Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 05, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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    TTTK BEE: OMA1IA, FRIDAY. .1 AXFARY .r. 1012.
f '
Investigation Being Made Into Let
ting of Wooden Paving Contracts.
nportrp (or The n Hrfasra to DU
rnlire the Sonrrr of Ilia In tor
inntlon IlrarlnK Conlln
aed Thla Afternoom.
Following a resolution pp-etl by thorn
to probe tho letting or the Sixteenth
Mreet creosoted wood block paving con
tract the city council Bat yesterday
as a court of Investigation. John P.
Hreen, representing the petitioners for the
wood block when the district was created;
AV. II. Hrrdman, legal representative of
the interveners, and Hugh Murphy's
lawyer. J. E. Qeorge, a real estate man
who became Interested In the creosoted
wood block and circulated the petition and
The Bee reporter were placed on tho wit
ness stand.
City Attorney Rlne, Judge Louis Berka
In his capacity of acting mayor, and
members of the city council conducted the
Investigation. Reports and Interviews
published In The Bee were submitted and
n:i attempt made to prove that such ar
ticles reflected on tlio Integrity of the
cotincllmen. The investigation centered
about an Interview with a flty official
who declared that a "smooth deal had
been worked." Tho council waa unani
mous in demanding the name of tho of
ficial and when the reporter refused
Issued a summons to all elective and ap
pointive city hall officials to appear in
the afternoon and state under oath
whether they were responsible for the
llevlrvf Proceeding.
Attorneys Breen and Ilerdtnan reviewed
tlio legal proceedings leading to the sub
mission of the petition for creosoted wood
wood block the passage of the or
dinance creating the district, the veto of
tho ordinance by the mayor, the fight
before the courts led Jy Mr. Breen to
restrain the veto from going Into effect
and the subsequent passage of the ordi
nance over the veto. They testified that
there was no "smooth work" done as far
as they knew. City councilmen had tieen
approached, they said, and the matter dis
cussed with them, but nothing that was
not "over and above board" was, trans
acted. Mr. George took credit for being a
prime mover In the promotion of the dis
trict, having become interested in it and
having visited and examined the pave
ment In other cities. He said he talked
with A. C. Morrison, representative of the
Kettle River company, but that as far
as he knew nobody in Omaha received any
promotion fees.
Promotion Feea Paid.
Mr. Morrison, In precipitating the ex
posure of the Kettle River and Republic
combines at Minneapolis, brought out at
that time the proof that a promotion fee
of 10 cents per yard was paid by the
Kettle River company for promoting
creosoted wood block paving districts.
City Attorney Rlne, Judge Berka and
his supporters in the council confined the
investigation trlctly to the Sixteenth
ftreet paving district. Questions were
propounded with the idea of securing evi
dence to exonerate the city council from
all blame In the letting of the contract.
Drummond Auto Co.
is to Have New Home
The Drummond Motor company has
decided to huve a new building, larger
than the present home at Eighteenth and
.Ilitrnoy streets, and has asked architects
lor estimates of the cost of building.
The company may erect its own building
or may accept the proposal of Edward
Riley to build a home for it at Twenty
sixth and Famam atreets.
A combined garage and factory, the
biggest In the city. Is contemplated. It
would cost 30,000 to M0,000.
Manufacturing and selling motor cars
will be the business of the concern, which
was recently reorganized with a capital
af $50,000 and the following officers:
William R. Drummond, president; James
Drummond. vice president and general
manager; W. B. Hughes, secretary, and
L. W. Scheibel, treasurer. These officers
and H. W. Yates, Jr., constitute the
board of directors.
Because several merchants are not will
ing to close their shjps at 8 o'clock Sat
urday nights instead or at 10 tho commit
tee from the Woman's club which Is can
vasslnar the stores to cnln li. ...iv ninBin
did not complete Its mission Thurs
lay ns expected. The committee com
pohed of Mrs. C. W. Hayes, chairman;
Mis. W. O. Paisley, Mr. Charles Rose
water and Mrs. George Tilden started to
vl 0t the merchants December 30 and
met no opposition to their request for
early Saturday closing until Wednesday,
when several merchants raised objec
tions. Not until these are convinced by
the women' can the movement' go forward.
