Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 09, 1912, Page 3, Image 3

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New Remedy Hns Produced Remark
able Change in His Case.
'1 liiianlH In Omnha Arr Making-1'i-iur
Mistake liy Not Taklnic
Adiaiilnur nl III In Hiire
'' 1 mn tiif man that new tonic
holmd bo iihu'Ii," mlil I. M. Hooper, a
wi'll known .salesman, residing at No.
--'..'1 'hk:mo i-treit. i Ity, recently. "1 been in n i :e; vous, i un down con
il'tion f.,r five !'(: r." tontinuetl lie. "an-1
Unit inedli -Ine wax tho only thintf that
would really lii-noi It mo. J hail stomach
trouble anil was cineially debilitated. I
have ti led -vi i y ii-mnly I have i vol-
III Hill Of Wilhollt relief.
"'A thn c wt-il..-'. treatment of this
MM.ui.rfiil imdh-iiio. 'Tona Vita' Iihb
a bin chanM" in tin-. I noticed Iniprovc
rirnt frinn tin; first day, nnd am now
ii well man. 1 aWv the enliii- i-red'.t to
Tona Vita.' "
Hundreds ot people nre now
taking "Ton. i Vila" and scores of testi
monials of the same Uiiul aro being re
ceived l.y tin- H'i lalists who al t- here
explaining tin- nature of the preparation
n:nl demonstrating lis remarkahlc value
u- u vegetable tonic.
' Any man or woman in Umalia who
i.. a victim nL' ne-vous ili-bllity. Is niak
li a g.-avo ir.lstttko If they do not try
I his modioli!!'," said one of these spe
cialists recently. "In the first place If
it dm s not restore tliem to health," con
tinned thU specialist, "it is certainly
worth the trouble to mine and get the
tonic: when it means constant poor health
If they don't. The symptoms of nervous
d.-lilllty are often mistaken lor some
thing els by those who do not know
the nature of this sadly prevalent con
dition, but there Is no mistaking debility
for anything also by those who under
stand it."
The following symptoms in charac
teristic of this trouble: lassitude, ner
vousness, timidity, depression of spirits,
littift vitality, poor circulation, cold feet,
headaches, weak bax-k, poor dlgection,
and bowel trouble. These are unmistak
able symptoms of nervous debility, and
there are thousands of people, especially
In tho larger cities, who are afflicted.
"Tona Vita" nets ' like a, tine specific,
and from the very first moment the nied
,i ine Is taken, improvement Is rapid.
The specialists may be found each day
between the hours of 9 a. t". and ti p. m.,
at the trand"ls Drug department, , Slx
leenth and Douglas streets, south side
main floor, where tiiey will meet all
callers and explain the nature of their
n-w preparation. adv.
Whooping Cough
A eliaple, eaTa aod eaectiee trceiaenl fat bros
chill troublee. raiding aruM. Vaparir.e Crew
leae Mop the paroxyima af Weoapirn (.'saga ul
relieves Clou at once. II U a -ea to eaiFereri
from Asthma. Th air rendered etreifl aatleea
lic, totalled wllfc ary brlh, mekci bi-talaing
eeey i eootbee the tor throet aad etepe the conga,
auurlag feetful nlgei. It ie lneiliuble vt sotheie
witb young children.
tend ui poet el tor aeacrisriee pooeiti.
TryCnttltrnt AnthiftU TtiUn for tbe
irnteind throe. They
era tlmple,effecth-e and
antieeptic. Of jronr
draft; let ol from ue, ioc
la iteaipe.
Vane Cresoleo Co.
2 Cert la 81.. N. V.
Filer of Petition Probably Will Ac
cede to Request of Hebraskan.
ScoreMarj- Carrie Kinds. ( nnilltltm
Over Ihr- State More Promt alnit
Than lie Antlrlpateil
AVhrn He Slur led In.
At Fountains & Elsewhere.
Ask for v
Tit a OpIivIhoI ftHrl CAnnlnA
The Food-drink for All Ages.'
At restaurants, hotels, and fountains. .
Delicious, invigorating and sustaining.
Keep it on your sideboard at home.
Don't travel without .'v,
quick lunch prepared in i minute.
Take no imitation. Just say llORLICK'S.
