r. Y , mmFr m U v W iffia) iwfef GHEE tlie Brandt?ln for a full week, beginning wllh a luatlnee on Sunday aftprnoon. Other matinees will lie, played on Monduy Wcdnesduy unj Saturday. "School Maya" does not depend wholly upon lt novelty. It la brim full of genuine, 'newness, a quality hind to find these days In musical comedy. It In one of those refresh ing and tuneful affairs that wlil bear healing and rehearing many times. , There pre mure than twenty new song lilts in "School Days," and plenty of eatehy incidental muolu. There Is, also humor, a large chorus, of apparently deHghtfully enthusias tic youngsters, just old enough to bo clever, and an endless array of really attractlvo 6ffeets. The management has given "School liays" several new songs that are expected 'to make na big hits as many of the old p favorites. . Among the popular songs to be , heard, here -will be, "I Want to Be a Cowboy," "When I Get to Be a Man," "They Always Pick on Me," "The Calendar of lKJver"-"There Ain't No Mart Ui tHe Moon," Vlddlsh-a-Feet," "Oet on the Merry-go-Round,' "When School Days Comes to Town," "Honey Man," "In the Days of Girls and Boys" and "Biff Dugan." The talented performers -who will give these songs and the curable chorus, fifty-five In number; are most of them the originals who startled New York with their wonderful produc tion. A few new faces will appear among them, but the new ones stand for betterment. tru Timbers continues at tho head of tho company. Mr. Tlmberg has ben given an excellent supporting company by Stair and Havlln. Those In the cast Include Miss Maudo Campbell In the role of "Non nie." Grace Chllders, Alma Hill, Bobble Wagner. Joseph Marks, William Newklrk and Billy Newton. Tbe attraction at Boyd's for four nights and two matinees. Including a special afternoon performance tomorrow (New Tear's) will be the distinguished American tragedian, Robert B. Mantell. supported by a powerful company under the man agement of William A. Brady. Mr. Man. tell will appear In a carefully selected repertoire of classic plays, with one ex ception, all by Shakespeare, We are to see him In "Richard IU" tonight, "As Tou Like It" tomorrow matinee Othello" tomorrow night. "Richelieu Tuesday night. "Hamlet" Wednesday afternoon and "King Lear" Wednesday night Except in "As You Like It." in which he portrays Orlando, the wrestler, the star has the title role in each pluy! Mr. Brady has provided the elaborate production and the Mantell supporting company, declared to be the best and most evenly balanced, is reinforced in some of the plays by nearly 100 men and women auxiliaries. The version of "Richard 111" which Mr. Mantell uees Is Cpllie Cibber's. The full strength of the Mantell company is required In "Richard J II." In "As You Like It" Miss Keith Wakeman will huvo the charming role of Rosalind. Miss Wake man Is Mr. Mantells new leading lady and an actress of great beauty, charm, and distinction. Richelieu", was one of Kdwln Booth's greatest impersonations. And more mod ern actors, too, such aa Walker White Bide, Thomas W. Koine, Creston Clarke, to mention a few, have been glad to In clude it in their album of clasisio roles. The play seems to have undying pop ularity. It Is perhaps nut too much to say that no living attor appears to greater advantage. as the great French cardinal than Robert Bruce Mantell. He brings out the subtlety, power, and at the same time innate kindliness of the mighty churchman as few players huve bcoit ablo to do. One of Mantelts finest achievements Is Hamlet, the melancholy prince of Denmark, who b.xs been ac cused, juHtly or unjustly, of a woeful lack of decinlon.. 