III' I I II I I I ill Vl AJE) KUWOBIUE "32" rW' ' - J I hurrMAN Uionooilf CO. OMANAr3IOUACirrf 1 ;i ' " """ ' ' II I ii " "" .'. ' ' - - ' f I I H r II X " UMTTP MOTOR QMhA CO. p. to f oiwm v - .'1 t AT1 SOX M.ourr, dist tisrAnMAM at. Till: OMAHA S1TXDAY o SSI! mm III rara ca ZBYSZKO TOYS WITH P1ETR0 Pole Willi Match with Portuguese Wrestler, Two Straight. GAME FIGHT BY THE LOSER Familiar with Pin Point nf Gumr, t bat la Ovf rvrelmhfd OItth 111 U rratler Shook Whrn Ihe Boat Open. fltanlnlaus Zbysiko, the rol'Rh giant laat nlht demonatrated his uprlorlty over Bmllllo Metro, tho I'ortuifueno wres tler, by taking two straight falls. In twenty-three minutes. The Tolo took the flrat fall in nineteen minutes with a head sc'BPors and tho aecond in five minutes with a crotch hold with tiw assistance of hi enormous weight. Zbysxko was in perfect condition nnrt apparently could have thrown his adver sary In considerably less time, although the latter put up a game struggle and showed that lie was familiar with the finer points of the name. Hud he not been outweighed by over fifty pounds he would have made the Pole go omo. As It was he broke several bad hold and at times lifted his glgantli; oppunent deal from the mat and then elan"ned him dowtt with all the force he could muxtcr. Pletro's wrestling was not like that of other foreigners In that he whs not cum bersome and was at time fast, extremel: fast. But Zbysko'a greater knowledge Oi the game, coupled with his weight and perfect condition, made Pletro's chances of a show slim. Pletro did not arrive at the Auditorium until 8:39 and Manager Glllan had given up hope of his appearing and had or ranged for a handicap match, wherein tht Pole was to throw tviee lodal wroptlert In half an hour. Just a the flrxt pro llmlnary was staged I'letro rushed In the doar, having been delayed for over two hours Just outs. do of Council Bluff The attendance at the match was good and tho lovers of the gamo went hom well jiatlHflrd with tho bill. role Worried at Start. At the call of time I'letro rushed to hi opponeut's corner and fop uwlillo hau Zbyssko worried, but the hitter soon goi onto his opponent's tactics and then be gan to rush hiuttcrs himself, .hyszko was the aggressor most of thu time dm lug the flrat fall, but in the second Pleti . was not so much on the defense. Tim. afttr 4lme Zhyszko would almost havv Pletro's shoulders pinned to the mat, onl to have the i'ortugue&e SJ'icUTily twia out of It. Pletro was the favorito wlti, the fans. Zbyszko must be given credit for hi. wonderful work. He was equally as quick as Frank Go ten sver was and exhibited u cleverneba seldom seen among the forelg. wrestlers. Ills strength Is almost supei human and he had no trouble in pullln,; Pletro all over the mat and doing witi. him almost as he wished. J lis rmik played a prominent purl In the match, a'o matter how hard lie vas pitssod by li, oppunent he was always smiling. In the preliminaries Fred Mlmlen o Omaha and Joe Miller of South Oman.. wrt3tled twenty minutes without a fall I5III Hokuf and Paul Biers put up or.o o. the cleverest mMche ever neen in n prelim. Although Hokuf outweighs,, Byers by a good deal, the latter mud the Oinsha boy woik to win the mutch The first fall liokuf took In twenty-foii minutes with a toe bold, lis took the her ond In eighteen minutes and thirty s, . onds with a half-nelson and crotc h ho i Sandy Grlswold refereed the main oven MORAN IS WILLING TO GO INTO ELIMINATION BOUT NK'.V TORK, Jan. C.