THE OMAHA SUNDAY HKE: ' DECEMnER .U 1011. A OPPORTUNITY STANDS HERE Hia Bee Bring to Your Home a College or University Course. CHAJSCE FOR AMBITIOUS MEN ftrfcolarafclpe In Rmliirii AdmliU. (ratio ml l.a Salle I iilvf nltf Give) rnif llmrctirf 1 1. 1 ra ited amber of Rredrn. Th committee of the New Tear finds mors prosperous young business men In the country than any previous twelve month has witnessed at Its beginning. Ambition la the kevnole of many a suc cessful man' rise. The fellow-.the youth or the man of bualneaa who has Jo it turned thirty cannot expect to rise to the pinnacle of success unless he I spurred on by ambition. America In full of exam ples of men who have climbed up the ladder of success because they were not satisfied with their position. They would not Hand till, and they moved on and on until they recently reached a place from which they could look down upon the real of thel rfellowa and declare that those men were nut ambitious, or If ambitious did not go the tight way to success. 'Many an arrbttloiia man of the busl nera world falla to achieve success be rauae he doe not go about the attain ment of the end In that manner which lenda toward the top. The ambttlou man of a few year ago did not have the guide and pott of warning that the young of 1" presented with. Tfc Bee Iatereated, The Bee Is In iha young men of the weat. It alwayt had lent a kindly policy toward the development of all that la moat clean and beat In the man of thla aectlon; It haa tried to direct It power to the promotion of a better gener ation for the future. Its aupport of the at ate untveralty and other high school of learning, 'ita aid In aupport of the grade and public schools, have made It the leading educational exponent' of Ne braska. And now It again cornea to the aid of those ambltloua people of the Hate have been denied the advantage of a college courae or who have not taken .he right work in college for a bualneaa jareer. It has aeoursd from the famous I Balls Extension unlveralty a limited number of scholarships, whloh tl will aTlv complimentary to the flrat of Ita readera who apply for them. These prliolarshlpa are for two yeare' courae in the correspondence course of business administration in the La Kalle university. They are valued very highly and the price placed on , them by tae ka flail Kxtetislon unlverrlty is considered very reasonable. The Bee. however, having the Interests of the young people of the atat at heart, ha aecured a number of these scholarships atiit will give them to It readers. Then ecliolarshlpa were selected enly after a thorough !nveltga tlon on the part of this paper. The Bee rtld not alinply take the word of the men Sn charge of the unlveralty course. It sanught the advice of educators of the west and of men who had taken a per sona! Intereot In the work of the La Halle unlveralty. Now It haa come to the con clusions that it haa directed it wisdom In the right tours and that the I .a Rails ICxtenslon university scholarship ar the UHt that could be aecured anywhere. Secretary. laeVaa ea It. 1'or instance the word of urh men a Franklin MacVeagh, secretary of the ITnlted Bute treasury, was ac cepted a counting for much In decid ing tho policy, of The Bee. Mr. Mac Veagh spoka through Has V. Pliotte aa fpllows: . "Some ttma ag(j, through the Influ ence of Mr. MacVeagh, ten employe of thbj firm aecured the course of training In business admlnislra Ion of the La Kail 1'Zxtenalon university. "These teu then count thamaelv very fortunate becauae w find thlt course give a bualnesa training no man can afford to mlse. The text mat ter ia flrat-claes; the lecture are In atructlve and interesting. We are proud of our connection with thla university." Th offer of The Be for free achol arahlpa I mad to young men who are thoroughly In earnest and who will rtiaks