Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 30, 1911, EDITORIAL, Image 9

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
Looking Backward
This Day in Omaha
Thirty Tw.nty Tts Tsars At
KdUsrtal rr ef Mh tssns
VOL. XI A XO. u;8.
Delicious Candies
Our 50o 8Mrtl flavored
Chocolates, Saturdiiy ac
J3c mixture of Creams and Choc
olates, per lb 15c
1 round shelled English Walnuts,
65c value, for ftoc
Flowers for New Years
A bountiful assortment of
roses, violets, carnations,
etc., all at the lowest prices In
the city. Place your orders early.
Our Store Will Be Closed All Day Monday
of Next Week to Celebrate New Years Day
lie sure to order sutTicient groceries, incut, fruit, etc.,
on Saturday to last until Tuesday.
LLi' Eur j thing for Everybody
V8rytiilng for Everybod
Our Policy Always: Swift Service and Satisfied Shoppers Mean Sure Sales
U&jfthing for Everbod) J
Less Than Half-Saturday -Less Than Half
Thi. I..t .1 I j ...... . . .
women, won
derful values.
One big lot of Misses'
and Women's
dresses, nt
.oDi in.nK nay oi me oia year mil witness the greatest values ever offered In our Roady-to-Wear De
?artments. Hero are just a tew choice bargains to give you an Idea of the great reductions that are being made:
I AV.nMn i i ' ..k Cm
I " mi", willtri CUU13 IUl
woiHteriui values in
silk plush ffic50
coats . . .
The greatest bargain sale of
women's fine tailored suits
ever known
In Omaha,
your choice.
Huge sale of
sweater coats. In
colors. Long
ones, each,
v omen s
A remarkable offering of gills' coats, ages
C to 14 vears Sfs.Oft
One lot,
of children's sweater coats;
A special value sale of silt',
messallne and net vasts,
A big pale of knitted wool shawls and scarfs,
Saturday 25f
Black satin iH?tticoats, special values, at
only '.....$1.25
A Corset Value That Will Arouse Keen Interest
For (Saturday we make a special offering of our regular 70c corset; made in
well boned, non-rustable, medium bust and extra long skirt; hose supporters
attached, only , .
Don't fall to soe our full and complete line on 7tZ 07 fid l Efl
of brassiere bust confiners; all up to date 3Cy OlCj OCf plUUf pl)U
Women's Vests and Pants
Natural gray, nearly all wool, vest
high neck, long sleeves, pants
full. ankle length, sizes 4, 5 and
6. Our regular $1 grade, ?Q
Saturday, each Os7C
Extra Special i
Ladles' white fleece lined union
suits, hlirh neck. Ion sleeves,
ankle lengths, all slses In this
lot. Our usual fl.OO and $1.25
value.. Spe-
. clal Saturday, Hf
Ladies' Union Suits
Gray woolen union suits, high neck,
lone; ankles, fine Jersey ribbed,
hand crochet trimmed around the
neck; sises 4. 5 and, . An excellent
Karment. regularly
sold at $1.(0 and
$1.75, on sale
Misses and children's high top button Q y '?
boots with red tops, $3.25 values . ..fW O
3.00 values,) Jj'2,50 yueBgJ QCy
Men's new styles in Russia calf and dull leather!
high toe,, button and lace, values l O 1 f
up to 4.C0, Saturday pJlO
1,000 pairs of men's good, solid work shoes, the
kln.Mhat have always, T CZ
sold for $2.50, only J 1 O
Ladles' small sizes in high shoes, on
, the bargain tables, values up to
' $2.50, your choice or
Saturday ".:... i . ,p 1 JO
All Ladies' dull leather button and
patent colt, button styles, wide
high toes, regular f Q
$3 kind, on sale ..tiAtJO
Misses' and children's vicl kid
button and lace styles, wide toes
with patent tips, $1.35
values, choice '. .
r i
Hundreds of pairs oi children s
shoes In patent colt and dull
leather button styles, $2 and
$2.50 values. Saturday. .. .$1.65
A fin selection of Men's house
sllppes,, your choice at . . .One
Skates! Skates!
