MEN'S Men's Imported a sm Bf mnlmildTfTl men j uiue Chambray, Per cale and Madras SHIRTS 29c Men's Lisle Vonr Choice? of Any Man's Importrd Turkish To-wellng BATH ROBE In Our Kntire Stork MEN'S NECKWEAR Choice of Men's SILK MUFFLERS Squares, Reefers LINEN COLLARS Up to 15c " A Equality, ,'Jg SILK HOSE Worth op to 50o 5"15e Choice of All 25c and 35c MEN'S NECKWEAR. and Wool HOSE to 35c apair' : Aa I m I ! i II I I II I Uir Worth up to 25c; go on 1 sale ;5c Ha ben wiling op to woth a nn LiUL n '' -rn:'; " Choice of All HU L U AJJUZXZJ I fl ,.... v. .11 1 1 ,.eo, at . , H II l,ai.. I 1 Zmu ,. -l:.zJ tV , '! L q mm MM; LEiiLMJ Mil j v vyj j u 2 u y u a Entire Stock Must Go! Regtrdles3 of value, we sacrifice everything in Men's Furnishings and Hats on Saturday. Whatever you buy Satur. day you pay us just a; fraction of the prices that were asked a few weeks ago. Your unrestricted choice Any Man's Hat in our entire Q OC3 stock, Stet- son's excepted ,1 ? Imported Valours 'and Heavers, Im ported rough hats, new stiff hats, Bilk and opra hati everything at one pflca. Actual ,y wor.h up to $ :r . i . j Sa.urday Your Unrestricted choice ' k'Mali's. Wink Cloth Gap This noliulea every tliiusr not a cloth' can iu stock will ; ho reserved. They nro worth up to $2.00 each, . -for vU. ..... ...... . . . .' .. sw3 C tf'l" the big aiinnal rut prlrc cTont that eTery. man io Omaha looks furward to. Stock up now for the' P J ea(Un to come. . s .. V". " . ' , Jfty-- . k - rhoir. cf our Mcu'a n choice of Our Men's , coo and 73c All Our, Men's Iligh Grade Negligee Shirts that liavc-been fn go at.... n PCKWEAR 'tr-tolata nn .Hilka,,. ttOC NECKWEAR 50 c Imported fillli Tlea, Worth ft and fl.50, at. llannel and rouge : PYJAMAS ' Worth Vp Tu f 3, at , .08c .and $1.50 0L0VE8 10 Wortb up to gl.SO VIIIIMKIUIil , i ill i y F ! . FUnu and Mu alia NIGHT GOWNS Worth Vp To 9iZ0, it 35c and 75c ilK ml Choice of Our MenYFinest ! Negligee Shirts and Dress Shirts, K 7 Worthopto$2.50(uH(, (Ilanhattans ex-rtjifO) In fl cepted) for each Every Price Reduced - Just think of it! You save one-half the "cost of dressing;'1 No matter what fixings you need, you can buy them Saturday at awajr below the prices you pay any, other time or place,, - lMKHIfciffcaaagSEg Ei. ,- . fl ' . Choice of All the idea's and Boys' Sweater Coats Wools and worsteds, plain and fan cies all sizes have been selling at. Too and $1.00 each your eJioiee, at........ ' a Choice of AH the Men's and toys' Sweater Coats El Nw ityles i worth no man $1.50. at . v Men's f 5 and $6 IIanJ Hade SweaUr Coals at , . . , Any Man's Smoking Jacket V Ul uuuwrcoai.- Escores or Hue new styles bave ceen selling at 4 and 5 your choice for M I 1 ! M ALL THE ODD LOTS OF MEN'S a Thit; Have, Been Selling -Up.' ?To'-'';$2l5plligh cIusb, hand-tailored clothes' for meii.Qua'litiles that are up i , tO( tho high standard of .Qmah's greatest store; for 1 men. A wonderful variety nt w. ................. . Your Choice of AH the Men's htm ALL THE ODD LOTS OF MEN'S HIGHEST GRADE f ft m m m ' A tnR'o. - - uiis ana uvekujais x : s This offer includes our ' finest ' IWors-TwY irtu, V 1 1 Wiekwire and KosenM'old & NV'ejl OvprroAta nnA N.,wi Jkii a sfe 1iCft.ctttl108 meor lucn- WortJi up to $27ii0, at Man Hurt in Ico ; Souse at Memphis SuesArmour.