Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 03, 1912, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
Looking Backward
This Day In Omaha
fairly Twenty Ttm Tears age
Udltorlal Pare of tch leant
Fair, Warmer
VOL. XLI-XO. 171.
President of New Chinese Republic
ia Formally Inaugurated .
at Nanking.
Foreign Powers Are Asked to Give
New Regime Fair Play.
Li Yuen is Vice President and Wu is
Attorney General.
Ilia First Art la to Chans New
Ytir'i to Date of fit Govern
ment, Mtklnic It Like
Olhpr Natlona,
NANKING, China, Jan. . Dr. Sun Tat
Pen today took the oath of office as pro
visional president of the republic of China
and was formally invested with the
powers of chief executive.
The ceremony was simple, hut digni
fied. It waa Hltendvd by all the promi
nent men of the revolutionary party.
Pr. Sun. who is well known in America
and Kurope, nftcr his arrival in Shanghai
some ten days ago, was elected president
by the national assembly of reformers
representing the provinces of China
proper, then in session here, by an almost
unanimous vote.
President Sun Yat Sen lias completed
his cabinet. The lineup Is substantially
as follows:
Vice President Li Yuen Hung.
Finance Minister Chin Chin Tao.
Premier and War Milliliter Huang
Attorney General Dr. Wu Ting-fang.
Foreign Minister Wang Chung Wol.
Marine Minister Captain Wang.
Chief of Staft General Hsu.
Chinese Calendar Changed.
The first official act of Dr. Sun Yet Sen,
the president of the new Chinese republlo,
was to change the Chinese calendar. He
made New Year'B day the first of his presi
dency, thus marking the commencement
of a new era and making the Chinese
year begin henceforth on the same day
as the year begins in most other countries
of the world.
Accompanied by a numerous suite and
protected by a strong bodyguard. Dr. Sun
Yat Sen left Shanghai In a special train
for Nanking. The trip was made without
incident except for the enthusiasm of
the greeting accorded to the new presi
dent at all the principal stations.
Dr. Sun reached the new Chinese capital
at 6:30 o'clock In the evening and was
greeted with loud cheering. Many promi
nent men among the revolutionaries met
him at the station and accompanied him
to the government house, the route to
which waa lined by 10,000 soldiers. The
whole town was beflagged, the warships
and merchant vessels along the river
dressed ship and a presidential salute was
Tired from the guns oC all the forts In
the vicinity. "
Government house was reached at 7
o'clock. The. gates, the Inner avenues
and the court yards surrounding It were
decorated with myriads of colored elec
tric li KlltS.
Dr. Sun, who was dessed In a khaki
uniform, on his arrival held a recep
tion, which was attended by the gover
nors general and other high officials.
In the audience chamber, an Immense
apartment In Government house, dele
gates representing eighteen provinces of
China proper, took up their positions
around a raised platform. When Dr.
Sun entered all bowed their heads. The
president-elect proceeded to the central
platform and there he took the oath of
The chairman of the delegates of the
provinces then handed the president
the seal of office.
Policy la Ontllued.
President Sun then delivered a lengthy
address In the form of a proclamation.
In thia he announced that a strong cen
tral government would be organized, thu
entire administrative system remodelled
and modernized and a parliament repre
tentailve of the peopio be elected. The
provinces, he said, would be autonomous
as regards local affairs, and each would
select lta own governor. The army and
navy would be made national institutions
and be under the control of the central
parliament, which would also deal with
the finances of the country. The whole
fiscal system would be readjusted, but
he was sure the income of the country
was sufficient to discharge its liabilities
and to defray ordinary expenses.
After giving many details as to 111 4
program for the development of the re
sources of China President Sun referred
to the relation of China with foreign
countries. He expressed on behalf of the
new republic the feeling of thankfulness
that prevailed at the consistent neutral
ity of the foreign nations. He said that
the anil-foreign feeling which had ''pre
viously existed would not appear in the
new China.