Fjf in Any Milk Trust
ti'rom a fluff Correspondent. 1
LINCOLN', Jan. 8. (Special) The politi
cal developments of the weeU have been
somewhat of a sur ..-. -rue filing of
Hryan's name ns a preferential presiden
tial candidate, while thoutfh, a probable
event, really came unexpectedly when It
was made. The announcement made by
Sir. Hrya;i from tho Carollnas. indicate
that the petition will be ' withdrawn if
thu man who filed it can li Induced to
do fo. Olhcrwlao it is said, Mr. Hryaii
must run whether ho wills It or not. Ilia
friend.- do not anticipate any trouble
aloiiR this lino and it Is expected that
In dua tlu:o tho prenUltiltial Ililng; will
bo withdraw;) and out; for dclcsate-at-larce
to tho dtmocratio national conven
tion will be made in his behalf.
Ne-. loii Klltnw in orprlae.
In the republican camp the filing of
Jess- Newton as a candidate for gov
ernor was a surprise party. It had been
expected that the itovcrnor, fn fact, all
of tho republican officials nerving their
first term, would ro throueh without uny
opposition In the primaries, but the New
ton fliins, taken In connection with the
letter which accompanied It. indicates
Newton's intention of staying in the
race. It does not ap,ttar at present.
however, wllera ho In expecting to de
velop any considerable Gtrenutu, and it
may be mude simply on the Fame, prin
ciple that many a. man places a smalt
sum on a long shot in thn races, hoping
that an unexpected turn of fortune may
land htm in the money.
'I alt OrKunlantioti tirenlns,
Frank C'urrle. secretary of the state
Tnft organization, lias been busy during
the week getting things in shape, and
finds conditions over tho tate oven more
promising than he anticipated when he
started In. The republicans of the state
are unquestionably by a large majority In
favor of the president's renomlnatlou, ajol
with the organization which' Mr. Currle
Is perfecting behind that sentiment the
primary result is not only considered to
be assured but by so large a majority
that all can understand Its significance.
When tho committees, which are to
name delegates to the national conven
tion and electors to go on the . primary
ballot, meet In Lincoln January 15, they
will find the organization work well
along toward completion.
The LaFollette men of the first dis
trict met In Lincoln last week and fixed
up their slate of candidates for the
primaries. They are still talking of a
state wide mass meeting to be held some
time in January at which mon of national
prominence are expected to be present,
but the date has not yet been deter
mined. Flllnic for Slate Offices.
The present tstate officials who are
candidates for re-election have -all of
them filed except .Attorney General Mar
tin and Dr. Wlnnett for railroad com
mlsloner. Mr. Martin has said that he
will file but Is no hurry about It. Friends
of Dr. Wlnnott have said that he would
not be a candidate for . re-election. The
doctor himself, however, declines to make
Among the democrats, A.lJI. Morrlsey
of Cherry county, has Intimated he will
enter the race for the democratic nomi
nation for attorney general. . He has been
county attorney of his home county and
prominent politically In that part of the
state. I
The report that Totn Benton would
mat age the campaign of J. II. Morehead
of Tails City, aspirant for the demo
cratic nomination for governor, certalniy
raised some commotion., Mr. Benton him
self denies It vigorously, and ays the
report came from the fact that lie and
Morehead had simply met In a friendly
way and that as old - friends he had
spoken kindly of the Falls City man on
several occasions. Certain It Is that the
story of the affair came from well' rec
ognized democratic sources which may
have desired to embarrass Morehead.
Own Securities of
Other Corporations
(From a Staff Corresimndont )
LINCOLN, Jan. S The annual reports
of the railroads to the statu Kullway com
misxlon indicate roads operating in Ne
braska own a large amount of stoc ks In
other corporations, largely railroads, ntxl
In most cases those of lines subsidiary
to, or operated in harmony with tho com
pany. Following Is a summary of the
cvn. & q. n. w. r. r.
stocks or re
spondent In
treasury or
pledged for
eollRl.-val .. $ 2.3I:',I51 $ S7,;o
Stocks of rail
road com
panies, ac
tive $11 .92t,K il,iL7..i) Dl.ril2.'IO
stocks of rail
road com
panies. Inac
tive !io.ri)
Storks other
than rail
roads, active VSI.Wti VtM.OOO lS.ltw.lW
Funded debt
of respondent
in treasury
or pledged
as rollateral.).:i:.2U0 "S.TIO.OOi) l.SSS.OOO
Funded debt
of other -
toads l.,M0,4V l.flTS.iYn) 7!,CO,D00
Funded debt
other than
lallioads 4vj.i00 C,T3o,2W
steinauerIchool afire
but blaze is put out
HEATRIC1-J. Neb., Jan. 8. (Special Tel
egram.) Tho Stelnauor High school build
ing caught flro this morning at 10 o'clock
from the furnace nnd for a time there
was considerable excitement among the
scholars, but they wcro marched out In
order by Prof. Knowleg In lens than five
minutes. The fire was extinguished bo
fore the building was badly damaged.
