Till: HEE: OMAHA. Tl IKK DAY. JANTAKY 2. hH2. 0 0 7 to v OFFERED tOH REST lloasa and (oltnjH, flTT IOVGLA"--: rooms modern e-soept lieat. .x per month. el Doualns &.. I-HOOM houxe, modera except lies:. Ill N. 2tth St.. 130. T-rooin hou. modern except beau 31) Charles St., rooms, 2d Door. 110 N. th 6L, mod ern except heat, $14. J-room cottage, modern itnpt licit, 134 N. Zl& St.. UO. ii-ronm l.cuse. modem except heat, 1611 Co-by St., IIP. 6- room. 1st floor. 1X1 N. ISth ft.. Partly rnodern, lis. -ruom. 2d (loot. 1981 N. Kto et. toilet 7- roora he use, modern except tt, CX9 Iinrd St.. VO. CHRIS BOVF.n. Td m1 earning Sti s-ROOi'i modern house, a N. Beth St, Choice . location. Heinny lis. $19 V.lose In. all modern 8-room brick flat. Ttfj N. 2nh ft. ' ROBINSON & WOLF. 43S Paxtnn Block. Done;. 2411. For Rfcnt Brick House Four bedroom!!, bUli and toilet 6n sec oiid floor; large lamily room, dining room, buttery, kitchen, refrigerator rooiii, hall and vestibule on firi door; full oement basement, with toilot; furnace eat; everything first class and strictly rmndein. lacated at 1611 Georgia Ave. See the owner at lfi9 Georgia Ate,, or phone Harney l.W. FOR Rk..Vi New 10-room modern bnck nouse, 2632 Harnuy; ready Jan. 1. 1112. Hot water beat. Inquire T. J. O'Brien. IUushaw hotel. Phones. D. 121t, H-1004. OMAHA Van and Burtta Co. pack, moves, stores household giwm. Fireproof 'Storage. Ml 8. lmh. Blanch SO b. Liu. 'icl. Dougias 4161. A-KUi WESi of high school, a-room modem house and barn, reduced to $27. Six-room cottage and barn, 117.50. Telephone Doug. 1M4. E. V. GANNETT, an urown iuh VOR REN X t our-ioom cottaga on Xkth Ave., between Dodge and Douglas sirse'.a. free better L. Thomas. 412 Bee Bldg. kJ UtleW Lit ClE. 7 rooms, 4213 N. 14th St., $17.f0. 7 rooms, 130 B. Mth Pt., $?5. 7 rooms, 1107 Paclfle St., $2l.M. 7 rooms, 2766 Davenport St., 125. 8 rooms, 39 N. tn SC., hot water heat, 127.50. 8 rooms, 1737 Park Ave., $25. W. R. MKIKLE, 5 Ramge Bids. HOUSE 8 rooms, modern, 1MU Cass St., very desirable within five minutes' walk of postornoe. ft-ROOM flat, second floor. MS North ?4th street. . s. 8-room house nt KT-Q North 17th street. O. C. HK1ICK, ATTORNE1T, 1517 Farnam street. 9-KOOM, strictly modern. 4225 Farnam, 130. J. I. Kemp, 2512 Leavenworth. FIRST-CLASS 6-room cottage, clean, cozy, mon. exvept ngni r. rvr -7 rrtnrtrn lott H Xfith Hi. near Farnam,' fine condition, $35; one 7-room, modern, 2705 Howard St.. close jn, ' K.tmrvM modern cottaae. ox. heat. 2302 wirt, weosier I'hn UhAV ir mAltA Ah&h. beautiful new seven-room house and barn. All mod ern; nice location. Telephone Douglas 98, or Florence 192. FOR RENT The Thallan. 6M S. 25th Ave., 6-room suite; first floor; hot water heat; best Janitor service; new and up-to-date; $37.M. . , MOD. 6-rooni ottage; fine rep'r. H. 3H44. 81X-ROOMKU house, hot watsr heat, gas, electric lltrht And shades. 2702 Bristol, i.-rooni modern except heat, 3602 Wirt. Fhone W. 4:W. Houses. Ins. Rlnirwalt. tjrandeta Th. Bids.. FOR 11E1ST-T6 nice colored tenant, 9 room, tnodern except eat. 1518 Ohio. Stores am Offices. WISH to sublet suite cf five rooms ta City National lnk IlidK. Call D 41 IS. 15 l-ame store ' room 23rxHOi'' good for merchant tailor, shoe shop, etc. tu76 Cum ing t. IIOKINSON it WOI.F. . 4:tS Pax to n Hluck. Doug. 2418. BTOKE at 230S Cuming street. Htore at 21ue Cuming street. Store at a Nonh 1 wenty-fonrth. New store at 1504 Harney street. Office or salesroom at loth and Harney streets. Office at . 1517 Tarnani street, second .floor. ... (Store at S38 North2th, South Omaha. O C, REIMCK, ATTORNEY, 1SU Farnam Street. 1K12 Harney fit., 82xli feet.' 2124 Karnam St., 17x6 leeU S. B. CURTIS, 1W Harney St. OFFKltKU FOR 6ALB Knraltmrr. . 2t22 liavenport. No. 7 cook stove; good condition, $4. HOL.L.TOF desk and maple balcony for Interior of store, tOxS teet, reasonable. Friedman, 301 M. 13th, Omaha. FURNITURE tor 4-room house, Includ ing cooking utensils, cheap:, good as new, 4018 N. 2lto St. Webster 21123. Ulcal lnstrameata. PIANO, slightly uxed, at a dargaln. Sersiiotn fmua Mis. Co.. llKo and Farnam rita. KLECTK1C piano and rounto box re 1 .irii. icius atauttina Co.. xut Lsv w in. Tsvrrler. LIGHT TOUCH MONARCH VISIBLE for lent. THt MONARCH 'itl-- , niit-.u CO.. il a itn. rnona U eua RaUsT an Oliver iynic4' uum tu Outti -typerttr Co. tuiiias TOls. 'i l-V tvlllillo, ALL . MAvti--or sa.a ur rtnt. urget siuuh, ImmI i.iitsn it. F. hwaiiBon -o.. Uli lainsia m, omaba. 6M1T11 iJUt.AllLiii. uious Mo, or io. 4, in sxcciituk k-vudittuo, ibiu1 turt l nun ma lui vu fcMHl i ilu..lER TYrT WRITER CO UlU and iJoiutias. ,Mit-f llnneous, ELECTRIC" PIANOS Peanut, gum, match aim poat card machinea. Aviuiv alclaiis Co., 4L' 1 avsnwurth. tJAt io ubiibiocacu wuti iiecuiiU-hanti sates, ail aizs and inukes, baiKaios. American Fu.fiy Co., 11 Jo Kaina.n tit. FOR BALL iw tuu sscuiid-uanu carom ana iuu.ui bliliid tables and iiowlwtf .u aid nuisokoi.vii, bar fix tures uf all kiiius, i any iaiusui in Bi'Uuawick-tlu!u-Cu!.aiidt.'i' t'u, .'