V rilH P.KE: OMAHA, Tt'KSDAV. .1ANTAKV 'J. 1!MJ. From Broadway, New York, Factories, Consisting of Wen's, Ladies' and V""UIC" viuniuiK, nuie, rurnisninRS. &nOGS and Kubberi. W Me P nrnri TT A T Tl n Tr ' ,)JlIVr. f I I I II ...... ... .11 I I . I f " tiL'-': -V"- T ....mi. riri-irlrl n i loi.a.u.i - n i 1 1- - .. (7 ... . I? - ' -w. m w jm. m. m JLA BMP' VJ1lftAV4J. y tALil X JLFjA, A 4- C-aT r "Q; mi j. tar-n n o . M 7 u!'jgL.,v1 latise you to Supply Yourself and Family for Years to Come. Read Every Item Carefully. Miarp Women's. Misses' and Children's Department tl.at tho styles for 6,,rlnK wi ; :,v .1 1 '1" - . . .rf. rowl h opcy. -L as those) now in vostup. w i.n..pi. ti,J B I :.:':,. ". ii navo tMtiier Skinner Gray Worsted Suits for a son and you .nav ha v I 7 f" S,Z18' ,aKe vour lhoi' -S23. cf these real $10.00 values at S S 1 .-Y . V . c aracul coats t'iliinl.llill.v ivimiiluu ito - i.nnes mm .Misses solid coots anil face Realizing same and otaolce In this Hankrupt Sale Group, we have novelty mixtures, fancy broadcloths, serges and cheviots beautifully tailored gar ments, in all sizes and all the latest styles, at your choice for S3.DS fpSO.OO LADIKK AND .MISSKS SUTS, $7.08. ladies' and Misses' Suits, made up In the latest and most up-tc-date models, big $30.00 values, at vour choke T fpfl IO.OO liADIKS' AXI MISSKS' SI ITS, $!MH. Some strictly tailored, some richly trimmed. The range of materinls includes Just about every cloth and color now lu fashion's favor. Basket weaves, homespuns and various lm poried novelty suitings in all the correct Bhades, all go at your choice SO. 08 $10.00 IjA Dl US' AND MISSKS' COATS, $2.08. Good looking models of cheviots and mixtures, some lined throughout with flannel jaunty boyish looking styles, some with large sailor collars, all sizes, your choice, S2.08 SiiO.OO AXI JM5.00 LADIKS AXl) MISSKS' COATS, ."M.OH. A pickup purchase bought at just half the price we would have had to pay if they were secured earlier in the season. Reversible models, semi-fitting and Polo styles; large con trasting colors; your choice at $-4.08 $30.00 AM) $25.00 LADIKS' AXl) MISSKS' COATS, $0.08. Double faced coatings, color combinations equal to the most expensive, large sleeves, wide cuffs and rolling shawl and cape collars, that ought to create a big demand for these garments, at $6.08 $5.00 Ladies' Capes Hoe $2.00 Auto Scarfs, Imported styleB 75 $10.00 and $15.00 Ladies' Hats, trimmed or shapes, all go at your choice $1.30 $15.00, $20.00 and $15.00 Ladles' and Misses' Silk, Serge 'and Voile and Satin Dresses, take your choice $4.08 Ladies' Fur Caps, values ranging from $2.60 to $10.00 all go at your choice $1.48 $20.00 and $15.00 Ladies' Caracul Coats $708 $2.50 Black and Drown Skirts in Ladles' and Misses' sizes, at 08tf lon- Satiu 08 08 l!l i V t II fu oKiris. .-imi gRie price at ow $7.50 Skirts, including Voiles, l'a u a mat' 'Bnd ' 'imported Worsteds; your choice w $10.00 Skirts for Ladles' and Misses', your'ch'o'ice! ."sa')S Children's all wool CoaU, iu plain woolens and Teddvs va'lues up to $j.00; your choice at $7.50 Mioses' Coats t. . .v 5'hn $15.00 and $10.00 Misses' and Children's" Coats,' "iMuVhe? Caraculs and Broadcloths; all go at vour choice. . . w 75c Ladies' Muslin Large lloomy Drawers, EmbroldeVed. at JIf $1.00 Ladies' Flannel Dressing Sacks, Kuiplre and German siyie3 at $10.00 All Silk Waists, the greatest of all bargains, R1 m $1.00 Corset Covers, all go at 7.,iiJ? $1.00 Children's All Wool Sweater Coats at 50c Ladies' Head Shawls at ."H 60o Children's Stocking Caps at 50c Ladies' and Misses' All Wool Gloves at Men's, Young Men's and Boys' Department 1!0 15 80 4 .c $2.00 Ladles' Crepe and Flannel Kimonos, all styles at 25c Ladles' Ribbed Vests, in various colors, at Jjf 60c Children's Romper Suits, all sizes, at 15! 