20 THE V.V.K: OMAHA, SATLKDAV, .IAMJAKY n. v.nz. QjwcV Qz&k Qk ($jsv SATURDAY ONE DAY ONLY Man's 49 v ar ena 01 Unit, at S1SOO Clearing Sale Specials Saturday on Main Floor New Store If? m rolfs. hecU heels anl pair tan and rolors, worth 2Fr, nt pair Women's mil rhil 1ren'a Cotton nrry. black and tsn, double hwl and tnrt: nlfo children's, miasm' nml boys' ribbed rot ton ml floury llnrrt dou Infants' puro mere ribbed hosiery, silk heels and toes. ble bfli nnd (nns Mark, rliy worth 20c a pair. at, pair 9c worth 20e pslr, r.t, pr. Clearing Sale o Winter Knit Underwear Misses', chlldren'n and-boys' I'nion Suits, henvy fleeced QQ cotion, drop srnt nnd open ' crotch, 50e quality, at, suit OaC MlrsoV and children's Vests, rants nnd Union Suits, allvcf grey, fleecy lined, north tin to 2re, at Q : a Rhrrnent'17 .T. . ..". W. . ... : ; .". '. . .". . . . . . .". . 1 C Women's Vests nnd l'aiii, fine cotton, fleecy lined and part wool, silver grey and white, worth up to 75c, oq at each OaC Women's Bleached Cotton I'nlnn worth 7.1c, at, suit Women's Fine Cotton, Ixinjr Sleevo Coret Covers, 1 2.1c values, nt, each .'. IOC Clearing Sale Women's and Children's Gloves One rind two-clasp Mocha, lambskin and Capo (Moves nnd Mittens, unlincd, silk lined or fleeced; black, white and colors; fitted to the linnd. Actually worth up to fi $l.r0, at main glove counter, pair V Women's 2-clasp Kid Gloves black, , whlto and colors; some are slightly mussed, worth up to $1 pair, bargain 1Q square at pair TC January Clearance Sale of Sewing Machines -.' .1'-. j, .' t!K ,! X a J'i f The machine at this price Includes all attachments and Is guaranteed to do most perfect family sewing. Every sewing machine In the house Is reduced; It's a buying chance that is ns ruro as It Is astounding. . iOFF OX AtI, KKWINii MACHINK Itlll'Alltl J 111 ItI(S THH SALH. ALL HKPAIUS CJUAItAXTKKD. 1 each buys Sewing Machine I in buys the usual ' 2to C Needles for any make. XUC leather machine belts. J Oc fc HAVING MACHINE OIL AT 5c llOTTLK DUUING THIS HALK. KKMKMUKIt A i(H HKW1NO MACHINK. Sewlnj Machine lepartnient l'onipelnii Hoom. BRANDE1S Omaha's Leading Furnace Coal EXCELLO GRATE SS.OO PER TON S.VIOKCLUSS AND LASTING Olympic) Lump and Nut $6.50 Coal Hill Lump $5.75 Coal Hill Nut $5.50 Cherokee Nut $5.00 Ask for Our Freo Coal Scuttle. Coal Mill Coal Co. 211 SOUTH 19TH. 978, 3 Phones. More Business Men Give Auditorium Stock to the City Tha following additional uliares of blink in the Audliurium hava bt-cn donaletl to tla city, having been turned over to City Clark l'iin 1J. llutler: B hares. John I.. Kennedy 'rtMinei hoiking Co N . J. l.utii.n h lnnoller & M.wllfr 'imr!e IjrmniM J a men C. NMHt llieilo: W. iaumei-. A. T. lien son 150 lirl 1 'I'M I 1 2 Cmali Creamer)' Munulm turins loinpany 1 illiu.ni ttauti mei'ler & 10 1(1 Si 1 t to ieoiKa W. Hh'elda rank KjtitMoni lia V C ooler ,, 31. V. Kiich Ivilnnla H. WIIbcii Ulllif 11. Id. Br m m . a ar ai in WOMEN'S 39c SILK HOSE at 19c Pair Women's Puro Silk niark Hosiery, wide, lisle KArtrr tops nnd lisle double heels and toes, worth 39c pair, 1Q at pair 17 C Women's and Children's 25c Hose at 12Jc Cotton, wool nnd fleery linod Hosiery, double and toes; 'black, tan and colors nlsn mlfipps", boys' and children's rlhbed school hosiery, some with tloublo knees, toe, at, 12c I'jblo heels hts, black, 12ic Men's Cotton and Wool Hosiery, double, heels and toes, heavy nnd medium weights, black, cssh-1 Woiueo's lmportel lisle and cotton hos- lory, m o r e, o rlzed Rllk finished llslo, hli?h spliced heels, nnd pink, double solei ?25c nt pnlr Suits, fleecy lined, . . . . , . . 