&Cd. Kiua ArtiutAKii cnnimoncad acUon In th dlMrrt sMirt of Mad son county, N lka.,ivrJr. frmour Cu to rwoov. in ikt urn ff t00(t Xcm- Injur) WtiiHi w)in r la th doTrndanra ioa 4 lbt ilac. - Ths ptlnur? 'U rorih .In hi pt!tlon that h wa o:-itlnjf a blnck tackle on th aoeond floor cf th hou whkb la an tinMtfo ondllV'i. ami unkitowa o h(h; .that tho flew rUlaied nl frjl a d!..(B! o- ttiJt-tiVb ft, viiiiixaijr hi iiVli' lr.:.o. product! Ytyt of to jwc. o hmly, nutklns him a trnir.iii; paralytic and wholly Inofcpaijlathi filra frxm any kind of labon. ! . y-. Karrlnxtna of O'Koil U counacl h the plalwI. Xii.ui u brouaht In tiila couiil?vi 10 OMfundant hair ativaaa pntmium at "NtlKolk caliuit whU:h t iliiiHnla ' will. Urud. U Kay to th 8ltiuitlonUoo.AlvrtIiiln3. - ' ' ' r ' r Tim im i r 1 . ; in Governor AldricH to Havo an Elephant tfYouii Rtiff Comtspondant UNWUf. Xc. L-SpcJaX) noTpr nor Aldrkfc. If a Vrjvi up hla praent gall, wni aara a fair aland aionaimia bafrreft anrlna. VHt-t k. h.j - i..- . . 4oe, aaS aTtr pondering- over tb preh- "i oxnata w raiala Uia buUdo aa the BouaatKiUI iraard'aa and xinil th. .niio t the farra. Th laieat canfrthuL'i.n (. from S at Treaaarec afxvce, who io nated aa alephact. a-uaraatd to t kind and tiAciabia and or rrpubUraa procll villa'-. Vp to the prvm-rit tl.e elt-phant haa no; cmmlued tilmaelf o' political mipa tlAnA. hot, It la RtHUaabM that'lie'uoe -jiej tuM pompadour.. v , Tr-nntu-h Storva ta (low Eai-llra. TJOClMiiKlI. Neb.. Oeo. 2S.-I BpaJal. nk-1nnlriB on January 1 the dry' anoda atoraa of Tecumaeh. aiul par ha nmv of the othar atorea. will oloaa al iTclork h availing for thrao numlhu. Thnae atorea I avo ' bean haldlna ounn until 7 oWtmU tacli ewsnttirr. At tins and of the threo moiului thnjttnrea wilt go bark to .1 o'-ctocU aloitu:;. M l H8 1-. I "IT TrVTTTI lrV. .'. I Ml I IT IS HI . J: flf 37 U1WJ i 1 i riiw in . in i " k ! i i r i i - -a, a -v 1HkWllH. . t; 1 an. -VU 9A.OU. Ub vM t ;f L li f -i I j i. . u I'm ii nn m Derby ribbed and fleecy; jined Underwear, all sizes, medium and heavy weights, :'V " "l CVji worth up to 50c, at , . . I C Choice of all' broken Jots "of . Men's Wool tTmiei'shirta and,. urawers, worth -up E f '.UVt Menu lrefl Ana GLOVES. The beet makes are includod ,. ,1 at i f-.TTT From Our Near Neighbors IT- r i IN THE THICK OF THINGS OR : THE THIN OF THINGS? It takes the steady nerve, the elastic atep, the energetic body to meet' modern conditions, and the quick mind gra jjs the fact that body and nerves must Be properly nourished, aTf aVf m mm. are those who lack vitality. Ther 1 u.iuw4 o kilo wusi ur uuicr eoge -the thin of things. 