Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 08, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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snlt Blow sromnlh.
treatment All...
hlcaso UO 8. i;th St.. 1st floor. D. 7...'.
JIIR 8A1, ATlUN AHMV folt.-ltn cum
nTf In fact, anything you do not
I! ?"'t. repair and sell, hi 1X4
Tv nth Rt.. far est of collection, to the
wormy poor, i all 'phono Douglas
end Bill call.
ill's. Snyder, tnAsHg.', electrical trrat
if.iv. : Pimsnnv. I'Hii ft Pierce. r. tM
In-. Burke, women's d's. ase. 41
J'oug. Pk
iXKV:VV. trestWnt. k:
Brott. 710
- - w s lh)hi ,i flH1I.
1. fyet.
tl AS MT I"". 'r
1 N.
l-ORt-i-.P SALE 2 KniiK- iiihiiiI t(.-,
laying pullets, gund strain: Romi; south
must sell, phone Domiiiis. :,t-. KSTATK
1)1 ll.lEHP im iiioi a l lu.
Klectrlc can fixtures Omaha Silvr Co.
U cH i Villain ('(l.,
Puchs, Sn "fTlii"i
Ala-oni con., J
Mh and 'timing-,
.painting, decorating",
er. Ilealy. Wehi2lf
111) Piiori.u i Y t-oit .i.k.
AT A H A no A t N"
My property nt 3325 California
roomed In use, modern
lot ."-OxLCxj ft. 1'lionc
Submit OLer
Northwest ci.rnor of 24th and Caslellar
streets, 95 ft frontaKe on 2l!h street and
150 ft. deep. CHMxi location for store and
three or four cottage.
Pong. 41."
ISO Dodge St.
New Bungalow
Ea-t front on VMh, second house north
of wprague St., & living rooms with fine
both, good furnace, laundry sink, com
bination fixtures, largo attic, refrigerator
room, oak finish, all rendv to occupy;
price I3,3uu. JNO In cash, balance monthly
Ox 1 7 T) . 1
Oianley X. DOStWlCk
l'hone Tl-ler i'li.
?1S S. 17th .t., Oround Floor Hee Hide
llrlllak tolnuibln.
Choice valley farms in tracts of 160 acres
or more on easy terms, within 1 to 5 miles
from tna towns along the Orand Trunk
l'acifio Railway between l'ort George anu
Prince Kupert. Write for booklet de
scribing this wonderful couDtry. U.
Aleyel, District Sale! Agent, tilu 1'axton
Hldg.. Omaha, Neb.
li!0 ACREP, well Improved, 2V4 miles
from town, Vj mlio to school, fine neigh
borhood, good llch deep aoll; this la a
choic quarter section; price $11 per acre
i'or quick rash deal. Gllliland & Woud
slde Nlilard. Colorado.
We are offering 10, 20 and 4i-acre tracts
and upwards located In Columbia county
near lake City, Florida, bO miles west of
Jacksonville and only HO miles from til.
Augustine, lliis property is intersected
by three railroads of national reputation,
which furnish the best of Services at
reasonable rates to all markets oi the
United States.
The climate Is ideal. Fine farms are
now being worked In our tract with
exceptionally good result. Own one ot
our farms. Investigate our offer. Bmall
iash payments and easy terms.
Low rati s daily. Tickets good until
(Sales Agents)
StiC Omaha National Hank Eldfi.,
Omaha. Neb.
UltAPK KKUIT, orange and winter
vegetable land near Arcadia, the county
seat nl DeSoto county, Florida. The op
portunity of a lifetime. Prices right,
terms easv. Agents wanted. Hooklet tree,
j yde Orant Land Co.. Fairmont, Minn.
.L1 1 ask Is a chance to tell you of
our opportunities In Florida. Call up after
o'clock or write
w. 1 1. Fonn,
Phone 3711. 1.1 K. X'd St.. Omaha.
Traversed by the
Lands adaptable to the widest range of
crops. Ail Uu money crops ot the aouth
plentifully produced. For literature treat
ing with this coming country, its Boil,
i l:mate, church and school advantages,
Wr'18 W. H. LKAHT. DEPT. K.
General Passenger Agent,
THE easiest way to find a buyer for
your farm Is to Insert a small want ad
In tho LVs Moines Capital. Largest cir
culation In the state of Iowa, 43.0UO dally.
The Capital Is read by and believed In
bv the standpatters of Iowa, who simply
refuse to permit any other paper In their
homes Rates, 1 cent a word a day; S1.25
per lino per montn; count six ordinary
words to the line. Address Des Moines
Capital, Des Mo'nes. Ia.
DANDY 160. Webster county, well
itnornved. close to town; alfalfa, timber
fino hog and dairy farm; easy terms.
H. Barrett, Hayea Center. Neb.
Ncn Mexico.
bearing peaches; 80 acres alfalfa: 40 aeiej
alfalfa close In; 120 acres 3 out.
Government Irrigation, plenty of water,
healthful climate, good schools. rite to
day. Hartshorn & Co.. 'lanslll Bidg.,
Carlsbad, N. M. '
South Dakota.
S2O00 CASH buys dandy, level, plow
able ItiO acres of South Dakota land; 6
miles from railroad cars; great chance
for young couple. Address owner, A.
Rlenrd. 207 N. 19th St.
SPECIAL. BARGAINS 75 acres near
Aitesia, quarter nulu from '1 una In La
Haiie county; proven belt for onions, figs,
mid cotton; quick Bale, ii per acre. AUu
Tour black and black sandy land farm;
acta 14S acres; best cotton, coin, potato
section on South Texas; 110 crup f.ulurert;
increasing In value ts to 1j uacn year.
S E Sewnoul-, owner, Columbus. 'IcxaJ.
" ANTED l ily-loaiis and warrants. W.
Farnam Smith ft Co.. l-i-'O Farnam St.
U51AIIA Property and NebiasKa Luuds.
Inlii New Omaha Null Hunk Building.
1'AKM LOANS near' Omaha; no com
inlaslon; optional payments; cheap money,
ortn S. Merrill, 1210 City Nat'l Bank lilug.
MONEY to loan on business or resi
dence prope l ties, $1,000 to MAJ.uuO. W. 11.
TIB 'MAS, 5u3 FliKt Nat'l Lan'i Hldif.
""lloo to H'MaO made piomptly. F, D.
WeH.I. Wead tilag , litn und Farnam.
V AM ED ' 1 1 y bans, l'etj-i
a Trust Co.
$ und up.
Nat'l Bank
LARGE .oaiu., inuiucii a. Loiiu.-,
gages bought and sold. FT L 1.1.
ilHu.S. Pill VA I E Fl'.NDS
to loan at u,i u.,.ana home, $, fl.ift)
or l,.ui. A.idivss ii-l2, B-e.
""key to the Situation Pee
Cl'l Y PKOl'EUTY. wanth:d.
For the finest tu:m iion.e 1: 1 ne stst
I.r the mney, 6i0 acres highly lmju'oved,
mile irom a county seat i.mvu .11 cen
tral western N'obruska, H' anes fine val
ley laid, balance line pusture ami hay
land. $i,uoo worth of new improvements,
7-room, all modern bouse, oak I:n:sii,
t-ains and otli-r ifs lea. en,
an ileal home and stork furiu. price
$11,5)10, 11101 IKUg-.. K.uOP. Wsnt eleur prop
erty in exc. ane. Ac; ipili K, give price,
location und description lu f ist letter,
iiog $:. City. Tel. I). T9i
A npw 7-room. h-iuse, -strictly modern,
hard wood finish downstairs, full iliM
basement. Th.. owner him mnvH (o Den
ver and is ullllnn to sell at a sacrifice or
will rent. It can ho tveight for small
payment down. House, No. 2117 Flnknrv
Toland & Wiley
44 Bee Hide.
FOR E XO I I A NOi:rif oi t In cut -over
Northern Wisconsin $7 til acre; clear of
mortKHe, mineral reserved which .
common In the Iron felt. Want land,
city property, merchandise. auluomot.lle
or offer, describe folly. A. M. Kauff
tvan, Luc'.tidge, la.