'i'liu question of Ham let's sanity or Insanity appears to never to have been satisfactorily answered. Mr. Mantell, In enacting the character, makes him some times sane, some times insane, and there can be little question but what this la tha correct interpretation of thla complex, many sided role. It was after witnessing the Mantell performance of Kin,! Lear." one .of tho most laborious lulc ever conceived by a dramatist, that tuo great critic, William Winter, as beveraled that .Mantell wus tho leader of the stage in this country, lie is the only actor today to play ih part and by many it is thought to be his gieut'Bt f f I &--s:-: . 'kll tell ( Ill I H $ i , ' J & year.- ;u tLt 41m'e h wus teaturt" f . .vVi- j'.'PV . . li-,v ! - of the Road Bhow. La Titcomb. tho A 1 II "J characterization. The Mantell support ing company includes tuch well known players as Frlta Lelbcr, Charles Keene, Bail Yeudakw, L'Kstrange 'ailllman, Guy Lindsley, John Burke, Alfred Hastings, Lawson Butt, Casson Ferguson, W. H. Nlemeyer, John Crawley, Harry Kern, M. Ii. Sayre, Lawrence Krey, Cyril Tlapa, Howard Uartz. Hurry ICccfer, Frederick Dayton,- Edwin Foos, George Gould, George Lear, Agnes - Klllott- Scott,' Genevieve Hamper, Genevieve Reynolds and Miss Wakeman. v $ The week at the American will have especial Interest because of tbe Introduc tion of Boyd Nolan, the new 'leading man for tho Woodward players. . Mr. Nolan comes here with" a splendid reputa tion, and it is expected that he will prove a welcome addition to the company, al though he has a most popular player to follow. Miss Lang will have another strong role in "The Girl and the Judge,"' one of Clyde Fitch's great oharacter comedies, a play that will give her scope for her ability both as a comedienne and as a serious actress. It Is not an emotional part, but it does call for some very serious work, and In this regard will be a change from the run of comedies. The production has been carefully provided, and a fine show will be given for the opening of the New Year. The first . perforroane" will ' be on Sunday afternoon, and the reKulur matinees will be played, with a special matinee performance on Monday after noon. New Year's day.. Jan Kubelik la coming, here to play in concert. He will be heard at the BrandeU on January 18. This ' season will be the "farewell" of one of the .most distinguished musicians of Ms time. Kubelik Is the violinist, first, last apt always. First tho musician, then the virtuoso. Never theless, though his technique is superior to that of any master since the. time of Paifa.nl nl, Kubelik does not exploit it un duly, nor sacrifice -the essentials of the composition he is Inlerpretating for the sake of showy dlsplcy. "Alma, Where Ho You live?" which Joseph H. Weber will orrer at the Bran dels next week, was originally a farce with music in the French language and proved the most aeiiaational hit Paris had ever known. , Tbe book was by the bril liant Paul llerve and the music by tho much loved Jcau Briquet. It mas trans lated into German by Adulpli Phillips, and into L'nglUh by (Icoc-rh V. Hobart, who proposed. tbo version Mr. Weber pro duced in New York. In offering "Alma" to local playgoers, Mr. Weber promised a first class production and a competent cast the latter being headed by Miss Nanette Flack, Charles A. Murray and Aubrey Yates, and with each of the roles consigned to a clever actor and singer. - Nat M. Wills, "ThtfTlappy Tramp," will be the head liner at the Orpheum next week. Although Wills is one of the biggest names in vaudeville, he has not been on tbe Orpheum circuit for seven Nx to THi: OMAHA year.