Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 02, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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American rhilanthropiiti Make New
Record in Charity Donations.
IHstrlbatloa of Mlabty Kcrtiari
Hake HrmarkiM hnli(
" f tieaeroslty Well
Nearly I.W.COl.OfO has bwn donated to
philanthropic and rliarltall work In the
I'nlted State this year. The innnun.T.
ment that this Ik th greatest aum Hfr
Bivrn In on year In this country and
probably In the world, fomes at a fit
ting time In this season of the holiday,
when the lirn-ts of al mm are softened
ind a universal spirit of brotherhood pre
kjtls. The distribution of these mighty for
tunes has been estenslve. The money has
covered all field of endeavor. It may
ecms to the layman like nn easy matter
:o (five away money, but when one has
letermlned to Rive away million and
rive them away Judiciously, the proport
ion becomes a science. Experience lis
".aught the almoners that the art of glv
In (tenerously. wisely and well Is the
ptrentest blessing of the philanthropist.
m ev.-T side where one may turn In
this country are evidences of the free
hand of the rivers. Magnificent libraries,
colleges, schoils, hospitals and public In
stitutions, donated and maintained by
generous Americans, epiiear In many of
the cltlea and town. Million ere ex
tended In providing; tor the poor by
private means, outside of the regular
work of the state and municipal govern
ments. School for special and technical
Instruction, institution for scientific re
rearrh, home for the blind, for the deaf
and dumb, for the crippled, for the aged,
f.r orphans for all classes, all condl
tlons arc maintained; mueum of art.
of education, of natural history, are
founded; missionaries are ent to all
part of the globe; churchea and cathe.
.list are built and In every conceivable
way that money can be donated It I
given freely, eagerly.
Nearly every wealthy phllnthroplt ha
hi own method of giving. There are men
like Carnegie and Rockefeller who plan
out on grand philanthropic ehetne and
then unload their million In block of
a half million or more. There are other.
Ilk Jacob If. Bchlff, who go Into the de
tail of charttle and seek to make their
donation varied a well a efficient.
And It l these different method the
personnel of thee magnificent givers
which form one of the most Interesting
chamera In the world history of phil
Individual Ulfte mm Totals
Total benefaction of 1911 IWt.TM.IPR.OO
tilfts from Individuals
Kriucational (exclusive from
Individual Klfts)
Gift for general good
fourteen blsgest gift:
Andrew Carnegie U,:??
Jr. Pomuel Halle
Mr. Mary Trotter Chaataln
Vetcr Hnt Brlghum
James A. Patten ,
John D. Ilockefellcr
Michael Valentine
John M. Hurke
William l'ryor
Mis Katharine Augusta Ua Puy
Joseph 1'Ulltxer
llener&l T. Coleman
Mr. Kunaeli Baae...,
lieorae W. Clayton
('tirilt'a IMrlblloa.
Only the largest of the gift of the year
are shown In the list. The other gift
vary from S100.000 down to a few dollar.
They are given. with the me plrlt of
philanthropy which actuate the larger
donation and all together are an inai
oatlon of the remarkable spread In Amer
lea of (he desire to help mankind and to
aid In the uplift of good cltlsenahlp.
Andrew Carnegie lead In the belief
Icence of the year, hi gift far out
distancing those of all other Americans.
and reaching the splendid total of $40,
711. WK. They were distributed a follow:
Carnegie corporation 5,000,000
!' mia Institute at Washington.
U. c 10.000,000
Carnegie foundation for life sv
era In Germany
Dunfermline, Scotland
CariieTie foundation for pension
Ing college profesor
Hero fund for Italy
lleautlfylng ground of l'an
1. 11,000
iniMPirBn 1 iiiiiii hullfllnv In
. , ..!.... 1
Washington. D. C 730,000
8lx library building In L.o An
geles, Col J10.000
Wesleyan College, Mlddletown.
Conn 100,000
Library at Elisabeth, N. J 75,000
Library school In conjunction
with new public library school
In New York City 75,000
Chemical library at Cornell uni
versity 60.300
Library at Plalnfleld. N. J
Library at Summit, N. J 21.000
Medical Institute of the university
college of London 20,000
Small gifts varying from a few
hundred dollars to tG.Oiti 100.000
Next to Mr. Corneal as a giver come
Dr. Samuel Balla, member of an Austrian
noble family, but a naturalised American.