, lfljnTvm'er-
2d-liand goods, Kleser
IV Sfif.'.'
er, shaper. cut off saw. mortlscr.
window frame machine. I'nn os. second
hand, moat be cheap. Address Y Si (.".ire
Omaha Ree
Key to the Situation lire Advei tisltig.
waxtki) sm-.yru m
dent. 1). H.
-I'y burlier: a lob, no atu
Norton. Htotu-hutr. Colo.
WANTKI i-Position as l.ousckctper bv
respectable nilddle-aged lady. Prefer
1 n",", with children. Also exiieriencril a.s
ni, rttiirf-ss ,ii rn. inrii riirn'.r, gen
eral delivery. Council Hlwfra. la.
SITUATION wanted as manager of
general store, country town; experienced.
O 611. Pee.
WASHINO and curtain done. T. H. f.4 Lt)
HOOK K KKl'I N(i and
eveninga and Saturdays,
Address 1. 74J, Hee.
clerical work
ufo typewriter.
THKKK young ladies, piano player and
singer, want positions In picture show,
experienced. Ilouirla M.S. K 775. Hee.
i-o1T1i wanted by competent lady
, stenograplier; references as to ability.
Harney t44.
I Cnii(iKK,) Kill wants general house-
work. iVd t'uiniiig St. Tel. Harney Jl:fi.
YOUNU man lsanm
tender; i vp. enced. S
illou US
WHITE: lady desires steady plact of
day work; neat, conscientious; does not
7nppolntment nEagement. Thona It
WANTKIv Position by an expert pen
man: bookkeeping experience; also expe
rience as policy engrosser with Insurance
company; best of references; age. i&i
married. 'Phone Douglas
YOUNO man wants place to wotk for
board while attending school. Boyles
college. Douglas 194 or Ind. A-15S4.
WANTED A position aa watchman or
ferret servicing, good references. Cl 10JG,
WHi'ffc woman uesiies uy WorK.
and c.ean 'el. 1. 6740.
YOl'NG lady wishes Misitlon as stenog
rapher; good references. W. lost).
YOl'Ni) ladv just completing business
course, wishes pluce In ofilce where there
Is chance for advancement; small wages
to start. Phone Web. 2070.
WOHK WANTKD Hy middle-aged
man; object to secure home rather than
wages. Address, .1 M!i3. Hee.
WANT K 1 Posit ton as office clerk; 8
yeara' experience; can furnish a first
class reference. N 10H2, Hee.
MARIHED man wants position, office
or collections; best references; Can qual
ify. F 11PI, Hee.
WANTKD A position, inside work, of
anv kind; is an experienced cook. Ind.
A -3781. .
WANTKD Evening work In bookkeep
ing, accounts, as cashier, etc.. by grad
uate of eastern university. References.
C 1011. Bee.
FAMILY washing neatly done,
dry or bundles. Harney 536i3.
Ship your stock to Houth Omaha; save
mileage and shrinkage. Your consign
ments recelvo prompt and careful atten
tion. 1
CHANTS Byers Bros. Co. Strong and responsible.
WOOD BROS.. 234-.iX Exchange Hldg.
Great WeRt. Com. Co., Omaha Denver.
W. R. SMITH ft SON Just handlo sheep.
'fToRROg'. handle cattle, hogs, s h ee p.
Clay. Robinson & Co., 200 Kxch. Bludg"
""interstate Co. Belter results. .Ship to us.
CLIFTON Com. Co., Z12 Exchange Hldg.
Hl'RK K-RICKLY u, 201 Kxch. Hldg.
L. K.
ROBERTS & CO., U Kxcn. Bldg.
C ox & Jones Com. Co.
bunch of hustlers.
Farmers L. S. Com. Co
20.1 Exchange.
Deposit proceeua ot snipinents In Stock
Yards Nat'l bank. Only bank at yards.
Martin Bros. & Co., 203-4 Exch. Hldg
Consignments aollolted.
gruin merchants.
7D3 Hrandela.
Orfice of LEE-GUSe-ANDHhlliSEN
braska, December , l&ll. Notice Is hereoy
given to the stockholders ot Lee-Ola's-Andreeaen
HarUwaro company that the
arrtiual meeting ot the stockholders of the
company will be held at the otllcwe of
laid company, corner ot Ninth and Har
ney streets, in the city of Omaha, In the
state ot Nebraska, on Tuesday. January
S, A. D., Wli., at & o clock p. in., fur the
purpose ot electing a board of directors
tor the company to serve during the ensu
ing year, and to transact such other
business as may be presented at such
meeting. Atttbl: W. M. Uiasa. Secie
tary; II. J. le. President.
Tli- nmiul niMHliliU ,if fl.A at Or It hold Of A
of the Bee Building company will be held
at the office of said company, omuha.
Nebraska, at 4 o'clock p. m. Tuesday,
January 16, 1912, for the election of toe
board of directors for the ensuing year,
and for the transaction ot audi other
business as may properly come befor
the meeting.
By order of the president
. N. P. Ffc.iL, Secretary.
Itulll aud Maaoa
Union Pacific
Depart. Arrive.
San Fran. Overl'd I,..ft4..m a J 40 pro
China ft Japan F. M..a,4:95p:n a 5 4 J pin
Atlantic Expieas a 0 46 am
Uiefcoti Express ill 3m uleWpm
Lo Angeles Limited. u)2:4i im a 8:0 pin
Denver special a7:o4am a 7:7 am
Centennial Stale Ppe'l.ail :fo pm al2:2uain
Colorado Express . .a.i:.Sepn. a 4 60 p:n
Oiegon-Waah. L i'd...al2.bu pin tk:.iit
North Platte Local a 8 lo ai.i 4:ttpiu
Grand Island Louai. ..:2iioiu alu:J0am
kirvinsburg Local. . .bL'.41pm bl lvym
,. u..u4l
Omuha m. Louis Ex. -a :30 pm SB 15 am
Mall and Express a 7:02 am all 15 pm
biaiib y L. uruu C.Bjb b.ul pm Wu.ij am
l bicagii, AlllsiuKee kt. Paol
Overlai.d Limited, a 7.uu pm J am
perry Local R pm
Luloiadu i.xpreks .. ..a C.iX) pm lii im
Colorado epev.iai a i.iJmii e.w u,n
prry Local o fiu !... y.u
LUlUill, tVOCk. IslMUA at I'HtlUC
Rocky Mountain Liu .ai. lam 10;J5prj
cT.ii aaU Local 1'uss. blO.Ataui bin : 10 pin
LUKariO Day r-xpicS a u.6 aiu a 4.JU pin
Llucueo .xpra....... 4.1j pin al:lj,,ui
Des Moines Local Pa4.a 412 pm L:U pin
Li.itii.iJ .xeu. Liim eu.u e.uft piu u k.uu am
Cbi.-Nsb. Ltntd to ln-
coin 8:01 am a l.ts pm
Chl.-Colo. Express. ...a l ie pm a 4.ou pm
CT.l.-Coio. txprvts ....a 115 pm a 4:u pia
I Okl. a Tex- Lpies.. -.uu pm ail:b a.s
J iivtkj Mountain Ltd.aiu 47 pin I.';W am
! I Blcm.0 r.rrat lAeslern .
I Chi
mi Limited l:J. pm
Twin City Limited a - f"n
Twin l liy Express.... 8 4 am
a i n am
a : pm
a ) pra
Chicago Lxpiess
Local passenger
Illinois I Btrl
Chicago l-'.xpren
CulcagJ Limned
.a 1.14 pm
,.s 7 t im
..a u0 urn
a Ml pm
a $:u0 ais
7 to aa
W pia
lla-oarl I'eclfi
K. C. ft St. 1.. Kg
K. C ft . L. fc.
..a t 20 am pia
Wheat Market Does Not Advance
Steadily Buyers Take Profits.
