date than l-eeem-ber
Ul for reports umier coriwrattun tax
Acounts committee filled the places of
extra stenographers to house committee
who struck because of reduced vV-
lU-pre&t-ntative Hutni'hrey of AVafhine
ton attacked democrat 8 for aban2..i;
Controller Hay imiuiry.
HroKstd visit to western reservations
by commit ten on Interior derartment es
pcndilurea denounced - In debate as a
Nrw Mexk-o's first members of eon.
Rres. tleorgo Curry, republican, and 1.
II. Ferguson, democrat, ere fworn In as
member of the house amid gene.ou
New m?mbers of committee cbosert by
tlw democratic caum Hatnrday were
elected by the house, li.eliutiim Ian V.
Hto-phens, Nebraska, accounts and Indian
Senator Crawford Introduced a bill- to
provide for the appointment by the 1' tilled
6tatea of members of an inter national
commission to Investigate the yetKial In
cxeaue of the cost of llvi: g.
Waiting Their Turn
Confessed Murdtrer of Avis Linnell (
I Condemned to Die in Elec- j
trie Chafr.
Changed Plea Accepted and Placed i
on Records by Judge.
Attorneys Will Attempt to Make
f.--i. T:r. t : 4
St. Louis Faces
Water Famine;
Brewery Closes
ST. I.ol'IS, Jan. 9. August A. lluseh,
vice president of the Atir.euKer-Uusch
Brewing association, announced today
that the Immense plant will be shut
down until the clt? 's water supply Is In
creased. In Its effort to aid the city official
In saving water the brewery wIM thiow
out of employment a large iiortlou of Its
6,000 employes.
Thousands are out of work, a score of
laundries have ceawd oieiations. a tleup
of street cur traffic I threatened and
the city a gas supply is menaced by the
city'a water famine.
As the day advanced the pressure Im
proved, but water department officials
said the situation was still critical and
that the danger of a famine had not
passed, Kverythlng deiends on the suc
cess of efforts to keep the Intake tunnel
clear of Ice and on the staiie of the water
In the river. A gorge at tlrafton. 111.,
haa lowered the Mississippi levels so that
there la only enougb water to keep two
of the six pumps busy.
ALTON, lit. Jaw. sV-Cakes k and
slush blocked the Intake pipe ot the Al
ton water worka aystem this morning
and cut off 1he city'a water aupply com-pletely.
Responses to (taeatioaa af Jadge
Made la Kvea Tones Wllhiiit
Ktldeace of Kmotloa by
Vwrderer of Sweetkeart.
HOs'Tt X. Jan. . With the appearance
of a ms 1 who had abandoned all hope of
Hie, lte. Clarence V. T. Rlcheson stood
today at the bar of justice, declared his
guilt of the premeditated murder of his
former sweetheart. Hiss Avis Linnell an.
without a tremor heard Judge Sanderson
sentence lilm to death in the electric
chair during tile week beginning May in.
While di.pavlng remarkable stoicism
the young Virginian appeared to those
alio crowded the little court room as If
he were conducting his own funeral.
Vet as he walked out of the court room
there was a trace of bis old-time Jauntl.
neas that seemed to many to Indicate bis
fight was not yet finished.
To the half doien questions whicu Judge
1 Sanderson put to Kicheson as to whether
he realised the full nature and effect of
his acknowledgment uf guilt he answered
Bar Against Joy
Riding by High
School Pupils
LOB ANUKLEa, Jan. !. High school
boys are forbidden to take high school
girls automobile riding, and all high school
fraternity and nororlty members are
ordered expelled. 'in edicts issued today by
J. II. Framis. auperlntendent of sc hools
here, Superintendent Francis asserts that
a practice of pleasure riding has developed
whkh is bad for the students. Fraterni
ties and sororities, he Bald, are being or
ganized, deite m "honor system" under
which pi:;lis bar themselves from mem
bership in such organization;.
The Weather
Kor Nebraska: Increainjf cloudiness
t. tin snow: not ?o cokl south portion.
