TUT. RKK: OMAHA, SATURDAY, DF.CKMBKU 1911. ohmii ii iuh iti vr lleeeee aaa) lolttaet, MAMA fMf '!, ntvlng tan snl ' rage Trufike. baggag D ,, . rn Jlou it alt parte ( he atiy. tree i.m . He fndg MAI'l-a. a. 4 ' . f.,ni In-ater . n turn. a I.A I i.aw). l ea A eia A li.,,wln Hueit. Hi a 1 h l 61 l , t.-fee. ruX-ie f V ,l"at. li' l t ii-A- roma7 modern eirapt .'" lei !' Ilk. 'I .ST-Ai m. .i.i n neevv 4-ef. M -. U ctor 4.V1 ar I1 "a A met A. For Kent . Brick House V'Mtt Mrnm, bath anil miip oh e. "i iovt lai family ro.'in. living "'" buttery, kit. hen. rei t iei alur roro, all anj 'Veer I bo I fiiai fiiHir; full rhaetornl. tith o,el. furnace Iwei. vrrihit.g fltt na-a arid alitrlly modern, al 1)111 Mri A r I. a rtr at a)aargla Ave, ttt pbeie llarnar V Fk )Uk. I - a lorwum modern Sou-. U1 llama . teady Jan. , H"l Wa'ar l,gL nimre I t. tr'llrlen. Ilenehaw betel. Pr..r, H l.n-4. VNH- .imi TENANT.1 Will r.aae m.et liberal rnr.,ona for tmaiflitie iici iaii . Make ua iufri. 4-r , !, m o , !. It., i"a tit, 111, r.. i.ealy .cr1, ,n.d , t'nrtiv, ill. vr. moo, anaii, i'6 H Mh. waa IM-flS. t-r, m. 4, ,.r. Ii , t Imlre. ) I 'Miat. (17. r . my wai-r. ; Han-mil, . r , ri imm.. thi Mammon, fit. 7-r , lurnara, lrn. M. Parker, l. br., nxMi., rlmue, rii Cal.lt eli. I'."?. 4 f , rny tir, 1416 pneipa. . . U-r.. ritjr Htm, 2i. . 17tu, . A r . 11 ia. i. r , Jari nv.l , !! (Irani, ll. Ill r.,U M KITItH K. ICa-ry itina 14 It aixl Mama)'. OMAiiit tia aatl aioraaa Co cka ". Herat hiu-hoid (iivaa. 1raproo( tora- MM toil). Ktancb V Ik l.Uw Jat,lwugiaa 4iq, A-liUi il l ii-n7-, t, i all IiiimI $.1. itn Tair. a-r . n.ixl. rx. hfat, ner ar and a'hoil. I7. :il rarhar. a-r . naw, tnnl. as. haat, J W HAH!' ft I., Imiiiit. 1MM. -lujtM modarn ttl(, haat. Uu; Vlrt. Wlar ITiK HK.ST or aala rhaap. LaautKtll ' aavan-rexitn liouaa ann barn. All mod rti, tilra lorauon. Talaphuna iKiiiglaa Ha, r Flurano 11. '1 n TAi II, Hv rcx.ina. baih, gaa. V. nh ft. Ilarnay Mr-f 10 ANY ronniaa-ur of rnnf aitlnncry ttll raartllv Ml you that tliara ara no carxllaa ll-h ran ouuhlna Hrlcn In liurily r dalinlnaaa. If Mra. J. Hrnwn, 2ili fwrarH -M will rom to Tha Itoa ifflia wlMnn thnta daya wa will lve hr an frier lor a t-crnt box of O Brlcn'a r rHr, H Kl'll AVJi-Nlna rHma; not vatar haat; alartn Krch; flnlahed t ttr. f hma M. IKH. " K K KNTTiia ' Thallan. IM ft. Jf.th Aa , a-ronm ainta; ftrat flonr: hot iir haat: bat janitor narvlca; new and .ui- -)ata; yH HKNT-I nlt 4-room culiatca. lu oo'ra. 4I H. 4th. Myl), a-rixifii .tuaa; fma rap'r. H. (M4. aOR KKNI'-lnur-iwm cottaa on il a Ave. tHrtwaam IVMisa and Douciaa atraatf, aa Ixitar I.. Th.imaa, 41 J lta Hld. 'S S. 3j1. tr.. mod. ax. haat, 110. ?M Jonaa 8t.. -r.. aJI mod,. ?i1 raUIWall. t-r.. mod. x. haat, III. " i N. 4 th Aa . a-r.. mwl. ex. hoat. tit. :hi N, tm -r.. mod. ax. haat, l'l. StlJlmKi. -r., mod. ax. I.ral. 117. JVa rlraua, a-r., mod. ax. haat, flS. ' ;tn Una, a-r., mod. ax. haaf. 1. 2f.lt IWa. 4-r.. rt rMd., U. Miaun, a-r., atrtcllv mod.. 113. 4T't Marnav, a-r., all mod., 'r. M. lath. 7-r all mod.. $32. Srt. ('Moago. l-r., naarlv naw. all mod, 11. K W. mr. Slh fahler, 7-r.. mod. ax., haat. 111. ?u Parkar. a-r.. mod. ax Haat. til. . ill Ucavanworth. l-r.. Ill" MIHKr.TT TKHKKNi. . a Raa. Id Li. 7a4. A-17M. $2 MOUERN. On blk. to N. Slth line, full two lory 7-r.; new. compact, up-to-dat. . O'KKEKE REAL ESTATE CO.. 101 Omaha Nat l. louf. or A-2K2. Eniot II. X842 or II. 5134. Mi tiowaa. Bwdaar. axcapt baa. I. Mli K. iuh hi.. Ij. ;ru oua. modara except beat. Sit t hai tea lit rwotna. IA fMor. UM N. Teth BU. mad trn air.t haat. 14. f n cot 1 a (a, modarn except bait. Ml N". 