T11K HKK: OMAIIA. SATURDAY. JANUARY fi.v 1012. IATURDA Y IS THE MOST IMPORTANT DAY - IN BKANDEIS One Day Only SATURDAY Unrestricted choice ANY MAN'S SUIT OR OVERCOAT Any Woman's TRIMMED HAT That has been selling up to $12.00 $2-50 Any Woman's TRIMMED HAT That has been selling up to $7.00 in basement. . A Boys' Suits, Overcoats and Reefers Small size only worth up f" A to 2.r, JlllC ru h v v 12y2c and 15c DRESS GINGHAMS AT 5c. LINEN HUCK TOWELS A large mill was visited by our New York representative. He eecured their entire stock of fresh, new, fancy dress Ginghams In waist and dress lengths that every Btore sells from the bolt at UVfrC and 15c a yard. The neat Hundreds of high quality, all pure linen Pin Huck Towels, ex tra large size, hemstitched or in our entire stock, C 15 checks and stripes are very pretty, the combina tion of colorings in large and small plaids are still more attractive. " Saturday in basement at the wonderfully low price of, per yard scalloped borders; regular 40c quality, extra special at, each 5c 15c former price, at ... . BUIHIVT, PS&i E2BBFJ c J ami uar y mm HBCSS ii J B OUR ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE of Broken Lines, Odd Sets and Odd Pieces of JEWELRY " O -4 9 1 1 IS 1 Jw? IJ7 No matter what the former prices, nil Jewelry odd lots must bo closed out at once. Head these specials: All the solid gold scarf pins that sold up to $3 and $4, at. . . . 81.20 All the solid gold Cuff Links that sold up to $5 and $C, at. . . .$2.49 All the gold Brooches, that sold up to $0, at $2.10 Solid gold Rings, worth 3 to $5, at $1.60 Solid Gold Little Finger Kings, worth $5, at $1.08 All the Gold Filled Jewelry, brooch pins, stick pins, bar pins, belt pins, beads, hat pins, etc., that sold up to 25c and 39c, at 10 All tho Gold Filled Scarf Tins, cuff links and brooches that cold up to fl.GO and $2.00, GO Imported La Valllers, that sold at $2.98 and $1.98, at at ft4 Women's Pressing Combs, mounted with Sterling silver; worth 60c to $1.00; at. ..... M . . , , . .29 One-third redctlon on any other piece of gold filled jewelry In our en- tire stock. CLEARANCE OF SILVERWARE. Salt and pepper sets, sold formerly at 50c, now ,", . 10 Wm. Rogers' Sugar Shell and Butter Knlfo, 50c values, each...25 Rogers' $1.00 Tea Spoons, choice of three patterns, set of six, 50V Rogers' $2.60 Dessert Spoons, set of six fJ8 Rogers' Odd Tablespoons, worth COc, at each ' 101 Rogers & Hamilton Berry 8noons, worth $1.25, at 50t Rogers & Hamilton Cold Meat Forks, sold reg. for $1. at 40 VELVET AND LEATHER BAGS All the Velvet Bags which ' sold' up . to $1.60, go at..70 .All the Velvet Bags '. that sold over $1.50 go at Half Trice Any other bag In stock at Just one? fourth off. 200 WOMEN'S AND MISSES' Silk Dresses WORTH UP TO $20.00 AT Every dross is this season's style, all the correct stylo features in satin, foulards, taffetas, crepe do chines, corduroys, velvets. Not a dress worth less than $10 nnd many up to $20. Greatly admired in our first Doug las street window. Greatest bar gain of tho clearing sale. Satur day, second floor, at GREAT CLEARANCE SALE SFEICAL WOMEN'S and MISSES' ACTUALLY WORTH UP TO $17.50 AT. . . . Hundreds of Ihese clever, practical suits, and every one a correct fall and winter model, in serges, plain and fancy materials, basket -weaves, panamas, fancy mixtures, etc., $15 and $17.50 values, at luits $5.00 