Tor Iowa: Increasina; cloudiness with
i robHbly snow; rising temperature south
IrMpcrstnrr at Omaha Yesterday,
1 Tours.
S u. m.,
a. m.
7 u. m
? a. m
9 a. in
10 a. m
11 a. in
J-! :n
1 p. vex
2 p. m
1 p. m
p. m
2 i- m
Js A 7 p. m
- $ p. m
CewpnratlTe Laeal Rer4,
i?i:. 1311. 1910. iw.
Hlshest vesterdar S 1 24
lowest yesterday J rs 5 7
Mean temperature 3 i 15 V.
lrcAipltatlon 06 . .00 T
Temperature an J precipitation depar
tures from the normal:
Normal temperature JO
i?rxtency mr the day , -t
Total excess wineo March I 441
Normal precipitation T inch
In tVleiKy for the day q p.Kn
Tots I rainfall since March I.. ir.Su Inches
leftc'ency since March 1 15.4inhs
leficieney for cor. period li10..l4.71 inches
Kxcess ftr cor. period 1P.... 5.16 Inches
Hrrta fro as Rtatleae at T P. V.
Sutimt and Stata Temp, rilsb- Rain-
01 nwiier. 1 p. m
t'iieyrniic, clear 32
iNivej.port, citar i
Denver, clear 4a
Uf Moires, pt. cloudy. 3
lod.Te City, rlear 14
Ijtnder. eleal 32
Nrth Platte, cloudy s
itimha, pt, cloudy 2
lueio. c:ear 4 .a.
iijpid City, cloudy .49 m
jit Lake City, pt- d'dy 42 44 .m
Sante Ke. clear J 44 M
F lie ride n. cloudy 5 s ,0
fttouj. C1y. clear 4 I SA
Va lent tne. elear $ z .0v
indicatea sera.
L. A. WLL&I. Local Furecaster.
Blackmailer Given
One Year in Jail
Iv..ii.8 CITY, Jan. .-laid I-ewls, a
houne puintc-r, was he itenccd to a year
in Jail and the payment of a f' fine here
today fur au attempt made lait fall to
blackmail W. S. Webb, vi'V president of
the Missouri Savings bank lor $1,500.
Lewis' wife, a former mankuriM, testi
fied to Intimacy with Mr. VcTb In an
effort to save her husband. Lewis was
arrested after he had written Webb
a threatening letter demanding 4M,' In
return for his wife's affection!.
Chief of Police Griffin chat actcritcd
the whole affair as a "frumeup."
j without the Ugh test emotion, always In
the affirmative.
Ulcht'son's counwl said after the pro-i-eeditigs
thul an appeal for executive
clemency would follow soon and that
every effort would he made to obtain
life Imprisonment Instead of death as the
punishment. 1'pon what ground the c
tltion will lw hniied has not yet been
Some wrll known attorneys remarked
toulgl.t that Judgs Sanderson's action In
acieptiiiK the plea and ordering it spread
U)rou the iccajds of the court might have
an echo in the supreme court on the
ground that a jury alone could airept
such a plea.
4haaaes Ills Plea,
As Jticheson wan called to the bar Clerk
Manning said:
"Clarence V. T. Iticlieson. this liulirt
ment churKeo you with murder In the
flint iS'gr i1. On November 12 yon pleaded
not guilty to it. lo you desire to re
tract that prear
"Yes, ir." replied Kkheson.
"What say you to the indictment?" the
clerk fcaked.
Guilty," was the reply, without a
1 In toue. . v , v .
"The only peualty provided by law,"
Judge Sanderson said, "fur murder In the
flrxt degree. Is death, llava you pUaled
guilty to murder In the first degreo after
due consideration and with the full
knowledge and understanding of the na
ture u'ud effect of i'eh a plea?"
es, sir.
"Is the plea made by you freely and
voluntarily? (he Judi;e continued.
e. sir."
'lld jou consult ctiunsel with refer
ence to the nature of the offense and
the Mca?"
"e. sir."
After the dhttrlet attorney had rend
Illchesou'H ronfiinlon which was made
a part of the record. Judge Sanderson
"Clarence V. T. lUcheson, have you
anything to say why sentence of death
should nut be passed iion you?"