The Cold Weather
is Here
bringing with it firm Ice, with fine
skating at all the lakes and parkB;
buy the boy a patr of our fine skates
And let him enjoy himself. Prices re
duced Saturday by half:
$5.00 Hockey skates with ribbed
runners, welded steel and full
nickle plated, only ...... JR2.50
$2.50 Club Skates, per pair. . 81.25
$1.50 Club skates, pair 75
One lot Barney & Berry skates,
sizes 8, 8 H and 9 Inches, our reg
ular 65c values, , Saturday only,
t 250
23 per rent discount on all Cop
per and Nickle plated Chafing
Dishes, Coffee Machines, Baking
Dishes, Fancy Trays, etc.
Great Clearance
Sale of Glassware
for Saturday
Our entire line of high
grade glassware will be on
ealo Saturday nt a (
20 Per Cent Discount
Including our completo
lino of Colonial Table Glass
ware, Fostoria high grade
Star cut glassware, our beau
tiful grapevine etchings,
Bryce Bros.' fine conven
tional etchings nnd engraved
patterns, Fostoria silver de
posit glassware and our im
ported encrusted gold pat
tern. Everything from a cordial
glass to a largo punch bowl.
20 Per Cent Discount
Great Pre-Inventory Sale Men 's Suits & O' coats
IK Oil and tip to f A v
Saturday, sle- J 1 4. it)
priced ut 9 J
An eleaant assortment of 2S0 suit
and overcoats--ifarinints that bear
the mark of style and culture In
their line; actual values up to fill.
To oIomh them out, faturtlay.-
$9. 75 and$ll. 75
Your choice of TiiO Hole, t aulU and over
coats, evoryone or thin sphsou's make,
and Int'luilina; every new shade, pHtlern
and style. Positively not one of those
garments has previously sold for less
than 1K Oil and
12ft 0(1,
daily p
Faturdav, wa will placo on sale all our odd trousers, values up to ift 00; your
liol.-n at $1-45, tt-SS, S3.4S and ta.tS
AM mens hath robes, worth to ; 00. special at 99. BO
Men's bath robes, finest quality, values to $10.00.... S4.1S
Saturday in Oar Children's Dept. Will Be a Day of Values
Our entire hliih-irrade stock of hoys' and children's suits and overcoats must
be cleaned up Saturday. Tske advantage of these Krenl price cut'
All suits and overcoats formerly n.nrksd at 7 50 to $10.00, Saturday . .. . ..'
All suns and overcoats, vniued at lU.OD and $7.00, at
All suits and overcoats, formerly $4.ft0 and $6.00
All nuiia and overcoats, values at $S.(0 and $4.00, at tl.S5.ta.4S and ta.SS
Ihm includes overcoats In all the new styles, convertible and velvet collars,
suits mostly with I pair pants: Double hreasted ssrk coals, $ to H years; Hus
slsn hlLUse. 2Vi to years; Pallor blouses, 6 to 10 years; Norfolk styles, 0 to 10
All-wool Ilompers. hluo and array, sixes 3 to 8 years, on sale TSe
Our Men's Furnishing Section is Overflowing
With Good Ihings for Saturday
Men's $1.B0 natural wool shirts and
drawers, fine grade tl.OO
lr. Wright's $$.60 all wool union suits,
ech aa.a
IteRiilar $11.00 t'iqua, woolen union suits
Men's fins aanltary shield shirts and
drawers , 4e
20 doa. men's $3 soft hats, broken lines
from all test shapes, Haturday . .Sl.SS
Men's $5.00 fur caps, on snle. . , .$4.00
Men's $4 00 fur naps, Saturday. ..tJ.oo
Itearular $$.60 fur caps, only , , . . . ,fa.0
Heitular $2.00 outlnsr pajamas. .. .fl. SO
tur $1 Si outlbR pa.lumas $1.00
$1.00 fancy outlns; robes, only . . . .1.B
60c silk hose with linen toe and heel,
pair 35c; a pair for $100
$1.00 and $1.50 silk rr.nftlers, each. TS
Utah mi ado $l.r0 coat slilrta. Sat. $1.18
One lot of AOc all silk four-in-hands, S5o
One lot ut fiOo silk f our-ln-hands. B&o
Men's all wh)I ii.00 shirts and draw-
rs, entra. fine , $1.6
Irleu'a $2.60 chamois skin shirts snd
drawers, on sale ....91.75
Our Fruits and