Severe )raiber aad Sostkrrn lie
in mid la KrrplnB Iterrlpta
l.labt lath and Kutnrea
Are itrHil,
OMAHA. Jan. . 11112.
1'ii.vels of win at me iim n to take
1'loflts on the sw.i.s. This prevents the
tnaiK.t from an wincing Meiulily but
leaves the trade in hsfe pos.tlon for
further bull operations should the iu
continue bullish as It bus for the lust
lew dnj x. '
The Mrength In ca-h wheat Is very en
coiu axing to 1. overs w ho limit buying
orders to the teiupoinrv set backs.
Leaders In the corn trade are still hold
lug out to bnv on anv breaks In case of
a big run to primary markets. The
severe weather and southern demand Is
keeping- receipts light. Cush and futures
mi ong.
"heat rill.l .,-...,., It. fmn of
heavy profit taking sales. News Is very
bullish, and better values are expected.
I as'i wheat was i,c higher.
I he coin market was active, nnd buyers
were mote nuKicssive on the light le
'flpts. cash corn advanced i,c.
I rlmarv wlieut receipts were 225.0O0 bu.
il shipments ere 21LI.O1H) bu., ugnlnst
receipts, last year of XI2.01M bu. and ship
ments of 217,000 bu.
Prlniiiry corn receipts were SiN.OO!) bu.
nnd shipments were 2:l.(rt bu., against re
oeipis 1,1st year of 4Mi,0m bu. and shlp
mi'tits (,f 7S4.i:i bu.
Clearance were n;..0iXI bu. cf corn, 1.7rtl
bu. of oats and wheat and flour equal to
:!'.' ! bu.
IJverpool closed inn banged to 'wl lower
on wheat and VI higher on corn.
The l'ollowlit'; caih sales were re
ported: Wheat. No. 2 bind: S cars, Jl.ttt:
No 4 hard: 1 car. JlOI'ti No. 3 spring: 1
cur, Jl.usij.. No. 2 mixed: I cur. l''l.
Corn, No. 4 white. I cur. t'iV.c; 1 car, ivic;
No. 3 yellow: 1 car, tile; 1 car, iva'sc; No.
4 yellow: 1 car, fil'V; 4 cars, !'; No. 3
mixed: 1 cars, fio'c; No. 4 mixed: 1 car,
H'Kc Oats, No. 4 white: 1 car, 47U.
tlmahn Cnsh lrlcea.
WI1KAT No 2 bard. $I.U2 'ii 1 n",; No. .1
hard. l,02(i(l.C4; No. 4 hard, ftctj$l.fll..
(HIRN-No. 3 white, ftiVuillc: No. 4
white, rjdii;.)i4c: No. 3 vellow, HOriiHOMic;
No. 4 yellow, MKijOiiUc; No. 3. liVuai'e; No.
4. WtJoli'tc.
OATi-No. 2 white, 47"4fi4Sc: standard.
17Mlir-.e: No. 3 white, 471-471:C, No. 4
white, 47ti47V4c; No. 3 yellow, 47470; No.
4 yeliow. 4ti(ii47c.
II ARI.KY Malting, Sl.0iWil.2fi: No. 1
feed, Wnstic; heavier feed, S.'i'.C.e.
llit-.Nu. 2, s'yu'.ks-; No. 3, s.V(!.siic.
Chicago ....
Fealnres of the 'Iradina nnd C'loslnar
Prices on Hoiird of Trade.
CHICAGO. Jan. C Although wheat
tradeis here reltlsid to swallow many ot
the more sejnsntlonal ients from the Ar
gentine as to damage hv rust and rain,
the market today showed a stubborn
tendency upward. In the end prices
varied from tc off to a shade up over
last night. Corn timshed 'sc to Vs''i'iC
up, oats c down to ,c gum und pro
visions 2'tc to ia: up.
Soft spots In the wheat market today
were almost invariably from realising
by longs. The most Influential purchas
ing came through private wire houses,
and was bnsed on dlsputches from Buenos
Ayrea whero crop dima,e reports had
taken a radical turn lor the worse. May
fluctuated between Sl.ul unit Sl-l'lte. clos
ing steady a shade up nt Sl.bl1 i'o 1.01-S.
With temperatures so reluced that rail
roads were working slow nnd farmers
hauling little corn prices developed
strength. May runged from M'e to H-e
with, the close, tteady 'Vd'jc net higher Ht
H4Hc Cash grades weie firm. No. 2 yel
low was U tcd at tUiy7iK: for old.
Oats scored a substantial advance but
reacted on realizing sales. May runged
from 4M40 to 4!i'iic with last trades a six
teenth above last night at 4!Mc.
Higher prices for Iioks curried provi
sions up a bit. Pork closed 2'yut"! to 7Sc
higher anil the rest of the list ut an ad
vance of 2(.c to fx'.
The leading future3 ranges ss follows:
Artie 11 open. 1 iiiun, 1 Low. 1 1 :ios. Yes y.
May. I
July. I
Sept. I
II 01V
1 01
1 01 '4
1 til
1 01
Jan.. 1 1
May.b4 t
6i I
04' i I
July. G4V-.:
M li,.',it;4VU
4 ',4 1
40 y.
io'sivjl iu':to"i
III 52'(s!lti 45-47
15 90 1
lti 30-32 16 27Vi
juiy. 10 uO
Lard I
Jan.. 9 37.fl 37
10 4a-4i lti 42'
9 3T.fj37 8 821,4
9 iA) 9 5. 4 .,,
9 70 I 9 Oi'v
9 40 I
9 7-illl
9 35
9 W
9 70
Mav.! eoti2
.luly. 9 TJHji
Jan.. I 8 C.
Ma'.8 d0iS2
July.lS X7mii
S C5
8 85
8 90
8 OTVal
8 B7'j 8 52V4
8 h'i
8 M) I 8 77 Vj
8 8Vi(87lS 8.i4-N7;8 Wltltli
t ash iiuuim ions were us follows:
FLOCK Finn; winter patents, $:!.70'j
4.W; winter straights. $'l.tKu4.ti5; spring
Minn.-St. Paul t,i,
Minn. -St. lJaui L l d..a i.'.vi pm
1 wiu City t-xprs ..a 7:4o am
eloux City Local a 3 4i pin
u :00 am
uUj w pm
a 3:24 pui
a 11 ij am
a 1 .Ml am
Minn. t Dakota Ex.. a i.ou pni
' Two Vity l-iiiilwl ...a u pin
.Miniiesj.a Lxprsss
kll.w atu
Carroll Local ai:ouam
Daybgnl Chicago a 7:40 am
Chicago Local ali.Uo pin
Colorado-i:mcago a 0 . 10 pm
Chicago epn.iai a pin
I'ac. coasi-chicage.... e:M pui
Los Angelea Limited. k.u piu
a C IO pra
mo.4U pm
a i:M put
a 'i.M pm
a :u aut
U 'S.i pU
h,M pni
a n. L au,
aio.ue an.
4, lie iui
overland Linuleu
cat roil Local
.a .u put
...a 4-40 piu
rust Mail....
a . tut
bio us ik
Ccuiuuuial Ataie i-iui. Li.j aoi
Long Pine a S:oo am
Norioik-DaUaa a k.UU am
Long Pine Lincoln.. ..a pin
iLAiings-AUpet lor ... b 2:b pin
i-tau Aoud-itoi epgj. a put
cacpei-Lauufci a -. piu
HcmvnL-Aiulon il 4lMy illU
3:35 pa
11. M pi
aU:0Q ia
auu.ia pu
a 6.4u t Jl
a 8:i piu
a u.m put
ail ipj pm
i i.iM pm
A Mason
UurllngtOD llnllun Truth
Penver & California, .a 4 iu pm
Puget Sound Express. a 4.10 pm
Nebraska points a 8:20 am
H aiK Hill a 4.10 pm
a 3.4'. pm
a 1.45 pm
a O .iit pm
a o .4j pm
al2:iii pm
a 1 .uu am
a 0:11 piu
a t ill pm
a 9. OS am
blu.u am
it 4.M8 UUI
a :m aia
a 2.W piu
ali.L pm
a . uu pio
a I.m pm
a a.a
Uii,.4j aut
aii.wi aut
a i.w aut
a t.ti 4..