10c Black or Tan, Heavy Ribbed, Ladies and Children's nose, at $1.00 Ladies' Tan or Black, Silk Hose, at 50c Ladles' Back Combs, Tazanes and Renos, at. , $5.00 Plumes, In BRSorted colors, your choice at. $2.50 Child's Sets Furs, at $1.50 Children's Hoods at 50c I. a lies' Jabots, lace collars and ties. 3 30 5c 080 08 srr 100 i.'C Mens Black S.iteen Shirts at 1 5c Men's Fleece Bibbed I' luierw ear at 50c Men's Fleece Lined 1'nderwear at $1.50 Men's All Wool Sluris at $2.00 Men's Heavy Bibbed Cnlon .suits at 76c Boys' Sweater Co:its at , , , 50c Men s Work Shirts at $2.50 Men s All Wool Shirts at. . 2oc Mechanics Aprons at $2.00 Men's All Wool I nderear at ' .till, t - I. . . . !'. ivmcKeroocKor Milts, sizes ;! to 17. come enrlv and take your choice at.... m j) $:!.00 Men's Corduroy Trousers, "Wear Proof " 'iti and, tt .w $5.00 Men's Corduroy Trousers at $" 1 $.'..00 ISoys' Overcoats, kLch 2 to 10. your choice at jftT'li $7.00 Men's and Young Men's All Wool Blue Serge Trousers, all the latest models, your choice at ftJ $5.00 Men's All Wool. Fancy Mixtures. Ti $1.00 Boys' Knickerbocker Pants ut 'l .'tlt ii.iiip noys ji'Us. all colors and si.-es. at $1.00 Men's and Boys' Fur Lined Hat Caps at!...!!! $7.50 All Leather Suit Cases. - leather or Hn..'i choice at 31c , your 60c Ladies' Corset Covers, trimmed with lace or embroidery, ai jjauirn HI. 10. vv m uibib, KrenieFi or aii values, ai. . . . $1.00 Slip-ons for Ladies and MisseB at. 85c GownB for Ladles and Misses at roc 30 .... 'tKJ, $3.00 Ladies Wool Sweater Coats at...' u!k $1.50 Ladles' Black Sateen and Mohair Shirts, open front anl back, at . .3 . ..uiiv- Cl I S I I $12.50 and $10.00 Cow Hide, leather Ballast, Extension Suit Cases, at $10.00 Men's Suits, every men's suit In the house 'that 'sold up to $10.00. your choice at o u $15.00 and $12.50 Men's Suits, including blue BcrgeiT'aiid fancy mixtures, will go at i ou $35.00, $;!0.00 and $2 5.00 Men's Suits, made by the' 'leading clothing manufactures In New York, your choice at the un heard of low price jgjj jjg 12r 10 . . .BSO . . . .80 .91.84 85c Ladles' Corset Covers at 50c Lad es' Union Suits at... 7.ri Iui1Iph' Colored TuMored Wulwt.H at... i!5o Clillilren'b All Wool MlttPim lit 15.00 I.Kllli-M' All Woi.l N ..(... I.,u. ... $2.0(1 LiuIIph' Hii.l MIssoh' Kancy Sti lpe.l cjuspflt' ivtii.'oatN n'l 680 Rile IhiIIph' All W011I, KIIk.w I.oiikUi OIovph. . ?o $2.00 lletitlicrlilonm Pett li'tuttH at 74I, $2.00 I.aili.'!'' Klnmiel I'ott li'im (s at !. ill V, ? ,,'a,11l",' w'1,to M"Mi"- Kinl.rolilery .TrlminP.Vi'clilVoaVs nt'4Bo $.1.00 IjuiIIpm Uounp 1 )rpHsm at.... ZXl $5.00 India Silk lVltlrimt at. .9184 $25.00 Plush Lined, out. at . Black fchell Fur Collar and Facing Over- Si 2.4 S $:to Calf Skin, Fur Lined and Fur Collar Overcoat, $l.l.t)8 $50.00 Fur Lined Overcoats at $iJ4!)8 $ I 5.O0 Men a Overcoats, all the latest models, choice, ,5.!l8 $20.00 Men s Overcoats, will go at, your choice. .. .$7418 $30.00 and $20.00 Men's Overcoats, will go at, choice, $9.yy l'ltl'.K ! 