An elaborate banquet was given Eugene
Banders at the Rome hotel by his friends
jut the I'nlon Stock Yards Wednesday
evening In recognition of twenty-five
years' service with the Hammond and
Armour packing houses. Dales were laid
fir seventy-five. ,
The covers of tho menu cards had an
embossed scrip letter "S," Inlaid with
muther-of-peaVl. It was printed on bond
paper, tied with silver cord and had u
halftone engraving of Mr. Sunders. Sev
eral blank pages were reserved for slg
natures. Each guust wrote his signature
seventy-five times when the menus were
passed. This means that 4.625 autographs
were written during the course of the
Saturday evening Is the date set for
the celebration of the "night of the big
wind," by the Irloh Fellowship club and
the Emmet Monument association. It
has been erroneously announced for Fri
day evening. Dr. T. R. Mullen, president
of tha Irish Fellowship club, says that
a dozen or more very old Irishmen, who
were small lads In 1839, will be present
to tell yarn of the strange things that
happened when Ireland was devastated
by the famous cyclone.
"Died of Pneamonla"
is never written of those who cure coughs
and colds with Dr. King's New Discovery.
Guaranteed, toe and 11.00. For sale by
Beaton Drug Co.
The Miller, Stewart & Beatom
January Sale off Honestly
Built Furniture
Every really good kind offered at very
considerable savings in price
o ii orri
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IE believe readers of The Bee desire no other than ood furniture in their homes. For this reason we call
attention to the January sale of furniture here, where we arc selling GOOD FURNITURE AT LOW
PRICES. We have furniture in this sale that includes choice pieces for every room of the home. In every
case these articles are the kind of furniture that is good to live with, inexpensively priced though it is.
There may be many reasons why we do not wish to carry over a piece of furniture which is still as desirable
for your home as when it first came into this store. A tree is no less good because the forester must cut it down to
make room for young growth; and these excellent pieces and suites are of such thorough value that we call espe
cial attention of home-furnishers to both their quality and their prices. The unusual reductions of 10 to 60 per
cent, are placed upon them because we desire to have more room by the first of February for new stocks.
$35.00 Colonial Desk Mahogany, oak or Cir
cassian walnut ; height, 44 inches; solid, heavy
writing bed, 29x35 inches; strong, modest
lines; beautifully built $25.00
$47.00 Bed Davenport Oak; green denim up
holstery , $30.00
$22.00 Windsor Chair Solid mahogany; hand
some model ". $14.00
$13.00 Occasional Chair English oak; com
fortable t $7.00
$8.00 Lamp Shade Silk; imported from France $4.00
$6.00 French Lamp Shade Silk; gold fringe. .$4.00
$200 Mahogany Clock Grand time piece; ac
curate aud staunch $100.00
$41.00 Mahogany Chair Roomy; pretty lines;
comfortable . $25.00
$14.75 Lamps Exquisite beauty .$10.00
$60.00 Mahogany Chair Comfortable; dur
able, at $25.00
$19.50 Chiffonier Golden oak; excellent qual
ity, at $12.50
$40.00 Gentleman's Chiffonier Golden oak.. $28.00
$65.00 Mahogany Chiffonier Beautiful $40.00
$28.00 Mahogany Dresser Rare quality $20.00
$31.00 Arm Chair Genuine Spanish leather;
roomy $25.00
$46.00 Library Table Mahogany; excellent
quality v $30.00
$21.00 Library Table Very strong $14.00
$46.00 Mahogany Settee Every bit thor
oughly made ' $20.00
$35.00 China Cabinet Fumed oak; strong
shelves $20.00
$65.00 Buffet Fumed oak; excellent quality, $37.00
$25.00 Serving Table Fumed oak ; thoroughly
built $15.00
$8.50 Fumed Oak Chair Very finest quality. .$5.50
$27.00 Arm Chair Fumed oak $15.00
$75.00 Mahogany Chiffonier Roomy and
strong $40.00
$21.50 Mahogany Dresser Beautiful article. .$15.00
$68.00 Library Table Five feet; heavy .$45.00
$35.00 Mission Oak Clock Accurate $17.50
