III 1 : OMAHA SUNDAY NEK: DECEMBER r.l. 1!U. CTsaaaisarr?;: sari knUi of Daffydll Contst (Cont'd.) . Earn ff)dll mii.t l wrinn on a a-P-arata ihoal of pt and mint dnalsnate tka aavartl.r for h"m U la la'-anitai. V. winslna tarrdli MI b juira for thalr nrttlnalMr. "II anil humor and pr.far.s-a will l Fhnn thoaa rariainlns. la t;a nam or Intlneta of lha advarlloar. Wlnnara rnu aall In perann fur BTI. at alT.rti.r'a pla.'i of hii.ln.a. f. In addition to aitvartiwr'a prl" Tn !' lll aa-ard lira ap--lal .ru. of II W each to tha fli navt hi P.Hydll nrlt.r.. Xal.a of Daffydii Coat.st 1. Anmn mt b a41ra.l to "Parr?. Mil Killlor" of Tha Be, and rar Bae the ant latar than P. M. Thumilar In ba il aidarsd for aria, awart of that -k. I. Cnntaataata may aakmlt oaa or mora Daf. f) ill la for dj or all of tha ariaaa. I. tvtaner It tia salertai nna by each a1 varttear Daffy.ll Content Pag an4 prlntod In ola aitrartiaement. whlen via alao an noun '-a prli. for axt cootaat. c usj.iji .LJi'g hi1. m . iniwii-M-mtwra. fit .n. jwiaaei' 111 1 im a 'hjw J jawi ' 1 ..bwwi hi MMMua tMMWwWamMgg-aBwwiBt tiiia ! ..nn wwjm. Cold Weather Is Cold Weather With the mercury at zero, you require not only the host cf Coal the Coal that will give you most heat with least labor, nshes. smoke and aoot but also the kind of aervico that meana delivery when and where you want It. That is SUNDERLAND CERTIFIED COAL AND Sunderland Satisfactory Service MEZT WSEK'S lftXSS. A, SUB BIX.Ii rOK 93.00 io apply on a purchase of one or more tons of HUKDKR LAND CKRTIFIKD COAI. will be awarded to the writer of the bent daffydll submitted this week. 1812 1912 is our address on Farnam Street. is the new year, Wo thank our friends, one and all, for'their cordial eb-operation during 1911. It is with their loyalty that tho conroanv has been able to build an or ganization strong enough to insist upon pure, clean milk from prosperous, well-to-do fai-m owners, and to buy modern equipment with which to properly pasteurize, handle and distribute the saf est, purest and cleanest milk sold in our modern city of Omaha. "VVe take pleasure in extending our .very best wishes for a Suc cessful New Year. PRIZES FOR NEXT WEEK 1st prize, $3 milk ticket. 2d prize, 2 milk ticket. 3d prize, $1 milk ticket. FARRELL'S SYRUPS OUR BRANDS: Peerless Corn Syrup Old Process Molasses "Good Taste" White Syrup Wedding Breakfast Maple Syrup Next Week'a Prize: One case Aenorted Syrupa to persona contributing best Daffydii.: ARE YOU CONSIDERATE .. . for mother, wife, sister and maid? AIIE YOU ECONOMICAL about household expenses T v ARE YOU NEAT in every detail of your home? -Answer these question in the affirmative by using ELECTRIC LIGHT AN ELECTRIC IRON AN ELECTRIC TOASTER ON Osa Xleetrlo Beating Vad. Connects to any socket and keeps an even heat while In use. A very useful device in the sick room. The Famous SKCONH FLOOR. TAKK KLKVATOR. SIXTKKNTII AN U FAUX AM Tailored Flan nel ilann.su Shirt Wa.ate at .680 Over McCrorey's New 5c and 10c Store r TUKSDAY'3 One-Hair Price Sale on all our Coats, Kulu. Dresses. Hklrta and Mil;' llnery. Our prices were always tha lowest In the city. Thla one-half price sale means much mora to you than any ordinary sale. For the reason, The Famous Bulla gnd Coats are lirand New, and only sixty days In the house. All our $10 and $15 AA Coats and Suits aPJ.UU AJ1 our $15 and $13 Cf Coats and Suits P ,JJ All our $30 and $35 Coats and Suits. . $15.00 PIUZE FOR 1JU3T DAFFLDIL. We offer a Silk Petticoat value tl for best Daffydll submitted for next Sunday. Talis vsin wxirxm n A DARDT. OAR TOO BSA.T XT? Said Oscar to Adolph "Ach. I dolls you Adolph, der chief neve.slasltles of egircKlerienc In der Sun,' der land, Tin J dor Coal. l.aurclla Chllde, :a so. tti Ave. THY OIK SKW K.MOKtiLfcKS YKLIj-O 8TOXK IX m $7.00 per ton. SUNDERLAND BROS CO., 1014 HAKNKY KTHKKT. lloth Phones, Yards Everywhere. MUST PUIZK W1NNKR Mrs. O. L. McOlnty. 