Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 06, 1912, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6

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mm.' 1.I.M-. rtrtr vtTiM.UiW .IlVfll'V l 101'.
tznploye of Iowa Library Recovers
on Fiance" Insurance Policy.
Polk Cnnnly It nurd of pcrilnr
Decide to Let Hrlde (
Inrli In Formal Manner
i KYnm Staff Correspondent.!
PF.8 MOINI-:S. la. Jnn 5 '!"-a!
Tfli-eram I-.Mic'- f. Steele, an employe
ft the stste li )i arv . today receded t3.)
In settlement f her chiim utfainst the
low State Traveling Mens association on
account of Irsuranof on the life vt her in
tended liiisl...ii,l. TIpi.;ii:. !rinmnld. He
was drowned while rwinmiinit In the
surf at Long lteach, Cal.. five year ago,
and she beneficiary if his Insur
ance wlicy. The esse nt through the
courts, other relatives of Hr!tismuld
claiming prior riiilit. hut the irlrl finally
won out and on a oom 'mil., received
ifnrly the full amount of the policy.
rn llrMce Potto iloirl.
The To:k county board of supervisors
today removed one serious complaint of
the cltliens committee l v in-o-liu: n reso
lution directing thit hereafter a'l bridge
work ahouhl he contrurtod for on pro
entatlon of formal b'0 hi the regular
way. rrobers have discovered that the
manner of dolus busltif : s In the past
has been Iriegulnr ar.t that bridro com
panies have hem utile to set unusually
high prices.
llajar ltalln Dead. '
Major C. YV. I'.oinin, fo" several years
custodian of the Mate h n -, died lieje
today, K'd 72 vein- Vs1 .r Hootln. who
served In the Fourth Vt-rmotil infantry
dtirlrif the civil war. was many times
promoted nnd was mualerej out u
tn)or of his lcKinient nt the close of th
war. The body will he Kent tn h1a former
bom at Hampton, la., for burial.
Abandon Library tchowl.
; Tha r-'tate lloatd of Kd Mention In session
here de hied tisn ahandonlriK the library
school at the elate university, at least
for this year. It has 1ieen conducted as
j a aummer school for librarians. There
doe a not now seem to be anyone desiring
t to attend the school, since praotlcally all
i the libraries are filled. The lfc.ard of
I Kducation made arrangements fur the
i rummer -school at the state teachers' ivl
) lege and will add to the faculty mulct la. iy.
j Ifcnnsr tn ( ollcaf Diplomas.
i The Flute Hoard of Kducation today
t determined upon a material change In
iorm of the certificate Iseurd to students
: In tha Junior college at Cedar Palls, the
atate teachers- college. For many years
; It haa beeu tho custom tif granting
barlieliir decrees to the two-year and
l three-year students. This will now be
abolished and only Junior college diplomas
will be granted. j
llourj t aught In Know.
t tVhru 4ha State Hoard of Education ,
completed tts work bere It rlartrd for
1 Ann on the Kort Iodge Interurban car.
' and when a few miles out of ! Moines
and near Anketiy. the car went Into a W
I anow drift nd waa stuck for all day.
! Nearly all inembtra tf the board were
: on the car.
MoosIIhk for tiiiieriiur 1 tlson.
-Tha Wnodrow Wilson boom for preal
dent waa given Imiwtua here thla wesk
' by Ilia oppcuranio litre of Jtidga J. N.
" W'eiaoott if Camden, N. J.. who la Ipn a
tour of the west to aound out tU aenti-
'. nent for Wllaon. Jle reporta that he tin
found a .great deal of aentlment for Wil
ton in Iowa and think that H only neda
direction to maka It erfectlv. lie la at
work among the democrata and eouie of
tlia moat prominent In the etala are
prepaiwd to ave that Wilson geta a aijuare
leal anion Iowa democrat. ,
UanWrnptry Caar Heard. j
t'nlted e'tuU'i UlstrHt Jndne WrPher- 1
on today I hearing cte.Slioia In the
dlvlaloti of uetB' lu the lOO,ftX) bank
ruptcy cs of Oscar M. llartiell, a big
stock man o Madison county. lrsllt.or
of llartwll fl'.Ml the twtltlon l,t Involun
tary bankruptcy about a year ago. Two
Boaen lawycn are before the court in
Intereata of tl i Ir clients. Among thi
heavy clulma. J'.ulgo ftevensotr la repre
senting the Vnilcy KavliiK benk. Con
greasmati I'rouly and John Mulvaney.
