Tin-: ri:i;: omaha. satiudav, January r, 1012. January Lace Surtain and Gurtain Material Sale Big Bargains $15.00 DucIipss, Cluny jukI Araliiiui Curtains, f-pocial price ...$10.00 $13.50 Duchess, (Tuny and Arabian Curtains, ppooinl price $8.75 $10.00 Duchess and Cluny Curtains, special )rice $0.95 $7.50 Duchess and Cluny Cui tains, special price $5.00 $5.00 Scrim and Cluny Curtains, .special price $3.75 $3.75 Scrim and Cluny Curtains, special price $2.25 $2.05 Scrim Curtains, ivory or Arabian, special price $1.50 $2.50 Scrim Curtains, ivory or Ara n r .-i 1 price $1.19 $2.75 Swiss Curtains for bed rooms, special price $1.50 $1.50 Swiss Curtains for bed rooms, special price 89( REMNANTS Three Lots Lot Xo. 1 All Swiss, Scrim and Net Kemnants, your choice, each . .9" Lot NO. 2 All Swiss. Scrim and Net 1'emnants, your choice, each 29c Lot Xo. 2 All Swiss, Scrim and 2v t Kemnants, your choice, each 50c Furniture Opportunities offered now that have never before been presented, to buy Stickley Bros. Arts and Crafts Furniture nt a saving of a tljird and a fourth. This popular make of furniture comes in a soft brown fumed oak, and consists of furniture for the living room, library, den and dining room. Special Display Main Floor. Here is a very good example of how we are pricing this big purchase: Rocker (Liki Gut) or Arm Chair High back. Host possible construction, fumed fin ish, select rjuarter sawed oak, brown shaded Span ish Morocco leather seat. Sell regularly at $12.00. Your choice Kocker or ('hair. January Sale price, each i $8-75 $10.00 Arm nockrr or Arm Chair, Spanish leather scot 8JJ.75 $18.00 Fettee, fumed oak, Rpunlah Morocco lather 8 J 3.75 $24.00 Table, round top, 36 Inches in tllnmotPi', at 814.00 $30.00 Arm Ttnckcr or Arm Chair, 1oob, Span ish Morocco leather riiahlou neat and back, January salo price each S20.0O f27.R0 Morris Chair, fumed oak, Spanish leather ciiHhloiiR, Junuary gale price 820.00 $4 0.00 Couch, loose, pillow, Spanish leather, January sale price. S 10.00 $24.00 Settee, Spanish leather cushion ne.at, $19.75 $2 2.00 Library Table, magazine rack ends, at , 817.50 January saio price c-acn JSwll.WF , ,, , . . , .. r- r $27.00 Ilookrate, two doo.s. fumed oak SSai.TS J , Am Ro,:ker' Spnn,"h ,0Rthr CUBhllnn'r i $12.50 Magazine H'ack, fumed oak, four shelves, " nt SO.0 at 80.75 $4 8.00 Rocker or Arm Chair, large, niasnlvo de sign, loose Spanish leather cushion seat and back, January sale prlco . 832.00 130.00 Library Table, excellent pattern at ( 824.00 $11.00 Table, square top, has one. drawer and undershelf 87.50 $60.00 Bookcase, 3-door section 848.00 $44.00 Buffet, good pattern, fumed finish, t 820.00 $34.00 China Cabinet, two door ... 82H.00 $r2.00 Huffet, copper trimmings .. 843. OO $0.50 Dining Chair, Spanish leather seat 85. OO $79.00 Huffet, laro size, excellent pattern 804 $12. CO Dining Chair, Spanish leath. seat 80.75 $5.60 Sewing Kocker, wood seat, fumed onk, at 83.00 Orchard & Wilhelm earpeteo. STORES ARE TO CLOSE EARLY Most All Have Now Signed Woman'i Club Petition. the SUCCESS OF MOVE IS ASSURED AH the I.ora-er Finns Have Signed Week Urfore Christmas la Not 1 .eluded Others Are Yet to Klajn. The Omaha Woman'i club, backed by the Commercial club, la practtcRlly as sured of auccoia In Ita endeavor to Jmvp the retail merchants of tlio city clour th"lr places at 9 o'clock every Saturday night earept at Christmas holiday time. It