Women's, Misses' and Juveniles CLOAKS P 1 u a h e a, ' mixture, plain cloth, etc., nil Ilia newest feature. IIS and (20 cloaks, at $8.98 CHOICE OF ANY WOMAN'S SUIT Regardless of its former selling price, at 51? Women's and Children's SWEATER COATS $1.60 and 3 Coats, for quick clearance, 98c Women's and Misses' SWEATER COATS Worth an high an $5. All the desired colors, at $1.98 Fine Sateen and Genuiie Heatherbloom PETTICOATS Great assortment of of these $2 to H skirts; many extra siren, at SI. 50 TOWELS TOWELING BED SPREADS and WASH CLOTHS ) From Our January Linen Sale This great linen sale has been the sensation of Omaha this week. The bargains specially prepared for Saturday are tho most remarkable of the sale. Never have such fine linens sold so cheaply. LINEN HUCK TOWELS AT 25c Very large assortment of regular 50c towels. Beautiful pure linen towels with sonlloped or hemstitched ends. No store shows a larger or better towel than thi at 50c. 9fn Our January sale price is ltlL EXTRA QUALITY BATH TOWELS AT 15c EACH Double thread long fleece bleached Bath Towels, good heavy quality, plain white or red borders; sell regu- 4 r, larly at 25c to 50c, at each . . . JL3L SCALLOPED CROCHET BED SPREADS AT $2.39 Very largest size; finest grade crochet bed spreads. Our regular $3.50 quality; Saturday special, during ft QQ our January Linen Salo at $UOv FRINGED BED SPREADS AT $1.75 Largest size crochet fringe Bed Spreads with cut corners, the grade that we always sell for $2.G9, January tffl HP Linen Sale, price, each. vie It) Best quality Barnsley Crash 18-inch all pure linen, extra heavy, full bleached crash toweling, nothing as good for roller or hand towels; 17c quality, at, yard 12c Mill End Sale Crashes, in-' eluding Russian Crashes and Scotch weaves, all pure linen, full 18 in. wide; the i ii- grnue you usuany pay up to 20c a yard for, in Linen Aisle at, yd . ..5c FINEST QUALITY TURKISH KNIT WASH CLOTHS, 2c The best 5c grade, g on sale at, each s6C SPECIALS IN CANDY DEPT.-POMPEIAN ROOM Assorted Cream Peanut Nuggets, very delicious, at per pound 15c Fresh Maple Confections, .maplo. glace, maple nut kisses, etc.j per pound. ......... .. 20t Fresh Black Walnut Pongee, regular 40c land, at per pound 29c Pompeian Chocolate Bitter Sweets, regular 40c ch'ocolates, at, per pound .29c Ice Creams and Frozen l'uddlngs delivered to all parts of the city Rur-dav Included. ,?ZXZJ 1 uarnations SALE OF CUT FLOWERS Roses, all colors, per dozen Carnations, all colors, 49c r BRANDEIS FED CROSS DRUG SALE 1 Each -month the sign of tho "Rd Cross" means a marked reduction In the regular price for scores of Indispensable sundries. This first sale for the new year offers many remarkable reductions. 2 Go Sanltol Tooth Paste or Faca Cream. Av 2 Be ' Dr. Graves Tooth Powder. . Tooth 1 0n 2 Be " Amole Cream cnaps VI 60e Java 'IflV nice Powder 171 BANtroLl T&OTH 25a Ulaa Tal cum Pow. .6e 25c Rublfoam, for ISe C o 1 a a t ' u Tooth Past at lOo and ao 25o liathaawer for 17c COc l'ebeco . Tooth 1'ant. fur 39. SBo Colgate's Tooth l'owd'r at ISo 76i." Pompetun MasHHRe, 4o r.Ou Milk Weed f.Oc Palln 8kln Cream S7o 25o Kentotu and Almonil Cream 17o KMX. TALI'S ABTICX.SS II.0U Almond Hlonaom Cream at o lie Crean;. . . ,So TOXU2T SBOTXOir 60c V Jenne Powder V..S9o Tto Mahibert ' Im ported Klc....59o (Oo Poionl a Pow der ..M 26rl Woodbury's . Powder '. 