Till: REK: OMAHA. THURSDAY, .TANTAKV 4. 11 oi'I'erko ion nicxt llunsra uiiii u luges. WANTED GOOD TENANTS. "Will make most liberal concessions for Immediate occupancy. Make us offer. -r , large, mod., elec. It.. l"w N .list, $12. -r., newly ipereil, mini.. IHoS Corby. 13. '-r . oily water. 721 Bancroft. . fc-r . )'rt ly mod.. 1S Hamilton, 13. i-r.. furnace, bain. XflOl Parker, $14. !-f . mod., choice. 2712 Caldwell. 22. 'v.. city water, 141". Phelr. r.. city water. ."Id S. 17th. $s. '.-r., .'Tor p ;it, '! ';-r.. part mod., :40T Urant. 113. "-r., moil., niiw fiat, 1415 V nton. 115. 4-r., mod., new ;iat. 1417 Vinton, flJ. il-r., pity water, repapered. 1S23 Martha. $13. i-r., nicd. i fur coloredi, lies N. 1th. $13. RC8SELL & M K1TR1CK. 4"! Rn.iiKe l,ci. i:..h and Harney. ?e" MAI'LK ST., h room, modern ex cept furnace, tJO. Hall, 433 Ramge. D. ev.y A-44.). 2n. F"illST-CLASS 5-room cottage, clean, oot y. modern except heat. IJ. W eb 2yN. 7 S. 2KTH ST., S roomlT, completely O.odern, Jo.i. Hall, 433 Rumge. 740. .-44;. FOR RENT New 10-room modem brick house, 2U32 Harney; ready Jan. 1, 1912. Hot matter heat. Inquire T. J. O'llrlen, Ilenshuw hotel. Phones. D. 12l, 1 1. pJ4. OMAHA Van and Stoiago Co. pucka, moves, mores household poods, fireproof wtorage. mh s. pun. Btanch 80s 8. 17th. Tel. Douglas 4115). A-13:. WEST of hluli school, It-room modern house and barn, r.-duced to 127. Six-room cotiRgo and torn, $17.60. Telephone Doug. 12ti4. E. W. HA.NNETT, 511 Brown Hlk. FOR KKXi-1-our-room cottage on 2Mth -vo, between Dod?o and DottKias streets. See Dexter U Thump., 41? Bee Bldg. MIOUM modem collage, ex. heat. ZWi Wirt, Webster 4' OS. Foil KENT or sale cheap, beautiful new seven-room house and hnrn. All mod ern; nice locution. Telephone Douglas SS r Floreneo 1S2. FOR RENT Tlue Thallnn, 6Jil S. Ave., 6-room suit; first floor; hot water lieat; best Janitor service; new and up-o-date; 137.60. SIX-ROOMED house, hot water heal, eras, electric light and shades. 270! Bristol, i-room modern except heat, i!6W Wirt. Phone W. 43o. .Houses,, Ins. lUngwall. Brandcls Th. Bldg, FOR HKNT- All modern, newly pa pered G-room cottage. .Webster 4232 or call at Amn Ae. 31 1 Taylor St., new fi-r. mod., J17. 341 1'arker St., new B-r. mod., $18. 140 ft. lilth St., 4-r. apartment. IIS. J. V . HASP CO., CW Brandels Bldg. Store's ana Offices. WJ PH to sublet suite of five "rooms In City National Bank Bldg. Call D 4128. OFFERED FOK SALE. Musical instruments. PIANO, slightly used, at a bargain. .Segerstrom fiano Mlg. Co., lth and l'"arnam Sis. ELEUlklt; piano and music box re Jtaning. Acme Macnlne Co.. 31H4 LeVw'tn. 1 peivrllera. I.IQHT TOUCH MONARCH VISIBLE for rent. TUB MOiNAHCH T hi WR1TEK CO., 411 S. lttn. Phone D RENT an Oliver typewriter trum the Oliver Typewriter Co. uuiiglas 2!(19. TYPEWRITERS, Ai "MAKEMor sale or rent; largest Hoi k, best bargains. B. F. bwanson Co., Joii i'Brniiiu bt., Omaha. BM1TU PREMTERS, models No. 2 or No. 4, in- excellent condition, rented three inontns for $6. &M1TH PREMIER TYPEWRITER CO., lirth and Douglas. Mlscellanenons. ELECT11IC PIANOS Peanut, gum, match and post card Itiaulvines. . AcnM Machina Co., 3iat l.tavonwortli. 8i FES Overstocked with seoond-hana t-alis, all si.es and makes; bargains. 'nnii nuppiy o., mu y arnam 1st, . vriu mi.i,' kiau,. i . ; " - - J " " IKH.UIIU-llKnU 'iarom and pocket billiard tables and fowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds; easy payments. The .brunawlck-Balke-Collaiider Co.. 4V7-409 H JOth, St. FOR SAL, 1U Two scholarships In the Omaha Commercial college and one In Boylcs college. Business office, Omaha Bee. 2l KAKKH, UKRIUlil. IMS Karnain t. it;; Coal for stove or furnace. Try It. V" Harmon Jtr W..th u i,.t. u,e HLECTHIC piano and music roll re pairing;. Acme Machine Co., 8124 Leaven worth. OFFICE FURNITURE. Will seil oak roll top desk, 4 ft. S In. One oak flat top desk, rug, chairs and other lurnlture. These goods have been used .and can be purchased at a bargain. GEOROE R. WRIGHT. Care Bee Pub. Co., Omaha. IF you have a sweet tooth be sure to try a box of D.- J. O'Brien s candy. Al ways fresh and pleasing to candy lovers. If Mrs. J. V. Herald. 3717 Meredith Ave., vlll come to The Bee office within three ays we will give her an order Xor a 60- One large safe, size 42 W D6 L. 81 D.; must be sold; am going out of business. 0 N. lbth. LAU1ES' new reversible coat at a bar Utin. Ca I Webster 3i0. FOR 8ALE Air compressor, tank and engine. Apply, new Woodmen of the World1 Bldg. 2TH Century wheel for sale; fine con dittos; cost $35; will sell reasonably. ihon Harney 1042. I'EHSON'AL A New Truss NEW INVENTION. ACTION AND RESULTS-. Does not apreau tnc rupture opn In ternally as convea pads uo. Write for bwuklet. THE TYRRELL TRUSS CO., 3780 Broadway, .New York Cltv. aiuv iiiiiini Db-vii.-i.v Gladish Piiairnacy. Utn nd iiodge. Aia.t, Ithienhuuiiti. 3H8 uld Boston Bid. VOL'NO women cominu i. i,,v,a... utran.ers are Invited to vlail the iounn Women a Christian ajisociatlon building at Seventeajitn and sl Mary's Ave where they will bo diiecied to suitable boaruin( places or otherwise assis.ed. Lu, iui oui- travelers' aid al the Luton station. Vv E rent and repair all kinds of sewing UinciiUies. inu. A-l'joO. Douglas ltkO. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., loth and Harney Hts. AIASJiuYGE T'aaiim-iit. Mrs. .Steele. J VJX'' I7a I. lodge. Oiound floor. MAs.tAiJE Swedish movement; nothing betier for rheumatifcin; lauies, $1; genilo liicn. H.6D. Apt. 2 le. Karnam. 