Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1912, Image 1

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The Qmahav Daily Bee
Everybody reads
Tha Bee P
! 'J
PASkjLNG OF 1911
Wall Street Welcomes Close of
Twelve Months of Unsettlement
in Business and Finance.
Suspense Bather Than Actual Retro
gression Marks the Year.
Dismemberment of Huge Corpora-
tions Unprecedented Spectacle.
Frrnrnt Need of Country Sufficient
to Snatala Moat Lines on Fair
Basts Despite I. nek of
NEW roiUv, Pec. SI. Relief, rather
than regret, Is feJt In Wall street at the
passing of the year 1911. It had been a
year of decided unsettlement In both
finance and business. Activity In almost
every lino has been repressed. Trading
on the stock exchange dwindled. At no
time, however, were there threats of
idsprest disaster. The condition was
one of dull suspense rather than of actual
retrogression. Business wa sound, bttt
the characteristic ' American vim waa
The memorable feature of tn- year,
from the Wall street' viewpoint, was the
crisis in the struggle for tne readjust
ment of "big business" to the require
ments of law.
In the spring the United States supreme
court rendered Us epoch-making decisions
In the Standard Oil and American To
bacco raVi enunciating the "rule of rea
son." The latter part of the year wit
nessed the unprecedented spectacle of the
dismemberment of these huge corpora
.tions. The movement was carried fur
ther by the filing of the suit for the dis
solution of the United States Steel cor
poration and by proceedings against sev
eral smaller combinations which the gov
ernment contended were operating in re
straint of trade.
IIIk Business Controlled.
In other occurrences there were evi
dences of the tendency toward more rigid
control of large business Interests by the
government. Early In the year the In-
'pi-ntatA rnmm(rp r.nmmlHKlOn relected
l9 plea of the railroads for a wholesale
ujvance of freight rates, a decision which
iused an unheaval on the stock ex
nange and led to a feeling of uneasiness
a the part of some railroad managers
V a time. Agitation of political ques
ns having to do with the affairs of
ft porations was continued. With a pres
idential campaign in the coming year
'if re appeared to be little prospect that
i trust Question would be allowed t
slip into the background.
Th effect of this movement waa felt
perhaps most keenly In Wall street Lrgre
new business ventures were postponed
until the promoters and - bankers should
be able to foresee with some degree of
certainty what were to be the future
conditions under which business was to
be conducted. The passing needs of the
country were sufficient to sustain moat
lilies of trade on a fairly active basis,
but there was little of Initiative. In some
lines of business production reached new
high scords, but In almost every case It
was at the expense of profits, aa prices
tended toward a lower level. Business
failures Increased 8 per cent over 1910.
Business Hevlval Begins.
In the closing months of the year toere
were signs of a business revival, al
though they were not sufficiently gen
eral to Indicate how far the Improvement
might be expected to extend.
The year's crop record showed some
thing of the same Irregularity. Weather
conditions were mixed, and the early
promise of unprecedented cereal crops,
on which Wall street based high hopes,
was not borne out, owing to the drouth.
The cotton crop Increased, and according
to present Indications the yield has far
overtopped all previous records.
There was a decrease of 6 per cent In
the value of the six cereal crops.
A bright feature of the year was the
sjiowth of foreign trade. Exports In
creased 11 per cent over the precefl'ag
year, with especially lieavy gains In steel
products. Imports fell off i per cent,
making the balance of trade In this coun
try's favor correspondingly larger.
The effect of these conditions upon
trading in securities was decided. The
volume of business on the stock exchange
fell off 20 per cent from that of 1912.
Money rates were abnormally easy. The
year ended with call money at 4 per cent
and with no sign of the customary year
end flurry. This condition was largely
due to the restriction of business and the
consequent lack of demand for funds.
The Weather
Forecast for Monday:
For Nebraska and South Dakota Fair,
not so cold.
For Iowa Fair, not so cold in west
I -, ,r Missouri r air, iiov l" ""
j r Kansas Fair, not quite so cold.
eniperatore at Omak-a xesieroay.