14 M . tM. -r m k, modem except haat. lilt oabr t-. fl 4-rajum. tat floor. IMS K. tb Ct.. Irtlf Bedarn. IK -rHim. Id Poof, tm N. tb Bt. toilet 1-roaax bowia. aaedara except beat, !9M lj.tt at., ua . . . CHIt I a ItoTKn. Cd and rwming Kta. "lX-HKHiUr.it houaa, hot watar haat. gaa. alactrU' ligbt and ahailaa. Url;ol. rwoim ratidrtui eacapl haat, ZM Wirt. Hul H.s In all arta o ma city. V. I. W.AI. 11 KA KNA M. k larva Bad Wlfkeea. ttriflt t eulilet autte tf five room la 'y Sattnat I'anh tidg Call I) 4im Ta.W etvre Uuttding Ub modarn living !" Ul.a. wilt ba raady Jau. 1, lull Una phane Ht'l Or a ad laiaod. Kau. J. a Ana a. UrajMl Uiaad. Nao. 1 ,---- - oriaiiK.u wok aVAua tanart, . . ttrt-ruwM (urnltura for aa'e. rn Jaaaaun. CaU Maalcal laaatraa ala it A MO. ebshUy waad. al a bargain. fa.a4iw(i naw Ml. Ca. ivtb ajtd I umm ata. a.l.fc.7 MIC pajia aad awuate bus la I ... Kin vO. a44 Lev'Wui llpaHMiaia, t4GUT lot i ll Al.AU- VIIlH f.t laoL lit). io.AMCil lllly H i . t . . a r-riane I eax llltaKllklU, ALL Ja.A a. Mtr ft.l. aargaai eaa. taut amigawAa av - lMa .J.t (aiuaut at, vara. ami raaaiMrf. a.a.a.a j aa a ym ...aa hwaliiwA faft.ed taxed M-.aa t-tt . la.lll M. att.lt TTnn WTta CO, iava aa4 lw.a, l.al aa u- itun taa Miaa.1. aaa. -H I - rhf- J aaf w.th duubia d-e a4 . u.ttt, u.mi i.bi. . 4 I a . . M. w -a ax lav.ue. a 'a-l. .4 a 4 a... a.iu acwaMa-lM4Ml a a I e.se aa-i tavaaaa. aarga.aa. a --.- -t , v. U- I araej a ac evAA-X. Kaat mm st - ii 1 as a r--- I4M.4 4e atta) j-g - ( ai Mw,ti, ar !. ea . f . a.na, a aa bX44ji 'a4 a ek.a n44 m aadar av. eJ aa av a r t t a- t staaf .a4 u ike a4 4M.4ril 4. k e4 r la a aadPaav a 4ai.aaa e. waaa l . ca '4Hf aear aur. .' a.aaaaa4 ini S lav kaetaf . r la.it a a a a- m al I a. I jW -e laagaaaaa. Lit aa) . fa kate.. e 4 W 1. aa a . lJ ..t. a mm a aa a mm tawiiait a 4 a a-aj m a.a at Frte- va.e iwm aa, Ua a I-'a. wiai "- t ! l.gak ii. Uii. A-- . a u a aa A l-a a .MHi -a gaa at - --- . t . . II 1. 1 . . . . . , " I J..MJo t a. av. - .' a t4 aa sard . n ,,-.) Ct. X.;. ' a mtv rmirKNM rim mir. DEAN 1'ri.vH ,iTiltifsl from 'fJoO to' .".75 ! 1'KU LOT. NtilliitiX likt U for U10 mouoy in Onmli;i today. Start tin' iw -Year right ly jiurchasin one of these beau ti(ul,fiOni(!ite. Only one block from HANSC)M J'AJtlC, MA, SPECIALS IN AND PAID. This means nil STUKKTS are PAVKD, lias CITY WATKK, . NKNVKU and (LVS in t'nmt of every lot. ALL U)TS ."i feet wMe-FINK SIIADK. SKKVED BY IJOTIt PAHK CAK LINKS, yet no lot offered fronts on ear line. Tins feature, nuikes J this projerty very attrac tive for homes. Only 10 minutes to. Postoffioe. TERMS ONKnFTII CASH, BALANOT 1, 2, 3 and 4 YEAKS.' Telephone II. M. Cliristie for an appoint ment. W. FARN AM SMITH & CO, SOLE AGENTS. M lavoAAanaaiaa jt.j C'oal for itovo or furnace. Try It Harmon A Waalh. Walntar MS. KI,KCTK1C piano and muaio roll r pairing. Acma Machlna Co 3lU Ia-n-worth. HKT nf aii-lKh runnrr for anv le l-llvar)- wagon for aaia Phaap. 'ab. 37. IMAMOND HAnHAIN.-ift in pawn. PI Hh WMITK, diamond rm. PA K.. worth ). now. lis;.. Diamond 8tud. K.. worth $:t3, now 2x8. Ilamond Biud. IU4 k., worth tXS, now laWi 'loalii out at Auction every avcnlnc at :30 p.' in. Friedman Loan ' bank. 12th and iKiuglan. HOOD TAKKrt naw blark ItUKtlin lynx fur al: largo ahawl collar and pillow muff. Phono Rml . , , - ii ' i ii m POriTKY AND PKT STOCK. Kcreanlnga, 1. per 10U. Wagner, M S. U rEUSO.AL A'Iew Truss NCW INVKA.10N. acho.h AND HK8LLTH. Doae not cpread the rupture "pan In ternally aa convex padx do. Write lor bookiar. THK TTRRELI TRTJP3 CO., Six Hroadway, Nw Yorlt City. H-UAY ttCUKJU na.ath.Liy. Oladlah Pharmacy, IXtli and Uodga. laaaga, rutlvnhuuee. DM old tioaton ld. too AO iniaici coming to viaana aa trangers are Inviteti to vlalt the Young Woman Clirlatlan association bunding at beventaenih and c alary'a Ave., where tliey wul b diractatt 10 euuabi boarding plate or olnerwise awutiau. Look for our traveler aid at tlia buui aiation. V la tent and repair an kind ot aawiog machinea. Ind. A-HfcJ. Louglaa llail . NEbKABKA CYCLk! CO.. lAth and Harney 8t. strengthen, BOc. BELL DRUO CO, M ASSAIld', ' rtaimeiit. Ait., ateeie, iVLaOCUi-Uilt 17w Ground floor. MAaciAUav ewabiau luuvcuianiy noLhiog bener for rheumatism; ladle. l; gent.a men, tl.SU. Apt. 2. lwnt Kai nam. D. Ii40. MACiNKTIlJ i.