1 . tiJ4.i. HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES-Best remedy for itcnlng. bleeding or proiiuu ing plies; oo postpaid; sampie free. Sher- MASSA(E uth' g,lt "low aromatic . i , ,11 treatmer.i. Mme. Alien, Chicago, 1 S. l.th St.. 1st floor. L. 7wi. l.L Br N. masK suitu to lure. l,il How d' lliK SALV.aiION ARMY solicits casT off clot.iinii; In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell, at 134 N. 11th Ht., lor cost of Rollt-ction, to the worthy poor. Call 'phone Jlouglas 41ii snu wasons mi, I rail. Mrs. Snyder, massuge, electrical treat mini, i 1'Ui.sany, lnh & J'lerce. Ij. 4,.n(. lir. Burke, women's dis rases. 41 iuu.', Bk M AUNET1C l.' "nf-rBroit7"7io SHE naturally la Uioklng for a dusseri that neeiis but little preparation. Tell her cf Ialella (,e ireini. If Mrs. S. M Patliu. iJUl I Judge A , Wtll oume tu The bem of lice within three days we will five her an oid-r f,r a quart brick of this fine Ice cream. POULTRY AMI 1KT HTOCK bcreeuiugs. $1.3u per 'int. Wagrier,ji)l N. 1 ItKAL KSTATE nt ii.ii:iis' i n i- oit m v i l o Kle-tric s .lutuie. Omaha Pilver Co Ideal Cement Co, 17th nn.fCnmin. Kuchs. Sun Jk HI inL painting, decorating. ""KtHiFl'NirpAiNT. "luiPdlng "pmTwi" V"" ter board Amer. Sup. Cn , lis Nicholas. ; Max'nry con , ) her. HfalyTWeSri JliT CITY PROPERTY FOR S.1LI. 2 New, Modern 1. One block to Karnam line, 2 blocks to cathedral, 2 blocks to launders school. Just finished, 4 sunny bed rooms, first floor In oak. oak and birch flouts, sleeping porch, excellent view. Mi. 2. One block to North 24th line, near all churches and schools, close to Kountsp Place, east front, full basement, com bined fixtures. 3 full bed rooms on sec ond floor. $3,.0. O'KEEFE REAL HSTATII COMPANY, 101C Omaha National. Douir. or A-21.r.2. Evening: H. :42 or H. 5134. ARE YOU AMBITIOUS? If you km. yon surely want to own a home of your own. Look at 2701 Plnkney: 5-room cotlaee, fine neighborhood. Onlv 12.100; t'M cash, balance monthlv. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Ilotiglns 17S1. Ind. A-llSK. LAKQK cornpr, 160 ft. east front on Georgia Ave., by 140 ft. on Leav enworth; elegant brick house cost ing ?3S,000. Price, IJO.OOO; or wii; consider emallcr proposition in ex change. F. D. Wead 1S01 Karnam St. NEW 4-KOOM JIOUSC AND HALF ACRE Only 5 minutes' walk from tho car lino, near the Country club. $wo down, bal ance $15 per month, including Interest. Price only $1,200. Payne Investment Company, Potiglas 1781. A-11SS. A SACRIFICE Seven-room modern house at 2MW Webster St., having parlor, living room, dining room, sleeping room and kitchen on first floor; all except kitchen have quarter-sawed oak floors; two sleeping rooms upstairs: cement porch. On same lot facing east Is four-room cottage, modern except furnace; corner lot loo 75 feet, nicely terraced. Room on cor nef for another house; permanent walks, paved street. Will sacrifice for quick rale at $6,000. VINCENT D. DERMODY, 1C14 City Nttlonal Rank Bldg. i eiepnone I 'ouglits 786. FOR SALE Established real estate, in surance and rental business. Am going Into other business, good reason for sell ing, next 10 days; answer 10-U, care Bee. Smith Omaha, Neb. 5-ROO M bungalow, 24x40 full basement, modern. 331 . 1 roy, Benson. Small payment down, balance same as rent. Phone Benson 2flS. The Right Place for ' Your Factory."'" Choice Trackage Lots Very Cheap . Located along Missouri Pacific right-of-way, between Leavenworth and cen ter Fts. See me at once. VINCENT. D. DERMODY, 15H City National Bank- Bldg. Telephone Douglas 788. , REAL KSTATK WANTED ' 7-KOOM house between 34th and 40th and Farnam to Poppieton Ave., or it west of 40th on Leavenworth or Dodge or .Dun dee. 4,0u0 or less. -F. 1). WEAD. 1R01 Farnam St. FOR quick sales list your property with F. D. WKAU,; 1801 Farnam St. YOUR wile always appreciates little attentions you pay her. stop and get her a box of O'Brien a Candy. If Mrs. C Shu bert, 6b2 S. 41st St., will come to The Bee oltice within t;iree days we will give her an order for a-60-Cent box of O Brien's candy. REAL ESTATE FARM HaM.iI ii.titu FOR SALE Caaatla. FOR RENT Sale, or exchange for raw lana. 4W acres tnree nines souin of Uriuin, sask.; so acres pasture fenced, balance Weil plowed aud suodued; fun Cioti inls year. Small house, shed, barn, pienty oi water, euauy cuilivan-o. Rents lor 4e the crop at We eievaior. Sale pi Ice $4u.0J an acre. Easy lennii. AU oress owner. Box CUiax, la. BlllllSH COLUMBIA Choice valley lurms in tracts of 10 acres or more on easy terms, witnin 1 to 6 miles irom the towns aiung the Grand '1 1 una Pacific Railway between Fort George ana t-rince Rupert.' Write tor booklet de scribing tnls wonderful country. tt. Meyel, District Sales Agent, olu Paxtou uidg., Omnia. Neb. Colorado. CHEAPER THAN A HOMESTEAD. 10 acres of improved Colorado land good soli, for tnui, small flame house. 40 acres in cultivation, every acre can oe cultivated. Twenty-me nnies east ot Colorauo Springs. Eleven miles irom Peyton on tne Rock Island. A urmt bar. gam. VINCENT D. DERMODY. 1U4 City National Bank Bldg. Tel. Dwuglas 7M1. ' l) ACRES, well improved, 2it miles irom town, mt.e to school, fine neish borhood, good rlon deep soil; this is a choice quarter section; price U per acre for quick cash deal. Gimland it Wood slue, w I, laid, ( (iiorado. Florida. FLORIDA, THE IAND OF SUNSHINE, We are offering 10, 20 and 40-arre tracts and upwards located in Columbia county hear lmke City, Florida. u0 mue wese cir Jacksonville and only ) miles from St AUBUailue. 