the liirw houses signed tho etltlon printed below without a murmur, n.mf Ucaunif that they wished it were fur G o'clock Saturday closing Instead c fc o'clock; of the smaller retail houses, sev- rral havo expressed Indeclitlon, while the heads of several others are out of town ,and have not yet boon Interviewed by the committer, composed or Airs. t v. Ilayea, chairman; Mm. W. O. Paisley, .Mrs. Charles Kosewatcr and Mrs. Ueorge TIMcn. The women bonan their mission for early cloning December 31 and have worked steadily since. Their petition and the signers follow; We, the undersigned, agree to close our places of business on Saturdays at nine lit) o'clock, excepting the week be fore Christmas. This agreement shall not be binding- uiiIchs it Includes all the principal .retail stores In Omiia. J. 1.. Urandela & Sons. ' Kyan Jewelry company. Thonuia KilpHtr.ck company. ItetiHon k '1 horno i-ompuny. Courtney & Co. H. v . l.liHuy. Henry Copley. Orchard t V'm Carpet company. Thoinspon, lla.u. n TV Co. F. W. Woiilwuith company. J. O. McCrorey . Hrownlna. King ft ( Nehranka CUhIiIhk - X.'tny, 'nnett company, i .i 'ioe company. 1'eace liros. company. Milton Honors & Hons company. C. 11. Drown company. Matthews Hook and Taper shop. Wtllluma Smith company. 1 1 ay den Hros. Fred Itrodcgaard, jeweler. Orkln Urn. Shoe Market. I .hi Is A. Horshaltn. KliiK-SwaiiHon company. T. L. Combs & Co. Miller, Stewart & Itnatou company. Welnlunder & Bmith. Klley Winters. Albert KUholm. Tom Kelly company. Wolf Jewelry company. ItcKeut Shoe company. Hera- Clothing roni v. Fry Shoe company. Kaene Jewelry company. A. Mandelherg. Jeweler. Joh. T. Frenaer. Ouarantee Clothing company. Women's Toggery. Moyer Stationery company. Aaron'a, Inc. Rryker Shoe company. W. T. Hourke company. Bandwall Jewelry mpanv. Ouxtafson ik llendrlckson. Svronla Shoe store. V Thompaon A Co. Palace Clothing company. C. K. Hlack. Omaha Stationery company. Star, KliiKman Shoe company MeBeath btatlonery company, butleii Stephens. What Is absolutely uscsssary when you purchase a piano, to make that purchasa A n miliar In tb pnrohass of a plaao, tho first eonsldsratlon should always be qn tniUcr coca, way bo price. Third, may bo terms. Fries and terms should al be of minor eonsldsratlon, bat always see, no matter what price or what 1 you may fce offered, that your quality Is rlffht. quality. ways tonus We have built up the largest and most successful piano business in Nebraska, by having as our motto at all times: Highest Qualities Lowest Prices Easiest Terms Offers unparalleled opportunities to the seeker for a piano bargain Our prices for this month arc reduced from .Wa'o to rs much as 75 for the pur pose of cleaning up the few pinnos we have left from our Christmas sale, and with the Wea of starting February 1st with a brand new stock, we are selling pianos of the best qualities at less than the Cost at the factory doors. v To give you nu idea of the prevailing prices, wo quote below just a few of the many bargains to be had in new and used Pianos: 1 7ri saaasaassssnsBsiaasi "MIlWIIaaTMITPJJBMlMs "HiF IWflii'UiilllLill'sTl'tM '9SBUBMBtB0' Takes ANY Suit or ANY Over coat remaining in the classy Culp-Laogwortliy cshops BANKRUPT STOC Saturday at $14.50 Saturday It doesn't make a bit of difference if you pick up a suit or overcoat that sold up to as high as $45 It's YOURS at $14.50 if you pick it up first. And I jit remains