1031 No, 20th St.. So. Omaha: I f It take a quart of milk a day to ralae a baby, how much does It take to raise an un.brella? ' Not ia much as to raise rain. HHOONM PR1ZK WlXNEll Miss JdHrgaret Farrell, 4001 X St., So. Omaha: If Alamito qulfis the baby's crlas, why let it rast-uer-lie? TH1HI) PKIZli WINNER M1os J. Prinue, 1009 Califor nia "Kt.: If an Alamito certi fied tow got 'angry . with the milk maid would aha turn to butter? butt-her.) S ' Alamito Sanitary Dairy Co., Omaha, Neb. PRIZE DAFFYDIL: O. A. Keyaer. 4425 Parker St: If Farrira Wedding Breakfaat Syrup Would make a fly bite would v Old Proceaa Molasses make a ginger a nap? ' FARRELL SYRUP COMPANY If the office boy spilled the Ink on the atenograpenr, would the Vacuum cleaner? If the gooseberries wouldn't Jell, would the electric cur rents? If she was afraid td go home Irt the dark, would the thea tric lighter? Michael Joseph. 1220 So. lOtti 8t. IN YOUR HOME. . v IN THE LAUNDRY. THE BREAKFAST TABLE. They lend ebmfort and elegance to your home life. Omaha Electric Light & . Power Company Auto Hoods, real $3.00 values at ,98c All our $5 and $G Skirts S2.95 All our $7 and $10 A QT Skirts aP"t. J J All our $10 and $15 $5.00 Dresses We cannot sell goods in the ad, so take the elevator and come up to Oinu ha's New and Bright Daylight Cloak and Suit Store, and see the great val ues we offer you. Get into the Daffydii Game. It affords splendid amusement as well as liberal compensation. Many contestants are finding it an excel lent mental training as well as a great deal of fun. Following are a few of the Daffydils submitted this week, the first five being the winners of the $1.00 prizes offered by The Bee. Mel Metcalfe, i lVidtf Pt. If a watch clapped its bands, would a Had t,'ros eta nip? Helen Verrlll. The Stre-h-Inw, No. Is -If Uuxfla was hungry would It eat Ureeoc? A. U Welsh. Sli". Pacific St. if ciaur boxes, will a flngertowl? Mrs. .8. I Jefferson, Woodbine. Ia. If you wanted a musical In strument And didn't know where to go: Why should It be hard to dotrrmlne, Wouldn't. llayden's piano? Carl Henderson, n0R Chi cago St. If a dill pickle got Into an Insane asylum, would you call it a daffydll? Venule Kiing, l.VW Park Ave. If I hud a gold eiinlr, could 1 nn'. itcn? If I were Invited to a buiuitu't would ltcn? If 1 hii'l tt drcs to bo made, would Inn Hts-eu-lt'.' Kdlth Holmes If Hie Omaha Kloctrlo Light e.-. Power Co. lurnlshcH tho power, do they also lumlsh Ue-llght? Kdlth Holmes If an elec tric, toaster makes break -Inst easy, does tho electric, lion make wavli day-lluht? 1. R. Franklin, Fremont. Neb. If the maid should pick "currents" off tha wires, would the "lightning arrester" or the "shock absorber?" Fitch and Ve.ey, American theater if the United Utates ans the Heef trust, who will Russia (rush a) ran? Fitch and Vesey, American theater r Omaha Is tho brewerv of the great West, Is Luxus the buckle of the beer belt? Pauline Prince. 101 Far nam St. If you want to make your pudding light, would you use eleclrlo cur rents? (Currants). Anna Fngllsh, 625 8. aist Ft. If a farmer mows hay, does Farrell molasses? iMow lasses). 1 It. 8. Mann, tilt 8. 2nth Ave. Not long avgn electrio Itv was thought wonderful, ' now you make light of It. Mrs. H. Hauflalre, 1&2S N. 35th St., South Omaha. If the mangle girls went on a strike, would Omaha Kleo ttio flat Iron? Mrs. C.'M. Miller. 1338 8. 