-i'n.. toiois .ul HAikli LiuAF CO.1a.ti lxa I remedy for Itcning, bleeding or protrud ing plies; sOo postpaid; sampie fre. oner nan as MoConnell Drug Co., Omaha. LI EH FN, mask suits ta nlre, ln!4 Huw'd THki tULiAiiOA AtiMl aouoiia vast, oil cunning; in taut, anym.ng vu do no: need. We collect, repair anw aeil. at lit N. Uth SL, tor coat of collection, ta la .ll 4.VOI. Ca. plIUIMf wgyai44 41 and wagon will call. ASSAIIK itaiU, salt glow aruutaue .UilOdUUXi uaimnt. Mm. Ailea Chicago, 1m . Inn st .at floor. D. To Mrs. buyoer, maaaaga, electrical treat ment. 1 Dutiaany, iota 4c Pieroe. D. 4Jgd - Dr. tfuraa inu a manual, 4 Dug. u HEAl. ESTATE Elertrte gas fixture. Omaha K liver C Ideal Cement nton Co., lith and Cuming. s'uena. cmiii e nunu, pUtftimg, deowauag. KooflNu yAA.N i , buuoing paper, pias ter buatd. Aniar. buu. Co.. li joiebucaa. Masonry con.. Jo hoar, Healy. Web, liai, CITY rHOPh-KIY tVOH SAL.K. t?.Mk) for l-room house and lot, near 14th and Mewarn: easy terms. .. - !).; -room house In trchard Hill. )H.vPull lot on tad and Iodaj. l.sU 7-ioum, all modern house on Kth, across street from Kountaa Place. aauu Kit gam t-ruom lealoence In Kountse Place. Iw or choice Dundee lot. r. I. W HAD, lVrt FA KNA M BT. HKiOl-rtT BARGAIN IN OMAIlA. Fin large slx-roorn house, strictly mod ern, finished In btrcn. wal.a painted; lot eoxl.A nice lawn and soma trult and shrubbery. Iz.Hru. H.OW cash, balance ran be arranged. Must rale money. Owner live In house. 4i N. lth St. I he bft honwi district In Omaha . FOR ALE Kslabilshed real estate. In surants and rental business. Am going Into other business, good reason for ae. tug. i.ext 10 days, answer liU, car Bee, iojih t.smaha. Neh. ItAVR yoi derided what to aei your lade friend for toe hoitdayeV There I awning tnat would please, her better than a dainty box ot O Hi ten a randy. If Mra. t l.ar.e Alwell. 41-4 Kainam St., will coma to The He olilce w.tnia three days we 111 give her an order lor a au-ccnt box a. lulini tandy. THHfcl. fin iota on 141 1 Av. and UraaJ Av. f r sa.e al a bargain. 17 laard at. ph'.na Rd 46ii.e Mu.aK f kti:. MrST ll Six room. tretly modem, tat finlahad Immt. Full two etortaa, Iwar Kountie place Worth It.lii, my pn. a a,K.ai y easy term. Phone bwner, Harney jJH. , t-l'.M'M bungalow, 1Ul. full baaeniaut. twdarn. tu . 1 rey. Benton. Hrna.ll parit.ael lass, balance HIM a real. I'tuia Bentoa llL laTATE tM4 at MAXill t-a.t jeans, MH COljilU I Think of this: A home t4 in Puaik euuaty. Colorado, that la ail tit-a atai snvvotk; good water from 9 I kt faal deep; I nu. from town, tt rriilae Irum ! ei'y of Pvteblo; hn-attng fa !' tor 1D acre. I-WO for arret, t.xeurstotve Jaauary t and January Iv Via.ra tan l Co , Room li. FrsnkUn Hldg , Pieeaoa, tut. gasettv, THE taaiaat way ta Pad a buyer fat J f Itiit it t In ir a iatiU watt ad aa in Vmm Muiae Capital. Largest rir f. 41 44 It th H4UJ tlf iw. al.au daily. ta la.tal ta ratal by ad balit.ed la ay 1 . w- la 1 . baraul aw. a atliaf itnaa m. . K., . lea-vat. a.v I taaJi a wot a day. liii ! 4a aM taaaaata, aanaatl 4 I Ja I . a Adar Aav. Lt aaataaa, HK.Ij KSTATK ( ITV I'HOPKKT Y KOft jtAI.IJ PLACE riRM A nXH I. A Mid FOR "AIR Florida. FLOKIDA, TUE LAND OF SUNSHINE. We are o ter.ng 10, $j and u-acio traoti nd upward locotad In Columbia county near La ha City, Klorlda, 50 mile want of Jacksonville and only K0 mile from fit. Augustine. Thia property is Intersected by three railroad of national refutation, allien furnish the best of aervfee at reasonable rate to all markbU of th United tiiatea. The climate la Ideal, Klne farm are ikw baing worked In our tract with exceptionally good results. - Own on of our farms. Investigate our offer, bmall cash pa mania and easy terms. Low rates dally. Ticket' good until June L' KOBT. C. DRTESEDOW CO (Sale Agent) 100 Omaha Nat.oual Hank Bldj.. . Omaha, Xeb. . Qrorajla. GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA Traversed by the ATLANTA, BIRMINGHAM & ATLAN TIC RAILROAD. Iand adaptabla to the widest mng of crop. All th money crop of th south plentifully produced. For literature treat ing with tnis uoming country, Ua soil, climate, church and ichooi advantage, write W. H. LEAHY, DEPT. K, General Passenger Aganv. ATLANTA UA., llllnoU. ' FOR SALE Chicle tin ranch. 