Moody tc ton of Canadian, Tex.; W. 11.
Hrvlson. the Century Savings bank and
James 1'arsous, the trustees In hank'
Clarence Terry a fanner of Polk county,
residence Ic Molnca. filed a it'tltlon lu
voluntary bankruttcy In T'nlted Ptutes
district court iliks ntornlng. He give hla
liabilities as (?.('. and assets at l-.U
tltXW of w hlch la Insurance and exempt.
Judge lit rUereon in federal court today
took up for u sliMi time tha matter of
the application of the Old Colony Trust
company for terminal on to tear up the
tracks of the old Newton Northwestern
railroad from Pea Moines Junction to a
point near Coif u- The Una haa hen
abandoned, but all efforts to sell 11 have
been unavailing.
A bona-fide half price
clearing- of all our high
class garments that are
smarter and newer in style
than what is shown in any
other Omaha store.
318 and 320
The women of Omaha and
vicinity have learned to
watch and wait for, be
cause it is a real half price
sale. Now in full force.
South 16th. Street
(GiposiH Aim annual II (CflosiipaLiniceo
i . .
Our Entire Hioh TTTTIO A1T
si 13.(3
Class Stock ai...
All the wise women who have been waiting to take advantage of our wonderful annual half price sale know that this is a bona-fide clearance of exclusive styles that are in a
class of their own. This will be the greatest clearing sale Omaha has ever known, and Saturday will be the greatest soiling day in our business history.
All Our Tailored Suits
at Half Price
$125.00 Imported Suits
clenriDg shIo price. .. -962.50
$97.50 Imported Suits
clearing Hile price. .. .$18.75
fcbO.OO Tailored Suits
clearing wilt- price. . . .$42.50
$75.00 Tailored Suits
clearing sale price. . . .$37.50
$r,9.50 Tuilorod Suits
clenring pnlo price. . . .S34.75
$05.00 Tailored Suits
clearing sale price. .. . $32.50
$5f).50 Tuilorod Suite
clearing sale price. .. .$29.75
$50.00 Tailored Suits
clearing sale price. .. .$25.00
$45.00 Tailored Suits
clearing sale price. . . .$22.50
$39.50 Tailored Suits-
clearing sale price...
.00 Tailored Suits-
clearing sale price...
$20.75 Tailored Suits-
clearing sale price. .. .$14.75
$27.50 Tailored Suits
clearing fale price. .. .$13.75
$25.00 Tailored Suits
clearing sale price. .. .$12.50
$19.50 Tailored Suits
clearing sale price $9.75
A. r
All Evening and Street
Coats at Half Price
$125.00 Imp. Velour Coats
clearing sale price. . . .$(2.50
$95.00 Imp. Velour Co?its
clearing nnle price. . . .$47.50
$75.00 Coats clearing
sale price $37.50
$09.50 Coutss clearing
wile price $34.75
$05.00 Coate clearing
sale price $32.50
$59.50 Coats clearing
sale price $29.75
$55.00 Coats clearing
sale price $27.50
$50.00 Coats clearing
Kale price $25.00
$15.00 Coats clearing
sale price .$22.50
$39.50 Coats clearing '
sale price $19.75
$35.00 Coats clearing
sale price $17.50
$29.75 Coats clearing
rale price $14.75
$27.50 Coat v clearing
sale price $13.75
$25.00 Coats clearing
sale pri' $12.50
$19.50 Coats clearing
sale price $9.75
Evening Gowns and
i Dresses at Half Price
$175.00 Evening (Jowns
clearing tule price. .. .$87.50
$145.00 Evening Gowns
clearing bale price. .. .$72.50
$125.00 Evening Gowns
clearing falo price. . . .$62.50
$95.00 Evening Gowns
clearing sale price. .. .$47.50
$75.00 Evening Gowns
clearing sale price $37.50
$05.00 Evening Gowns
clearing sale price. .. .$32.50
$50.00 Drosses clearing
sale price I $25.00
$39.50 DroRfies clearing
sale price' $19.75
$35.00 Dresses clearing