-tt'j u 3 'th St. FOR bAl.k iw.i suiioiart.nps iu IDs Omaha Commercial t'oncnij aim cne lit lloylea tolitt;. ijt.uct ui.'uc, ooiabi Bel. REMOVAL mlv of diamonds, jewelry, lothing. mm i mid ladies' (ur overcoat, raps and gloves, now on sale at Fried man a Ixutn llaiik. lMili and LKiuglas, will move to l.'il Louglaa Ju:i. li, Uli. Auc tion sale 6: SO p. in. IU nAKc.li, Lit. ilium, 1m t-arti.iui . K 1-N U).l. i.. 4 lu.iq. h. iJroi.a VV. ii.j. $5 Coat toe u: or furnace. iry IL liainionj VVeiii. Webster Ms. ELECTRIC piorio and muslo roll re pairing. Acme Machine Co., 3121 Leaven werth. DIAMOND HAKOAIX.S Left In pawn. PURE WHITE, diamond r.cg. Vt K worth $300, now. lit Diamond Biud. 1 K., worth $3J6, now $i-&. Diamond Stud, m K., worth $275. now :ml. Closing out at Auction every evening at C J0 p. in. Friedman s Loan Ran. Utn and louglaa. BACRir'lc'ai. f.ne Kimball organ; nearly ntiiA.i oany Duggy,.good a new. Inquire 112$ So. Jth tt. phone H. OFFICE FURNITURE. Will sell rsk roll top desk, 4 ft. t In. One oak flat top desk, rug, chairs and other furniture. These goods have been used and ran he purchased, at a bargain. OEORGE R. WRltJHT, Cara l e pub. Co., Omaha. A New Truss NEW INVENTION. ACTION AND RESULTS, Does not spread the rupture open In ternally as convex pads do. Write for booklet. TUK TYRRELL TRUSS CO.. "ss Broadway. New York City. VtAY HlAHH KKMKDT. Olac'lsh Thermae. ?tl. r1 vt Mi-ni(f, iiiiii.iIi'.um, M tiul Itosian i..d YOUNti worn. ewttintf lo tlmthit a strant'er ate Inviteil to v I 1 1 the Yount Women's ChrlKlsn sswlntlon bmldmj at Seventeenth ad kt. Mary's Ave. where they will be dlrerte.1 to sultsblt boardlnv placea or otherwise assisieo Look for our travelers' aid at tlis Iiim station. I. tent wtni al kiiids ia machines. In1. A-iM Ixinuls iwl NEBRASKA CYCLK CO.. 15th end l-mrney sts. MINIX'O 'l.Vbl.KIM ttlir binl.l. bracu s'reiiKthen. 0c. HKI.L DUl'tl IX). f SSA(i)'" Treatment. Mrs. SI JUltJOilUJj yM ltaaKr Ground f eeia. floor. MAnAliM-swilti movement; nothing letter for rheumatism; laflle. 1; Rftit e tnn, II SO. AM. 1. 1 Farnsm. D. !. HAKKLi LkAF l'll.E CONES Rest remedy for Itching, bleeding or protrud ing piles: 50e postpaid; sample free. Sher man ft WcConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. L1EBFN, mask suits to hire, laU Haw'tl THE SALVA'liON ARMY solicits vest off clothing; in fact, anything do no b4. We collect, repair anc sell, at lit N. IMh St., for cost of collection, to the worthy poor. Call 'phone Douglas and wagons will rail. Mrs. Snyder, mast-axe, electrical treat ment. 1 Dunsaiiy, 10th & Pierce. D. 4SM. Dr. Hurke. Women d.tra-M. i Uug. Kit ANYONE knowing the whereahouta of Davl 1 Ooets pleu.ie notify Edward Oiieti, Rensrelaer lnd. Mother Is dead. When last heard from wus employed In brick yard nnar Omaha. 1 1 1 V Rath, tait g.ow aromatic JLIOOAUL treatment. Mme. Allen, Chicago. KM S. 17th St.. 1st floor. D. 7bt. f A 1 V IVTU 1 treatment. K. Droit, il .UiHITi 1 lVv H inth 2d floor. I). n'2h! roiLTHV AMI TKT STOCK. Screenings. 8l.a6 per )0. VV aitner. K.d N. li SHE naturally Is looKlns; lor a dessert that needs but little prepnration. Tell her of Dalfteli's Ice erosm. If Mrs. H. C. Ysrwood, 3u:B Meredith Ave., will come to The Hee office within three days we will give her an order for a quart brick of this tine Ice cream. REAL KSTATE UlRUKHs' lftKOItMATlO.N. Electrlo gas fixtures. Omaha Silver Co. Ideal Cement Stone Co.. liUi and Cuming. Fucha, Hon & Blind, painting, decorating ROOFING PAINT, building paper, plas ter board. Amer. Sup. Co., lis Nicholas Masonry con.. Jobber. Healy. Web. 1241. CITY I'KOPKRTY FOR SALE. I AM LOOKING! for some one that would buy my house at 808 South 35th Ave., 2Si stories, with full basement and. vegetable cellar; hoi water heat; finished In birch; large sleep lng porch with sash for winter and screens for summer; combination tlxtures and finished attic: paved street; all spe cial taxes paid. Might take In a vacant lot. Phone H. 3824. for particulars. 6-ROOM bungalow, 24x40. full basement, modern. 331 S. Le roy, Benson. Small payment down, balance same as rent. Phone Benson 293. Bargains Farnam ' St. bullulng. 8 story brick offices and store. Forced sale to pay creditor, at much less than value. We can arrange loan for part of purchase price. Corner opposite Manscom park, south and east front, S-room modern house, offer us half what It cost. Investments Brick business and flat properties be longing to nonresident owners. $8,000 to $JS,H0. Get our list. Thomas Brennan Financial correspondent for National and Penn. Mutual Insurance companies. City and farm loans. K. W. Gannett. Mgr. real estate dept. Doug. 12&1. SO6-810 City Nat. Bk. UUlg. Geo. P. Bemis and C. G. Carl berg wishes you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Bemis-Carlberg Co. 310-312 Brandeis Theater Bldg. A SACRIFICE Seven-room modern house at 2808 Webster St., having parlor, living room, dining room, Bleeping room and kitchen on first floor; all except kitchen have quarter-sawed oak floors; two sleeping rouins upstairs; cement porch. On same lot facing esst Is four-room cottage, modern except furnace; corner lot lOOx 75 faet, nicely terraced. Room on cor ner for another house; permanent walks, paved street. AV1U sacrifice for quick sale at $6. 