lb If Somebody SW, JEFF, KOCD N OU PCX&6 FOR. 1 Go I?olnd Vne J CONNER.. rn.e j GIVES NEBRASKA FALL DATES Wisconsin Offers Corahnsken CLoice of Two for Toot Ball Contest. May piay game at Lincoln If OTrml.rr 2.1 la (koira iame In Thrlr Slatr, bat If lr(olrr Ir la I'lfkrd 4. am la to . to Iadlaon. MADISON. Wla., Jhii. X.-ippcIb1) Nehrimka and Wlnconnln arn rpi-lain to mwt on th Krlrtlron nfxt fall at olthM- l.lnroln or Madison. Tim lornl hoard of Nintrol Ima offprrd thfl PornhimkiTa the Miolce of two datra, Ortohor 12 and No letnber Ti lt the rnrnliiiakrrK wlh to play at I.ln ton. the game will be scheduled for No- lembor; ,lf at Madliton the Ortohrr Hat tirday will he a-l.-td. Ioral stildpnla ar onlhualaatlc ovrr the popta of nn Bnnnul rontfet with Ihe CornlniMkiTM nd tnpn to roe one of Ihe bat (miiii'B of th yiai' when the two Hpvetia nuet next fall. Hlnce the per formance of the Nhraka t''Mni HKalimt Mtrhlran and Mm niiciwlnw In all the hat !! lurt full, tint at oik nf the fjncolli Irhool hnn gone hli;h In thla Bctlon. It U helleved here that the Cornhiiki ra and lia.gvra would have foiiKht nn even tt)e I ant scaaon. ,The IladKora had one f the heat elevena In their Malory; thla aaa ulao truo of the fornhni'kpra. The fart the Coach Kwald Sllrhni la a friduate'of tha local achool and playi'd n the Wlaronaln tenm has helped mould I feeling of trood 4lll hero toward the i'ornhuakera. Coach Btlchm vlaltcd Uila lllynot long atio, and thu pralae h had tor his player and tlu-lr erhuot has eiado all Madison think that the fill -lenity of Nebraaka mwt be a very fine rlara. Cornhuskers Have Made No Schedule 4 I.l.VCOUV, Jan. S.-(8peclal.)-Thf N'ehrakka foot bal lauthorltlea have not llxed on a alugle data for next fall. It U wrtaln there will be a game with VVIai-onnlii October 12 or November 21. Heyond thla everything la waiting on Minnesota. The odphers are trying to rt datea with acme of the big eaatern toiletry and If thla la done probably Nehraaka will be left off their acheduie. Arrangempnta therefore Hie being hung up to aaertaln what Mtnneaota la going !o do. It la thought things will be ahaped up ao that aotnethlng definite., ran be Decided on when the basket ball aquad Koea to Minneapolis the latter part of Ihe month. ' BELLEVUE COLLEGE BASKET BALL SCHEDULE COMPLETED Uu.ikt-t baJl ira Uct hua been resumed In earn. Bt at liellevue and a heavy sched ule has been arranged lit tha Trl-Clty league of Omaha. All of llellevue's games llils winter will be played In Omaha. The tiiiedulu follows: .liinuai-y 3 llrlli'vue aKalnat Crplghton. .lanuary a liellevue agalnat I'nlveralty of oinaha. Jaiiuitry 'M Kxllevue againat Young tii n i t'hristian Aaaixiatlon Pirates. l'-hriiaiy :iltnllevie aalnat company it Vitiinif Mcn'M -irlKtiun uukiu'latlnii H'.-hruary 6 llillevuo aKalnat Omaha I i lv ll acluiol. l-'i'tiriiary 10-Hi'llevue aKalnnt Young icn a t unaiian AaaoiiHiiou J igora. K-tiUHry .l r'lKriioii aaalnat liollevue hehruaiy 17Hi-ilvuo agi-i'.t tioutlt l.nwihii. 11 it" aehoi'Ii t'ehruary 27 llelltvuo against Vr.lver- imv or tiiimiia. March i Hvlli-vue against Young Men's I'hriKtiHU Aattocialiou 1'iratea Marcii 9 !ompany H, Young Men's t'hriMtiun aaaiK-tallon, aKnat liellevue. Man li 12 lii-llevue atuinat Yotuig Men's C liriBtlun Asaociatlnn Tigers. Hedge Slaila pnlrarta. 8T. IX)V1H. Jan. . Prealdent R. U. Jledgea of the lit. Ixiuls AmerlcJUl Ieaue !.., Hull club maJlod contracta today to the players he has on hi a reaerve list. Among II. me who l'rtusldeiit lleilges aays alll receive an advance over what they tecelved laat year are Hert Khottou, tirl I lam. Hon and Joseph Kutlua. Table Hork Trans Loaea. TABI.K HOCK. Neb.. Jan. (.