Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 03, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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    tiik hki): omaha. whdxksday. .tax hat? y x lnic.
enson and
Semi-Annual Clearance Sale I
commenced this morning with the vim and snap
which reduced prices always effect at this store.
Hundreds of thrifty buyers crowded the store all
day long every department is alive with bargains
in clean new merchandise.
A splendid time to fit the boys out with warm
clothing at remarkable savings.
Boys' Clothing 25 Off
Hoys' !f4.r) Kussian or Sailor Suits $3.37
Hoys' $.-.0 Kusian or Sailor Suits $3.75
Boys' $('.H) Kushian or Sailor Suits. .. .$1.50
Boys' $7.30 Kussinn or Sailor Suits $5.G3
Boys' $t.50 Kussinn or Sailor Suits $0.37
Boys' $3.!)3 Overcoats $2.07
Boys' Hr.0 Overrents $3.37
Boys' $.").0) Overcoats $375
Boys' $15.(10 Overcoats $4.50
Hoys' 7..0 Overcoats' $5.03
Boys' Overcoats $0.37
Boys' Overcoats $7.50
Young Hen's Clothing 25 Off
Girls Coats Girls Wool Dresses
Junior and Small Women's Coats
Small Women's Fur Coats
Junior and Small Women's Wool
Afternoon and Evening Frocks
Ladies' and Children's
Infants' Coats
Shoes Misses' and Small Women's
Waists Furnishings Small Women's
Skirts all heavily reduced.
rTTw-i -m won rronra w jr w
(Continued from Pag One.)
who la dealrou of carrying out a ram'
palgn atalnst the revolutionaries, today
advanced about 2.OK.0O to Premier Yuan
hhl Kal (or that purpose. There are
many Indication that the northern troop
are anxious to resume hostilities.
The army now under Wang Wie Tie's
orders, comprises a large body of the Im
perial troop. Wans telegraphed today
to the foreign ministers Peking; and to
many foreign consuls requesting them to
enjoin their governments to maintain the
strictest neutrality.
Troops l.aochow la Hevolt.
1ONDoN. Jan. I. A newa agency dis
patch from Tien Tsln say that Wang
Tie Tie, 'who was sent to I.aiirhow as
the delegate of Premier Yuan Hlil Kal.
has joined the republicans and been
elected leader of the troops there. lie
declares his Intention to begin a march
with the army on Pklng tomorrow.
The troops at Lanchow form an Im
Brlght's Disease and Diabetes
I'lMUrr Uie Auapleeea of the Cincinnati
Ktenlng 1'ont, live Test Caaea
Were KehMted antl Treated
I'ultliriy bjr Or. Irvine
K. Moti, ! of
Irvine K. Molt, M. 1., of Cincinnati,
Ohio, well end favorably known In thai
city aa a Iwirned physician irraduate
( the Cincinnati Ju.te Medical ('iillece,
class of iwis, Bnd who afterwards re
ceived i itnicai in
structions abroad, and
has since IMI been a
MeclallMt for the
treatment of kldnev
d.seaiiM belle vva
that he has discovered
lullv treat HiIkIus
, jCjl llese. iilabetes and
"4 -ther kidney troubles,
J ther In their t lint .
111 "' m iitcrmeolate or last
kta.s. u,. My: "My method ar-
rwiia the riliwmjw, even thouich It has de
ployed inoal ot the kidney, and Vlr-
mwi mat oriln not vet d
airoyed. the metlli'lnca 1 u neutrallte
ine Injtaona that form a toxlne tnat de
tros the ctlla In tho lutes of the kid
I ha evening Post, one of the leadlnic
daily paiieis of Cincinnati. Ohio, hranng
in id. won s aucciaa. ankrd if he wou.ii
willing: to fcive a put, no test to dvin
inmrata his faith In bis treatment, and
piove Its inertia bv treating five I'.re.iie
auffeiing frum r.iUhts dint-use and IHa
betes, fiee of cl.aige. Hit Post to select
inn caui-s.
lr. Mutt accejitcd the c .Million, and
twelve ierkins were aelerted. After a
most crmiai t-hembsl .ualvais ri 1 Mil-
tiopcopir rxaniiiiatluu l ad l-en made,
live oi ine unta out .r the twelve. lh"
hnowing the must ad' Sliced form of
4he iihi, were 1 nl .1 upon. These
caaea rm i.ia--d under In. Molt cars
and reports published each week in h
i-oi. in tnre m-inths all were dii.
tnarrel liy lr. Mott The eison treat
0 gained their nirrnal weiKnt, slrwisth
and apiwtlta, and were ahi in r-urn-
heir unual w,, k. Anyone desiring to
rtud the details of till public teal can
obtain copies by to lr. Mutt fur
The public demonstration (nve lr.