59c Woman's and Children's Oolf Uloves anl Mlltrn" In black, lirown, navy and white, hII k lined, riteea llnea and wool Hunt on Mr hnritnin square Worth ;r.o per pslr t, per pair .'. 9c Wo make it possible for you to buy a beautiful, ab solutely new, drop head sewingmnehine as low as J STORES Ind. A-4164. We Are Still Harping on quality and cleanliness. It's our hobby we've mada our reputation on these points and whan you con alder 'tuallty, our price will corn pure with any of them. lon't for get our choice Home Lresed chickena. Choice hlrloln steak ....ISO and ISO Choice Hound Meak ..ISo aad ItliO Choice l liui-k hieuk ..lsta and 10c Choice lab Boast ...,15a and Itt.o Choice Bump Hoast lao I'ot Boaxr, prime 10c, So, Bo liiiine Mile I'ork Sausase . ...HLo Home Ma.te 1 Innihui Ktr loo Home lu-udered Ijii.I lSlo Buion, lean, by atrip ITJo JOS. BATH'S CASH MARKET 1I1 raraam St. Men's Suits and Overcoats Positively $20, $22.50 and . . . These garments are all high grade, strictly hand tailored garments; the. season's new est fabrics and best styles. As to honest value-giving, nothing like this has ever been .of fered in the city. Pants Special Hundreds of pairs of Men's and Younu Men's stylish and serviceable pants, ac tually worth S1.65 $:MH and $2.50, at. " 1,1111 "' "iff i Did You I ' nTaagaaaagnnr , OUT YUR SIH1E eO'ST Save 20 to 0 and Got tho Best of Shoos $35,000 shoe stock: REGENT SHOE COMPANY 205 S. 15th A Pay " Onthelce DAINTY SKATER'S BOOTS Skating la good! No ordinary young wo roen'a shot la built to stand tb strain of skates. We have a apeclal built young women's shoe In tan . that Is quite the neatest little article of footwear on the market today for the "out-of-doora" young wo men. Exquisite style combined with low beels, heavy Bolea (wateriwoof), high tops with buckles, In lace only, leather finest calf, stiff enough to lend considerable support to the ankles, make them tho finest skating boot you can buy. , FRY SHOE CO. 10th nnd Poiigla Htn. mm Bargains for Cigar Smokers We offer lovers of good cigars au opportunity to smoke the best at a price that will permit them , to In dulge In this luxury to their heart's content. WE 11VY IH11KCT FROM Till: factory c1x1lio ixh'kz i:t cie Leading Manila brand as follows: Loudies, box of 50 81.5 l'nutellas, box of CO 81.50 Media ltegallus. box of 50 81.50 llepubllcanos, box of 50 ..81,7r rerfectos, box or 25 ... Favorites, box of ... I'resiilentes, box of 25 . 1 Florentlnoa, box of 12 Invlncibles, box of 25 . S 1.2ri S1.5U 81.75 No other Imported riKars ran le procured at even double these figures. SIierman-fiCGonneil Drug Co, Five "IMter" Htorrs In Omaha. Rollablo Dontictry AT Ttli's C:! Rccnv Road Our Sign? Ths Bsst In Nsbraska. is Bslng Saorlfiesd REGULAR $5 and $4 Styles Are Here for At $3.00 we offer the he-it line of women's footwear ever sold by any one at thla price values far in ex cess of the amount we ask tho aaina style that you pay 15 and 14 for elxe where. All the "Hlah-Top" Ideas In all leathers