Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 31, 1911, EDITORIAL, Page 11, Image 22

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A new year educational offer by
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To the readers of the Bee who first apply will be given complimentary a limited
number of scholarships in the two-year course in Business Administration of
Twentieth Century
Business Requirements
. This is an era of the greatest com
mercial activity the world has ever
known. The development of busi
: ness is one of the marvels of the new
century. A few years ago, science,
as a factor in commerce, was little
known and lesfc appreciated. The
amazing advantages to business of intellectual
attainments were utterly. without; recognition.
Today, however, business has ; become ' a; con
test in which the quickest .perception -wins,
thus transforming the .counting room into, a
battleground upon which' brain matches brain
for supremacy and success. " ;
Today the standard requirements of all men
in business (old or young.) are higher than
. ever before. Efficiency in business is demand
" ed in every organization of men from clerk to
president efficiency based upon exact know
ledge of the fundamental or underlying princi
ples of business.
In answer to these demands have come
ways arid means for business men and ambi
tious young men to prepare themselves and to
' keep pace with the new order of things. ; The
staff and faculties of great universities, m co
operation with able and successful business
men, .have been making a thorough study of
business, to the extent that it has finally be
come a science which has been reduced to a
practicable teachable form.
The LaSalle Extension University course
offers the grandest opportunity for successful,
achievements that the young man of the pres
ent age has before him. It is the duty of every
capable young man to investigate the possi
bilities now.
The Bee's Educational Offer
For some time The' Bee i has .been deeply interested
in the subject of greater efficiency in business, and has
been making a study and, investigation of the benefits to
be derived from courses of training, such as are offered
by the leading universities, .
The good work being done by the LaSalle Extension
University of Chicago, in the interest of business men
generally, and especially of the eager, earnest and anv
bitious young man impressed us so favorably that we
finally concluded arrangements for a limited number of
twivyear scholarships in Business Administration of this
University, . ..
These scholarships will embrace a complete two
year course in Business Administration, and will be pre
sented complimentary by The Bee to those of its readers
who are quickest to apply for them. A Diploma in Busi'
ness Administration will be awarded by the LaSalle Ex
tension University to those who complete the course and
comply with the requirements for graduation, The
Diploma is priceless to any ambitious young man it is a
guarantee anywhere of an efficient business training,
The only expense to those selected for these com
plimentary scholarships will be for the special University
text matter necessary to pursue the course, and The Bee
has arranged with the University so that this text may be
obtained at a nominal cost and upon convenient terms
of payment,
For the convenience of those applying lev these complimentary
scholarships an application blank has been incorporated into this
announcement, This application blank entails no obligation what'
soever. In perfect fairness to all, on account of the limited number,
applications tor
Scholarships are numbered as received
The LaSalle
Extension University
The LaSalle Extension University
is an educational institution, char
tered under the laws of Illinois. Its
courses are utilitarian, cultural and
professional. It places its educa
tional facilities at the disposal of
those who are now or have been
denied resident instruction.
The University is organized to bring to the
largest number of inhabitants, with the mini
mum expense and-inconvenience, the maxi
mum amount of education and culture. It
appeals for patronage solely upon the ground
of fitness, ability, experience and good service.
Its facilities are olfered to the following classes
of persons:
1. Adult people who failed to secure the general edu
cation they wished while young and who now desire to
make up the deficiency.
2. The young man looking forward to a business
career or, who desires to, equip himself for a professional
pursuit, aud by reason of circumstances is unable t6 at
tend upon, resident instruction. , '
Business and professional men who find the Uni
versity's text matter, lectures and service bulletins
suited to their special needs or who. wish to avail them
selves of the" University's Bureau of Information and spe
cial research facilities.
. , .. . , j
Before his University was established, it was
necessary for those who desired a university
training in business to attend such resident
universities as Yale, Harvard or Dartmouth
College. There were few, however, that
were able to leave their positions or spare the
time and expenses necessary for a two-year
course. By the extension method of the La
Salle University, however, this university
course is brrught to each individual and a
two-year scholarship in this institution be
comes priceless to every earnest, ambitious
and worthy young man.
Praise for LaSalle Extension University from Successful Men
Illinois csjttbal maixboao ookwajtt
135 Far sUw, Chicago
, Auiuit 17th, l'Jll.
LaSalle Kxtenslon I'nlverslty,
Chicago, Illinois.
It la matter of satisfaction to ma to L connected with
nn Institution that conduct Ita work on llnea of such practical
utility to the student, and I am ttlad to further Its aims and
success In any way that I ran.
1 may add that 1 am an Attorney ami with the abovo
corporation, but real lie the need of scientific training and
education In business principles. Your Course gives nan
vast Information, which would be Impossible for h In.' to (at
otherwise except by many yearn of bunlneaa experience.
I d not aee how any ambitions man can fall to take the
co'irae If an opportunity la presented him. Surely the value
cbji fteter bs estimated In dollars and centa.
Very truly yours,
Xieontlve :epartsaBt
July It, 1011.
1 am pleased to Bay that I have examined the method
pursued by tlie I-aJSelle Extension Unlveralty, the cuuraea of
ntudv ottered and tlie manner of presenting the ame. and
can chetrfully aay that all have my endorsement. The neces
alty or keeping abreast of the times becon ea more Imperative
each xear and for tha modern man of affaire thl la easily
accumpliahed throuKh the medlu'n of audi a course ua the
Extension University presents.
Very respectfully,
Governor of Koutli Dakota.
Importers aud Keta lei s
K and Twelfth its.
Lincoln, Neb., 191 1.
The Lalle Method of leaching- the course of Business
Administration la the beat that I have seen. The rourse la
thorough and any person, whether a bualneaa man or not,
should take this course aa It Is very valuable as reference
to me Pusineesman aa wen aa a inuruuitn at-noming ""
X. . THOMAS, Special Af ent.
OaklanJ, Cal., January 10, 1H1.
Chicago, Illinois.
' We Hie tindcrKiirtwd employes of tlie Marketing Depart
ment, Hluiulard till Company, Oakland, California, are glad
of tho opportunity to express our opinion In tegard to your
lJualneaa Admlnlstrutlon Course.
We have all passed our third examination and the results
are very aratlfying Indeed. Vour Umirao covers the entire
field of twentieth century buslne.a methods ami we heartily
recommend It to any business man. It not only trains him for
problems peculiar to Ills own work, but teaches the undurlylng
firlnclplea of all business transactions; In short, it equips
ilin with business ammunition.
Cut out and mail promptly to
Omaha Bee
Educational Department
Tho Omaha Bee, No. ,
Oiuulia,. Nob.
Itcjtcctfull) yours,
who are unacquainted aa how to properly conduct business.
Ti, rler.ioe text which I have In possession are priceless
m m The Ideas which I derive from them are well worth
the price of the whole course. If at any time you are in
doubt I would be glad to explain anything further to you.
(jentlemen: I desire to apply for one of the limited
number of complimentary two-yeur scholarships offered
by you in the Business Administration Course of the
LaSalle Extension University, . I'Jeuse bend me full pur
tieulurs as to pi-ice und-tmm of the necessary text mat
ter to aid me in making a final. decision.
Write for full information.
This la merely u formal application and does not
bind tbe applicant in any May.