sale price $17.50
$29.75 Dresses clearing
sale price $14.75
$27.50 Dresses clearing
sale price $13.75
$25.00 Dresses clearing
sale price ; $12.50
$22.50 Dresses clearing
sale price $11.25
$19.50 Dresses clearing
sale price $9.75
$17.50 Dresses-r-clearing
Bale price $8.75
All Fur Coats at a Great
. Sacrifice
$500.00 Fancy Hudson Seal Coats
clearing sale price. $275. 00
$300.00 Hudson Seal Coats
clearing sale price. . .$175.00
$200.00 Hudson Seal Coats
clearing sale price. . .$125.00
$400.00 Persian Lamb Coats
clearing sale price. . .$225.00
$300.00 Persian Lamb Coats
clearing sale price. ..$175.00
$300.00 Beaver Coats
clearing sale price. . .$175.00
$100.00 Near Seal Coats
clearing sale price $55.00
$95.00 Neat Seal Coats
clearing snle price. .. .$50.00
$150.00 Russian Pony Coats
clearing salo price $S5.00
$100.00 Russian Pony Coats
clearing sale price $59.50
$85.00 Russian Pony Coats
clearing salo price. .. .$17.50
$75.00 Russian Pony Coats
clearing salo price $42.50
$59.50 Russian Pony Coats
clearing sale price. . . .$35.00
$95.00 Marmot Coats
clearing sale price $50.00
$00.00 French Coney Coats
clearing sale price $32.50
All Fur Sets and Separate
Pieces at a Sacrifice
$300.00 Mink Set s-clearing
sale price $185.00
$225.00 Mink Sets-clearing
sale price $145.00
$195.00 Mink Sets-clearing
sale price $105.00
$150.00 Mink Sets clearing
sale price .$85.00
$125.00 Fox Sets clearing
sale price $72.50
$100.00 B'ox Sets-clearing
sale price $62.50
$75.00 Fox Sets clearing
sale price $39.50
$50.00 Fox Sets clearing
sale price $29.50
$45.00 Fox Sets clearing '
sale price $25.00
$35.00 Wolf Sets clearing
sale price $19.50
$27.50 Wolf Sets clearing
sale price $15.00
$35.00 Jap Mink Sets
clearing sale price. .. .$19.50
$27.50 Jap Mink Sets
clearing sale price. .. .$15.00
$25.00 French Coney Sets
clearing salo price $15.00
$15.00 French Coney Sets -clearing
sale price $8.75
OTTl'MWA. Is.. Jn. t Wlirn Jacob
Marsh. A promlnrnt merchant ot Rich-
laud. la., cama to Oltumwa today ha had
to b reintroduced to his mother-ln-la w
and frinida of many years' atandlng. He
did not even know t&e real esiaie aeni
wlio recently al.l a valuable farm Tor nun
and Willi whom ha had been In close ron-
aultatloii for many montha. lie nald lie
I. ad no recollection of ever harm lived
on the farm.
Mai ah greeted his mother-in-law as a
total stranger, tnougn ne aunuuea ne
recornlaed h!a wife and four children.
Ills life for the last twenty-two yeara, he
ays, la a blank, hut muny Incidents prior
to that time are aa fresh In lila mind aa
If they had Just occurred.
This case ot dual (leraonullty lollowed
an operation rerenny i iiiw i viiiuy ki fi
a tumor caused by a blow Marsh received
twtiily-two years ao while employed In
a KiadiiiK vans Ui lowu Clly. Ilia first
wurda while recovering from the Influence
of the anaesthetic were. "Sea the aura It
run," lefrrrtng to the man who assaulted
WATEKIAH), la., Jim. K. (Special Tele'
irnm.l-Striking Iron inoldera of Head
for Un a. Huti blue and tha Ilawkeya
fuundrlca will return to work Friday
mom.riK At a conference laat nittht be
tween Manager Headford and Lawrence
O'Keefe, International vice president of
tha Iron' tnoldrra union ot Cincinnati,
and other labor leaders a tentative com
promlaa waa affected. Hoth employer
and employea made conecaslons ' and
articles of agreement were sinned that
concluded the atrlke at hast temporarily.
