Till: O.M.MIA .StrXDAV IJKK: .lANl'AKY 7. B A Ml KKTS. do tma L've ? "At (be ieis BOYD'S WED. JAf). 10 MAT I fi EE THURSDAY JOHN CORT Announces v"" A I IW I I'll m f r w it it if it srii n if 11 x :r - m m av st a mm mm b -v . a m m v . -n a. "v CE fib rasAv mm. if' 1 W - , 'M ill - s': . f T)r: : M , i ' . ' Hi Ii I - s jpt . vx. .... 1iVV 'L:'. T- ' VS V; i f '- 'S, ' w f fl. I comody. "When We Were Twenty- ,, f rAVlt.Z;tvV- rrl.....: . ilO Thl- fin comedy h. been In O t ' . ; AAlf-Jvl .V : WV V ft - -'.' .41 xevrral tlmcf.. but Its Interest ran -U'; . , If JkKW 'M-iH::-' l,---?: -J V - wj; of love, of a nn.n'B dnvotlon. an.l of n m UB WJSBB.K ' win preieni m fro with muiilo, "Alma, Whore Do Tou Llvr at th Branded theater tonight. The company will remain four nlehta with a popular priced matinee Wcdnexdny. Thin I the hill llant Oerman French comedy which rnn for a ntanon at l'hll!l'i lerman theHter on the Rat Hide of New Vorlt ami was then done In KnglUH by Mr. Weber at his own mualn bail nnd ran thore nil laat year. In all the charge llmt "Alma" baa (one throuxli thrre ban been none In the munlc. The fourteen orlelnal mu leal numbers orn Junt nj the clever Frenchman. Jcun Tirlnun, bad compnaed them. When Mr. Weber took over the Knitliah Hgh tii ef the piny ' he mnde up hla mind that there would he no rltanaci In the mualc. Oeome V. Hobai t, the pro lific American . comedy writer, was eu arilted by Mr. Weber to make the. Ene 'Hah veralon.' The auoceai be made of It phenomenal. The excellent compuny whlc will make Mr. Weber'e pronenta tlon here la headed by Nnnnette riack, ' with Cbarlea A. Murray and Aubrey Tatea .prominent In the cart. Others are Charlea Walton, Edwin Carewe, Henry hhorwooU. ckerlnft Brown, J. Herbert Crowley, .Vivian CHI, Mary Croft and Uae Hanill ton. 4V P. II. Dudley, one nf the I'ft-t exponents tf nerro comedy In'the buliice, l torn ,1ns to the.,Brande! theater at the head of the noted "Smart 8ef company for .three nlghta,-commencing Thurrday, with v matinee on Patimlay. Mr. ludle-, who la colored, haa an ex'.eptlonnll fine vehi cle tbla aeaaon,. In three acin, entlttod. Dr. Beajia i'roin. Bontyii.'' For fmt vllcltlog propertlea the offering haw been pronounced' the best of iti kind ern heracbouta in a decade. When H U con Idered that eKty people are required In Ita Interpretation and that the fcinto In veatlture enta.il twn private cum jn irajuiportatloii a.d that the hIiow carrlea It own band r.ml mu leal director, an Idea, of thelni!wtt.n.ie and magnitude of the production ir.av bo I, art. Fifteen ong blta are aprifl.lea dntliiK the action of the comedy. Tliei mo oilier foaiurok and urprlaes, . eombliifiu', all told, an enter tainment well worth while taking In. The ntire attraction ; up-to-date In every particular. - ling land a foieitiorl t-oinei nnv, Alic-" JJoyd. In the dainty iiiuncil gaiety. "Lit. tie Mlu F1x-lt," will be one of the most Important thetrl.al eventx to vijtt thld city at tb BrandelH next huiulay night. UlOe Mlti I-lx-lf is the play that out Jlvwd every other atlrartlon In fhlcago tb I ait aummer. Jan Kubellk baa on former onaaioua fcaen Introduced to Omaha audiences, and fcda (am la eo wide that the annouiico Uent that he la to have a place in the neaaon'a concerta It aufflclent to aroum rMeapread InUreet In bla comlnr to the Ziraodeia on Thursday of next week. It ,1a stated that t!i(ili Kubellk'a la'at Amcr. ca tour that fie Bohemian vlollnUt wi aooo return to tCuropa, where he now fen eontracts wh'ch will engage him un til 116. when he propoava to retire front gLOilre work or touring. Lnwraco D'Oreay, who riuuilwm among ka frienda the Iheatcr-going public of twe ountlnenta, la atarrlng tlila urtiun UnAer tb e:ajiagment of John Curt In a iaaort revival of 'The tarl of I wtukG,M wfOch la a distinctly popular uereaa because of the ao undeniably (lever, bright and funny llnea end rltu- At-he ationa. Mr. D'Oraay cornea to the Boyd for two duya only oommenulng Wednes day, January 10, There will be a epeclal matinee Thursday. The story of the trouhlit an eail got Into by