1 his property, ih Iniersected by three railroads of national reputation which furnish the best of services at reasonable rates to all markets of the United States. The climate Is Ideal. Fine farms are now being worked In our tract w.th exceptionally good results. Owti one ot our farms. Investigate our otfer. Small cash payments and easy terms. Low ratea dallv. Tlrkit i,.s..i .,..n - B"u- U J 1 W 1 June 1. ROBT. C. DRUESEDOW & CO., ' (t-ales AKents) S60 Omaha National Hank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Georgia. GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA Traversed by the ATLANTA, BIRMINGHAM & ATLAS TIC RAILROAD. Lands adaptable to the widest range of crops. Ail the money crops of the south plentifully produced. For Iueiature treat Jug with this coming country, its soil (lunate, church and school advantages' writo ' W. H. LEAHY. DEIT. IC. Genersl Paa tiger Agent, ATLANTA. O... Iowa. THE easiest way to find a buver for your farm Is to insert a sniall want ad in the lies Moines Capital. Largest cir culation in the state of Iowa, 4.VX) dally. The Capital Hi read by and believed n by the standpatters of Iowa, who simply refu.se to penult any other paper In their homes Itatrs, 1 cent a wind a day; 11.36 per lino per montn; count six ordinary words to the line. Address Des Moines fspttal. Ies M Ines. la. 1-4 ACRE well Improved farm, five miles from Council Blufrs, at a sacri fice. M. Bourirloiis Co.. Hal Estate and Lan. over Broadway. Persistent Advrtisi(i U the Road to Big Returns. HKAL KSTATK F t M M A: It l.Ni H .M -tm Mlsneaola, GREAT SNAP ltil-acre fnrm. cood house, burn, gianao. well atut wind mill, nice isrtite. ritco $.ift per acre Easy terms, p. Peterson, Olenwood, Mum New Mrxics, FOCR CHOIOR HAROAIN. ten seres btaiiug pcii-nrs, NO acres ailtula, 40 ni'ir.i ausitii. close in; l.i acres .1 nn.es out. (u eminent irrigation, pienty ot watir, Ilea Ihtul climate, gjod schools. N r.te to ua. itaitsuorn as Co., isnstll H iU., Carlstiad, N. M. ItKAL KSTATK IIANS v i.i city loans and wananis. V. i' at nam Smith A to., l.&o rat nam St. jjiAHA fropeity and .seinasHa i.aiuis OKEKKK REAL KSTATK Ct. 01 New Omaha Nat l Hank Building. MhM LOANS near Omaha; no coin in. silon; optional pament!; i Ih-hp money. Orln S. Merrill, Klti City Nat I Bank Hlilg MONEY to loan on business or resi dence propet ties. 1.0w0 to ett.o)KV W. H 1 HoM AH. 1.(1.1 First Nat'1 Bank Hldg. luo to le.tM made piompliy. I'. 1). pad, Vt i iul Bl?lg., lsth and r'arnam. A.'l El t Ity loans, Peters '1 rust Co. G-VRVIX ltl()S 1-oana, $.kW ami up. Vl-Mt Ii J)Utk.unat NM., Hm LA hop; loall, munirtiai bonus, mort gages bought and sold. STI LL BROS. FOK SALK OK KXCHANOK FIVK-ACKE suliurban home. Improved with 7-r. iiouse: cho.ee locatn n and manv takable features; value t.ttM; easv terms, or will exehangp tor onialin r'r South Omulia Incutne property. An opportunity. j in cstigate. ottIN S. MERRILL CO. Rooms l.'i:M4 City National Bunk Bldg. VtlLL exohango for Mock of guoita, N.joo eimity In n ?-room modern house n LeMuis, la, 11. E. Freeman, Clear Lake. la. WAMKI) TO IllV J !o-liaiid koo.is. Kleser, lil.ti ( 'enter. I . ftiiiK. I I A Nt WNTi'KD-V liT"t raiioa""i:iH"i ciiutty in a $:t;"0 vacant lot lor a go id piano. V. S. Frank. 1(114 City Nntlonal Bank. 'Phone Douglas 8ti00. Wul'l.p like to buv second hand Vic trola with records. Tel. Doug, till. WAXTKD TO KKNT FCRNISHKD room with board, private family. H. KM. WANTKD HITl'ATIONS W ANTED Position as housekeeper by respectable middle-aged lady. Prefer homo with children. Also experienced tui nurse. Address Mrs. Marin 'turner, gen eral delivery. Council Bluffs, la. Sll'L ATloN wanted by two expeneuuod glrlB as cook or second girl. Answer P. O. Box B25. SITUATION wanted as manage- of general store, country town; experienced. O 613, Bee. , VvASHINO and curtains done. T. H M.O BOOKKEEPING and clerical work evenings and Saturdays, use typewriter, address I, 743, Bee. THREE young ladies, pluno player ami singer, want positions In picture show, experienced. Douglas Gdoi. Iv 7,5, Bee. i-usl lHJN wanted by competent lady tenugrapner; reterences as to ability. tisrney M4. IOLiIU tlluii .. . . i 4,4 ttnoer; expn tenced. S lil'i. Bee. WHlit; lady oetiiree aveauy pieces of day work; neat, conscientious; does out ois.ippointment eiigaaeiuenl. . pnuite u. Ks7. EXPERT ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR. Advertiser Is ausuous of a position as bookkeeier and accountant in good tlrnt or oorpoi allot), whcie neatness, accuracy anu thorough reiiaullity are essential. Can undertime entire charge of large oi iice and of any complicaieu set oi books, and cun aiso prepaie prom and loss ac counts ana balance sheets. Only steady ana good position entertained. Cnques uonaole r lerences. can commence uu nes one week alter appointment. PHONE RED b!i. vv AN'l El I'esilion by an expert pen man; bookkeeping experience; aiso expe rieuce as poucy engrosser with msuiunce company; best of reierences; age, ii, luairieu. 'hnune Douglas 4uli. YOUNG man wants p.'uce to w oik, for board while attenuing school. Boylss college. Douglas 1dm or Ind. A-1DS4. WANTED A posUlou as watcmuan or secret servicing, good reterences. G l)M, Bee. V 111 1 iU khUl..ttll WU.Iltl Ul hulk, usai Sim . i. ei. I J. S,4l. YOUNG MAN wants position workiu eveuinss; Kood mechanic. J lti'!4, Bee. WAN'ltlMly girl years old, work In hotel or private laiiuly. oood relereiice. Address J 10-17, care Bee Puoush ng Co. BuNOLh, and lanniy washing neatly done, call Harney Miio. AN experienced nurse girl wants wuik in morning and on taturueys. Cull Web ster UHNU lady stenographer wishes a position In olflce; beat of references, willing to start at small salary, 'lei. ttebsier 2076. ' I-ADY stenographer; has hud b years' experience; desires a position; Is fast on the typewriter. D 1012, Bee. Slit A 'HON wanted by ail-round juin tor; can do any tiling linng, cuaiung, window waahlng. J, M. Jonnson. Ben, en. ilfsTT. WANTED By barber; u Job, no stu dent. B. M. Norton, siom-huiil, Colo. VUL NCl man, married, oi good appear ance, wishes a position wun a iirm; nave nad experience as twiegrapn opeiutur; competent tor quick anu accurate woik. p' ioi4. Bee. MIL Alio. , wanteii; lady uams to exi:hange work lor ruoin and boutd in re lineo private lamilv, E luU, Bee. VvASm.Nur and cleaning for inursuay aim .