the beat of their opportunity. It U a chance fur the man of ability to use tht ability to beat advantages. No Mian can progres unlesa he keep mov ing. Th man who la aa II fled with hi condition la th man who a tend a till. He let th world mov on, and tn other young, men who accept the opportunities go ahead, but he aland tifl. The Bee wanu. ta aid th young men who wish to aee a Way a get al.ead. The csurae In bualnesa admin ltratlon will aaajst railway tnen, bank ashler and employe, clerks, bualneaa liouae employee, lawyere, doctor, and ail men of the bulness world. It 1 net only a course for the man of 21 year: it ta a cour. for the man of to or 15 or forty. Borne of the men who have gained the greatest good from the La fcelle work are men abov th age of 40. Mailable Dletrtbatloa. iThe Be desire to make aa equitable a distribution of these scholarship a poeslbl. and give additional detail of It plan u a full jnag -ad- which ap pear in another part of thla Issue, Thia advertisement containa a coupon which ay be tilled out and mailed to the educational department of this paper for full mformaflon. No expense is entailed through the mailing of thl coupon. It lll bring all details of th plan. The scholarship, it must be understood, go freo to the first reader who apply. -Bine thl paper wishes to have an auultable distribution made. It i anxloua hat men of all branches of bualneaa ao.Hy for the scholarship, so that the greatest good may be distributed into the widest f.eld. The Bee will gladly g(ve assistance to any young man who Wlhe advice a ato whether he ahouM take up thl wutk. Jf ha will writ to th educational department explaining the coadltioti of hi work and wishing" to Vflow whether thla courae. win bo o. benefit to blin. The Bee will thoroughly Investigate bla case, and give hint all the advice that U avceauary. Th Bee Is analou to give the scholarship to who will get th greatest good fromthem, ajid It wishee that all the ambitious yvxicig rata of Unialia and th rat of th flat mpiy for the scholarship at cno. CHICKEN THIEVES TAKE . BIRDS BY THE WHOLESALE i (From a btafr Correspondent ) LINCOLN, Doe. 0.-Soctal.Farmr la the vicinity of the city on West . street have been troubled by thieves wh ta! chicken aad hog and ta- addjtlo t takli.g the fowls and pork Insist Mi doing the slaughtering ea th lndec, leaving th refuse to be ca.e for by the owner. A. M. Trimble, iir. 1 .Hereon and J. TV. Ntlsoa were a victim of llta maurauder in one n's'.; (Jeveral of their neighbor have also bee v j.ict but up to the present thete 1 n tw tbe Wvmity of th robber. 'J J I ; . . .:.:.:. ., v:s; W,: II If A .. I ; I .- i ( Ml 1 i W , . .,t. n , I. , J . I ,t,,n,, J . . ,. . " f i tihi"Jpk 2 m ft ' i". ''irH iu ,v;?,',il," - If!"- 1"-M. Edward. XV. W. SwlRh.r. II. Tl. ITarvey. C. N.-Bushnell. T II. MacDanlels (Secretary-Treasurer). V. W. Burnett. Center Row. Left irtttVrtfn ruJll?, i vv: i i i M,eC,!l"n 'V'T'l' J! u,- K''"hn"' A' Hprungcr. Hal.hnklr. J. i(. Wilson, 11 V. Hass. It. U Curtis, 3 J Oray. Front How, Left to Klght-J. H. Hall (PJanlet), E. U. Beach (titudent Manager;, J. Weld, J, L. Coi.rud, J. K. Winkler Maiiaerl, ti. A. Andrus (rrfisldent) L. A. Cook. OBERLIN COLLJXItJ QLE3 CLUB, WHO WILL- S1NO AT THE FIRST ' CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH THURSDAY EVENING. , PROTEST H00LF0R JUSTICE Rebr&ska Bailway Commisjion Get Telegram from St. Paul. ALD2ICH SE5DS.W0ED TO TAFT Wrltee Letter ta Prealdeat Protest n Against Kaaalagr Federal JTadge to laired states opresno Beach. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb., Leo. 30. (Special.) From a telegram received this morning by M. J, Wlnnett, meuiber of the fitate Railway oommlkalon, th commissions In other state ar taking a hand In the ap pointment of a suocersor to the late Jus tice Harlan of th United Btatea supreme court. Following la the telegram: t BT. PAUL. Dec.