with YOU whether you pick up a David Adler, "Collegian Garment" a "Sturm Mayer" garment a suitor overcoat of famous "L. System" make, a "Gar son-Meyer" Rochester suit or overcoat, or a swagger sartorial production from " Brandigee-Kin-kaid's" Utica shops. ' Ten days should see every "Culp-Langworthy" Suit or Overcoat closed out; Saturday should see a FINAL thinning out of rack after rack of classy clothing; the swagger, superbly made up and authoritatively styled garments that made a reputation for "Culp-Langworthy" will soon be a thing of the past. . . mf T ' y ry There are a number of "Clothing Corners" ine Locajon Ke aiire inomaha' -Gettothewghtone. 4. n 4. 4-u Drfu r S.E. Corner 16th and Harney Sts. tO. liet tne rcignt lOrner Ground Floor City National Bank Bui ding BOYS TO BE TAUGHT TO SWIM Youths of the Grade Schools to Be Given Lessons EXPERT IS TO BE INSTRUCTOR It u Ira Are Annouuced for the I.rs sons and the Honrs Set for Kach of tke 1'ubllo Schools. elector from the First district. J. C. Harpham of Lincoln and William Ernst of Johnson county were named as dele gates and Oeorse S. Flory of Pawnee as candidate for elector.. La Follette peti tions and also petitions for delegates and electors were circulated. Former Mayor Love of Lincoln, J. L. Mctirlen of Lincoln, J. O. Moon of Otoe and Jerome Shamp of Lincoln spoke. Shamp said he would vote for La Follette, but Insisted . he was still a populist. J. V. Johnson was called on and advised those present not to burn the bridges behind them for they might have to Vote, for some republican besides La Follette to get even a part of what they wanted at the fall election. Kimball 975.00 Haines & Co $98.00 Cornish $t 00.00 Camp & Co $100.00 Chickering $120.00 Kohler & Campbell $140.00 Singer $08.00 Upright Colonial oak $137.00 1911 style Mahogany $14 1.00 1911 Art style Mahogany . . . .$177.00 1910 Colonial oak $149.50 Beautiful Plain Mahogany. . .$155.00 During the holidays we took as part payment several pianos, several of the better grade of other than our own makes. These have been slightly used in most instanees, but all have been thoroughly overhauled and are very nearly as pood as new. ' On these instruments we guarantee a saving of anywhoro from $100.00 to $.00.00. Hsiy(dIBini Bipots The Leading Piano House of the West. Rules for the swimming classes to be Instituted In the public schools have been prepared by the Hoard of Education and sent to each principal. The contests are ' to be held from January 15 to January 7 at the Young Men's Christian Assocla- , tlon building. The classes and 'contests ; will be under the direction of a swim ming teacher of Toronto, H. H. Corsan, assisted by J. Truitt Maxwell, physical j uirecior ok me xoung juen s viirisuaii association, and 11. L. Cams, director ot athletics In the public schools. " The rules governing the course of In struction follow: 1. Only boys 12 years of age or over who cannot swim a distance of 60 feet will be given Instruction. i. in case of doubt as to the boy s ; ability to swim 50 feet, lie should be al lowed to report fur the first lesson. You will be notified If in the Judgment he 1 does not need to take the second lesson. I 3. Every boy who desires to take this Instruction must present one of the ac cniniiiinying curd-s ut the time of his lirst lesson, properly signed by his par ents, physician, and principal. 