-(Special I KKriduy night the Table Hock banket ball leum, coiixlalliiK .f Chumbera. .Norrla, I'.lnder. Wood and AnJrea. went to Hern Kan., and played the team of that place' Ihe score Man Si to 1( In favor of Hera. Ctlaar and t airfield Mia mmd Lose. KAIHFll-JIJ). Neb., Jan. (fcoeclaj.) hotly contpfted games of banket ball were played Krlday evenmg between EU. kar and l-'alrfiekl teama. The tiigar girls won In lb girls' ooutust and tha K air field boya succeeded In defeating the boys from i-dgar. Kraiaai Thrrnit TleUru. L'TICA. Neb , Jan. . (Social.) Mike l-i'omni of Harlan, la., middleweight champion of Juwa and Nebraska, thiew I'red Tleken of thia p.ace In (wo atraight falls here taiuiilay nlKlit. trie fuai fali In twenty-seven minutes with a toe hold ki:d tha aeoond la a few econds less than lo hours. Th two men aere evenly tiiiu .u in aaiu, airengtti and endurance " " iiiBicu waa an iiiiereatlrig one. PETITIONS CIRCULATED FOR FANNING AND HALL Kent tuna are being circulated her to $l&4t the iiaoosj of Lr. f. L- Hail p( r ,m toln on the ballot forba position of democratic national cutnmlttcornan. Pe titions at aJao being circulated by rnei'.ds , EL. jfamUug to (Iva blm that Don't Rescue 7aWJ iTJM r . " , , i v j " J asm. w mm j " - i i - i r I - - i - s ... i - Jkf Say-- a-fP sS93 Aw I iir f t ; J Nebraska Pitching Wonder V S 'ftp. .. tlrover Alexander, phenomenal young , twirler of the I'hUadelplila Nntlonala. w ho la keeping himself In ahapo during the off season by taking long walks and Basket Ball Games of the 0. H. S. Are . Now All Scheduled The schedule of the Omaha High school basket ball team for thla season la now complete and Includes tho following gamea arranged by Prof. C. K. Heed, ath letlo director. Tha only gamea which will be played away from home are thoae at Lincoln and Hloux City with the high achool quintets of these places. In addition to the following schedule, the regular five wilt enter the Interstate tournament, which will be held under the auspices of the Unlyeralty of Oinaha next month, und the Nebraska state high school tournament, which will be held at Lincoln front March li to 1, Home of tha following games will be pluyed as scheduled under the newly or ganised Trl-Clty basket basket ball league. The Hat: January U University of Omaha at I nlversity gymnasium. January ao-Councll Muffs Young Men's Ci rlBtlun axaoclatloii at local uuu....Im,i.... Je.nuary 27-Tlger Cubs at University of 'jinulit. , rebruary .1 Sioux City High school at local association. February (i-Bellevue at local asaocl atlou. February IS-Piratea at local assoclaUon February 17-Crelghton at University 0f Omaha. February l-Llncoln High school at Lincoln. February i3-Ploux City High school at Bioux City. March 2 Lincoln High school at local association, M;trch (South Omaha High achool at University of Omaha. Bishop Scannell to Mend Slowly; Shock is Severe night Itev. Ilishop Ulohard Bcaiinell, whol was Injured whim he fell down a flight of stairs In bis reside lies Sunday mmilng, l resting easily, though his shock w as a severe one, according to Dr. H. W. Connell, who Is attending tha bishop. "His recovery will ba slow, owing to the severity of the shock," said Dr. Con neM, "but there la no -suae for anxiety, As the bishop start-Mi djwn stairs he was overcome by a audden dltxtiiess and fell down fifteen steps. His Injuries, thcmaelvea, are slight; but one ran under stand that the shock of the fall would he great." HOME" OF HORACE G.BURT IN CHICAGO IS BURNED CHICAGO. Jan. a. Tba home of Horace Q. Huit. forme; iMrrakieut uZ the Colon rtclfto, was destroyed by firs today. Loss, iioo.ois). Persistent Auvertiamg la in Hoad, to cig r.eiurra on IIIi; BEE: Jeff He'll Starve J playing hand ball He saya ha wants to ho ready i to Jump right In at the begin ning of the spring trip and deliver the goods. Works on Commission Form of Government As the commission form of govern ment Is a subject If paramount Interest In Omaha at the present time, C. N. Dlet of the Omaha Publlo Library board has presented to the library du plicate copies' of tha number of the "Annals of the American Academy of Political and Soclai Science,' for No vemer, containing articles on commis sion government In American cities, by wrltei; particularly well fitted to per form thla task. The copies of this periodical are lying on tha tables In the rending and reference rooms