-auiluy. Web. 4.V7. MiuDLfc.-AUu.il tauy wou d liae to care fi-r ctiiiuieii or tltk, Web. IJVE STOCK MAKKKT OF WKHT tnnp your stuck to miuui omana, save inneage ana surinsarfu. Vour ci.iw,gii inenia receive prompt and caiufiii anen non. LIVE HIXX'K COMMISSION MKK, CHAMS Bjers Bros. & Co. strung an 1 respons.bk-. VXtHju bKOn.. i4-jll MCnaiiKi illdtf Great Vest. Com. Co., Otnha &c Denvei. V . K. SAiliH Ai SON just hftnuie simep. '1AIhPbR1S. handle cattle, 'logs, siiei.-. Clay. Bohinson At Co.. Kxeh. Hiuil,. Interstate l o. Better results. Ship to ua. I LIK'ion Com. to., m KxriiaiiKs. rv.uk; Bt. Rnl'-Rii IsLt -.ul txen. n,iU. L. E. miHKKlS ,v CO.. m i.xcii. liiug. ox At Jones Com. Co., bunch of husiieis. l-siiners L. S. t om. o., l"' Exchatike. lu'iiuMl pioceeos ol shipment in stock Yaius .vail bank. Only bank at yards. .s.ai t.n Bros. 6l Co., xi-4 liion. inu. OMAHA, J UK CiKAiN MAKuKT .Neutusha-lowa Grain e'o., ,A Brai.de.s tvhfcwi GitAiN .., i on. .fci.ii.cme solicited. giain inei chant. iM liranueis. I.K01AL NOTICES. elUv-aiiULlJti.o Mt-cilNG. Office of LLf liUtbi-.lAblil'Lbt.N HAtiDWAHE LUMt'AMf, ouiaiia, Ne Uaka, December , isll. Notice Is tieieoy given to the stucsliulders of Lce-Glass-Anureesen liarawaie company that the annual meeting of the stockholder of ilia Company will be held at tne oliit:a ul uiu couipauy, turner of Ninth aud Har ney streets, in tie city of Omaha, In tne late of NebiasUa, on Tuesday, January I. A. D., , (i ti clock p. in., fur to purpose of electing a hoard of directors I i or ine cumpaey to serve aul u.g tne emu intf ar, and tu transnct such oilier buaiiiess as may be presented al auiD meeting. AtUsi: M. G'ssa, tieciv- lury; il. J. Lee. Prut.deui. I I T'm i Notice c I.Fti.lIi M1TK I.S, on .nku' Mi r. I l.tl i heictiv Kien that the aiitmsl niiMtmif of ot owners of Prospect Mm Cemetery associatin'i will be held at the office of Isaac A Coles, svcietare rooms l!14-il Brandeis Theater building Mond.iv evening, January t, li;. nt S o clmK. ISAAC A. COLES, Secreiar. J.tiilt-m-o I tHM Ho 1,1 KBS' MEETING. Th annual meeting of the storkholdeM of the Bee Building company will he hs,d at the office of said company, Omaha, Nebraska, at 4 o'clock p. in TueMi Januaiy 16, 13W. for the election of lor Ifoinxl of directors for the tnsuwig year. nd for the transaction of such otnei business as may properly come bvloi the meeting. Hy order of the president N. P. FEIL. Srcrtary. ii;ioJli No 1'lCtt. Ftoekholders V.etl.lir nf Ths t'nl.in 1 an I Compuny. Notice is hereby given that tlm annual mret'nif of the stocKh.' di rs of The Union l and Company for the election of ttve directors Hiid the ti snsurtimi of sum eiher business as mav lesallv come be fore the meeting, will be held at the otilee of the Ginrral Solicitor. Union Pacific Headnunrteis Bull. ling, ir.th und I KHUe streets, Omaha, Nebraska, on Mc.rxlnv, the th miy of Januuiv, luij, St 1'J o'clock A. M. The Ktock trsnsler books will ha closed iv days pitvlous to ti e meeting Alex. Miller. Secretary. Dec. 11, Hill. Olsd.Vt New York City, N. Y KAI1AVAY TIME CAKD. I Mll.l 1 A I lO leillh Had Allison I ii ton rnrlflc Depart San Fran. Overl'd !-.. s tiitn China & Japan F. M. .a 4:03 pm Atlantic Express Oiegon Express all X ;.m Los Angeles Limited .nlj:45 pm Denver special a?:"4ani Criitennlal State Spe'l.alUJn pm Colorado Expisns. ..a:3)pm Oregon-Wash. L't'd...al2.&o pm North Plattn Luesl....a ti ls am Crsnd Island Local. . I:W)K Slromsburg lxical. . ,bL':41pm Arrive, n 7 .40 pm a 5 4.'. pm a ti 4S am a t li pm a XH') pm a 7:27 am ai2 25 a tn a 4 M p:n a Silt) pm a 4 4n pin l0:ao am b I tu pm t bleago, .MllnauUee Jt t. Paul- Uverlai.d Limned ......a 7 5o pm Perty Local a HV am 3 am ptn pm am pm ll:Oii 3:2i 6. jo 12 Ui Colurudu Express .. ..a C OO pin Colorado Special a 7:42 am Perry Local b t.i pm Cliteatto, llock Islaad A. I'acltle East. Rocky Mountain Ltd. .alT:2.H am Chlcaxo Local Pass. bit). 3. am Chicago Dsy Express. a t 4 uiu Chicago Express a4:li)pin Des Moines Local pas. a 4.1.7 pm Clitcato Neb. Limited. n 6:08 pin - WEST. Chl.-Nsb. Lmtd to Lin coln a 1:01 am Chi. -Colo. Kxpress....a 1:28 pm Chi. -Coin. Express a I U inn Okl. & Tex. Express.. a 5:uu pm Rocky Mountain Lld.al0:47 pin a bunt Omaha St. Louis Ex. .a CSO pm Mall and Express a 7 02 am btanb'y L. lrom C.B.)b 6:UU pm t liicnao Great Writers . Chicago Limited a K 3". pm Twin City Limited a 8:3."i pm Twin City Express. ...a S:4i am Chicago Express Local Passenger a i.li pm CUIcago 41 Nortb western NORTHBOUND. Minn. -Ft. Paul Ex. ...a T OO am Xnnn.-Kt. Paul L t d. a ;.tw pm 7 win City Express ..a 7:4ii am Sioux City Local a 2:46 pin Minn. At Dakota Ex. .a 7.uo pm Twin City Limited ...a it pm Minnesota Express alfl ,V. blO:lt 3 4:0 a 1:10 al?:12 a 8 .00 Pm pm pin pm pm am a S.f a 4:00 a 4:io alt:46 O12J0 a S IS all:15 blu:U pm pm pm am am am pm am J:4S :M 3:45 am pro a s:n all) 20 a 3 . :h a K.lo a 7:J0 U:W am pm pin am am am Pin pm ptn pni am Pm pin a is an. Pill Pre pn, m P' p:n pm pm pm pm EASTBOUND. Carroll Local a 7:0u am Daylight Chicago a 7.; am Chicago Local al2.0S pm Colorado-Chicago ....a 6:10 pm Chicago Special a '2 pm Pac. Coast-Chicago.... a ts:Hi pm Los Angeles Limited. .a 8. W pm Ove-1nd Limited a l.bi pm Carroll Local a 4 0 pm Fast Mall a pm Cedar Hap.ds. Sioux & Omaha Cenleiuiial State Lim. 12 40 am WESTBOUND. Lone Pine a S:t0 am Norfolk-Dallas a 1:00 am Long Pine Lincoln. ...a 2;1S pm Hastings-Superior- ....t J 15 pin Dtadwood-liot Hp'g3..a Z.uA pm t. as per-Lander a pin Kremont-Albion b 6 .JO pm Illinois Central Chicago Express a 7:00 am Chicago Limited a t:0Q mn iiinsunrl lncifie K. C. A St. U Ex. ...a 8:30 am IC C. it Hi. L. Kx.... all .14 pm a C:10 alO 4u a 2:tl a x .hn a :4J a J. 2s all:ju a v.IJ nl0:u0 a iM 1:3 11.15 aipnn aiu.is a b:2u a :2D a 1:20 all :0V It l.iM a 2:4.