- .-H. i. Wlnnatt. Chairman Nebraska Hallway Commis sion: Kind below codv of telearam sent by Minnesota commission to President lart, with copy of same to each of our senatora. You ar urged to see that moat effective protest is registered without as sy, as nomination is likely to D sent in next Wednesday. "Counsel in Minnesota rate case advise u that Judge Hook in Oklahoma rate care, Missouri, Kansas e Texas Hallway company against Love (177. federal. 4M). decided some of the most Important ques tions in the Minnesota rate case adverse to the contentions of the state, and hla vlewa as expressed In that case are fatal to the atRte s caae. There are eiajht state that have casea before the United Hates supreme court involving Itheae questions. We believe that the state la entitled to tne nootntment of a ludae who haa not al ready expressed an opinion on these im portant questions, and therefore protest asalnst the auuolnlment of Judge Hook. Vide 1 not in th Interest of any candi date. C. V. HTAPLKH. President National Asaoclatlon of Hallway Commissioners, : Later tn the day the commission com piled with th request of the president of th national association and wired a protest ',". Governor Aldrtch Indicated he would end a telegram to President TaU pro testing against th Hook appointment, but would not glv out copy of th tele gram. In connection with thla matter it 1 re called th Nebraaka commission protected ag-sinst th appointment of Judge Vande varter to the supreme bench.' The possi bility that Minnesota has a candidate for the place In th person . of Frank B. Kallogg, th "trust buster.!', might have ometblng to do with th proUftt eman ating from fit. Paul. NEWS NOTES FROM CHADR0N Lyra, Lot-Lett aad Mlaa Flore aee Wagner Are Married, . CIIARON, Neb., Dec, 50. (Spei'.al.)- The first wedding where both pert It were bom and bred In Da we county oc curred her last evening when Lyra Lockett. son of Thomas Lockett, was married to Mlsa Florence Weaver, daugh ter of William Weaver, The parent of both cam her at th orgartlaatlon of Dawe county, settling on the Bordeaux. After a winter spent In travel and visit ing, th young' count will remove- to Wyoming to realde on a ranch. Paul King, a prominent merchant of Rushvllle waa married to Mearl .Porter of thl olty by Judge I), li. Jenoka. Attorney IX )f. 'JehcVa will retire front the bench after finishing th term of former County Judge Dana flayer, who died last July. Attorney Jenoka could IU affurd the time from hi legal practice, but e accepted the position from the comml- jloners, because of hi frtendaMp for Vdg Eayera, aud that t waa thoroughly vsnveraajit with tho business, having, a matter of fact, really acted a suh adga daring the long: sickness of Jude jeyers. Attorney Jenck's' refused to bo a candidate for th crric for to ensuing term. Th Younff Men' Christian association haa distributed their eight prlaea for gym- ue!um wort. Tre prixr are donated annually by th business men of Cliad- . on and were eagerly St rived for by the largi claiies. Taos receiving them were Intermediate boys, first. Clyde Pace: aee: wild, Frank Flanders; third, I'atrlcA row--rs; fourth. Frack'.ln Pitman. Junior Ooys, first,' Cyril Wyi second. Frederick Malki; third. Neal Danley; fourth. Ad .io: ilcKeo. Howard Mot and Mark .it-;r w.e civen the mamberstilp riao4 for tlvc beet worU. JnOKEN BOW MEM WILL KEEP OPEN HOUSE'MONDAY BOOsICN COW. Neb.. Dec. 9.