, TTO "our"-
M AL k I 5 a. m 2
W A JiK::::::::::::3
Hours. Deg.
a. in S
10 a. m 1
11 a. m 0
12 in 3
1 p. ru.....
2 p. ni 7
I p. m 9
4 p. m 10
6 p. m v
0 p. m 8
7 p. m 7
I.oral Heeord.
' 1311. lDlO. 1909. 19(.
.... 10 i 43 16
.... -3 Si 24
4 US 33 11
03 .00 .1)0 .00
e and
precipitation depar-
.. .01 Inch
.. .uu Inch
..1B.M Im hes
..13.37 Inches
the day
nee March 1.
at Ion
the day
me siarrh. 1
March 1..
l r. period, 110.14.W Inches
period 19... 4.U inches
w eero.
Lsil, Local Forecaster.
k Comparative"
C Highest Jl8terday...
lAtwealf 1 turday ....
Mena f Vrature..,
Two Boys Drowned
By Breaking of Ice
in Hockey Contest
MELROSE. Mass.. Dec. SI. Two boys
were drowned and six others narrowly
escaped death when thirty or more
skaters were thrown Into the water of
Daw's pond by the breaking of thin Ice
, The boys drowned were Sargent Flags
and Hugh Mclntyre. The accident hap
pened at the close of a hockey game be
tween the Melrose High school team and
the Melrose High alumni. Young Mcln
tyre stepped upon an Ice cake which be
came separated from the main body of
Ice. Many gathered around, trying to aid
him, when suddenly the Ice on which they
were standing gave way, precipitating
them Into the water, ten feet deep.
Half a doxen of the hockey players and
spectators rushed to the rescue and only
by heroic work prevented a greater loss
of lire. They dived Into the water and
pulled out all the boys but two. Several
of the victims were In such serious con
dition that physicians worked over them
a long time before their recovery was as
sured. Among the reseuers was Dettmar Jones
of the Massachusetts Agricultural college.
Jones dived repeatedly Into the deepest
Of the water and brought back a boy each
time. He also recovered tho body of
In the excitement attending the rescues
Mclntyre, whose plight had caused the
disaster, disappeared and Is supposed to
have slipped from an Ice . cake and
drowned. He was missing from his home
Home Rule Opponent
Threatens Revolt
LONDON, Deo. 31. While every momber
of the unionist party Is taking some part
in the campaign against home rule, which
Andrew Bonar Law, the new leader, cn
dorced In a recent speech, the man who
Is looked on to keep up the fight la Sir
Edward Henry Carson, member for Dub
lin university, solicitor general for Ireland
kin the last two unionist governments, and
an uncompromising opponent ot any
change in the form of government in
Sir Edward started his campaign by
announcing that, no matter what hap
pened in Ulster, for which he speaks,
under no circumstances would he accept
home rule, Intimating that, If necessary,
he would lead an armed rebellion against
It. Whether he would go to these ex
tremes or get the men of Ulster to follow
him, should he decide to do so, it Is for
time to tell. However, he Is fighting his
battles with all the fervor of a true Irish
man and his voloe Is being rained from
one end of the country to the other
against what he declares to be "the crime
of the age."
Generally 'his -argument is: "Ireland Is
prospering; leave, it alone;" another ver
sion of law's battle cry, '"What Ireland
requires Is less ollt!rg and more indus
try." These arguments are for those English
men. ' who no longer believe that home
rule means separation and who, tired of
the Irish question, advocate the granting
of self-government to "get rid of the
J.I. Case Company to
Jreble Its Capacity
CHICAGO, Dec. 3L-Speclal Telegram.)
Another commercial colossus loomed up
on the business horizon when It was
officially announced here today by the
representative of the J. I. Case Threshing
Machine company that the great Kaclne
Institution would be trebled in capacity
and that the capitalisation of the con
cern would be Increased from 15,000,000 to
Articles of reorganization have been
filed at Madison and with the dawn of
the new year a progressive policy will
be Inaugurated which will be felt
throughout the agricultural world.