8V4 acrai; plenty of fruit and peacbaa; good build ings; location central Ulmuia. lor par ticular writa Lauruua. iuwa, ituuu 1 Box IX. HWI. . 1S9 ACRES well Improved farm. flV miles from Council limit at a sacrifice. M. Hourlclous or Co., Real kantata and Loans, over K30 Broadway. A)v ex ico. CLIMATE. HEALTH. BOIL. Wateu crops ard Koflts sure.. Fruit and alfalfa. uuvernuieni irrigation. . Conaiaerlng coat aud pi outs, we utter the best on m m.. . het. Com or write. Hartshorn & Co., K-iLilabau. tsw Mexico. Nvrtsi Dakota. . NORTH DAK6TA FARMS FOR SALR on crop payment plan; no money aown. Write tor particulars. NORTHERN STATES LNVKSTMBNT COMPANY, 111 Metropolitan Lite Hldg., Minneapolis. Minn. Son ttt Dakota. FOR GALE A farm of 74 acres adinln. Ing a good ti. V. town. Moasrn uignt- uom house; barn; chicken nouse; good well; two large cieierns; a u&nuy tor any one warning at amair tarm wan town ad- vantagew. Add. Box ua, Maaiaam, c. It. W Lacotialn, IUJSK COUNTY. WIS., cut-over hard wood lands; wholesale prices; any aixed tract; ciy lotun son; in oairy ana ciovtr belt; gooa markets, school aud ouurcnea; easy terms. Vv rue lor mans and In formation. Aipin Hardwood iuinwr Comaiiy, Oranu Ha pi a e, wis. REAL ESTATE LOANS WANTJs.D-.city loan ana tranraaia. W. Faruara amlth Co.. IM 'arnam St. OMAHA Property and Nabraaaa Land. O KKEFai kaAb kaiAlli; CO. IQlt New c-mah.t Nafl aiana Bundlna, a ARM iUAM near Onitvtia; ao coomis Ion, optional uayuisnta; ci)ap iuua. Orln S. alerrlil, liX City lat I svauik uiuaL MONEY to koana va buaineaa ar rear dene properties, l.oy to oouuu. w. ii, IHuMAM. a first Mt 1 titan Hldg. auw to llu.ouu mad pionipily. Wead. Warn Hldg.. uih and g'araata. WANTt.t-Clly loan. Patera iiuat C LOW UAiak. i..4.i l-i i.,.....-Tr7fr II0-41J Uiandela Theater Hldg. UAKV1N BK0S.r- .f-i "! g 4TXgg LAKUB lAiA.vs, MtaatoiiMl bond, mol t gagee bowgnt and aotd. 1101.1. i;Hua. FPU SALE OH EXC1IAAG KoR SALt, or fcxenange Jnt-tou goid cn oat desk. J. k. faae. BLACKSMITH shop Md residence properly tor sale or trade. 8. Arnold Johnson, Neb. ANNOfNf'KM sr. v-r Our exchange department tin charge of Mr C. Hundall. formerly with 8va Real UtiU to.), I tb moat complete n the city. Call or writ to our on ire and let ua know what you have for ,rada and what you want for It. We will do the reeu lo It now; be the first one. A,i .'ST u a"".nf:". t h" VVIIilamaun K Joff er )UJ. Iliiuo. luVuuu" fii.wixi dry gotMls. not.on, grocerte. and crockery. In exchange for land. Fremont M. Uibaon, Charlea City, Iowa. r"""OI I K-A Kb suburban home. Improved wuh !-r. house; choice location ana many lakable features: value eaay term. -nut tor umana or ttouth i-i.ip.riY. .n oportunny. inveatlaaie. -. ottlV a UKPiiri 1 ro nomeUi.4 t-lty .National Hank Bid. FOR SALE OH TRAI-R-'a orw"7o: Hon er good Colorado land for acreage property In or near Omaha. Address 1 H MAKNETTK. tnKl navtnport tit. Omaha. Neb. WAXTED TO BUY Id-hand good. Kleeer. lo Ctottr. D. Mil WA.VTEI TO ItEXT r w on ana ttin or isrgt aicovt roona- . ... w roonx. ' , - .-.aw roars: f "t clats only; gentleman and wife. K eT7. H'e PeiaUieat AdeiUaing U lb Road lo Vic IHetua. O LOAN M'mey ou vacant' lota Phone b"""W. vafcani lota. .1 WASTKD SITt' Al ION VAMi-.u-huiui'ii ai tiiionaKf r hi raapactable iiiuidla-aKail lady. Prefer home with children. Ain.i experienced a nurse. Address Mr tlle Tuinai. n rial deiiver. Council Itluffa. la bl'l l A 1 lUn vtaiKru- A manaaar u( general toie. cnutilty to.n, vxpet lanca.l. 1 O lt, Hf VrA8nNlanrtcurtain!i done T. M "Sl HUUKM1.Krl.n1 atiU cieiiiai wort tvenlnga ann catuidaya, jaa t pen riKr Addreea I. 74. Bee. iHHlkt' youiia 4B4va, piaiiu piai ar and inner, wain po .t.on m picture . perlented. IVouglae KSM. K 77. Pee. l04niO.N Vaailkau u ulnplllt lad tnO ai.i'ef; ttttorvAVve. us wo .. abil.l Harrny W- . , , . ; must : ha via .'