Unco. 11 Mali b 1:29 pm
Northwest Express. .. .ail i pm
.Nebraska pciuis a t oj am
NeuraaKa Express a Jj tun
Lincoln Local'laiminouin b a.U pm
l.iucoln Local
pia.isiiiou.i.-iowa a 9:13 am
lx-lievui-l lailamuuiji a-L:jo pm
t.i,icao special
Denver special ,
cuicago ti.xpiea.,,.
Li.... . ,fc iAiieari.
Iowa 1-ocai
cienuii via.) Local.
Bl 1JUI bill""'"
K. C. tl. rfusetn.
v. C. t M- Jwsep...
K. C. ft St. Josut.h.
. .a i lo am
..Ull.i pm
..a 4 ,u pm
..a b.tfvf pui
. a K .U am
..U i.M pill
,a 4 .M. yiu
..aiu.w pui
. .a s.irf am
..a i.Ji pm
Wrbatir elation l.",llt aud Webster.
j lasuorl
Depart Arrlv
b t.M pm tU iiem
Paul, MlnnrapuiU a
Auburn Lccal
Chicago, fcl,
Li ui s Is a
.L 2 2j pm
-C S.25 m
1)12:05 pm
c 5:25 pot
b 9.24 pra
Ploux City Express
Omaha Local
bioux Cl-y Pass...
I win C.ty Pass b 44 am
Emerson Local b 8.55 put
lb) dally except tuniay. tc
in.. t al.y,
b 9:10 aa
f.,cM. i.iv.1,.1. r-piiog s.iaignis, .4.
N, 1 .. , baktts. .( ,-ji 4 '
u t -.- .NO. i. vwi c. j
hAlil.l.i-tfiii el mixing. '.""CuJ! .0.1,
litu ei oiuiiing, il.svM
-l-.t.l 1 illlou.. , ol-A-u 1,1.1V. Clever,
I'Knl iflONSt-Potk. ITIess, per bid,
.u."'lll,i.i 1. lIO. pel IUe il'S . H' J
Miort rios. s.dcs tioosi, .e,'-.
ii lrtl l irni aoi es ot li at ail I lour
lo-it etpiai to 4,x,iMJ oil. t'linirtiy re.'ri.ns
nrie :,v 101., eollipRliil wun Jk,vw uu
me col 1 esponuiliH u. a ear aso.
Kstiuiaieu ie-eiiis lor .Monday:
neat, 11 cars: coin, 2:l cars; oats, 4o
iais, nogs. ii.iW head.
t Iikmko (.a.-li l ines -Wheat No. 2 ted,
:',jc, .No. .1 reit, lk'i,4ic; .No, i haul,
ti m, .No. .1 halo, miiii i1.; No. 1 jioi 111-
10, 1. ion I.1J, .no. i iKUtiiern, I1.eigl.l11,
.no. ,( noitiiem, i.hji i.ii. ; No. spnng,
tuiiltil in, No. . spring, (UI W; No. i
soling, 1iH'ii1 Id , Veivel chut., tot iiel 04 ;
inn inn, WH-tu l.i'. Corn; No. s, l ui,i';
.no. .1 white, tuviiiihtvc; No. J yelion, int
-dviO'V.c; .No. 4, t,o. -WSiC ; No. 4 white,
isMjwi'jc; No. 4 yellow, dnsr.H'v. tials:
.So. X white. Mii.nic; No. A Wiute,
4H'e; No, 4 white, .-unc; stanuard,
Kve. No. ?. !'41i1HSc. Barley, MMiSV.Il.
liniothy, $12 1KX1 i.vmi. Clover, llS.innn 20.o0.
1IIITI 'KR Steady ; creameries, ion,jbc;
dairies, 23r.1lc.
LUGS hirm; receipts. l.fiTrt cases at
1 mark, cases Included 21t1i,3i',c; firsts,
i 2.Wi'.!"3': I'llnie firsts, 32V'.
! I'll E1-.SE -Steady ; daisies, b'.4(h;e;
I twins, 11'iirWi.c; young Americas, lbif
ltrv,c: long horns, Ih't lrtc.
' POTATOES -Steady . choice to fancy,
'.I'.'u'.fs'; fair to good. x1i9Jc.
POl'I.THY Firm; turkeys, Il-fflSUc;
chickens. I2ijil2c; springs, 12c.
YKAI Steady, '.iU
4'urlot Receipts WheAt. 7 cars, with 1
of contract grade; corn, 2vi cars, with
none of contract grade; oats. 4i" cars.
Total receipts of w in at at Chicago, Min
neapolis and Duluth today were i.'2 cars,
icmpared with 2:i cars last week and IS3
cars the correspon ling day a year ago.
(tuolatlons of the Day oil Various
4 0111 mod Hies.
NEW YORK, Jan. fi.-Fl.ol ' U -Sieadv
spring patents, tviodi ,V4'i: winter straight
S4.1f..'d4.2fi: winter patents, $4.:iMi l."U;
spring clears, $4.2efi4.4. winter extras No.
1. $3.ii3.Mi; winter extras No. 2. $::.V'i'it
3iV; KansiiH straights. 1 1 I'll 4 "r.. ltye
flour, steady; fair to good, S4.7IVU 1 11;
choice to lancy, $l.,''ro.ln. nuckwheal
flour, quiet,". per hundred pounds.
COItNMKAL-Pteadv ; fine white and
yellow. Sb.Vi)I..Vi; coarse, 1 47i1i.uti; lilln
dried, ;!.tr,.
HYI-J-Quiet; No. 2, 9i!c. c. I. f. Buffalo.
BARLEY steady ; mailing. Sl.lSH 1.30
c. 1. f. Hurfalo.
WHEAT .'spot market buri-lv steady;
No. 2 red. u,c elevator nnd m.uo' i f " b.
tifloat; No. I northern Duluth, SI.021 f. n.
b. afloat. Fill urea market ensv on the ca
bles, rallied on small receipts und firm
ness In the northwest and bullish private
cables from Argentina, but sasged off un
der week-end teullslng, closing 'vc to ?o
net low er. Mav, ll.nVVTi l.os U-l. closed,
Sl.ofil; July closed, 1 00. . Receipts,
hit.; shipments. 7. 10 bu.
CORN Spot market steady; exports,
6vc f. o. b. afloat. Futures market was
nominal. Receipts, 84,1175 bu.; shipments,
4011 bu.
OATS Spot market firmer; standard
white. Sac In elevator: No. 2. rVe and
No. 4. f"ie; natural white and white
clipped, 21fl.'c on track. Futures mar
ket was nominal. Receipts, ,7i,i7S bu.;
shipments, l.7fi0 bu.
HAY Firm; prime, il.30: No. 1. tl.V.'tt
1.30; No. 2. SI.1isjrl.Ki; No. 3. r.cri$l .00.
HOPS Dull: state, common to choice,
1I11, 4it'."ulr; l!UO nominal. Puclfle coast,
1HI1. 4f.-ifi.0c; 1910 nominal.
HIDES Steady; central America. 22c!
Bogota, 221i'.t2l'-!C.
LEATH Ell Firm: hemlock firsts,
27'tc; seconds, 24'u2t'.; thirds, 2hj'22; re
jects. Inc.
PROVISIONS-FIrm: mess, S17.0rna--17.rv:
famllv. S19.0IKU 20.00; short clear, S17.2M
I8..VI: beef firm, mean, SI3.00fil3.riO; family,
J.H.riiV?i.ri.(0; beefs, 4j2y.O".i2l.(KI. Cut meats,
inlet, pickled beef. 10 to 11 lbs., 'ir;
pickled bnms, llfnllVc. Ijird, firm; inld
dlewest prime. S!i.;lVii IMS; refined firmer;
continent. South America. SlOir.;
compound, 6.ii7c.