The action of the big Case company
puts to an end all talk of a threshing
machine trust and means renewed com
petition in almost every line of farm
Encouragement from the big financial
houses friendly to the Case company and
the wonderful prosperity during the year
Just closed has caused the great Racine
Institution to deviate from Its heretofore
conservative plan. Work on a mammoth
new gas tractor plant will probably begin
Immediately after the first of the year.
KANSAS CITY, Mo., Dec. 31. Kansas
City night workers were the ones most
Involved by the fall ire of the American
Union Trust company to open its doors
here today.
The bank was convenient for employes
in the big hotels and the theaters be
cause It was open all night Before the
place today gathered bell boys, porters,
chauffeurs, chambermaids. waiters,
cooks and theater employes to talk over
the situation, and among themselves they
told of the money they had deposited.
Leo MQer, a bell boy, said he had
J000 there in a savings aocount. It repre
sented his savings from wages and tips
for many years. He Intended drawing
It out the first of the new year to make
an investment. Most of the depositors
had small account's.
An officer of the bank tonight declared
the bank assets would more than pay
thdlr depositors.
' l a
ItEDDINGTON, Cal., Dec. 31.-A
mother's unwavering determination to
avenge the death of ber son resulted to
day In the conviction of Daniel Fleming,
a former Southern Pacific railroad police
man, for the murder of George Valller,
a youth ot Tacoma, Wash. Fleming was
found guilty of manslaughter after the
Jury had been out more than twelve
hours. .
Vulller was found unconscious on a
train and a coroner's Jury acoepted the
theory of railroad men that ha had been
inlured while "beating his way."
Mrs. Valller spent a fortune searching
for evidence and finally Fleming was arrested.
President Replies to Objections to
Arbitration Treaties Before
Applauding Audience.
Held Not Justiciable Question Under
Proposed Compacts.
Either We Want Arbitration or We
Do Not Desire It.
Tnft Answers (ha rue of Inconsist
ency In Connection with nuaslan
Treaty by Iteferrlna Hearers
to Root's Argument.
NEW YORK. Dec. Jl. Preceded by
dissensions which seemed for a time to
threaten a climax anything but paciric,
the citizens' peace banquet last nlht
proved In realization everything that Its
name implied so far tit least, as con
cerned Its attendant condition.
President Taft, who was the guest of
honort and chief speaker of the evening,
while arguing for the pending arbitration
treaties between the United States and
Great Britain and France, as he has doiie
previously at such gatherings, went
further tonight than other addresses and
replied specifically to some criticisms
recently made against tie principles
embodied In those treaties. He also made
answer to the charge of Inconsistency
lodged aguinst advocates of the arbitra
tion treaties, who did not favor arbitra
tion In the difficulty between the United
States and RuFsla.
"Those of us who are in favor of these
treaties have been criticised as Inconsistent
because we did not Invoke arbitration In
the recent difference with Kussla," said
Mr. Taft. "I am not entirely willing to
speak as frankly as I might of .hat be
cause my tonguo Is tied In a slight way
by what we hope for In future negotia
tions. All that I can say Is that Jf you
will read tho great argument of Ellhu
Root on the question of why tlio treaty
should be terminated, and why arbitration
would not do, I am content to stand on
his exhibit and explanation qt J hat,
Treaty OntRro
"The truth Is that th
contains contractual obll
treaty Itself
ulup on the
part of the United
to I reconnlze
the doctrine of nonexp
rlatka and to
recognize the right of 1
s!a t.ay that
the naturalized Rusal
cllizen In the
not l'.e his
I could te pun-
United States should
allegiance to Russia
Ished for becoming
aturallzed itlren.
Now. that was
italned on tli face
of the treaty. It wfii In accordance, with
the doctrine that rf vailed in the ITnlted
otales and that prlvaKed in Hubhvi In
tS'tS. ' The doctrine tfiad been defarted
from by statute In ti United States, but
it remained In the trLity and we cannot,
so far as a foreign country is concerned.
In contractual deallngt with it repeal
treaty by statute.
"Hence it was stated; In the notice of
the termination of the treaty, made in
accordance with the terms of the treaty,
that the treaty was so old that It was
not responsive to the views ot the two
"Now, why, therefore, should we arbi
trate a treaty of that sort In which we
were met first and foremost by to prop
osition that, twenty or thirty or forty
years ago, we repudiated it aa an inter,
national matter?