.work Toung inn needs work, for Vartv and roo m. Phorl Pousi as c-4. .-v j .11011 a . oar. 9 Ite. tanoel", fTtitr ericed. WH14U lady desires steady piece of dy wbrtt; neat, ounaclentiousf does o'it diaappolntment enagemiits. , Pnon 1 4. M1PDLK AQKD WUOVV want posi tion as housekteier. I. IW lUa: TOt'Nt niarrled man would like work of any IrtnoV N, we Hee. . W AN I r-l Piaition. by au exper.1 .t-u-nian bookkerping expertrnre: uo exia rtenc a pottcy tmrwntr wirt tnatieanae company; best vt refercni-es; age, i; married. 'Phone Dougiaa lltts hgiusn uci.u um wura. na; BUd uaailt' el. I. 740. ' J LADY want position In gnnernl tiouae work; rellahiti, also a position for daugh tar; wnuid Ilk work together. Ad dree K m, Rea. TKLKUIt APH operator want position In or out of city. Tel. Dougla uit. YOl'.NO man want placo to woik for board while attending school. Hoy In college. Douglna )tt4 or Ind. A-10S4. lllHNil gtri. In year old, wants work Saturdays and Bundi.ys. Heh, ti&i, TfTit I Nil loy nh one year experi ence a xtenoii a, .her wishes a position In a firm; salary according to ability. W t. Bee. ; CilHL want to take care of children all day; mutt go home nights. Call Douglas J40. LIVE STOCK MAKKKT OK WEST Eiilp your slock in tiuuih Omaha; save mileage and ahrliikaits, your ooulgn menta revelv prompt aid careful aiuo- lion. UK hi'oCJi CUMAIitsaUO-'v; MEit CHANTS. ByeritRrc. ti Co. str.m; and responalhla "wtKUl r.K(S a. 4 i.xi ian... Hidg. On at w est. Com. Co.. uniAha j Denver. V. R. SMITH' flON Just hand, a ahaepT W. K. 1EN N Y ti CO., .'.) Kxcli. Hldg. TA Qi HHQW. handle cau e. nogs, sheep, . Clay Koblnaon Ac l'o,, iw hlxch. HWIn. lmersiaie Co. Better '.suits, rtnlp to ua CLlt'TUN Com. Co. Ut Exchange ldg1 HCRKL-MICKLf CO.. iiKxoiii:)iigr 1 rc. roiu:kt8 t Co.. Va kxou. iiidg." Cox ft Jones Com. Co.. buncn of lius'lers. Farmer L. ri. Com. t'o... 41.xcna.iKtt. . Deposit proceed ot shipment In Slock Yards Nat 1 hank, pnlv hank at yard. Martin Uroa. 4k Co. W3-4 stch. JJIdg. . OMAHA. THE GRAIN MAKKKT. Nebraska-lowa Oraln Co., 7K4 Hrandela. WEEKS GRAIN CO., gialn merahaiua, consignment ollclteC- nt Hrandela. GOVERNMENT NOTICKH. OOVERNMENT BALK INDIAN 1.ANU8 Absolute Title Given the unalloted lands of th Choctaw and Chickasaw Na tions of the Five Civilised Tribes In Ok lahoma, and not Including th coal and timber 'segregations, will be sold at pub lic auction to the highest bidder at th following terms, time and place at not let than th minimum pries stated In the advertisement: Orady county, Chiuk aaha. dm tract. 37.600 acres, November I, 3. 4; Stephana county. Duncan, 730 tracts. C9.J00 acre. November; U, 7 8; Jefferaon county, Ryan, 7ut tracfi. ts.400 ere. November . I11. 11; Ijdv county, Marietta. IM tract. 76.600 acre, Novem ber 13. H, 16, 14; Carter county, Ardmore, 1.171 tracts. 03,300 acre. November 17. 11 I'O. 1, 12. 21; Murray county, Sulphur, 153 tract, aio.uuu acies. jvoveinner 14. jb; uar vln county, Paul Valley, tl tracts, St.hiti acres, November 27, itfl, 2; UoClatn county, Purcell, Si6 tract, 14,100 acres, December J, z; Pontotoc county, Ada, by tract. 46.610 acres, December 4. 6. t; Johnson county, Tlhomlugo, 6C4 tracts, W.2U0 acrra December 7, k, I; Marshall county, Madlll, 27U tract. ;8,."00 aoraa, December 11; Bryan eouniy. Durant. but tract, n,100 acres. December 12, 11; Atoka oounty, Atoka, 1,60a tracts, K4,0u0 acre, December 14. 15. It), 11 M: Coal county. Coalgatc. Wl tracte, a4,0 acre, lecem- ber 20. ?J. 22: Ilugbea county. Calvm 411 tract, 60,700 acres, December 16.. 27; Pitts burg county, McAlester, 1,.'4 tract, 117,- 10 acres. December . St. S9, mil; Janu ary 1. 2: Haskell county. Stlg.er, 411 tracta, 80,300 acres, January s, 4; Latimer county, Wilburton, 111 tract:, tt luo aurea January i; Leflore county, pvieau, I7f tract, 21, gut) acre. January Puahma taha county. Antlers, Ml tracts. t2,(w0 acre. January k, V, 10: Choctaw county, Hugo, 61 tract, ZI.VM acres. January 11, 12, 18; MoCurtain county. Jdabsll, 7il tract, 64,600 acred January la. 1. 