jHUue Peinherlnn Hlaua Order that
Will Take Hnnd lie poult fane
(o Soirruif C'onrl,
16tU and Bodg-s St.
Here the tired lady shopper wends
her weary way when seeking a
brief rest a dainty lunch a cup
of chocolato or her choice of any
one of tho many delicious, sooth
ing, hot or cold drinks for which
"Sodoasis'' hus gained renown.
Sherman & McGonnell DrugGo.
FITS Good Btoras In Omaha.
."iiilieelm iiV,
jpmrnl it i "or
the only way to feel your Valu
able are aafa la to tak no
chances of their being stolen by
Liurglaia or daatroyed by Fire
Our Steel Vaults offur protec
tion aKaiimt both, and "'ir Safe
IlepOHit Hoxes at from 11.00 up
wards yearly rental are an In
expensive, form of Fire and Burg
lar Insurance.
Street Level Eatraaeo Vaalts.
1014 Faraaaa Clreet.
Chilblain Days
I'ersons suffering with chilblains will
f ml Sherman's Chilblain Core a quick
and effective remedy for tins trouble.
lrlc as Cents.
Siiaman-McConngil Drug Go.
Fly Cfood Stores In Omaha.
prints clean news and clean a-1-yertistosj.
Twelve Years' Term
for Muraer of Unnd;
Declares innocence
FREMONT, Neb., Jan. 8.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) At the district court this morning
Judge Hollenbeck ovurruled the motion
fur u ew trii.l in the Tnmre miirrlor .eA
! anrl Renteneed the defendnnt tn Innlv
years In the penitentiary.
When Kogers was asked if he had any
thing to say, he said: "I am as Innajcent
of the murder or any know-ledge of tho
murder of that child as ivift tho babe
The case will be appealed to the su
preme court.
I5UATRICK Neb.. Jan. S.-( Special )
Judge I'emberton Saturday signed an
order setting a date for County Treawurer
Hevelone to' appear In the district court
and show causo why a writ of man
damus should not Issue commanding him
to recognize as a public depositor-, the
Farmers' State bank of Flckrell, which
bus been named by the county board as
a depository, and which has not furnisliod
a bond to secure public deposits. The
purpose of this case Is to bring before
the court tho iiietlon ot whether state
banks, which have complied with the
guaranty of deposits act, may be com
pelled to furnish bond to secure dcpoKltg
of public funds. The hearing is wet for
January 10.
The residence of George Arnold, a
former Ileatrleo resident, was destroyed
by fire Friday evening at Firth. Uut
llttlo of the household goods were saved.
The) Iohb was $2,000, partially covered by
insurance. Mr. Arnold is manager of
the Firth corn mills, and Is a brother-in-law
of IOd. S. Miller, owner of the
plant. It Is not known how tho fire
William Krucgcr, an old resident of
Cortland, died at the home of his
daughter there. Ho was tiS years of uge,
and Is survived by five children, all
Following Is the mortgage report for
Gage county for the year lull: Number
of mortgages filed, 296; amount, JvB.siid.Tl ,
number of farm mortgages released, 302;
amount. $i71.1S2.49; number of city mort
gages filed, 31S; amount, $1. 998.20; num
ber of city mortgages released, 271;
amount, $211,2119.39. Tho difference be
tween the farm mortagages filed, and
th9 farm mortgages released. Is $1K8.734.22.
Tho difference between tho city mort
gages filed anJ city mortgages released.
Is $i;7,7S8.Sl.
State Auditor Gives Union Fire Of
ficials Until Thursday.
Jim ffrdanlt'k Will lime Sumr tif
rnale Jonrnala llcndjr In Short
-llasmait Men at Lin
coln Differ liver lltftht.
Prof. K. II. Hurkf and Bride, Who
Were Married at Ie Kalb, 111.,
Ulven liecrptlon.