SSM Twenty-one y
J laving suffered for twenty-one years
wltTt pain In my aids, I finally have
found relief In lr. Kilmer's Bwamp-Root.
The physicians called It "Mother's lMln"
and Injections of morphine wer my only
relief for short period of time. I be
came so alck that 1 hod to undergo a sur
gical operation In New Orleana, which
benefited me for two years. When the
tame pain ram bark one day 1 was so
sick that I gave up hopes of living. A
friend advised ine to try your Bwamp-
Ruot and I at one commenced using It
'I'ho first bottle did me so much good that
1 purchased two more bottles. I am now
on my second, bottle and am feeling like
a new woman. I psssed a gravel stone
ss large as a big red bean and several
small ones. I have not had tho least
feeling- of pain since taking your Kwamp
Root and 1 feel It my duty to recommend
tills great medicine to all suffering- hu
nuinlty. Gratefully your.
Aioyelle Par. Markvtlle. La
Personally appeared before me, this
lJtfc day of July, 1911, Mrs. Joseph tCon
stance, who subscribed th above state
ment and mods oath that ths same Is true
la substance and In fact-
WH. MORROW. Notary Public.
Xtte to
Br. V-Oiuer Co.,
sHagaeuitoa, St. T.
Tint Vkat Svut-RiMt VUI D I Tta
&ed to Dr.. Kilmer at Co.. Bingham
tan. N. Y- for a sjuiipl bottle. It will
iouvUm Jyac. You will also receive
booklet t veiuable lrLfern.aUon, t)l
ing ail about tae kidneys and bladder.
When writing be aurs and mention Th
Otnoba Daily He. Hegular nfty-cn
and u-dolUr slxe bot'-la fer sal a
all drug store.
He relinquished Ms title and his ctl.
Inheilted through hie maternal relation.
Jenersl I-'rankel, upon adopting the
1'nlted State as Ms country. This estate
la allied at (Id.OiiO.OOn, end through I"'.
Dallas generosity reverts to hospital.
municipal home, asylums for the poor.
111. aged and unfortunate. !r. Halls. nd
Mr. Csrnegte are th strongest possible
arguments for lrrtnlgr.ttlon, fur they left
their native lands to make their Iioitj'1
In America, embracing with Its opportuni
ties for money nu king an appreciation of
the needs of others lss fortunate than
Another name upon the list of this
year' generous giver Is that of Mrs.
Mary Trotter Chistjln. wife of James
Hruce Chsatsln and ulster of Henry M.
Tllford, president of Use Htsndard Oil
company of California. Mr. Chastain
leaves her estate of ISOnoor to found a
home at lxxlngton. liy for elderly gen
tlewomen born In that state. This Institu
tion 1 to be culled the Kate Karl Home
for Kentucky Gentlewomen, and Is the
only homo of It kind In the country.
Other Large Benefactions.
As wo glance down along the list we
see other large sum given by the phil
anthropists, rive million dollar of the
estate of Peter llent Krlgham of Hoston
Is to lie iitwd for the erection nnd en
dowment of a hospital In that city, de
spite the objection of hi heirs. Experts
' that till Institution will be the
greetost general hospital In the country.
It will be closely associated In spirit with
the Harvard Medical school, a many
Harvard men will be on the ataff. and Its
building- will adjoin the elaborate Har
vard Medical school group In the Ken-
A remarkable phllaiithropatlc work In
being Cone by James A. Patten of Chi
cago, a successful buslnesn man wh.i
has lienome famous through his sys
tematic effort to rid the world of the
white tilugue." HI son and bin
brother died from tuberculosis, and Mr.
Patten, thus having- hi Immediate In
Urest aroused. I now engaged In fltianc
Ing the biggest war ever made upon con
sumption. Four million dollar has been
aproprlHled for "social service"; ii0,0oo
for Mexican research; $;'.000,0oo to the
Northwestern I'nlvrrslty for the some
purpose, and a public park In ICvauston,
111.; a Young Men' Christian association
building In the same place, and other
charities und public work are under
John I. Hockefellor lias contributed
for medical research at the Rockefeller
Institute In New York City an additional
IO,t2P,000. Mltrhel Valentine left I2.6M.BI I
to charitable Institution In New York
City. The largest beneficiaries are
liahneman hospital and the Presbvterlnn
hospital, which each receive M. 146.82C.
The Pea body Home for Aged and In
digent Women receive I100.000. nd Mt.