TALIXJW Quiet: prime city hhds, c;
rpeelal. c; country, ti'Vitik'.
BUTTER Firm; creamery specials, 3Sc;
extras, 37c; firsts, 3,'iVlc.
EGGS Firm; fresh gathered extras, 35
(Ti:i6c: extra fliHts, 33Vii4c; firsts, 32Vs'u
;c; western gathered whites, 3:Ca37e..
POI'LTHY Alive firm; western chick
ens, ll.4fl2r: rowis, J3'4K14,aO; turkeys.
14'iil.V"; dressed, quiet; western chickens,
10(1 bi'v; fowls, western, 1U$15V; tur
keys, western, 12ffi20c.
SI. l.onls lieneral Market.
ST. LOUIS, Jan. B. WHEAT Strong;
track No. 2 red, 1.00HK?i 1.01 ; No. 2 hard,
SUtt'rtl 12; Mav, $1.001: July. 94'i.p.
CORN Higher; Hack No. 2, 4c: No. 2
white OT.c: Mav, Cr.'c; July, o:Vovr.Tfco.
OA'l'S Higher; track No. 2, ,ruc; No. 2
white, 51c: May, MiVvO.
RY E I'nchangf d, 95c.
FLOP It Firm; red winter patents. $4 50
fil.90: extra fancy and straight, $:i.90'C
4.4:-; bard winter clears, $:t.40'u3.60.
SEED Timothy, H.OU'ci 1S.W.
BRAN Quiet; sucked, cast track. $1.22
HAY Firm; timothy. $21,008 25.00;
prairie, S13.OW1 lti.50.
PROVISIONS Pork. lower: Jobbing.
$15.50. Lard, higher: prime steum,
:i.l()-jl9.i0. Dry salt meats, unchanged;
boxed. extra shorts, $8.25; clear
rll, $8.23; short clears, $8,371-;,. Bacon, un
changed; boxed, shorts, $9.25; clear ribs,
9 -5; short clears. 9.37'..
POI'LTHY Finn; chlcltens, llVtc;
springs, 12 'id turkeys, 14 Vac; ducks, 13c;
geese, 9V-C.
HI -n creamery. 2'4i3oc.
EGGS Higher, 2Tc.
lleceipts. nnipmenis.
Flour, bbls.
Wheat, bu.,
Coin, bu...
Oats, bu...
. 12,00
Kkiihiis I lly 4irlu 11 ml
ro vleloiia.
Cash: I'tichanged to le higher; No. 2
hard. $l.o3iM.0k; No. 3, $l.lili 1-07; No. 2
red. $1.02: No. 3. 99. f 1 1.0 ; May, $l.olT,c;
Julv, Oi'te.
CORN '-file higher: No. 2 mixed, r,5f,
('sic; No. 3. fi-i'Vu.-.!'; No. 2 white, WWitiic;
No. 3, 65'ti5'-ii ; May, B-Vjc: July, ti.',),c-.
OA I S V4C hlgnei ; rso. i w tine, lAiau-iVjc;
2 mixed. 4ViiMoc.
HAY Strong; choice tlniolhy, $21.tji
.no: iboice prairie, $l.'i.5W 1U.W.
BI'TTER Creamery, s-; firsts, 81c:
seconds, 32i'; packing stock. SIVje.
EG-i !S l-.xtrus. 3-k-; llrets, ,llc; sec
onds, 17c.
jieceiius. biiipments.
I8.mi til.Oio
li;."l 37.HMI
I.IM) H.'JU"!
Wheat, bu.
Corn, bu. ,
Oai.-i, bu. .
!tllmnaills t.rnla Market.
$1 .08; July, $l.0K'4'MI.O9; cash, No. 1 hard,
$1.09V4; No. 1 northern, $1.oh; No. 2 horth
ern. $I.(1Mu1.07; No. 3, $l.OKf1.04'2.
HARLKY aia-i$1.30.
I URN No. 3 yn,low, 0c.
OATS No. 3 white. 41 4);1:c.
RYE No. 2, !8-.
HH AN In 100-pound sacss, $.'.,' 00'.( 23 .50.
FLot'R -I'trst patents, .".. MiKrf 5 mi; sec
oiids, $1.!M.".2): first clears. :t. 701 4.05 .
siconds, $2.(yO-o3.00.
Plillodeliibla Produce Market.
Firm; wi-sterii creumery, 40c; exlru,
9e; neaibv prints, 41c.
EGGS Firm; Pennsylvania and other
nearby firsts, $9.40 per case; western
firsts, free cases, 89 .'Mt per case; current
receipts, free cases, $9.00 per case..
CHEESE Flrmei ; New York full
creams fancy, 17c; fair to good, lS-'TlCVbo.
. ;
I Irerpool Grain Market.
firm; No. 3 Manitoba, 7s lod. Future,
easier; March, 7stS-td; May, i&Vl. July,
",s o.
CORN Spot. American mixed, new.
easy, at hslld; Amerhan mixed, old,
steady, ut 0s 6'vi. Futures, firm; January,
5n'tu; February. 5s 8V41.
Mllwaakee Grain Market.
M I L W A V K RE, Jan. I.-WH EAT No. 1
northern. l. l'lVu 1-12 ; No. 2 northern, 11.07
'nl. 10: No. 2 hard winter, $1.0Pti.04. May.
l.o;',; July, 9i.'c,
OAiH Standard, 49-7j49Hr.
BARLEY Malting. $1 2o'H1.20.
Peoria Market.
rEORIA, Jan. H.-COHN -Higher: No.
3 while, ;.9c-, No. 4 white, 68c: No. 3 yel
low, 59i..c; No. 4 yellow, iso; No. 3 mlsed,
,ii'yii'ic: No. 4 mixed, 5Kc; sample, fue.
OATS--Hlgher; No. 3 white, 4sc.
Wool Market.
PT. IFIS. Mo.. Jan. 6.-WOOI,-Steidy;
territory and western mediums,
14-He; fine mediums, lV)jl7ci line, lojlic.
Killing Cattle Steady and Stockers
Lower for Week.
Sheep Ariinml Tiet)-Flvr 4 enls
lllaher Than Last Week's 4 lose
and lambs as Much as Fif
teen t ents Higher.
Jan. (1, 1M2.
Receipts were:
Official Momlav ...
Official Tursdav ...
official Wednesduy.
Official Thiiisday..
oiilcml Friday ....
Estimate Saturday
Hogs Sheep
H or.j
Six days this week. .19. 72S
Same days lust week..U.4Hl
Same days 2 w ks ago..l3,Sl'4
Same days 3 w'ks ago ..'i'.'M
Same days 4 w'ks ago.. .'0.145
Same dava lust veur...l.M3
sr.. 'it
The following tab.e triomi t'ie range of
Trices paid for hogs at South Omaha for
tho last ew da.s with comparisons:
Date, j bill.
Usui. Tarn. I.,l:i. .
I e 2S. 6 !'.
o- s ;'o. fi tii. 1 1 44, a i''i 4 -
1') Hi, 1 4 44,
Dec. 29 I i 7 Kn H 1 1 ro s I tl 22 5 W
Dec. SO. I & 7 TI s S"i & 4n; 4 ,r4) J W
Dec. 31.1 7 Til N 21 5 00 i 4 331 f. 24
Date, j 1913. 191t.lalO.lWW.lllHW.lW5.1r.ioa,
Jan. L.v7l I S 241 4 ' H 114 & 14
Jan. 2.. I fi W-j, 7 Sfil I 6 7j 4 Sol rt 21 0 11
.Ian J. I h vi K o:-; 8 30 14 4i! 0 29' 5 0;
Jan. 4.. I i MU, 7 4'. 8 3S I 5 TO' 4 3oj 8 0, i 14
Jan. 5.. 5 9:i'a 7 7i! 8 47l R ivr.l 33i t 22
Jan. I 7 M'i S -19; i. ;! 4 311 I f' 17
Receipts and disposition o live stock
at the I'tiKin Stock Yards. South Omaha,
for the twenty-four hours ending at S
o'clock yesterday:
Cattle. Hogs. Horses.