-, a 1:00 a 7:10 a l:a pm am am Pm Darlington Station Tenth & Sin sun Burlington A rr;- a J: 4-. pm a 3:45 pm a 6:10 pm a 3 4.1 pm a 13: 15 pi:l n i:i am a 6:10 pm it 0:10 pm a ( OH am blo.20 am b 1:08 am a K.W am a 2:40 pm all:U pm I i:lH pm a l:6a pm a . 00 am alo:20 am bio j um all:li0 sin a :4 am a t.lit pm fenver & California, .a 4:10 pm Puget Sound Express. a 4.10 pm Nebraska points. a 8:20 am Biack Hills a 4:10 pm Lincoln Mall ....b 1:20 pm Northwest Express. . ..ail :S8 pm Nebraska points a 8:20 am Nebraska Express a 0:10 am Lincoln Loral Schuyler-Plattsmouth b 3:03 pm Lincoln Local Plattsmouth-lowa a 8:1ft Bellovue-Plattsmoulh aU:30 l hicago Special a 7.1 Denver Special all:S. Chicago Express a 4 20 Chic. Fast Express. ...a :J Iowa Local a .li Creston (la.) Local. ... b tM ht. Louis Express a 4:2b K. C. A HC Joseph. ...al0:4i K. C. A St. Joseph. ...a s:l.'i K. C. & St. Joseph. ...a 4:3S am pm am pm pm pm am pm pin pin am pm WrlteOr Ion l nth audi 'Webster, jiissuurl I'nelllo Depsrt. Arr1v. Auburn Local., b J o0 pm IU.U im ( bicaao, si. 1'bbI, .lliuaeapulls ,t tluinha Depart. Arrive Flnux City Express, ,..u 2 ;r. pm bl2:oi pm Omaha Local..., e t 2i am c 6 2 pm Sioux City Pass b 2i pis 1 win City Pass b (:45 am Emerson Local b fi-ia put b U10 am lb) dally except Sunday. tc) uuUay uuiy. ta dab.v. OCEAN' STEAM SHU'S. SPECIAL TRIP Ij ttl 04fb IronMUantir Uret KAISERM AUGUSTE VICTORIA, ths Urges! anil m t luiiirlnus stemii-r rf tlis llauitMirs Aaii-rlrsa s-rvli-e. K'rilMtsl wlih mis Carlton lo-muursni. I'alm lianlen, li'tnlianlillll, Electric Baths, Klersturs. tlll lesrt N'w Vcrk FEIRUAItV 14, 1912, fr Madeira, (.ibrallar, Algiers, Ylllefranebe I Mrr), l,roi, -1a plea, and Port Said. 'Jims fur slKlit-ai-elus at each port. To or from I'urt Said. (1105 sal up. To or from all oilier purta, 0t l. and Ui. 4lao .'rutf fo fAs Onssf, W'Ml niira, Uoutk Antrim, woua4 ( Worli, tic. Hood for lliilatraied uooklnl. HAMBURG-AMERICAN LIKE , lo . i.audoipn oi., iiutag;, or iolui t. AriHlslice Attain In Pffrei. HANKOW, Jan. 2 The lighting around Hankow I, us not been serious aud the Imperialists have evacuated 1 Inn-Yang and entrained fur the north with their batteries. Genera! LI Yuen Hr-iy, the republican commander, has glvin the Imperialist commander aisurarice that he will not occupy the vacated positions. The armi stice Is again being observed. n Couiicil Bluffs Minor Mention Tlic Council Itluffs Offlre of The Omaha n,-, is nt II Kcott Street. Telephone -IX Davis, druKS. Lcffert's, opticians. H. l.orwhk for wall paper. Corrlrans, undertakers. Phonra in KAi.T BEER AT ROGERS' Bl'FFKT Woodrlng It. del taking Co. Tel. 30J. Lewis Cutler, fiiiieial director-. I'hons 27 For Rent .Modern house, 722 Sixth Ave. Printing and binding well done. More house & Co. The best wlin-s for 60c per quart ' Rostnfe.d'K, s, jtsln St. We give premium roii,ens at Tho puff U. I.ti.a.iway. Ciiiars and tobacco. Merchants' lunch, sj,c, at Tonv s cafe. 17 South Sixth. A good place to cat. 'itoige Ijtlirrn Levi, 4 vcais old. son of IJiuitn Levi, ;,S Avenue C, died last evening at the l-.oinunoson hoKpual of stoniuch trouble atter a short illness. If ou want Wi.uHHV ut..iSS call Bsi, phone fc;ri. Bltiff t.-,tv Ola.-a and Mirror Works, 1i;;h Wet Broadway. We make a spevlauy of Cil.A.l.NU at low prices The officers of the Ivanhoe commanilerv No. I,, Kn, nuts lempiar. will be instsibd at tne Masohlo u tuple tonight. I im iMilghts are reiticsted to be In full uni form. VII1 A Cutlet, wiio has been spending Hie holhiaiM al the home or his parents. Mr. and Mrs. I. ouls Culur, lett mi n.gnt for Iowa city to tc:-unte his studies 111 tne tRle univeisity. There will In- a Joint Insinuation ot Ivuniioe coiniiianiiei v No. 17, Knights I einpiiir; Star i hapter .V o. 47. Royal Airu Allisons; liuitf City lodge No il and Ex ceisior lodge No. .'iV.i, Ancunt Eree aivl .vcceptid Masons, Wednesday evening at s ocock. All ...as.ms cordially invited. The funeral of Helen, the 10-yenr-nld daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Prank Neither, .122 North Ninth street, will be held at St. Pram la Catholic church nt ! o'clock this morning. Keitilem nuiss will bn celebrated by Rev. l ather Mc.Vlanus. The casket will be buried In St. Joseph cem etery. I'trd Jensen, f2 years of age, died yes terday at Mercy hospital atter an illness of three weeks from stomach trouble. Mr. Jensen resided at 1M4 Houih Ninth streit snd owned a iRige barn Just south of the city limits, lie had lived here for the last thirty years. Ills wife, five sons and one daughter survive and also his mother, three brothern and two sisters. This Council Bluffs High alumni basket ball quintet Will piny the Council Bluffs five January 12 at tint Armory, Fifth avenue ni-.il Pearl strert. The nluninl will endeavor to win this game, as they have been unlucky In tile pust. Follow ing Is their lineup: Hoy no. (iinson and Oliver, forwards; Hunt, center; Capol and Urow, guards. The annual meeting of the Woman's Christian association will he held in the paiiois of the First Congregational church this afternoon, beginning at 2:l o clock. 