Peter Kplscnpal church of Westchester
receive flO.ono. John M. Ilurk of New
York City left J2.000.ftX to charity, the
bulk of which goes to the Winifred
Masterson Hurke Relief Foundation, es
tablished by Mr. Uurke for the relief
of the worthy poor who have been III.
William Pryor of Buffalo left 3,O)0,fK
for a public state park. Thomas N.
Miller left M,toO,uno to th Pittsburgh
hospital In memory f his wife. ' Ml
Katherlne Augusta Ie Puyater. last of
an ancient and wealthy Knickerbocker
family, left W.OOO.OOO to philanthropy
divided among several bequests.
Joseph Pulltser of the New York World
and ft. Ix)Ul Post-Dispatch directed that
11,000,000 be given to Columbia university
for a school of JournallsmJMO.OOO to th
Metropolitan Museum of Art, and f.V0,000
to the Philharmonic society a New York
General T. Coleman lu Pont, president J
f the Du Pont Powder iompartl' rifl
Delaware, probably made the mose'ortgH
Inai girt of the year. He contributed
11,500,000 toward the coat of a boulevard
to extend the entire length of th state
1C4 mile long and 100 feet wide. This
boulevard la to be given outright to th
people of Delaware. He alao gave t&00,000
to the Massachusetts Institute of Tech
nology. A Woman's Liberality.
Mrs. Russell rage gave ll.MO.000 In the
rojrse of the year. Among the beneflcl-
1 arles were the American HI hie society,
1500.000 (ht gave O0.O0O to the same In-
tltutlon In 1H10); Cornell university, UOO,-
000 Plerson High school. Bag- Harbor, L.
I., S.',O0; bailors' Home and Institute,
New York City, 126,000; Association of
Audubon Societies, 110,000, and the re
mainder In small sums of charity along
every conceivable line.
George W. Clayton left ll.BCO.OOO to es
tablish th Ooorge W. Clayton College
for Orphans Itv Denver. In memory of
D. Willi James of New York City hi
son presented to the American Board of
Commissioners of Foreign Mission
ll.0O0.00a Morton F. Plant of New London,
onn., presented 11,000,000 to the Thame
College for Women, In New Haven, with
the provision that the name be changed
to the Connecticut College for Women.
lTnder the will of ex-Mayor Smith Ely
of New York City f 1,009.000 wa left to
various Institutions. Mrs. Julia Ishaiu
Taylor of Cobalt, Conn., gave six acre
of land, wlih an old mansion on Wash
ington Heights. New York City, to the
city. It I to be railed Isliam park, In
rnemory nt her father, the late William
H. Ishhom, and Is valued at 11 ,000.000,
The will of Mrs. Kanlll H.-Molr, widow
of William Molr of New York City, leaves
an estate of $1,000,000 to educational, re
Itglous and charitable organisation, l.'n
der a bequest of $1,000,000 left by Henry
J. Braker of New York City, "the Hraker
Memorial home" ha been Incorporated a
a non-sectarian Institution as a memorial
to his parents. Mrs. Mary Huntington
Cooke, one of the founders of Hadcllffe
college, bequeethed to be dla
ttibuted between Kadcllffe college, liar
vard university and th American Acad
emy of Art and Sciences, of which hef
husband, Dr. Joeeph P. Cooke, wa presl
Edward A. Bteveni, jr., grandson of
Edwin- A. Stevens, w ho founded tUevens
Institute, presented the Bteven castle,
valutd a: 1,CV0,OW. to the Institute. Ed
ward Butledga, a lumber manufacturer
of Chippewa Falls, Wis., set aside $1,000,
CCO of Ills estate a a trust fund to be
used fur charitable purposes, ths pro
ceeds to be distributed to worthy poor
and to charitable Institutions.
One of the 1.000.0 gifts cf the year I
snenymous. A wealthy convert to
osteopathy contributed tl.000.000 for the
erection and support of an osteopathic
hospital In Manhattan, win. a clinic iu
Eraneui It. Greene of Bedford. Mass.
left ts'.OOO to the Massachusetts Inslltut
Of Technology and W00u to Radohffe
college. The directors of Armour 4c Co.
of Chicago set aside $1,000,000 a a nucleus
of a pension fund for employee who bsv
been with the corporation for twent
year or more. Women may be retired
at th ( of 60 and man at ST.