Mutt an int. rnaiioiial it-i'Ututtuii thai has
brought lilin nun cunrHuiut-iicv with
op!e all over the world, and several
noted Kurni-eans are iiuiotM-rrd aiaonu
thoae who have beii rue ..'iilly treated,
a treatment can be admiiilxlt-i ed effect
heljr by mail.
1 he llocior will correm.oiid with liioae
wtio are suffering with ltrivtit a I)arj,
Mabetes or any Kidney trouble wnet
ever, and a 111 be pleaaed to give bis e
lout opinion free to lu, who will si nd
bun a dcw rlptlon of their svntptoms. . An
t-esay wlilch the I'octor has nrenarad
ab Kit kidney trouble and duarlhiiig hi"
i.ew method of treatment a ill also be
mailed bv him Coi reMrideiiee for thin
I urpoea should he eddried Irvine K.
aiou, m i.,
ClUMttl, Ohio.
Miuueil Kuilding. On-
Fur Sets
portant portion of the Imperial army and
were under the .command of Oen,
l-hang Bhao Tsen. who was dlstiil'sud
owing to- auspicious of. his' republican
sympathies. The movement 'dovetails Into
widespread conspiracy In northern
hlna to assist the southern revolution
arlea. . IT
Kdward H. Illrharde.
OtlAhUALA. Neh., Jan. I t8pe lall-
The funeral of Kdward K. Rlcharda
waa held from the Episcopal church. Itev.
Chapman from North Platte officiating.
Mr. Illcharde had lived to a rip old
age. being M years.. He was a native of
Kngland and came to the United States
In I8. Ha aettled first In Wisconsin
and moved with his family to this
county In 1KS3 and took a homestead. Ills
wife, Jane Klcharda, died fifteen years
ago and . la burled here. There are now
living of his direct descendants eight
children, forty-three grandchildren and
two great grandchildren.
Mra. Joanna Nuillh.
CHA1G, Neb.. Jan. l.-(Speclal.)-Mrs.
Joanna Kmlth of Prairie City. la., aged
fJ years, died suddenly at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. John McPheraon, In this
city riunday morning. 8he had arisen
and dressed, feeling as well as usual, and
taken lie seat when aha sank to death.
Imoitt without a strtiKRle. Her bodv was
taken to Prairie City, la., yenterday for
William 1. KarleJuh.
8T. JOSKPH, Me... Jan. !.-Wllllam O.
Falrlelgh. si years old. died at his horns
here today. He located In 8t. Joseph in
IMS and established the first wholesalu
dry goods business on the MIskouiI river.
He had been retired thirty years.
Farm House ear Falrbary.
FAIKUI'KY, Neb.. Jan. J. (Special.) -
Fire destroyed the spacious and splendid
house on the William Koblnson farm five
miles north of Falrbury at V o'clock yes
terday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Koblnson, who live on this farm, say the
blase waa first discovered over the front
room. NcluhlHirs Were called and hv har.i
work neurly all of the furniture waa
saved with the exception of a stove and
few other articles. The house waa
partly covered by Insurance. The fire
probably started from a defective flue.
Klrvator at Nnalrdale.
.MASON CITY. la.. Jan. 2-iSpeclal Tel
egiam.) The Klemme elevator at Swale
dale burned this afternoon. Three tin u-
sand bushels ot giaiii, besldts cuai, ce
mem ana sail, were destroyed. Lus,
luiiy Insured.