and may alsl be had for circulation on cards. This is tho best work of the kind yet published, the number of separate works being few and the material In the maga- ilnps bring rattier scattered. This volume contains first, the underlying principles alui typkial plans ot this form of government; second, problems of commission government; third, ob jections, limitations, and modifications of the commission plan, and fourth, re sults of commission government In typi cal cities. This work Is the fifth of a series of volumes on municipal government, the first and second dealing with general municipal problems, tha third, munici pal ownership and municipal franchises, and the fourth, control of municipal pub Ho pen-Ire corporations. . Kvery one Interested In the subject of tho commission form of government should make every possible effort to see this volume and to Inform hlmseir re garding the underlying principles of tha plan and hte results obtained In other cities. Posses Are Searching for Fahlberg's Body CK.NTF.RV1M.K. 8. D.. Jan. 8 -Mystery still surrounds the strangs disappearance of David Fahlherg. who suddenly dropped out of sight last Tuesday night. Posses are dally searching tho surrounding coun try for the body of the missing man. One theory is that Fahlherg went to his barn und found a thief trying to steal a team of hoises; that the thief ihot him and fled, leaving his body lying on the ground; that Fahlbaig soon partly re gained his senses, wandered off In the storm and perished. Ills cap, with blood and hair sticking to It. was found on the barn floor. Fahlbei g was to have been manie I tl;ls week to Miss Kuilly Anderson, the d..iuh ter of a well known farmer near Betes ford. B. D. Kleetloa Uel Legal. PPRINCFIKLD. Mo.. Jan. (-The le gality of local option elections In Csrtn age and Webb City, alo., was upheld lo by ? P,nl" handed down In the N'rtiig field court of appeals. Thus these clliea icinalu. dry, - - .-.J is n -4 v-v ' 1 - ' i ' fepvifitT f r rwt I . OMAHA, TUESDAY. .IANTAUY !. I'.H'J. to Death CLARK CALLS FOR HARMONY Urges Democrats to Stand Together and Be Honest and Intelligent. PARTY NEEDS MANY MORE VOTES lie Says "tralixhteat Road to Com plete Snceese la to Deserve Con fidence of Insurgents and Independents. WASHINGTON, Jan. .-Speaker Champ Clark's speech at the Jackson day din ner here, tonight was an appeal to all those who are opposed to "standpatters" and to "stai.dpat" policies to "stand together, pull together and work to gether." The only hope of the country for progressive legislation, he declared, lies In tle democratic party because the "standpatters" nie In the majority among the republicans. Referring to the split of the republican party, the speaker said It looked as though nothing short of a miracle could bring the warring fac tions together, but at the same time he warned against depending for success upon opponents' dissensions. WiU Aid of ItlpobLcaus. 'Demmrnts desire progressive legisla tion." said Mr. Ctarlt. "Independents and divers republicans want it. Tho ma jority of the American people favor It. Tho only way to achieve it Is at the hands of democrats. The Insurgent re publicans would, no doubt, enact some remedial legislation If theV could, but the standpatters are In the majority In that party and It looks as though they will continue to dominate It Indefinitely. It may be for years and It may bo forever. Thy have control of the republican ma chlno and they will run it over the In surgents ruthlessly. The Independents, having no separate party organisation, wilt make tlnir Influence felt at the polls by voting for those candidates who ap pear to moat nearly approximate their standard; but as they can entertain no toasonablo hope ot remedial legislation from the republican party so long as It Is dominated by tho standpatters. It Is to be hoped that they will give us their aid and comfort by voting for demo cratic! candidates this year. As tho in surgent republicans can achieve nothing except when working tn conjunction with