WEATHER FORECAST. Snow; Cold VOL. XLI-XO. 170. OMAHA, 1TKNDAY MOKXIXU, .1 ANTAliV !. I'M.'-TWKIA'K I'AdHS. Sh(JLK COPY TWO CENTS. JJUYAN LOSES HIS ilGuTONUlFIM "His Hand to the Plow-M LfciTThU DEMANDS HlUU BlUi IkEi Former Assistant Manager of the Armour Packing Company Identi fies Missive Keceived by Him. PRATT TESTIFIES ENTIRE DAY Annual Meat Contract of Old Sol diers' Home in Question. N SHIPMENTS AND PROFITS SHOWN Witness Tells of Combine From Nineteen-Three to Seven. EXPLAINS MEANING OF FIGURES I'rntt,' .After Many Objections Iiy De fense, Asserts that "Mitrln' Sig nifies Avernfte Price to He Charged. CHICAGO, Jau. g. A letter showing alleged collusion on tho part of Armour & Co. In bidding for tho annual meat contract of the olil soldiers' home ut Tog us. Me., November 0, 1905, was Intro duced In evidence today by tho govern ment in -the trial of tho ten Chicago packers, charged with criminal violation of the Sherman law. The letter was received by Jerome II. Vratt, former assistant manager of Ar mour & Co.'s dressed meat department, and was signed with the initials F. A. F., which Tratt raid Indicated It was written by Francis A. Fowler, one of the defend ants In the. ease and head of the dressed moat department of Swift and company. The letter reads as follows: "J. It. 1. Please bid over bee 7, mut ton 8H. Togus home. You have had for a year. F. A. F. 11S-C6." Jerome H. Pratt was on tho Hand throughout the day and his stovy for the government will be continued to morrow. The witness said that In the period be tween li03 and 1907 each member of the packers' combination knew the percentage of shipments and profit margins of every oilier member. Including Armour, Swift, -Morris and the National Packing com pany. : Silos of Paper Destroyed. Tho Information was sent out on slips of paper each Week and the figures were frequently discussed by the managers of the dressed fceef departments of the dif ferent companies. "What became of these slips of paper containing this Information?" ' "They wero always destroyed after we were through with . them." "Who told you to destroy the memo randums?", "Tb.oe were the orders and I obeyed them. 1 don't remember who first told me alUt' it.'1- " The witness was shown summaries of shipments and margins sent him by Ar thur Meeker In 19U8 and was asked to explain the flfrires. He seld. the figures were the shipments and rharalns of Armour, Swift, Morris and tho National Packing company. "Old you make any use of the National racking figures?" "os, wc kept track of their shipments to see that they did not exceed their percentage to different points," replied MFr. Pratt. The witness said he often spoke to Mr. Meeker about tho National Packing company's overshiping info certain mar kets. Mr. Piatt said the order in which the margins were entered on the weekly re ports was. Armour, first; National Pack ing company, second; Morris, third, and tiwlft. last. . Ksplalna Terms. livery question put by District Attor ney Wllkerson to have the witness ex plain the significance of the percentage and margin figures alleged to have been -written by J. Ogden Armour, Thomas J. Connors and Arthur Meeker, was met with a volley of objections from the de fense, nearly all of which were sus tained by the court. District Attorney- Wllkerson persisted and finally the witness was permitted to explain the meaning of "plus," "nilnu," "tesf cost" and "average margin," and other technical terms used by the packers In the conduct of their business. lie .de clared that the word "margin" as used Minified the average price to be charged. Judge Carpenter early today indicated tliat he would rule out of the record the testimony of Mr. Pratt Identifying the handwriting of J. Ogden Armour and tContlnued on Second Page.) The Weather For Nebraska Fair. For Iowa- Generally, fair. TcaapTat are at Omaha 1 esterda)-. Hours. a. m G a. m 7 a. in ti a. m , 9 a. in , 10 a. in ,., 11 a. m 12 m , 1 p. in 2 p. m . S p. m 4 p. ni 5 p. m p. in 7 p. in S p. in Deg. 'I 1 1 0 4 x It)! V, U 12 12 . 10 : ! Comstirsthe I.oral Hecord. 1912. 1911. 11)10. 