(From a Staff Correspondent )
LINCOLN. Jan. 8. (8pecJal.)-An ex
ceptionally large number of Nebraska
corporationa have neglected to pay the
iitll corporation tax entitling them to con
tinue business. In the stats and the secre
tary of state has Issued a list of them,
setting forth that since November 30 they
have had no rights to transact business.
Since the list was first prepared several
liavo paid up and these have been erased
lrom the printed list being sent out. Thu
remainder can be reinstated by paying
tho tax and a penalty of $10. Some of
those on tbe llxt undoubtedly have gone
out of business, while on the other hand
there are several Included which are
among the leading Industrial and finan
cial corporationa In the state..
lour! Notes from Sladlauu.
MADISON, Neb., Jan. 8. (Special. )
County Judge M. 8. McDuffee Issued his
first marriage license Saturday afternoon
to Fred Itenner, son of Paul Renner. and
Miss Luolla Frances Green, daughter of
Charles Green, both parties residing
northwest of Madison.
The will of Robert A- Klentz, late of
Norfolk. Neb., deceased, was admitted to
probata Friday by County Judge McDuf
fee. and Jack Koenlfsteln was appointed
extx'utor. The will of Thomas Jefferson,
deceuhei, late of Madison was admitted
Saturday and Mrs. Agnes Jefferson was
apiKjhited execuliyi '! C. C Jefferson
auj T. W. Jeffcrsun executors.
BELLEVUE, Neb., Jan. 8. I Special.)
The ra-iks of the bachelors on the fac
ulty of Kellevue college were diminished
by one during the holidays, Prof. E, It,
Ilurke of the department of oratory and
debate bolng the lucky man. lie was
given a fitting reception In chapel on
his return. Mrs. Ilurke, whose home was
at De Kalb, III., was formerly instructor
In music at Chadron academy, where
I'rof. llurko taught previous to his law
courte at Harvard. , -
Three new HtuJeuts have enrolled In
the college since the holidays Clarence
Jones, Genoa, Colo.; Catherine Gibson,
Bellovue, and Stuart Osboine, Omaha.
News has been received at Ilellcvue of
the marriage ot II J I. Ilamblin, one of
the best re ncmbered and most popular
of the recent alumni, to Miss Florence
Park of Randolph, Neb. Mr. Ilamblin
taught telegraphy In the Omaha Com
mercial college for a time last year.
The report of the treasurer of the Ath
letic association for the last year shows
that there Is a good balance in the treas
ury where vi'.h to begin the. new year,
a slate ot affairs that has been unknown
for some years previous.
A new boiler and heating plant has
been Installed In Philadelphia hall In
place of the one which lately burt.
(From a Staff Corvoi-i'oiidcnY)
LINCOLN. Jan. N. (Special Telegram.)
Auditor Harton today said ho had
granted, at the request of attorneys, tint I
Thursday for the former officials of tin
I'nlon Fire Insurance company to retur.
the money paid them to rcMgn. He say;
that unless somethl Is done at tlwi
time criminal action is likely to in
brought In the name o fthe stockholder,
of tho I'nlon and a civil action by him
self, as head o fthe Insurance department
to recover the money, lie has retnluei
K. J. Clements as his attorney, to in t I
conjunction with the attorney general i
Tlni Sedgwick of York, who has tin
contract for printing and Idinlliig the sen
ate journals, Informed the secretary i
state he would have some of them t. a-1
for delivery tho latter part of this we.-l
The railway commission has been ealb'
on to settle a difference between ba
gage transfer men. The l-'.nslgn
has a contract with the tallroadi t
transfer bangage from one road to an
other where checked on through th k
and for that purpose Is permitted neco
to all parts of tho depot platform, loi-i
delivery men say they are compelled I
the rules of tho company to stay with;
a deadline, and that taking advanuii
of their position the F.uslgn sollclto
grab all the local business before the on
slders get a chance at tho I people. Th
railroad company maintains It has a rh;h
to let tho contract and also tbe right t
exclude others from the passenger phi
forms. The commissioners arc looMn
up the matter, but are not yet read) t
make a ruling.
1 riser o Stand I'at.
John O. Yelser was at the capital toda
attending a meeting of the pardon 'boar.
Ho declared that his filing of ltoosi
veil's name as u preferential Candida
for president was In good faitlrand th
it would not bo withdrawn. In that evi-i
ho former president's name must go o
the ballot whether I n wllln It or not i
Mr. Yelser is the only one who has 11.
authority to withdraw the filing.