Miss Emma Carol, Woortahoffer of New
York City, who met her death In an au
tomobile aocldant, left her fortune of
1700.000 to Bryn Mawr college with the
'exept'on of f"V, wh'rh P"r to llle !
Cnllrge ."cttlemMiM nssociatl-m. Slie
only M Jeers old. At the time of hei
death phe ws making a tour of inspec
tion a a state LiImii- inM-ctur In th
hiiieau of Industry nnd ImmlttrOtlMn.
K. V. Cromwell left to the 1'in
vciflty of California and a like amount
was left by F.mmet Denrnnre of New
Votk to Tuske'gee institute. Mr. .Mary
Ijthrop. widow of Coicfiel Oliver Pe
hody, left 7'i0."0 to virl rhurche atid
charitable Institutions. Mr-. Whirelaw
Held, wife of the ambassador to tin
court of ft. Jamrs. fcave fc r .1
hospital St. l.ukt's-ln Han Francisco, in
memory of her father, the lute 1. ogden
Mills. Corntlliif. Callahan of New Yolk
City left lril"i.") to Roman Catholic chari
ties, churclien and Institutions.
Among those who gave $VM0 11 Is year
I Jacob Pchlff. who donated that sum to
found a university at Frankfort-on-Msin,
Oeimany, h.s birthplace. Mr. Hchlff wa
the founder of the Hemltic museum at
ltarard university and the first presi
dent of Itarnanl colla'e.
Anna Wilson, who died in dmnln last
mouth, left 0),C0D to charity. 8he dis
appeared from Memphis In !"?, and for
forty-four ycr lived In Omaha under nn
assumed name. Mr. Thomas J. F.mory
of Cincinnati gave $fAUo) to the Me.
chanlcs' Institute of Cincinnati, which
wl.l (jive Instruction to electricians,
courses In tlthigraphy, Interior decora
tion, Wood carving, etc. Mrs. Khtalx-th
W. (larrett of Philadelphia gave $..00.0)0 to
an Institution In Delaware county, Penn
sylvania, to be a home for poor women
and children. Morton W. Rundell, an
obscure art dealer of Rochester, left l-VW,-COO
to the city fi r an art gallery, library
and museum to he called the Rundell Mc
mnrlnl building. Brooklyn Eagle.
After Feburary 1 Daily Demonstra
tion to Be at National Capital.
Interest In Foreign Land Aroused
by tnry Printed In nn Authen
tic Terhnlcnl sihiml
Mr. It. S. Bogle, vice president of tho
Hupp Automatic Mall ExchRnxe Co..nnl
active assistant to the president, has Just
returned from a tay of aonv weeks In
Washington, and while there devoted hlr
entire time to arrangements for the en
tertainment of the thousands who will
want to see the Hupp system In action.
He report a most cordial reception on
every side and that Washington awaits
with Interest the advent of the car that
will demonstrate the automatic exchange
f mall.
Keterrlng to the business, Mr. Bocle
"The Hupp Automatic Mall Exchange
system Is progressing very rapidly, and
the business has grown to large propor
tions, and one has but to catch the san
guine air that pervades the offices Of
the company from president to office boy
o leel that the Investors who nave pur-
hased the stock of the Hupp Automatic
system will do well to guard their hold
ings and await the good days to come.
i he company Is making splendid head
way, and the work of years Is rapidly
crystallizing. Hy the first of February
the perfected mechanism will be on dally
demonstration at Washington on a ir,e
of railroad within two miles of the ip
Itol. These demonstrations are to be given
that the officials of the government, In-
ludlng members of congress, foreign rep
resentatives, railroad representatives,
newspaper representatives and all others
interested may have an opportunity to
see the actual operation of an automatic
mechanism that has attracted woriu-wiae
attention. .
The statement world-wide is the exact
trutii The recent .publication of a page
fltvli of the Hupp mechanism by the
rwtomtllic American nas set mo worm
wagging concerning this great solution
of the mull exchange problem and the
company Is In receipt of lettera from for
rlgn countries ssklng for specific Infor
mation In addition to that contained in
the article.
You know the Hc-lentlflc American has
been the leading scientific Journal of
he United States for more than hall a
century, and when It places the seal of
approval upon an Invention the world
sets up and takes notice without further
delay. The article In question did not
mention the Hupp system ny name, ana
but for the nloturea of the Invention
which accompanied It. the person unfa
miliar with the greet work or Mr. itupp
might have remained In Ignorance of the
Identity of the Inventor. The paper deals
In scientific facts only, and In doing so
is strictly Impersonal.