"Therefore, I say that the inconsistency
that is supposed to exist in our failure
to invoke arbitration there does not ex
ist, and I commend to those who think
It does ' a close perusal of Mr. Root's
argument and of the treaty Itself."
Question Not Justiciable.
Answering other criticisms of the
treaties, the president continued:'
"There are certain questions that it Is
said we would have to arbitrate under
this treaty; we would have to arbitrate
the Monroe doctrine. I say it Is not a
Justiciable question under the treaty.
Prof. B. Moore, who is perhaps the great
est International authority we have in thU
country, nays the very same thing. Ed
ward Grey said so on the floor of Par
liament. Ho I think we are rather safe
on that question. Then, the question is
whether we should arbitrate the right of
anybody to come Into this country against
our will. Of course, if we make a treaty
letting a man in, why we are responsible
for the treaty, but if we do not, the ques
tion of letting anybody In is a question
of national policy and not International
policy and cannot be arbitrated. It is a
question of the) Ilbera'lty of the nation
that owns the ground and territory. That
Is all."
The possibility of some tribunal being
established that would take up such. a
question was discussed by the president
and he disposed of it by pointing out
that such a court would be merely a
human machine and liable to error but
that that would be no reason why we
should not use the machine If it offers
generally the best solution and stand the
result of a mistake In a few Instances.
Two Horns of Dilemma.
"What we have got to come to is this,"
said the president, "to recognize either
that we want arbitration and a peace
ful settlement of disputes, or that we
don't. And we have got to mean busi
ness when we go Into arbitration. This
playing of 'heads I win and tails you
lose' will make no progress In a Chris
tian civilization. It is not possible that
we should win in every case."
In starting out the president spoke In
favor of the treaties with Great Britain
and France much on the lines he has
made familltr and only toward the close
of his speech branched Into the replies to
criticisms and charges of inconsistency.
At one point In this portion of his speech
he became emphatic.
"I am not taking anything back," he
said. The president declared that If
ever anything should be submitted to
arbitration it was questions of personal
or national honor. Then be stopped and
"Perhaps I have gone too far in my
enthusiasm," but the audience would not
have It that way and when he asked
(Continued on Third Page.)
Fairly Good as' a Favorite for
, Marital Splicing.
optlal Parties of Other nays
Vividly Reealled, with Itemlnders
of the Time, Place and Per
sons Participating
The new year is ushered n not only
with the Initial day ot a leitp year and
the customary receptions and rejoicing,
but also with celebi etlons of various Joy.
ful events of which It Is the anniversary
The Bee has In the past chronicled the
the birthdays of young and old that fall
on each day of the year and begins now
what will be known as "The Bee's Wed
ding Book," which will appear serially
In The Evening Bee, by recalling the mar
riages which New Year's day com
memorates together with brief reminders
of the participants and the circumstances.
jHnuary 1. 1S9G. Mr. Harry P. Totter
and Miss Lizzie Ureckenrldge, both of
Omaha, were married at the bride's home
by Rev. Frank Crane ot the First
Methodist church. Miss Mtra Brecken
ridge headed the bridal party as the
flower girl. After the wedding rites
were over the more intimate friends of
the couple went to the new home and
surprised the happy pair when they ar
rived. January 1, 18!W. Dr. A. Hugh Mleple,
the well known Omaha dentist, puts spe
cial emphasis on his celebration of New
Tear's day. Sixteen years ago he started
the habit by entering the state of wedded
bliss, his bride being Miss Emma I'rlt
chard. .
January 1, 18!W. William Newton, manu
facturer, greeted the New Year a dozen
years ago with a bride, Mary IS. Brooks.
The celebration occurred at Bloux City.
January 1, 1900. Mr. James A. Reese and
Mlsa Sadie Ryan were married at the
home of the bride's brother. The bride's
attendants were her sister, Miss Elizabeth
Ryan, Miss White and little Nellie Ryan
as flower girl, Master Herbert Ryan aa
ring bearer. Rev. F. Anderson performed
the ceremony In the presence of the
families, and a few friends.