27th St. In asking two small boys how, many pack ages of Fairy sodas they would like, If Harry would say, "I five," would Otto say, "I ten?" (Hen.) T. a. Pevaney, 811 N. 40th St. At FarrelVs "Wedding Aflappy New Year will not be complete without a bottle of good cheer. We will be open on Monday morning for those who have forgotten to complete their purchases. A delicious wine for all occasions is Ililler's Tokay Wine 75c per bottle. Hiller's Special Vintage White Tokay $t a quart. '-n, J If Mr. Alberts will call at our store we will give him his prize. Send in Your Daffydii for -. aAaj. - . si ' Prize for next week: ' $2.00 worth of Parmer Baking Powder eight one-pound cans. WROTH- -Caters to All Tastes ' " lie serves, Fretsh Fish, Lobsters, Shrimps, Oysters and other Sea Foods in every style. His Chinese, Mexican and Italian Dishes, served in tho second floor dining room, offer a variety from which you can always choose what suits your taste. ' Prize for best Wroth Daffydii, noon-day meal every day for one week atwUV llreaUfasI" would It be "good tusto" to follow the "old process" of unklnK for uio-hiHheK? (More iiiHscs. ) F.llsnheth P. Allen, H12 Casti Ht. If l.tios had a cnne at our house, would KiuI H. company '.' Ktmer Frlckson. '.M:a Pratt St. If catllo are beef, is salt pork? P. Jumlcson, 2734 Illondo St. If no aeroplane fell, would n Muada light? (Irace Mnhaffey, 40.'3 Charl.s St. If a fruit cako cut for tiirlstitiHi dinner tastes good, how would a box of Iten's aiulinni bls 1'iiit ibis-cut) for a lunch lasto. Mlrs Mary Kane. C02 K. ni'.tli St. If Itnn (I attend) the dinner with Fairy Soda, would Ulscuit (quit) It en Ki-nham (eatln gray ham?) Carl 1. Anderson, Smfi Chl rago St. If you Wanted to read about tho horth pole, would you ask (or a ooolc book ? Carl T. Anderson.'." fiil cngo 8t. If a rooster nng a snug, would you call H a fowiu)! air? Carl I. Anderson, 8005 Chl crtgo St. If a woman was sick and the doctor refused to take her case, would the undertaker? If Ililler'a wine tasted (rood, would you pronounce It (T) O-Kay. F. J. ALBERT8, 501 1st Nat. Hank Building. Omaha's only High. Class Exclusive Family Liquor Store. , 1.109 FARNAM BT. Both Phones. Tronipt delivery F. D. PARMER & COMPANY The name Parmer is a winner every day. In every household where good bnking previala Parmer's Baking Powder is an invariable friend. Use Parmer's namo in Daffydils and his Baking Powder in your kitchen. F. D. Parmer &Co. 1415 v FARNAM ST. WHAT I A "If Pat Put on a New Suit Yea. Keotlo reader, the daffydll has come to stay. He has, because you are his creator, and you want him, just aa you want your morning newspaper. Tlmo was when tlito little literary waif was scoffed at by r rofesHlonal JoKesmlths, be cause be wasn't the product of their type writers, of course, all newcott tr Willi a in I on In life are treated that way. Hut eoii.e how they creep Into our affections, and the chances are they slay there, when their clamor for recognition merits It like little Mr. Haffydll. Now yon :iiy not renllis It, but the daffydll may t made to occupy an euual Interest In your dally affairs with the price of food and the question how to ralne the wherewithal to augment the family coalbln. . Fact Is, when you Join the family at breakfast, and open your morning iiewnpaper, If yon fail to find vour neighbor') .laffydll Inscribed there somehow you don't relish your ham and egua. Anil there's a reason for till and a reason also for the grave-faced editor's desire to get the dalfvdll ropy down Into tvpe early. The Uaffydll'a mission In life, whatever his other faults mav be, Is to lighten the bunions of and drive gloom from un otherwise and. old world. Here's a Daffydll. "What Is . daffyiltl?" ecrlain of the unaciuralnted bave asked In recent letterx to The Dees daffydii editor, who, by the way, agrees with you that the daffydll brand of humor can afford to glvo odds We wish to thank all contestants for