The young man apparently swallowed a
hard lump in his throat, but without
even a shadow across his fuce he re
plied: "No, sir, nothing further than I have
Itoa-tb Penalty Pronounced.
Hi sing In hid mat Judge Sanderson
pronotinc: the dtath penalty, ending
with the word: "and may Jod, in his
, v.
f - ' ' s - s . . s s , J r, s .IS. .-. sa- m . f 1 ' f S r S 'sSSSSS S J -
1 - . ; zym:
irrr. 1 . : ,, ''"?&.
v., Frir t : . ., ''-;-mymw
1 1 tvsr ". u 1 i -l t - j, ',' ''.'
Krttm the St. Louis (Ihibe-Iemucrat.
President Taft Sendi Menage Re
garding Demand from Europe.
Wood front A II I eaalrles Kieept
laaada Will ol He Admltled
r'ree I alll After Derlsloa
Is Made.
Hints at Sensational
Developments in the
Morrow Murder Case
I WASHINGTON, Jan. i.-ln a mesaKe
j tn the I mum uf reprem-ntHtlveit loony
j President Taft aoitiunee-l that thU
j t-riiuit lit woulil tefuc to mi in It fri-e whmI
pulp mid paper from any nation oth r
than Cauudu until Ihe proier courts Intvt
decided the o,uentlou ruined by
Kuropt-an KovermnentH tinder tiic favored
nation clauses of tlielr treutles.
A 'Ivr I he pMdwagu of t he u uudi.i 11
reciprocity Mil by which wood pulp and
j-air f rum t 'a nuda vn e admit ted f ree
Into thi! Tnlted Male. lx lutoieai.
cointrieq dnmindi-d that their wood
pulp and print paper ttlho le udmlttcd
Th prenident fays that the uu. tton
of law now lafd t an le beitt-r eu
nidertd In a court of Inw by execu
tive coiislructlon. und cniliiiul :
"I -have, therefore, din cted that the
refusal of the Treasury dt-partuient Piad
mil wimkJ pulp und p;ipr uiiihr the Joint
'ffeiH uf tli ;ttiadi:iii lprovlt
.,! It... fU !.'!,, 111 , lUllS.M lf 111!
Infinite f-'oodne!, have mercy upon your j XMti wth ttthf.r fWlnlrU ahall Mund
as the attitude uf th govetiimeni pind
tug the consideration of the iwu tpit Mmns htulel before the tribunaU regu
larly iipKlnt-l by law fur the cinsdia-
t'MU'AOO, Juv. .-WHh the pielimt-
j uaiy hearing of lrn. It me H. Morrow.
at-ciiMI by the police of killing her hits
band. Charles It. Mnrm. schednled In
j be rea uincd today before Mhih lpal Jtutge
I Kak e. It wan nitnored lhat the deve)(.p
j nienis ot the dtiy mlaht he the moid tn
'teieitlhiK rime the Woman x nrivft.
Mis, Morrow declared cterday that
1 (-lie would P'Mtlfy lu her nun behalf, de
tlHiinK Hint bin lould easily prove h-:
, inuoi nce,
. Another Niii v hail It Hint luiiei tor
Clancy w&h piepiird i show that Mor
row was killi tl hi a dm I. At cor)tiig to
lhl story. It whs mimI tin- plh e would
atit nipt to p.-me that when the flrt wit
necM h found Morrow dead on the por h
of his hoiiN- he 1 jiitehed a 4l-HHtr m
otver in hU hurftl.
Near hlni luv 11 alilH'i r.voKtij
I Tilt iit', lh-y declare, Ik the piou-llv ,,f
j Mrs. Mnirou. Ailililig to the police
I theory, M01 low was ht b" wnm' one
tdi rvec'whh a wen putt than him-w-lf. Ile
was thi-otiKh Hi.- lit-Hii, the arifiie.
I while in Hp- kit. Io n nf hl home, und wan
j shot the wt i ii.l Utiif after falltim on th'
' pir li.