Are Always Pure and
Fancy Red River Potatoes, per
peck 30c
or the bushel ....$1.10
New Mixed Nuts, per lb. .......13c
English Walnuts, the pound ,.20o
7-Crown Imported Figs, lb. . ...SSUo
Faucy Dates, lb , ..lOo
2 large heads plain Lettuce, for til
Ext. a fancy Jonathan apples, pk. 45c
Hand picked Jonathan apples, peck,
at 35c
Fancy Oano apples, per peck ..SOc
The bushel $1.00
Flue Den Davis apples, peck ..SWc
Bushel .tHc
Fancy Sunkist Oranges; largo,
juicy and sweet, with 20 Green
Trading Stamps, doz. 20c
25c, SOc and...,.....35c
Our Groceries Always Lead
In Freshness and Purity
Bennett's Best Coffee, and 20 stamps, pound 8ftc
Bennett's Best Coffee, and GO stamps, 3 pounds for $1.00
Teas, assorted, with 75 stamps, pound . . (Mic
Teas, aaorted, and 60 stamps, pound . . .riNc
Tea Sittings, with 10 stamps, per pound lSu
I Double Stamp on Granulated Sugar.
Double Trading Stamps on Butterine.
Cheese, full creaui, and. 10 stamps, pound 20c
B. C. Mincemeat, and 10 stamps, 3 packages ....4...,., 25c
B. C. Baking Powder, and 100 stamps, 5 -lb. can for $1.00
Oaillard's Olive Oil, and 60 stamps, medium bottle 4 He,
Diamond Crystal Table Salt, 10 stamps, sack , .. joe
B. C. Sifted Early June Peas, and 10 stamps, 2 cans ..uric
Snlder's Salad Dressing, with 10 stamps, bottle 2c
Shrimps, 10 stamps, 2 cans snc
Seeded Raisins, and 10 stamps, 2 packages iMv
B. C. Extract, and 20 stamps, bottle IHc
Van Hotiteu's Cocoa, 5 stamps, can , inc
Columbia Milk, and 10 stamps, 3 cans
Orange City Rusk, and 10 stamps, 3 packages
Hulled Beans with chicken, with 20 stamps, 2 cans , itac
Five pounds 7c Jap Rice for 2Ac
pouna , , ,25c
cans 25c
Country Gentleman Corn, and 10 stamps, 2 cans 25o
B. C. Oats and Wheat, 10 stamps, 2-tb. package ..too
Crackers, any brand, with 10 stampli, package 100
Cheese, Virginia Swiss, and 10 stamps,
Whole Tomatoes, with 10 stamps, 2 cs
Coal Dealers Eefuse to Pay Their
Annual Occupation Tax.
VIII nesort to the Courts, They Sr,
If an Effort la Made by the
City to Collect the Tax
More than one hundred belligerent coal
dealers havo refused to pay their annual
occupation -tax of $ each and have
served notice that at the first attempt on
the part of the city to collect It the big
gest 'legal battle, coal dealers ever en
gaged in here will be begun. ' An organ
ization of smaller coal dealers has been
effected, J. I. Kemp made treasurer and
$1,000 is being raised to conduct ft fight
through the courts for a graduated occu
patlod tax. '
Smaller dealers have Ignored the "duns"
sent them November 1, when their occu
pation taxes were due, asking remittance.
They indignantly assert they will continue
to ignore them and upon the first arrest
lor nonpayment W. J. Connell will lead
the legal scrap to annul the present uul
toi m system of taxation.
-"What we're fighting for," said Mr.
Kemp, "is simply fair play. We are will
ing to bear our share of the burden, but
believe the larger coal dealers should pay
a larger license, owning a larger and
more profitable business. A new asalst
snt Inspector of weights and measures
has been appointed at a salary of $73 per
month. Notices have been rent to more
than one hundred dealers saying their
occupation taxes were due. If this money
is collected there will be. altogether,
about $3,500 In the treasury. There is no
need of so much money for this depart
ment, and as the smaller coat dealers ate
paying most of It we are going to object"
Miss Jontz Asks ,
for Work for Men
Willing to Work
Young, able-bodied lellows have been
applying for work at the office of the
Aaaoclalud Charities, and the secretary.