$34.00 Mission Oak Clock Beautiful article. .$17.00
$80.00 Davenport Mahogany frame; green
denim upholstery I $50.00
$62.C0 Mahogany Wing Chair Denim uphol-
holstered '...$40.00
$140.00 Overstuffed Davenport Golden tap
estry $110.00
$41.00 Solid Mahogany Chair Loose cushion, $20.00
$70.00 Solid Mahogany Settee Exquisite
article $40.00
$14.00 Quarter Sawed Oak Rocker Leather
seat and back $9.50
$20.00 Oak Chair Leather seat and back $15.00
$25.00 Italian Marble Bust "Holland Lass" $12.50
$30.00 Italian Marble Bust "The Daisies" . .$15.00
$50.00 Dining Table Quarter sawed oak;
length, l'J feet; very highest grade $29.00
Parlor Furniture Period Furniture
Bedroom Furniture
Library Furniture Mission Furniture
Colonial Furniture
Leather Furniture Single Pieces
Upholstered Furniture
Suites Oriental Rugs Domestic Rugs
Portieres Couch Covers Curtains
and Draperies y
I i II
$68.00 English Oak Davenport The acme of
sturdiness, strength and construction; leather
seat; two leather pillows ., $35.00
$52.00 Chiffonier Beautiful mahogany; five
spacious drawers; one secret drawer; large
beveled glass mirror ' $29.00
$29.50 Rocker One of the most comfortable
chairs made; solid construction; just the
article for resting the tired body $23.50
$47.00 Golden Oak Bed Very strong and dur
able $27.00
$100.00 Mahogany Bookcase Finest quality;
stout $50.00
$70.00 Bookcase Fumed oak . $38.00
$14.00 Fumed Oak Arm Chair Made to endure $8.00
$25.00 China Cabinet Fumed oak $12.50
$18.00 Table Oak, strong, beautiful lines $14.00
$28.00 Mahogany Chair Graceful and dur
able, at $20.00
$34.00 Mahogany Chair Comfortable and
strong $25.00
$52.00 Mahogany Chiffonier Very highest
class f $29.00
$30.00 Mahogany Bed Four poster; durable, $20.00
$32.50 Dresser Benutiful Circassian walnut, $21.50
$22.00 Princess Dresser Mahogany $1650
$35.00 Chiffonier Mahogany, spacious draw
ers ...... $22.50
$43.00 Chiffonier Mahogany; graceful lines, $28.00
$60.00 Mahogany Chiffonier Magnificent
piece .. . $38.00
$45.00 Cheval Mirror Walnut frame; large;
strong V- $25.00
$32.50 Dresser Benutiful walnut $21.50
$35.00 Italian Marble Bust "Fenitance". . . .$17.50
$33.50 Old English Chair Sturdy and solid. .$22.50
$75.00 Italian Marble Bust "The American
Girl" $37.50
$66.00 Spanish Leather Rocker Very fine
quality $50.00
$50.00 Spanish Leather Rocker Genuine
Spanish leather .; . $40.00
$33.00 Three-piece Suite Golden oak ; genuine
leather seats; high quality chair, settee and
rocker $24.00
$30.00 Three-piece Suite Chair, settee and
rocker; 'leather seats and backs; very fine
articles $30.00
$25.00 Golden Oak ,Rocker Upholstered in
velour : $18.75
$21.00 Golden Oak Rocker Genuine leather
seat $15.75
$125.00 Three-piece Suite Chair, settee and ,
rocker; tufted leather in back and seats; mas
sive and strong $95.00
$20.00 Dressing Table Beautiful mahogany,
, excellent quality r. $12.00
$18.00 Library Table Sturdy oak; largo
drawer : $14.00
$22.0(J Princess Dresser Mahogany; three
roomy drawers; large mirror; heavy, dainty
. and strong construction $1050
$39.00 Napoleon Bed Circassian walnut; large
full size; strongly constructed $25.00
$25.00 Golden Oak Library Table Strongly
made; thick scrolls; massive $15.00
$53.00 Folding Card Table-Solid, ch oice ma
hogany; special, roomy compartments for
cards, chips, etc.; size of top 49x40 inches. . . .$45.00
$40.00 Settees-Mahogany frame; upholstered
in denim; durable $20.00
$12.50 Italian Marble Pedestal Very strong
and pretty ..$6.25
$104 Buffet English oak; strong aud sturdy. $58.00
$58.00 China Cabinet English oak $36.00
$64.00 China Cabinet English oak. . . $35.00
$10.00 Italian Marble Pedestal Very highest
' quality $5.00
Attend this great sale now, while the variety
of pieces, design and prices is very extensive
Good furniture may be cheap, but "cheap" furniture cannot be good.'
IMkr, Stewart & Beaton' C
Established 1884
The Tag Policy House
413-15.17 South Sixteenth Street