't here w ill bo an iiituiestnig program, repoits from the various oiticers and the election of a new set of officers for the year. It promises to be one of the most Important meetings the association bus ever held, and every member Is urged to he present. It has been a phenomenal year tor the Edmund son hospital and ail who are Interested In Its work, whether members of the association or not, are Invited to attend the meeting. 'the luneial of Blanche D. Knight, who died at the EOmuiutann hospltiil of kid ney troube, will be held tomorrow after noon at 2::I0 at tho Peoples Cungrega tfnnul church. Rev. Mr. Hartley, pastor ot too chuich, will have charge of the servkes. Miss llalgut, altnough hut 12 yeais old, hud been a member of the nuuuay school for five years, and a touching tribute will tin paid to her when an of toe members of the Sunday sthoo, will attend the services and sing the songs sho loved. '1 he pallbearers will ho selected irom the members of her Citiss It Is expected that the entire congrega tion will uttend the services. C. A. Atkins, former manager of the Nebraska 'i telephone company, w rites his 1 1 lends irom l.os AiiKek-s Cnrislmua and New Year's greet. tigs In such huppy strains that his dnoarntluna that he Is fully enjoying himself "In this glorious country" are wholly unnecessary. He sent his mot oreyclo from Council Bluffs when he left here lust October and says he has been using it almost constantly riding about the country In absolute In dependence and seeing and enjoying everything worth while to the uttermost. He says nothing about returning und may remain there permanently. Mrs. Atkins, who has been visiting relatives ana friends In Chicago for several months, is expected In Council Bluffs within a few das on her wuy to Join her husbund. For several months negotiations huve been going on between the members nf the school hoard and the library board concerning the leas.ng of one of the Micant rooms In the public library hin,i, Ing for an office for Superintendent Beverldge und which would also be ed lor all meetings nf the school hoard. Since the Irruption of tho unusual nuiiiher of M hool bos and girls from the e ghlh grade Into the high school made It neces sary lo use the suiierlntendent's of -. In the high school building for a recita tion room he has maintained his head quurleis In the basement of the Oak street building, a mile awuy. The hoard meetings have also all hern held there, thus all of Ihe members being permitted to fully reullze Ihe Inconvenience under which tiie superintendent has been labor ing. It was this that led to negotiations for the use ot a room in the public library building. The conferences ha teen unavailing, however. At the last liieilliiK there wun not a quorum of the Ultra! v board present- Since Ihen the school board bus been looking up tenipo laty office apartments in centrally lo cated business blocks and many advan tageous offers have been received. Judge Arthur d d not return from his home at Logan eitiJav and there was consequently nothinn doing in the dis trict court. He will be on the bench this morning and the usual court grind will be resinned. It will ho very tame In comparison with Ihe pyrotechnics that illuminated the solemn old building for the last three weeks. There are but few Important cases on the docket, or at least Important enough In attract people lu suffii lent tu fill tliu chulis outildu tho railing. Fire coiniutiirs were called out four inns yesdrday, but In al of the in--.lances ci inbiried there was scarcely enough damage donn to be ivoilh the lioubln of writing up tlm ofl,cisl refold although in laiiia of the places there Were opportunities for heavy A images. Snonly v uiu,-. n iin-t ci riiMiH nil- lii-llRll- meiit was culled to the lllltu is l 'inti.il pusi-enger Opol, where a llehteil rlyireitu or something el.se set filu lo tlio t.oor In the men's wullinc, room. A hole ahuul tiie sue of an oitlinaiv turnip wuh buii,ud in the floor, spoiling one bourd. The hoin I 11. L. I'pariion, SHU Avenue II, was put in Jeopardy when attempts to thaw out a Irozen water pipe set fire to Ihe wood work. I'smu'e to tlm exJent of about t:.'i wu.i lot h tid. About lionn the grocery Hum of K. Biaiuleis, ',U7 o'Uth Mum htreit, began to fill willi stm kn and u:i alarm was turned In. The vapor ai found to coitiH from u pile of buriun rar.n that hud raupiit fire w hile tie u t w :ia htiing upplled to a frozen pipe. Therc wus not a cent of 1oh. a damper that was closed and forgotten Iri toe furnuce In the Muc.Vtee bakery caused the build ing to become filled with smoke and an alarm wa tut rod in, but the dunpcr was turned down In-fore Ihe firemen arrived, plumber wen- as busy as the fiiemtn, about a li ;ndlvtuuul ha; um llluio cads than tho firemen. town si .Notes, STATE CENTKR-MIks Maud Bower, who, for nine yeji.- was ass, stunt to poui.uiter li. O. Swlfl, who died re Vetitly, has been rei oiiiiiiehded for pos nilBlieKB tu Congressman James V. Ouod. Ml-.ii Bower Is the almost uiisiilumu i-holcu of the business men of ih0 town. FOREST CITY-Not a little surprise was created when Nils I. undo, ugd X, appeared before County Clerk Thompson lo secuie a llcente to marry Miss tiun derlne Oordon, aged i2 Mlsa liordon l quite wealthy, owning quite a number of vul'iiihiu fjiiui In this county. Mr. 1. in. de has bet nl rnunagei of the farms tor Minis time. Perslhtmt Advertising Is the Itoud to Big Returns. Coiiii cil Bluffs Council Demands Phono Company Pay Royalty to tho City At the meeting of the city council Inst evening-, upon the Initiative of Alderman YotmUcrman. the city solicitor was In structed to make a demand upon tho consolidated Independent-Nebraska Tele phone cominny for payment of their rovnlty provided by the charter of the Independent concern under which the combination business Is now being con ducted. He was further