Colleje Club Pleases Large Audi
ence with Its Songs.
IOWA C1TT, ia.,Jan. 6.-peclal Tela- tllcnn Merry, aaalstnnt pmreswir
of the publio speiiUn depnrtment of the
I'nlverslly of Illinois, wan today aecured
by Frealdent John U. Howman of the
t nlveralty of Iowa aa anslatant profosnor
In the English duirtment to be the naci
of lowa'a public sneaking staff. Merry
la a graduuto of Northwestern una con
sidered one ot the most brilliant debat
ers the middle west haa ever produced in
collegiate circles. C'onteata.
LOGAN, la.. Jan. r,.-(Spectul)-Tlie club of Logan experts lu
puali tho effort materially to shorten '"the
distance between the two railroad stations
here. For eleven yeara the traveling puo
lie haa been compelled to walk over 1.000
feet In going from tho Chicago t isonn
wretern to the Illinois Central station, a
distance of WO feet, aa between the two
railroad atatlona tha Chicago & North
western company has maintained a
barbed wire fence and notwithstanding
the petitions of the leading business men
of Isan tha company refused to remove
rme. The Commercial club
finally took the matter up with the r.Ul
road commissioners and have been notl
fieil that the Chicago Northwestern will
contest the opening of the barbed wire
fence between tua two railroad stattona,
Barlesqne Orchestra Famishes IVot
rlty that Attracts Irapreaatre
llrudltlon ot Obcrllu Col
lege Sonar as Finale.
chargo of the operations of the Denver
& Rio Grande, but! according to a state
ment made by Mr. Gould, management of
the finances of that road will devolve
upon Mr. Jeffery.
In order to qualify as a director of the
Denver & Itlo Orandn. Mr. Rush sue-
reeds J. G. Andrews In the board. It la
poaaiblo that other cliangea In the per
sonnel of the Denver & Rio Grande man
agement will soon be announced, but on
that point no confirmation was obtain
able today.
,'.' 1 i'iniisiHiiiiiiis" nuijisssn-iMiiii ..iMiuisi siumiii..i nnaapii 11 n
M .. ,, , ,,.,..,.. ' , ,, , ' ,., li.
The rush and roar of deadly
modern life is everywhere.
Your nerves are weak
ana worn, tney are
overtaxed, strained
to the breaking point.
Strengthen them,
build them, vitalize
them with a Food
is one of the oldest, purest
and best-known of
Ilryasi I Isb at iwwa C ity.
IOWA CITY. Jan. 8 (Special Telegrams-Democratic
students grouped
themselves together at the Vnlverslty of
Iowa tonight and organised a Hryan for
Preaident club. Their endoraemeiit has
been sent to Mr. ttryan as the first boom
for the Nebraskan.
Imwm .News Motes.
IOWK CITY Tlie will of the late Henry
O Walker, filed for probate here today,
Ktves one-half of an eslale of li.S.tM) to
a daughter Miw. A. K. KhelUdy. and an
other half to children of tlie late Mrs.
William FalraM, a deceased daughter.
SAC CITY Clifford Wllaon. charged
with the murder of Jamea and Matthew
White In Bar City last May. will be tried
In Calhoun county. .juvMia . . -Wednesday
morning granted a change of
venue In the case. The Jury disagreed
at the first trlul.
DFWITT A gas lighting plant in the
basement ot Dr. H. flcanlan exploded
early Wednesday morning. Part of the
building was destroyed by the explosion
and fire that broke out following it
destroyed the rest. Ir. and Mra. gcanlau
escaped unhurt. 1a. I3.1M).
GI.KN WOOD The Mills county Farm
era Institute rotnmencrd today at Hender
son and will be in aesslon over Friday.
KUUtn papers will he read and discussed.
The ilKnwood Institution orchestra will
furnish music on Thursday. Money prises
are off i red for the best ten ears of both
yellvv and whits corn and aingle ears.