139. Highest yesterday lti 31) ID IS l.ovebt esteriiy 4 :7 it if MtM.ii temperature 6 S3 H lx Precipitation ' 03 .Ou .uu ,uu Temperature anJ precipitation depar tures from the normal: Normal tenierature 21 Deficiency for the day. IS F.xceas since March 1, l'Jll &i Normal precipitation 02 inch Kxcens for the day 01 Inch lrclpltaUon since March 1 1 .VUG Inches -flcinncy since March 1 13.4 Inches Deficiency cor. period in 1910. . .14.70 Inches Lxcesa cor. period In 1M e l Inches llraorts froas atatlaua at T r. M. station and State Ttmp. High- Haln ut Weather. 7 p. ui. ti. - fall. f'hcenne. clear 14 lii .04 Davenport, clear 0 X . Jieiiver, char "Ju .13 .01 4 lea Moinaa, snowing.... S 10 .on lender, clear 10 20 .0u North Platte, clear...... I 14 .04 Omaha, clear a lu .go pueblo, clear Is .tat Aatt lithe Hty. eleusly.. U M .us hirU Ire, clear U pi .im Hheiideu. clear 4 14 .el hmux City, claar 4 It 30 Valentine, clear 4 I .01 indicates sere. L A. tXSIi. Loial Forecaster. The National Capital Monday, January , Inia. The Senate. Met nt 2 p. Pension committee deferred considers tlcn of fteneial bills pending pension bureau estimates of cost. The House. Met at noon. Speaker I'lurk presided, but still was suffering with a severe cold. New Mexico's new representatives were sworn In. Andrew Carnegie's appearance before sleel trust committee Wednesday posi tively announced by Chairman Stanley. Kxtra committee stenographers struck because of reduced pav. Sugar trust Investigating committee hearing postponed until toworrow. Sherwood. Ohio, .it lucked Secretary Fisher's estimate of $".uuu.nii0 rest of Sherwood pension bill us JJoKio.OUO too hluh. Tom Benton Not to Manage the Morehead Boom Thomas If. iienton softly but earnestly denies that ho has been enlisted as the campaign manager for John II. More head, who Is seeking the nomination for governor on the democratic ticket. Mr. Uetiton writes as follows: "LINCOLN, Jan. 0. To the Editor of Tho Hoc: In the Issue of the Omaha Bee of Friday your Lincoln correspond ent slated that 1 have been chosen to manage the campaign of Don. John 11. M3rehead, candidate for governor on the democratic ticket. In answer to said ar ticle I wish to state that: "I am not the 'political manager' for John It. Morehead, never have been and never expect to he. "I am a' republican and expect to do all I can In support of lion. William It. Taft for president, Chester II. Aldrlch for governor and tho balance of the re publican ticket. "Political Jokes are all right when no one Is Injured, by them, but glaring mis statements industriously circulated to In jure some one, should be refuted. "Am trying to live a quiet life and feel that 1 should not be dragged Into the democratic political mire, to be used as a scrubbing board on which to wash thslr dirty linen. "I know Mr. Moreheud and consider him. an honorable, upright gentleman. And If it should bo our misfortune to be gov erned by a democrat I know of none In that party more capable or better quail- fled. Hut, ho Is a democrat and I am a republican, which explains why I am not his manager or supporter. Sincerely yours. THOMAS 1L BENTON." Torpedo Destroyer rieet. Loses iwo Men; .boats Disabled HAMILTON, Bermuda, Jan. S.-Besliles the fiVe United States destroyers which arrived here yesterday, two nior.e are now entering the channel and one haa gone ashore off St. George's. A tug which went to Its assistance also has ben driven ashore. Two men belonging to the crews of the flotllU were washed over board during the voyage. The destroyer which went ashore at St. George's was the Paulding. It has since been refloated and will proceed to tho dock yard under its own steam. The names of the j destroyers which have arrived here up to the present are the Perkins, Walke, Ammen, Pterrett, Freston, Trlppe and Paulding. NORFOLK, Va., Jan. 8-The I'nlted Stutes torpedo boat destroyer Terry, which became disabled In a storm be tween New York and Bermuda, Is safe. A wireless dispatch received at the Nor folk navy yard this afternoon said -the Terry was proceeding under Its own stam for the Virginia cupes and would arrive In Hampton roads tonight. The scout cruiser Salem, which also was buffeted by tho heavy seas while searching for the TeTry, will reach Hampton Roads to night, too. WASHINGTON, Jan. S.