TI1K OMAHA SUNDAY" HEK: .TAXITAUY 7. 1912. Children's NIGHT GOWNS 7oc quality little gowns in all sizes' and styles; Janu- -nry sale price Extra Special NIGHT GOWNS Of Muslin and Cambric Embroidery and lace trimmed and tucked, many dif ferent styles reg ularly worth 75c January sale spe Big Lot of Fine PRINCESS SLIPS Scores of styles embroidery and lure trimmed and InHerted many very elaborate cre ations that are worth $3, $1 and $3, at $195 Extra Special Children's White Skirts Good full white Bklrta, prettily t r I m in d with tucks; regularly worth 39c, at Great Half Price Sale Men's and Boys' Clothing. .See Brandeis Ad on Page B7 Choice of Our Genuine Heatherbloom Petticoats And all other kinds of cotton, drawstring petti coats In the house, many extra sizes; values up to $3.50, ""$150 Extra Special CORSET COV ERS and DRAWERS Embroidery, lace and tuck trimmings special lot regularly- worth 25c to 50c, at, each Women's Outing Flannel Night Gowns All alzes very warm and well made 20 different styles to select from. Worth up to $2, at cial 39c 23c 15c 69c 45c 12 ddV. yiiKlTIiJ I - . in rr r - i n i i i i 1 1 T J anoafry Sal off MpsMo Uodler wear THE GREAT ANNUAL EVENT IN OUR NEW UNDERMUSLIN SECTION HAS BEEN IN PREPARATION FOR MONTHS AND THOUSANDS OF OMAHA WOMEN ARE AWAITING IT Odd lots bought from makers from time to time at great concessions will -make this January sale an event of sensational bargain interest Undermuslins at 5)1.39 Xijrht fiowns J'.oll or fitted chemise combination suit corset cover and skirt or corset cover and drawers in one piece; $ also petticoats, drawers etc., at v n w a : 5 j39 Undermuslins at $1.95 These are beautifully made under muslins, very carefully sized many with exquisite lace and em broidery trimmings; a M QCZ very special group at 1 Extra Size UNDERGARMENTS Here are undermuslins for largo woiwn gowns, skjrts and draw- , ers; a special lot for this January' Sale at 50c, 75c, 98c, $1.50 and $1.98 - trincess SLps at 98c A special lot of lace embroidereJ trim med Princess Slips these are excep tionally well made of the best mater ials; regular $2.00 values, all no sizes, at JOC PRINCESS SLIPS A large assortment of these very tashionablo slips all the newest f futures; specially priced at $2.50, $3.98, $5, $6.98 Old Lots o! Dniermuslins Various kinds many are slightly mussed from handling fine domes tic undergarments; special in Janu ary Sale at great reductions. , Infants' Slips Made with tucks; worth 1 Q 35c, at.. IOC Children's Drawers, all ages; worth up to 30c, at . . 9c Children's Ideal Waist priced, 18c Specially at each . Children's 75c Out ing Flannel Skirts .and Gowns OA at New Tailored and Lingerie Waists First showing of spring, VJix, styles, includ ing clever, ney Herald Square, Essanello and Larryinade . models great lots at $1.98-S2,50-S3,98-$5-$7.50 and up Fiae White Waists at $1.98. Broken lines and odd sizes of lingerie and tailored waists; worth up to $4.00. Lingerie Waists at 98c, $1.50 and $1.98. Three .special groups of the stunning, new lingerie waists. ' Undermuslins at 45c pi Slip-over .Night Gowns, walking length " Skirts, um brella Drawers, lace and em broidery trimmed Corset Cov ers. Combination Undergar ments; a wonderful ' bargain offering at .' ' ; 4ic rr i t' i me gunaerrausims ai og , Night Gowns and Chemises wlthj French.' embroidered yokes, full shaped sleeves, white petticoats with wide lace and Insertion flounce combi nation garments, the greatest values In Omaha at Undermuslins at 98 Empire and Klmona Night Gowns, many in extra sizes skirt length and long chemises, white "petticoats, two-piece combination undergarments, etc., at Hundreds of Exquisite Pieces of Genuine FRENCH HAND MADE and EMBROIDERED LINGERIE Monday you' can buy the beautiful real French Convent made undermuslins at prices never before possible in Omaha. These are all our own direct importations and iu "clud many commissionaires' samples gowns, corset cov ers, skirts, drawers, chemises, etc. some the least bit mussed but otherwise perfect. AT ABOUT ONE-HALF PRICE No restrictions all our French lingerie included in this sale. Monday's Wonderful; Specials in Our January Sale of Linens Pattern Table Cloths These cloths are the finest grade of hand loom linen m.'ide of pure Irish flax nud frQ fQ regularly sold at $10.00; special at. . VWetO $4.00 Irish Linen Satin Damask Cloths $1.98 These arp pure linen, extra weight, 2x2li