-(?pe-ebsLV-Jtew Tear day wCl observed aero j th men keepioi; open luiuae and a vudoii J.iinc tie celiac, already, ne Btau contingent la sactllnf I tut If tto icJLvUi grout and. at meat of leading homes, elaborate preparation . bclns trade. It the waatlvcr perism, ie roms will mako the round In au mobllea If thtr I snow, old th ned sleighing parties wl.l predomlaate. .1 ti place will hay torn d etinful.h H ana Unlqu fatur la th way of lUrialoment and th society 'ment Is toiling forward to a dar of solid en Sweet Singing Ohio College Boys Vl' V''iy'j:', fGAGE COUNTY NEWS NOTES Ohio 9leblae Company Sara City of tV'ymore for Price of Patau I In Bnslne.' BEATRICE, Neb.. Dec. 30. (Special. ) The' Wymore city urriclala who ar de fendant In a suit brought by th St. Mary Machine company of fit, Mary's, O., to recover about 14.000 on an engine Installed in the new waterworka at that place, have announced . that they will not pay the claim for the reason . that th engine did not prove satisfactory. Th company was notified and sent an expert to Wymore to overhaul the en gine, but It stUI failed to do what-the company claimed for It. and the council refueed to accept It. .The manufacturing company asks ludgment In the federal court for th above amount against the city of Wymore. William I'. Fisher, for thirty year a resident of Beatrice, died suddenly yes terday aftwrnoon of -apoplexy, aged T4. yeare, 'He "is survived by a widow and three children.' He was engaged in the contracting and building business In thl city for many years. Announcement was received here yes terday of the merrtagn. of Mlsa Lulu Trud of this city and A. B. Arnold of Stockton, 111., which ooeurred at Galena, III., Thursday. They, will make their home at Stockton, where the groom I engaged - in bualneaa. Farmer In Gnge county have lost much of their toek th last few month from th corn ttalk disease, Henry Brandt, a farmer living southwest of Beatrice, Most five calve the other day from the disease. Lester B. Kurt of Bheiidnn, Wyo., for- merly of Courtland, thl county, and Mist Georgia i Robertson of Madlsonvllle, , I Villi ; Vi $i :i ;. u .A Ky., wero married at Lincoln yesterday. They have arrived at Cortland to epend their honeymoon with the groom' par ents, Mr. arid Mr. George Kurtx. They will be at home to their friends at Bherl dan after January 13. NUMEROUS WEDDINGS TAKE PLACE AT GOTHENBURG GOTHENBURG, Neb., Dec. 30. (Spe-clal.V-Harry Shelley and Mlsa Ethel Leech were united in marriage at th Methodist Episcopal parsonage In Mag well by Rev.' Mr,' Horan. Mlsa Leech 1 the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Leech, who moved to the P. V. ranch near Maxwell thl fall, having resided her several years. Mr. Shelley 1 th son of Mrs. Sarah Bhelley, living wast of town, and Is very well and favorably known. B. E. Hlmltraud and Miss Stella Me Laughlln were marrlod ' Chrlatmaa day at the brlde'a home northeast of town, by Rec. C. C. Wilson of Gothenburg. William . Geirdea and Mlsa Lona Osten dorf were married at the court house by Judee Noulds. Miss Eellna. Richardson waa united in murrlaffe to J. V. Owens at her home thin city, Rev. Mr. Wilson officiating. They will reside on Wiggins' ranch wher the groom ha been employed. Charles Balllnger and Mlsa Sophia Ocrde i were married ChJlstmaa day In Denver. , . .. , Lawrence Adney and wlfo entertained thirty-four of their relative at Chrlat rras dinner aa Is their custom- " ' ' ' John McNeal, another cturdy pioneer, wa laid to rest Tuesday. Mr. McNeal waa S8 year old and la survived by a widow and four children. . The lc harvest will begin neat Tuoeday . '. " ' "ew 'N. :'. "vi , - 1 . 1 ,. a,,, y , . U V , l . - i' IT - "e1"-,- I :T J f I I "! 4. I :.,......:. . r " : t:'1'- l- '"1- - - 1 -f" ' " : V 4t ! v e'.. ' -!; -. 1 ' t . ex.. ,i ,.4 t I' r T.A I . ' i a - t. ' . " " ' i : as . ? ax 'ntA iiiiui:;:- LjKin.ii : iX J. I. . i .' i , r -1 -! f r ' :T d . K; ffojuJ(L. (L. Aj)L$J4 MMb Coming to Omaha r if at the lake and about ICO men will be required. Ice 1 now eleven Inches thick and of very good quality. Traction Company Files .Its Answer (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb., Deo. 30. (Special.)