'kfllTS B13MM is the vitalizer for all ages. It feeds nerves, body and brain with pure, wholesome food-tonic; It does ' not ctiirfulate riri nourishes. f :. -all cmjaatara a lair. Rev. Arthur Mai an of "W'aahlngton. IX C, U home on hla vacaUoiu Vrank le TVmple of Ix)n- Pine vlaltml with hla parvnta ver Clirtatmaa. ' SIU nyiv left Tueeday for California, where, he may engage in biiaineaa, Mlaa Huth Maher la homa from Notra Dame college to apend the holldaya. RwaJd iaod Hennan Kollrrtnan of South Iakoa aia ou a vtalt with, thulr brolhcr Karl. Mra. John Kaa of Wlnnfr. & P., la at the hotne of her lalhur, O. (3 Jundt. fur the luUitlaya. , 'Rnfim Clear la apnndlnt "Wa Tanratlim jvlth hla mother, comlnk" from the Armour iiuiaiuia, uuragu. r , (ienrge Uonrke of the atate of Waiflima toa la vialtlng hla paranta, hhertrf and air. aianrjie ana family.. Attorney Ctvurge ri or fhtr firm ot O'Hanina Ili la aiM-ndLnr the holiday wiiu ma iarvniB ai lUUk, ju. Judre Troup held a ehort iieaalun of aiatriot court laat Saturday and cleared UW..1U ui m jrw niinur cajuje. Mk. and Mra. Harry Vliuunt of ?Jnrth nu n.u., rn at im noma or Mri VlnrenX'a narnuta, 11c. and Mra. K Cai tettec. ' Mra. I- M. Haavo and Mm. I. Webhpr or Kunaaa l-ltv are at the home of thrtr aialcr, Mra. K& lv.welU-u, fur tits luill- Th family . VI. It. AVllllame. nlltor of the Hlair Tribune, left, for California j in i ui.u.jr iu aiiaiiu ine remuinner ui . III'. Hilliri, J Judtrn B. C Jarkann and wife aiwnt i nnaunaa who tnsir caimuter, Mini Ada, Who la bcliiK treated at Xtm t:iarkaun hos pital, uinana. Mr. and Mm. Naah of Chwliuul, O.. are aoendliiK tin holluuya wltl her orotner, r. at. Caatetter, and a!ler. Mra. K. 11. CJaiidgv, r"oatmas(- Cook r"iH)rla th hunlucaa rt hla off!i about the aum for hulldaya. -in. uie poi,cara Draiicn. which waa diiuhle that of any prevloiia year. William Cheney, traveling aahnian fur the new l'rui Flour omiipany, fauiid a chwk for lri.1 In hlo ChrUtmaa mail an a prvxcht from the firm for h-lng the top. notch aalaauian for November and In ctinlwr, Fallon. Airoa Bridge and the Mlaaes tola and Uorothy Aoderson. The ball glren here by aeyeral youna; men of the city waa very well attended, the towna of KJkhorn, I'apllllon. Waerloo and Valley being well repreaented. A aorprlae party wa given FTWa7 evening in honor of Auguata and Amanita Nrlfton. About twelve gueete were pree. nl and a good time waa had by all. Millard. . Walter Frfit. who worka at l ort Crook, waa hum. fur the holiday . J M. K Plllon of IWnnon waa a guest at the Andt'iaou home ilonday. Arthur Andvraoii of IjiiSallo, Colo., aucut Cbrlaimtta with hla parenla here, Mia lliu I. .. L. .. . . Jb.lUwln were Upiaiia. vhliora turda ; T !la My 1.11 Tri.i... it i..,. """ u 'tf I'ejrl Jafrman Mond-iy. W'va tlrac-e Kocli. who atUMida Kearney lo.tul, la home for tlui huliday vatfa- Slia Klla Ilaa. k and Mr. John tiarret if Umahit wenu Mlluud vtaltora Monday i Klmer Andeivon of Klkhorn aiient Moiw day with hie parent, Mr. and lira. 1'. tl Mlaa Maraarnt Klert returnml fr,ni 'J)ejn,er Huno iy. where ah haa apeni the aat aereral nuiutlia. .."A .lph Frtta of Elnl IVe.