4. Each boy will be entitled to three lessons. At the close of the campaign he will be given an opportunity to pass a test In swimming? The renulred dis tance will be the length ot the swimming pool Oj ft. The award will be a silver button. The data of this test will be an nounced later. 5. Every precaution will be taken to have the pool In a sanitary condition and the water at a proper temperature. Every boy will be required to bathe before en tering the pool, and the water will be changed euch day. It will be kept at a temperature of 80 and will not be more than tfr and one-half feet deep In the deepest part. Towels and soap Will be furnished free bv the Young Men's Christian association. Each boy will be given three lessons of twenty minutes each. Thirty will be handled at each period. The schedule and time of lessons for each school Is given here: School and Date. High, Jan. 10. Is, 23, . htuicreft, IS, SS, 27 Heals, 18, Z. 27 Cass, 17, 22. W I'entral, 15, 19, 24 X'f- 9: a. m. Central Park. li. IS, 24.... 3:40- 4:00 p. m. Clifton 11111, 15. 19. 24 4 lJ- 4 DO p. nl. Columbian, 15. 19. 24 4 : 4 40 p. m. Comenlus. 15. 19. 24 2:00- 2:20 p. m. Druid lllll, 15, 19, 21 : 4:00- 4:20 p. m. Lupont, Ks 19, 24 S:X- 1:20 p. m. . amain, Hi, 20. Sf. 9 20-10.00 a. in. Edward Itosewater, 15, 19, 24 3:c- 3:20 p. m. Kiankllu. Pi. l. 25 9:2O-10:fi0 a. m. I Howard Kennedy, IS, 23. 27 20-lV' a. m. ''on'. 17. 22. 2t 9 20-10 20 a. ni. Ike, 17. 22. 2S J 4-- 4 20 p. nv I ,eno. ih. 16, 20, 25 : a. m. lUncoln. 15. 19, 24 2.20- I:4 p. m. I Long. 17. 22, 2 2:40- l:2p. m. LnthroD. 1. 20. 25 S:0- 4:40 p. tn. Mason. 17. 22. 2 2 0O- 1:40 p. m. Monmouth l ark, 15. 19. 24. .lOMl: a. m. Lesson Hour. .... :ftt p. m. ... 9:00- 9:20 a. m. ....10:40-11:00 a. m. !i:ii- :2o a. m. ..10:00-10:20 a. in. 0 J Pacific, IS. 2". 25 Park. Its, 20. 35 haiatoga, 17, 22, IM.... Saunders, 15, 19. 24.... Sherman. 15. 19, 24.... Train. 15. IP. 24 Vinton. 15. 19. 24 nut lllll. 15. 19. 24 Webster, is. i't, Windsor. ia. l. 9:00- 1:20 a. m. . 2:40- :20 p. in. .10:40-11 :20 a. in. . 2:40- 3:00 p. 111. . 3:40- 4:00 p. m. .11:20-11:40 a. m .ll-oo.H-20 a. m . :2O-10i a. m. .11:0-11 :40 a. in. 11:00-11-20 a. m. Thousands of Women's Coats, Suits, 'Dresses, Furs, Etc., Yet to Be Sold Wc arc determined to sacrifice our immense stock of Women's winter garments regardless of what wo may lose in doing so. SATURDAY we offer ou far greater bargains than during the first part of the sale. Remember yoii can prove these reductions are genuine for every garment is marked in plain figures. ri 1 LA FOLLETTE MEN AT LINCOLN (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Jan. 5. (Special Telegram.) About fifty La Fullette men from the First district, but mostly from Lincoln, met at the Lindell ohtel last night and Bamed candidates for delegates to the national convention and a candidate for Choice of any child's coat in (J the house, V worth up to rijj 4 r AA -a Vii lia.uu ai , . . (SATURDAY) v, 1 .1.3 4 MISSES' S22.50 Plush Coats. baltz- Plush; guaran- v teed lining; regu lar $22.50 value. . . (SATURDAY) ((!) K 1 WOMEN'S S18.75 coats reduced to $10 WOMEN'S $29.75 coats reduced to $15 WOMENS$32.50 Plush coats reduced to $19.75 WOMEN'S $50.00 coats reduced to $25 WOMEN'S $20.00 suits reduced to $10 WOMEN'S $30.00 suits reduced to $15 WOMEN'S $15.00 dresses reduced to $7.90 WOMEN'S $75.00 Fur coats reduced to; $42.50 MISSES' $10.00 Fur Sets reduced to ...$5