Hl'MllOLDT, Neb.. Jan. J.-( Spvclal )
Mr. George Cernohlevek and Miss Nellie
lllst. two popular young people of this
place, were married at the bride' home
Monday afternoon, the ceremony being
performed by Kev. R, K. Robertson of
the Christian church.
loss New Notra.
largest farm land purcha mad in
ii, jrM. na, j,1H, been
cluB,d heie. by which. Frank Crouse- of
Algona has purt bastd 1 ii acre of un
improved land in Kessuth county for
M)ul. r
rtllll.KY-Flre of unknown origin u,
nl hi dtroied the II K . Rogers slot
building and Ita contents. The lom Is esti
mated at tu.umi. witn small Insurance.
8TATK CKNTEH-M'aa Maud 1 tower
who. for nine yuara aa aaaistaut to
Povs roaster V.. U. Swift, who died re
cently, bus been recommended for post
mistress to Congressman Jainoa W. tiood.
Mla llilfc-r 1m I Km itlmnal ii.iu.ii -
jcuoic of lb business uieu ot h town.
0. C. Wilson of Button Worker
Charged with Malicioui Acts.
tern serf of Injnrlnsr Itnlldlne. of
ThrnKlnic trld flnmbs Into Monies
of otnintiin Workers Pur
Ing fprlna Strike,
MfSCATtNK, la., Jan. 2.-). C. Wilson,
htislnr rkciii for the button workers'
union, woh nrrexted here today on Indict
ments letiirni-d by the grand Jury Sat
urday. Whtlp W'lKon's nttornrys Were notify
ing the prosecuting; nttorney of his tines
pected presence In this city, the biislnens
spent was plucod under arrest by five
deputy eherlffx. He hnd called nt the
attorney's office.
Four Indictments Imvp been returned
ngalnnt the leader of tho button workers'
strike, who also Is the socialist member
of the city council. He Is charged with
having maliciously Injured building.
Wilson Is Indicted Jointly with Wllllnm
Murphy, William Heale, button workers,
and Thomna Hosklnson, recently con
victed of the murder of Policeman Oer
Ischrr, on the charge of throwing acid
bombs Into the homes nt three nonunion
men and also Into the McKce At I'.llven
button factory, during the flrnt strike
at spring. '
Wilson wai arraigned shortly before
noon and his preliminary hearing set for
Friday, nt which time he will present h!a
plea. His bond was fixed at $.1."00, in de
fault of which lie was locked up, cgjiect
Ing to be released Ister.
Telephone Factory
for Fort Dodge
KOKT IiOIKlK, la., Jan. 2. (Special.)
Fort Dodge, has had prcHinted t i It as a
New Year's gift a big telephone manu
facturing company, which Tuesday filed
Its Incorporation papers announcing a
capital stock of IIM.ffK) and which prom
ises to be In pm-tiul operation In this city
by Januury 20. The firm is Ihe Monarch
Ttl phone company of Iowa and U the
result of reorganisation of the Monarch
Telephone company of Chicago, rttock 1.1
controlled by local capital, o. M. o'eson
of Fort Podge being president. J. C. Ilu-
bacher of Chicago vice prealtlciit, V. 11.
Trltnm of Chicago secretary und T. It,
Wright of Fort Podge treasurer. The
firm manufactures every portion of tele
phone equipment entire from the raw
materia!. About two hundred experienced
mechanics and electricians will be em
IOWA FAL.LA Jn. t (Special.)
County Attorney Bryson Interfered In
a piano contest arranged by a local mer
chant Monday, resulting In the award
which waa to be made according to the
number of votea polled by various can
didate being called off. For several
weeks there has . been a strong rivalry
among a number of candldatea to aecure
the first prlie. a piano, and the second
cash prise of 180. Just aa the poll of the
votes waa about to be made and the
reault announced, Attorney Bryson ap
peared on the acenw with a letter from
the attorney general office and the
majority decided that It waa best not
.ta.arared" with the o-called contest
and .'involve the merchant In lltlg-.ttlon,
It waa then agreed that tho piano ahould
be donated to the Englewood School of
Domestic Hclence In this city and the
cash prise to the superintendent of Ella-
worth hospital to be used in puronaae
of supplies tor that Institution.
Two Wedding; at Iowa Falls.
IOWA FAUW, la., Jan. X.-(Kpeclal.)-
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oeoige W.