are here for 3.09 And Ho More cm Mil 322 South 16lti Street No chartres. No Deliveries. Qj) Free Land Information The Twentieth Century Fanner,' to meet the demand of its readers for land information, has gathered and compiled data on soils, climate and farming conditions in all parts of the country. It is willing to give out this information, free, if postage is sent with inquiry. Do You Want to Know About government land laws, location of land of fices, etc How to get irrigation lards, location of projects, laws governing same, etc. Best sections for fruit growing, . general farming, stock raising or dairying. , Your questions will get prompt attention. State plainly and specifically what you want to know. Write, Land Information Bureau The Twentieth Century Farmer Omaha, $25 Valuoi Underwear Clearance Men's pure wool i and lainhsdown garments that hare been sell- ! ln up A to l.SO. "Hf at ...... . It Rbads iOY'S SHOES For Zero Days These are the days when the little fellows ' who are out costing and skating need good warm shoes. We have some Boys' shoes that we call BOY SCOUT SHQES They are a miniature , of the Men's Sporting Boots, high tops, buckles, heavy soles, waterproof and warm, and yet very neat In appearance. The boys like them and they are the proper thing for a boy these days. According to Bize $2.50 to $4.50 Little Boys1 Bargains Saturday on the Bargain Tablo we will offer 100 pairs of shoes for boys from 5 to 7 years old, regular $1.50 and $1.75 values for 95c 1419 Farnam St. Nebraska OMAHA'S m-RK FOOIJ CKNTER SATURDAY'S SPECIALS frsih rrnlt and Trtabla Sapt. 500 lbs; Kresh Turkish Fl-, j.Pr lb ISO Kid Glove Orange,, per. dot 1 So si 4 -ooiong- ana Kiting Appte, per Peck 30o and 400 Per hoz ...U 1.7S and 93.00 Black Native Walnuts, ppr - peck 40o New Mixed 'Nuts, per lb. ..30o nates, per pkg. ... .loo and 1S New Carrots, Beets - and Tur- , nips, per bunch .50 ' ile4d Lettuce, Cauliflower, 2. rucumberw, TomntoeA, Radishea, y-reen unions. Pineapples, etc. 25 cases Kayles'-Hnrae ltadlh- catsup, H pint bottles ..10o Pint bottles '. 15o 10 esses Chill Sauce; per bot tle 10c and 150 t- 60c Jara "Tea. Garden'' .Snlced h. . ip.o ...... ...... UVU tJ 10c 'cans -"Nabob' Houps, ns- sorted S5o y DOc Oalllard'a Imported French 5f Olive Oil j...... . 35o iac cans medium ureen Aspar agus aso lC Tl . -. T 1 Vjwnw. mM ywirtMWjs Pig Pork Roast ... . ,7 3-4c At the Public .Market Fresh Dressed Spring Chicken, llic Steer Pot .Eoast, 7o and. . CViC Steer Steak ................. 10c Voungeal-Chops-.". ..V. 10c Young 'Veal t'Eoast DELIVERY WAGONS LEAVE AT 10:30 A.M. and 3 P. M. yg2 Crnnh I nnf I riuDII LuQI LC1IU fnr We are :making special 'efforts to: sell the best meats at the lowest prices. By buying: In, large quantities we are enabled to offer some bargains which you should not overlook. Pig-Pork Shoulder Roast 84c Choice Pot 'Roast . .7 He,' 10c Fall Lamb Legs, per lb. 994 c Fall 'Lamb Chops, per lb. 12 He 2,000: lbs. Calumet Bacon, per lb. CENTRAL MARKET Kulakofsky IVleat Co. Doug. ,1700. 210 Pounds Best Cans Granulated Sugar If you purchase $1.00 worth of other goods. Try our Coffee Special, per lb 35o Mall Order Special, 100 lbs, Sugar and 10 lb. best coitee, ail lor only MrMiiinA Ta 4fM 406 North 16th St. Bia w V MIIW vtl W. Tel. D. 2446; Ind B-2446. Convenience means much to the business man. J 5 1 1 ' "ri If,; it rV. .