1 HKI". ! With Every Man's Suit we will glvo FREE a $2.00 Hat. With Every Boys' Suit we will give FREE a $1.00 Hat. 25c Boston Garteis at 1 0 50c Emblem Button and Pins, representing every secret so ciety In America, at. 5c $1.00 values. Men's White Stiff Bossom Shirts, open front and back, at Sof $5.00 John B. Stetson Hats at $12.48 $.1.00 Men's All Wool Sweater Coats at 75 $1.00 Men's Dress Shirts, inculudlng white pleated bosoms, t :m $1.50 Alarm Clocks, guaranteed one year two minute alarm, ..Wit 17o ." -7 lOr 150 17c ...54 irc 15c at 50c Men's Tech and Valour All Silk Ties at. 15c Men's Black Sateen Oversleeves at.... 10c. Hoys' Cotton Flannel Mittens at., 25c Men's Dress Hose at , 25c Men's Half Wool Hose at Il.'c Men's Dress Wool and Cassltnere Hoso at 50c Men's Dress and Work All Wool Hose at 25c Boys' Suspenders at 60e Men's Dress Suspenders at , 60c Men's and Children's Knitted Wool Mufflers at., $2.00 Men's Dress Coat Shirts at JSJ) 50c Men's All Wool Gloves at l"i 60c Men's All Silk Four-ln-hand Ties at 2 5c Men's Four-ln-hand Ties at 25c Rubber Collars in all styles, at $4.00 Goodyear Welt Shoes, In many styles and leathers, at $1.00 $1.00 Women's and Children's Rubbers at 25r $2.60 Men's, Women's and Children's Overshoes at....ft" $1.60 Men'B Felt Boots at 50r $2.50 Ladles' Dress Shtes at ' !)8c Other Styles in Rubbers, Overshoes, Gaiters and Leggins will be Bold at Remarkably Low Prices. KieBse oear in minu mat 1MB 'A1K Is located at UliM121-112:i Farnam Htreei. Look for the large FairKicn" extenllnir Hcrouu tlm kilMrib . ... .1 . ; -r- -. ; r- : Oiat THE FAJlt Is the greatest Bargain House West of Chicago. COME EARLY WEDNESDAY MOHXIXC1 AXl) in'coXVIXtT:D THAT TIH I ,'?Bm "M"1"- ' B" ",know "erjlH.dy r. -j-. . ... l , 1 oi.u i,uni.m inuri B.iiiii I'.V i.li llf ! ritl' II TIIK OMAHA PI'llI.ln Visit Our . Ladies' Fur Department, Oydng at Slaughter Prices. Everything, h ' i 1. Southeast Corner ,12th and Farnam Look for the Large 5 - FAIR'' Sign ,aam1-'mamammawmm HvwiN-w--i-ni-Hn-a"Miipi iiMiiai imua muiui-i'ii r . . Mrm-- - -- - - - - --.--- - 1. ....i 1.. iiiiph cj'lT Visit Our IjmIIch' Fur Department, olnn at Slmigliter lrlces. Kvei-j thing Southeast Corner 12th and Farnam Look for the Large "FAIR" Sign STATEMENT OF TREASURER . . v . State'. Cash. Balance Reduced Sev enty Ibousand Dollars in Year. PERMAJIENT INVESTMENTS GROW l.arffp Amount of Oatatandlns; War. ranta Partly Dne to Fact that I. act I.efflalatnre Spent . Ilecord Sum. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. 1. (Special.) When 6tat Treasurer George closed his bcoks Saturday, afternoon for the year 1911, he . . . . 1 . a m-fu t". f r j . . i . jiaa a casn uumiice 01 ov,ii.ot ukuuibi a balance of Jrtb5,71t.25, when he assumed office January 0, 1911. One year ago the state's permanent Investments are 9. 029.438.S9. The at ate board tics invested money in the permanent fund at present up to the limit, aed In fact so closely that the treasurer haa been unable to care for registered atate warrants as la usually the case at the close of the year. The re ceipts from settlements with, county treasurers, however, are-coming in now and the outstanding warrants will all be taken care of and in addition those issued In the course of current business. There are now outstanding 150,000 of general fund warrants. One reason for the large amount of outstanding warrants is the fact that the last legislature appropriated more money by I1.000.0ij0 than any of its predecessors, and more than the revenues of the state tan provide for until the receipts from the new levy are available, which was made larger to care for the increased ex penses, following is the statement of the treasurer: Pal. Nov. Hal. Dec. General ' Tfiiipmary bc-lwHil Temp, university Jlo.sp. for insane 1'erm. school I'tnu. univursity Agr. college endnw't.. Normal endowment.... Normai inteiest J'eru normal library... State library 'fcUate aid bridge Agr. and lltch. arts.... 1'. S. Kxp. station 1 niversity cash Kearnsy Nor. library. I'hadron Nr. library.. l'orest reserve Institution cash 1 'Diversity lncuino lire commission Wayne Nor. library.... , mil. 3o. lull. I 2H'J.9) J;, 171. 