Hall In thla city, last evening, occurrea
the marriage of their adopted daughter,
Miss Kthel Havens to Albert lllley. The
a a 1,.. U.t l
oeremony waa penormeu jr jw.. ...
Muhleman of Alden. The young coupie
will go to hoiiaekeeplng on the Itlloy farm
south ot this city.
Tomorrow night will occur the marriage
ot Mis Floy Jackson, daughter of Mr.
and Mra. Charles Jackson of Jackson
township, to Ernest zanders ot mis
v Mr Handera Is a aon oi sir. ana
. . - . . .. ii..
Mrs. F. K. Sanders, wno toriueny uvc.i
at Owasa. They Will maae mm
In this city for the present.
droller Compear Kaed.
AMES. la.. Jan. t-(Speclal.)-ult for
I2&.000 damages has been filed against
the Ft Podge. Pes Molnea ft Houthem
railway, Parley Sheldon and Homer
Lorlng, receivers, by Belle and K P. Wil
liams, The plaintiffs allege mat airs.
Williams, while alighting from a car.
which waa darkened by the trolley sllp- rail over a Kronen aiat hi
the floor, sustaining erlous Injuries.
on v M IIKII IN' O TO 10 DAYS,
vour druaalst will refund money If
Paso Ointment falls to cur any rase o
Itching. Ullnd. Bleeding or Protrudln
Pile in C to 11 day. &0c.
All Humors
Are impure matters which the skin,
liver, kidneys and other organs can
not take care of without help.
Pimples, boils, eczema and other
eruptions, loss of sppetite, that tired
feeling, bilious turns, fits of indiges
tion, dull hca aches and other trou
bles are due to theiu. In their treat
ment be sure to take
Hood's Garsaparilla
In usual liquid form or in choco
lated tablets known as Harsatabs.
To visit us to have your eye
sasilaed, glasses prescribed,
matte and fitted for your Individ
ual need may eave hours of dis
comfort, distress and annovance.
SO IT WOW" la a good maxim to
follow alien your eyes have gone
Huteson Optical Co.
19 Boata BUUenta Street.
Sixteen Persians
Hanged by Russians
in Square at Tabriz
TAIUtlZ, IVri-la. .Ian t'.-Klght Persian
Were hanKed y.siird.iy by order of the
Riifolnn coiirt-.nnrtliil, and mother elphl" cxfcoted this nftirnoon In connec
tion with the recent attack on tho
slan troops.
The Russliin com t-nartial N exacting
a benvy toll fi.r th casualties suffered
by the liusslan tromi i. The ptisoners are
tried In hutches and In neurly every case
condemned to lie summarily hanged. Their
bodies are displayed throughout tho day
in the public square.
Among those ban cod are Shegat
I'llslina, tho head of one of the religious
sects, and the chief member of the local
assembly, HeV.i Kali ni.
Khua-Kd-Tiowloh. brother1 of the ex
sliah, arrived here today to asNunie the
Ohio Democrats Who
Are Against Harmon
in Council at Capital
COLrMBl'B, O.. Jan. 2.-Fifty demo
crats from all parts of the state met In
conference hero todny, many of them
with the avowed Intention of expressing
themselves BKalnst the candldncy of
(lov. Jtidhon Harmon for tho democratic
presidential nomination.
Joseph II. Harper, secretary of the
state central committee, staled that there
was no Intention of endorsing nny man
for the presidency.
This Is strictly an anti-Harmon move
ment, he asserted, Intended to brim? about
the organization of antl-llarmon demo
crats throughout the atate and dissemi
nate the information that there Is opposi
tion to his candidacy In Ohio.
"Oov. Harmon himself bus been nn
fnlthfiil to the true spirit of democracy,"
declared 11. u per.
Trial of Dr, Hyde
.is Set for May 27
KANSAS CITY, Jan. 2 When the case
of Ir. U. Clarke Hyde, charged with the
murder of Colonel Thomiu If. Swnpu,
enmo up In the criminal court today,
Juditn Porterflcld fixed May 27, 1!U2, as
the date for tho beginning ot the physi
cian's third trial. The state asked for
the continuance, one of the reasons being
that I'nlt'Ml Hiiu.H So:iator Jaires A.
lieed, special prosecutor, could not par
ticipate In tho cusc until after the ad-
Joui mnetit of congress.