democrats they would most easily and most certainly accomplish their purpose by voting for democrats all along the line. We are politically somewhat In the same condition which wise old Ben Franklin described himself and his compatriots to be In when, after signing the Declara tion of Independence, he exclaimed: 'Now, wa must all hang together or we will all hang separately.' IVerd Many Votes. "One thing Is clear as crystal," con tinued the speaker, "In order to win we must hold aTt the voters. w-e had In 1908 and draw to ua about 800, ow who were against us then. Consequently It Is of supreme Importance that wo enter the Impending contest thoroughly united In purpose, in principle, In policy and In heart. 'The results of tho November elections demonstrate conclusively that the repub lican campaign canard which haa been overworked many times to the effect that democratlo supremacy breeds panics has been exploded forever, for the places where national Issues and national lasues alone wero considered were the very places where democrats did the best. Thla was notably the case In Massachusetts and In Joe Taggart's congressional dis trict In Kansas and In Dan V. Stephen's district In Nebraska, "On matters of principle there should be absolutely no compromise even to se cure and retain unity, but each and every one should be willing to yield on non essentials which are not matters of prin ciple for the general good In the efforts which we are making for better govern ment. nenablleana Are Deutorallaed. "The republicans se-oin to be utterly demoralised and split to pieces It looks as though nothing short of a miracle will reunite them. It Is not, however, the part of wisdom for us to rely for success upon their dissensions, for they may acci dentally get together. That their quarrels. unless composed, will help us there can be no question. Our chief reliance tor suecewi Is to give to the people such, a record for honest. Intelligent, courageous. constructive statesmanship as to Convince the country beyond the shadow of a doubt that we are worthy of the continued and enlarged confidence of the public. That IS the stralghtest. plainest, shortest and easiest road to complete success. Pur suing that line o conduct, victory will perch upon our banners, whether the re publlcana patch up their differences or not. We hold our own fortunes absolutely In our own hands. Vet os not lose our golden opportunity through overoonfl dence or upon Ili-advUcd rellaace upon Ihe quarrels and factional fights among our opponents." Wrei-k Near Fargo, X, U. FARGO. N. D.. Jan. (.-The Great Northern's passenger train No. t was wrecked today a half mile west of here, a Pullman and obaervatlon car leaving the track. E. H. Well of Wtlllaton. N. D , was (lightly injured. Fearfal Maaatter of deadly microbes occurs when thrat and lung diseases are treated with Dr. King a New Discovery. 60e and II 00. For sale Utatoa Drug Co, SAYS HE REALLY CAN FIGHT V Hi -"7, JJ Kid McCoy, kltifr of the . "comebacks, who has been matched to : meet Bomba dler Wells of Kngland in London, The Kid declares ho Is in flno shape and will be the cause of a wide opening of eyes among the pugilistic fans when he lets looso anainat the formidable Londoner. Plenty of Good Ice For Skaters to Enjoy lee skating was tho principal diversion for outdoor winter sport enthusiasts yes terday and dtirliur the afternoon and far Into the evening hojrs the various iakes and ihiii'Ik about the city were crowded with a merry throng of skatois who were willing to brave the chilling cold. Hanscom park was the favorite meoca for most of the skaters as the Ice there Is swept clean dally by tho park tenders and la always In excellent condition. In the residence district near the park, many youthful imtulgenia of the popular Ice sport carried their Bkates to church witii them, laid them: underneath the pews while services were In progress end afterwards hied to the lea for a couple of hours of solid enjoyment. Carter Ike and the pond at Miller park were also crowded