Mia Ua V. Ji'Mx. has been v.nable to
piovida lr mora than a a:iu.ll per cent.
"1 lire ni'-n appeared yettorilay wlih
snow sliuvrls and were wil'lng It work
together, clearing walks In the residence
tii'tri. t f'r riftc n cents cr uaik.
MU Jonti make an iel to the
prop's ho hac some worn that ought
to t done t j t'-U phoiw the I'hailtles snd
Let It with thriu. Thr hs Imn allhln
the U.t lau htrka lu.nv awllraitta than
(uulj foMihly I ar.-d f ir. but she is of
th opliuoa thst .If all I vx.ple a tiu have
tdd lobs alii It at III" aurk about all ahu
ppl' caa be '-d f"r
Park Announces a .
New Freight Depot
for Omaha Next Year
V. I Park, formerly general super
intendent of the Union Pacific, but now
vise president of the Illinois Central, In
charge of operation and maintenance,
with headuarters In Chicago, was In the
city yesterday on his way home from New
Orleans. During his stay here he spent
most of the time with President Mohler
of the Union Pacific.
(leaking of conditions on the Illinois
Central, Mr. Park said that everything
Is now In shape, including tracks and
While the Illinois Central has no great
amount of work In eight for next year,
among the things contemplated Is a new
freight depot In Omaha, one .built along
modern lines and large enough to accom
modate the rapidly growing business of
the company. Normal Improvements
along the lines will be continued and
there wll be some double track laid out
from Chicago, but, none across the state,
or across Iowa.
Final Handkerchief Sale
Big last rlean-up of soiled anil
displayed Handkerchiefs: a great
many expensive handkerchiefs thst
have been slightly wrinkled or
numsd will be practically given
3c, 5c, 7c, 10ct 12c
at 59c
A lot of women's roal kid gloves,
our regular $1.00 and $1.25 values,
Unit must be sold quick; a large as
sortment of colors. On sale Saturday.
I 'J I
For Your New
Year's Dinner
Fancy Turkeys, the lb.
nt 20Vit
Fancy Geese, lb.. .14l2
Vomitf Chickens, llV4t
Pork Loins 10yat ji
1'ork ltoasts, lb...7c
Pork Butta, lb 10c
Pot Iloast ....8V.c-.7c
Shoulder steak 3 lbs. 25c
Hamburger 3 lbs.. . ,25c
Ltunb Chops, 3 lbs.. .25c
Lamb Slew 4Vc
Lamb Legs 9V'
Skinned Hams . . .1240
Lean Bacon 18
10-lb. pkg. Leaf Lard
for $1.00
Veal Stew 514c
Cudahy's Diamond C
'Bacon, lb 22 c
From 8 to 10 p. m. Only
Pork Chops, lb ; ,9c
B. I. L.'s Give Party
to P. E. 0. Sisterhood
The "B. I. LV gave a party Thursday
evening at the home of T. H. Matters
for the P. E. O. Sisterhood, it was a
Christmas party with a tree laden with
presents which were take-offs on ths
faults and foibles of the sisterhood. The
"B. I. !.'" are the husbands of the
members of the sisterhood, who are not
let In on the secrets of tho Bcclety. Tlie
women call them the brothers-in-law of
the organ'satlon. Twenty-three couples
were prenent.
Oeorge Morrow. 3315 Ohio street, whe
took advantage of his benefactor and left
town under a bond of (X0. was arrested
at !t. Jui-eph. Wo. on information sup.
pliMd the police Iht-re by Chief of Se
lective John 11. favage. Morrow Is
charged with forgery. He Is said to have
forged the name of Albert Hastings to a
check for $27. The forgery took plara an
Christmas, day a ad Hastings flt so sorry
for Morrow and Ms wife and children
that he sought his relpsae and put up a
bond of l-i "J. It ha been learned
Morrow forgd at least six r harks.