MAUSHALt.TOWN John Money, an
asd cip4i(er employed by the Marahall
t.isn liuaav comian. was badly and per-
hap fslully injured Wednesday afler
uoon when his hand and forearm for a
distance of fifteen Inches was cut by a
power rip saw. The forearm was cut In
two halcs by the saw that penetrated
well up toward tha elbow.
With a college bearing which hurled
defiance at the wintry blasts that hovered
outsldo, the aweet singing Oberlln College
Glee club held tho eager attention of a
large audience of local music lovers and
alumni of the historic little Ohio nehool
at the Flrct Congregational church last
The singers were strong in volume,
capable of producing effective low tones
at the proper time, able to carry difficult
rarts without faltering, and at all times
bearing up- with tlie manly carnuge ana
determination which makea a co'Iege
vocal organlaatlon a success. Their rendi
tion of an original muulcy waa especially
good, having that rare touch where each
change of melody blended nuturally with
that whtih. followed.
A burlesque orchestra was given very
enthuslBKtii-iilly as the second part of the
program. Tho four sullor lads with their
quaint sea songs were decidedly winning.
As a finale the club gave an tmpreasivs
rendition of the oberlln college eong, dur
ing the singing of which all the local
alumul and those who attended the con
cert from oot In the state arose to their
feet as a mark of repect and honor to
their alma msler.
The club did not arrive until i;20 o clock,
so the luncheon which was to have been
given In their honor at tho University
club by the local alumni had to be railed
off. Immediately after their arrival the
slngera were hurried to the church for the
concert, which began at S o'clock, the
scheduled time. They were welcomed at
the depot by a local committee of Oberlln
alumni, Herbert Pmalla, Raymond Hay
ward, C. L. Mattaon, Harley G. Moor
head and Homer Searle.
Following the concert an Informal re
ception was held at the church, when the
local alumni and their friends extended
the youthful songsters a western greeting,
during which time hand clasps played an
important part of tho occasion and old
remembrances of college days were the
principal tuples of conversation.
The club left at 12:40 this morning for
lie Kalb. 111., where they w Ul give a con
cert this evening.
Assisting at the reception after the con
cert were:
Misses Miwsei
Katherlne Moorhead Hlisaheth Mitchell
Kdna Clark Fthel Tukey
herlha Clark Helen Clark
Matt s Hits
Mewdames Mexdames
G. W. Noble Harrv Tukey
George llaiker. Jr. J. V. I'aliner
liarlev Moorhead C. G. Mi Donald
Walter W illiam.
Bonds Authorized
for Building North
and South Railroad
BLOOM INOTO.V. 111.. Jan. -..-Leonard
utilities commission today authorized the
Winnipeg. Sallna & Gulf Hallway com
pany to Issue f-l9,97,00O in bonds to lie-
gin work. This Issue Is to cover only
a part of the construction work l,0s0
The plana of tha company wer pre
sented to the company by H. Miller and
David Kltohle of Sallna.
Mr. Miller is president of the company
and he told Uie commission that the
first construction work would ho dona
near Sallna In the spring. Neither the
north and south line, nor the east and
went line will parallel any existing road.
The plans of tho company Involve the
construction of a north and south rail
road from Winnipeg, Canada, to tho
Gulf ot Mexico, and a crosslino from
Kansas City to Des Moines, N. Mex.,
where It would tap rich coal fislds. Tlie
route for the north and south lino through
K annas has been laid out tentatively.
Jt is proposed to build a line from
Omaha to Oklahoma City and the cross
line from Kansas City to Des Moines,
X, Mex., first. This will make 1.0K0
miles and the bond Issue authorized Is
to pay for this work. The north and
south line Is to enter Kansas t Oaks.
Neb., Just north ot Concordia, run south
through Sallna. Llndsborg, sterling and
Kiowa, Kan., to Oklahoma City.
President of Western League Likes
Way Was Handled.
Will Give Western Leo cue Owners
Morn Heart In Developing; Win.
nUigr Teams Praise for
.National Body.
CIXCIXXATI, Jan. 6. (Special Tele
gram.) "I am more than tickled ov'er the
concessions procured by the minor leagues,
of which our league Is an Important mem
ber, from the national commission at to
day's meeting," said Preaident Tip O'Neill,
representing the Western league at the
meeting of tho national commission.