Mr. Hupp has been catleea upon ny me
representatives of one of the world's
greatest newspapers under orders from
his chlet with a view or stuayina; inn
liunn mechanism from the standpoint of
Its adaptability to proper delivery of great
daily newspapers of the land. After a
rigid search and the asking of countless
questions he stated he waa entirely satis
fied thst the liupp system win oe a mosi
potent factor In newspaper delivery, espe
cially as a solution of the exchenge at
Junction points. The repreeentatlvt went
further and stated that his report to his
superiors would be that the Hupp mech
anism will permit the unlimited expan
sion of mall trsnsportatlon of every kind.
Naturally the attention or tne Dig nun or
the press Is flattering."
Pnt Pnt em m New
of t'lthes, Woald Mic
robe r"
Tea, gentle reader, the daffydll has
come to stay. He has. because you are
his creator, and you want him. Just as
you want your morning; newspaper. Time
was when this little literary waif was
sooffed at by professional Jokesmllhs. be
cause he wasn't the product of their type
writers.- Of course, all newcomers with a
mission In life are treated that way. But
somehow they creep Into our affections,
and the chances are they stay there.
when their clamor tor recognition merit
It Ilk little Mr. Daffydll.
Now you may nut realise It. but the
daffydll may be made to occupy an equal
Interest In your daily affairs with ths
price of food and the question how to
raise the wherewithal to augment the
family coalbtn. Fact la, when you Join
the family at breakfast, and open your
morning newspaper. If you fall to find
your neighbor's daffydlll Inscribed there
somehow you don't relish your ham and
eggs. And there's a reason for this and
a reason also for the grave-faced editor's
desire to get the daffyd.l copy down Into
type early. The daffydll's mission In lite,
whatever his other faults msy be. Is to
lighten the burdens of and drive gloTim
from an otherwise ssd, old world.
"What Is a daftydlir" certulit of the
unacquainted have asked In recent letters
to The Bee's daffydll edttor, who, by the
way, agrees with you that the dafrydll
brand of humor can afford to give odds
aplenty to all entrant to the Joker'
handicap. Here a sample safe enough
for fireside reading try It on grand
father, and note his chuckle;
"it Pat put nn a new suit nt clothes,
would microbe?"
Btlll another which, by the way, was
handed to ths office boy yesterday by m
hlgh-browed, thoughtful-looking man re
sembling k college professor follows;
"If Miss Dense wanted to lengthen her
name, would she Adeline?"
Perhaps Miss Osne would not, but
that's beside the question In view of
your opportunity to beoom a daffydlllasi
and p'-ck up tome valuable nrisea by a
fern' utrokes of our len, Ppencerlan or
vrrt'.iPl, It ti.attor tint
TV.-anse of the widespread Interest In
thesM lUfftdil ireatuins. The Ree ban
starteil this iontst to develop your orlK
Irial t as n m!.r of dnffydlls. Try one
or two and see how easy it is. A little
labor today may Rive you one of the
prizes offered by the advertiser and
The Rre In this Interesting contest.
Prizes to elKhtecii peisnns who send in
the lst orlKinal daffydlls will be
awn rdeil.
The contest is open to everybody. It
costs nothing whatever to enter. Every
daffydll sent In must contain the name
of an advertiser Ih-ted on the Daffydll
Contest page, published In Sunday Ree,
or the goods he srlls.
Efforts in Behalf of Peace Treaties
Complimented by Fallieres.
ew tear' Reception to Diplomatic
Corp l.araely Attended with
Robert llaron, American
Ambassador, Present.
PARIS. Jan. 1.-President Tafts effort
to secure the ratification of arbitration
treaties with France and tlreat Britain
was the special theme uf an official
speech made today by President Fallieres
at the New Year's reception to the diplo
matic corps at the Elysee palace. There
was a large attendance of diplomats at
the function, amniiK them being Robert
Bucon, the American ambassador.
Sir Francis L. Bertie, the British am
bassador, and dean of the diplomatic
corps preesnted to the French executive
the New Year felicitations of the for
eign representatives, lie declared he and
the other members o fthe corps felt cer
tain that France would continue to be
a powerful aid In every work having In
view the progress of civilization. He
Idded this permitted the hope that the
generous Initlutlve of the president of
the 1'riltcd States In favor of the exten
sion of arbitration to International ques
tions would be productive of larger re
sults during the coming year.