January 1, 1WI. Mr. Dean Thompson
and Miss Ueaele M. Barrett, both of
Omaha, entered the state of matrimony
at the bride's homo. The ceremony was
performed in the presence of a large
circle of friends and relatives. The dec
oration were replete with Christmas)
greens, smllax and cit flowers, most
striking being two large wreaths ot holly
arranged In the design of hearts - sus
pended by white ribbons in the front
parlor window. Rev. C. C. Clseell of
fil iated. Miss Prudonce Barrett was the
bridesmaid and Mr. Wirt Thompson the
beat man. '
January 1, 1901. Mr. J. Edward Evans,
son of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Evans, and
Miss Jennie E. Allen, daughter of Prof,
and Mrs. W. II. Allen, were Joined In
wedlock at the bride s home. The affair
waa Just a quiet home wedding and Rev.
A T. Young of Blair tied the knot.
"The Bee's Wedding Book" will con
tinue from day to day on the society page
of the evening and Sunday edition.
Watch for It.
COLUMBUF, Kan., Dec Sl.-Mra.
Nanette Allison, who aa Nanette Martlen
was widely known as a Missouri educa
tor through three decades and who later
attracted national attention as the only
dsmocratlo woman newspaper editor la
Kansss, died her today from burns re
ceived while lighting a gast stove. Bh
waa 7 years old and was the daughter
of Dr. James Martlen, aa car) day
physician of t. Louis)
Can Ho Do It?
Ninety-Four Farmers'
Institutes Held
to End of the Year
MNCOLN, Neb., ,Deo. 31 .-(Special. )
The agrlcultursl extension department of
the University of Nebraska has held 162
days' work at farmers' institutes nnd
short courses In this state, up to January
1. 1912. This amount of work has been
given at ninety-four points'.
The speakers report that the attend
ance, has been larger and the Interest
keener than during any previous year.
With the exception of one or two weeks
the w sat her has been Ideal for the work.
There will be no Institutes held during
the third week of January, as this is the
week ' of organized agriculture at lAn
coin. Beginning with the fourth week
In January from threeto four Institutes
will be held each day for the rest of Jan
uary, and all of February. The month ot
March will be devoted to short courses,
both with farmers and with boys and
The schedule for the first two weeks
In January Includes twenty-three meet
ings as follows:
Cosad, 2-3; McCool Junction, 2-8; Lex
ington. V 3-4; Papllllon. 3-4; Overton, 4-5;
Waverly, 4-6; Elm Creek. 6-6; Ashland,
6-6: Ulysses, Hordvllle, 7-8; C'eresco,
8-9; Eagle, B; Polk, -10; Wahoo, 9-10;
Havelock, 10; Btromsburg, 10-11; Morse
Bluff, 10; Weeping Water, 11; Rising
City, 11-12;, Arlington, 11-12; Union, 12;
Weston. 12-13; Springfield, 13.
8ANTE FE. N. M., Dec. 31.-Results of
the official canvass ot the first state
election, held November 7, made publld
today, show a total ot 60,812 votes cast.
The socialists poled from 1,787 for gov
ernor to 2.02)1 for secretary of state and
the republican and democratic candidates
the remainder.
The constitutional amendment to make
the constitution easier of amendment car
ried by 13.0i6 majority, the vote being, for,
34,897; and against, 22,831.
The makeup ot the state senate follows:
Republicans, K; progressive republicans,
2; democrats. 2. House: Republicans, 30;
progressive republicans, 3; democrats, 16.
The republicans and progressive repub
licans have more than two-thirds ma
jority of the Joint assembly, assuring two
republican United states senators.
The two congressmen are George Curry,
republican, and II. B. Ferguson, demo
crat. The state officers are; ' Governor, W. C.
McDonald, democrat; lieutenant gov
ernor, E. C. Debaca, democrat; secretary
of state, A. J. I.ucero, democrat; state
auditor, W. U. Kargent, republican: state
treasurer, O. N. Marron, democrat; at
torney general, F. W. Clancy, repub lean,
superintendent of public Instruction, A.