-. t-m, M t a. A A 1 la - - . . . ft wis IS 1.1 w : . - r offers the. best office location for the man who must bo within convenient reach, of the main business channels of the city. It adjoins the city hall, is across street from the new Douglas county court house, within a few steps of the theaters and banks and near the main street car lines. There is no better location in the city. The building is thoroughly modern, with excellent new elevator service; beautiful interior decorations, steam heat and the most careful of janitor attention. A few choicecourt and outside offices are vacant just now. Booms 601, 603, 605 A very attractive suit on the sixth floor facing the court. This space being; near the top of the building has an abund ance of natural light and good ventilation affordaJ through the sky light to the court 01 la 14x15-8 and has vault; 603 is 11-9x19, and 60S Is 11-9x30. Space will be rented en suite or separate to please daalrable tenant If you need a large apace at a reasonable rental It will be to your Interest to tot this proposition. Soom ao Here Is an exceptionally fine large effice facing Farnam street and also having a west exposure. The space is sJ partitioned as to make four rooms, all being well lighted. In addition there Ls a vault In one corne' of this room which has shelving, providing an excellent place to kee; private papers, records, etc. Think of It 040 aciuare feet of floor space renting at, per nionui $53.00 Kooms 488-430 The larger room ls a corner apace having a north and east light; size li2it. We will partition to suit The an.aller room, 428, has nort i light and is 10x19. These rooms will be rented e'ther singly or together. Ask us to show you these. The Bee Building Co., Be Dusine8 Office, If you lose yonr pocketbook, umbrella, watch or some other article of value, the thing to do la to follow the example of many other people and aJver tlse without delay In the Lost and Found column of The Bee. That Is what most people do when they lose articles of value. Telephone us and tell your loss . to all Omaha Ja aUgl after- The Thinp f To' Do lRc can Benson's Smoked Fat Herring lOo 40c Cluster Kalsins, In cartons, at Buo 30c Imported Citron, per lb. aoo L-lb. aark Psncake Flour . .SOo i Qrape Nuts, per pkg lOo SBc Heavy Durable Clothes C.J Baskets . eSo i 12 pkgs. "Argo" Gloss , Starch, at 4oo 35c ran Preserved FIrs ....350 B attar and Vneesa Sept. Lotus" trmmery, liiuier, In ti cartons, per lb 40o Our lest 'ountry Butter. In sanitary jars, lb 39o Domeatlu Swiss Cheese, per lt., at 35o Our Mnmnioth New York Crcan.- Cheese, per lb 85o T d pita I--H(iti CSan.a au -It CP I, at 91.10 W",- Fancy Jar Cheese ...10c, 15o, 35o Cottano Cheese, per pkg. ..10c I fj Celery Bllsh or Chow Chow. per quart . aoo linco Meat, per jar 15c, SSo, 40o Z? ' Bulk, per. lb 15o L)ill Pickles, per doz. lBo and 300 '. C t . T i 1 T 1. tmm ,w.ttwwj yjwwf 10c 1610 HAR KEY ST. Phonos: Doug. 2144 lp.d.A-2147 nrrl 11 lbs. iii Veal Roast, per lb. 10c Veal Chops, per lb. ..12c Veal Stew, per lb 4c Lamb . Stew, per lb. 5c lltf No: 10th St. A-2141. i.oo ss.oo Situated where it com mands easy access to the every part of Omaha's business district The uiiding 17th and Farnam Sta Put It In . The Bee, 1