Dr. Hyde and his wife wi re In the court
room during the brl-f pro i citings today.
Hyde's second trial ended ubruptly after
one of the Jurors. Henry Waldron, es
caped from the custody of the marshal.
(Continued from Page One.)
permit tho party to settle upon Albert J.
Jicverldge' or Theodore Roosevelt as a
candidate for president. 1 will go with
him to either man. This will calm (he
conditions In the party, supply a can
didate who haa tha respect nnd confidence
ftf the people,- Insure un administration
that will make for the highest welfare
of the country, and will present a froiit
to the enemy that will be Intlnclble."
Underwood Able to
Return to His Office
WASHINGTON, Jan. J.-Representatlve
I'nderwood, democratic leader, returned
to hi office today almost recovered from
hi Illness. lie called a meeting of the
democratic members of the ways and
means committee for tomorrow.
PEORIA, III.. Jan. 1-The body of Miss
Kmma Otto, night chief .operator of the
Interstate Telephone company, who dis
appeared laat Sunday, waa found In the
river here today. Miss Otto left a note
for her mother saying: "A I may never
return you will kindly tell all the girls
not to worry about me aa I have rone
to a better world."
There la Only One
That is
Always remember the full Dame
for tbU signature on erery box
A Bottle of Wine Will be Given With
Every Large Case of
Tho Only Pure Gpring Water Beer
on the Market
Retail Dealer. Fifteenth and Capitol Avenue.
Phone-Doug. 1300, 7162. A-1306, A-1C73.
Average Reserve
Higher in Banks
(Prom n Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON". Jan. 2 ( p'pei-ial Tele
gram.) The abstract of the condition of
the national banks of Nebraska, exclusive
of resen e cities, at the close of business
on Iiecember .", as reported to the comp
trtller of the currency, shows the average
reserve held at 16.10 per cent, as com
pared with IT. Ml per cent on September
1. Loans and discounts Increase from
$.71,772,478 to V-I.JSO.r.V., gold coin decreases
from tl..144,9ii7 to f1..st7..lV, total specie In
creases from t1.lS5.9CS to IJ.1V7.019 and In
dividual deposits decrease from t'LtllOJ
to f.2.217.1n.
The banks of Iowa, exclusive of reserve
cities, show average reserve held at lu.M
per cent, ns compared with ln.78 per cent
on September I. loons and discounts In
crease from $!.-,.619,lfi to tf7.71fl.777. gold
coin from I2.:$,I12 to tj.4m.21, total specie
from t"i,.T73.ltfO to ti.SW.OHrt and Individual
deposits from fM.295.2 to tM,8fiO,2S7,
La Follette Will
Not Make Reply
HOLLY. Mich.. Jan. 2 ."Senator La
Follette will make no comment on Gov
ernor flsborn's statement given out from
Ianslng. "Why should he?" said Secre
tary Ilannan of Senator I a Follette's
staff this afternoon when asked If the
senator would give out n statement.
Senator La Follette will speak In Grand
Kaplds tonight and will close his present
Michigan tour In Kalaraioo tomorrow
rtKRLIN, Jan. 2. Since the arrest of
the wholesale !ltUor dealer who had been
In the habit cf dlspoMns of wood alcohol
and groceries to the inmates oT the Mu
nicipal Nlpht Shelter for the Homeless
and the confiscation of the adulterated
whisky found on his premises no further
poisonings have been reported in the city.
Tho offlcliil totul of the dead Is seventy
two out of itli! cases reported to the au
thorities, but these do not Include somo
who died outside the municipal Institu
tions. About sixteen persons are still ill
In various hospitals.
The fact that a great proportion of the
deaths might have been prevented If the
cause of the sickness had been more
promptly established has excited much
criticism. The authorities in replying to
this assert that both ptomaine and wool
alcohol were responsible for the early
cases, but these were undoubtedly mostly
caused by ptomaine poisoning.
Col ton Mills on Fall Time.