600. VINCENT D. DEKMODY, 1614 City National Bank Bldg. Telephone Douglas 786. A Special Bargain A new home of 7 rooms, modern; hard wood finish; owner has moved to Denver and will sell cheap; houre No. 2447 Plnk ney St.; small amount cash; balanoe monthly, make an offer. Key first door north of residence., Toland & Wiley 448 Hee Rldg. $100 CASH as first payment will buy a nearly netv 6-room modern except heat cottage lo- tflicu at 1 1 .xi imu ni. iiuuvc nas lino lighting fixtures, best of plumbing, lull uV-ft. east front lot, near car and school. Oo out and look at It. then submit your J. W. HASP CO., C-! Brandeis Rldg. Doug. 1053. A-265.T The Right Place fur Your Factory. t noioe irackage Liots Very Cheap Located along Missouri Pacific right-of-way, between Leavenworth and Cen ter Sis. See uie at once. VINCENT I). DEILMODY, 1514 City National Hank Rldg. Telephone liouglas 76. FOR SALE Established real estate. In surance and rental business. Am going Into other business, good reason for sell ing, tiext 10 days, answer lu-R. care Bee, South Omaha. Neb WHAT are holidays without a nice box of the famous canuy made bv D. J O'Brien? If Mrs. Paul McKee, 3311 Irl more Ave., will euniu to The Ret- office within three days we will give her an older lor a 6cent box of O'Urlen s candy. IlKAL ESTATE l-inti i t c it i. fort g a t. r CHEAPER THAN A HOMESTJJAD. 1H0 seres of Improved Colorado land good soli, for $0. small frame housed 40 acres In cultivation, every acre rail be cultivated. Tenty-flve miles east of Colorado Springs. Eleven miles from pelon on the Rock Island. A great bar gain. VINCENT D. DEHMODY. 1511 City National Bank Rldg. Tel, Douglas Ttti, Look over all vour oods nnrl rhnttk By O - decide on what you can do advertise them for sale in The Bee. Re sults assured ItKAI. KSTATK FARM .e Htf ll I.AM FOH I.K Flotilla. FLORIDA, THE LAND OF SUNSHINE. We are urieriug 10, 2v and 4u-acrs tracts and upwards located in Columb.a county near Lake City. Fivrida. 50 milue west nf Jacksonville and only SO miles from St. Augustine. This property Is Intersected by three railroads of national reputation, which furnish the best of services at isasonable rates to all markets uf the United States. The climate 1s ideal. Fins farms are new being worked in our tract with exceptionally good results. Own one of our farms. Investigate our otter. ttmaK isnli paments ami easy terms. Low rates dally. Tickets good until June 1. KOBT. p. DRUESEDOW CO, (Sales Agents) COO Omaha Nat.onal Hank Bldg . Omaha. Neb Oenrgln. GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA .Traversed by t tie ATLANTA, THRMINOHAM & ATLAN TIC RAILROAD. Lands adaptable to the widest range of rrops. All the money crops of the south plentifully produced. For literature treat ing with tills coming cot.ntry, Its soil, climate, church and school advantages, wilts W. II. LEAHY. DEPT. K, (Jeners'i Passenger Agint. ATLANTA OA.. Iowa. THE easiest way la find a buyer for lour farm Is to Insert a small want ad in the Dos Moine Capital. Largest cir culation In tha state of Iowa, 43,Ou0 daily. The Capital is read by and believed In by the standpatters oi lowu, who simply it fuss to permit any other paper in. their homes. Ha lev 1 vent a word a da; $1.'J per Una per month; count fix ordinary words to lh line. Address Des Monies Capital, Dea Mamas, la. 100 ACRES well unproved farm, five miles from Council Rluffa at a sacrifice. M. Bouriclous At Co., Real Estate and lxians, over 330 I'roadwsy. llltiiMla. FOR SALE Chicken ranch, 8Vi acres; plenty of fruit and peaches; good build ings; location tfeiitral Illinois; for par ticulars writs Laurens. Iowa, Routs 1, box 11. Missouri, OZARK. OZARK, OZARK BARGAINS. Timber and grazing lundx, $5 to General farms. $10 to $40, Fruit lands, $25 to $.V). Map and llteraturo free. Box 42!, Omaha. ftrv Mexioo. CLIMATE, HEALTH, ROIL. WATER, crops ard profits sure. Fruit and alfalfa. Government Irrigation. Considering cost snd profits, we offer the best on the mar ket. Come or write. Hartshorn & Co., i-silsbuu. New Mexico. North Dakota. NORTH DAKOTA FARMS FOIl SALE on crop payment plan; no money down. Write for particulars. NORTHERN STATES INVESTMENT COMPANY. 616 Metropolitan Life Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. HEAL KSTATE LOAN'S WANTED City loans and wairania. W. Farnam Smith & Co.. 1320 Farnam St. OMAHA Property and Nebraska Lands. O'K-EEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 101 New Omaha Nat'l bank Building. FARM LOANS near Omaha; no commis sion; options i payments; cheap money. Orln 8. Merrill, lu.1 City Nat I bank uidg. MONEY to loans on business ur resi dence properties, tl.Ouo to lauu.uuo. W. ii. THOMAS. ta First Natl Rank Bldg. v$100 to $10,000 made piomptly. F.. vVead. Wed Rldg.. lkth and Farnam. WANTED City loans. Peters trust Co. LOW RAlKS. 14h.Mla-iAKLi.ii.KU CO-210-112 B.andels Theater i-ldg. (JAUVTN HRf)S koans, touu and up. umatia ilia Nafl Bank LARGS LOANS, municipal bonds, mort gages bought and sold. Xl)LL LHOS. FOH BALK OK l.XCtlANt.F, , BLACKSMITH shop and residence property for sale or trade. S. Arnold, Johnson. Neb, WE offer $4,000, ti,U"0. $10,000. $15,000, $20,000 dry goods, notions, groceries and crockery, In exchange for land. Fremont S. Gibson, Charles City. Iowa. FIRST-CLASS suburban picture show. Address. G 102. Hee. WILL TRADE lot at 85th and Fort Omaha Ave. for horse, wagon and har ness. 