Stockholders of Lincoln Telephone
Compsny Hold Meeting.
f'oaatr Jadae l.mli ut Heal Wlllon
I'aMMtr Overrates lleeUlim af
' tlltttuey (Teaeral as ta I hi
lady uf swe irs Bunds,
iBig Marble Structure in Heart of
Sew York Financial District
Destroyed by Fire.
Four Men Killed by Jumping and
Other Bodies Are Under Debris.
i Operations of Stock Exchange and
Clearing House Hindered.
r'.aslera llaaae of Oasaha , Dearer
Klrm Had l earl era la BalUlaa
Hii4rea ml Mlllliaa af
Keearlllea !all la Be Sate.
NEW YORK, Jan. .-The treat marble
nine-story bulldins of the Equitable Life
Assurance society at VX Broadway, the
home nf the mercantile Trust comiany,
ie Kqultable Trust company, the bank
ing house of Kountae Bros., the Mer
eantlle tale lepojit company and th
llarrlman lines, was destroyed early
today by fire. Four men lost thetr
lives by leaping from the roof and the
proerty lose Is conservatively esti
mated at IO.,io.
.Millions uf dollais In cash and securi
ties are hxked In the vaults ot the As
surance society and the banking and
trust c-mianles. but are not believed tu
be affected bv the flames. y
William (llhllu. president ot the Mercan
tile h(e Ifeposll company, was Im
prisoned with three other employes lu
Ihe vaults and was rescued after the fire
men had sawed through several two-tnch
stiel bars. One man Is believed lu have
lost Ills life lu the vaults.
The fire was In the heart ot the finan
cial district and the flames were fought
from the tops ot towering sky scrapers,
business whs brought almost to a com
plete standstill among banking anil
brokerage houses, house employes could
nut reach the scene ot their dally ac
tivities. Financial firms stopped business
In rare tor the ttiomen.
Most uf the vital records of the Equit
able Life Assurance society were kept In
the branch offices of the society In the
listen bullillnft, several blocks from the
mala offices.
Millions and millions ot dollars In se
curities and cash were eared for In the vaults of the Kqultaule company
and In the vaults of the Trust and Kafu
Delt companh'S. but It is not believed
that the heat of the fire can penetrate
the sates and that there will be no loss
from Ihla source.
The heaviest loss besides that of the
oullillnt! waa caused by the destructlou
of InViranfe and railroad records.
Within twa hours after the fire broke
out, at 'cUak.tb . bulldlajL .was a.
(Continued on Fourth Page.)
Klcheson's appoaraiKe in court today )
differed little from that at the time of i
his arraignment, but hit? face wa iaie I
and there wen; noticeable lines on either .
side of his fuce. Ills words were evenly ;
modulated, althouKh at time so low that
Judje BaiioVrson had to request him
repeat what he said.
Throughout the procceoliiRs hU liamu
grlpictl the wooden rail before him.
'."liLorimer Begins His
Story by Denying
Charges of Bribery
tinn of kuIi pi 'Htlomv
Milligan Farmer
Kills Family and Self ;
WASHINGTON. Jin. S- S.-nal.r I.01.
111 r took the nilne,-N Ma ml in hi; (two
.h ft ii.- at Z:V thi-s ufl- ritmiit.
"IMd u tier pjy aoi' iiitiiy r anv
thhis: liiliit to aiiib'xlv for iir t-U.-
11.-1. '1 Atf.Ol.rV H.ilH
I'LATTK, S. L., Jan. 9 -iSpeeial )
j Makintr Iti-- escape from the local jail
: when the temperature was considerably
'below sero, and narrowly eft aping befnt
I froxen to death, wm the experience of
! Ilobcrt Spotted Kaglc, a mixed blood
'Si-tux Indian, who is in chaige uf Sheriff
Ulffle while awaiting trial at the next
term of Ktatc circuit iurt on the charice
of obtamincr imnwy under fdl pn tenses.