17. IS. U12. Not more than 160 acres ct agri cultural and H40 acre of other land will be sold to on parson In aay on natlos. minimum valuation of Itt.os or in or par aore. Terms are 26 per ecr.t at th time ot sale, 2e per cent In vaalva months. and 60 per cent In two year, with I par cent Interest. Paymentaimust be mad In th form of draft or certiriod check, payable to J. O. Wright, commissioner. Upon full payment being mad at any lima deed will Issue. Immediately aftei approval of sale certificate of purchase will Issus and possession be given,- but culling of Umber or drilling or mlnlu for minerals thereon will not be per price. Right 1 reaerved to reject any or all bids. For information apply to th Commissioner to th Fiv Civilised '1 rlbes, Muskogee, Oklahoma, ar any of th Dls tilot Agents as to lands within their re spective district. Lists of ilieae lands have been prepared by counties, showing th terms of sale, the description of ths various tracts aitd minimum price. It will be liupraotlcahle tu furnish each In quirer all of these lists, and It Is sug- sealed that peraons desiring such Infor mation specify the locality In which they arn Interested, blue prints f the various countlea, showing the location of th land to be sold will be furnished upon appli cation to th undersigned upon Ibe pay ment of 4V16O for each county In Hie torm of draft or poatal money order. J. O. YVHIUliT, Commissioner to th Fiv Ctvllixed Tribes, aUusaogae, Okla homa, August 1, U1L LEUAL NOTICES. dTOC'KiloLDEKei' MH.ET1N li. Office of l.Et-oL.tBi-ADHb.t;6E.N HAtiDWAHE COMPANY, Omaha, Ne biaska, Decembtr , 1U11. Notice 1 hereby giveu to the stockholders of Lee-Olass-Andreestn llardtgre company that th annual meeting of the stocahoidor of ilia company will be held at the ottlcae of a:u couipaiiy, ooruer of Ninth aud liar nay atreeta. In the city of Omaha, In in tat of Nebraska, on Tuesday, January k. A. D., 1112 . at 8 o clock p. m., fur tne purpose of sleeting a hoard ot directors for the company to serve during the enau ing yeai, and to transact auuh utliaf buaineaa as may be presented at auca mealing. Altist: W. M. Oiaas, tlecfe Isry; II. J. Vj-t. praatdatit. NO llCt. ' Stockholders MeelUig of Th Union Lend Company. Notice la hereby given that the annual meatlng af tne stoekholdei s of 1 lie l.'ntoo Laud Company for the election of live directors and the transaction of aucn mliar business aa may legally coma be fore the meeting, will be held at the office of the General (Solicitor. Union I'scKio Head.juarteis Building, l.'.th and podge atretts, Omaha. Nebraska, 011 Monday, the 8th cay of January, Ui2. I l o'clock A. M. Tb stock traosfer books will be closed 10 days previous to tb meeting Alex. Miller. -' fecreiary. Ktw Tork City, N.- T., Dec. l, lkii. DlV130t l.l.tJAT. NOTH KS. ANM'AI. MKKl'IMI. Notlre Is lieicby airn Ihst the An nual Meeting of tr. Siin-khnlders ef the Omaha Ca Company Kill be held at the office of the Cnmpnnv, l.vifl llowsrd Si , nt li .t a. in , Mmnlur, Jann.'iry 1, (or the election f lliai iora f 'r the en suing year, and for the tranaurtton of such othrr hnsitiesa as msy come bafois the meeting. MIANK T. HAMILTON I'levldrrit. nunmiE w, cLAiiAttwr. Omaha,. lee. Ik, 13U. .. Serretary. . ,-k- V.,:. I i J -w. b roCKHOLlUiUla'. MKHV1NU. The annual meeting ot Hi .stockholder, cif the IVe Kulldtng eompanv will be held a th rffflcl -of aalg eompany. Omaha. NhrMai;a. Kl 4 e'elnctt .p. m Tuesday, ianiiary l, $ fer the eleei'on of the board 4f iWrectofs im the ensuing year, and for 'the transaction iof each other 1'itathr as- my properly coins btfon fa meetlag, k. .... ..v , . 'By orfler of Ifca . tj-eatdeiv ... .1. , N. P . 1TK1L. Secetary. x . umoJii uaiiAvay' IjVik tfiAjtu. Llu I A I t.l.N leulb and alaana Lnfoa Paclflo , 1 .1 . trepan. Fan Fran. Overl d T...at4Aam China -A Japan .., ;0i pan Atlantic Ktmea.v Ojegnni Kfpreew ail"&m Ia Angeles Limited. . all 4i prn Arrive, a 7:40 pm a 1 . 