- . : THK HKE: OMAHA. ' MOXllwi JANUARY, 1. 1912. . - ' ' ' rz ' '. " ' I '4 - LOOK NOT TOOMCH TO PAST 3entleworaan Sy$ it it Mistake to Reflect Too Liboriouily. ,UOK RATHER TO THE FUTURE Woman Has RroaaVard Hrr Oatlooaj Darlagt tho ,a( Year Mora ' ArUTttles 'open to liar ' Tfcaa Ever Before. By THE r.E.Tl.K1-O.M!r. Only a year ago! What loves! . W hut schemes far Into life! '.what hi!) rrnilves! Vhst noble alms! r What generous strife! . ft la a rolxtnka to reflect too much upon tba past. It das its lennonn, but thp learn ing of thm houl?t not'ro'abnorb our at Untlon a to preclude us from Incoi poratlng them Into cur dally life, trans muting tha memory and experience Into the gold of uacful practicability and Yady work that yields results. Introspection la ratting ao - mslstsntly hsbit of the New Year that are be ginning to forget It la but tha means to an end the reflective porch to tha ' large and aialoua chamber of lofty re aolvs and arrnrnpllshment. We fancy sometime that a faint suggestion af maudlin entlment crept Into tha aelf-an alysls. converting what should have proved a stepping atone to higher plane or activity into a mere purgatory of self abnegation ending In a cul-de-sac. We want to make our' reflection an avenue that laadi throuch Datha nf eaniaat thought to the high table landp nf glorious endeavor and achievement. The aoul It arlf roust be utilitarian and not Mti Itself in unprofitable penance. What has the year accomplished for womanhood? Thrra has unquestionably oen a remarkable renaissance of the feminine. Women has broadened nor out look, established her claims to wider re onltlon of her talents. Impressed public Ufa with, her rmwrr for goad, and raised tb phyelcal'and mental scale of tha sex. Thank God. anions tha general advance ment there is one thtt Is Inspliicgly re actionary -a rewralon to the old venera Hon for the mmctlty of motherhood the holiest and dlvlnest calling of all, a call ing Involving great sacrifice. ' areat aor. '. bat bringing with It, on the other nd, untold compensating Joys. ' 4 t Queen Mary of - England has aet an ample-ln this dlreotlon which haa sel dom been ' excelled. Among tha professions tha Vsr still loseo Its door to female aspirants to forensic distinction, but after tha un remarkable ability displayed In one caae Where a woman conducted her own d fensa (and I say Jt. although not lym pathlxing with the particular phase of tha cau. aha had to plead), there can a no longer any doubt about woman's ;nalif!catona for that exclusive pro fession. . In . the medical profession woman haa dona well, while In (be hum bler ranks of nursing our efficient boa t!tal tell their own eloquent tale of the labor dona by those who "watoh the stars out by the bed of hln." For the large masses of the girlhood and womanhood the arena of commercial life haa widened It doors, and evidence 1 aeen on all hands of the efficiency of tjha new female recruit a to the business ranks. , Their presence In this great army df strenuous ehOoavor will tend to purify .nd strengthen it. and make It worthier ttran It ruu eyer.been before. The prises are msnr, . bt - ptnta who do not gain fhem must not b disheartened. The tery aiming after them stiffens the fiber. "Tha -sftbleta matured for tha Olympian game. gm strength at least lor Ufa." While t have dwelt In this short r. View of woman's progress la ttIO on the mora expert phases of her career, It must be pointed out that ability la not the be-all and the end-all of woman's insistence. It la tha great levor that moves things, but another quality It rauulrad for the settling down. Oraater than all her accomplishments U her capacity for shedding around her wherever she goes the fraffranco of a weet and beautiful life, and smoothing out tha ravelled alaev of care. It Is In the ballet that she Is fully capable of thla mission that one looks forward In confidence to tho Immediate future a future In which the pulse of vibrant life will throb sympathetically and Intel lectually to tho ultimate benefit of the - whole of tha community. Hera la , remedy that will. curt your cold. Why wast time and .money perlmenUn whan you ean get a prepara tion that ha won a world-wide reputa tion by It our of thla disease and can always) be depended upon I It Is known veiwhi.ie os Cbaniberialn'a Cough Ilsm. ey, and la a medleln ( real mttrlt. , lr sale by alt dealers. , ' ' X' ' "' ,;lvei. - . 