-Thiee vcsels of the torpedo flotilla are still unac counted for. They are tho Mayrant, Drayton end McCaw. Admiral Winslow reported to the Navy department by w'.relesi from his flagship, the Louisiana, late today that he was In touch with the torpedo boat destroyer I5oe, one of the flotilla to which the Terry was attached. MONETARY REPORT IS SENT TO CONGRESS WASHINGTON, Jan. S. -Although the national monetary commission report went to congress today the bill which would make It effective Is not quite com plete. Tne' much talked of provision to pre vent holding Lompanits from controlling strings of banks and the reserve asso ciation has been perfected. It provides that If the i-ame pel sons, partnership or corporation own nioie than 0 per cent of the stock of more than one hank such owners shall be entitled to vote only the stock of one bank In the management of the central organization regardless of how many banks they may control. NATURAL GAS COMPANY WILL NOT RAISE RATES TOPKKA, Kan., Jan. 8.-That the Kan sas Natural Gas company has decided not to try to rulse the price of Its com modity In the thirty Kansas towns now served by It. s announced today by John Marshall, attorney fur the public utilities commission, who Is here attend ing a Conference on the subject partici pated In by representatives of the state sud the gas company. A reorganization ot the company's affairs ut Kansas Is statad to beufTder way to avoid charges of violating the atitl-trut laws. NATIONAL STYLE CONGRESS IN SESSION IN CHICAGO CHICAuV), Jan. s. More than 1,K) women's tailors from all parts of the I'nlted States gathered here today at the first annual national style congress and convention of the Chicago Women's Tailors' association. The meeting will last throughout the week. It is pUnnud to hold a meeting lur every January in the fulura. National Democratic Committee Turns Down Protest of Nebrasnan, Thirty to Thirteen. NEBRASKAN MAaES A THREAT He Says He Will Appeal From Com mittee to People. LIVELY ROW DURING SESSION Colonel Guffey Calls Congressman Palmer, His Opponent, a Liar. STRUGGLE LASTS SEVERAL HOURS Senator Stone ut Missouri, l.lfelnna Friend of Peerless Leader Makes Speech lu Ilchalf ot Colonel tint fey. WASHINGTON. Jan. S.-Tho lie was passed hi the democratic nattonal com mittee today and William Jennings Hryan made a threat to "appeal to the people" If overridden by the committee In his fight to unseat Colonel James M. Guffey. the national committeeman from Penn sylvania. This threSt. coming Immedi ately after the Hryan-La Follette confer ence of yesterday, renewed gossip as to the possibility of a third party. Colonel Ouffey hurled tho charge of "liar" at Congressman A. Mitchell Palmer, who Is contesting his seat. The latter replied that he had spoken the truth and thct only Guffey's age pre vented him from making a personal mat ter of the affair. Mr. Palmer had freely churged In his speech to tho committee that Coloftel Guffey had affiliated with Senator Pen rose, the republican, leader of Pennsyl vania, and that he had been disloyal to his party. Ilryan Makes Threat. Mr. Bryan took up the argument In Mr. Palmer's behalf. He declared that he had thrlee been the candidate of his party lor the presidency and that many millions of the people had expressed their confi dence In Mm. If the national committee declined to listen to I Im he would appeal to the people, he said. The private secretary to Senator Cum mins, one of the republican insurgent leaders, was nt the hotel where the com mittee met and talked with several mem bers. The bitter fight In tie Guffey case was unexpectedly prolonged, delaying the se lection of a convention city indefinitely. Senator Stone of Missouri, a life long friend of Mr. Hryan, spoke In behalf of Guffey. Mr. Stone heid a proxy. Ills opposition to Mr. Dryan was regarded as significant. Despite the protest of Mr. Bryan and his . threat to appeal to the people, the committee voted In favor, of. Guffey SO to IS. ' K. E. L. Mountcastlo of Tennessee was declared entitled to his seat with only one dissenting vote. His place on the committee had been contested by 'ohn. G. Vertrees, who was . chief counsel for fornier Secretary Palllnger In the Hul-llnser-Plnchot Investigation. When the democratic national commit tee went Into session here this afternoon, Wlllluin Jennings Jtryan at once became a Ktorm center in on attempt to have James M. Guffey of Pennsylvania thrown off the committee. The roll csil of the