N. White, democrat; commissioner of
public lands, R. P. Ervleu, republican;
Justices of supreme court, P. W. Parker
and C. J. Roberts, republicans, and it. II.
Hanna, progressive republican; corpora
tion commissioners, H. It. Williams and
M. H. droves, republicans, and G. H.
Vanstonal, progressive republican.
ST. I,OUI8, Dec. 31.-A revival service
In Wichita, Kan., has caused ninety-six
cents, wrongfully taken from It to be
restored to the Frisco railroad. A man
named Hay five days sko purchased a
tic ket from Wichita to Beaumont, Kan.,
for ninety-six cents. Later ho sent the
unpunched ticket to the Frisco's general
offices here, saying he had not taken the
trip and wanted his money back. A
draft for ninety-six cents Was sent to
Today the ninety-six cents Is back In
the treasury of the railroad eompany,
Hay having explained In the letter In
which he returned the draft, that be had
taken the trip and that he had atrtnded
a revival In Wlohita and had decided
he would not "beat the railroad out of
the fire."
Puts Aside Chance to Make Race for
Gubernatorial Place.
Not Flnaaelally Able to (let Into
the Primary and WlUlusr to Let
Rome Other Have the
Ohrls Orushtlier will not run for the
offl ot 1-DvernnT In Nebraska this year.
His announcement comeg In th form of
a letter to The Bee and Is Intended as a
New fear's greeting to the democrats of
Nebraska. Mr. Qruenther writes;
"During the last ten days 1 have re
reived several petitions urging my can
dldacy for jovernor or United States son
a tor on the deinocratlo primary ballot
for the year 1912. I have been, ad vised
by the secretary of state that petitions
have been filed In his office and from
other sources I learn that such petitions
are being circulated in different parts of
Nebraska. I have returned the several
petitions received by me, and In the ah
senoe of a written acceptance the pctl
tlons i the office of the secretary of
state become Ineffective ' automatically.
For all practical purposes the Incident Is
closed, but In view of all the clroum
stances It would seem ungracious to dls
pose of the matter without some public
"I have given this matter my beat
thought. It was no easy task to arrive
at a satisfactory conclusion, because the
petitions and communications came from
many parts of the state and all bore the
stamp of sincerity and good faith. But
after careful consideration I waa unable
to reconcile an acceptance of either nom
inatlon with the circumstances in which
I find myself.
"I have Just been elected (almost un.
antmously) to a four-year term of office
by the people of Platte county, and hav.
ing sought that office, to lightly cast It
aside would not, aa It seems to me, augur
well for my fidelity In a higher place
There are other reasons. I have a large
family and my means are limited to my
earnings. Politics In the higher altitudes
haa become a rtchman'a game and my
circumstances disqualify me.
"The democracy of Nebraska, can
furnish men who are well qualified for
these exalted positions and the mantle
should fall on shoulders more worthy
than mine.
"My Interest In publlo affairs shall con
tinue unabated, but It la not easentkU
In a republic for a citizen to hold office
to serve the public good. The field of
clvlo usefulness Is open to every citizen
and there his Influence for good govern
ment and the regeneration of society Is
practically unlimited.
"I deeply appreciate the honors which
have been so freely profered and I shall
endeavor to deserve the confidence thus
manifested, by working as a private
citizen for such men and measures as will
best serve to promote the welfare and real
progress of the people.
NEW YORK, Deo. Il.-J. C. Stubbs,
former traffic manager of the Union and
Southern pacific systems, has been en
gaged to examine and report upon the con
dition and requirement of the property of
the Wabash Railroad company, now In
the hands ot receivers, according to an
announcement made today by the com
mittee headed by Wlnslow 8. Pierce,
formed to protect the Interests of the first
refunding and extension bond holders.
In urging the bondholders to deposit
their bonds with them, the circular says
the committee waa constituted at the In
stance of the Equitable Trust company,
trustee of the mortgage, and that the rail
road company acquiesced In the appoint
ment. An "independent" protective committee
la competing with the Pierce committee.
Fortune Smiles on All Fields of En
deavor and All Lines of Activ
ities Respond.