M St. P I
I Wabash
I MlM.Otlt'l
I'nlon p(
t N.
. .V N.
W., cast.
.. west..
'. M. ft O.
Q. .east...
St. I
It. ft
H. ft
Q , west.
C. It. 1 ft P.. east
Illinois Central
Total receipts
... 98 i
. ..l.lkle
Onialui Pin king Co
Swiit and i 0111 pan.
t 1 1 1 1 1 1 v I 'uckmg Co
ruioiir ft Co
Total 8.804
CATTLE Thero were no cattle of any
coliseum-nee. lit the .varus tins morning
and prices were ucordingly nom.naliy
steady with yesieruay. for the week
re.'eipts loot up 19,i2.l head being nearly
2.;iiu head linger than lor last week, and
about 1.2e0 in ud larger than fur the cor
responding week ot last year. It was, In
tuft, a very liberal run urn compared with
recent, weeks.
Tb market on beef stcerH started out
the week sharply stronger ami there
waa another decided advance on Tuesday .
The receipts then became sufficiently
heavy to be rather burdensome and us
advices from other selling points became
less encouraging; the maiket hero eased
oft to such an extent that the advance
of Monday and Tuesday was, wiped nut
on W ednesday and i nursday. During
the remulnder of Ihe week prices re
mained practically stationary. It will
thus bo seen that week closes with tho
market just about where it waa at the
close of lust week.
Cows and heifers nnd for that matter
all classes of butcher stock underwent
practically the same experience as tlmt
outlined ubovu In tho case of beef steers.
Early In the week there was a sharp
advance which was later wiped out and
at the close there Is lltllo change dlseern
able, between current prices and those
prevailing at tho close of last week.
strictly good fleshy reciters were very
scarce ail week and showed little change
being in good demand with prices prar
llcally steady from day to day. On the
other band the severe cold weather and
the covering up of stalk fields with snow
rcum-eii the demand for stock ca,ttle tfl
iniiiiiiiiiiii. ,-niicr me lmiurnco ot 1110
light demand and Ihe fair luuelnls nrlces
declined sharply, und at the close of the
week light slockcrs are safely 2fio lower
than one week ngo, with the common and
Inferior lltrht rtuff 95i?iUOi inwAw
It was In fact very difficult to move this
Kinu or stock on most dava this week.
Quotations on cattle: Good tn rlmiea
beef steers. $l.ri0(i;7.75: fair to good beef
steers. fi'..0Ofi8.W; common to fair boef
steers, Xi.rtlCM: COOd to Choi, n heifers.
i. 111(111. goon to cnou e cows. l4.3iVao.25
lair 10 good cows. common in
fair cows. $2.7i7u3.;..; good to choice stock
ers and feeders, $5.40ifii.20; fair to good
stockers and feeders, $4. 80ii5. 40; common
to lair stockers and leeders. I3.50u4.8O
stock heifers, $3.50'ii4.60; veal calves. 83.50
W'i.i.; nuns, stags, etc., i.uwju.x.i.
Minis-nogs ruien wnuiy higner, even
when comparison la made with yester
day's red-hot finish, and the market was
one of the liveliest since those of 1h
high period early in 1910. Bulk of a
-United supply changed hands as fast as
t.lUM could be placed and mites otieneil
advances amounting to loij Idc. This de
scription applies more especially to the
llano In butcher and lard classes, aa
considei able business was uonu In light
stun ttiut canny iookimi ziic atiovn yesier
uay s levels lor offerings weighing 20u
puunus ana less.
Iii-uia nit was well sustained until well
uiong towuru me cxtremu close, some
reaction uiiring 1 lie rinui rounds result
nig in sales that were possibly tVrilut
mud' than those rnado when ail buyers
weld busy, only two traimoads, about
twenty curs, arrivcu too lata to sel. at
Ihe lull auvaiices.
out of the liu-car total, shippers and
she. ..Ijuiis K-lected fully a dozen
.ouus, something like one-eighth of the
estimate. AVeiages or iM to 240 pollnus
were tavurcii on iiicac outside orders, 11m
auiiio us lecentiy.
No business ot conseiiien,'a was trans
acted minor the $tt.oo mark and very com
mon light stutf moved Willi equally as
much lieedom as trie costlier laid offer
iiiks, T he best heavt'-s on sale brouahi
40.3.1, as compared with eslei day's lonj
top of $;.2o, woiie bacon (lanes chuiiaed
hands at $6.15 and less. Butcher bogs
occupied the middle spread, selling aruuiiU
During the week heavy receipts have
oeen clearing In lenn.l kulily active
.aslilon. the packing demand proving
uioad und urgent tiiroiigiiout. t.'ompared
with a week ago, values on all weights
snow net of fully 20 cents.
Representative sales:
. . 2 2s:
.. S.944
.. M4
.. i"...VvS
.. 1.2-.H
. . 2;r
No. A. HU. ft. No. Av. h'h. I'r.
It ... iu H ili ... u n
It, ;i ... l 4 il ... i
i.4 ... tn u w to iu
',V ... li Oj ll 1.1 4U 4 U
1 14 14 ... 4 IS 84 til 4U ijij
' i Sim ll'O I.I V i.n 11 (i,,
j 1 ... 111 H 2-'n . 17',
V K0 lu fa SiS ... ii jo
i.u I1- mi H i ....... .;:t 10 1 1,
I j ... t in 4. .-1 ,. in
ti, ;I1 i'i 10 't'l 1.11 j-i
Tn 11.7 ... 111 wi .-io ... :-.i
;j :.i ... 1.1 ti a iu ... s.i
; ail ... 10 M m ... :e
;t ;l no f in it itl UD ;,(
mj -ut it I-" 10 m in
k UU ... lf ''i 2ii 14" t .)
It :-. ... U't ''I ei t in
72 ;i ... 4 il. tl 2to to t2
I. t lit 40 lti 74 -n )i 2.1
17 im ... 14 4 211 til t so
; ill 4)1 li 2 -.' H 20
kj lat 80 4 li 12 2J t'l II 20
il pa ... 16 t: 210 ... ( ;(,
77 202 ... 4 16 H '.I 40 II M
07 201 1HO li "u UU t'l I 22'
b- 2I'I R.I lj C7 Jit ... d 2E
ii lti 4 li ill U IV) il
M 211 HO 14 42 243 . . S 24
tl IK. ... 4 111 44 .Hi 2.10 ( J
Il ... 4 In 44 322 Iw C ti
M I ... 4 11 HI 273 12.11 t Ji
tii ivj 2" 4 ii h am ... u
II 214 ! 4 14 47 177 ... u
70 l ... 14 9 ... t in
t7 216 ... 4 li 81 Ut ... t 84
tj m 15 80 311 ... 4 li
M II 4 40 13 141 40 I 10
SHERP Nothing srrlved In the way of
sheep or lambs, and as yesterday's clear
u.oe. In every branch of the trade was
complete, the market remained empty and
Trend to values for fat stoclc during
Ihe week was generally higher, but the
trade received una or two setbacks, and
closing advances are only moderate,
amounting to about l-'.e on good lambs
and not exceeding a quarter on desirable
ewes, wethers and veurllntis. Values were
none or less erratic from start to finish,
! owing to natural readjustment after the
Initial day s trailing, misiness on New
Year s day having an unusually wild ap
pearance. Receipts at nild-weck wen fairly larto,
but net exeeslve, ami everything rleiired
n K'"-il shape on the day of ai rival, lei
Westei n lambs selling us high as S". .10,
wiih a stilng of 111 1 1 a, tive t olio ados, the
first of the s. 10-011. maklin a loii top ot
,,, Meillum hull-t it lambs hud to sell
considerably below tne kihh4 i lasses at a'.l
tlnus. the pi ice inline .11 common to
choice uiiauty atiu.unling to over 41. 00.