'The national commission acted favor-
Merlons l.aeeratlona
and wounds are healed without danger
of blood poisoning by Bucklon's Arnica
Salve, the healing wonder. Only 25c. Tor
sale by Beaton Drug Co.
Bush Elected Head
Cit thi Origins! and Canulna
Hoods, '
The Famous
nel Man
nish Shirt
Waists. .
Second Floor, Take Elevator
sixteenth and Farnam. V
Half Price Sale
Coats, Suits Skirts, Dresses
Bvery garment in tha honaa will be sold at
half prloa and leas. Haw spring stock arriving.
Wa need the oom.
All our $10.00 nnd $15.00
Coats nnd Suits
All our $15.00 and $18.00
Coats and Suits
All our $30.00 and $35.00
Coiits and Suits
All our $5.00 and $6.00
All our $7.00 and $10.00
All our $10.00 and $15.00
It Is onr aim to start each asasoa with a
complete few Una of atoek. Mo left-overs from
asasoa to season In Omaha's saw and bright
oayligbt cloak and salt store.
. .57.50
SI 5,00
. .82.95
iv If
ably on the request of tha minors for a
raise and went a little further than the
minor league officials expected they would
by raising the draft price for players 5of
class A. In which classification the West
ern league Is placed, from J1.000 to $1,W.
"We did not expect the national com
mission to meet us more than half way,"
continued President O'Neill, "but It has
gone beyond that and given us more than
we expected. Of course the raise In the
draft price of "00 was not too much by
any means, but it was more than we
thought the commission would allow."
President Johnson of the American
league, Prcfldent Norris (Tip) (VNelll of
the Vs-8tern league and President Charles
Comlskey of the Chicago White Sox left
for Chicago at midnight to attend the
funeral Friday afternoon ot Joseph E. C.
Ryan, a famous sportsman, who died
Wednesday, nyan was a close friend of
these officials and all would have gone
to Chicago lust night had It not been for
the meeting.
I. a I'allrl Men Orgstalae.
HOLDIUXU:. Neb.. Jan. 5. (Special.)
Local supporters of Senator l.a Follelte
got Into action last evening and organised
a L.t Follelte club with nearly fifty mem
ber. H. V. Hailey, who sought to secure
the republican nomination for sheriff,
but was beatvn W a narrow margin, was
elected preaident and W. II. II. Klrhard
son was chosen secretary. There la a
goodly buncb of Taft sMpporters In this
city and community and It la highly prob
abl Uial lb)' 1U ft'WiA ,"'" also.
Thi Food-drink for All Ages.
For Infants, Invalidt, and Growing children.
Pure Nutrition. up budding the whole body.
of Rio Grande Road ?8i.
Rfc-h. milk, mailed grain, m powder fun,
t a i 1 i. . i .
a quick junta prepared lu a mmoxe.
TOPKKA. Kan., Jan. .
day of Henjumln F. Itui-h,
tha Missouri Pacific railway
dency of another Gould railroad, the
Denver Itlo Orunde, marks tlie cul
mination ol rumors lung current respect- (
ing tha latter property. It also errecta aj
cUu. r consolidation and identity of man-1
agement ot the line.
Mr. Kusii ucveeds K. T. Jt'fferjr, for
twenty years the head of tha Denver 6
Itlo tirande. and In turn, Mr. Jefft-ry
succeeds Ueorge J. Gould as chairman of
the LH-uver A Itlo Urande board of di
rectors, air. ltuh will t la abaolut
prident of Take bo wbstitute. AskforHORLICK'S.
to the presi- fflf ff AnV filUIf TiUSf
WP "f Di
Illinois 4Sl CENTRAL
To Chicago and the East and South, New Orleans,
Florida, Cuba, Etc.
New Up-to-Date Dining Car Service. Latest Design Pullman
I'alace Sleeping Cars. Steel Chair Cars and Coaches.
A Very Comfortable Route to Travel.
For detailed Information, call on or address: City Ticket Office.
409 South 16th St. City National Dank Building.
Phones: Douglas 264; A-2164.