coming Incognito to America to win a ttlrl in very untuning, particularly as he has Inadvertently axNiimed the name of her divorced lmhand In Ignor ance of that fact ond Is compelled to pay back alimony nml alno threatened with arrest for n murder. But tho gallant earl proven himself a true nobleman and Winn agaiiiHt a sea of trouble. Jonepb 1'. Slieelinii, well knuwn hero as the leading tenor of the lavage Grand Opera coin puny, la to be heard here In "The Love Tales of Hoffman" and "II Tro vatore." Hla company will lie heard at the Boyd theater on Friday and Satur day nights and tho Saturday matinee. This is the first tour of the west of this organization since the name Shechan Rngllxh Oiera company replaced that of Savage, and Its receptions have been little short 'of ovations In the entire went and Pacific ooat. In addition to the f i nious tenor, the piinripnN Inclu.lo micIi names ia !! Gltuly Caldwell, conceded by prominent critics In the eaM to h the finest lyric soprano 0:1 th. i:n.';ll!i opera elage: MImh Murlon Walker, the eminent contralto, who Mr. Kheohan secured from the Metroxdltan opera company Ian aea t.011; Mtxs Aunahell" Tarlton. one of the most promising dramatic soprano' In tho Kngllnh 'language; Mr. Franc! J. Tyler, who wan heard here with II nry W. Sav age's "Madame Butterfly" company; Mi. Charles SivUkard of the TUotl Opera company, who wrote the Fujitsu vcrMon of "The .ove Tale of I loi'f ii;iii.' nod who will h heard here blmseu' j. ( three great roles mude faifpu.i by lt-"ntu.t at the Xcw York Manhnttnu ;,.(,' house; Mr. William J. Joien 1, ,i-.' other Sava-sn Mar; Kennel :i Uiul!.;.. .'), ! Fngllsh baritone, and a number of otheri j of like caliber. This, In addition to the celebrated Sheehun chorus, and aug mented orchestra under tho direction of William Glover, will provide a treat such as music lovers here have not had for years. "The Love Tales of Hoffmann" will be given on Friday night and Saturday mati nee only, in response to uumcrotm re iuets to hear .Mr. Hlieehan iii his great rolo of Manrlco, Yardl's "II Trovatore" will be given on" Saturday night with Mr. Sliethan in his favorite rolo. In the big spectacular production of "Tho Bohemiun Girl," announced by the A born Opera company at Boyd's theater for a half-week's engagement, beginning Sunday evening, January II, theatergoers are promlaed not only the most preten tious efforts of the Impresario A born in their career as, producers of opera in English, but what Is most probably the most elaborate staging of Balfe'a grand masterpiece that haa ever been made In this country. The cast Includes Vera Allen and Helen Campbell In tho soprano rolo of Arllne at alternate performances, Jane Herbert as the Gypsy queen, Harold Blake as Thnddeu., Herbert Watcrous as Count ArnheP.n, Joseph 1 lorlan as Pevlls- hoof. Maurlc I.avlcne as Floresteln, I Knlpk NIchollH a the captain and Kathe- rine L Brum as Hols. The Orpheum bill will Indeed be good' this week, for with Miss Mary Norman ; and Valerie Bergere at the top. It could j not be otherwise. .Miss Normnn will pre- j sent her new version of "Women I Have 1 Met." In whl'h women of various types j are impersonate. Fads, funclcH and, in fuel, all eccentricities of the feminine sex av.i portrayed wii'u rcmuikuhle fidelity. , Hie of the mo.-l ami!! iiisc features of the u t is ihe "'ake off" oa hats and women ; 1 who wca r i.'-cm. Al'si Normnn Veeps up! a monol.vu ! .aeUy f.HVi" one. Omaha not story the error into which a boy can full. Its characters- are all clearly drawn, and each gives a fine chance for the actor. .Miss l&ng will have 11 role thut will call for serious attention, and Mr. Nolan will bo seen In a part that will give him much better opportunity tluin no has yet had. Mr. Woodward has glveit his personal at tention to the preparation of the play, and It will he presented with great atten tion to detnll. The first performance will be at the matinee on Sunday afternoon, and It will run all week, with aditlonal umtlnres on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. "Hk-ky