The government, he concluded, was re
sponsive to tlie will of the people and he
waa assured that unity would prevail
among all the provinces in supporting
the central government uf the republic,
by doing its duty as a nation he hoped
that the new republic would be recognized
in the council of nations, and he would
promise that the foreign policy of hij
government would be conducive to the
peace of the world.
Empress DowHuer Furnishes Money.
PEKING, Jan. 2 The empress dowager.
Continued on Page Two.)
The Weather
Kor Nebraska Mostly cloudy; continued
For Iowa Mostly cloudy; continued
Temperature at
Oiuatta Vealerday.
Hours. Deg
f a. in..
b a. m 2
7 a. m 4
8 u. rn
9 a. in. 6
10 a. in 2
11 a. m 0
U m 4
1 p. m 6
2 p. m ti
1 p. in
4 p. ni
i p. in 4
(p. m 3
P- m -i
l. m 1
Y i 1 3fi
Trial of Plotner
and Mrs. Quinn
Will Begin Today
MITCH KM 8. l.. Jan. I.-(Spei lal.
Circuit court for Sanborn county con
venes at Woonsocket today, and the b g
feature of the term will be the ling
of the two cases of adultery against
Luther Plotner, a former sheriff of Duvi
son county, and Mrs. Kate Quinn, a
widow woman, whose husband took his
own life a Uttle over two years ago be
cause of her actions with other men.
The second fatality of the association
of tills man and woman came last Sep
tember when Mrs. Pl tner. diiven to des
peration by tho devotion that Plotner
was paying to t'.io Qntnn woman, In
which he lost his reputation as an of
ficer and citlren, committed sujclde twefuy
minutes after she had a conference
with her husband on the street, during
which, it is alleged, he charged her with
Judge Smith, States Attorney Herbert,
T. J. Spangler, attorney for riot iter, fif
teen witnesses' for the state and Plotner
and Mrs. Quinn went up to Woonsocket
yesterday afternoon to be present for
the opening of trial. In that States At
torney Herbert Is due at Rochester,
Minn , Jan. 9 to submit to a surgical op
eration. Judge Smith set the Plotner und
Quinn cases the first on the docket and
will be heard at the opening of court.
Stus- Attorney Herbert stated that he
wouid have no additional evidence to
present timing the trlnl and believes that
what he lias will bo sufficient to convict
both parties. He did not believe lie
would have any trouble in securing a
jury, particularly among the farmers who
might be on tho jury list.
Plotner was arrested In this city this
morning on tho charge of drunkenness,
and was connected with a row In a board
ing house Sunday afternoon in which a
woman was knocked and beat up by other
parties. His trial for that will be held
here next Monday.
Texas Man Spends
Twenty Thousand to
Find Eloping Wife
WINNIPEG, Man., Jan. 2.-J. H.
Snead, said to be a wealthy contractor of
Fort Worth, Tex., and Mrs. Snead, who.
It Is alleged, eloped with Alexander O.
lioyce from Texas to Canada, left here
today for Minneapolis. Boyce and Mrs.
Snead were being held here as unde
sirable citizens in Canada. Boyce, the
authorities here say, will be deported
Boyce and Mrs. Snead arrived here
early in December and had been living
in a fashionable hotel until December 2ti,
when they were arrested or. a dispatch
received from United States immigration
authorities. Snead has been tracking his
wife 1,000 miles and it Is said spent 123,OtiO
in the'search. Boyce Is the son of a cat
tle king of the southwest.
He says the charge of grand larceny
against him is only trumped ' up to ex
tradite him. The Texas authorities, It is
said, contend that Bpyce persuaded the
woman tb 'glve hint her Jewelry, valued
at $20,000, but the Jewels could not be
found here. It Is claimed by the prosecu
tion that owing to her enfeebled mind
Boyce wielded great influence over the
woman and forced her to follow him,
Final action will be taken Wednesday,
when the wife will be confronted with
her two children, her mother and her
Robbed of Clothes
and Money and Left
Shivering in Cold
CHICAGO, Jan. 2. Thomas Fay and
James Devury were held up and robbed
In the lavatory of a Randolph street
billiard hall by two negroes last night,
and then at the points of revolvers
were forced to disrobe and hand their
clothing to the robbers.