Matured muttons. especlHlly wethers
and yearlings, weie unusually scarce, a
1 "million that Is partly nv-ponslhln tor the
greater Impiovcnient In tins branch of
the trade. Fat ewes of dressing promise
ate closing around $3.tie1i:!.90. wnile some
thing choice In the way of wethers would
probably bring 14.3R. Prime. Unlit year
lings are quotable up to S.V40, the heavier
kinds piovlug less active nt fairly large
The few scattered Kales of feeders re
ported during the week were not suf
ficient tn atfor.l anything like ft normal
test of prices, both supply and demand
being very small. The week s purchase
of feeders on country account amounts
to less than 4 OKI bead.
Quotations on -hecp and l.ttnhs: Lambs,
good to choice, i;.iif.iO :li; lambs, fair to
good, I", 2-diii.oo; yeiirllnits. good to choice.
14 mv'.i,", ;iv. eat lings, fair to good, 11 (7ll
4 90: wethers. Rood to choice. 4 lOrn 4. H., ;
wethers, fair to good, 4Vl.Sf.j410; ewes,
good to choice, t'l tit:u3.85; ewes, fair tu
good, J.l lJ ri
I'll IC tt;o
llcmnnd for sole and 8 beep Mcndy
-tloas elovr.
I'll ItAGO. Jan. ti. CATTLE - Receipt s,
estimated at Out h-nd; maiket steady;
beeves, $4.7.VS; Tnxns steers. $4.3f.U'5.80:
western steeis, Sl.Si'uii.tiO: stockers an. I
fccin is, $.1 2,.u5.;e; cows nnd heifers, S2.c0
4ll. 40, calves, $...-.OviS.;,ll.
Hoi IS Receipt .1, estimated it 11. iW
head, market slow. 5c up; light, $u.9,".inl 25;
niived, tiii; ;t;is; heavy, $ti 00iii.4:"t,;
louah, lu.ixiviii. li.; good to choice heavy,
$'. I.,ii'i I-', i'li;.. Ji :u"i.T0; bulk of sale's,
I..11.: ,3'i.
SHEEP AND LA MRS -Receipts, esti
mated ut bead, niuikit steady; na
tive, i",'n4 , wv t'i u, $.1. 25 ,t 4 '; year
llims, 14.U.ii'..Mi; lambs, nativ e, $4 2 Ml;
western, si.-;,'.iii;.ii,-,.
Ivoiiaas I lly l ive Hlmk Market.
-Receipts, 1.000 head, Including 50 south
erns, market steady; native steers, l.Y3..f-
8.2; southern slei-rs. I4 75ii0.25; souiliiu'ii
cows and heifers. $." (k,i4.iii; native cows
und lienors, $J.75li 7 tm; stockers and feed
ers. 4.000 00, hulls. .l.2ri'i."..2u, calves,
4 2,Vu 00; western stcs-rs, $4 ia.ii7.00; West
ern cows, SMHIofi vt).
I lot IS Receipts. 1.500 head; market
strong to 5c higher; bulk of sales, stinf
tt.20; heavy, $ii.2o.iiii.25; packers and butch
ers, i..0tn;.2..; IlKhls, $; pigs, $4.25
SHEEP AND LAMHS-IU-eelpts. none:
market strady; muttons, $B.2i.itt 4 .25; lambs.
4.iMmU0; ed wethers und yearlings, $3.50
(UO. 2.1, red ewes, K.'.i.iiU4 tin.
Nt. l.onls Live tnck Market.
ST.'Uil lH. .Inn. .- t'ATTI.K-Reeelnts,
4)i bead, Including I'D T'exaus. Market
steady. Native beef steers. $4.uOnMi.tY0;
i-ows end heifers, $3.75'ii7.lO; stockers nnd
feeders. l.25ir5 50. Texas a nil Ind, an
stiM-rs, ll.5iwi7 ).; cows und heifers. i:U5:ir
8.00; calves. In carload lots, I5.oonil7.50.
IIOGS-Recelnts. 5.211O head. Market Rlf
10c hlglier. Pigs and lights, $5.25910.40;
mixed and bulchcis, $ii.'.'f(ti.45; good
heavy, $iV3.V(fil 45.
No sheep market.
St. Joscpli l.lve Slock Market.
ST. JOSEPH. Jan. 6 CATTLE- fie.
eelpts, .ll head; market sieadv; steers,
$5.8.-.(tii.60; cows und heifers, $,I.OOrii7.Ul:
calves. $4 00-h7. 10.
HCMIS-Recelpts. 5.0IH) bead: maiket
steady to strong! lop, $11.25; bulk of sales,
SHEEP AND LAM HS Recelnts. none:
market unchanged; lum I is, $5.01Sli6.15.
NM-k In Night.
Receipts of live stock at the five 111 In.
clpul western markets yesterday:
cattle. Hogs. Sheen.
South Omaha
St. Joseph ..,
Kansas City
St. Louis ....
Chicago .. .
Totals ,.
8.275 3l).6tH
Cotton Market.
I.IVHTiniOl,, Jan. 6 -COTTON-Bpot.
In fall' demand; prices 1 point lower to
3 points higher; American middling, fair,
5. firt: good middling, 6Dld. middling,
5.2i",d; Jnw- r.ihldllng, 5.0,1d; good ordinary,
4.8U1; ordlnury, 4.5181. The sales of the
day were lo.uoo bales, of which 1,500 bales
we're for speculation and export and In
cluded S.0110 bules American. Receipts,
10.0)0 bales, Including H.uUi American
Futures opened steady and closed steady;
January. 6n8Vd; January-February, 6.08d;
February-March, 6.IO1I; March-April, 5 12d;
April-May, 5.12d; May-June, 5.ltkl; June
July. 6.1hd; July-August, fi.20d; August
Hepteniber, 5.20'jd; September-October,
ii.JIVid; October-November, 6.2liAd; N0.
veinls-r-Dcccmber, 5.2o'tsl: I)"e, einher-
January, B.SO'jd. January-February,
NEW YORK. Jan. 0 -COTTON-Fu-lures
closed strong. Closing hlds: Janu
ary. 9.Ute; February, 9.23c; March, ii.3lc;
April, 9.37c; May. 9.4'ic; June, .50e; July,
.57c; August, 9.00c; September, 9.83c; Oc
tober, 9.09'; November, 9.72c; December,
9.7i".o.' Spot closed steady und 15 points
higher; middling uplands, It. Gee; middling
guir, u.ibc; no sales. r
toffee Market.
tuies opened strady at tin advunce of :t'a
10 points In rrsponae to higher European
cables, steady Hruxlllsn markets, and
covering for over llm week end. There
seemed very little for sale at the atari
und price Improved another 8 or 4 points
011 tho active months during thu early
iraouiK, mil laier reiicieii party under
rcallxlng with the ciosn steady at a net
advance or :tn points. Sales, 40.000 buss.
January, 1.1.50c; February, );i.42c; March,
i.i.ii.c; .vino i.iwi-. may, June and July
12.94c ; August and September. 12 Wc
October, 12.92c; November, 11.91c; Decern,
her, 12.90c.
Havre wiih 'i fiane lilgher; Hiimburs
was unchanged to 'j pfg. higher. Rio
unchanged at 8IL5. Sanloa tiiichouged ut
4s 811.1, ,a JiO. Recelpta at the two
Brazilian polls, l!'0oil bags, aiiulust u
hollduy lust year; Jundluhy receipts, l,fi
iiugs. r mo weatner wan reported In all
(listiicis or duo i'amo. iNew York wan
bouse deliveries yesterduy were 7,000 bagx
against i.fu nags iasi year.
Spot coffee, (julct; Rio No. 7, 14c
Santos No. 4, l.-i-. Mild, quid; Cordovu,
liTa'tMivtii , iioiuiuui.
Evaporated Apples anil Ill-led Fruits
APPLES Quiet, but prices are very firm;
on the siiot fancy, lOfyKiijc; choice, ajj,
r.C , pi line, s-'4-((e.