In Politics," a sequel to "ThP Krraud Boy" and introducing the delight ful and hannv-ao-luekv characters In the latter piece Is the title of the new nuisi- ' cal farce comedy which Henry I. Dixon's "Hlg Review company" will present ut tho Krug theater, commencing Sunday matinee. Frankle Heath, one, of the cleverest young women on the Ftage to day, will appear as Glorlanna, the stranded prima donna, while Harry l.e Van, tho midget comedian, will play the ! role of Hlcky McGee. There are new j songs, new music, new reviews, new 1 travesties, new faces and novelties. Even the fun and Jokes are new If such a, thing : were possible In this era of progressive; theatrical. And It, certainly Is as far us this show Is concerned. But all the glowing prospectuses In the world would not help to crowd the Krug theater If tho ftindation were lucking. A visit will suf fice and If we miss our guess this popu lar company will play tho banner engage ment of tho season. There will be tho usual dally matinees with the added at traction of beautiful souvenirs to the women at the dally dime matinees. Those fond of extravaganza will thoroughly enjoy Huitig and Scamon's latest production, "Social Maids," which will be seen for the first time In this city nt the popular Ouyety this week opening this afternoon. As amusement purveyors Hurtlg and Seamon haVe se cured a front place in the rank of Ameri can producers, but In the building of ex travaganzas they take the leading posi tion. Georpe Stone heads' the long list of prominent merrymakers. Ills princi pal support rests with Jennie Austin, the magnetic, and enchanting comedienne, (Continued on Page Seven.) AMlSKMETs. A Ml' t! ISM EM'S. kmm, R Phones, Doiik. 404. Intl. A-1101 Mali tie ICvery ly, 2: 13. Kveijr Night, :15. Advanced Vaudeville Week Starting Matinee Today Special Kngugcment Favorite of the iel.rve.vl by snatches of PLAY AT BRANDEIS Mi- llwvere and her company will ap- j jv-hr .ii tho Tasclimting playlet entitled ! 'J-.tS. mcnt," In which the popular actress COLORED COMEDIAN WHO IS JO ! !!v,'!' ." "Vr'"'" '!nl;P"1,ll'",Hy ? "v, H. SiiuJUv mid Is full of Interest from ben niilng to end. The i-lory has to do with a 1 tut 11 convicted mi cirviinisUuillul evident e, the charge living lobbrry. His devoted wU, l u ch'Vtr l rick, manages to fiee blni. Van lluvt'ii, "the d.piy ni::d nuigiiiaii." will give a burlesque exhibition of sorcery. He pat to iiullesb pitluvt to prepare hi trick and works over us p. emulation until the proper point of tprotaiu y Is reached. Then tuddculy a humorous turn Is taken and the performance develops a scries of comical situations. Hayinond, Burton and ilaln will offer their clever tabloid comedy called "The Commercial Mall," which is replete with humor of various kinds and melodious music. The Four t loods, known at th acrobatic merry maker-., will Rive a mil. pic gymnastic k r foriiianee In which numerous difficult feats are executed. Harry Breen, the rapid-fire koug witter, will give a demon stration of Instantaneous sopg composi tion. He will put Into rhyme anything sutzgested to htm while 011 Ihe stage. le lteiiio and I. a Hue will furnish an enter taining trapeae a"l. Their "slipping rope trick" Im done whllo swinging 01 me. the heads vf Ihe audience. - ,)'; ' . ', ;,.v . ' . '"'- . ?. V. -'A . .. , - 1 ; t 1 if nrni xrv Leader vl "iu fc'mai't Pet." I Leader vt "lb fc'mait Pet.' Mlsa I. oig and the Woodward plavers will devote the week at the American to the presentatloU vf F-Miiond's Uellghtful Mary Horman With a New Version of Her Famous Caricatures "Women I Have Met" Miss Valerie Bergere and Her Company Iu tho InteiiHe Playlet JTDUMKNT" D.v Victor Stualley. Van Haven The Dippy Mad Magician Raymond, Burton and Bain In a Tabloid Musical Comedy . Kntitled, "The Voinmcrrial Man." The Four Floods Acrobatic Merry-Makers Harry Breen The Hapld tire Song Writer Ee Renzo & La Bue Aerial Trapeze Wonders of the Ali Kinetoscope Projecting the latest In Ani mated Photography. Orpheum Concert Orchestra e voted to Strictly JKlgh Orade Emtravagania and TaudevUle