ptTrini; the nhxht he in ome mar.ner got
Dr. Harry E. Webster
! Will Plead Guilty
: STKUI-IXG, 111, Jan. :..-J.,hn KrwJn,
'chief couiiM! for Ir. Harry Klgin N 1
!ter, confined 111 the OrI ; county jail
for ti e murder of Hensie Kent Welter,
! announced this afternoon tint W lifter
I would a-p; -car in cticuit couit Friday (Th- woman was Hora' M--..nd wife and ll
VM.I.Ic.AX, Neb. J:ni. . Some tl'l.t
between li"UH Slid t o 'lo:k this eviiiiii:
ter lloiv, a midiJIeajsed retired fiirnit-r
mn here kill d hi wife itnd tbvir
three-vear-old child and then took hl
own life. The bodies were found by the
otlH-r five children t-f Itor.- on their re
turn fmin aehottl. The ife and In by
had ben plain with a hatchet, und (.or
had lo-eminly rui bin throat with a laxor.
I did hot '
j Mr. I.ortoe 1 tit
tlo.i. 1 .,! nif. nip,
of brlh. 1;
II Ml ll!)--W
or I.01 1-
I to o,le
kftOH ltlu-
Eight Steel Molders
Meet Horrible Death
Kioiii a Stiifr CorrefiNii.dt nt.
MNCliLX. Jitn. '.--(Special Telegium.)
-The iinuiial ineetlnK of toe rxliM-kholdem
of the I. in ;lii TelrplKinv roiiipany wim
in lil hIuv und the purchase of the It-1 1
Urn lu the .outh IMatte country and the
fale of the Independent properly in the
north I'hitte Wiin ratified. The meeting
wiiw adjourn il to the home of I'reuld -nt
1' ll. W.hmI-, mm a too III tu
rum., i.i Hi tirfi.w ot ihe company.
In addition to 1 Mill vhiK the pure bane
ami the follou Ink directors Were
. I. . t- .t 1- iunk II. Wooum. S. II. Iliirn.
film. Joseph iiniiiMt-r, .Murk .M. WotMlr.
C J. HUN, S. Ii.' Mjir, Clmih s Htuart
11 ml t'oirtinwlorr Heaver ot York.
fi-.einor Ahhtch ii!d that he had no
lap ni nt to mako at plf.-ent retturdlliK
1 in- in"iK''t' und h veto of tin- merger
htll iMUtxi-d l Ihe IttM b Hlnliiluic, but
l 'uit be inlk'h! huvf tunet hiiiK to give out
;-iroi Al'liicli this iifteiuotin nave u
let i'1-llMfi lit lh ' ex- titlve tnausltin tu the
101 111 bet f of tli- Mutt Historical usho
chuioii .mrt of tli l'lotit en" uftH-iatlon.
ltre 4.-Meral OtrrraleJ,
('. J. UwtJ-, eounty judge of lUd Wil
low toimiy, liit rnndered an oplntim lu
wliU-li lit- oveiiult" ihe uttoruey gcneml.
Tne I. tip i k-i- an of'tnlon 1 1 Mhii h he
rn Id tbil tht loiiiiiy c! rk whs the ru(
foillnu ftf tin- bond- of th- cituuty uch
"or und hin ttrpiltb , JudKc Ist-u l.s de
1 UriK that iiui:nuh In- t requited
by l.iU to par nil the bond h In tiic
11 t'ttiMi t tin- came ;ind infoitnetl
ih iinty eh-rk. In doing tut b twy that
fh- roltuif f thai oTIieiiit 1- imt cttmuioti
hm anl Ihrrt forv not law tu i:d Wil
io.. co'iutr.
WASHINGTON, Jan. -lr. II. W.
Wiley, the Koveramrnt food guardian, la
gelling t lit 11 skinned. He admltled It to
duy to the house committee which la
trying to tlx the responsibility for last
summer's hlah prices of sugar. Chair
man llsnlwl.'k was trying to lead Dr.
Wiley from the ath of a protective
tariff Into tbe tariff for revenue only
"I have been lambasted so much for my
opinions that I am getting thin aklaned,"
said Mr. Wiley.
Ir. Wiley showed the committee how;
sugar Is tested by the polariacope. Ha
urged iicuple to eat more common yellow;
sugar and praised beet sugar.