'Came come,, my friend. . Didn't you read the notico in lit tievator?" ; "WliaC noticer' " 'No bouk agent are permitted U go through this building.' " ''Hut I'm not a Uwk agent" ' "You're not? What are .you carrying the book around fur?" "Why, there's a atatemsut In It that I want you to verify." ". "What's the statoment?" I "Here l U. Llurn, please. "I( Is too often true thnt rami who asy be oihir vtee Intclilurnt tonceel bcucuth a- sri-m-1n antipathy for boik 41ti a ptUful Ignorance of all forms of llteratuie.' " . "Verify -It! riainly notl What's tao price of your book? lKl.ar 'n haif? Here ou are. tiooUb) e.'v'lovclunil ilala Dealf r. FIGURES ARE :! STARTLING Hut 8l-nr .la, (i-ttiiig Cuiihumntlon j . ' Vnder t'untrul, AU tb . , riante. Whan you read that 1S0.OO peraoo die In this country every year of Con sumption, don't think that th dtaess la getting th better of curative meas ures. Th death-rat from Coneumptlon. at 1 11 h'rh enouglt, goodness knom . ha been cut In tuUf la two generations. ; T"dy. w know how to hand! Con- ' auruptlvn. . With freih air, cleanltnesa, diet and oinullon. w can get th death-rat wway down aiul Jieoptt down. . . Besides forming fat and Improving tLe condition of th blood, Oson.-ulslon titrengtbena tb nervous and muscular ' 'Hni ' 1 ' ' . lia value aa a niadiclnal food entitle it to a place of honor on th bill of far, not merely wf ervery conatnnptlv. but of every on whoa waning energy and wf sting flesh give warning that I jtercuiueia is near.. ... f J' and digestion, wblcu rebel oat iiUify other fal-furnilog fyoda, wticoni OtviuulstoaV Omaha Banker Hale Today With a form as straight a an arrow nd a step as elastic a that of a boy. one who hsd nn( known him for years would hardly believe that Henry W Vates is to day T$ years old. Mr. Tales attri butes his perfect health and con dition to herd work, somntlilng with Which he lias been on the most Intimate terms all hi life. When but !J years of age. In Washington City, Henry W. Yates started In the retnli. grncury btifl nesn. Ho was Just a clerk, but he made good. Then 'he opened a country tor snd continued to sell goods until he was 21. In in, he started west, stopping st St. Iuls, but not liking the pla a very well, moved on to ?t Joseph, where he remained until pw, when buying a stock of groceries, he come to Omaha and become a partner In th wholesale grocery bouse of Nave. MrCord Co., now conducted by McCord, Brsdy Co. hortly after coming to Omaha, Mr. Tatea concluded that he wanted Jo be a banker and got a position with Kountse Bros., atari-. , !P'r- Hr1 work ln ,old "0t ""in h was ?fV iiT: mJnJ.nR ,,uch unt" when th ajountxe bank waa merged a-- .u! National. A few months later, A. K. True.land. a capitalist nd then general manager of the Burlington saw in Mr. Tatea a real banker. He. took kltn out of th Flret National and together the two organ, iseti the Nebraska National, a flnanoial Institution of which almort ever sine Mr. Yates has been the president. On April R. of th present year, Mr. Yates and his wife will celebrate their golden wedding anniversary. Mr. Tate la a man without a hobby, but he denrly loves to ride horeback. He ha splendid mount and there Is nothing out of which he gets more pleasure than long ride over some eountrv road TOO