their ef forts in our behalf. We will open both Sunday aiul Monday mornings for the 'bene fit of late Xuuis shoppers. Below are a Cew suggestions: ' Bracelets, fobs, mesh bags, tie pins, cuff links, rings, umbrellas, silverware, cut glass, etc. Largo assortment of largo lockets and neck chains Just arrived. Special reduction before inventory. Prize for next week: One pair Solid Gold Cuff Links. Are You Daffy About Luxus Beer? A case of this delicious brew is a prize winner at any time. Order for your Sunday dinner. Prize for Next Week: One Case Luxus Beer. Itens Products Foundation stones muscles and bones. ITEN'S GRAHAM BISCUIT Made or Delight of Graham of Smiles of Good Cheer. 0 IttN-a ,a U1I I) Prize for Next Week $3.00 assortment of Iten's Package Goods. Think! Think! Think! and when you have thought of the HIGH MERIT of HAYDEN'S PIANO DEPT. write" a Daffydii and win our lady's handsome umbrella. IS THIS MKMTf Wo combine LOW PRICES with EASY TERMS on Pianos of HIGH QUALITY. ' Agents for Estey, Soluner, Fisher, Ludwig, Clnckering Bros., Everett and Nelson Pianos. (You may ,coinposo Daffydils on these names.) Prize I atanliul I nature a I eurprtse fr.r nail fttunda V -A SUb- J vi.lou.lil article, tha of which we withhold as a for the winner. DAFF YDIL? of Clothes, Would Microbe?" aplenty to all entrants In the .Jokers hand!, 'lip. Here's- a semvlo safe enough for fireside leading try It on grand father, and note his chuckle' "If Pat put on a new suit of clothes,' would microbe?" Mill another which, by the wny, was handed to the off lie Uiy yesterday by hiarh-hmwed, thoiiglitful-lookliig nan re sembling a college professor follows: "If Mlsa Oenee wanted to lengthen her name, Would the Adeline?" Perhaps Miss (tone would not, but that's beside the question In view of vour opportunity to tceoinn a daffydlllatt and pick up M.me Valuable prUes by a few strokes of your pen, Hpencerlan or vertical. It matters not. Hera osa of the widespread Interest in these daffvdll creations. The Hee ha started this contest to develon your orig inality a a maker of Daffydils. Try one or two ami see bow easy It 1. A little labor today may nlve you one of the prles offered bv the advert Ifcera and The Hen In this Interesting contest. Prices to elarhtoe'i persons who send ' 0 beit original daffydils will be awarded. Opon to Everybody. The contest Is open to everybodv. It costs nothing whatever to enter. Kvery dsffvdll sent In rnst. contain the name of an, advertiser listed on the lWiffvrtll Contest pearo. published In Kunday.'s llee, or the goods he sells. ritlZK DAFFYDIL Guy KMrldge, ltlOi lliiiney St.: Hid Ingersul watch Wolf mak. tho dock, spring on the bench because It hod run down? Wolf Jewelry Co. , 405 South Sixteenth Street. City Kank Building. riHZH WINNER. Krug Brewing Company. If water Is liquid Ice, Is 'Luxus" llQutd sunshine? B. L. BOLLN. The Georgia. FRED KRUG BREWING CO. Omaha, Neb. of PRIZE DAFFYDIL II. l. Hhoades, 113 South (3nd Ht. The Mads ftf B.llght and I were telling Jokes . il uatd, "If she'd crack mine. I'd crackers," I asked, "At the packing house do they eat Ora-ham?" She said. "No, but they sometimes Wa-fers." ITEN'S FAIRY SODA'S Made of Sturdy Stuff of Wheat of Bone of Muscle. Good health in every bite. Iten Biscuit Co. PRI7.F. DAFFYDIL The conlost Is on. In devious ways; Willi a wish 1 will try An umbrella to ralae. If a fair prima donna Her switch she had lont. Could she at llayden's big atore Uuy a l.ud-wig at cost? If tnto the basement she fell, While atrotlng about. With "a fine line of sllka" Could a clerk Fisher out? Then, If with l.udwlgs and Kisliori Sweet I ells she would ring. If the bells lost their clappers. Would the grand Chlcke-ring? W. H. ltlpley. 22l Hurt St Hayden Bros. )