"The countries we represent." con
tinued Sir Francis, "know they are sure
to find France a powerful auxiliary with
which to obtain there results."
Responding, President Falleries assured
Ihe diplomats that Frsnce would labor
always In behalf of progress.
France, l e said, already could with
mode.ty claim its part in the Initiatives
that have betn taken and from which
civilisation Is reaping benefits.
"Like you. Mr. Ambassador," the pros
Went continued, "we conifratuluto our
selves that we have seen during the last
year the president of the Cnlled States
give his precious adhesion to the princi
ple of arbitration. It may be repeated
that the application of this principle will
determine for men and things a decisive
method for the pacific solution of Inter
national differences."
(Continued from First Page.i '
when the electric utilities in the, single
year bf W10, after two years of regula
tion by the state, made bona fide new In
vestments of 36 per cent greater than
M'AJl .Of this remarkable' development
aa gone atcadlly forward notwithstand
ing th railroad commission ha reduced
the rates charged In the state by public
utilities $250,000 a year, and ha required
Imporvements In the quality of the serv
ice, costing these public utilities $126,000
a year, a total saving to the consumers
of fc-ns, water and electricity of $37S,O0O
a year. - And this Is but the beginning.
A sins' example win snow me
methods and results attained by the com
mission In Its control of public utilities.
In April, 1910, following two years of
careful Investigation, the railroad com
mission, after improving the quality of
service, reduced the maximum price of
electricity In the city of Madison from
1ft to 14 cens per kllowat hour and ad
Justed the other rates on a lower basis.
The result was that the sales of elec
tricity Increased 18 per cent, the net
earnings Increased 24 per cent, the com
pany increased Its Investment 23 per cent,
and the savins to consumers, comparing
the new rates with the old rates, woj
$18,308 a year.
"In July, lull, fifteen months later, after
such an Increase In profits following tho
reduction of rates, the company accepted
without protest another reduction to 12
cents. This made a reduction of fron
16 to 13 cents per kllowat hour, or m re
duction ct 24 per cent In rates to consum
"Thus the state commission Is demons
stratlng- the value of Its supervielon and
control, not only to the public, but to the
business of the corporation as well. Wis
consin Is teaching the lesson that both
the pe-pie and the Investors In public
utilities may be benefited by our system
of regulation. This Is so simply because
the regulation Is thorough and scientific.
Watered stock and balloon bonds get no
consideration. And, as the commission
knows the costs. It knows exactly the
lowest point' below which rates can bo
reduced. It even ralsee rates when they
are below the cost line, Including reason
able profit.
"Benator I-a Folletto also discussed In
detail various other phases of state gov
ernment." DEATH RECORD
KANSAS CITY, Mo.. Jan. 1. The lUv.
J. YV. Monser, chairman of the board
of riders of the Independence Boulevard
Christian church of this city and a wide
ly known minister, died at hla horn here
early today, aged "X
The llev. Mr. Monser had been pastor
at churches in Atlanta, U., Des Moines,
la., and Topeka, Kan. He was for ten
years librarian in the University of
Missouri at Columbia, Mu. He was Nthe
author of i-everal thtwloglcal works. A
widow and five sons survive. The sons
are: Charles I!., and Kdward, Buffalo,
N. Y.l Frank, lllggtnsvllle. N. T.; the
llev. Harold Monser. Champaign. III.,
tnd George, Kansas City.
Mr. Mar gar A. Grace.
LKAD, 8. l.. Jan. 1. (Special.) After
a lingering Illness, Mrs. Margaret A.
Grace, a widow aged U. passed away at
her home here. Mrs. Urace, with her
family has resided In the hills over
twenty years. She was a daughter of
Qentral M. A. 1 lagan of union army
fame and her husband waa a cousin of
Archbishop One. Mr. Grac 1 sur
vlved by a aon and a daughter here.
l)r. Henry C. Peltou. I
IOWA CITT. la.. Jan. 1. tHpecial Tele.
graph.) Dr. Henry C. Pel ten, profeesor
of th Orthodonthlo dantal faculty of
th University of Iowa, died at tha uni
versity hospital today.
Senator Cummins Makes Leading
Address at Openinj.
tspltil l llr Commercial t'lnb t on
templates Oaater Prnreedlasjs
Against Polk treaty Board of
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, la, Jan. 1. (Special.)