47 J52.:ibi.rji ir,3.'3.ri! 2,U& 4i lti,3lU.X9 6it.5 ru.tj 43,(1.. IW 71.715.71 M.45 13.3ta.43 2.VI1.10 33,3!5.! K.7.17 1.05.17 437. l.ba.41 2.5V.!. 1 n'.u.'il 1,150 .at 217. 71! oi'.Hx ti.Lir-o.rtu 38.075 W 27.UiU.iiv li.HC.iWi 1.2'iO.lu "tl.'il.J'J 6S.l.i5 l.'v.'.lk'i 1.7.M.17 l'...4't 1,(10.40 2J).:0 !W.!.2.' s.iui.t;t J7.nv,.aa UtiM.li. 4 4i7.00 S,7:v0.: 3.74." . 17 1.3J7.0U l.-U.lu Totaa tisy.t00.10 0,77G.M 4-ash on hand t 2.C22.3! Cash on deposit 527. .la 3030.770. 01 Tltl.'ST l'l Nl'3 INVKrfTEU. Perm, achoul t-i, j....1ii'i.'j Jferm. university.... '"U.4-i.0'l A. C. E 4.-...1..7.U Normal endowm'l.. 77.10J.,i-'lJ,02;,llS.&9 lionds on limid 3.i.8-i.474.7u fni. war. on hand. M.A. 1 j-Js.O-. tis.to btaleuienl of biiuK balances, icLciiiOtr P 1M11: Aliisworib. fitixeiis Slate Alblun, l Itlzeim Male 2,i'.ti4 Albion, First Nul.unal i,W).ii) Alllane, First National 2.CVOI AUIanie. AMiaine Nhiihi.uI a.onVin A I tuna, rarinns htate 2. '. j Aliselmo. Aiiseiuin !-iaie .'.(nni.uu iule'. Fust National i.U'OO'i AiapatlOe, 'itiz!lM Slate J.IMi.iil ivdla, CumuiiTiiul !rlai Z.'f .'H Ashland, National Hank of 1 000 00 Aurora, Fidelity National 2.000.00 Auburn, German-American 2 0u0 00 Battle Creek, Battle Creek Valley llooo.OO Bayard, First National l.OuooO Bazile Mills, First National 1.500.00 Beatrice, Uerman National 1 000 00 Beatrice, Beatrice State 1,000.00 Beatrice, Union 'State 1,000.00 Beemer, Beemer State looo.0i) Bertrand, First National 200 00 Benson, Farmers & Merchants... 1 ,000 00 Berwyn. Berwyn State l.OuO'OO Blair, .Citizens State 1,000 00 Blue Hill, First National 1,000.00 Blooniington, Blooming State 1,000.00 Bostwlck, Bostwlck Slate I.OOOOO Broken How, Custer Nutional 6 000 00 Broken Bow, Security State (t.OoOOO Brayton, Urayton State 1.5O0.00 Bui-well, Farmers 1 ,000.00 Cambridge, Cambridge State l.Oon.OO Callaway, Farmers State 1,000 00 Callaway, Callaway State 2,000 00 Campbell, First National I.DhO.U) Cedar Rapids, S. S liadley Co... l.MJO.OO Cedar Rapids, First National.... 1 ,000.00 Central City, Cen. City Nat'l I.OIKVOO Chappell, First National 1.000.00 Clarkaon, Farmers State I.OOOOO Comstock, Farmers & Merchants 2,000.00 Comstock. Citizens State 2.000.00 Cozad, Cozad State 2.000.00 Cornlea, Cornlea State.., 2,000.00 Columbus, Columbus State 2,000.00 Crab Orohard, Farmers State.... I.OOOOO Crab Orchard, Bank of lOoOnO Craig, First National,. 1,000.00 Craig. Farmers Statu 1 tun mi Crawford, First National l'ooaon ciawiora, cmnmerolal state l.ooo.oo Creighton. Crelvhtnn Nutinnul 1 i.nni Crelghton, Senurily l.ooo.oo Crete, First Nutional 1,00000 Curtis, First National 2 000'K) Hannehrog, Hannebrog State I000OO Havld City, City National LomuiO Dlller. Diller State ii,ki Iiiller, First National l!ooii.00 ltodge, First National l.OoO.OO Klgtn.l Klgln State l.OOOoO Kddyvllle, Eddyvllle State 2.000.00 Krleson, Kricson State l.Uto.OO Kustls, Pioneer 1,000.00 Kustls. Farmers State 1 tu 10 lowing, Kwlng State 1,000 00 F.wlng, I'loneer l.Omj.oo Fairbury, lionham National 1.O00.0J Fairfield, F. & M l.OnOltf Farnam, Farnam l.ofio.OO r arnam. Stat.. Hunk nf . o ,hHi nn Fremont, F. & M. National....!. iioOOW Memont, Commercial National.. 8,okA Fremont, First National 4.00000 (iletnllle, Hank of 2.MiO tiering, Geiiiiff National 2.000 00 (loihenliui c, Cotlienburg Nat l lomtoo iothenbiiig, Citizeis National.. 2,00000 liretna. Bank of 2,Ujo W Greeley, Uieeley State 2.00ioo Greeley, First National 2 000 00 Grand Island? O. 1. Nat l gitnO.uO Grand Island, Com. State 2j(ii)00 liatvard, Cnlon state 2MM.H) Harvard. Harvard -State 2,'xn.oO Itaslings. Fiist National :i,ooo.