-k. Neb., bl nt . ?ret:l daya laat we. jlh hla partita. . -lr. and Mra. John ltlla.' , ' Mr Vi-. A- i fc' n'' Mr- Mia. 1 (.allHKhe- of Pouth' ttmaha apent . ttrlatinua with the Ivhota fmil. 4UT-. l,rrr aiurr.ii, rammed to i.lo- :n lueUuy morning aft.r iMmdiug a v. V.m,M wit .. .la.Piua;, jou ... .i. -uia.v;u. ro- a.-r-e v Irrlagrtaa. The CoTigTtnratlonal church gave a wulea. did program Saturday, Ie?embr S3. . Mr. sard Mra. A. C IMn entertained oumpany from Omaha Christmas day, Tha Church" of Christ gave Ha ;amiual Cbrtalmaa entertain uient Sunday eveniDK. Mr. and Mra C. I. Swltaer and family pent Wednesday afiernooa at the Krata Mr. and Mm. W. C. Nena' are com. lortably rttuajad in their new iioma la Irvtngum. i Mt and Mra. JL C. lxfln and faulty iMint Wednramaj: craoitxg al lba Tbomp ayn home. r C. U IHiheill la avn-nfflur the liotKlay at the home of hla dauichlur. Mra. li. A. llarmun of Lincoln. Mhm Minnie Jacobaon. tearher of Cta. trlct No. 4t, gave an entertaliunenl al bvr achoul laat Friday evening. The Irvlnrton ar.nool rare a pnipam and box at.cial laat Friday evening. The Irvmgton band waa preaenl. SprlagrflelaU Jcjarilh KIwmII tr 1m BLikf .1 -1 . wilt, i..i .' ""'" .... I. J t'llMIU BCVQk. lartha. I-etera of Baufh Omaha Ja Yh. iiiua vcun nr parent thia wK. til Hiirtni.k .,.! ... ! I - - . . - .... ' r lire.., ,.BU iue gueata oi itpnugTleld frienda. Slim Mabel Krlaley of Crahj, Neb,, la eiieuuing vacatiou witu liar parent. . . ii.umi .IKS in r-remont with hla daughter. Mra. Knyflei: tlon W. Itatea li.ft larla. V.,. l.l.. where he la a etudenl In tlta Chicago univ;rHjr iaw avnool. .Mimm lim. Knhual . ..I tt ii.. , . - - . wi.ivu im miiifr kart or the week frum V..rk kk ..... ... ..u i.n m VWJUMi LUI" John Utohual IM Ulltttn ikmii m artealcn well at hla low pond, lie ali-eady - . . .. u . iu ,iu r. 1 . 1 1 1 1U . U A h !iV-k t, nn Ih. f K i.l. It... .. . .1 Mlaaourl faclflo Wednaadav unt il mmn ik.a ipmiu. bs, u . .. .. . a ..... . . i ... . .'. v nmj Ml cll 11IBI1CIU vii x nuraoay. Mlaa Ptrmiillt. AnitMw.n - .. i . i . . . - . ...... im nn, Mwjr ttlount nr 1 i m f f i itn . .. ir. ...... day avenina. It. v. A. .1 ,.r Tim property known el the lionka-tonk haa. been a.Wd to John i. Fai kler and Koljtrt A Ik ii. who expect to make II into a Piarkamltli shop. 1-or for North Bend to viMt her aunt aire. George Corey, and family. Mra. Homer Mickey and daughter Thaia left (Saturday for a vlalt with Mra Mickey a parenta at Uibbon. Neb. 'Mi" Hilda Meyer returned from Pprinr fleld for a visit during the holldava with her parenta. Mr. and Mra H. Meyer. . -r klr. and Mra, J. R Fata left Satur. day for a visit jdurln the holidays witii relativea at Wahoo and .WeepLnx W.'Vr. John arefnreraon haa been confined to bl bed for several daya with a severe eo'd. but la much improved 'at tola wm- Mra. MoCormle and ' children are at PprlngDeld rlaiting the J. C. Mangold family and getUp acquainted with the new baby boy. v. ." ? i Henry, tttobal an, family of Omaha visited Mra Itlchel'a parents. Mr., and Mrs. A. .H. Hanaen. Buuday. Adolph Hansen, a eon, also cama oal. '' , v Mra Henry