with throngs of skaters from -the north part of town. At Carter lake several of the skaters rigged up one-man Ice boats and with plenty of east wind behind them were ablo to glide over the Ice without much exertion. At Kountzo park two youngsters nar rowly escaped falling Into the Icy water near the artesian well In the cast lagoon In the afternoon. MAN WHO HELPED KIDNAP BABY DENIED CLEMENCY TOPWlvA, Jan. 8. A plea for clemency by F. II. Tlllotaon, a. Kansas City de tective sentenced to from one to five yeara In the penitentiary for complicity In the kidnaping of Marion Illeakley, the fa mous St. Louis World's fair "Incubator baby" was denied by Governor W. R. Stubbs. Kvldence showed that Tlllotson was Instrumental In abducting the child, then 5 years old, from the home of Its mother, Mrs. Charlotte Bleakley, In this city. In 1W8, and In taking It to the home of Its foster mother, Mrs. J. B. Man-lay, In Kansas City. PROPOSED ADVANCE ON COAL RATES HELD UP WASHINGTON, Jan. 8 Concerted ad vances In the freight rates on soft coal mad by the railrosds of the Western Trunk Line association effective January 13. today were suspended by the Inter state Co mm. roe commission until May 1L The proposed Increase averaged ap proximately 10 per cent. They will be investigated by tha commission. FIRE RECORD. Farm llonae Near I.eaaa, la. liOQAN. la., Jan. (.-(Speclal.)-The K. E. Heck house on the farm four miles southeast of Logan was deitroyed by fire thla afternoon. It is preaumed that the fire originated from a defective flue. The building was insured for $1.0u0. The Joaa was adjusted Immediately after the building was destroyed. Mr. and Mrs. Will Coulthard. occupants the house, sustained, a loss on household goods. By - j? Changes Are Made On the Burlington Ten promotions and changes In the ex ecutive force of the Burlington have gone into pffect. X. C. Allen becomes ttainmaskr of the Ottumva division, with headquarters at Ottumwa. W. C. Welch is made superintendent of the Hannibal division, with headquarters at Hannibal, vice B. B. Greer, who goes to St. Joseph. ST. Cone Is appointed assistant superin tendent of the Aurora division, replacing V. A. Chittenden. Robert Rice Is named as superintendent of the Aurora division, vice W. S. Klrby. who has been transferred. Klrby becomes a member of the general manager's statf. T. C. Dougherty becomes trainmaster of the Ottumwa division, assigned to quarters in Burlington. O. F. Hcudder becomes assistant real estate and Industrial commissioner of the lines east of the Missoui I. with head quarters at Chicago. At the same tlmeL'. M. Switger Is ap pointed superintendent of safety, also having headquarters In Chicago. KIMMEL CASE WILL BE- TRIED IN ST. LOUIS ST. LOUIS, Jan. 8. Federal Judgo Dyer announced today the case involving tho mysterious disappearance of George A. Klmmel will be tried In February, it Is expected that the) trial will consume two weeks. An ex-convlot known as A. II. White, who says he Is Klmmel, will be brought here by an Insurance com- laiiy which is contesting the navmont of life Insurance policy In favor of Klm mel. BIG JOB CONFRONTS NEW MAYOR 0FSAN FRANCISCO SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. S. James! Rolph, Jr., the "world's fair mayor,' whoso task It will be to prepare this city j for tho Panama-Pacific International ex position in 1S15, took offlce today, reliev ing P. IT. McCarthy, the labor leader. Among the projects expected to ho I completed under the new administration! are the purchase of the municipal water system, expansion of the municipal street railroad, now under construction, estab lishment of a civic center and the con struction of a city hall. PROCTOR SAYS POVERTY IS CAUSE OF DIVORCE KANSAS CITV, Mo., Jan. 8. Poverty Is the chief cause of the present divorce evil, according to W. W. Wright, divorce proctor, who spoke before . the Socialist Educational society here today. "The fact that " the average working man is seldom free from debt cause more martial unhapplness than any other one Influence," Mr. Wright said. "The peace 1 and quiet necessary to the home dlsap- : pears with the home's financial security. There, are comparatively few divorces among the rich In this section." SON OF ADMIRAL HICHB0RN FILES SUIT FOR DIVORCE WASHINGTON, Jan. 8.