'Phone Harney 8703. WILL exchange tor stock of goods. $4.50ii equity In a H-niom modern house in LeMars, la. 11. E. Freeman, Clear Lake, la. . WAXTEl TO BCV td-haml goods. Kleser ItTiJ Center. D. 6M1 WANTED To buy first clsss boarding house In Omaha. H lain, cure Ree. GOOD sewing machine. Singer preferred, Webster 14i) or Douglas Wf ANY connoisseur of confectionery will readily tell you Hint there are no candles which csn outshine O' Hrken's In purity or daintiness. If Mrs. George Rahn, xi N. iwh St.. South Onuiha, will come to The Hee office within three days we will Klve her an order lor a 09-cent box of O'Hrlen s candy. WANTED SITUATIOXl. AN 1 tu-i okiliou So liouseKeeper tif respectable middle-aged lady. Prefer titiine with children. Also experienced as nurse. Address Mrs. Maile Turner, ktn ,:kl delivery Coutirll HHiffs. la. SITUATION wanted by two experienced girls as cook or "second girl. Answer P. O. Hox&-5; bllCAljU.s Wanted-- manager uf general btoie, country to -in; experienced. ) i)'.. Hae. WASHING and curtains done. T. It. 5420 Rt-Hjiv tvi---i i.su uiiU clerical wora svenuia1 anu n.tin.uuMi o lewriur Artdrcs I, i43, Hep. itini-t. yuuna muir., piano p.aer and singer iiun. i'i- -t.oii iri pn'tore shoa. sx-r-la . -.,1 rVnirla U-Vi K 778. Has. POSli'lUN Viaillw- ij -OlllpeU.nl . AU fctenonyai'i'er; lelereii-e aa .0 uUtt.l H all ey M4. MUST HAVE YOUK Young man neids work for buara and room. I'boDS Douglas 42k4. lOtiNu ui-o. ...... ,u,4 as oar tnot . .noil. 8 rii. Bee. W ill i E lady desires steady piac-ks of day worn, neat, conscientious; dues nut d.sappoinimtnt -iit,akeiiiciit. l-tiuin ti. .; U AN'l ED Puailkun by au expert pvt. niun; bookkeeping experience, sibo mi-rit-nce as policy engrosser witli insurance company; best if references; age, ii, n i ' . i . one Dousias 3u22. ilU gus want pus. Hon, either us cook or geneial housework. P. O. Box U!j, OmMia. Neb. YOUNG man wants place to woi k for board while attending school. lioyles culltgn. Dnugls l.4 or lnd. A -MM LADY, ticul and apjbie, wishes light housework or care of a child. Audreys A W2h rare Ree. WANTE1 A position as matchman or secret servicing, good references. G 102i, bit. ITUATIOXS VI Hi i i . SPd e ear. . u.-t. wa ll. t;o. m, seat YOUNG MAN want position working evening: good mechanic. J 1024, Ree. F. 1 ' El tT K N C K 1 Ta u niTreTs" w ("1111 eV pnal -tion or 4 days a week in private family; would do house work also. 4213 S. loth St. W A NTKl l-imu.im a housekecer. ('nil or address lMi N. Kith St. Mrs. F. Miller. VOMAN with child would Hkposliloiit as housekeeper In small family. 'Phono Douglas 034U. TELE I' HON K opeiator wouldllke pl tlon In or out of city. Call Doug. ct4n. WANTEIJ I'osilloii a lady sTeno grapher; with months experience; good reference; will start with $. O 1022. Hee. VV AN IEI 1'oelllon as slealadv with months' experience; will start with $s. O 1022. Ree. AN exporlenced middle aged Inilv wishes position ienoral housework In small fam ily or elderly couple. Address, N 1021, Hee. YUl'NG lady typnet wishes position with reliable house where thero Is chance for advancement; will start on small salary; best of references. 'I'huue Web. MS. . OUNG LADY stenographer wishes a position In office; beet of referen-es. Willing to start at small SHlary. Tel. Webster 7H. HAVE you decided what to get your lady friend for the holidays T There Is nothing that would please her better than a dalntv box of O'Hrlfn'e candy. If Minnie Rirnnrds, 4'121 Grsnd Ave., will come to The Hee office within throe dnys wo will give her an order for a GO-cent box of t) Hrlen s tandy. MVK BTOCK MARKET OK WEST Chip your stock to ituuth Omaha; savs mllesga and shrinkage, your consign inents receive prompt aid careful atten tion. L1K STOCK COMM1SSIOX MLR. CHANTS. Rvers Rros. Co. Stronst and responslbl WOOD h ijlS.. j.A- .xc.iaii,f Hulg. Great West. Com. Co.. iimalia a Denver. W. R. SMITH i SON just handie sheep. W. F. DENNV at CO.. 2j ExcIi. bldg. TAGG KUO lianole eati.e, nogs, sheap. 'clay Kolilnsoii u Co., wu Exch. Rldg. Intersiaie Co. Better -esuitM. Whip to US. CLIFTON Com. Co. -22 Exchange Bidg. KI'RKK-Kli 'KLf CO.." 201 ExoeT U I d g. L. E. ROHIvRTH at CtA. - Eson. id. Cox Jones Com. Co., buncn of husHers. Farmers L t. Com. Co.. iSxcna.iws. Deposit proceeds of shipments In Stock Yards Nat l oank. Only bank at yards Martin Bros. t Co.. 2U--4 Exch. Bldg. OMAHA. THE GRAIX MABKET. Nebraska-lowa Grain Co.. 7M Brandeis. WEEKS GRAIN CO., gi atn merchants, consigiinients solicl'ei.. W3 flrandels. LEGAL NOTICES. b 1 04 ;K HOLDERS' MEETING. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Bee Building company will be held nt the office of said nompany,- Omaha, Nebraska, at 4 o'clock p. m. Tuesday, January 16, 1912, for the election of the board of directors for tha ensuing year, and for the transaction of such other business as may properly com before the meeting. By order of the president N. I'. FL1L, Secretary. D17 oJ 1 j STOCKHOLDERS' MKETINO. Office of LEE-ULASrf-ANDKEESEN HARDWARE COMPANY, Omaha, N braska. December . lull. Notice la hereby given to the stockholders ot Lee-Glees-Andreesen Hardware company that ths annual meeting of the stockholders ot tns company will be held at the offlcwa of said company, corner ot Ninth and Har ney streets. In the city nf Omaha, In th state ot Nebraska, on Tuesday, January t, A. D., 1912 . at J o'clock p. m for ths purpose of electing a board nf directors tor ths company to serve during ths ensu ing year, and to transact such other business as may be presented at sucb meeting. Attest: W. M. Glass. Socia ls ry; 11. J. Le. President. NOTICE. Stockholders Meeting uf The Union Land Company. Notice I hereby given that the annuul maetlng of the stoCKholdeta cf The Union Land Company for tha election of live directors and the transaction of such oilier business as may legally como be fore the meeting, will be held at tha office of the General Solicitor, Union Paclflo Headquurtete Building, lStti and Dodge sireets, Omaha, Nebraska, on Monday, the nth uay of January, 191J, at 10 o'clock A. M. The stock transfer books will be closed 10 days previous to the Hireling Alex. Miller, Hecreiary, New York Clly. N. T., Dec. U. mil. Olid 20 1 HAILWAV TIME CAUL. t.NtUA iiaiiuA iia ami Mason Unloa Paelflc Depart Arrive. San Fran. Overl'd L. .a.4um a.4Qpm China 4k Japan F. M..a 4 06 pm a(:45pin Atlantic Expiesa a 46 am Oiegon Express all 8.1pm a b:U pin Los Angsias Limited. . all:4i pm af:4upm Denver Hpsulal a7:u4am a 7 :1 am Cstltennlai Stale HpS'l.all:! pin lU lttm Colorado Express.. ...a pm a I 40 pin Oregon-Wash. L't'd. ..aUI.su pm a$:JWpm North Platte Local.... a s is am a 4:40 pin Urand Island Local. ..a ft 30 pm aW:Wu btruiusburg Local. . .oL'.41pm b I a piu Ulntii, stea-kl Islaao. .W I'uelllv Ejbl. Rocky Mountain Liu.. a!2 24 am al0;3S pm Clilcago Local Pass. . .1)10. So am blV:10pm Chicago Day Ex pl eas a 46 aw u4:pm Chicago Lxprtss a4:lopm uLlupni Dss Moines Local Psa.a 4.2) pm ali:ll itiii Cliicaku-Neb. Lindtad.n t.va pill ad vOaiil WEST. ChlvFa'J, Lnitd to Lin coln a l;ot am a t.M pro Chi. -Colo. Express. ...a 1:26 Juil u 4.X pm Clil.-Coio. Lxprs a Ha pm a 4.W pin Okl. 4k 'lex. Express.. a O.uu pin all:! aia Uucky vMuumain Lid.al0.4T pm ul2:Ai aiu . isiusa Omaha tt. Louis Ex.,aC:30pm a I 15 am Mail aiul Express a J 'II atu all:li pm bianb y L. lirum c.R.)b t.w pm blu.ls uu Caivago Ac Nariai vecsiera NORliillOUND. Minn. -St Paul Ex. ...a 7:00 am Minn.-Et. Paul L fd..a i.uu pm a s ou am '1 win City fcxprsss ..a.7:wain alu:M pm Hloux City Local a 1:4s pm a 3:2k pai Minn, at Dakota E..a 7.ov pm a la am iwin City Ijunied ...a i pm a 7:su aio Mmucsi'ta Lxpraaa aii.w aia EA6TEOUND. Carroll Loral a 7:0u am a l ie pro Daylight Chicago a 1 4fi am al 4u pm Chicago Local all Ou pu: a l.M pm Colorado-Chicago a t:10 pm a Hi pm Clucaao Special a '" pm a t 4j am Cac. Coaai-cblcag....a e ta pui a .lu Los Angeles I. milled, .a i.W pm all o pu) Ov-'urid Limited a 7:j pm a .1J aiu I arroii Local a 4 so pm lii.w an. rast Moll a I Ju piu a i.u pui cei.ar i.ap.ds. Hloux ti umfciia a 3 ii pre Csnltiiiiial otsis Lim. 12 o am 11. ii pu, VVKST BOUND. Long Pino a l:0 am sil as -m Norfolk-1 'alias ..a I Main aiv.i pt Lor. a pine Lincoln. ...a I 15 pm a t 2v p n Hartlngs-Surlor ... b Mi pm a ( Jo piu ii ad wood-Hot bp'gii.a lij pm a l:J0 pm lai-per-Lender a k.ke pm all So yra I I eiuuiil'Aiblua b 6. jo piu b Lw pm WAXTE1 1 " ' W without and HAM. WAY TIME CAH1. t bli-aao, .tuinaafc. -X t. I'aal Overlaid .Limited .. I'erty Local Colorado Express .. Cetoraoo Special .. Perry Local t blcasu Grew! Hi Chicago Limited.... lain City Limited... Twin City Kipiesa., Chicago F 1 press Local Passenger .a 1 60 um : ....a ( M am 11 im ..a l:nn pm a Jj 1 ,...a 7:42 am mi 1 ,...b $.li pm 12:0. 1 lern ..a pm ..a ..i: pm a ; ...a :- am a S: a 141 j ..a $.i rm .. Illinois rralral Chicago Express Chicago Limited ..a 7:00 am ..a t uo -iii Mlssoarl raelf K. & a a U Kx.. h- C 4k at, U Kx.. .a : am a T: .ait.tk psi a k-s 1 flarllRgtetsi gtatl-n, Teafh & Masoa Uarllng toa Depart fvnrer California, .a 4:10 ptn Paget Sound Kx press .a i.10 pm Nebraska puluta a (: sjki R ack Hills at 4 .10 pm Lincoln Mall u 1J9 ptn Northwi-at Expreaa... .all :u pi Nebraska points a b.M am Nebraska Kxprrs.....a .l am IJncoln Ixicai fechuyier-l-latumouth b 1.0$ pm Lincoln Local Plaitamouth-iowa a :lx nm Itellevut-PLattsnioutli aU; pm t incaxo Special a 7.1$ am Leorer Special aU.li pm Chicago alxpresa .a 4.X) pm Chle. i- ast lxpreae a t .n) pui Iowa 1-ocal a :lu am Creston tla.) Iooal....b l: pm he Louis Express a 4:41 pm K. C. A St. Joseph. ...al:tu pin K. C. tit. Joseph. ...a .L am k. c s ii Josepn....a 4.ju piu jtrrt ill. pm a J.C pm u 10 pat a :4i pm all:Ui ptn a 1 :isi am a li.ls pm a :10 pm a n ot am bio : am b :i mi a s:M am a 1:40 pm all 16 pm a 1:00 pin till pn a k s am alu:.W a. 11 uio.ki aa all 40 aui a f.ii am a .lo pui Webstjr Dtatloa .l.lta nntl Webster, Missouri Paclflo Depart. Arm Auburn Local b M inn tlliiam t'hteaso, Nt. I'aal, BtlnneaBolls .t Osiaks- Pepsrt Arrlv Floux City Express. ...i, 2.2. pm b!2:tn pro Omaha ixwsl a s:26 am o 6:2 pm Bloux City Pass b 25 pra Twin City Pasa b 1:45 am Emerson Local b pm b a. 10 am lb) dally except Sunday, tcj uilday only. ia dal.y. ATTRACTlONg IX OMAHA. Asnsr leant "The Oirl aad hs Jadgo." Boydt "Aa Toa I. Ik a It" (mattaos) and "Othsllo" (alght). Braadslst "lohool Dart." Qayetyi Barlasqao. Krogt Barleaqao. Orphsam VandeTllU. Matlneo at all these sosaoa today. Mr. Maatrll a the lloyd. Mr. Mantell and company