(K Il istliiKs, Bank of Commerce.... S : "J Hasting, German Nutional IdrO.'io ilavelixk, F. i M 2.(.JO.wo HavelocU, First National 2(.)ix llnndciaoii. First National 2,'M00 I'uniiliiey, Bank of Otis & .Murphy 2.000 00 I luiili tgi!, Fust National 4.O1OU0 Holdief, 4'lty National 4,(O0u Jansen, SIKH) Rank of 2.( J.OJ Kearney, Central Nutional Souuou Kearney, Fanners 3.4io.oo Kennard, F. & M 2.00O 0 Kimball, Bank of 2'i0j Lawrence, First National 2.O0O 0; I.i jiilitu!). Lexington A.Uii.ih Lincoln, First National ?2.i'40.t.7 laiiciiln. Central National H'jlisi Lincoln, City National 17.S.;i 0;t Lincoln, German Amer. btate.... 4, "!) Lincoln, Nat 1 Hank of Coin 14 . ".2.1 : Liiaoln, Nebraska State lh.otxo Look Fine. Commei clal 2. ()'' ioonUs. First National 2,(iu 11 Loup City, Loup City State 2 cio.oo M-idrid, Madrid Kxcliange 2.'io0 Mahno. 1'. & ,M tt (i Madow liruic, Security 2 (.' ! on ill. F. , M IM'iOOU ..I' 1 'nol: .Mr! '00k XdTloriat "riji.wl .Mii'.iiik. I'tlzeiiH Naliona1 2. '( N'-licJi, Nellgli National..., 2o"iu.oo N Ittii. S."Li it'. 2 4ti( oA ..ui-orie,- ,. uoilce ri.HI" 2,00.'! i Ncniair (jrove, Hist Nati)iiul.. 2,oo00o Newman Grove, Newman Grove State Newcastle, Newcastle State Norfolk, Norfolk National Norfolk, Nebraska National North Bend, First National Oakland, Oakland State Oakdale, Antelope County Ooonto, Oconto Stale Ogallala. Citizens State Oblowa, Home '. Omaha, Corn Kxcliange Nat l.... Omaha, City National O'Neill. O'Neill National Orchard, Citizens State Osceola, Osceola Peru, Citizens' state Bender, 1'ender National Petersburg, Hank of Petersburg, Citizens' State Pierce, Pierce Stale I'll asanton, Pleasanton State Republican Ct.ty, Commercial State Rising City, Rising City Na tional Rlverton, Riverton State St. Paul, First State Sargent, First National Schuyler, First National St. Ubory, St. Ubory State Scott'B Bluff, First National Scott's Bluff, Scott's Bluff Na tional Silver Creek. Silver Creek State.. South Omaha, Stock Yards Na tional South Omaha, Live Stock Na tional Snyder, F. i M Spalding, Spalding City Spalding. First National Sutton. Sutton National Sterling, F. M Superior, First National Syracuse. Rank of Tecumseh, citizens' National Tllden, First National Trenton, Fust National L'nlversity Place, First National, t'nlversity Place, Citizens' State. Valentine, First National Valentine. Valentine State Valparaiso, Valparaiso State Vet don, F. & M Wahoo, Saunders County Na tional Wahoo, Citizens' State Wakefield, Farmers' National... Walton, F. & -.1 Wait hill. First National Walthill, Walthill National Waverly, lani aster County Wayne, First National Weeping Water, First National.. Weeping Water, City National. . Winner, Wisner State Wisner, First National W'i.tox, Kxchange Wo. bach, First National W more, Flint National Wymore, F. & M York, City National 2.000.(40 2,000.00 2.000.00 2.000.00 2.0-10.00 2.000.00 2.000.00 2.600.00 2.000.00 l.ooo.oo 15.OOU.0o IG.OOO.OO 2.000.00 2.000.00 4.000.00 2,000.00 2,ooo.00 2.000.00 2.000.IK) 2,000.0) 2,000.00 2,000.00 2.000.00 2.OO0.00 2,000.00 2.000.00 2.000.00 2,000.00 2.0O0.00 2,OO0.lW 4S, 400.00 8.000.00 2.000 0) 2, 0 10.00 2.010 2.U0 0 2,000.0) 2.0UOO0 2,000.00 2,0"0.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2.0i0.0i 2,000 0 2.O00.00 2,000.00 2.0oo.0' 2.O00.0J 2.0O0.OO 2.000 00 2.000. 00 2,000.00 2 000.00 2,000.00 2.000.00 2.01000 2,000 01 .2,00000 2.000.00 2.000 0) 2 ( 0 2,000.00 2.OHO.0O 2,000.0.) 2.000. 00 Total .-7.avi.j RAILWAY PROMOTER STARTS SUIT AGAINST STILLWELL KANSAS CITY, Mo., Jan. l.