MANY PEOPLE NUISANCES Thoe Who Wit Our Time Are the Wont of All. STARTS EARLY IN MORNING tla I Made tbat Iloaakn - ere Haaar Tp Mtte Pattlaa; Maalt of Visit mi Thrra ' Mlaatee.' Th person who waetes our time I to be accounted among th heaviest of hu man affliction. ' If I unwelcome to our home and Is literally accursed In business. Ha Is the cause of more profanity, smothered or emitted, In a business office than any other' obstacle In th way of smooth, effective buelnetta day. "Are you busyr th llm waster In variably asks as he prepare to sit down for th major part of a morning or after, noon. And having asked It h feel that hi duty Is done. Hm peys no attention whatever to th hesitant gnawer: "M-ml Alwaya glad to see you," In a ton that plainly hints th opposite feeling. And he alt and lte, . - If his victim answer at random he may say: "I'm afraid I disturb you. - 1 must b going." But hf haa no soon In tention. Ha stays and stays and stays. He pour forth ft stream of Irrelevant anecdotes, gallop hi hobby furiously and narrates In detail tha story of bl life. Tha unfortunate man opposite him twlata In his chair and works hi fingers taring with a strained expression In a very agony of nervousness, and his tor mentor when he ha emptied himself of his entire fund of talk- and finally de part tell th next person unfortunate enough, to encounter him that th man he hss Just visited hss such' ragged nerve that ha la likely to lose hi grip. Th time waster run In In th morn ing, Just to "sit awhile." Every house, keeper know that the morning hour fly twice a fast aa do those of th afternoon, because .there are so many duties to bo crowdud Into them. Every housekeeper knows, too, that th woman who comes to "alt awhile" la good for a Whole torturing morning. In a busi ness office I hare seen In hugo red letter on a whit background th reminder Three minutea are a long time for a visit." A housekeeper might profitably hang above her kitchen stov on wash day th motto; "I'm busy. Why aren't you?" A trial . might b mad of It, though kltri waiter are obtuse persons. .They ura the only human beings who have four epidermises, and few shafts pierce heir armor. JCveri the sickroom I not spared the via. .tatTons of the lime wasters. They Invade t privacy, often through soma weak- Allied rotative. In dtsobedlunc of the phy- icisn'g orders. And bocauwo human na ture Is a weak thing that dislikes to an- ,at-r "yes" when a volco inquires "Am . boring you?" the convalescent haa a urn for the worse. The time waster, rob bing htm of the quiet and the relaxed uxclca and tierces that make for re- acweil health,, lis all but killed Mm. A busy woaiaa being aked by a mag- dno to writ her opinion, of "why women wreak down," said: "It is Inconnlderate .rUnds who cause a woman to break uovrn. It Is th person who Insist on -ii'l'I'lru somewhere for 'a blto after th .heater,' who stand for that time u mr doorstep or come Into th lutll, for uii extenaUm ut the betwoen-act chat at (he theater thoe K'rtona who steal that precious half hour when alia would gather .icrst'lf tuuethor and collect her force, who niaKo a woman gj nervously and .nMi tally to iil-c-e." That vo-rallcU friend who insists on dragging ynu out somewhere when you would rather stay at home and gather new strenxlh from the suruco and the nerve relaxing culm ot your own room: tho person wlin holds yuit for long con versations on th telephone when there are tears of weaiine in your voice, and every muscle ot your body aches to be stretched upon your bed; the woman who prolongs her call beyond tha point of numan endurance and tell yeu bow pale you are when she takes her leave, are .Ime wasters and should t answerable .o th law a any other sort ot a thief, th parson who reads to you letter ot nooks In which you are not Interested, the on who talk to you about