"I guess you won't try to follow us
now," said one of the robbers as he
threw the clothing out of a third-floor
window. Taking two watches and $30 In
money; the negroes escaped.
Fay and Devury stood shivering in
the cold lavatory for several minutes
before their shouts for assistance and
clothing were heard by several score of
men who were playing billiards in the
adjoining ball.
Devury is an operator In the employ
of a private detective agency and had
two revolvers in his clothing when the
holdup men forced him to strip.
It was ladies' night at the billiard hall
and bowling alley, and the presence of
a number of women uldcd the robbers in
escaping, as the modesty of the victims
of the robbery prevented pursuit.
Theater at Bedford,
Iowa, is Wrecked
With Dynamite
BEDFORD, Ja., Jan. 2. Bloodhounds at
noon today had failed to find trace of
the dynamiters who partly destroyed the
new Clark opera house here Sunday
night. The building had Just been com
pleted. The north end of the theater was
wrecked entirely. It was to have been
opened last night and was in the hands
of the contractor, who was finishing Its
equipment. Several workmen were In the
building at the time, but none was In
jured. It is said three sticks of dyna
mite were exploded.
The case was immediately taken up by
the local authorities and bloodhounds put
to work to find the perpetrators.
The owner of the theater Is J. J.
Clark, who believes personal enemies were
responsible for the explosion.
N'ORFOLK, Va, Jan. I. While per
forming on a horizontal bar on the
torpedo boat Smith at the Norfolk navy
, yard today, Ensign 11. C. Rldgely, v.
j 8. N , fell to the steel deck and sus
tained a fracture of the skull. It la said
i ha has but one chance In a hundred to
'recover. His skull Is fractured at the
base tif the brain. Ensign Rldgely's
j home is In Chicage.
Governor Osborne of Michig-an Sets
Out Net Result of Senator's
Principal Achievements of .Wis
consin Man Are for Himself.
He Missed Train and Governor
Makes Speech to Crowd.
Executive Thlnka Uennhllrna Can
didate Shonlil He lloiiarrrlt or
Bevcrlilae Pretera Taft
to I. a Follrttr.
nt I.I KTIN.
LANSING. Mlrh.. Jan. ".-Senator I-n
Follette has decided to gi direct from
Holly to Grand Rapids and will not speak
at Lansing today.
DETROIT. Mich.. Jan. :.-Senator La
Follette got on the wrong train at
Saginaw today, taking the Pere Mar
quette for Howell and Detroit. Instead of
the Michigan Central for Oswosso. He
may have to cancel both tho Lansing and
Owosso meetings for today.
LANSING, Mich., Jan. I. Governor
Chase S. Osborne, In a statement here
today proposes that President Taft and
Senator La Follette both withdraw as
presidential candidates In favor of Theo
dore Roosevelt or ex-Senator Albert J.
Beverldge. The governor had prepared
a speech to this effect to be delivered In
Introducing Senator La Follette here. In
view of the senator's missing his train
this morning he authorized tho use of the
speech as a statement of his views. Gov
ernor Osbom added:
"As between Taft and I A Follette, I
am for Taft."
Although Senator I -a Follette failed to
arrive in Lansing today Governor Osliorn
delivered Lis speech to the crowd as
sembled to hear the Wisconsin leader.
Governor Osborne had criticised Senator
La Follette as having "taken up those
things which might be terinsd popular
thnt contained the least danger to Irtm
telf," and frankly said that he did not be
lieve Senator La Follette can be nom
inated for tho presidency or elected If
What I. a Follette Mean.
Governor Osborne further said:
"The Senator La Fcllete style of cam
paign tends to arouse the passions of the
people and make for a condition of public
Intolerance, which is always worse than
personal or individual intolerance because
it has so much more might as a force.