Meyer entertained tbe C. C club Tburaday. Mra. c. W. Baldwin won flrwt iirp and Mra I.Qbbea the leaat. The ncrt meeting will be with Mra. J. Housltgr. : Henry Schmidt rrtumed from Olrvln. Kaak, Canada, the 22d. Henry and Bobe.rt Baldwin have taken up home teada near Elbow, feaak. They alao have pre-empt! ona making them SaO acrea ot land each. They expect to. retnrn aOout March i. Albert Riley la also up thera and oanlempteLtaa .iipmaateadlng. borhood. The marriage Is scheduled to occur on January 10. ' ) ' i . The Mackay chapter of the Maeonlo order held pablio Installation on, Wednes day evening. A pleasant feature of the spread that 'followed -ini exercises Waa the serving ot roost venison from the Laita ranch north ot town. .Christmaa day three couples were united In marriage In the vicinity of Tekamah. Mr. Louis Ptftraen, tfke youngest 'son of P.1 C. Petersen, one of , the -proannent farmers of; Silver Creea. neighborhood, waa united In marriage to Mlsa fcthfy Henry, the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mra K. C. Henry of the same neighborhood. Tha bride la'one or fhe'eouhty success ful school teachers. They will make their home on one of the Petersen farms. On the saLme ' dtly Mlsa ' Isabel -Woodward, only daughter of Mr. and Mra. Lew Wood ward, waa united In man-tare to Mi. Alburn Kelly, the eldest aon of Mr. and Mra Ueorge Kelley. They will make their home on a farm near Tekamah. The wedding bella raas for tha third time oo Chrlatmaa day for the 'rnafrlafs f Mr. John Maetin and Mlaa Hazel ttomKugh, the daughter of Tekamah a peace officer, Marshal Stombough. Mr.' and Mrs,' Mar. tin expect to make 'their-raJmo lit T-ka-raah. . t.: ., ; - y-;, Aa Aanerlcaa.'Klns .! Is the, Igreat king of cuf ee. Dr. '. Kinifs New Tlscdyery, the Cllck' safe,' aura cough and cold remedyvSOc and n.00. Far ale by Beaton Drug Co. , i; ! 'a ; r- ' ... , ,.. Miller, Stewart ' JJeaton.Co. ,413.15,17. SQuthah'.55treet;; Our greatest annual ;f rture - sale begins at 8 o'clock,, Tuesday morning, January 2. V li Klkhora ', Alus MuKettale returned from "iriiisrieia. . Mtna Klaie Beef us i In Wyoming a pend ing tha holidays Willi frtenda. C K. Kellett and family of Waterloo -r.nuivaa oiuiier witn d. A. ulubons aud aire. . Mr. and Mra. Uaa of QeorKelown. Woah., are guesla at tlta il. A. Muckvl- maiiu t.umr. , 1 Clark Mickey oP Lincoln la aindlnu th. week hare lu lHa inotner. Mra. J. 1). Mickey, l. M. H. Hal J hi aud wife of Yet tec, Ja ; were Chrtattnaa laitors at the home uf tha doctor'a pareiHal il- and Mra. Puxrua Fallow left Same. t . xir a via.: or h wotuul SUXll XSit- the Mr. Trkarmaau Charlea Harney waa up from Omaha on Wadneaday meeting many old frlenda bare. Frank Taylor and wife -Wera gneats of Mra. Tayku-'a parenta In tnnaha on Chrlat maa day. -j. - , Mra. H. IL Bmitn and luir flrat course rlaea In music aave a recital at the Smith studio last Saturday evanlnc. mil. iiu mis. uu. fmiiun wrv uy n ti i u innana Chrtalmaa day partaking of nunpriiuiij ox axra. nuixuu a parauxa, ,i .4 1 B T at i .i m .