PROVlDKNCi:. R. I.. Jan. 1 On re
sumlng work todny after the holiday
closing the eighteen cotion mills con
trolled by the li. B, & li Knight com
pany In three states went on a full time
schedule. Most of the eighteen mills had
been on a schedule of forty-eight hours
a week for four months or more. The
company employs about 6,0(10 operatives.
Nearly a dollar a minute that Is goln?
some even for an eminent Chicago phy
sician. Mr. Joseph Justice, a Chicago business
man, 109 W. Randolph street, was de
clared ly two physicians to have Dia
betes. One of the physicians waa his fam
ily doctor and the other waa an M. 1).
In the Columbus Hulldlng. To make sure
ho had the double analysis and to show
how accurate the physicians were, both
reports showed four-sixteenths ot one per
cent of sugar.
Justice put himself on Fulton' Diabetic
Compound and cut out sugar, sweets and
starches. He begun to feel better after
the third week. Improvement waa con
tinuous and on the complete disappear
ance of the painful symptoms he went to
a third physician, an eminent Chicago
The doctor's charge was $20.00 for 25
minutes, but be writes that the examina
tion was worth ten times what he paid
for It. The doctor reported htm strong
and healthy and lui analysis disclosed
no trace of either sugar or Albumen.
Mr. Justice knew that the careful test
before and after made this a record case
and that we would therefore be Interested
and he kindly gave us the above details
which he will confirm at the above ad
dress. Fulton's Diabetic Compound can be had
nt Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.. Cor.
Pith and Dodge; Owl Drug Co.. Cor. 16th
and Harney; Harvard Pharmacy, Cor.
24lh and Furnam: Ixiyal Pharmacy, 207-0
No. loth St., Omaha. Aak for pamphlet.
VJ1 flan
any mim
Suffered for Five Years Without Any
Permanent Relief.
ev Product Now Ilclnw Introduced
la l man it for the First Time Is
Proving; n Wondrrfnl
Heroert P. Roberts jt 1727 South Six
teenth rtreet. made the following state
mnt recently In connection with "Tona
Vita," the medicine that Is now being in
troduced wltii such great success In
Mi'. Robrts paid: "I have been In
poor health for the past five years. I
suffered from nervousness and stomach
trouble. I did not eat or sleep well nnd
had no cnergv nt all. Whenever I did
eat anything It would caute gas to form
on my stomach nnd cause misery for
some time afterwar is. I nlso suffered
from constipation; In fuct, wag in a very
bad run-down condition. I have tried
every remedy I ever heard of, but with
no relief.
"I heard of this new tonic, 'Tona Vita,'
and tleciddtl to give it a trial. I pur
chased the treatment of the medicine and
began to take It and I can truthfully
say It Is the only medicine that has re
lieved or benefited mo whatever. I can
now sleep well and eat anything without
discomfort after, and nm no
longer bothered with constipation. The
nervousness has nil disappeared; In fact,
I run now a well mm and give entire
credit to this wonderful new medicine."
The specialist:! who ore Introducing
"Tona Vita" in Omaha are giving demon
strations of what the medicine will do In
five minutes and tho Omaha public are
flocking to tha store where they ore
located. One of the specialists said that
"Tona Vita" will break all records In
this country; people are Just beginning
to realize what a great preparation It Is.
Thousands upon thousands In this and
other lnrge cities are afflicted with gen
eral debility. The entire system becomes
uffected In such cases and nervousness,
stomach trouble, . headache, backache,
despondency and loss ot vitality result.
"Tona Viti" will work wonders In such
cases In a remarkably short time."
"Wo have predicted all along that
every man or woman affected with nerv
ous debility who would give 'Tona Vita'
a fair test, would become a walking ad
vertisement for our remedy nnd judging
from the results In Omaha we are cor
rect," said one of the specialists. "Any
one," continued he, "who has been a
constant sufferer from debility Is sure to
tell nbout It when they find something
that will give them genuine relief.
The public do not realize the symptoms
of this modern malady, and it would be
well for as many as can visit the
Itrandels Drug department. Sixteenth and
Douglas streets, south side, main floor,
between the hours of 9 a. m. and 6 p. m.
this week and have the specialists ex
plain them," as well as the nature of the
remedy. Adv. '
To Take Advantage
of the Safety afforded by our
uafe deposit boxes.