In Senator La Follette' speeches and
writings and In this connection let me
say that I have taken and enjoyed 'La
Follette's Weekly' and I am a subscriber
to it now I do not think, ua distinguishes,
between honest men in big business and
dishonest men. We have got to have big
business In this country If we are to
compete in the manufactures and trans
actions of the world. But big business
bhould not be permitted to oppress the
j.eople. .
"1 have noticed also that while Senator
La Follette did great work in ridding
Wisconsin of corrupt railroad domination,
he has never Bald anything against
brewery domination in the state. Really,
as between the two, it was good politics
to fight the railroads In Wisconsin, but
It would not have gotten Senator La
Follette anywhere probably If he had
fought the brewery-owned saloons,
"What I wish to make clear about this
statement la that the senator has taken
up those things which might be termed
popular and that contained the least dan
ger to himself. Now, this may b entirely
unfair, but I have thought It and think
It still, and I wish to say it to you and
him face to face.
La Follette's Saccess.
"In every campaign Senator La Fol
lette has spoken boldly, has been a po
tent agitator and has always landed In
a place of distinction and good salary. I
have always believed that he chose to
make a profession of politics. I have al
ways believed that he had his Interests
primarily at heart. And I have often
wondered whether Senator La Follette lh
his brilliant oratorical and intellectual
crusades ever considered that there is
very little moral distinction between the
assault of a more powerful mind upon a
weaker one and an unequal combat of
physical ar.ns. No man, however, has a
right to read motives Into the mind and
heart of another man. I am entitled to
my opinion and that Is all.
"A comparison of conditions In Michi
gan and Wisconsin would seem to show
that, although the magazine in which
Senator La Follette's autobiography Is
being published, states that Wisconsin
has prospered under the Ia Follette re
gime and because of his many disturbing
campaigns, the fecta seem to be that such
Is not necessarily the case."
Michigan and Wisconsin.
Among other things the governor In this
connection said thai from 1900 to 1910
Wisconsin's percentage of growth In
population decreased from 22.2 per cent to
12.7 per cent; that during the same decade
from l'JOO to 1910 Michigan's percentage of
growth Increased over the previous decade
from 15.8 per rent to 10.1 per cent.
"I do not contend," said Governor Os
born, "to attribute this great falling off
In Wisconsin to La Follettelsm. I do not
know how to account for It." He also
said that during this decade, 1900-1910,
"Wisconsin practically reaped a crop of
one socialist congressman, the first in
the I'nlled States, and a socialist mayor
of its commercial capital."
In conclusion the governor said:
"I hope Senator I -a Follette may be re
tained In the United States senate during
ills entire life time. If he is made presi
dent his Influence will be over In eight
years, even If he la elected for a second
term. If he staya in the senate he will
be on the fighting line for a quarter of a
century yet. I do not believe he tan be
nominated for the presidency. J do not
believe that he ran be elected if he is
"If ha is really interested in progres
sive republicanism and In the welfare of
the republican party. I propose that he
withdraw as a candidate. Join me In ask
ing President Taft to withdraw, and then
(Continued on Page Two)
From the Minneapolis Journal.
Ames Professor Declares He Will
Run for Governor of Iowa.
Labor Leaders of Dee Moines May
Be Indicted by Mescaline (irand
Jsrr Coaeon la Waiting;
(From a Htaff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, la., Jan. 2.-(Speclal Tel
egram.) Prof. P. G. Holden of the faculty
of the state college at Ames spent the
day In Dos Moines In consultation with
the political leaders who have urged him
to .come out as a candidate for governor
on the republican ticket, and It Is stated
that he gave them Informally the assur
ance he will consent to stand against
Governor Carroll for the nomination. Ha
expects to make a publlo announcement
very soon, and he will retire from agri
cultural extension work soon. The State
Board of Education meets here tomorrow
and it Is regarded possible he will tender
his resignation then.
Jory't Reach Long: One.
That the Muscatine Indictments may
reach to Dea Moines Is rumored in labor
circles, and the local officials lire await
ing developments. It Is stated on advice
from Muscatine that one or two Dee
Moines men are Included In the list of
those Indicted for conspiracy in the but
ton cutters' strike, but no arrests yet
have been made.
t'oaaoa Ready to Act.