table cloths; regular $4.00 values g J gjrj- $3.00 Hemstitched Table Cloths at $1.69 Made of extra fine Austrian Damask all pure linen-2x2Vl'-yard size C f A $3.00 values at . $J.UU IT : Satin Damask Table Cloths Beautiful 8x10 satin damask table cloths extra weight, pure linen, a reg- & r A lar $7.50 cloth at $i0U Linen Pillow Tubing Sing; a 69c 45-ln. pure, round thread, linen tubing; beautlul quality usually Belling at 9 be, special sale price, yard., Linen Sheeting Extra weight, round thread. Linen bheetlng, 90 in. wide; regular $1.25 grade, at yard. pure Irish ...85c Linen Pillow Cases Made of best quality round thread Irish Linen, 45x36 in. Blzes; worth Ai nr $1.98 a pair, special at pltO Linen Sheets i V 72x99 Inches; worth $7.50 a pair, on sale 4.J8 6o Turkish Wash Cloths at, each. . . . Bed Spreads Special offering1 of the famous Barlow and Jones Satin Marseilles Bed Spreads. They are made of the finest grade of Marseilles, scalloped with cut corners or plain hem none worth less than $10.00 Cft 00 several $15.00 values; Monday. . . VUevO Extras-weight and extra quality Imported Satin Marseilles Bed Spreads, &4 QO 12-4 size; $4.00 values at vlJO rr- Large size, scalloped or crochet bed spreads beautiful patterns; regular tfn QQ $3.50 values at. $flJtJ Jf Bed Sets Containing spread and bolster cover, fine grade of sat seilles; $8.00 values at. cover, fine grade of satin Mar- rn t QtfiJ TABLE DAMASK Monday we offer an extra good quality of 72-in. pure linen, double satin damask, regularly worth $1.98 a yard, at, yard Huck Towels, Bath Towels Extra size, all pure linen, pin huck towels, guaran teed perfect; regularly worth 40c, IP- XJs $1.39 Choice of all our $1.50 grades of pure Irish Linen, 72-in. double satin Qf? damask, at, yard IOC Very heavy weight, sliver bleached, pure linen, 72-in. Austrian Table 7Q Damask; worth $1.19 at, yard... UC 66-ln. full bleached, pure Irish linen, Satin Damask, an 86c value, J" Q at," yard 5JIC All the Highest Class Fancy Linens at One-Half Off the Regular Prices. Daintiest of hand needlework. ' x at, each Large size Irish or Austrian Huck Towels, fine weave; worth $1.00 to $1.25, each.. Large size, scalloped or hemstitched Huck Towels; worth 50c to 75c, at, each 49 c 25c Fine Huck and Damask Towels, worth to $2.50, at 7D0 White Fleece Hath Towels, double thread, long nip Regular 25c values, special at 15 Regular 50c values, special at 25 Regular $1.00 values, special at 40 Mill ends of Russian Crash, worth to 19c yard, at, yard 3W J 18-in. pure linen, glass toweling; 19c quality, at, yard 10 18-ln. extra fine Crash, worth to 25c, at per yard IS Women's Knitted Shawls and Scarfs Also women's and children's Knitted Caps, Toques, etc.; worth 60c, on bar? gain square rtr at. each iSDC Women's & ClilMrrii's iiloveH and MJitetm Lambskin, Cape and Mocha, fleei-e Ilium and silk lined, black; worth to $1.5u a pair at, t 1 fr pair ...aPl.UU Women's Under vests and Pants Part wool and fleecy lined cotton; worth voe, at per garment . . 39c yard 1 'g2JiliSI3wI Kimona Crepe Every woman doubt knows I he regular lrlr of the bet kl inuna crepe I I He a yard A aplandltl new line of pattern In kl mona lenctua Just re ceived, at in. I uu January Sale of EMBROIDERIES 18-in. and L'7-iu Swiss Uatiste and Nain sook, embroidered i'louncings, also corset coverings, haby flouncings, all overs, also waist frontings, etc., in dainty new de signs; many worth 7Co per vard, OA at, yard , OVC 18-in. Fine Swiss Nainsook and Cambric Embroidered Flouncings, skirtings, corset - coverings, wide insertions and galloons; worth up to 50 per yard, at, yard ZDC Medium weight fine cambric, nainsook and Swiss embroidered edgings, also medium wide galloons, embroideries, etc.; worth 20e yd., big bargain square piled t high, per yard, at IUC 45-ln. Skirting Embroideries on flue batiste, Swiss and Nuluiiook fabrics; worth up to $2 00 2 big bargain lots at. r s and r rt rd PC 9oc Clearing Sale of La Bida, Lyra and Gossard Corsets. Made of Imported materials; low, medium and high bust, long, and extremely long hips 4 to 6 hose supporters. The regular $3.60 to $4 00 Corsets. $1.98; $5.00 to $6.00 Corsets, $2 98 $6.00 to $8.00 Corsets, $3.93. JANUARY SALE of WHITE GOODS IN MA1 WHITE GOODS DEPT. HASKMENT 10c aoc White lMque at 10c Yd. This is without a doubt the blggeHt bargain ever offer ed lu thh) character of goods. If you want a white pique suit or tailored waist, separate skirt, buy now. Ttiebe piques are Bold from the bolt, uo remnants, 27-in. . wide; a 30c value, at. yard Extremely fine 42-ln. English Long Cloth made from best selected cotton, very soft finish bolt or (hi Off 10 yards at . . . 