states had but started when the trouble broke. James A. Weatherly of Alabama was recently selected by the Alabama state committee to succeed John T. Tumllnson, deceased. When his name was called today Mr. Uryan asked if there was a protest. None being received, the Nebrasaan moved that the seiection be approver. National Committeeman Krown of Ver mont, declared that affirmative action by the national committee was not neces sary; that the matter lay entirely In the hands of the state committee. Chairman Mack sustained this point of order. "I appeal from' the decision of the chair," shouted Mr. Hryan. lie declared that it was plain there was a purpose to head off a protest against Colonel Guffey and that the mat ter ought to be thoroughly discussed. At this interesting. Juncture the motion to go Into executive session was carried and the doo?s were closed. The Pennsylvania fight was pluuged Into at once. Repre sentative Mitchell Palmer, contesting Guffey's place on the committee, was In the room, holding the I'tah proxy. Bryan Loses Appeal. Mr. Ilryan's appeal Horn the ruling In tho Alabama case was defeated by a vote of 33 to 13. This indlei ted that the committee was celarly against the No braskan In his fight on Colonel Guffey and that the latter would be retained on the committee beyond all question. Chairman Mack apparently had. the tacking of oil the "old line" democrats on the committee In making the ruling from whlc'i Mr. Hi van appealed. Mark and Mr. Hryan dined togcthev lan night, but It was apparent that the men who have directed the affairs of the commit tee for many years had determined that Colonel Guffey and Committeeman It. U. L. Mountcastlc, whose place also was contested, would remain on the nstlunal hoard. Attempts were made last night to dis suade Mr. Hryan from making war In Hie committee and up to the time he went to the meeting today his cours was said to have been undetermined. The fight was precipitated, however, with a buddeiines that surprised every one. Immediately after hit arrival today Governor Wilson set about to prepare a siatemcnt explaining the alleged letter his wrote to A. II. Jollne several years atfo, suggesting that some method should be dcvli-ed of "getting r'.d of Bryan." Ilaltliaore la l.rad. The committee set 3 o'clock as the lime for hearing the representatives of the va rious tltl.s Lidding lor the convention. As this time approached Baltimore's chalices seemed Increasing. It was said supporters of Governor v oodrow Wilson were throwing their strength to Balti more. Governor Wilson reached the city today. When Mr. Hryan, holding the Nebraska proxy, reached Ui twuuulttee rovui he was greeted with applause. Kach time he moved from one beat to another to greet a friend the applause was renewed tCoutuiued ou tiooiid Page.) I " . .'O' ' (I From the MinneaiHilis Journal. RICHESON PLEADS TUESDAY Preacher Who Murdered Girl WiU Appear in Court Tomorrow. SENTENCE MUST BE DEATH Counsel for Prisoner Will Attempt to Secure Coruuiutatloa lleqaose of Savins; of Espense to the state. BOSTON, Jan. S.-As Rev. Clarence V. T. Klchesor. was about to be taken from Jail to the superior court today, to changv his plea from not guilty to guilty of mur dering his former sweetlvart, his Jailers were notified that his counsel could not be present and that the accused clergy man need not appear until tomorrow. While the court has no option but to pass sentence of leath, counsel for Itlcheson hope tin fact that the con fession of guilt will save the county largo sums, protect Innocent persons from em barrassing experience on the witness stand and suppress much testimony prejudicial to public morals, will have weight with the governor and executive council when a petition for commutation of the death penalty' comes before them. The proceeding In court tomorniw will be brief. The young clergyman's counsel will give formal notice of the deslro of I their client to change his plea of not guilty. Tho Indictment will be rend and I district attorney may then move for Im mediate sentence or ask for a brief de lay. . The court' alo may desire suffi cient time to think the matter-over. On the matter of commutation, the governor cannot act without the consent of a majority of the executive council. One member of that council, John (Julnn, of Boston, has expressed hlmselr us op posed to Inflicting the death penalty on Itlcheson, but Hie ' other members have refused to commit themselves. Iai tieolara of Crime, iie.soii t confession, us made public yesterday, was bare of details. It Is understood, however, that he enlarged on ll In conciulioii and possibly in writing to his counsel and that the dlstrlrt at torney Is now lu possession of most of the Information which has onm to the defense. Willie no person can be quoted as responsible for it, the etulcment Is made on high authority that Hlchesons ampli fied confession to his counsel v. a.