- Attorneys for the Commercial club held
a long conference with the attorney gen
eral today with reference to action to he
taken to remove from office the members
of the Board of Supervisors of this
county. No decision was reached, but
Attorney General Cosson promised he
would act if the evidence were sufficient
to sustain the proceedings.
Madison Woman Loeea Arm.
MADISON, Neb., Jan. 2. (Special Tele
gram.) Mjrs. William Sactxen, residing
near Madison, had her right arm ampu
tated between the elbow and shoulder
late last evening, the result of an Infec
tion of blood poison through a chapped
Daffydil Contest
in Full Swing
Look for rules of contest on
page 8.
Hundreds of clever answers
coming lu dally. Get Uto the
game. It aitords a m u solium,
training and ample compensa
tion. Kverone eligible. iiignt
teu valuable prizes. .
Following are leading mer
chants, uuu the prizes they
The Famous bilk Petticoat,
vaiue Ji.uu. -
Alaiiiuu Creamery First, la. 00
mils. licael, second, jj.uo iiiiik
Hotel; tniro, 11. uu milk ticket.
barrel! byiup Company one
case assorteu sy rups.
Omuiia i-.lecinc Light and
Power Company Ouo tlecmu
healing pad.
Hayilen Brothers A substan
tial and valuable prlxo, the nature
tf which is withheld as a surprise
lor the winner.
lten Biscuit Company 13.00 as
sortment package good.
Fred Krug Brewing Company
One iase Luxus Beer.
Sunderland Bros. Company
$2.00 to auply on purchase uf one
or more tuns of coal.
Wroth A noon-day meal for
one week.
F. D Parmer Company 00
worth of Parmer's hukliiK puwdci.
In addition The Bee offers five
SI. 00 prises to the five next Lest
Daffydil writers.
Uncle Sam of the Orient
Warden Moyer Says
Charles W. Morse
Offered Him Bribe
ATLANTA, Ga,, Jan. 2.-Anrden W. M.
Moyer of the federal penitentiary at At
lanta today made a formal statement de
claring that Charles W, Morse, convicted
New York banker, had offered him what
lie' construed to be a bribe 'shortly- after
Morse became a prisoner at the institu
tion. He said he refused It and so noti
fied Attorney General Wlckersham.
ATLANTA, Go., Jan. 2. A local paper
today announced that a congressional In
vestigation Into Morse's alleged bad
treatment In tho prison probably would
be instituted.
Wurdeu Moyer said he had given
Morse permission on March 11, 1910, to
send a cipher telegram to purchase some
gas stock and that at bsoiiuetitly Morse
hud come Into his office and said:
"Warden, I made I'-'.OOO on that deal
end I want you to have half of It."
The warden said he told Morse to for
get ha ever said anything like that and
never to say such a thing ugaln. Ho said
he advised Attorney General Wlckeraham
that he permitted Morse to send tho tel
egram. It developed that the Department of
Justice mad ii an Investigation at the
prison last spring, the result of which
is not known here.
Bill of Review in
Famous Zion City
Case is Reinstated
CHICAGO, Jan. 2 When Judge K. M.
Landls In the I'nlted States district
court some mouths ago refused to con
sider a bill of review filed by counsel for
the executors of the will of John Alex
ander lHiwie, founder of Zion City, and
ordered It stricken from the files, he
fixing the appeal bond at Sl.loO.Oon. The
United Slates circuit court of appeals
toduy, in reviewing the rase, held that
the enormous bund was "neither reason
able nor authorized under the statute,"
ua no stay order was Involved.
I'nder Judgn Landls' decree severut
transicrs of Ion City property have been
made. By tUe ruling of the upper court
the bill of review is reinstated and will
be heard In the district court. The liti
gation of tile founder of .ion City und
Wilbur Glen V'ollva, Mrs. June Howie and
their follower1 Is our tin- disposition of
the anel of John Alexander Howie und
the church which ho cig.iulzed.