II. A. Webbeit of Kearney, republlcai
made his filing today as a candidate to
state auditor. Mr. Webbert Is a Jo.
printer and has had several local office,
but this Is his first thy Into the fhv
of statu politics.
Another petition which has not yet bee.
filed, but which, In lir process of aeiiilrlii,
tho requisite number of signatures, Is thu
of W. L. Miner of Hcotts Illuff count,
who desires to go on the prlnhary hallo
as a republican candidate for commit.
sloncr of public lands and buildings. Mi
Miner Is now In the real estate bufines
In Sootts Hluff county, but was former!
a resident of Nuckolls s-ounty. Ills peti
tlon up to date contains the names o
twenty-nine republican editors and on,-
congressman, Moses I. Khikald of th
Sixth district. i
Sovlnlials to Meet.
Tho socialist party has taken steps t
get In the running by calling a state con
ferenco to meet at York February 2'.l. A
that time It Is proposed to formulate .
platform and dccldu upon candidate,
whose names will be placed on the pri
mary ballot.
Hecretory of State Walt has been aski;.
what lie would do regarding candidati
for alternates to the national convention
The primary law provides how the name
of delegates shall go on the primary ba.
lot, but says nothing whatever regardln
alternates. The secretary, sijys that li
view of any statutory provision ho know
of no way to proceed except to use com
mon sense, and that ho would suggest
that when the petitions for delegates art j
circulated ilio names oi ine nnernaiu
be Included In the same petition, and tho.
If this Is done ho will Insert the altct
nates on the primary ballot. If thl
method Is not pursued tbo alternates
also reulrc a petition. He annum , i.,...
tho law contemplates tho placing of a.,
necessary names on the ballot, wliethet
specifically mentioned or not, and on thlb
theory will accept filing for alternates.
DepoNltorlea for Nlaiilon Funds.
STANTON, Neb., Jan. 8. (Special)
Tho county commissioners of Htanion
county met at the commissioner's chain
bets and received bids for county deposits
from all tho banks of the county, liy
order of tho coinmlmloners, the Flrt
National bank ot Stanton; the Stanton
National bank of Stanton; the First Na
tion bank of pliger, and the Farmer
National bank of i'llger, were each desig
nated as county depositories. The amount
of tneir bonds was fixed at $10,UU0 each.
Thee banks pay 2 ier cent on average
dally deposits ui public, funds made by
the county ctessurer.
Faruirre' institute at I laaea.
I'LYSJilS. Neb., Jan. tSpeiial.) A
two days' meeting of tho fanners' Insti
tute was heal here Frloay and caturuay,
January i and V. On account of the coid
t ne attendance was not large, but those
who did attend were good listeners and
did their part In making the meetings in
teresting and protitabie. naturday after
Boon Md veulax about half of the audi
ence was women. The speakers sent by
the agricultural extension department
were I'rof. It. II. Howard of Uncoln, O.
Hull of Alma, W. F. Johiison of Harvard,
.Mrs. A. E. Davison of Lincoln,
Supreme Court Will
Decide Several Big
Cases Tuesday
WASHINGTON. Jan. 7..-Vllli more
than Un) cases tinder .oii"ideratlon the
supreme court of the l ulled States Is
expected to band down many Important
ecislons Tuesday, when It probably will
.'.nounce opinions after the holiday te
e,vs. The court probably will adjourn to
ay Immediately after convening because
f Hie funeral of the wife of Justice Hay.
More light may be shed on the anti
trust problem by decisions In the St.
l.o'lls bridge case; tho "hard cosl" suit
nuainst tho principal anthracite coal car
ying railroads and coal producing com.
allies of I'eii'isylvanla, and the "cotton
ornei" case, aiixhin out of transactions
n tho New York Culton exchange.
The vall.lltv of several federal laws
nay be d -tel mined. Foremost among
heso the employers' liability law,
.h!ch has been under consideration by
he court since lat February. A second
eel-Ion nay be rendered tegai'dlng the
ability of the "Cannaek amendment"
i tho Interstate comtueice laws, whereby
.litial carriers were made liable for
.images or lost of goods, whether occ
urring on their lines or those of con
ne. ting carriers.