Des Moines dedicated a new municipal
building this afternoon. The event was
celebrated with much pomp and cere
mony. A parade of the streets hy the
follce foice and firemen and a blir hand
together with speeches and songs In the
building formed the program. Senator
Cummins delivered the dedication ad
dress, others on the program being Ks
Benator Younjr, Mayor II anna, and Har
vey Ingham, The mayor pointed with
pride to the fact that the building was
finished and completely furnished within
the amount appropriated.
The new municipal building Is un
questionably one of the finest In the
country. It Is built of dresspd stone
and occupies a commanding position on
the east bank of the Des Moines river,
facing the Coliseum on the west bank.
The main offices for the city commission
are In one large room, divided off with
railing after the manner of a large hank
Ins; Institution. The finishing Ia s fine
as can be secured and the building Is
complete In every respect. Tho cost was
about $1150.000. The old city hall la be
ing converted Into a temporary market
A committee of the Commercial club
of Des Moines will take up with Attor
ney General Coesen tomorrow the mat
ter of filing charges for the ouster of
the board of supervisors of this county.
The committee Is prepared to give full
Information ns to the Irregularities which
have been discovered In the way county
business has been conducted.
Tho Inter State High school athletic
association will hold Its annual track
and field meet here next year on May
1. According to an announcement made
by the convention committee of the com
mercial club. Teams from thirty Iowa
hlnh schools will compete and hundreds
of student will come for the event.
Senator Cummins retJi-ned this evening
to Washington where he will aaln re
sume his work In the senate. Ho has
declined to make any definite statement
as to the plans for the future in Iowa
as to presidential matters, and the con
test has not as yet been fully shaped up.
He will devote himself largely to the
work of securing proper amendments to
the nntl-trut law.
Ole O. Roe, state fire marshal. Is de
lighter1. wUh tho reports to his depart
ment for the month of December In that
there was not reported to him from Iowa
one single fire casualty !ue to Christ
mas tree festivities. Before the holi
days he Issued a statement or . warning
to all in regard to the great danger of
fire In connection with the holiday fes
tivities. Not one fire has occurred.
It Is stated that neither Judge II. E.
Decmer nor his friends have any ex
pectation whatever that he will receive
appointment to the supreme court
vacancy M Washington, . which It Is un
derstood Is to be filled In a few days.
All information Is. to the effect that
very strong pressure has been brought
to bear against the,Pemer appointment
because of the trend of his, decisions on
constitutional questions in the pajtt.
The Immediate eff jots of thet severe
storm of December HI have psesed-way
and the trains and street cars have been
started on time again. The Bnow la
nearly foot deep and for a time the traf
fic was badly crlpled. The Interurbans
had very little trouble getting In and
out. but all train on the steam roads
were late.
F P. Meredith, of this city, publisher
of a farm paper, has started out to oust
all the members of boards of supervisors
In the slate, and has written a leter to
the governor asking him to take action
under the general state law. He Insists
upoq having the ouster law applied In
every case where It Is shown that the
boards have proceeded not In strict con
formity to th Inw. The crusade for
cleaning up the state In this particular
I to be continued at great length.
It Is stated that Christopher Ottosen
is yjjr
i i Uf
I 7 VI I V .
Important Notice
Interesting News
Regarding Clothing
Browning, King (Si Co ,
On January 4th, this Organization, that makes every stitch '.
of its own Clothing and sells it directly to you through
its Retail Stores, will have some very interesting news re
garding Metropolitan Clothing which will interest Men
and Boys who wear and appreciate the Smartest Kind of -;r
Attire. It will be an Unusual Event and give a great
many an opportunity to wear our kind of Clothes at decid- .
edly reduced prices. These goods are not to be confound- '
ed with the class of merchandise usually offered in , rt
BrowingiKing &C
R. S. WILCOX, Mgr. 15th and Douglas Sts
of Ottosen, Humboldt county, who was
a candidate for railroad commissioner
two years ago, will aualn become a can
didate this year. Ho has not given a
deflnlto statement, but Is considering the
matter. The term of N. S. Ketchum Is
out at the next time and he will n!oo
be a-candidate for a third term.
How the Custom of Treating Fat
ten the Ilnrkeeps' Percentage
of Profits.
"Tell me." raid the man whq was toying
with the Ice In the glass to the gray
haired bartender, "how many drinks of
whisky do you get on an average out a
quart bottle?"' -
"It depends," answered the bartender,
"on the place, but I should say In a first
class hotel or saloon where business Is
brisk about eighteen.