Sixteen Hurt in
Wreck at Benidji
1U.MIIUI. Minn, Jan. 1'. I'asseiiger
train No. "A. southbound, on the Minnesota-
International lallway, enroute from
Inlernutloiiui Fulls to Minneapolis, was
wrecked at Farley, about seventeen miles
north of here, today. The day roach and
sleeper lett the track und turned over on
ihelr sid s.
Six lien people nin irported injured.
One is reported dylnn.
Failure to rlose a switch is said to have
caused the deiui.ment. The temperature
i.i 'M degrees below zero.
lift. M N KIM , Jim. 2. -Three of the in
Jul id In the wreck ut Farley today were
brought here. They aie:
Krukcmun t'hurhs llailiinan, Ilraintid,
ril.U :. I..I kl.Olll.l.-l l.ll,k. II
! Mis. Jury St. Cnyr. Jhalneid, back In
Jtlied. j . V. Kimiaon. Minneapolis, leg broken.
I According to u statement given out
j by road officials a broken rail causid the
; wreck and sixteen paeiigers weie in
jured, none fatally.
Refuses to Discuss Report Name Will
Be on New Jersey Ballot.
Colonel lias Paid No Attention
Flllnia of Jlla Kara at Lincoln
Will Mot Make speech
im i Baat ilHllaa, in .
NWW YOflK, Jan. t-Wlth a general re
fusal to "confirm or deny any rumor"
Colonel Koosuvelt declined today to dis
cuss a report that a movement was afoot
In New Jersey to place his name on the
presidential primary ballots. The former
president was asked if he had been ap
proached by anyone of consequence or
authority Is New Jersey politics with a
view to having his name placed on the
"That necessarily Involves a definition
of the phrase 'anyone of conaequenco or
authority,' " ha replied. I must decline
to confirm or deny any reports or rumors
of this sort."
"Have you taken any steps, colonel, to
have your nuuio removed from the pri
mary ballots In Nebraska?" he waa asked.
"I have taken no steps one way or the
"A dispatch from Washington says that
you have made known to President Taft
through a friend your unwillingness to
say that you will under no circumstances
accept the nomination next June, Is this
"I haven't seen the story." Colonol
Uoosuvelt answered. "I suppose I have
been neglecting my education again. But
I will say this: That when I have any
announcement to make, I will make It
publicly. I will not discuss these rumors.
I have nothing to say on anything. The
peace banquet with Its strong arm squad
preserving peace presented an opportunity
the otlur day but I am not discussing
rumors and reports."
"It is reported that you will have an
Important announcement at a dinner Fn
day night"
"To electrify the system," Interrupted
Colonel Roosevelt. "No. sir, I have no
dinner engagement for Friday. I'm mil
not hungry."
"Glfford Plnchot is quoted as saying
that you had told him that you could be
elected. Do you wish to deny this?"
"I haven't ween the statement," sulJ
Colonel Roosevelt, "but I'll wager he
didn't make It. Three times within the
last few weeks he has been misquoted.
I wrote him twice and found that he had
not said what he was quoted as saying.
So you see 1 can't discuss It."
Two Fatally Hurt
in Fire in Hotel
young women were probably fatally In
jured and four other persons hurt in a
fire which partially destroyed the Com
mercial hotel here today. Miss ate
Zeppls, a waitress, Jumped from the sec
ond story and her spinal column was
broken. Miss Ruth Shaw, a chambermaid,
was burned so severely thut at a hospital
is was aald ahe could not live. The hotel
building was a three-story brick.
KANSAS CITY, Jan. 2.-In central
western Kansas more enow fell today,
delaying train service on the Scott City
branch Hue of the Santa Fe. Snowplows
were broken on the branch lines.
Hundreds of jack rabbits were driven
Into Brighton today by lark of food away
from civilization. They wandered tanicl)
through tlie streets, natives catchin
them alive for food.
Missives Introdnced in Trial of Beef
Packers by Prosecution Prove
Surprise to Defense.