The fat'" oT n score or more of state
aws may l-a decided, of these tho con
titutlonallly of the Oregon initiative and
eleivnduin ssytem has attracted the most
.Hi iitloii, because the ruling of the
int will be applicable to laws in nearly
a'f the stiles of the union.
1'oleiKii corporation laws of Kansas,
ov York and Texas may , be passed
pon. titlu-r laws uniler consideration
re the ' hours of STihe" law for rail
road employes In the state of Washing
ton, the Missouri anti-trust law, the
North Dakota drainage law; the Kansns
j "PU'-k powder" Ihw, the New York
transfer tax taw; the Montana law tax
ing hand Initmlrles, the Noith Carolina
law regulating the receipt of goods by
railroads, and the Arkansas law requir
ing railroads to pay" within thirty days
clalnut for live slock killed by tialns.
Several general questions of law may
bo ileceb il such as the validity of the
transfer of allotted lands by thousands
of Oklahoma Indians, and the liability !
Insurance companies for policies on the
lives of men executed for murder. The
latter point arose In tho case of Samuei
J. MeCue, mayor of Charlottesville, Va.,
who was executed In 1 i for tho murder
of his wif-
Ortie McManigal
in lnuituiapolis
Manigal, to bo the principal witness In
the federal grand Jury's Investigation of
alleged dynamiting plot, ended his secret
Journey from Los Angeles today. I'niler
heavy guard ho was brought Into this city
In-fore daylight and lodged In a cell room
in the government building.
.lames L. McManigal, of Tiffin, O.. the
aged father of the confessed ! Milliliter
arrived to testify concerning stores ot
dynamite which were found In a barn
near his homo last April.
McManigal was permitted to see his
father at noon. It was the first meeting
between tho two since the prisoner's ar
rest lust April.
To keeji McManigal from being Inter
fered with, his Identity was hidden dur
ing his trip, lie was taken from the Jail
at Los Angeles on New Year's day, went
by train to llurbank, Cal., driven by
automobile to San Bernardino. There he
shaved his mustache and donned goggles
ss a disguise. He arrived In Chicago
Satlrday night and was taken to a hotel,
where he held a conference with W. .1.
Hums, the detective. Tho party left Chi
cago late Sunday for this city.
1)S AXGKLF.r. Jan. S.-A resumption
was scheduled for today of the county
grand Jury Investigation of allegation
that the Mi Nainara defense had a fund
for the corruption of Jurors. It was
known that besides new wlttiessca whoss
names were kept secret and some who
were expected to come from the east,
that Keen l'ltxpatt'lek of Chicago, a de
tective employed by the McXamara
attorneys, was to bo recalled.
Mangano Dies in
Electric Chair in
Sing Sing Prison
OSK1N1NG. N. Y., Jan. 8. Philip
Mangano, foiiiu-rly Interpreter In tho
marriage license bureau In New York,
was put to ilea Hi by electricity tn Ping
Sing prison here today for the murder of
his daughter.
Mangano shot and killed his daughter,
Anna, on the morning of March 24, l:.i,
while she was on her way to a school
In New York City, where she was em
ployed hs a teacher. There had been
frequent quarrels In the Mangano family
as a result of which Anna, who was
21 years old. and her mother had left,
home a few months previous to tho
Testimony given at the trial was that
tie father's treatment of his daughter
was such that she could no longer re
main at homo and retain her self-respect.
Mangano claimed he was not re
spohslble when he fired tbo fatal shot.
Persistent Advertising ! the Road to
lug Ucturns.
Food Commissioner
is Critically 111
(From a Staff Corre:-pnndeiit.)
LINCOLN, Jan. 8. (Special.) Food
Commissioner W. U. Jackson, who ha
been sick ever since last summer, has
taken a turn for tho worse and Is not
expected to live. He returned to the
office a short time ago after being absent
for several months but worked only a
short time before be was forced to
again give up. His trouble Is anemia.
Women Murdered,
Man Fatally Beaten
MEMPHIS, Jan. 8. Mrs. Kate Car
penter and her mother, Mrs. Davis, were
killed and M. P. Carpenter, a wealthy
planter, probably fatally Injured by a
band of five or six white men who beat
the women to death and left the man
for dead at tho Carpenter home neai
Blythevllle, Ark., last night, according to
reports received here today.
Shortly before midnight Carpenter re
sponded to a knock at tho front door
and was felled. The two women were the
next oblect of atta k. Furniture was de
molished as If a lirriflo hand-to-hand
encounter had taken place before the two
women Were clubbed to death.