-A. E Stillwell, president of the Kansas City, Mexico A: Orient lailway, has been nued In the clicult court I. ere by James i;d ward Buckley, a railway promoter of Chicago, who asks $1,000,000 actual and ji'io,j0 punitive damages for ti e alleged breach if a contract In connect, on with a proposed , railway In Colombia, South America. Buckley alleges in his pcliton that he obtained a concession from the govern ment of Colombia to build a railway 100 ml ei long and that stillwell and asso ciates agreed to Investigate the proposi tion and if found satisfactory to build the road. It Is alleged by Buckley that by reason of the failure of the Stillwell people, to furnish him with a copy of the reports of experts sent to Colombia he was unable to tnake financial an angcmciit ami that I. Is credit as a proii.ottr arid railroad loan I has suffeicd. FILINGS FOR OFFICE ARE FEW Week Fails to Live Up to Promise of Political Activity. TAFT LEAGUE TO BE ACTIVE Frank. Carrie, New Secret a rr of Organisation, Opens llendqunrt era at Lincoln. Mneh Knroiir. Bed j Outlook. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. 1. (Special.) Start Ing off with the meeting of the Taft league the week promised to be prolific of political developments, but for some unexplained reason failed to "make good on its promise. ' Filings of candidates were few, the most important being that of R. I). Sutherland, as democratic aspir ant for congress In the Fifth district, and C. M. Skiles, democrat, for congress in the Fourth. Wilbur 6. Walt of Lotip City filed as republican candidate for land commissioner. The meeting of officials of the Taft league promises eomo active work In the Immediate future. Frank Currle of Broken Row. who was selected secretary In place of K. M. Pollard, who was un able to devote ills time to the duties, has arranged to take hold in earnest. He arrived In 'Lincoln toilay and tomorrow morning will open headquarters lu the Llndell hotel ami proposes to start tilings moving at once. In conversation today he suld he was more encouraged than ever since he had started iu on the work and there Is no cpuestlou, h asserts, tout the vast majority of Nebraska repub licans are heartily in favor of the re nomlnatlon of William II. Taft. The executive committee and Hie, com mittees from the various congressional districts will meet in Lincoln Januury 15 to name the candidates for delegates to the national convention, the candidates for electors and also the national com mitteeman who will go on the primary ballot as the representatives of the Tart forces. This plan was considered essen tial to avoid a multiplicity of candidates which promised to defeat the will or the voters, as it is certain the La Follette men will center on one set of candidates, l a Follette II 00 in Vlpprd. The failure of Senator La Follette to visit Nebraska when he makes his west ern toil- has caused a chill to creep down the spine of his boom iu this state, which, even before this event, had shown signs of anemic conditions. ills followers. however, met during the week and de cided they would try and have a rally in Uncolii some time during January, the date of which bus not yet been fixed. Another development of the week is the probable swlt h of W. H. Price, who, It Is rumored, has switched his ambitions from the governorship or congress on (be democratic ticket to the senatorshlp. He is credited with thinking that both :""!ial lenherger and Thompson have worn out the.r welcome by continued appeals to demortacy for office and that there Is good chance, to land the plum for himself. Hitiuuetj from Head to Heel was prn i'ool, Threct, Al t., when dragged over 11 rough road; but Hucklcn's Arnica Stive healed all ills Injuries. 