-; on the following lines: After purchasing a quantity of cynude ' Continued on .Second Page.) Yesterday Uee 2561 Inches Ixxal Jls play. ' :;ti7 Inches gain over 1911. Next paper 2153 Inches Local 'Display. .114 Inches loan from 1911. Third paper 1487 Inches Lo cal Display. Last Week jjoe S838 inches Local Dis play. 8 8 5 Inches gain over last year Next paiier SU23 inches Local Display. 902 Iticheb loss from 1911. Third paper C802 Inches Local Display. Last Month' Ueo 24941 inches Local Dis- play. Nt jyir s-07! 1 u c b e a lx)cal Display, About 1500 Inches "indecent medical" advertising refused by The Hee wore ruu by the ' Next paper," Woman Shot Through Window of Her Home and Badly Wounded i . MITCHKLU f. U., Jsn. s.-(Sperlal.)-Offlcers of I.ynmn county are searching for a mysterious party who attempted to Commit "murder- by the killing of a woman In a lonely cabin south f Kenneboti, ,on tile Hloux reservation. Mrs. Tlltori lmteher was sitting In the house, a little (liHlsiice f-oni the window and beside her was a lighted lamp. Mr. Puteher was working at the barn and heard Hie, shot of a nun fired close to the hniiHcs to which pliuo lie rsn and found his wife lying across the bed. The gunshot took effect in tint woman's leg and from the knee to the ankle more than fifty shot were Imbedded In tho flesh. The oldest child wts standing Just out of range of t lie gun and received one of the shot In the ear. Tho person who fired the shot j was standing at close range, for a good portion of tho powder from the explosion of the gnu entered the room. Sitting by the light of the lamp, Mrs. lmteher made a sure target for the murderer, hut It Is believed his aim was made less true by looking through two windows, the st'irm window and the one Inside the house. Tho Dutehers are at a loss to know what has prompted the shooting, for they have resided In that vicinity but n year and have no enemies. Mrs. Iutcher was taken to a hospital ami ll will be some time liefore she can bo removed. House Committee Stenographers Quit Because Pay is Out WASHINGTON, Jan. 1. For the first time In the history of the government a labor fctiikc held up the machinery of coa nsslonal legislation today. The hunt j committee stenographers refused lo work I because the accounts committee reduced their compensation from 25 lo U cents a l folio. The sugar trust Investigatli g com mittee had to adjourn until tomorrow. French Republicans Gain Eight Seats! PAUIS, Jan. X. The complete returns of the elections of ) senators which were In Id ) rstcii'av, vheu a third of the total number of senators had to present themselves for re-election show a net gain of eight seats for the republicans and two for the republk an socialists, while the reactionaries lost two seats, the proyi'easivss lour und tlij Koelallst rad icals four. PLEAD GUILTY TO VIOLATING NEUTRALITY LAWS BICOVVNSVII.LK. Tex.. Jan. K. -Thirteen of the men charged Willi violation of tin; I'nlted Ktutes in utrullty laws lu help ing the abortive It-yi s Mexic an revolu tion plcadi-d guilty today. The cases UKtilnst nine othirs were dismlssnl. Only one caoj now remains, that against F. A. Chapu of Sun Antonio, one of General Bernardo l(ees' iiiot-1 Intimate friends. SUIT FILED TO DISSOLVE SO-CALLED ROSIN SUIT MACON, lia , Jan. k.riult was filed here today In the fedeial court for the eastern division of the southern district of Georgia to llssoue the American Naval Ktorca company and subsidiary corporations, which has its principal of fices In fvavuimah. The officers of this concern already haie been lu dieted. EXTREME COLDHAS ABATED Thermometer Records Decided Rise in Temperature. SNOWFALL OYER THE' WEST Itatlroade Arc Uettlnc Thai Tralas Throafth 1 Better Snap Than for Some Days rest Oae Ilealo In Mlate. 