- The Lincoln Traction company. In answer1 to an Injunction proceeding brought by H. Herpolshelmer and othera, announces that It hsa not now or never had any In tention of taking up any of it trackage or curtailing any of It service without the approval of the public. Th suit had Its origin In the report that the company was to ask th State Railway commission to take up certain line and mov them to other street and also to iake up two lmo and consolidate them In on double track Una to operate on another treet midway between the two. The company 1n It anwer doe not say that auch action la not In contem plation, but Insist publio approval will be obtained before iny action Is taken, If at all. Waif I rant at Cordova. CORDOVA. Neb., Dec. 30. (Special.) The wolf hunt Friday resulted In tho capture of two wolves. Thl hunt wa to take In four sections, but through a mis understanding In the time to start the east line was not formed, and a number got away. At least eight wolves were seen. About 100 men was In line, but the cold and dlsagreeble morning kept a number away. Colonel E. H. Weaver was captain on the west, Prof. E. C. Kuss on the south, Ed Oard on the east and Adorn Cchneller for th north. There will be another round up a week from next Friday. v ; ' ; . . . t t. L' ii: T- T ;u r-i rt t- . s rT -V rl Fj V,vs yj; m ,Q '.v. - i M - ' : I I VAr-- .-ill if :V-Wi l L - - lL i Glee Club Members -Lead in Activities . . The Obenln College Glee club will give a concert Thursday evening tt 6 o'clock at the First Congregational church. Nine teenth and Davenport streets. The of ficers of the club are leading men In other of the college activities. President O. A. Andrus haa been on the Glee club during hi entire four year of college. Manager J. E. Wlrkler I an Oberlln graduate and a professor In the college. Secretary-Treasurer L. H. MacDaniels Is one of the stars of the college. He was captain of th Oberlln foot ball team, which for the third year In succession carried off tlte state championship. He was all-state center for three years. Student Manager E. D. Beach I the backbone of the baritone section. He made a berth for himself with the club In his freshman year. Director P. P. MacColIln Is one of th club' oldest men. HI ability to sing and manage a club has given him this honor position. Pianist J. 11. Hall Is a Junior. He had keen compettlon for his position, but his contact with western life won out for him. He has roomed for three year with an Omaha boy, Lloyd Mattson, ' who Is more than making a record for Omaha a assistant manager of tho basket bal, team, assistant manager of the college year book, treasurer of . hi literary so clety and membor of the Young Men's Christian association cabinet Persistent Advertising is the Road to BUT Returns. Key to the Situation Bee Advertising. . i r 1 'i I i xa' . ;'- . i v. v4 I -:, l. :;vf i r topKr THAT f EELIN8JIF I ULLI.ESS I)MHnrar In I'lvc Minutes After Taking a StunrO Py-nop- . sits Tablet. A Trial ?nckitar Seat Tree on Keanest. All th unplearp.nt sensations attend ant upon too heartily are In rtantly relieved by a Stuart' Dyspepsia Tablet. Like Mlcklnr a pin into a rub ber balloon. The reason 1 simple and tay to understand. 1 sw j in is. Znflat'on of th Stomaeli from Undi gested rood Quickly Relieved by a Stuart' Zysppla Tablet. When you take food Into a tomaclt that is tired and over-taxed th gastric Juices do not form fast enough to dtgeat it properly. So the food becomes sour and at onco begins to throw off gasses. Tour stomach becomes Inflated Just as surely as If you attached a toy balloon to a gas Jot. Then the gases and foul odors Issue forth and pollute your breath making you an object of nausea to your friends. Your tongue quickly becomes coated and you can taste the Youlness that Is within you. Now all tnls condition