In "Richard HI," a drama by William Shakespeare tCnlly Clhher version I. 111 six Hi'tr and eleven scenes. The cast : Duke of Gloster Mr. Mantell An ofrlcer Mr. Frederick Diiytoil Sir William Catesby Mr. L'Estrange Mrtlnmn Sir Richard Ratcllffe Mr. Casson Ferguson "Sir" James TyrreL..Mr. Esrl Yeoditker Karl of Oxford Mr. Et?'li Foo Sir Jumps HI. unit Mr. K Oiirvts A cnptaln of the guards. .. Mr. Cyril Tla pa Eurl nf Richmond, afterward King Henry VII Mr. Frltx Lelber Duke of Norfolk Mr. Charles Keeno Iudy Anne, widow of Edward of Wales Miss Keith Wakrtnan Sir Robert Hrackenbury, lieutenant at the Tower.... Mr. Casaon Ferguson Lord Stanley, carl of Dertav Mr. Alfred HaslliiRs King Henry VI Mr. John Crawley Tressel Mr. John Hurke Duke of Riicklnghsm...Mr. Ouy Llndsley Princn f Wales. .Miss Genevieve Hamper Lord mayor ot lnulon Mr. W. II. Nlemeycr Duchess of York, mother of Edward IV and Gloster Miss Genevieve Reynolds Elizabeth, widow of Edwnrd IV Miss Agnes Elliott Scott Mr. Robert Bruce Mantell has come to Omaha again, this time to execute a self imposed task which even his mighty namesake might have looked upon with trembling and misgivings. For Mr. Man tell proposes to enact six different ploys within the epaee of four days, having two afternoon performances; five of these plays are Hhakesperean, the Sixth the near-classic "Richelieu." In the course of his undertaking Mr. Mantell will range In assumption of character from the ro bust, athletic youngster, Orlando, to tha senile and doddering Iar; from the un scrupulously bold and cruel warrior-king, Richard IH, to the philosophical student, Hamlet; and trim the honest and Im petuous martinet, Othello, td tho irafty statesman, Richelieu. If swrlnua tlientrl ral endeavor anywhere presents a wider range than thiH. It does not at this mo ment occur to mind. Mr. Mantell Is at least Immune from the sccttsatlon that the la a dress parade actor. Mr. Mantell began his work Inst night at the Hoyd theater by presenting "Rich ard HI" In Impressive fashion. H! uses tha Colly c'tbber version, long ago made ss familiar to patrons of the theater as .Shakespeare's version' Is to the student. It Is much more useful to Mr. Mantell thin somo of the other roles he under take, as It offers hlin scope for tho qualities of acting with which he is most blessed. He keeps rloso to the conven tional notion of Richard, but does It so wel that It seems like a creation. If anything, he emphasises tho cruelly of the character at tho expense nf Its sub tlety; for It musl be recalled that Rich ard was really tho ytatpsman and poli tician as well as the warrior of 4he York ist branch of the house of Plantagenet, and his craft was equal to his couruKO or his cruelty, Hut Mantell seems to revel In the sardonic humor of the role and throws It Into high relief at all times. Ills scene with King Henry, hl wooing of Anne, his rosenlng of his mother and slHter-ln-law, and his hypocrisy with the lord mayor and rltlxeni are well done, and In his dream llm night before Hos worth lis Is very effective. In a word, Mantell la good, but not great, as Rich ard III. Mr. Crawley Is really Impressive as Henry VI and Mr. Llndxlry makes Rock ingham much what It ought to be; Mr. Lleher gives a popular notion of young Richmond, and Miss Wakeman, M'S Hey. nolds and Miss Scott are well cuhi for tie roles Ihey rarry. In general. Mr. Mantell has excellent support and his stags direction Is ice lent. )n niig'it wish, however, that Richard's army looked lefs like FalMaff .1, and to add the l.opc that tome day a hunuer will urho allwSra lit A UNDERWOOD'S ILLNESS DUE ONLY TO A SEVERE COLD WASIIINGTiiN. .Inn. 1. - The condition of ItrpreiM'ntatlve I tidrtHooil of Alnbaina, who yrstvrilay tkn III Willi Indi cation of npprniltrltl, tva much Ini provrd t.wlny and he announced that he expected lo be able to retime hi duties n chairman of the house committee on ways, snd means at the beginning of busi ness Tuesday. It Is said now that his In disposition was duo to n severe cold. GRAND CRUISE TO THE ORIENT It? the tsost palatial rralilDg iMmr ifl.xt S.S. "VICTORIA LUISr (16.500 Tonal Bslllng fmm New York JANUARY SO, 1JU 1". rtm ... IMHtTl rt !,, ! l N, tlis Ht lll lKIII. CMCtX simI ike trtlK.r. 0t 92.1 Sid lilissrn. 'Pie "VlCl.iltl LI ISM'' la rnnl'it fllk erirj luinlers feainrs. sniTlilitui errj Itikurv anil ceDifort on hxit crulaes. ilea fYwtsas fs TTf lnttrj. AW Xmerlrs, areas l K01IJ. Hals sss nrr', sir Send for Illustrates Booklet. nAHBURG-AMERICAN LINE, IjU W. Randolph St., Chicago, or local agt. T The West Indies The American Kiricri The Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. Especially attractive tour ot JAMAICA CUBA PANAMA CANAL BARBADOS TRINIDAD VENEZUELA For Particulars Write to Hunlrnon A Hon, ()n. Agents, 1 No. Iji Halle Nt., C Mltsiro, .Or Any 8toamshlp Agency. with tho courage to lop off the Bosworlh Field episode. Richard could well be dis posed of anil Richmond's triumph as sured without tho expedient of a "00m bat" that la so patently no combat at all. Or. aa an alternative, let ua return to tbe robustious days of Forrest or JTom Keeno, whose Richmond had to fight or b driven Inglorlously from tho scene. Thla afternoon "Aa Yon Like It." with MUa