Instructed to take whatever action lie deemed neces sary, advising the council In the nienn time of the result of his demand. The charter acquired by the Nebraska company when It purchased n control ling Interest nl the home concern provides for the payment of royalty if 3 Is-r cent on Its gross rnrnltiKS Tho old Bell charter had no such provision. The enforcement of this demand, or Its at tempt) d i nforrrmi nt. may cause the company to reconsider Its determination not to isise the rules when the con solidation Is completed next month and subscribe! given the service of both companies for the price now paid for the Boll Instruments alone. Inquiry concerning the promised re duced street cer tickets for school children under 1-' years of age elicited the Information that nobody had seen any of the tickets that were to be on sale January 1. Mayor Mii'onry was Instructed to ascertain what has caused Ihe delay In Issuing the new tickets. The Orrat Western railway company pave notice of lis appeal to the district court against the assessment for the Sixteenth avenue pnvlng. The city en gineer was Instructed to establish grades on Hetdnn. Slahl and severul minor avenues and streets. The contract with Dunlel O'Orndy as head of tho detention hospital was renewed for another year at the same palnry, lilO a month. While street car tickets und bther things were being discussed Alderman Beebe objected lo the use of small cars on the Manaw.t llenton street line. There have been no complaints on the upper end of the line except from thoso who rarely use the service but for the Fourth ward alder man said some of Ids constituents In the south part of town wanted the big steam-heated rnrn because they were more comfortable. ' It coeta about $il a day more to operate the big ears, arid that Is now said to be about the total amount' each car conductor takes In dur ing the day. Board of Education Accepts JScnooi nouse By the unanimous approval of a reso lution accepting the plans prepared by Architect Frederick E. Cox for the new addition to the High school building and Instructing the secrolury to take the necessary legal steps for submitting the special levy lo the voters at tho March school election, the Board of Education Inst 'night ended all discussion concern ing the necessity for and the character of the proposed new addition. . The archi tect's eUinato of tho cost was $4,00a L.iTbe dlsousslon of this pluns has ' been most thorough, aim numerous minor changes have been tnnde. The architect explained that the. estimated cost In cluded the new heating plant for the en tire building, which when completed was described to "be Iho only one In the city.'' The tax to provide the necessary money will lie about 10 mills, ami as there will be a reduction of 2Vi mills In tho bond fund next year there Will bb required an Inrrensao of only about V mills In the tax levy to pay for the new building. The annual school election will be held on the second Monday In March. Superintendent Beverldge reported that there would bn 100 more high school pupils to bo taken cure of In two weeks when the promotions from the eighth grade ure made, muklng a total of 700 In the High school. The board elected one new teacher, Miss Ocitrude McNaught, lo take the place of Miss Vorhis In tho Thlrly-seeond street building and fixed her pay at tAO a month. Miss Vorhis goes to Cedar Falls to complete her studies. The offer of the Dodge-Wallace com pany to fit up suitable offices on the second floor of their building on Broad way for the use of Superintendent Beverldge and as a meeting place for the bourd was accepted, and the rooms will be fitted up ready for occupancy by Jnn uery 15. Thu board meeting last night was held In the office of Member Hend ricks In tho City National Bank build ing. President Tinley called for a statement ot all water bills rendered against the board for the various buildings, showing the totul consumption und the rate charged. The financial report up to lut night showed n eutisfaclcry condition. PEOPLES' CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH HOLDS MEETING One of the happiest und most profitable annual meetings of local church congre gations was that of the large member ship of the People's Congregational church, the young organization that hue sptung up In thu western part of Coun cil Bluffs almost within a yeur with a membership of more than 1 capable of currying throuk'h btilldtng operations that will kIvc them a new $.1,00) church all paid for. The first thlin? the congregation did was ent huslastlcally to approve of thi work of Ha pastor, Rev. Charles H. Han ley, and the next thing was to extend the formal official call to the head of the church for the coming year. Approval of both nm unanimous und enthusiastic. Nearly all of the old officers were re electtd in the same hearty manner, Charles Children to the office of secre-tury-tiiHsurer, Ccorge Levi and Frank Wescott, deacons, und Mrs. W. A. Cope luhd, deuconess. Three trustees were elected, C. E. Btal luiil. Henry Davis and S. II. Bishop, making the full I ion id of five members, the other two being C. C. Copeland and A. A. Simpson. The Sabbath school officers for the new year are C. C. Copeland, superintendent; Henry Davis, assistant superintendent; Alice Thlstlethwulte, tectttiiry ; Miss Jea tle Morris, tugunlst; Mr. Children, treas urer. The Christian Endeavor elected Fred Bishop, president; Mrs, Bishop, secretary-treasurer; Miss Jessie (iluxener, ilce president; Miss Alice Thlstlethwulte, oi gunlst. Ida Ladles' Aid elected Mrs Pearl Turnbloom, president; Mrs. Anna Arnold lce president: Mrs. Jay Smith, treasurer; Mrs. Fred Bishop, sccietary; Mra. W. A. Copclund, lefJer