-.' At that time lie was feature of . the Road Show. La Titcomb, tho "Singer on Horseback," will bo one of the .most striking novelties on the bill. Being a handsome woman and gorgeously attired. lya Titcomb makes a fascinating picture as she sits on the, back of one of her splendid, milk white- horses. Her performance tomcats of five ' parts, in troducing songs, serpentine dances and high school riding. Jackson and Mc Laren, the Australian wood choppers, will give an unusual uct. They will give an exhibition of tree falling as done in their own country. Large trees are Imported for-the purpose. A log Blxty inches In Circumference Is cut through 'In less time than- it takes to write It. The mighty, hewers are fine specimens of athletic manhood and they give a wonder ful demonstration of skill, strength and endurance. Tlelr nxe throwing contest will, be; one of the most .exciting features of their performance. , John ( W. . World and Mlndel ' Kingston, , both veretatlle vaudeville entertainers, , will give an act consisting of songs, dance's and up-to-dato nonsense, . McDevitt... Kelly and Lucey will present "The' Piano Movers," a sketch full of complicated situations and bright lines. "Apple , Blossoms," a quaint comedy, will be offered by W. B. Patton and company.- The Cole da Loo no trio will give a difficult performance on a strand of steel, many of the tricks betog performed on a bicycle. . The Jack Singer (Incorporated) presents Ben Welch's burlesquerH at the, populur Gayety this afternoon for one week, with the UHual matlneo dally. ' It affords a merry melange of wit, fun, melody and song, 'with such well known fun-maker as Beu Wvlch (himself). Lew Kelly, Vic Casmore, Ben Turbltt, Pat Kearney. Klin Wilson, Rose ' QUdea, Patsy Delaney, West Sisters and The Three Cheaters; AMI M:Il!..VTII. ..AUDITORIUM.. GREAT W r o st I i n g MATCH rSIOAT VZOKT, JA.-CT7AXT 6TM Zbyszko The Polish Champion VB. Emclio Pictro The ortu-veee Giant ' Vrellmlnarieai - sroKUir vs. btxks and MXITSEir vs. MELXBR Reserved Bents Sao to 1.50. Bale Opens Wednesday, Jan. 3d. rviADArviL: GERVILIE-REAOIE rrlm Donna Contralto . , JAN. 9 riKBT MXTXOSXST CXVBCX , ate 780, 91.00 fLBO, 13.00. On fale at A. Hospe Co. Jan.. 3. Management Mlsa Blanche Koreneon SrNDAV UKK: MX'KMUKK ;m. If 11 Beatrice liarJawe with Its wonder chorus of twenty startling dance - features, striking its. and marvelous creations of the dressmakers' art, Its scenic splendor, and daxxllng electrical display. ' There will bo twenty song hits and an array of features, headed by Ben Welch. Ben Welch has appeared In Omaha as - tho headline feature In vaudeville too many times to need nn introduction to any Omaha theater-goer. There will be a ladles' dime matinee dHlly starting Tuesday; holiday matinee tomorrow. New Year's day. Commencing with the usual Sunday AMt Sk.Ml:TS. ALHAiWBRA hiils JARUART 1IT AND 2D, MATINEE NEW