Nclghb irs chanced t- visit the planter's
home today and give the alarm, far.
penter was revived long enough to gasp
out the details of tbe attack. Ills death Is
momentarily expected.
It Is said the attack against the Car
penters was due to the enmity borne
Carpenter by certain small farmers In
tlu neighborhood hud that warrants have
been Issued for them.
The key to success In business is the
Judicious and persistent use of newspaper
Wreck .ear Mobrrl), Mlaauarl.
MOHF.KLY. Mo., Jan. k. Wabash pas
aeinjtr train Now li was wrecked at llm
vllle, seven milts west ol tins i ,tv, loilay.
Thn train lift Kan. -as City lust nluht.
James Hyde of fttanherry, a fireman, was i
killed. F.nglneers Baldwin and lluriyari
and Fireman Cogley were Injuied, the lat
ter fatallv, It l thought. No passengers
wera huru.
A Mo'
An Oppressive Trust.
Before the Coffee RoaaterV Association, in -aion
at Chicago on Thursday, Thomas J. Webb,
of Chicago, charged that there Is. in ext"stnce a
coffee combine which is "the most monstrous lm-
position in the history of human commerce."
There is very slight exaggeration about this
statement. It comes very close to being literally
true. There is a coffee combine In Bratil, from
which country cornea the bulk of the coffee used
tn the United States, which is backed by the gor
eminent of Braxil and financed by it, which com-,
pels American consumers, as Mr. Webb said, "to
pay famine prices for coffee when no famine
The worst thing about this is that the consum
ers of the United States have been compelled to
put up the money through which this combine,
to further cinch them, has been made effective.
There were formerly revenue duties imposed upon
all coffee .entering the United States. Those taxes
were denounced as an Imposition upon the people;
as taxing the poor man's breakfast table, and the
like. The taxes were removed. Immediately
thereafter Brazil imposed an export duttr upon
,.Tt ' " "I
coRee up to tne mil amount oi ine jorincr customs
taxes in this country. Tho revenue which for
merly went into the treasury of the United States
was diverted to the treasury of Brazil. The poor
man's breakfast coffee continued to cost him the
same old price.
But this was only the commencement. The
"valorization" plan was evolved in Brazil.
Through this plan the government, using tho rev
enues derived from the export duties f ir the pur
poses, takes all of tho surplus crop in u season of
large yields and holds it off the mirket, thus
keeping the supply down to the demands of the
market and permitting the planters to receive
much higher price than they would otherwise
have done.
The United States consumes more Brazilian cof
fee than does the rest of the world. We are the
best customers of Brazil, and BraiH buys little
from us. Now Brazil is promoting, financing and
maintaining a trust designed, and working effect
ivalv for the nurrjose. to compel American con
sumers to pay an exorbitant price for the coffee ,
e...a a . a a s j f '
they use. What is uie remeoyi seams l om-i-teUignetXn.
19, 1911,
a m
V eat)
Standard statistics of the coffee trade
a laiurur on in sales during the last
years of ovsr two hundred million
two years of ovsr two hundred million
pounds. Authenticated reports from the
Pntiim felAi.u In ekta . 1.
tremendous increase in the sale of Port wn
in a like period of time. -
While the sales of Postum invariably
show marked increase year over year, the
extraordinary demand for that well
known breakfast beverage during 1911 is
very likely due to a public awakening to
the oppression of the coffee trust
Such an awakening naturally disposes
the multitude who suffer from tne ill
effects of coffee drinking to be more re
ceptive to knowledge of harm which so
often comes as a result of the use of
the drug-toveraee, coffee. BaUk Crttk
Etming Neui-l)tc 19, 1911.
is a pure food-drink made of the field grains, with a pleasant flavour
not unlike high grade Java.
A Big Package
About i lbs. Costs 25 cts.
At Grocers
Ecdnomy to one's purse is not the main reason for using
It is absolutely free from any harmful substance, such as "caf
feine" (the drug in coffee), to which so much of the nervousness,
biliousness and indigestion of today are due. Thousands of former
coffee drinkers now use Postum because they know from experience
the harm that coffee drinking causes.
, Roil it according to directions (that's easy) and it will become
clear to you why
"There's a Reason"
Postum CVrt'iil Cuinuaiiy, Limited, Buttle Creek, Michigan.