I'ltll-.l' r 111; I I n I I lilies, nrm, with a
good joniiing oem.iiii; quotations range
from Is: to 3'v' for Culifortiluni up to
:to-4ns ui 11 1'i-jc ana i.-c jor oregnns.
Apricots, quiet, mil rum lu sympathy
with tho const; choice, l'rulS'jo; extra
i-lioli e, u.iiii.'ic; laucy. imii.c. Pi aelu-a,
firm, but Inactive, i hole,., 1 1 ', II VjC
nxliu choice, llOlic; fancy, I2'an lc,
Raisins, dull tiiul iiouilnai; loose Minna
lels, if$'n-; choice to fancy seeded, 7j
i8'4e; si eill'.-s, t'd'c; Ixjiidon layers
1.4"0i 1.4...
oils mill llosln.
T'l NE Firm, 5)i'c; rcceipla, 508 ,hls.
shipments, none; stock, 20.55)j bbls.; sales
80 bbls.
ROSIN Firm; i-e -clpts, ?,i;s9 bbls: ship.
incuts, none; sto l .'i. l,:i 1 his. Quote:
H, sr. .Ji; 1', i..'j.i'''; I:, $7.ttuw ,-.4fi
r . i ... i ". i . ii, i.u,u
I.UVti 1. i ",.'11 ' -. ei..w, ,11, tt-lo, ,
$7. V.; WG, $;.; WW. $7.85.
Drr Goods Market.
The cotton goods maiket was stea,.y nd
uiii naiitioo. .i.oiweii. uic n.owiy increas
In their niisiness on wash fabrics. iu
tallers are featuring domestic cottons at
low prices. wool marseis nold steady
with a tendency toward firmness on for-
sign giaucs. i. on ns uiu i it luir spot do-
Hagar Market.
NEW YORK. Jan. 8 SI '1 1 A R Ra w
quitt. muscovauo, f lesi, 3 92c; centrlf,
ugal, 96 test, 14Jc; molasses, 8M test, S.4i7i
leiineu quiei; run. oi"c; line graiiu
luted, J.I..S': nowiiereii, a.i-ic.
toffee Market.
NEW YORK, Jan. fi. -CoFFEE-No,
Rio, H- futures closed steady; March
13.15c; .May, 12.94c.
Ilmaha Hay Market.
OMAHA. Jan. II.-HAY No. 1, $12.50
No. 2, $11.00; coarse, l:i.50; pscklng stock
$7.5; alfalfa, $14 to. Straw. Wheat, $5 50
i ami outs,
Council Bluffs
City Department Finds Reason for
Heavy Consumption.
Gcorue llninn Tries to Hll Hods
lit 7,ero Yeather anil Drops In
Know Drift to n e Self
from l'reeslna.
It reunited moro than 2,0ou,0o0 gaJlons
of water to prevent numerous Improperly
protected water pipes In Council Bluff
homes nnd business places from freez
ing during the last week. Faucets
opened enough to permit the water to
trickle slowly through and thus prevent
freeilng. This generally happened where
there were no meters but In many places
previous knowledge of the dimensions of
plumbers bllla led to the choice of this
i.laii as the cheapest way out of the dif
ficulty. More than 19.0(0,000 gallons of
water was puiiiihM during the week while
but a little moro than 17,000.000 was
pumped In tho previous week.
Despite this wasteful uso of water the
calls upon tho plumbers were greater
than they could respond to. Thousands
of dollars' worth of repairs were re
quired. The eight days of continuous
rtro weather has caused the enrth to
freexe to a depth of several feet and
Jack Frost has creijt Into Viasements
where be hud been ea.lV barred In ordi
nary winter weather. Plumbers predict
that bv tonight hundreds of homes will
have the water supply temporarily shut
Physlrlan.i tiave been almost busy as
tho plumbers, and In scores of cases have
been called upon to thaw out and repair
froien ears, frosted fingers nd toes .and
bring back the pristine rosy glow to '
whitened noses. In most cases physi
cians decline to give the names of those
who have applied for relief for the rea
son that tho Injuries have not been se
rious. I'rmrn In Transit.
Dr. Tuhbs, police surgeon and city phy
sician, has had some cases to care for
at the station that required hospital
treatment. Ono of thesi sufferers was
George Brown, a wanderer who thought
I Is home was In Chicago. Iln was st "
tho police station Friday morning after '
spending the night in- the lodgers' dr
tartmnnt. lie tried to get out of town "
on a Northwestern freight train. A mile '
north of town he realised that he was
freezing to death and deliberately fell
from the train as it passed a deep snow
drift. He then hurried hack toward the
roundhouse. The railroad men found
both ears to bo froxen solid and he was
sent to the police station. His otherwise
bad condition made it necessary for Dr.
Tubbs to send him to Mercy hospital.
Late In the evening J. r. Corrigan, who
said his home was at St. Joseph, hobbled
Into tho station with both feet badly
frosen. He was also taken to Mercy hos
pital In the city ambulance by order of
Dr. Tubbs.
The revere cold weather has caused an
Immense amount of suffering among the
poorer and less fortunate classes of peo
ple of the city. Calls upon all of the
charitable organisations and applications
wherever aid could be expected have
been greater than at any period for
many years. Relief funds have been ex
tended and earnest appeals have been
made to assist In relieving the reat dis
tress that Is prevailing In many cheer
less homes. All of the missions have been
besieged throughout the week. Rev.
Henry De Long said yesterday that the
calls for help had been greater than for
any other woek in ten years.
Evidence for Moran
Introduced in Court
The preliminary hearing of Leo Moran,
the 19-year-old son of P. J. Moran, who
In accused of planting half a doren In-
gonlously-construcled Infernal machines
In as many huystacks on the farm of
their neighbor, D. L. Williams, , near
Crescent, was continued before Justice
Cooper nil day yesterday, J. A, Traoey,
deputy state fire marshal, is prosecuting
the case. The hearing has now con
sumed two days and was not finished at
o'clock last evening.
The prosecution rested after taking the
Usllmuny of Deputy Sheriff Leueh and
Fire Marshal Tracey, and the defense
began nt 2 o'clock to present the other
side. Warren Hough, M. A. Hough and
a number of the nelglfbors who have
known the boy sltico his birth told ot
the excellent character he had earned.
A good alibi was proved Tor him by the
testimony of several witnesses. Including
his father nnd mother. The one hey
sluck that waa burned was discovered to
be biasing at 9 o'clock on the night of
November 14, and the suspicious farm
ers who gathered Immediately made a
search of the other stacks in different
parts of the farm and found the Infer
nal machines with the lighted candles In
each nearly burned down to the oiled
straw in which they nested. Mr. and
Mrs, Moran, testified that Leo was busy
ut his chores until S o'clock and thou
camo into the house and went to bed
shortly after 9 o'clock. Blanche Moran,
Leo's sister, gave the same testimony,
ami all were corroborated by Miss Myrtle
Harnett, a neighbor, who spent the early
purt ut the evening with Leo and Ms
sinter. J. T. Epperson, tl neighbor, said
he, liclpjil Iao build a chute that after
noon, working; late In the evening. This
accounted for every minute of the, lad's
lima up to the moment when the fire
occurred In tho field more than a mile
away. It was asserted that It would
have required nearly two hours for hltn
lu have carried Uie boxes to the stacks .
and planted them where found. '
Excellent evidence was also given for
the defense by J. At. McMillan, wbo con
ducts a slore at Reel's crossroads, aril
v ho fully identified a candy pall ignd
soupbox used for two of the Incendiary
devices. He said they were not sold or
given to any of the Morana,
It was showy! that the amount of bay
put in Jeopardy was ubout forty tons.
Five stacks belonging to Mr. Williams
were destroyed by flro on the night ot
July 5.
10 to S3V4 discount off on Items
throughout our entire stock. Lefferts".
On entire line of umbrellas, including
the Corham and the HuU detachable
handle umbrellas, Si per cent discount,
(lerner'g, 411 Broadway,
I "lie." - 1