"I'm surprised," said the man with the
glass In front of him. "I sat down with
three friends the other night and when
we had finished each had taken three
drinks and' the quart bottle was empty,
making twelve drinks to the bottle.
"That's different," explained the bar
tender. "When a man sits around his
home or at a friend's tablo he takes a
larger d'ink than he would at a bar.
That's not quite It cither. Here's how
It works out in favor of the man who
runs a bar:
'You come In with three or Ifour
friends' along In the afternoon, ft Is
pretty certain that each Is going to troy
a drink. That means, we'll say. four
drinks for each.
; "You know that Just before dinner you
are going 'to have In addition a cocktail
or two. At dinner It ia your custom to
drink something, and after dinner you
probably- ',wlH have something more.
That's about the plan of campaign of
the average New Yorker.. .
"Well, -each of the-quartet la goln to
do about the same thing. Ills first drink
may be of the average slxe. Keep In
mind, too, that tho three finger drink Is
no longer the thing. It is nearer two
fingers; maybe less.
"After the first drink you begin to
shave. On the fourth drink, which Is
taken not because anybody wants it. but
because It Is the fool custom that every
body must buy or count himself a tight
wad, very likely only the bottom of each
Ask Your Doctor
Ask your doctor how often he prescribes an alcoholic stimulant
for children. He will probably say, "Very, very rarely." Ask
him how often he prescribes a tonic for them. He will probably
answer, "Very, very frequently." Then ask him about Ayer
non-alcoholic Sarsaparilla as a tonic for the young. iJfiiS;
A fjMtfU) inVENI UN
REDUCING CORSET not only reduces the figure
hv m comfortable readjustment of the flesh, but acfluallv
reduces the flesh by scientific massage. 1 his is accomplished
by a new adjustment of the Self-Reducing Straps in combina
tion with other newly-patented devices.
This is not a new theory but simply the successful application
of a SCIENTIFIC FACT, veil known to every physician and
hygienist that the persistent movement of the body against
steady pressure will not only prevent the FORMATION of fat.
AND REMOVED when already formed. It is a perfect
substitute for the hand-manipulation of a skillful masseuse.
The truth of our original claim that the Nemo Self-Reducing
Corset positively reduces the abdomen has been proved beyond
3ueftion. Millions of women who have worn and still wear
lese corsets are convinced of this.
REDUCING Corset represents the highest perfection of the
original Nemo Self-Reducing Idea; but it goes further it
causes the absorption of fat, thereby actually decreasing the
deposit of fatty tissue and materially reducing both the weight
and size of the figure in a comparatively short time.
' Detailed description of this new device and its hygienic action
is impossible in this space; tut the picture shows its inevitable
effect symmetrical figure-reduction never before possible, with
the highest degree of comfort ever enjoyed by women of full form.
Doa'r Fail to See This Wonderful New Corset This Week
h All Good Stores Throughout the Country
KOrS BKOS. New York. Saa Fr chre. LaasUa. Surttrt Maaofactmt
glass Is moistened by the whisky. On -
the fourth round, therefore, the four .
together do not take more than one fair
alzed drink.
"Fo you can see that when this happens
often that quart bottle can hold many '.
drinks, and If you figure It out you will
see that sixteen drinks to a bottle Is a
certainty and eighteen should be common. .
"At 15 cents a drink that't nice profit, y
you say. Indeed, yes. The whisky '
doesn't cost over 60 cents a bottle, If
that much. Multiply 18 by fifteen, vib-
tract 60, p.nd you've got the answer In,
dollars and cents." New York Times. '
i n 1 1 up. a nu n in o-k ntr .
Take I.AXAT1VK BROMO Quinine Tab
lets. Druggists refund money if It falls
to cure. K. w. CJu'JVti o signature Is on .r
each box. 25c. Mr,
Key to the Situation bee Advertising.
Where a quick, simple,
harmless preventative
of infection
Is needed use Tyree'a Antiseptic
Powder. Absolutely non-poisonousbut
a powerful germicide.
For 20 years the physicians'
standby. 25 cent package makes
2 gallons standard solution.
Antiseptic Powder
' Bold by dniisu everywhere
J. S. TTIEE, Qntaut, Waasiaftta. 6.C
25c. tfyys--
and $1 1 1 tZf"' 1