TWICE DAILY wA"w MAT. TODAY 7057 so BfB HURRAH show HUBTIO It BlaMOH'S I High Strang-, Brand Mew Offering, SOCIAL MAIDS ar GEO. STONE Of "Wlaarrt of Os" fame (the danolnr tramp with "The Oinger Olrla" laat aeaaon), PETITE JENNIE AUSTIN And a Big, Classy Coterie Including Frank Hayss, Wilbur Dobba, Jlmmie Connors. Thos. Welch, Max Abbot, Anna Suits, Etta Plllard, I.neUa Temple, ELECTRIC CITY FOUR And AMERICA'S PRIZE BEAUTY CHORUS (Bext Week "Social Maids'' slater show, "Taxi Olrla") Dear Header : Here's a show that's all new all bully. George Stone Is certain ly afflicted with comicality to a pronounced degree. It' you have a pet enemy, buy him a ticket; he'll laugh himself to death. K. I.. JoHN'SiiN. Mgr. Unyety. Evenlnga and Sunday Matinee ISc, 35o, 6O0 and 76e, w-Mats. 15c & 25t'ft's'oc' Chew gum if yon like, but no smoking LADIES' fg At Any Week TICKETS I wC Day Matinee. nahy Carriage (iarage In the Lobby; Certified Milk for the Asking. The Inimitiible l;nnlisli Coiuetlian In Augustus 1 hotnns' Comedy of n Thousand Langlm. "THE EARL OF PAViTUCKET" 2 nights Starting Fri. Jan. 12 JOSEPH H. MATINEE SATURDAY Atnei lcaV Rt est tenor, and the most l emut knlile vast ever heard In Gnslihli opera, th famous Sherlnui ihortis and aiixnifiited orchestra, in tho only rnrrert English version of Olfonhiuh's beautiful ocrn THE LOVE TALES HOFFMANN F SPECIAL NOTICE In response to numerous requests, Mr. Sheehan will present Verdi's 11 Trovatore on Saturday night, appearing- in his lamoim role of "Manrho." The liove Tales of llollman will he presented Friday lilnht and Sntuitlay ntatiitee. PRICES: 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.09, $1.50 SPECIAL UAKUAI.V MATIM E SATIKDAY BIG DAYS 4 TIMS OHE. COM. SUNDAY JAN. 14th ADORN MAMMOTH O ERA COMPANY'S SPECTACULAR PRODUCTION. HORSES 5 Great Scenes, Notable Singers, Big Chorus. Corps dc ltnllet, lteal Gypsies, Horses, Arabs, Wonderful Whirlwind Acrobats. PRICES 2."c to $1.50. Ilest Seats Mat. $1. Sent Sale Tomorrow at 10:00 A. M. 150 PEOPLE-20 Hi TONIGHT, MONDAY, TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY MATINEE JOB WI1 PRESEWT8 GEO. V. BOBABT'S ENGLISH TEXBIOK 07 THE SENSATI01CAI. MUSICAL COMEDY ALMA - WHERE DO YOU LIVE? By PAUL HASTE MUSIC By JEiN BRIQUET CHA8. A. HUtKT VAVVETTE FLACK AUBAEY YATE8 An Exceptionally Brilliant Bnpportlng- Company. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY ffi":." The ifan m s. t i I Mi! H. DUDLEY and I IK K.H with 60 BIBOIBO and DAWCIWO ASSOCIATES IN THE NEW MUSICAL DR. BEANS FROM BOSTON NEXT SUNDAY 4 DAYS VS." AT ALICE LLOYD IW THE MUSICAL GAIETY "LITTLE MISS riX-IT." ONE RIGHT OKLY THURSDAY EVENING, JAN. 18 THE WORLD S GBEATEST VIOLINIST JAN KUBELIK SEATS SCAT NOW BE BESEBVED Today at 2:30 and 8:30 No Seat Hlfhar Than 60 Canta. 1: - Talented ArtlBia 13 Prloaa Ntfbt 10c, o. Mo, T6. Matin 10c. Bit Saata 5o, Ea cpt Satordaya, Sunday and Holi day. y AMERICA "THEATER f oiiinieiu'inic Mat Wrrk, Mutt TtHlay und All Sat. "wr,:: 21 l'tu'ii., Tli urn MISS EVA LANG and the WOODWARD STOCK CO. In ERE NEXT WEEK NO AOVANCK l I'KICKS. The SwiKiit tonal I'lay ut Mudeiu l'olitioal Method. "The Han cf the Hour" Kvery Voter SholJ See this Im portant rolilirnl I'lay KMlug (aiK Itnle PRICES 25c Here's the show they rave about iu every city It's the leadiiiK fun and girl show of theni all The Hew Big Review with FRANKIE HEATH (. 'She's There") Two blg chorua alnginf and wiKlln acta antltlcd "Hlckay In PoUUoa,- with Harry Lraa fatnrd. Not a dad ona la th bunch; but many mlfhty lira on. YOU'RE GOING TO LIKE IT B oa your way Kra-ward Today. BIO BOOMY SEATS WHERE YOU ABE COMFORTABLE. wok III l?DS 0.500 Quality--Cleanliness AT A MODKHATl-j IlWCIi Madame Table D'Hote Sunday, HA. M. to S V. M. 40 and 50 tents. We Kndeavor to rieaae, BELMONT 1310 Dodge. RESTAURANT V. X. 1UI1, IVop. Gerville-Reache Prima Donna Contralto. TUESDAY EVENING FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Scat 75c. 1.1K. $1.60. fa.OO. On Sal A. loipt Co., JUsifimtDt Kin Blanch Soranaoa, ! THE OMAHA BEE 1 Less than a penny and cleaner i than any. JAPS. 9