Documents Are Secured from Former
Manager for Armour.
Arrangements Not Suspended During
Time of Statistical Bureau.
Henry trrilfr, Whose Prevlona Tes
timony la Dlsproven, Aaaerta
ArrntiKementa In 1007
Were Temporary.
CHICAGO, Jan. 2. Documentary evi
dence that the prlco of meat was fixed
and the business apportioned on a non
competitive basis by the packers at their
weekly meetings, was Introduced by the
government today at tho trial of the
ten Chicago packers bemore United States
District Judge George A. Carpenter.
Special '.Counsel Pierce Butler read
several letters received by W. D. Miles,
manager of the Armour Packing com
pany of Kansas City. In June, 18!7, In
which the amounts of beef to be shipped "
l certain eastern markets were given
and the price to be charged based on a
margin of 60 cents on the uniform test
cost estimate used by the packers, was
The letters which were obtained from
V. D. Miles, former manager of the
Armour Packing company, also flatly re
futed the statement of Henry Veeder on
the witness stand that no meetings of
the packers to fix prices and apportion
business were held between April, 17,
and January, 1N98, when a "statistical
bureau'' wns maintained to compile
records of meat shipped and prices ob
tained at different points.
Miles, who severed his; connection with
the Armour Interests In 1903, will, It is
said, be ono of thu star witnesses for
the government.
Letter tilvra Agreement.
One of the letters, dated June 29, 1MI7,
read In part:
"Dear Sir: This afternoon It was
agreed that each party will not ship
during tho current week in excess of
shipments agreed upon for last week.
"Boston Att l-Ja point It waa agreed
that each party' In Interest will not ship
during the current week In excess of his
proportion of a total shipment of 100
cars, basing such proportion on the aver
age weekly shipments to Boston for tho
eight weeks ending June 26, 1W7.
"It also was agreed that parties In
Interest would endeavor to obtain for the
current week margins of BO cents.
Pittaburih-H was agreed that each
III twist j would uuthlp in excess
of 90 per cent of the average weekly
shipment for the four weeks ending
June 12. ml." .
The letter contained directions limiting
the total shipments for the week of Juno
2i. lK'J", to 22.277,0'a pounds of fresh meat,
of which 2,0ti0,0oo went to oBston and
712.013. lo Pittsburgh. Several similar let
ters were Introduced by the government
and It was pointed out hat they wera
all unsigned and In tho form in which
Henry Veeder testified the packers' let
ters wers written.
Defendants Hnrprlaed.
After Attorney Butler hod questioned
Henry Veodur, secretary of the packers'
pools, concerning the details of the com
bination from May 1893, to July 1. 1902,
when the witness said the last fresh
meat pool dissolved and he severed his
connection with the packers, the govern
ment attorney sprang a surprise on the
defendants by reading tho tetters and
offering them In evidence.
Veeder had previously testified that tha
packers held no meeting during the
existence of the "statistical bureau" from
April, 1897, to January, 1898.
"Does the reading of these letters
refresh your memory In regard to an
arrangement at that time covering tho
shipment of beef and the fixing of the
murkln price?" asked Attorney Butler.
"No. although 1 do not question the
genuineness of these letters?" tha wit
ness suld. "They Indicate that if there
was an arrangement it was of a tempo
rary character."
"Were any packers' meetings held
between April, 1W2. and March, 1903, at
which the supply of fresh meat was dis
cussed ?"
"Not to my knowlodge," tho witness
"Did you ever know of any packers
meetings held on the eighth floor of tha
Counselman building during this period?"
"Yes, I believe there were meetings held
there but 1 am not sure of the date."
"Were they in regard to the supply
and price of meat?"
"Not in regard to this country. They
had to do with foreign trade as I remem
ber it."
Henry Veeder was on the stand when
court adjourned, and he will resume his
story tomorrow morning.
Karl It Tremors la Illinois.
CHICAGO, Jan. 2. Reports of earll
trmiore were received here today from
Aurora, Mendota and Dixon. III. None
of (lie points reported the earth shock J
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