Wakeman In tho role of Rosalind, Mr. Mantell as Orlando and Mr. IJchor Q Jacques, is to bo tha bill, and It ought to 'be a real delight. Mien Wakeman should make a charming Rosalind. To night "Othello" will he presented, with Mr. Mantell as tha Moor. Mr. Lleher aa lago and Miss Wakeman a Desdemona. "School Dnys" at the llrandels. "School Dnys," a mimical play In three arts by tins Edwards; under direction of Htulr At Havlln. The prlnctpuls: Riff Dugan, from the East Side Hobble Wagner Carl Dashund, brought up tinder the burrau Joseph Marks Metier Pear, very sweet. .Lllllnn Luvone I ma 1'inon, she stutters Edna Evans Vera Nutty, very nutty Elmyra Evans Llsxin Brown, she lisp Viola Evans Johnny Huston Beana Party, literary diet William Newklrk Jimmy ltarrv IJvlngston Tlmmy ja,k Fcrlman (The Hold Up Twins.) Irfitta Gold, very rich Utura 1-alrd Tommy Tatlres, tattern and torn Hilly H. Newton Tony the flower vender Milton Felber I ma Hong Marlon Iaivone Ura HKK Addle Gllant Sassy Utile, very sassy... .Grace Chllders Nonnle, anonymous Maud Campbell Ixay Ievy, greenhorn Just over Herman Tlinberg Captain Btnghum, one of the finest.... William Llewellyn Miss Take, our beautiful teacher Alma Hill There la some Ineffable charm abuut the scenes depicted In "School Days," which opened yesterday for a week's run at the Hrandels, that makes It mellow Into a belter and better show as It romea bai k season after season. Young, likeable Herman Tunherg Is still with "School Days," and still retains his violin, from which Im draws soma ot the sweetest tones thiit one could wish to hear. Mr. Tlmberg Is surrounded with a pfHtty, shapely and youthful bunch uf girls, who dance agilely and pleasingly. Mr. Tim ber)? himself Is mom certain in his Im personation of tint young Russian Jew, who has Just lunded In this country. Two large audiences were present far tha opening performance yrsterduy. Though Hie matinee crowd was forced to awnlt the arrlvul ot a delayed train beurlug the troup and wait two hours It was patient and seemed to enjoy the show mure bourne of this long wait. . Present at the afternoon performance were many children, and Ihey were en IhiiHlastlo for everything that the school characters on the stage did. Indeed, "School Days" Is a show primarily for youngsters, and If there are any Omaba lioys and girls whose parents desire lo brlbo them Into being good for a while, hero Is a suggestion: Let them see Her man Timber- atnl hlH workers. There are full two nnd a half hours of refined enjoyment for youngsters and Just the samo amount for grownups. Several new songs have been added to the musical numbers of the play. Among these Is "That Ra-Hoon Baby lance," a late musical effort that Is all the rage In the American Music Hall in Chicago Just now. As rendered by Miss Alma Hill this number I one ot the best raggy. dancing sungs that has been hcurd In Omaha this season. Miss Laura Liilrd, who played tho part of Lotta Gold, t 11 n Omaha girl. She Is pretty and was very successful In her acting of the rich young girl. 'I lie t.lrl and the Judge" at tho A merlcan. Hoyd Nolan, new leading man for Miss Eva Lung, star of the Woodward Slock company at the American theater, mads his Omaha dehut yesterday afternoon, the play, Clyde Fitch's "Tho Girl and the Judge." To eay thut Mr. Nolan was favorably received yesterday afternoon nnd evening would lie putting it mildly. Tho receptions upon his first sppearanrcs wi-ra properly cordial, but not sufficiently pin v J J pra S.. " rr m l If Kssk so In make their sincerity quest lonahlc. As th.. pisv progressed and Mr Nolan proved h; worthiness of the place given him the so. Hence clearly showed their approval and their endorsement ot Man ager Woodw-iird selection. Mr. Nolan Is a young man. but from his manner on I ho sfagn one may feel snfe In ssylng he Is a :nsn of long nnd large experience. While Amerlcnn theater patron who re gretted Austin Webb's leaving the Omaha Woodward romimny must continue to regret-Mr. Webb having won a permanent place In their appreciation they also must he gratified that his place Is taken by an actor of real merit. "The Girl nnd the Judgis" I. tho story of a Judge of the probate court In a western clly, whi falls In love with a git I who Its a drnnknrd for n father and a kleptomaniac for a mother. Mrs. Stan ton steals u valuable piece of Jewelry from 1hn Judge' mother and pawn It. Mr. nnd Mrs. Stnntnn. who have sorn ratcd, realise that a scandal would niln tho life of their daughter and they nobly eliminate themselves. The Judge and hi mother are big enough to understand and sympathise with Mr. and Mrs. Stanton, nnd the Judge ninrrle tho girl after ho Im. raved her parents from tho thrcnt ened disgrace. The pluy Is one whose supporting roles demand good acting and tho membera of the company are equal to tho demands. Mis Virginia Terry, ns tho Judge's mother, makes up well and acts well. She makes a thoroughly rlinrmliig, bright old lady. Miss HrcniU Fowler as Mrs. Stanton vividly portrays the struggle of a woman who stiffer from uncontrollable, evil Impulse and loses. Her sceno where she grows wild with fear of tho police I rlrhly done. Hnrry Kenneth get many Inughs with his Mr. Ikensleln. tlio pawn broker, and Miss