20c. Kor alo by I'estou Hiug Co. Commission Comes to Aid of Shipper (From a Staff Correspondent. ) LINCOLN. Jan. 1. (Special.) All the state offices will be closed Monday on ac count of the New Year holiday, hut as UBual some of the officials will he around to open their mull and take a look around the state house Just from force of habit. Attorney General Martin has gone to Fort Madison, la., fur a few days, and a few of those In the state house who did not visit their homes on Christmas are doing so on New Year. The hearings on the physical valuation of the Northwestern road will be resumed January it. One thing stands out promi nently, and that Is the. company is seek ing by every means to raise the valuations placed on lis property by Mr. Hurd, the slate's exrt. In the matter of right-of-way Mr. Hurd placed tho value at from two to two and a half times that of adjacent lands while the company in troduced evidence to show the multiple should be three on all purls of the road. This alone would make a considerable difference In valuation, but In addition tho company witnesses- placed a much higher price upon adjacent lands than did Mr. Hurd. The Ktulo Railway lonitnlislun yester day sett ltd the troubles of u Franklin stock shipper iu abort order. Unbeknown to the stockman thu train for live stin k which generally leaves that plare Sunday had been abandoned on account of the holiday. Ho had brought his stock in and did not relish holding It until Wednes day when the next stock train went over tli branch, 11 lid wired the commission. The Burlington officials wero advised of tho situation and Immediately ordered the stock moved Sunday. The Havelock Commercial club, through Its secretary, W. I. Fisher, has com plained to tho railway ' commission that the Plattsmouth Telephone company, which operates the exchange In that city. Is giving poor service In the city and also between there and IJncoln. The com mission will Investigate and If necessary set a date for a hearing. Georgo M. Laird of (iniulia wunts the stain to pay hint $1,000 damages because he alleges he fell Into an open ditch dug by the state at Forty-fifth and Bpruce streets, Omaha, In connecting the State School for the Deaf with the city water system. He alleges he received perma nent Injurlee. He filed his claim with the State Hoard of Public Lands and Buildings. the Zebrugge about the.r wages, tue sail ors have brought suit against the owners. One of the Antwerp deputies has an nounced hia Intention of demanding ex planation! from the government In the chamber for not preventing such a fla grant breach of neutrality. Warship Fitted in Antwerp Used to Aid Revolt in Paraguay ANTWKUP, Jan. l.-The crew of the steamer Zebrugge, which soiled from here on the night of October 12 with a cargo of arms and ammunition. It was thought, for the Portuguese royalists, re turned today to Antwerp. The men re lated a remarkable story. It appears that the steamer and Its cargo were not Intended for the Por tuguese royalists, but for the Paraguayan revolutionists. it carried 2Ti0 tons of powder, four large cannon, one machine gun, f,-',OOo rifles, a wireless apparatus, uniforms and other military supplies. There were two Fiiglish passengers and flvo Spanish passengers aboard. One of tJin Spaniards, Arrlcos by name, assumed direction of affair as soon as the steamer w as out of sight of land. The Kehrugge, Instead of proceeding for Port Stanley, Falkland islands, for which It had clearml, headed direct for South America. The Belgian snllors then learner that It was thu Intention to attack the Paraguayan villages on tho Rio do la Plata. Tho crew was compelled to obey orders, Arrlcos