1 Hellef from the extreme cold which held Omaha In Its grasp for more than a week came Sunday and at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon the I'nlted States weather bu reau thermometer on the federal building recorded the highest temperature It has reached In U n duys-17 degrees above sero. After that hour the mercury fell steadily and by 8 o'clock It had reached X degrees above sero. Forecaster L. A. Welsh says he thinks the backbone of the evere "snap" has been broken and he does not expect any more such severe and continued cold Weather. Korly In tho evening' reports of a bll sard were heard from Hlotix City and Norfelk. In which places It was stated that one of tho worst windstorms In sev ers! years ass moving east at the rate of fifty miles an hour. In the afternoon a strong wind prevailed In Omaha, but by evening It had abated and the tempera ture was apparently holding Us own with Mr. Welsh's prediction. The weather bureau office had no Information regard ing tho bllszurd. At 7 o'clock y. sl Mdny morning the Omaha brunch of the I'nlted States weather bureau reported a temperature ot S degrees below rero, a rise of thirteen degrees from Hundsy morning, when the . mercury stood st 16 below. The minimum temperature during the night was 4 be low. Th-i lonst iilchl temperature so far this winter was 16 below. The mod eration began Kunday afternoon and a few suowflakes fell. During the evening the weather continued to moderate. At midnight a general snowfall began In Omaha and continued for1 some time. Yesterday morning a blanket of snow covered the former snows. Warmer In the West, Aloiu' the railroad Urns leading to the wst und northwest, there is a break Jn the frigid spell, and while It was still cold, leports lndlcaie.i much warmer weather than Haturdiy or Hunday. The Northwestern reported from icero to 7 below through the Black Hills, and a light snow falling. West of Long line the temperaturu was around sero, while down on the Albion branch It ranged from zero to 10 degrees above. All along this line there was a snowfall Hunday til Klit. ranging from Vac. to four inches. The Burlington weather reports show three Inches of new snow all through the ! country around Alllunce and four Inches j in the Black Hills dirtrict. The coldest at Alliance during the last twenty-four i hours was 8 degrees below iti i o. It n 10 degrees below at eVutt's Bluff and from 3 above to 4 below all over the McCook division. tm the hltrllng division, In cluding western Nebraska and eastern Colorado and Wyoming, temperatures ranged from rero lu 10 degrees above at Crawford, Neli. Hau I'rusrn lu Ileal la Holt t uiuilf NOKFOLK, Neb., Jan. . (tipei-lal Tele- j grain.) ltepurts fiom the Itosebud region of (South Dakota at noon were that a ter rific billiard was raging there. The wind switched to the northwest here. This was the fifteenth consecutive day, save one, that the tem)erature was aero or lower in Norfolk. Today It was 14 be low st 1 o'clock. Yesterday was the cold est day In fourteeu years. The temera ture got down to $ below sero, the record since February, l-W. Four Inches more of snow fell last night. John 1 'her son. a ptoaeer la Holt county, was found Irosen to death !n his csbln, where he lived alone. i ties mains in Norfolk have been affects. iCoiitlisued on ftcond Page.) I'llOiNE MLLGEll LN bTATlvGKAN'TED State Railway Commission Agrees to .Division of State by Bell and In dependent Companies. MEETS GOVERN OH'S OBJECTIONS North Piatt to Bell, South Platte to th Independents. STOCK ISSUD FOR THE DEAL Order Grants J-ermission for the Necessary notation. TWO MILLIONS PAID TILE BILL Formal Ordrr Slaned hy State OffU cere Seta Forth In Detail Provla. Inna A a reed t'pon b- the, Two Organisations. tFrom a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan.' S.