- Mra. X B Crue entertained rhe teachxra of the public achoul to a kens! rig-ton laat Thuraday evening. At 11 o'clock Mra. Crua served a luncUeon. M. Warnar Hatter of Vertnllion. ft. II.. is. the guest of Mra. (Skint. er and family during the Chriatmas vacation. Ha will sing a solo in tha Preahyterlan church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock.. Card are out for ths wedding of Mlsa lleaxle Klchardson and Mr. Hobert Blaiikenbeckler, two of the prominent young people of the Silver Creek neigh- Ask Your Doctor r Yon pay cough tomorrow ! Better be prepared for it when it comes. Ask your doctor about keeping Aycr's Cherry Pectoral in the house. Then when the hard cold or cough first appears you have a doctor's medicine at fund. Your doctor's approval of its use will certainly set all doubt at rest Do as he says.-: tJLu'Xi'Z ZSggS . ' Have Your Tickets Read Via, Burlington ii O SAID GOOD-BYE TO THE COLD Man Who Oiulda't Take Plata Cod , I4vttr OU 8wara by Ozontulaion . ' ' 5.1:0 t.'.-j4a.5 ... .. . ao.80 '...887.0O' " .u--j. iuir n".,. naa-- atrttnllrU Mi:. ! "Ifa good tr 'How 'did you get rid of your cold?" 'Oxotnulalon threo a day. '1 had tha orthodox dislike of Vod liver oil, but . found that Oaotnulalon taatea aa good aa any dlali mother luad to make. . ' Nothing fishy about it. , -k 'How tha Uood was dona, I caii't ay. It'a enough for one that It AVaa dona and 1 an work and alaep lu lojufuix.' "No more rawnaaa in tlta throat nnr tlghtneaa acroaa the cheat trough nd' bronchltla all gone. - t I'm advising all tny friends to 'tako Oautaulalun. ( , "It's rood lar everybody, frecn batr' ROUND TEIP WINTER TOURIST FARES ' ' Daily Until April 30th, 1912. JMkaunvUle, Hu, direct' routes $56.50 JarkauBTllle, Flau, one way via Chicago and W'ashington. - "other i way via Cincinnati or Loulnville ..,..S58.50 Xntla, Fla via Chicago or St. LouU .-SttAS.lO h AtijruNtine, fiMn Chicago oi bt. Louia Mh-monu, Fla-, vl Chicago or Bt Louia .... . . I'alm UeaMii, Flaw, via Chicago or 9L, Loui Jew l.rleana, Jja rla Chicago or SU Louis . . Taas Christian, Mist., via Chicago or St. Louts Meslco City, Meg. t'orpu OiriKtl, fex., via Kansas City Kl I'auao, Texn via Kansas City Han Antonio, Tex., Via Kansas City Houston, Tea., via Kansas City Havana, Cuba ROUND TRIP HOMESEEKERS FARES ; First and Third Tuesdays Each Month. ; . Corpns thrrsti, le , V...:S35.00 Galvratou, In,1,,.,,,, ....S.iS.OO KwB.AttU.ulu, Tea. ... ..w ; S35.00 Uotiston, Trx. . .835.00 '4 . . Aslc about winter tourist rates to Florida, Gulf, Texas and Cuban resorts; to many destinations you may. go one way through Kansas City or St. Louis, the other way via Chicago; let me help you plan an attrac tive tour. The development of many new southern resorts, the excellent through tracts service, the diverse tours through the , south, all contribute' toward makings visit to the Southland one of the most attractive ; and economical of all winter tours., '. ; J. B. REYNOLDS, CrPA . V , .1502 JaiTianl.StEfiEl. L ;..' Bell, D 1233; Ind, A4323 ll!iilii