-Jams John-' marugtr for Owen Mornn. the Encll lightweight, received and aiopied tod the nroios&l of James C. Cttn,t, tli San Francisco promoter, that Moran enie elimination bouts in Ca.iromla next mun 10 iinu a suitsuie challenger fur Ad Wo'gaat, the lightweight chimpion. Coffroth proposes tliat "Onu itounl Hogan and Tommy Murphy enter th elimination contests, to be of twenty rounds each, to pick the best man of the Uirca la challenge Wolgast. WV.K: .TANUATiV 7. 1012. "1 L,fc j GOTNER DRUBS OMAHA FIVE Christian Basket Ball Players Excel . in All Departments. FINAL SCORE STANDS fs2 TO 17 Pariah of Omaha 1'nlvrrslty Does Kxcrptloaul Work for Ilia Team, bat Opnonrnte Hi'orf Al most at Will. LINCOLN, Jun. 6. (Special Telegram.) Bv a scorn of 02 to 17, the Cotner uni versity basket ball team beat the five representing tho University of Omaha. Cotner scored soon after tho opening of the gamo and from then on scored with out difficulty. The Cotner boys excelled In all departments of the game. For Cotner,' Drltt, Morten and Hell played the best game. Parish of Omaha played a very good name. Lineup: COTNEU. I OMATIA. Hrltt rt.F.rt.F Parish Morten UK. L.K low Hqulres !' Jerome Bell l.i 1. 1,.t! Parsons Ogden H-tl. 1 l Strehlow H.O Mulsbury (Ionia from field: llrltt (S, Morten (fi), Onulres (4), Hell (S). tJgden (2), Parish 12), Dow (U Onuls from foul: Parish til), 'trttt tBj. Points awarded Omaha. 2. Iteferee: noriss. I'luplle: low. Time of halves: 20 minutes. shooting and tho close Mocking of the Wisconsin guards gavo the liadgers a vietnrv over Iowa here tonight by a score of 3S to 12. Iowa started ptrong and scored two field goals nenre Wiscon sin counted, and kept the play even dur ing most of the first half, but Htatigl began to get away and the visitors soon ran up a good lead. The Iowa team was Inexperienced and was weakened by the loss ol fltillandor. the veteran forward, who was not Ohio to go In. This left Schmidt tho only reteran on the Huwkeye five. Htangl was tho only ttadger to show high class ability, although Captain ficovllle und Von Klper played hard blocking i;umen. Van (3ent was outplayed by Leo ami was replaced by Johnson, who was In turn removed from the gann for exceed ing the persons! limit. Wisconsin led at the end of tho first half by 21 to 8 and Increased this In tho second, etangl threw thirteen baskets, mostly easy shots. Ueny played the. bust gan.w for Jowa. The. lineup; WlsroNsl.V. Johanuu-llsnwr ...It K. It..... MaiiKl L r-.l-r Vail lrUl-Jollll"ll- I Hsnria i r B,lll IO t It 1.R .-.. Vu Klper...... L O U .... I, D e 5 4 jrv ' ' ri -Jhv ' ' ' ' ";"'f iff t , ,11 I iJt i'.C- j. I , -m I "( t -' I : ' xa XNTR3TAT. 4Q B?5 JTTl ' - U INTFR3TATC AUTOflOBILC CO. f i" ' ' lianliier llHJrt'.' i .-. v ' Li, , 11 I lirother.-l-'l.ld. 1 I1" J V,'VW- -v w?"" T -T- - f ' . ,..n.i,..,.,. llvT; r 4 ; v -r' 11 0 J n rl' t. s e.n WILSON suroMowttcc. iOiaHAnntvstl if "'OT rOrtWtSTtltN OYtAsrtiLRAiKA.-J NVC.NT0 Of1 at WHeu m 05 'Ml fa m I if- : rr -'W JJ iSU fWl 3TO0OAR04 3 KNIGHT, BADGERS EASILY BEAT QUINTET FROM IOWA IOWA CITT, la.. Jan. C (Special Tele- aianu ..r.i,. .. . .. f: - ; 4J.0CRI6MT; isTAievTsa. 1 LT . . . v - I 1 f