Urtuinhig from a two years' trip
abroad, ('. Hrown of Halt Lake City
und Ogden haa been visiting with Tom
Coleman of the Midland Glaaa and Paint
company, and tells of his pleasant fur
prlHc in finding The Hee at a bookseller'
lu Sheffield. Kngland.
" The particular number." he says, "at
tracted my attention evpcctally because
it contained an tllufftrated description of
ogden tauon with reproduction of pho
tographic views, which were as familiar
a my own home. I bought the copy,
and carried It along with me. and havo
It lu mv luggage now. having shown It.
and K'ti nt the praises of The Bee, to many
people In many lands."
iovl of the cll In whkh he had been
'placed and headed for the Miseouii river,
with the apparent intention of making hi
jway to a remote portion of the Ho?ebud
, reservation. When hia escape waa dis
I covered tn the morning he was trailed
many miles through the enow and. after
! many hours' iean h. wan discovered in a
straw stack, where he, being very thinl
clad. h&U taken refuse from Uk coid,
and vvhere he was found in a stupor.
; from whkh he woukl not have emerged
had be not b discovered by the of fl
ews. His feet were badly froxen and ht
was Dearly dead from exposure.
morning and enter a i of guilty to
murdr ami wil 1th row hiinFt if on the :
mercy of the court. 1
CHICAOH, Jn. .-I)r. Harry Elgin ;
-baler, in jail at Oregon. 111., chargc-d
with the tnutder of hu w ife, dec.aci
tbe tory whih conne tn his iwme with '
the murdt r f Mrs. F. K. Mixe in lC I
a- absurd, acjordlnR to detectives who
returned here today after questioning j
i: elalmetl they lived uphupplly together.
Town offltfiH hae taken charge f tie
home awaiting the arrival of th' coronei
ond sheriff.
I l.i Cl.l. i;-.-l II Tul UK. I i.iriv. .ia-;.
. S. --l'.ig;it t'l lootjil'is 1,0 t a borill;
'dt iith and el. v-n olii'T Wt-it- t i.-ii.-l v
ii.juiej t..t- bv 1 he bnriiio: of .1 win
mould i"t the g",MOin lit I'.ndl .-i:n!
I RIRTH nP A SflN TliF5n&Y
Kimmel Case Goes
to Trial February 6
ST. LUUS, Jan. 9. Tiie Kimm I rase J
will g to trial a third time February . ;
In the 1'nited States district ourt. judg j
Lyer wt that date today.
1 nltke. two other trialn that !.ae le. n j
h!d, the titan who say.- be if ijeorge A. !
K lnim-J. but who U alb-gel in reality to
be A- J White, will b- in crt;t.
George t'- lUnkin of the IH.-t Na
tional bsok at Mies. Mich.. I- the plain- '
tiff. W- eks to collect from an luu--
a nee company InMirame on the life
Kimmel, the premiums on which i
k- pt up by the bank.
iig"iih in-. While
psHlilli' liM'tdl Into
. , in;iieillrii; fiooi it
n rind tli' I'I'-n y
llM W tt Mi-
th- mool.i ll,
au d an
! t.nonilMK
r.ouhl n-meial.
i d in the iiia-.4
:i;AlNKIil, Minn. Jn. ''.-Kne
dren of lrit.n ''atiile vn-re birritd tu
d-uth and 3tt: . f . rioiolv
boro d fe ;t fin- w hi' h t"itro etl tbe
arhle reSMknct u Moir.-v, a mall Pmn
.went-ibree miles .M of here, lust
A t'-legram from Molxviy Mo., last
night b ought word that a i"t tiad 'been
(born to Mr. and Mrs. Horace H. Phil
pott of Francita. Tex., who ar visiting
at Mobcrty. The meaeace said both
mother and son were doing finely but
. dkl not gtve any word as to the. "old
j man's" condition. l!n. Fhilpott was con
! nected with the iiec for many years.