48 pm a 45 am a I 10 pm Ii:! pin a 7 in am i.'tnver hpaolai a 7:04 am Cenlannlal Htata Epe'l l.tll 30 1 pm Colorado Express a i i Pin a 4 M pm Oregon-Wash. L't'4.,.alS M pn , a l:U pm North nan Local.. ..a I In ani a 4.46 pm. Grand Island Local. . .a6 S0pn. alu:!Jam Etroinsburg lcal. . .bUKtl pm b in ) pm v.ul4.M tliK-'ti lalnnti aV I'uvlll i:a(t. Rocky Mountain Ltd. .al?:H am Chicago Local Psss. bit) V. am Chicago Day Express a D ili an; Chicago Express at.lnpm Des Moines Local Pas. a 4:S7 pm Chlcato-Neb. Limited rt b.vSpm aio.ss pm blO : 10 pm a 4:30 pm a 1:10 pm i1M1 pm a 8. Warn w r.ti i . , Chl.-Xeh. Lmtd lo Lin coln , a 1:01 am Chl.-Colo, Express. ...n 1:28 pm Chi. -Colo. Kx pl eas a 1 16 pir a 8.M pm a 4:00 pin a 4:0u pm el!: ant alt. 30 am a 13 am tiki. a Tex. h.xpres..a i:0i pm Pocky Mountain Lld.alO.17 pm wabaah Omaha Ft. Louis Ex..a:?0pm Mail and Express a 7:02 am all:i6 pm Stsiib y L. (from C. It.) b 1:00 pm blU U ana thtcago at Knunatrn NORTHBOUND, Minn. -Ft. Paul Kx . . . .a 7:00 am kilnn.-Bu Paul L t d. .a 7:00 pm Twin City Express ..a i tu am (iroux City Local a 1:46 pm Minn. A Dakota Ex. .a 7 U0 pin Twin City 1 -United ...a k 4a pin Minnesota Exprets .... . KaVUTHOUND. Carrnli Local .....a 7 00 am I'avlirht Chicago a 7:40 am a :ta) am alv;a pm a :2I tm a am a 7:J am all .uo aa a 1:10 pm ai0:u pm a I pit a 1. 2D pm a 1:42 ata a 1:2 pm au:v pm Chicago Local. all. 0i pm .a 6:10 pm .a 1:02 pm .a 1:86 pm Colorado-Chicago Chicago Special .. Pao, Coaat-Chleago Loa Angelas Limited.. a 1.60 Pre Ovc-!nd Limited. .....a 7:63 pm Carroll Local ,...a40pin a 0:10 art al0:M an, Faat Mall...., a I.M piu a a.jj pru ceuar iiap.as, eiout e Oinaaa Cenicnulal State Llui. U:0 am WESTBOUND. Lone Pin ..a 1. 00 am Norfolk-Dallas a 1:00 am Long Pine-Lincoln..;. a 1:11 pm Haiti rig-Huierlor ,...t 1.16 pm Diadwood-dtot bo'Ka..a 166 pm a l:U pn 11.14 pm all 40 mi alv.il pin a 6W Pd a 1:10 pin a 6:te pra Ceauer-Lander ..j a .bl pm . all:W ua traniunt-Albtoa ,.b.iW plu b 1.1a pm Chicago, Mllnaaket at at. rati Overlgt.d Limited ......a 7 6v pm k:;i am Perry Local a tV.M am Colorado Kxpits .. ..a 1:00 pm Colorado Bclal a 7:42 am Perry Local to 6.16 pia 11 00 pm 1.26 pm u.mi am I2.ik) IH1I rhlraao Great TVealern Chicago Llmliail....a 8:36 pm Twin City Limited a 8:36 pm Twin City Express. ...a 1:46 am Chicago Express.. Local Passenger. .... ..a 1:11 pm Illinois Central Chicago Express , .....a 7 08 km Chicago Limited a 1:00 Mn Mlaeoarl Ptclf4e . K. C. m. U Kt..ll:ltn IC U. g 81, U Ex....all:l6 pm a 3 IJ am a 1:60 pm a 3:41 pm a 1:43 pra a l.oo am a T:t a t:M am pra Dnrllogtoa Statlaa Tealb at Uason Barllngltsj - Pepart. Denver St California. .a 4:lo pm Puget Bound Kxpresl.g 4.10 pm Nebraska points ,.a t:20 am Blark Hllla , a 4:10 pm Lincoln. Mall b 1:20 pm. Northwest Express.... all :2 pm Nebraska points..., ...a 1:20 am Nebraska Express.. ...a :16 am Lincoln Local Bchuyler-Platiamouth b 1:06 pm Lincoln Local Plattsmouth-lowa a 1:111 ata Bellevuit-Plattamouth al2:30 pm Chicago Hpeclal a 7.11 am Denvar Special U:3i pm Chicago Expr a 4 20 pm Chic, Fast hJtpre....a 6:30 pm Iowa Local a f :U am Creston (la.) Local. ...b 1:30 pm . Mt. J-oul Express. a 4:26 pm K. C. HC Joseph ...al0:U prtv 1C. C. ak HC Joaph,,,.a 1:16 am ti. C. ti fct. Joseph. ...a l.s pm Arres. a If, pra a 1:15 pm a u: 10 pm a l:tl pra aU.16 pm a 7:o0 am a 1:10 pm a 1:10 pm a ) am blO: ara b 1:08 am a t:6o am a 1:40 pra eil:i6 pm a T:tM pre a 1:65 pre a 1:00 am a 10:30 am bie.ti aat a 11:60 am a 1:46 are a .! pin ncbatar ptattaa tOtk and Wekster, f. ' easssaasasB I Sttasaarl raclflo Depart. Arrfe. ..b 8:6 om lll liin Auburn ' Local...'.'. CMcatTo, ' Bt. Pa at, Mltaeapolls Umaka gloux Clty Express Omaha lcal Sioux City Paas... Twin 'City Pass.... pepart. , X 2:26 pm ,.a 8 am Arrive- bI2:0i pra e 6:2a pm li a pm b nib' am .'