4 1 aOO 45-in. Belfast Irish Linen, our own dircet importation, ex tra good weight, pure linen and grass bleached; -a 69c value, at per Alt yard .. tC Fine quality, pure white Irish Linen Cambric. Another big bargain Monday. 500 pieces of 36-ln. pin checked Dimity, pure white and extra heavy weight Ideal tor children's wear, dresses, fine undergarments, etc; worth 18c yaru, bolt of 13 yards spe- J 1 1 q clal, at LLV Only Two Holts to m Customer Colored Bedford Oords in navy blue, light blue, Copen hagen, old rose and white. These cords are 27-in. wide,' a regular 35c value, on , Ilargaln Square, at, yard 36-ln. very fine quality Lin en Cambric, absolutely all pure linen, snowy white; worth -60c, special, at yard 15c 35c $1.50 Imported Wb.lt Em broidered rique at 60c lieautlful, band embroider ed piques, always sell at $1.50, all pure white iu pretty eyelet and clover leat designs, while 'they last at yard Just received 3 cases of plain white cotton crepe, also the crinkled, seersucker stripe, the kind everybody wants for making undergarments; regular 20c values, at, yard 12 yards Imperial Long Cloth at 79c This fine quality has, a specially soft finish, nothing better for fine un dergarments, -36-in. wide 69c 11c $6 Inches wide, a 29c value, at yard 18c bolt of 12 yards 7Q for SVC 4 5-ln. white and cream Ramie Dress Linen, water shrunk, a 65c value, at OC yard OOC iliAKIS STORES Women's Union Suits Fine cotton, fleecy lined, worth 75e a suit, special. .59 French, and Ger man Val Lace and insertions, ii att Vala, Linen Torch ons, etc; at yard.... OC W" IHI' !.W".J'JI'H) P I Women's black; pure silk boot hosiery, double heels and toes, extra quality; worth 39c, at fSr... 19C Women's, mis a' and chil dren' !6a cot tun fleeoy lined nd wool hosi ery, alio chil dren's htivy ribbed hosiery. pair 12ic Beautiful White Goods Worth 20c to 35c a yard, at 12C a yard The largest mills --in the country were visited In our efforts to secure this collection of White Goods for Instant use. We purchased their surplus stocks of Waist and Dress Lengths of embroidered batiste, checked dimity, lace stipe batiste, stripeJ Swiss muslins, broken striped lawns, etc. Every length is fresh and new, actually worth up to 35c, at yard 7Mc-10c-12c White Ripplette 15c grade for shirtwaists suits, bouse dreH&en. kimonas, pe 1 1 1 c o aU and summer suits for doys and girls; the fabric that requires no Ironing, mill remnants ari " 7.7. . 5 c New Wash Goods Specially Priced on Main Floor. 50c Women's Lisle and Cotton Hosiery, mer cerized lisle, black, tan and colors; worth 50c, at pair . . 25c Cashmere, Cliamoisette and Golf Gloves Black, grey and brown colors, 2 clasp fasteners: worth 60c, at 25c BBBs3iSE2Fftti31 The new Effleure English Voiles, at yard 100 plecen of 50c Jacquard Silks, new Alice blues, . resedla, tans, new browns, champagne, wisteria, pink, hello, cream, etc.; on main floor at. yard .SUC 60c Chiffon Voiles. 50c Silk Stripe Voiles, ROc Bengallne Glace, a large number of pr? new shades, at, yard sCiaJli Misses', Children's and Boys' Under vests, Pants & Union Suits. Fleecy lined cotton regular 50c suits, special, at.,. . .39( i s uiiBia.s'iJiinji.J'iw CAMBRICS Ask for mill lengths of finest white cam hrks that are manu factured January Sale price, I (If per yard I Uw Mercerized, soft finish, Cauheen, very de lr able for making under muslins January sale price, 7H per yard I W LONG CLOTH A well known brand of snow white chamois flnUhed, long clotn. Uolts of 10 yards. worth $1, at per bolt 59c Amoskcag Apron Check Gingham Apron lengths In even v and broken blue checks; Jan uary Sale price, yard GINGHAM Dress lengths of Ked Seal. A. C, A. . and Toile Du Nord GUighams, new -styles and color ing for Spring at. 9c . MUSLIN 5,000 yards of un bleached : muslin, -good heavy grade,' will be sold at per yard . ..4ic POPLIN Ask for ' the 25c Mercerized Pop lin, ; all the new ahades, bargain square at - f yard ... luw SILKOLINE Mill lengths or 36-ln. Silkoline, plain and fancy colorings at, per yard . . KID GLOVES 34c Fine French Kid, Moth a and Cape Gloves, silk lined, unllned and fleeced. at per pair . $1.50 BRANDEIS STORES Om J355E3 BwJJWHilLjJJJSsilH lllisnyMM IK