TEAR'S. THs is the Original $100, COO Hilano Productivn XT TOOK TWO YD ARB TO M ARB THIS PICTURE. The most Wonderful Moving Floture ever rrodnoed, In Tlve Reela, accompanied by a well knows speaker, who will rive an Xxplanatory Lecture. Bee through the poet's eye bell aa It fa, with eub-dlvlsion for each crime aa followai THE NINE GRAND CIRCLES VALLEY Or TIE ADYBS Refore Reaching the Lake of Bty. TIRBT CIRCLE Unbaptlsed. The BECORD CIRCLE. LnstfuL The THIRD CIRCLE Qlattous. Tbe FOURTX CIRCLE Evil Bpeaders, Bpendthrtfte or Ml sere. rxr-TK CIRCLE The Wrathful and the Blothfal CITY Or DIB THE DEEPER BELL. BIXTR CXKCXE The Propagatora of Talae Doe trine. TWO 1IOVIIS li X T 10 a. in. Contlnuoua, 2 p. ni. until 10: SO p. in. Admission 230 School Children wUl be given a apeolal price of IBo at Matinee Hot at Mights. BqyrJ 2fcJa22 'Aim f -iulb " i -n A v matinee at 2:30 today the attraction st the Krug theater this week wllf bo the "Ducklings," a dainty, dapper, duzxllng aggregation of girlies of fetching form and beautiful voice and features. , The Ducklings will have aa an extra attrac tloa Margie Bennett and 'her -Six i Regie Rocks in a new feature, which eclipse anything of the kind ever seen In bur losque. The show la a merry mixture of musical comedy and Is thoroughly up-to-date and is presented by funmakera of the most progressive type. The fun Is started early in tho show, by Charles Boyle, known as tho "Big Chief"' among comedian of the present day. Mix Beat rice llarlowe, the ( Sunshine Girl," Is the leading woman and Is assisted by . M1ss Minnie Wright, a stunning little girt who Passes nlong a lino of cheer goods,. Mli Madge Hughes and Miss Minnie Silken. The comedians comprise Tony Kennedy, j'harloy Vaughn, James H. Ktldlo and 'William Norrls, whllo the chorus Is made up of scores of the prettiest girls,' ail of the broiler variety, and they ore Homo thing mojfl than'ornamcntal. The vaude ville olio is made up of a scries of acts seldom seen in burlnmiue and Includes Miss Margie Bennett's famous "Hlx'Lsgle Rocks," . i j , Mine. Get ville-Ruaclie, who will sine, at the First Methodist church on Tuesday, January 9, under dlrectlun of Miss Soi en son, Is the acknowl nlged leader of -present day contraltos. Her prugrau for Omaha will , contain many popular features. ; A SI I'SICIU K1VT9. 24th and Parker Sts. i.-ot-' rrpc: Kit -il t .: '4 AND IUE1R DIVISIONS: SEVENTH CIRCLE THE VIOLENT Against Themselves. Agalnat Their Neighbors. Againat Ood. EIGHTH CIRCLE (MALEROLOS). (Consisting of Ten Pita) TBE PRAUDULERT Bedncere and Procurers. Platterera. Blmonlsta. Pslse Prophets. Palthlesa Oustodiana of Money. Hypocrites. Robbers. Palse Counsellors, flowers of Discord, ralatfiera. NINTH CIRCLE THE TRAITORS (Consisting of Pour Pits) Tra'tore to Rludred. Traitors to Countrf, Traitor to Prleniia. Traltore to Renefaetore. K f IT A I N 1 10 T AMI SUMIOVI. BOYD'S 4 ftsftX? ToMGuT JI.TINKi:.S MOMAY (XKW YKAIl'S) AN1 WKDNK8HAT Win. A.. BRADY ROBEKTB. EMI I$k Pj il & La 0i And UN llhinnulliMl Company Siuiilny Mlit MoiiAay Mnlinoe (Now Ycnr'x) Monday MrIiI (cv Ythi'n) Tuesday Xlitlit dnrsdy Mtttlnoo n M WtMlllfNilay Niullt. Mr. Kftntall travel by spaolRl train. Tha "Kantall Bpaolal" oonalata at two aoaaary oara, two barraca eara, day coach, dinlnf car and alaaplnt ear TODAY 2:30 riCIAIt HEW Tlit'H MATIRXS MOM DAT THI MVSICAXi WOTXX.TT SCHOOL DAYS with HERMAN