of devotions. Couucil Bluffs COUNTY BOARD IN SESSION New Member Inducted Into Office by the Supervisor!. SENIOR MEMBER IS CHAIRMAN i.enrae H. Itnrrlnaton liected in Position and Names Committees thrtt H ill Have t hsrae of Various Departments. The Bosnl of County Supervisors yes terdav ennvrnrd the annual meeting and Inducted Into office the new member who wan elected two months nm nt the general election to fill the vacancy caused by the expiration of the torn! of Super visor Johns. The tiew member. T. A. One of H.ini-ocU took the oath of of fice. The other Important business wns the reorganization of the board nnd the election of the new chairman. According to the long established rule the chairman Is always the senior mem ber nnd this yenr he Is tk-orge II. Dar rlngli u of Honey Creek. Two ballots, however, were necessary ns two of tho members voted for W. C. Children of this city. Mr. Coe Is a democrat. Chairman Darrlngton's first act was to name some of his standing committees for the yenr. He withheld action en all but two and they will be named at an early date. Children, Coe and Dnrrlngton will he. the committee to hnve charge of the, poor farm and Its management durlrrg the year. Supervisor Spencer. Children and True will be the committee on buildings, and will' have plenty to do before they lay down their responsibilities a year hence. They become responsible for the court house and every other building owned by the county. Nearly the entire day wa devoted to the rnnnlderatlon and payment of the bills. The session will be a busy one and will last all week and perhaps longer. A I, of the atinuul reports of the county officers must he submitted, examined and approved. Treasurer Mitchell ex pects to make his settlement with the hoard on Friday. Coaster liits Wagon and is Badly Hurt Harry Kelley, 1417 North Eighth street, IB years old. received Injuries In a coast ing accident late yesterday afternoon at Washington aventm nnd North Soccnd ' street that may prove dangerous. Eluding policemen who had frequently been sent there to stop the dangerous sport, a large number of boys were s'hl Ing down the steep. Icy hillside, one of the most dangerous In the town. Several of the little fellows were stationed at the Washington avenue crossing to givo warning of approaching teams and vehi cles and whenever danger threatened to stop the drivers If possible. The Kelley lad was coming down the hill with ex press train velocity as a cnal wagon be longing to the Council Bluffs Coal and Ice company approached. The boyt acraumed at tha dilver to stop, but sV either not understanding them or dlsre g&rdirtg the request continued. When h, saw the' approaching sled he tried t hurry the horses pulling the heavy load, of conl and clear the way. It was un availing and the lud struck the hind wheel of the vehicle, was thrown from his slud and run over by one of the wheem. His left arm was broken above tha elbow and hi head cut. but the most serious ot the injuries may be of an Internal charac ter, the 'heavy load passing over his ab domen. Young companion of tha Injured lad placed him on a sled and took him to the police station, whero County Phvslctan Warner was called. After an examina tion he directed the child to be taken to the Kdmundson hosr)tal In the city am bulance. Dr. Warner said last night that he could not determine tho full extent Ot the Injuries, but believed .they would not be fatal. Greek Given Chance to Prove Innocence At Ihe Instance of hi friends and his attorney,. Judge Arthur has consented to modify the order made at the beginning of the October term of the district court prohibiting A. C. Poulopsolos, a Oreek of local prominence, from ever again filing a petition for naturalization. The order was modified to the extent that he will be permitted to have a rehearing on future naturalization day, and It he disproves the charges made agulnst htm lit connection with bringing Oreek boys to this country he may become a citi zen. . Protests against lite naturalization ot Mr. poulopsolos were made by Immigra tion Inspector C. C. Redwood of Omaha, whose headquarters have recently been removed from St. Louis. One of the Greek boys brought over fur hire In shoc-shinlng alleys, was deported. it wus charged that the man brought a number of the boys Into the country by representing them, to be his sons, ami thut his wife ulso conducted another small colony upon the same pretense. AU of this poulopsolist denies and It la to per mit htm to submit his proof thut the r. hearing n.-uy be hud. Recorder Turns Money to County' Tho annual report of County Recorder Burghuuscn und his settlement with tho county treasurer wero made yesterday. His report will be examined and ap proved by the Brurd of County Super visors at their January meeting. The report shows the fill nc of 7,Hu instru ments during l'.Ul. The total collection for recording all of these deeds and other Instruments was $."i,1C 7j. Under the rulo that all filing fees must be paid In ad vance not a cent was lost during the yeur. Recorder Parghausen's salary Is $1 a yeur, his office thus turning over to the county treasurer t3.2Jti.2i net. The pay for deputy hire, however, will absorb approximately all o this. The offloe has bten most economically and efficiently operated. With every lieraon employed doing full duty all of the time. Connc-ll Bluffs Prod are Market. The following quotations, showing ptkaaa paid to producers, are corrected daily be William IUggesi n, city welghmaster, for publication In The Bee: Corn, $0c. per bushel. Wheat. Wo per bushel, oats, 4.", utio per bushel. .- liar tloose). Si loo-ill oo per ton.. Alfalia Uoosej, 13.cU4. per ton.