Besidea tne regulation boxes we
have larger compartments for
otorlng Family Silver and Jewels.
Let our vault attendant show
your our devices for keeping your
valuables In ABSOLUTE SAFE
XT. Omaha Safe Deposit
Street level Enterance to Vaults.
That I. C. N. Ball, will do every
thing in ray power to raise the
standard of courtesy, service,
food and general efficiency of
my business the
Belmont Restaurant
for the year 1912, that my
patrons may waxeth plump and
smile the smile .of the con
tented. 1310 PODGK STREET.
John Says:
"In't "19H" a
pretty boyf It look
healthy, promises to
ha wealthy, and la
already imoilif
cUfara. Think of that
and only twenty
four hours old."
John's Cigar Store
321 So. 16th St.
TbI. S. 101
Xrtraac va Ooart
i -ti v wan a, j
fa.BE fcLDU R 1
is the home paper of Nebraska.
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Write or call.
"fidelity Hunters Cera
iu. t). S tmx. uava
FraskH.WraT. M. 0.
tee (tuildinf, Ooiaka
One of these
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Is fours If you will secure two
subscriptions to a week 1 J
a wr ww-snffrVtafigA jwa-ajsaai
of black Flemished klln-drled
oak with raised metal num
erals, large brass pendulum disk,
and ornamental aide weights, cup
uell strike the half hour and
cathedral eong on tha hour. BIZ IS
2tVb xl-. '3 yours at no cash cost
to you.
A Superb Xmas Gift
A Perfect Timekeeper
A handsome object of American
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jjj i Blan BnUdlng-, Scranton, Pa.
C LARK'S "omiskt' C R U I S E
Keb. I. IIOLi up. for ,1 ly, Incluillno all hor
oiPurlmi. Tl-m Spmln. Alterl. Crec, Turkey.
Holy LinJ. K(tvpt, luly. Klc. n Europ Toum.
FRANK C. C'LAHK. TlmM Bldg., New York
W. U. DOCK, lill Farnam Blret. Omaha.
Tha Polish Champion
Tha Portugrnss Olant
Preliminaries i
MIWDE1T v. lirtUSR
BessrTed Beat 3So to $1.50.
Sale Opens Wednesday, Jan. 3d.
E ...
mil J-
.. ! : xss
Phone I Dougl&a 4; lad A14M ,
Uftl. i. V r T LII1V. 'J : 1 h. Ttvmrv W O.I r
Nat. M. Wills; l-a. Vitcomb; Australian ' '
Woodflioppers; World and Kingston; -McDevItt,
Kelly and I.ucey; W. li. i'ut
ton and Co.; Cole de I.osse Trio; Klnets
:ope; urpheum-t'onrert Orchestra. Prices,
NlKht. luc. 2U &0c, 7oc. Matinee, 10c,
best scats 2-.o. except Saturdays, Sun
days and holidays
TOVIOBT, Matinee Today.
The Great Success.
Next Week "WHEW WB WEBE 81"
Tonia-bt 8:15
Mat. Wed. 2:15
Tonight IilCHELIKU
.Matinee Wetlnesilay . . II AMLKT
Wetinesaay Xijtht, KIX(J LKAlt
Jun. 10-11: Itwrant-e D'Orsay TlihATtR....
Mat. Today 8:30. Tonlfht 8:30. Beat
Keata SOo. Z.adla' Daily Dim Mat.
Beautiful Souvsnlrs to ladles today.
Matinee, Today, 15c. 8 So, 60c To
alrht, all week, lie to 75c, few 91
40 Olrlias all under 30, One MarrUd
Meat Sunday 4 Day
"Alma, Wbere Do Yon Live."
OaLAHA'ai tba vtalKU
CmOI2A. Ev- 16-85-60-75O
Aa Usual, Most Langha la Town
bE.t wVkLCH Buriesquers
With Vaudeville's nrr-utent entertainer.
Hen Web h, Itinmelf: Iaw Kelly. Vic 'k
more and it All Sinijl Merry. Merry.
Ladles' Dtr Matinee Every Week Day.
.Next Wick: Socutt MaiUj." A Daw abow.