himself, and foires npon ynu hi opinions neither being ot the least concern to you, the mere makers of conversation, who love th sound of their own voices, are pest from which th law of self preservation calls upon r'l to rid themselves. If by polite means, well. If by Impolite means, ell again. nratii t reiaa Ulvea I'vluia . was prevented by Q, W. Cloyd, .Plunk, Mo., aha healed bis dangeroua wound with. Uuckleo's Arnica ulv. Ouly 2ta. For sal by iatea Lrug Co. Hearty and at Seventy-Five HENBT W. TATEfl. Men Resolve on New Year's More Than the Women II y JEAN INK MARIE AI.COTT. "N one ever regarded January 1 with Indifference," said Charles Umh. But that waa a long time ago. People have become lex sensitive and' mora Indlf ferent. Tho beginning of a New Year seldom Inepirc them with any wild de sire to alter their mode of living. niarlea are still sold In large numbers and people buy them, but they are usually tiny booklets lurge enough for the Jol ting down of encasement, not bulky vol umes In which one could set down one' hopes and fears, one's triumph and aspltatlons. ' People ' have no tlm for such Introepectlon nowadays; they hav no leisur even to think, in the real sens of the word. The worst of New Year Introspection I that It usually take a gloomy turn. It I tinged with melancholy. I'eopl "sadly mus on former Joys that now return no more." They ponder on death and de cay. This Is a great mistake. At thla tlm of the year one should meditate on life, not on death. Tho thought should b projeeted hopefully to th future, not thrown back sadly to the past.-f hia I tha tlm for resolve, not for repentance and repining. Good " resolution are going out Of fashion. "What'a tha use ot making good resolutions?" people say. "I am not able to keep them." But resolves, even If not carried out, iiav something ot nobility In them. Th person who make no en deavor to become stronger or better 1 not likely to advance very far. Generally speaking, men are more given to making k--od resolution at New Year Uian women. Thlk may be because tliclf sins and shortcomings are usually of a mor obvlou natur than thoae of women, or perhaps because they are, in the majority of canes, mors deeply and easily touched by the solemn significance of such an occasion aa the commence-, ment of a New Year. The average man haa a deeper vein of sentiment than tho average woman. One ha only to recall th dlarlea or depositions of many dis tinguished men of Gluilhlone, of Dr. Johnson, ot Nilson to substantiate the statement that good resolutions are formed even by men to whom on. would think they are less necessary than they are for the majority of manklnu. It la foolish to procrastinate rn the mak ing ot good resolution. . "He who puts off th hour of living right," said Horace, "la Ilk the clown waii.ng until th river Tow by; but It glide on aWt will glide on with rolling water for all time." Wisdom an happiness a"r the things to be achieved, and th two are synonymous- So many peop make the mistake of desiring a change of. condi tion rather than change of mind. They Imagine that with this or that material possesion they would be happy. Vain ar all aucta tropes, n Is from th mind alone that misery or happiness proceeds. "It la our will That thus enchains us to permitted 111. " nusht be otherwise; we might be all We dream of-bappy, l,Ki,. inajeetlcal. (iore are th beauty, love and truth w seek j Hut in our minds, and Jf We were not Weak -Should we be lens In deed than in d sire?" , MBffIrd Knocks. "Why must yon go, Mr. Hlocum I was Just beginning to enjoy your call." "Uow much younger you look. Mr. hackster. since you'vo begun to dye your hair." ' ,"'?ml. '0l're poaltlvely handsome to. night. Mlae Tootle; 1 really didn't know you at first." "How cleverly you can disguise your style at timer. Horue! Thst last story of yours u,iilte Interested me." "Sir. Smythe. I like your Indenanilftiw. even It the cither boarder do iimh at the way you handle your fork.'