standing over the men with a revolver, and they feared, too, that If the vessel were taken they would be iim marlly deult with. They continued there fore to work the ship up the river. When tho Paraguayan border was reached thu Fngllsh captain announced that the steamer belonged to Arrlcos ami thn men were free to leuve. Refusliu; the Invitation of Arrlco to Join his ex pedition, the crew made their way to Huenos Ayrcs and thence to Antwerp. Difficulties having arisen between the crow and the former Belgian owners of Johannsen Confers With Labor Leaders LOS ANGELES, Cal., Jan. l.-It wai reported late this afternoon that Anton Johannsen, one of the labor leaders In-, dieted here yesterday , by the federal grand Jury, had left for San Francisco to hold a conference with labor leaders there. Olaf A. Tveitmee, secretary-treasurer of the California Btate Building- Trades council, and J. K. Munsev of Salt Uku City, secretary and business agent of the international Association of Bridge anil Structural Iron Worker, Intend to re main here until after their arraignment, et for Tuesday. Federal officers and county official. according to Intimations made during the day, expect a finale to this case equally as startling as that of the McNamara, trial and similar In nature. It Is thought there will not be much activity in. the case tomorrow, owlnir to the holiday, but the case will be reopened at 10 o'clock Tuesday morning. The name of J. Stltt Wilson, mavor .if Berkeley, was brought Into the case today by the publication of a statement H R. Mills, manager of the Burns de tective agency here. In which he declares that Wilson gave the original information that caused the Investigator to make a rigid Investigation of Johannsen' action. Persistent Advertising I the Road tt Rig Return. n Drop of Blood Or a little water from the human system when thoroughly toted by tbe chief chemist at Dr. i'icrce' Invalids' Hotel, liuBslo, N. V., tells tbe story of impoverished blood nervous exhaustion or some kidney trouble. Such examinations are made without cot and it only a small part ol the work of the stair of physician and surgeons under the direction of Dr. It. V. fierce giving the best medical advice possible without cost to those who with to write and make a full statement of symptoms. An imitation of natures method of restoring wast of tiuo and impoverishment of the blood and nervou force is used when you take an alterative and glyceric extract of root, without the use of alcohol, such at J Key to tho Situation-B'. JLlLv.: J.l"i Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery Which mnket the stomach strong, promote the flow of digestive juice, re Hurts the lost appetite, make utnimilation perfect, invigorates the liver and purifies and enriches the hlood. U iu the great blood-maker, flesh-builder nd restorutive nerve tonic. It makes men ttrong in body, sctiv in mind sod cool 10 judgment. Cct whut you tk fori Whooping1 Coucrli CROUP ASTHMA COUGHS BRONCHITIS CATARRH COLDS tTStlH(0 1ST A MiBsi, turn a4 tfcctic tiHistsnt far bra thiil iroubm. rolling snip. Vtaerlied Creto- Icos stsps tat piroxrama si WLstptng Cough ss4 rtllaves Croup at one. II U s to sufereri horn Afthino. Tb sir naderta Mrosrlf tatiMp. tic, Isvplivs wltb ovary brtata, atakt braataing aaijri aootbaa tba aar throat aaa Kopa tha coagh, aMuriag rasiful algal. It u lairaluabla to SMlbcit wltb voung childrta tasa iu soital lor Scacrlntlva aooaiat. ALL DRUGGISTS. TtfCnnltms AmtUiftlt Thri THt$4 for tb imtalcd throat. Tbe art airs pit, aifrcti sad aaoacpttc Of yaar dragglM fta at, Xuc I Mapa, Vp CretoleM Co. 2 Cert-aa St.. H. V. 'ii "lyy '"" """ " i d)