Increase in Jobbing Business is
Told in Millions.
Omaha-Made Goods Are Sent Into
Nearly Every Country.
Clearings Distance Second Highest
Year Eighteen Millions.
Ilerel Nmnnh llerorda for Tears of
Lower Prices Improvements Are
Mont ililrnahc and Great
rruirrn Noted.
OKill MOORS TOB ltll.
mi. mo-
BaEk deposits...) B5,493,OM B1,M0,M5
Taotorv output... 04,90,3S8 800,688,090
Jobbing trade . . 145,833,808
Bank clearings. . 763,108,753
Bealtjr traasfers 9,17,M8
Bldg. pervulta. . .
fmelter outpat...
Pnblle works. . . .
Grain reepta
Oraln ship, bu . .
racking house
output 188,OCO,000 186,000,000
1911. 1610.
Cattle 1,174,360 1,893,893
Ore 8,363,800 194,314
beep' 8,977,800 3,884,870
In rplte of, financial and Industrial dis
turbances over tho country, tariff agi
tation, the attempt at Canadian reciproc
ity, trust prosecution and the close ap
proach of the presidential Section, Omaha
niado a very creditable showing for the
year 11)11 In lines ot Industry, commerce
and civic. development.
The year's record, in short form, may
be put thus; The city's JobblngMiuslne6
Increased ttJ.STl.OOO over MHO, the factor?
output Increased S4.321.O00. grain receipt
wtre J,L'8,000 bushel over the previous
year and the largest for any year in the
history ot the Oraln exchange, live stock
receipts broke all records, th value ot
packing house products, In a year of
lower prices, was wllhlft 1,150,0W of the
value of the 1910 output; bank deposit
of Omaha and Bouth Omaha at the close
of the year were W,V72,l;0 greater than at
the close of the previous year, consider
ably more money was spent In publlo
works than In 1U10 and thirty-four neyr
Industries located here during, the., year.
On the other, hand, bank leavings
dropMd 7S,8SJ.0O building f permits
dropped from o.2S0.908 In 1010 V6 15.426,83
in 1911. real estst transfers diyfpped from
15,273,4r to $.17!),023 and thrf output v of
the smelter decreased J'juG.OOlJ
Galas Break Previous Records.
An analysis or the flares showing the
city business isadtlfylns In many
ways. r ImWTrfera were some losses,
there were great gains, and In four llnea
all previous records were broken. .
According to the statement compiled
by the publicity bureau ot th Commer
cial club after exhaustive investigation,
the jouulng trade of the city Increased
12,371,000, aside from the 110.000.000 In grain
Jobbing, which was not Included In the
club's figures for 1V10. This Indicates not
only Increased- consumption at home, but
In all of the city's tributary trade terri
tory, it also tells ot the benefits of the
trade excursions conducted by the Com
mercial club, the Jobbers' and Manufac
turers' association and the Individual job
bers. Increase In Manufacturing-
As a manufacturing center, Omaha la
gruwtng steadily and rapidly. Never has
a recession been recorded In the value of
the, annual manufactured output ot the
city. Last year's detailed record, aa
given on another page of The Pee, tells
of many gains, some Ioshcs and some lines
In which the business was about the aama
as m 1!M0. The net Increase of S4.321.slU
in the total manufactured output mesita
more men employed, more money kept at
home and more money brought In from
the territory In which the products ar
sold. Reports of tho manufacturers for
the year, Irrespective of the packli.K
house products, which are sold all over
the world, show that goods were sold not
only in nearly every state of the union,
but in Burope. outli America, South
Africa, Australia, New Zealand. Canada,
Alaska and the tfandwlch Islands.
Hank flearlnas Are Larger.
Although bank clearings for the bank
of Omaha and Bouth Omaha were lei
Boxes of
O'Brien's Candy
Dalzell's Ice
Cream Bricks
Given away each day In
the 'want ads to those finding
heir name.
. Read the want ads each
day, It you don't get a prize
you will probably find omi
tting advertised that appeals
to you.
Each day these piiiea ar
offered, no puzzles to sol re no
Subscriptions to get nothing
but finding your name. It will
appear 6om time. -