T.IY101ZRG and 40 GIRLIES -- ALL- UNDER 20 AHS ' VORB MARRIED DirrxRXRT raoK other musical comedies Rights, ISo, Q So, ouo, 7Bo, few at 91. Mate. 15o, aSo, 60o Monday Mat.. ISo, .Go, SOo, 73o. I REXT SUNDAY 4 DAYS WBDN9DAY MATIMXR Joe Weber presente Geo. T. XXobarta English versloa .of the Suropeatt Musical Rovelty nay iw m A fJ WXtSE DO THURSDAY XTEHIMO, JANUARY 18 THE WORLD'S GREATEST VIOLIN IT ' KU BE LI 3K No Seats Higher Than 50c It Starts This Aflrnosn at 2:39 The Show that Outdances, Oat kicks, Outsings and Outruns 'Em All The Ducklings Jammed Full of Airilo. fSlmndv Girls. Sparkling Humor, Melodious Voices and Bewitching Beauty. Bcilrlcc Harlow and Margie Be until are Along The Six Eagle Rocks-Everybody likeartheni 'i It's All' Geared Up for tho 'New Yeur. ' Phones, Dour. 401. Ind. A-1404 Matinee Kvery Day, 2:13., , Kvcpy Night, 8:15. Advanced Vaudeville Week Starting Matinae Today Hat r.l. Wills "The Happy Tramp" Tho Diamond Queen.. La Titcomb "The on ' Horaeback" Kcent Koadahow Feature Australian lYoodchoppers Jackson and McLaren In An Exciting Felling Contest JOHN W. M IN DEL World & Kingston 28 Minutes of Versatility McDevitt, Kelly and Lucey "The Piano MoverB" 17. B. Patton & Co. In the Quaint Comedy ' "Apple Blossoms" Cole de Losse Trio Wire WhlnialcalltleB Kinetoscope projecting tho Latent In Anl-umted- I'hotography. Orpfisum Concert Orchestra 15 Talented Arllbta 15 Price Wight lOo, 2So, 60c, 75c Matinee 100, Rest Beat 35o, Ex cept Saturday, Sunday and Holi day. ' OPEfl HOUSE HEW YEAR'S EVE Following our usual custom tbe lights will burn here all night. Two big dlunera Sunday and Monday. 11 A. M. to 8 P. M., 19 rents. BELMONT RESTAURANT ISIS lodK, V. S. Ilall, I'rop. 3 AMIUKMEKTI. ...liiohard III ,M,.,,,n.n..A) You Like It ra ....... .Ofhollo lUrlielicu m Ilundot , King Lrr . . aHllffliKg1 TONIGHT ALL WEEK - , YOU 1,1TB T LADIE3 DIME; mmi; R500 2 Devoted to Strictly Hifb Grade .iriKl"m ana vniiaevuie WEKXlllnl, IVsHI LET YOUR) PIBST " NEW YEAR'S RESOLVE be both ' sensible and beneflolal to) attend the Oayety weekly with relig ion, regularity. You'll mie. many happy honr. if you break thla timely reaolntion. Start this week by seeing? . ' VAUDEVILLE'S GREATEST ENTERTAINER n-nci API U L J L. E- O U (HIMSELX) r DURLESQUERS All-Star Cast Includlnr LEW XRLLY ("Stand BtUl Roger"l v bApnuaxi ana OA . all. mingle OA (iltAM) HOLIIIAV . RIATINi;i: TO.MOUROW HPKCIAL! Uyiisy minora will reail tho palms of Indies at tho week day niatliKxM, Kit 101-3. . Dear 1 leader: it's no uso: I throw my hand tmck in tho doi:k thin uhap. the vaiiduviUt) heuillliiMr,' Umi Welch. In the iHst word tor a cut-up. He'll lilt you on tho funny bono every minute, it's- futile for me to tout him you know hlin. K. U JOHNSON, Mwr. Oayety. suo uuo ma voo, ;ykMats. 15c & 25c Chew rum if yon like, but ao smoking LAI)li;H' 4 fS At Any Week T1CKKTS I "WJ-W Dy Utlne. luiby Cai'i'UKe (laraee In the Lohbyj , t'llITI,1'! JVTlin II, I' ASKinp 3 Ar..EtllG-Ai "THEATER " ThaThaater Beautiful" CoiiiiiieiK'tiiK Mat. Today and All 4'k. MhIh. Tuch., Tliurs., Sat. hl'KCIAh MAT. TOMOKKOW. MISS EVA LANG AND The Woodward Stock Co. iilft'iin for firtit lime lu Omalui "The Girl and the Judge" The Tour. Art tVniKnly Ihrauia ly Clyde l lttli that C. tivutcil New York. Never IW-fore at Huch li-iceH, a.V', 1 1 m i'A n v r exck i.m; i m:.t vi:i:k "When We Were 21." i it, M I BE B2&E&3SS&&