From a Staff Correspondent,
L1XUIN, Neb., Jan. 9. iriecial Tele-gram-
The Territorial Pioneers' anwctn
tlou elected the following officer?: Presi
dent. J. H- Culver of Mi I ford; first vice
president. Marshal UeCamp, Clearwater,
second vlc-Tr president, C. A. Beach. Lin
coln. John I. Webster delivered tle annual
address tint, afternoon and called atten
tion to ):e great value of the historical
data collected by the Idtorhal iock-ty
and kept on file hi the library. Th 1 "
evening the rneetfni: wound up with aj WASHINGTON, Jan. s.-Apparcntly In
banqut-t at which Chan.-ellor Avery of! an effort to protct the sugar rerming
the un'.ver-ity presided aa toastmater and ' industry of Cuba a bill was introduced
responses were made by Governor ; in C.e Cub in aeiate yesterday, prohjhlt
Aldrtr h, John I- Webster of Omaha. ' ing tl.e exportation of twiaar cane in any
Francis ur .fic!ie. Hterop Henry j. Ti- xorm. aecoramg io aovicef reeved at r,,, Thi i ibe fim than
hen and J. A. Jenkins j the State department today, j Faiiharrdk for thr wtt kj
Wilson for Economy
ana Uo-operacion
llJhXInN. N J, Jan. -The tn
I New J. rae l t.ilatorf ctinirneii totlai'.
'e-vernor We tlrow Wliton M-nt bis flrM
i annual iueiHi- to the e Mature Tht.
j message i. alt most . clni ely vi it Ii
teoi,omv arid th'- fii aip'ty ,,f t o-oidilul-i
:im and Hiniplifvin Ihe Iate government.
. Th- republicans bale a majority of one
( hi ihe M-rtate and a go4t aotklng ma
j toniv m Ho l.oun.
' Senator J"bn 1. FritH e was elected
( president of the ernai and Assembbtnan
) 1 ln-maf F. McCran was made speaker
of ti.e bouse. The pindm- f the sen
j at- carries with It the acttvs governor -I
iMp in imt uf a vacancy n th office.
! The repoitHcana already hare laid out
a program of progresntve 'ck! slat Ion. The
demotratie plan Is j-iinilar.
WASHINGTON. Jan. . A battalion ot
Infantry, conalstlnK of 'J men. will be
-eir by the t nlted States to China la
le'ii keep open railway communication
ii- twecn lvkina and the sea. This (urea
W nil tl:al la required. In the opinion ot
Minister t'alhuun. after consultation with
oliier diplomatic officers In Peking.
I lid. is were cabled to General Bell at
Jlanll.i late today to embark Immediately
trooiw for Chin Wang Tao, China.
Tinv are to act under the direction ot
AmciVan Minister t'alhoun.
FabllMT KMtll SlMlss.
( KNTKKVIM.K. S. I. , Jan. ' -The
M-.irch fr Int. Id Hahllerg. the Iav
count i' farm' r, whi n teriouI- di?:ip
paxed a wek r..ittiiu'd nln ,
b'lt Wltliout 'ieee..
Tkas Will e
I'KMIAKT. Tt-s.. J..II.
Ili.t of th"-hi-,ds t-f fita
the rnnges a l;.-M out t
d u riM- fn the tenic r.i!i;
.4 Bllle.
-..p f..r
vim: rattle on
day by a and-
e Ii t, Htf
the Ttxaj;
WASIHNiToN. Ja.t. 3. -The orders of!
the InterMate t'ojnm'T;- t-ommitudon re-
-toiin and leduciiig the rates on lum I
Ui- from the north wm-iern elates to Ihe i
MisMMppi vatky and eaKt to what they !
were befttr Nov'inUr T. were ap-j
prov-d rfiid upheld today ov the supreme '
t.uit of the Frit" 1 .Stat!. The I ulted j
tnts i ircuit cmrt for Minnesota had '
tenoii.d enf re?nwiit of ttc orders.
a I
Boxes of
O'Brien's Candy
Dalzell's Ice
Cream Bncki
Given away each day la
tbe want ads to those fiodigg
tbelr oacies.
Read the want ads each
day, it you don't get a prize
you will probably find some
tiling advertised tbat appeals
to you.
Each day these prlxea ar
effered. no puules to soira ne
subscriptions to get netting
bnt finding your name. It wlu
appear some time.