180 Rogers & . Uallet powder ...... .244 Plnauda Lilac ie France 89o Toilet Water 7c fcOc KxtractM, Saturday, rr ox. ao 50c Violet Toilet Water... 19o BO APS 26o Packer'a Tar ISo 7 cakea Cocoanut OH 86c I rakea Colgate's EngltHh prorea 98o 15c Woodbury's Snap 17a JOo Falmollve Soap To 7c Ivory Soap, per cake ,.3ic 10c. Williams Shav Soap OC :s..9cB 1 lb. 20 M Teart Borax 7 pkRs. Toilet Paper. aVuL Special Sale of Hair Goods I SECOND FLOOR AND POMPEIAN ROOM L 10c Shlnola 7c J Saturday we place on sale the most re markable values In real Human Hair ever offered in Omaha. The prices you will, pay for guaranteed real hair are Just half' the prices others are asking. A HAIR SWITCH FOR 69c 20-in. Natural wavy human hair Switches; regular 11.50 values, at 6J)i 8-Jn. Switches, lus- 28-ln. Switches, 3 trous, natural hair; oz. Natural Wavy regular $0 values, Hair; regular $10 only 52.98 values, at. .RS.OS Transformations made of natural wavy hair; regular $5 values, $.( Washable Hair Rolls, 50c val ues at...J5 Cluster Puffs, $2.00 values at only . ...08 Manicuring-, Bhampoolnf, Hair SrMlag FREEZING FALY IS SAVED Min Junta Findi Entire Family in Want on the Bottomi. LIVE WITH DIRT FOR A FLOOR .Woman Wrp ller Ona Clothing Aroaad ller Chlldrea tm Keep Them Warm Many Kn m lllea .Need Help. In the cl! if the coldeet weathrr lnc the severe winter of lSuu. a poor family, livhu In a little ahaclt In tlx Missouri bottoms, with nothing but the earth for a flour and rags for a bed, was found yes terday by the Aaaoclated Charities. The children were Hhlvertng with cold, the fire hud died out and wltn the tempera ture 13 degrees below sero It would have been but a short time until medical as slHtunce would , huve been needed. Miss Ida V. Jonts, secretary of the charities, went Immediately to the nearest coal yard and ordered fuel sent tn the family. The thankful mother, who had been en dvavurlng In vain to keep her flock warm by wrapping hor own garments about them, broke Into tears when the charity off Ice. visited her and made known their nilsxlon. The husband was tramping the streets In search of work. Aid has been rondel ed several families within the lust few days. Fuel is most In demand, but Hie charitable organisa tions have discovered shortage of food and clothing In soma localities. Every effort Is being made to lessen the misery of the bitter, cold season and charity inrkr. are eternally vigilant. A lew offers to assist them have been made to the Associated Charities, but these offers do not meet tho needs. Miss Jonts has a lint of those who are likely to need help to weather the winter and Is on the lookout for new cases and has found a fw where food, fuel and cloth ing were so needed that delay might have meant death. Dynamite Was lor Celebration. ST I.OVIS. Jan. 4. According to con fessions obtained by a private detective the iwentv-four sticks of dynamite found Iecember'a under the railroad bridge at Thebes. 1;1.. were placed there by young men who Intended to use It in celebrating Christinas. WORK 'ON BUILDINGS STOPS Extreme Cold Forcei Contractors to Lay Off Their Men. NOT TO REPORT TILL MONDAY Workmen on Woodmen of the World Halldlna- Who Have Been 1'ro. terted by Canvas Have Been Laid Off Till Warmer Weather Comes. ISIlLDEWd THIS IS GOING TO BE SOME SALE ! ! No junk No job lots Out nice, clean, new merchandise STARTING SATURDAY, JAN. 6 2.00 and 91.50 Sliirts Kale price $1.50 and 91.00 Neckwear- Kale price BOc Neckwear bale price ........ . . ... . .. OOc Ko Bale price SOc Kox Kala price) 95c 65c 25c 25c 15c $1.35 U loves, llueU and unlliivO . . (J IE price 4 1 1 O ..25c ..75c $1.95 92.00 (ilovra, lined and ualincl - Sale price) 91.AO U loves, llueU and wnlln Hale) BOc ltradlcy Mufflers Kale) price) 91.BO and 9I.OO Flannel N. It. and Pyjamas, Kale price) .... 9iJ.OO and 91.00 Sweaters at Underwear any old slaughtered price. E!LKTK1ISIKITT 109 SOUTH SIXTEENTH Work on every building In the course of construction In Omaha In at a dead halt because of the etreme cold, and as a result several hundred workmen are Idle. Tho contractors who have charse of the tew high school bulletin- dismissed nil of tho workmen early last week and today the feldcn-Breck company served notice on all of the employes on the Woodmen of the World tmUdtim that be cause of the cold they need not report until next Monday for work, and If It Is still cold then, they could lay off another week. for the last three days the men on the Woodmen of the World building have confuted their attention strictly to the lower floors, where canvas curtains partly sheltered them from the cold. Here the bricklayers have been workinK up until this morning, when It was so cold that some of them said the mortar froae to their trowels. 3 aienry Ladles.' Misses and Children's shoes at discount during our Clearance 8aU. Unson & Thome Co., 1530 Farnara St. IL.1 HUGE SIGN TELLS OF CLINTON B ROME'S MARRIAGE Notice to the public that Assistant City Attorneyi Clinton Urome is married and that "tho bachelors' crew la wrecked," has been painted upon a hug banner and the latter nailed to the side of Mr. Brome's house, 5S27 North Twentieth street, by some well meaning wags In Urome s circle of friends- The aforesaid friends are nearly laughing their heads oft over the prank and between guffaws declare they believe It la right that the bright light of publicity is thrown upon the Dromes' marital venture. They want the public thoroughly Informed. Brome Is taking It good naturedly. The most successful Clearance Sal we hare ever had ts now In full awing. Kenton Tnornt Co, XUi Farnara EU V" " -"""- is ....... . ; ., . Selling All Our Heating Stoves i Ranges at Cost-Saturday Only To make room for gas stores and refrigerators we are offering all otir high grade beat ing and ccok stoves, including the celebrated lUdiant Home, at prices never heard of be fore in the history of Omaha. Take advantage of this sale Saturday only. r-1 $3.03 Ouk Stove 11-lnch flrepot, nickel trimmed $7.73 Oak Stove, 13-luch firepot $11.00 Oak Stove, 13-inch firepot and heavy casting .... $i;l.30 Oak Stove, la-ln. fire- (ttl A OA pot and handsomely trimmed.. pX.OU Vil.OO lUdiant Home, best of its kind in Omaha $4.76 $6.20 $8.80 $17.60 $21.00 Oak Stove, same store l Q OO in larger size 4l7eS $32.M Jtadiant Home llaso llurner, large BlZ firepot.. $17.00 Radiant Home llase Burner. This Is our No. 5 size $34.00 lUdiant Home Re Burner. The celebrated No. fl. $40.00 Iladiant Home Steel lUnge. Full asbestos lined . . . $28.50 Radiant Home Cast lUnKe. No. 8 with 18-ln. oven $'23.O0 lUdiant Home Cook $25.80 $37.60 $43.20 $32.20 $22.80 $18.40 A Lit OTHER HEATKRS AND COOK STOVES NOT TRICED IX THIS AD AT A 0 PER CENT DISCOUNT. STOVES AND RANGES SOLD ON PAYMENTS. nn BLE1 & SONS CO. 1515 Harney