Hlanrhe Moulton is a scream as Mrs. Brown, the boarding house landlady who has seen belter days. . . Walton Pyre as Brow n, the Judge's see- retary. should be commended for making . the most of a part that affords but one , opportunity for good acting. Miss Lang acts the purt or the girt with the sweetness and charm for which she , la so beloved In Omaha. Yniirfevltl,- at this Orpkrsm. Nat Wilts, "The Happy Tramp." Is the chief offering at the Orpheum thl week.,, Wills appears on ths alace In hobo cos- -lump, and la chork full and running over . ', w-lth humorous songs. Joke and funny ac- ,r lions. II kept the audience yesterday In continuous lnunhter. A unique exhibition of axnianship i given by Harry Jackson nnd Peter Mc.'" Lnrrn, the Australian woodclioppers. The ' stage settings are an exact reproduction of the Australian forests and make the erect ators feel as though they are aetu- ' ally In tar Australia watching tha chop- per hewing down the gigantic trees. " Their ax throwing contest was one of tho exciting ftatures of the act. The log chopping contest wss won by Jackson, who succeeded In cutting a log sixty ( Inches In circumference In two In two j minutes and forty seconds. McLaren came In a close second, chopping through tha log In two minutes and forty-five sec onds. 1-a Tllcomb, the "Ringer on Horseback." was one of tho striking noveltiea of tha bill. Her act. consisted of five parts, In troducing song, serpentina dances and high school riding. Ileltuj a beautiful woman and handsomely attired, she makes a very fascinating picture as aha sits on the back of her milk whlto horan. "Applet Blossoms," a little play given by W. R, Puttou and company. Is very good, being full of humoroua and sym pathetic situations. McDevltt. Kelly and Lucey In the "Piano Movers," was well received. Tho act was a complicated mas" of comical situations. An act consisting of songs, dances and comedy Is given by . ' John W. World and Mlndel Kengston. An excellent exhibition of slack wire work, a good sharo of which Is dono on a bicycle, Is given by the Colo de Loose Irlo. Ilnrtesqoe at tho tiayety. Ben Welch and Lew verily sent every one of a crowded audience at the Oayety last night forth on an advertising mission each to proclaim that A Hot Town" and "A Night In Chinatown" ara two of the best burks.pie offetinga of tha soas 111. And Ben Welch Is ono good comedian. On the stage he's a natural fun producer, a high class comedian and a dramatlu , actor, with au eve always on the llttla ridiculous, mirth provoking turn. In ths;-'0' way of "characters" In llaacall hut"' produced a new one In Prof. Fnll-of-llops -1- Lew Kelly carries It through without llm'7; slightest suggestion ot a grin, ulthougii half his lines wero drowned In the laugh' ' ' ter of his audience. , . Hack nf Ben Welch In Ills specialties"",-' and Lew Kelly Is a chorus of capablo"' girls, who receive not nearly so tnucli credit because Welch and Kelly win such "" favor from the start that each appear ance of either of them Is hailed Willi . huge delight. This offering Is a good one, clean, high -! eluss and worthy an aUillcnco every per-"" forntaiwe aa largo as saw the opcrliu. r It Is cleverly conceived and even more cleverly produced. Tho fact that tho 't audience was unanimous In Insisting that1" the troupe enter'uln tho old year on IU " exit and the new year's entrance was.'.'', sufficient proof of the approval of the---' audience. Rarlesqae nt the Krust. It is not the duty of uny ono to like - any show, but two large auoUwacit were highly pleased with the New Year offer-,"" lng at tho Knig yesterday. "The DucU- " lings'' Is one of the highest cluss prodttc- "" tlons of the Empire elrcult. It has pretty glrfs, clean lines and many songs, which ' are well rendered In every Inatance. It " Is a duneing show, wiih a largo number 1? of special musical numbers In which tl:'--chorus ia called upon 10 kick nnd praties - aa bii'Uiua audiences like to have - choristers kick and prance. Char!o;i H. Boyle Is leading fiinuial;i-r with "The Ducklings." As a tramp Im- 1J pcrsonator ho lias few equals In burlesque ' and those who have witnessed the triim; -Impersonations by Nat Wills will bj ftreutly reminded of this actor by Mr. Boyle, who has achieved the place where he is neither vulgar nor course In makin f bis tramp character funny. Few who attended the porformances y-sterday failed to appreciate the ability displayed by the Krug actor. Two long acts form the main part uf the show, one being "Two Janitors," a roarlngly funny affair, In which two', Janitors get Into some strange, situationc, and "Tho High Life Girls at Bculali flench," a seaside novelty with pretty ' bathing girls und Borne beautiful sea- -shore pictures. Margie Bennett and lu-r six I.'aitle Hocks, six pretty girls, made way with a strong hand in a dancing and singing act of the oliu. Beatrice Marlowe, with her"; "Have a Kmlle" sketch, was a pleasing " feature. Young brothers, who are gru-" tesque acrobats, performed ssveral new""' stunts, which were good for much up-" plause. "College Rag and Foot Hall Gams'' a ,' a song that proved sjinethlnj new In the ' line ot rags. It gavu the chorus a chanca to daucv fciaoifully unj delight toe aid4- lice, . ,