- Chicago Tribune. , . - -t . , . Tb" fr1"- TwV'S"T Conena.fV.Ma, Crou r, y h, , i g -0ou U. W r ! h 1 1 1 a. G r 1 1 1 lAiugU, tluajTBcuuaa, m. bolaudsuro.uusa L-.t-..ix.:... .. ;....Vh.,,.i N aankln er cUmbria V I ssiuj avi ; ,vu , r V' i ''""' i iTii'ii'MiT'i'"ii'iiii'i"'i"i'' "n-'T - ii&aLxaaaM ' , ln-Tr"li.n .li--. tj i rr i aas i 11 - Si 1 La More Particulars About the Bedding and HIIEETS Nil.' 3000, 7l83-ln. formerly 40c Tuesday ...... IAD'' Ironwear, 72ll-ln. formerly 69c Tucday 49 Harvard, olxtO-ln. formerly "So Tuesday 59 Hotel, Slx99-inchea, formerly 76c Tuesday an Atlantic, 81x99-lncbe formerly 86c Tuesday ......75. Oceanic, 81x99-1nchea, formerly i. 00,. Tuesday ;, Pillow CaBfg alio reduced, priced at 10c, 11 He, 13 He, 18c, 1 7c "Id nn Importatit A dtaoount of fic A dlscouht of 16c from prlcea on from prlccg ' en all leading l 8heetg made - under our brands of Sheeting. famed triangle brand. a Ata-.,,r,t 1- ' , " A discount of 5c from prlcea on .f, ?n I 3f ro pr,CC8 00 an P1110 Ca9es bearing same all Pillow Casing. ticket. SPECIALS IN EMBROIDERED GOODS Embroidered edge Pillow Cas-s, initial Pillow Casea Par pair .39, per pair .. ; ........ 81.20 Embroidered Hemstitched Fl- Embroidered Sets. Sheets and low Cases, per pair . ...69t Cases, each $3.18 AT our Bc Outing Flannels will be sold at' GH AH our 12 He Outing Flannel will be sold at 8V 2li-inch Printed Wrapper Flannels, regularly gold at 18c, at 12 Via 27-Inch Printed Wrapper Flannels, regularly sold at 12 He, at 0 THE BIQ BEDDING STOCK INCLUDING COM FORTS, BLANKETS and ROBES WILL BE OFFERED IN THIS GREAT JANUARY SALE AT THE LOWEST PRICES TOUCHED IN YEARS. We bdught at a very liberal discount the "entire display of tbV finest blanlteta made In this country, the product of tha-. North Star Ml.'!" of Minneapolis, Minnesota, as exhibited by them at the recent SHEEP SHOW HELD IN THE AUDITORIUM GOODS ALL M1RKKD IX PLAIV FIGURES FROM WHICH PURCHASERS WILL GET A DISCOUNT OF ONE-FOURTH OR 28 PER CENT. Hero's a chance for AUDITORIUM STOCKHOLD ERS TO GET THEIR MONEY RACK. Our regular stock of fine wool ttiangeis, wnites and Plaids In I lots Lot 1 sold np to 18.00. sale price 83.05 Lot 3 sold up to $7.50, sale prlca ..34.OO Lot sold un to . S 13.00. sale Peaeon Jacquard Robs, all in Automobile Robes, sold up to Indian Htbes. In two lots,' at ow You will be possibly looking for a great Piano bargain. . They are to be had if you go to tho proper place. It has been our custom for the last twenty-two years during the month of January to hold a general clean-up sale in our piano department, and many are the homes1 in Nebraska that have a piano purchased during Our Jan anos remaining on. our floor will be sold at cost. Some of them we decided not to carry in the year 1912, and will therefore be willing to sell them below , . . ... 1 . ... The Piano Buyers9 Harvest is the month of January, for the reason that we try to start in our new business year which commences the first of February with a complete line of brand-new pianos. We have placed with the factories our orders for enough pianos to crowd our floor-room to be delivered February 1st, and therefore must sell every piano that we now have between' now and the last day of January. The prevailing prices for January will be so low that you will be able to actually save from twenty-five to sixty-five per cent on your piano pur chase. The terms will be adjusted so as to make it the most convenient and easiest for you. These prices and terms are on instruments of the highest grade end well known makes in the world. Investigate. HA YD EN. B'RO THERS Blanket lews J btm r "" "" " i4 dC .ri..