ADVtirr, HSTIfK,
Baltlar a Ohio Hallrwaa1.
Y.lnur tours tj r'lvrida pvli Is aid Ha
ena. I' ll , t 'a W asinngtuii. I or
lialllniuir. MJ. I.ll-iil ! r an
abia rvMte i. kits i ra l end r or
sit tail at i.Jt4 fsi.s pd fr ill i.
lral4 bu t.
11 N. Aus'tn. !. I A. !!
aeelal Jaaaary Karallar Sal (.a
atearea TsrUai, Jaaaaer S.
Til al has s-eom an annual affair
of great preparation, sroalng greater
each year by resron nf our paltry ef sell
Ing only regular carefully sel.-t4 furni
ture at prices that aura-t the nxxt
ecmamlrsl bure
Knr this l have seeur4 Severs
rarlnada of I'1 famous eiiely lime
Aria ard Crafts fjmed nik fjmilur f t
Ik dining rein. Iiliul r.m, library sr 4
dm A il il iftoe rowmue enabw.
ua lo offer taluks bf iu.-t
rVe si lu lh:s pe funds? f.r f.
Irtp ulars.
W. A. ITeeten. T . A, Chfagj, r J K It AKl V. IUIKI-M CA It 1" CT 0
Union Gospel and
: City Mission Have '
Chosen to Separate
The Union Gospel and City missions,
supposed to have been consolidated, have
been summarily dissolved. The former
continues in operation at 1321 Douglas
and the City Mission Is now located at
Tenth and Dodge. No reasons for the
dissolution will be given by the Union
GoHpel officials, but .Superintendent II. L.
Zleglcr rays a meeting of the board' of
trustees will be held the second Monday
lit January, when a statement of the
reasons for the separation will be issued.
Miss Nellie Magoe, superintendent of
the City mission, declared: "When we
consolidated it waa with the understand
ing that the Union Oospel mission was
to close up. W didn't feel like carrying
the extra, expense of two missions."
Men, women and children are reached
through the City mission and men only
are given assistance by ths Union Gospel
mission. According; to the plans of the
former the meetings under consolidation
were to bo attended by whosoever desired;
Irrespective of sex A disagreement over
the manner or managing tho two missions
after consolidation, followed by a heal,
tatlon on the part of individuals who had
been donating to ths , one and not the
other. Is said to have been the direct
cause of the sudden divorce.
Eighteen blooded, profitable chickens
disappeared Thursday night from the
chicken house of Meat Inspector Fleish
man. Jl Burt street. Tha thief broke into
the coop and carried the entire flock away.
"Those chickens were very valuable,"
said Mr. Fleishman, "for they laid a lot
Of egg, believe me, and eggs come high
no-v. If the man who took the chickens
will bring me ths eggs they lay each day
lis may keep the poultry."
James K. Kelby has returned from Los
Angeles and la again at Ills offices In
the Burlington headquarters, arranging
soma of the details preparatory to turn
ing the company's legal business, over t
Byron Clark, his successor. Mr. Kelby
has resigned as solicitor of the Burling
ton lines of Nebraska, a fact announced
In The Bee soma days ago. Ths reslgnr
tlon Is affective the first of the year. 9
As yet Mr. Kelby has not completely
formulated his plans for the future, bin
ha will probably locate In Los Angeles,
where he will engage in the general
practice of law. However, he will not do
anything for a few months, devoting- bis
time to taking a rest.
Key to the Situation Bee Advertising.
1510 Douglas
First Saturday of the Greatest Clearing Sale Omaha Has Ever Known
This mighty sale, where over $50,000 worth of high class wearing apparel is thrown out for clear
ance at Just Half Prico without resering a single garment, is now the talk of the entire west.
Omaha has never known such a wonderful sale, and Saturday will be the banner day of this extraordinary event. Don't miss this great opportunity.