-(Hpectal Telegram.) --Contrary lo exiioetations, the railway commission passed flnnlly this afternoon on the proposed telephone merger, put ting the seal of official approval on the plan by which the Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph company, generally known as; the Independent Telephone company, "HI Increase Its capital stock and take over the property of the Hell companies In the South Platte country. The 'Nebraska Hell Telephone company and the Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph company signed contracts today by which the former sells the latter all 'of Its property In the south Platte country n far west as the west line of Webster and Adams county, while tho Lincoln nompaiiy transfers to Its rival all of the property ll owns norlu of the river. The' price paid by the Uncoln company to the' Hell Is t2,,7W. payable In 6 per cent cumulative nonvoting preferred stock of the Lincoln concern. In addi tion the Hell agrees to purchase addi tional slock of the same character up to fMXi.ooO and to underwrite all bond issues that may hereafter be necessary. The present rapl'ai stork of the Lin coln Telephone and Telegraph company will be greatly Increased. Application was made this afternoon to the (Mate Hallway commission for authority to Increase the common Issue stock IJTAOX) and to Issuu 13.000.WiO S per- cent preferred stook. A part of this amount will be Issued to complete the, purchas of the Bell, while tho onmnion slock will be used , to buy such Independent plants in the territory named as are not now a part ot the Lin coln Telephone ar.d Telegraph company, but which may desire to Join a corpora tion that now dominates the telephone business In this field. liitislon of Territory. The territory from wblch the Hell with draws enversilwenty-two counties In tht etate Hteharjson, Nemaha. Casi, Otoe, launders, Pawnee, JuhnaJn, Lancaster, tinge, Jefferson, Thayer, Nuuicolls, Clay, Hamilton, Turk, 1 oik, Hutlcr, rieward, Hallne, l'iilmore, Webster and Adams. In addition to tho loll lines and exchanges of Its own that ll has been operating In this section, Hie Hell slso hands over to the Lincoln company Its majority stock In terest In the Platlnmouth Telephone com pany, the Nebraska City Telephone com pany, the Ooldonrod Telephone company and the Hutler County Telephone com pany. The two first named are Indepen dent companies which the Hell has pur chased within the last fourteen months, but which a supreme court Injunction, se cured by the attorney general at the In stance of the Independent Interests, hss prcvontod being msde a distinctive part of its system. The three plants conveyed by the Lincoln company, through the transfer of a major stock Interest, are those located at Fremont and Grand Is land, and the several exchanges Included In the Howard County Independent com. pany. The prices paid by both companies rep resent the physical valuation of the prop erties, Inventories of which have been completed, a task that delayed, the con clusion of the negotiations begun months) ago. latereliaaae of Hasloeas. While the effect of this transfer will be to give the independents complete con trol of the Houth Platte and make the Hell the dominant factor In the Nortli Platte, an agreement for an interchange of loll business and the physical connec tion of the two systems at all necessary points, . gives U the state a unified sys tem, where before it was a divided serv ice. All connection contracts of the Hell with farm inutuals and Independents not a rt of the Lincoln system, wherever these exist, are protected. The independ ent users In the Boulh Platte will have full optKirtunity to use the universal service offered by th Bell, while all Hell patrons in other sections of . the stato will be able to reach all Independent subscribers. The withdrawal ot the Lin coln company from north of the'rlvei' does not change the present status of this Independent companies in the section. The Lincoln company, while the largest Independent cororatloii III the Soutli Platte, owns- only four exchanges out right and largo slock Interests In a dozen others. There are several large Inde pendents which are not a part of It, as well a a large number .of small com I aules that serve rural communities. In Boxes of O'Brien's Candy and Dalzell's Ice Cream Bricks Given away eacb. day la ' the want ada to those finding Uelr nameaj Head the want ada each day, it you don't get a prlae you wU probably find ao ma tting advertised that appeal i you. Each day these prlsea are offered, no puzilea to aolve no subscriptions to get coining but finding your name. It wUI appear some time. ' . ,