-An echo of an elopement which stirred Washington so ciety a year ago was heard In the local courts today when Phillip S." Hlchborn, a j son of Admiral Hlchborn of the navy, sued his wife, Klenore lloyt Hlchborn, for absolute divorce, naming Horace Wyile as co-respondent. Mrs. Hlchborn is I The combination to! healthful vegetable ingredients of which S. S. S. u composed, makes it an especially desirable and effective remedy in the treat ment of sores and ulcers of every kind. Since an impure condition of tht blood is responsible for the trouble, a medicine that can purify the blood i. the only hope of a successful cure; and it should be a medicine that not onlj cleanses the circulation, but one that at the same time restores the blood tc its normal, rich, nutritive condition. S. S. S. is lust such a remedy. It is made entirely of healing, cleansinjj vegetable properties, extracted from na ture's roots, herbs and barks of the forest and fields. It ha3-long bec:i recognized as the greatest 'of all blood purifiers, possessing the qualities necessary to remove every impurity in the blood. When t. S. S. has purified the circulation, and strengthened and enriched it, 6ores and ulcers heal read ily and surely, because they are no longer fed audkept oren by a continual discharge into them of irritating disease-laden matterfrom theblood. S. S. S. brings about a healthy condition of the flesh by supplying it with rich, nourishing blood and makes a permanent and lasting cure. Book on Sorea and Ulcers and any medical advice mailed free to all who w rite. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA, Your sliirt Opportunity In spite of tii severe vealher tuo firtt day of our senil-unnuaJ Shirt sale wi s p. hummer. . On our counters you will find such celebrated makes as F ' Munlmtlsn and Lion Brand in a variety of patterns and jolors, exccj-ttcnsl values, some having sold as high as $4 on Tha early comers get the best seleetlon. i $1.60 fhtrts 9Q 2.00 and $2.50 Shirts ai $3.00, $3.60 and $4.00 Sbirts '"SV'jV ThU sale htrit-Uy cash. . TOIVI KKLLEY CO. 315 SOITH Tout KeJlry. "Bud" Fisher a daughter of the late Henry M. Hoyi. solicitor general. FINDS BODY OF HUSBAND HANGING FROM RAFTER KANSAS CITY, Jan. S. Entering; a shed back of her home here today Mrs. Charles Oscar Kirk In the darkness bumped Into something swinging from a rafter. Striking a match she found It to be tho frozen body ot her husband hang ing by a clothesline. Kirk was a brick layer who came to this city recently from Pueblo. lie left a note, saying he took "this way to get out of home troubles." He aRkd that his body be given to some medical college that his burial might not put his relatives to any expense. OWEN IS AGAINST HOOK FOR .SUPREME COURT WASHINGTON, Jan. 8. Senator Owen of Oklahoma announced tthat if Presi dent Tnft sent to the senate the nomina tion of Judge W. C. Hook as a member of the supreme court he would fiiit con firmation Indefinitely. A fight against the naming of the Kansas jurist has grown out of his decision in the Okla homa 2-cent fare cases. A v In or Beamed From Sen. LONDON, Jan. 8. V. It. Fowler, th English aviator, wan today rescued from the sea In the vicinity of the Isle- of Wight In an exhausted condition, after a hazardous flight. He was driven out to sea by a gala and his aeroplane plunged Into the water. La)J O. NUUMAM am IK 3 CO., UOpmm, We, LERCH A VAN SANDT. Diitrftnror. 311 Soulk 17th St, OMAHA, NEB. PAmmw OmiIii 19T9-AI T0 I 1 li Ii il man aii i 1 ii wmar.ia ilaiia'i.-uiMiih.ii.Ma. riii ir'T r Rellablo Dentistry AT Tail's Dental Rooms 15 rst . ' t. ' M atL ta.1 sTa Sal SW SB. fa m r If-VJAAtfel HIM k3 t " L riiliii 1 1 a n'l i li'i a 1 1 mM t m I Mam. y THE REMEDY FOSSOSESULCERii 16TH tiTKKET Jack Mi-Vuilleu. J 1 V V'