$15.00 Tailored Suits and Coats, Annual
Clearance Sale Price...; $7.50
$17.50 Tailored Suits and Coats, Annual
Clearanco Sale Price $8.75
$19.50 Tuilored Suitsud Coats, Aunual
Clearance Sale Price.... $0.75
$22.50 Tailored Suits and Coat", Annual
Clearance Sale Price $ll.i!5
$25.00 Tuilored Suits and Coats, Annual
Clearance Sale Prico.; $12.50
$29.75 Tailored Suits and Coats, Annual
Clearance Sale Price $14.85
$.'.5.00 Tailored Suits and Coats, Annual
'learanoe-Silo J'rice $17.50
$3!.50 Tailored Suits nnd Coats, Annual
Cleurnm Sale Price: $10.75
$45.0) Tailored Suit- and Coats. Annual
Clearance Sale Pri'-e $27.50
$50.00 Tailored Suit nnd Coat. Annual
Clearance Sale Price $25.00
$5.V Tailored Suit- and Coats, Annual
Clearance Sale Price $27.50
$59.50 Tailored Suit and Coatu, Annunl
Clearance Sale Price $20.75
jK.5.00 Tailored Suits and Coats, Annual
CN-aranre Sale Price $32.50
All Cur Kigh Class Stylish Tailored
Suits, Coats, Dresses, Furs, Ete
"7" Hi.'linM
$29.75 Plush Coats, Annual
Clearance Sale Price, $14.85
$35.00 Plush Coats, Annual
Clearance Sale Price, $17.50
$;J9.50 Plush Coat, Annual
Clearance Sale Price, $10.75
$45.00 Plush Coats, Annunl
Clearance Sale Price, $22.50
$50.00 Plush CJoats, Annual
Clearance Sale Price, $25.00
$55.00 Plush Coats, Annual
Clearance Sale Price, $27.50
$39.50 Velvet Coat, Annunl
Clearance Sale Prire, $10.75
$15.00 Whet Coats, Annual
Clearance Sale Price, $22.50
$50.00 Velvet Coat. Aimual
( lea ranee Sale Price, $25.00
$55.00 Velvet CoaN, Annual
Clearance Sale Price, $27.50
$59.50 Velvet Conts, Annu.d
Clearance Sale Prico, $20.75
IC5.00 Velvet Conts, Annual
Clearance Kale IW, $32.50
$45.00 Pur Coats, Annual Clear
ance Sale Price $25.00
$55.00 Fur Coats, Annual Clear
ance Sale Price $32.50
$09.50 Fur Coats, Annual Clear
ance Sale Prico $30.50
$S5.00 Fur Coats, Annual Clear
ance Sale Irice $47.50
$95.00 Fur Coats, Annuul Clear
nnce Snle Price $59.50
$125 Fur Coat, Annual Clar
anc Sale Price $72.50
$15.00 Dresden, Annual Clear
ance Sale Price $7.50
$19.50 Presses, Annual 1er
anre Sale Price $0.75
$22.50 Drcaies, Annual Hear
ance Sale IVice SI 1.25
$25.00 Dresses, Annual Clear
ance Sale Price $12.50
$29.75 I)rcf, Annual Clear
ance Kale Price $14.85
$35.00 Drees, Annual Clear
ance Kale price $17.50
$10.00 Fur Sets, Muffs or Scarfs, Annual
Clearance Sacrifice $0.50
$12.50 Fur Sets, Muffs or Scarfs, Annual
Clearance Sale Price $7.50
$15.00 Pur Sets, Muffs or Scarfs, Annual
Clearance Sale Price $8.05
$19.50 Fur Sets, Muffs or Scarfs, Annual
Clearance Sale Price $11.75
$25.00 Fur Sets, Muffs or Scarfs. Anual
Clearance Sale Prico $14.50
$29.75 Fur Sets, Muffs or Scarfs, Annual
Clearance Sale IVice $10.05
$35.00' Pur Sts, Muffs or Scarfs, Annual
(learance Sale Price $19.00
$39.50 Fur Sets, Muffs or Scarfs. Annual
Clearance Sale Price $24.50
$45.00 Fur Sets, Muffs or Scarfs, Annual
Clearance Sale Price $29.00
$50.00 Fur Sts, Muffs or Scarfi, Annual
Clearance Sale Price $33.50
$55.00 Fur Sets, Muffs or Scarf. Annual
Clearance Kale Price $37.50
$59.50 Fnr Sli, Muffs or Scarfs. Annual
Clearance Kale Price $42.50