- 1 1 ! Pricl 87.75 Cot to i Blankets go also ,4. prlc here, 79 , 98 ami 81.50 h.rety one a decided bargain. one lot, rt 111.00, in 2.fW ne lot. at 87.75 80.75 nd 87.75 Tha i s uaty Our Christmas trade surpassed t ( eralily broken. We have taken in exchange on new pianos quite a of very good high-grade instruments. We will dispose of these used which we will put in first-class condition, at the price, which will to the same as the allowance we made on the new instrument. The A KIT DIci Sale Startlnn Tucsdnv From Our Basement Salesroom Deautlful, Sanitary, Downy Filled Cotton Comfortables, the entire Stork at threa prices-. , at 82.75 81.05 and 81.60 Wool Killed Comfortables, two weights, the 3-lb. at 83.05 Take Luncheon With A Magnetic Welcome Awaits You ' leforo or after luncheon, visit the Women's Underwear and Hosiery Section. Note a few of the interesting items. You will find many more wosmin trsTDEKWzAm iOc and 75c gTader- cn Tuesday, each ' ...... 370 $1.00 and 1.25 grades; on Tuesday, ch 79o tl R0 arid $1.76 grades; on Tuesday, rarh ,.$1.15 J3.S9 to M 00 alllc and silk and llaln; on Tuesday, aarh $1.69 VBI09 atTftTB $1.00 fine cotton rtbbad;-on ' Tues day 7Ba $1.60 and $2.09 wool and wool mixed, on Tuesday $1.29 $3 00 natural, out alxea; on Tues day $1.6$ $2.60 and $.09 mercerlMd, wool and duo fold $3.39 $11.50 and $4.50 all silk and Bilk and wool; on Tueadsv $$.$8 CatHaDBEaTB Vest and Iraweta. sold up to 40o, at io ests and Drawers and T nlon Rulta XVLKJN'S UfJDEKWEAR Heavy Natural Wool Mixed Shirts and Drawers, great bargain, 50 The exaggerators worrid speak of this as a 11.00 garment Not Our Way. Egyptian Ribbed, sold by us at '.75c, Tuesday 59 Worsted Rib and Interlock, Dollar Quality, at 7t)6 Six lines ot Shirts and Drawers, ribbed and plain, splendid makes, Globe duo fold, etc.; regularly sold in best stores at $1.50, on Tuesday at : 81.20 $r.00 and f 2. BO Vicuna Wool and Wright's-RIb, on Tuesday, 81 59 nmnw aiTmsi The II. CO kinds at $1.14 The $1.00 quality at ......... .$1.59 $2.(0 grade at $1.95 $8.00 and $3.50 makaa at $3.69 And $3.00 quality at ......... .$3.95 SHUTS Hero la an opportunity that hun dreds will welcome. A big assort ment many neat staple styles f ron. our $1.00 leader line and others MEN'S One big lot of Dressed, Undressed and Cape. Gloves, $1.60 makes, per pair at......;..., 00 12.00 Automobile Gloves at . 81 1 All f ined Gloves preatly reduced. , NECK WEAK MUST 30 Ono Dar Shoulrl Hmp th TWb. ouc qualities at. $1.00 fine goods at..... SMOKING $5.00 and $6.00,"welt made, each at, .... i. .. '. ..I... . $5.00 and $6.00, well made, each at " Please, Take Small Packages. . See' Pages verr . ' ' Clearing Sale our expectations. Our lines are N K1D The 4-lb. at S4.05 We have a good assortment ot Down, Silk and Satin Covered Comfortables, some strikingly: scrumptious, 23 Per Cent Off the Prices JUST U Us from 10 Till 5 were 50c and One, at 390 Vests and Drawers, fine wool, sold up to $1.50. at i . .89o WOMEWS HOSIEXY Here we believe will te found the biggest baiiiaiiia ever offered from seabord to seaboard. 50o imported and fashioned Stock ings, at 83o $1.50. ome of the finest lisle lion lory made; Tuesday, pair 50o Thread bilks, regular $2.50 grade, at. pair $1.19 BtXITS BATH BODES Heavy cotton robes, were $S.50 Tuesday 55.90 Heavy wool Hobes, were $12.00 Tuesday $8.75 Finest wool Robes, were $18.00 Tuesdny $11. SO All Traveling Hups, Suit Casea and Va'lses made by best makers; win bn otrerel at 20 off. Ona-fifth from all snaxkad nrlosa. rrom the $1.50 range all at one price, 85 cents each. BOOKS 50c grades, black and colors, at on a price : .S9o AH Holiday Suspenders and Sets In one lot at BOo All Combination Hets pries duo. Bradley Mufflers at 36o $2.00 Silk Mufflera at...,, $1.10 $4.00 Silk Mufflers, at... $1.99 CLOVES. .- .... JACKETS 29 59 mas consid - . number pianos,' amount new pi have cost. I ime ill 3D "Si in $ I vl. I I a .1