is changed al most Instantly by a Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet. This little digester get busy at once supplies all the digestive Juices that are lacking digests the food In a Jiffy and opens up tho clogged stomach, and bowels. It also sweetens and re freshes the mucous lining of the stom ach and bowels and, restores peace and content. If you will give Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets a chance they will not only sweeten your stomach, but also your disposition and you will never have an other stomach ill. One grain of a single Ingredient In Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will digest 3,000 grains of food. This saves your stomach and gives it tbe rest it needs. ii .. -..I. - n . .i , i e they are ever over-taxed. The ston.ucb is no exception to this rule. Try a box of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab got along without them. They ar$ sold at 60 cants by all druggists everywhere. A trial package will be sent free on re quest to F. A. Stuart Co., 150 Stuart Bldg. Marshall, Mich. ..... BECK'S BEST LAXATIVE , COLD TABLETS Relieve a Cold in 24 Hours or. Money Refunded. 1 . ,' "Beck's Best Cold Tablets" ar Juat V what thedr name Indicates. They con- . tain Ingredients which are known to be the Best for colds and cough's. Thar contain no mineral, poisons or Injurious driiirs. .Whether you have a cold or la grippe, sick headache bilious attack, or Indiges tion you need a Laxative and a Tonic, both of which affect are produced bv the use of Beck' Lajtatlv Cold Tablets. These tablets contain fever reducing in gredients, pain relieving ingredients, ' sweat producinir Ingredients, stimulants, tonics ajid laxatives. The tendency of the feter reducer i to overcome the waste product which cold or la grippe lodge tn the system. The pain relieving9 ingTeaients to alleviate the oaJn from ir ritated mueoirs surfaces of which cold in-neeo is typical. The sweat producing Ingredients dts- -lodge the waste products in the system. - mruwini i nam cii lurnurn Tne SKin, in teatlnea and kidney. Th vegetable lax- atlves produce an intestinal motion sim ilar to th natural action of the healthy bowel, carry the cold end la grippe pois--ons from system nd oneatlnsr a a liver stimulant produce that freo flow of btle which prevent a constipated condition after taking the remedy for th relierf oC a cold. They ar chocolate coated, pleas-. ant to take and tinlike most cold labletsf contain no calomel to upset the system. A bevd cold of todav may be pneumonia, tomorrow, or a tiokimg cough m.y de velop Into bronchitis. Statistics prov thati "only a cold" has proven more destret- rve to Tumen nre tnan any otner ail ment. Tttore Is no diseajie r fneauent. ly neglected; It I a prevailing' Idea that) a cold will run It length and cure itself:! ' perhejpa It will and you mav net be o-n-j sclous of any bad effects from the ootd.i nevertheless a, cold always debllltateeii the system and this pares the way forf tonsumptlon. I For sale and guaranteed by all drug gists, IPo a bo or mailed on receipt of firlce. Beck Chemical Co., Dea Moines, OWL A valuable aid to Beck's Cold Tablets tn the treatment of colds an- coughs rs . B. B. Mentholated cough drops, which ' may be obtained et any store for So a box or mailed tor 6a in stamp. Interest allowed in sayings department at 3 per annum . . . The United States National Dank of Omaha fllvc3 prompt and courteous service, oflorJa absolute secur ity and h.3.3 a most con venient location. Holhwett Corizr Slilttnlh tnd Firatm Strttli Capital trQO.OQQ Surplus i'.M.OQQ MAIM DO ensee rS sietr fi' na as ssn mt If ar. I'fcr mir f -.J reliBkla a. ilaviry k . Lara tta Merit ! Cer a-att . Josephine Le Fovto Company rbUadelphia, ra. Bold by j-i -g 1.0 , toe Sell Irug Co., and tho tcnucli Cooj;iny, Omaha. 7