.';.' l io'stn .. .b 6 66 bin Lmsraon Local... tb dally except only, (aj dali.v. but) day. it) 4-uuday OCKAtf STEAMflHlPfl. "MOB! BSAUTirUX. TKAH ITAIiT" ROUND tlf) AND J C T.4l, 5.645 TRIP 1UUP J.a.aajll Tons All- accomodations flrst-rlass; no second cIhhs or steerage. Orchestra, bilge keels, wireless, etc. The Lnxorioos AR.ADIAN Ef err Saturday CaaeBcie Fckmirf 3 THE LARGEST and FINEST STEAMER IN THE BKHMUDA SERVICE ROUND TRIP ISO I P. The Foyal Wail Steam Packet Co. Sanderson B Bon, Oen. Agt., 93 Stat St., Mew Tork IS So. La Ball Bt, Chicago. OH ANY STEAMSHIP AGENT. Saloon Men Settle it Among Themselves The dove of pes,re has spread Its wings over the th re-iornerd auloon fight, (rtagrd . at Twenty-first and Cuming streoti, Hostilities havo been declared off. For a long time F. M. Walker and Hans Nellson have conducted saloons in the vicinity of the street Intersection named. They applied for licenses for next year. This being regarded a a chulc location for thi dispensing of liquid refreshment. Louis Peterson; concluded to "butt In." He did so and applied for a license. Then it wa that Walker and Nellson filed protest against granting a license to Peterson. In turn, he filed a protest against them having licenses. Tho other day the fire and polite liomd took th nutter up and set the hearing fur yes terday. Yesterday afternoon when the ittti wero t ailed, all of th protest were withdrawn, which Waves the board fra landed to issue all thie of th liciic,- AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Thief Steals Hrrman Hansen's Hi; in Bold Manner. ' SECH FAILS TO LOCATE IT I brlstmas Rash Over and Pnttmnater - tiller Mat Only Use PtcUtiie . Too Blltilly Addrrasrd lo Be fteflveeed. Whnl appefmt to bo hue of the holrtesl horse . Ihrfls. committed In this arctUrn of llie country during late years occurred Wednesday n'ght at Eggers grocery stocV,-Twenty-fourth and Q ktreeta, when some unidentified party appropriated' the liofse and huAtv of Unman Hansen, bookkeeper fos Swift and Company. Hansen had alighted from his rig for a few momenta and entered the store ot Eggers. He left Ills horse standing In front, ot t lie store. When he ret imed th animal and the conveyance tvrre no where in sight. The owner at once notified the potlr and Detective. Mrtlulr and Captain Dworak were detailed to the case. Billy Gardner, who Is sttld to have been. near the place where, the horno and buggy were left, was arrested at Avery on ,u" plclon of having knowledge of th tlieft. He la held by the police, lut inalnfalns his innocence. Dele. -the Mn'ulre and Captain Taorak after a night spent In a vain search for a clue to the lost animal, were relieved In the morning by Detective ftheahan and Zalntidek, who took up the trail and worked all day on th rase. Interest In the search was attmulnted by th sher iff' offer of a tM reward. Clark Called ot Carpet. B. C. Clark, a gray haired 1-othaiio of 5. residing at Twenty-second and 1 streets, has found that the city bluncoats are a very prosaic bunch of unaesthetlo Philistine who refuse to admit any ex cuse for amorous epistles Indited tc young girls by aged swains ot ardent temperament. Thief of Detectives Jameg dheahan was recently Informed of Clark's amorous bent and some of the letters were of fered In evidence by young women to whom CInrK had directed his attentions. Without further parley the chief sum moned the aged Lothario to kia sanctum, where he made It plain that young ladle are protected by th law. Clark prom ised amendment and wa allowed to go hi way. ., , Ferr Last Parkaae. Th Clirlstmss rush at the postoffiee Is practically over and hearty all the Christ mas packages havo been delivered . aud the postoffiee Is In possession ot less derelict or nixie than hag' eveY been known before. ' One package which an far has been impossible lo dispose of, till Ilea In th postmaster efTIc. It I addreaeed to Unci Joseph and Aunt Joso phlne, sent by Agnes and Clare, the latter two evidently residing In. couth Omaha. . But few complaints have come lit as to lost packages and in some Instances the hav been found lying In th officii of mailing on acoount of insufficient ad dress. Warrant for Danker. Armed with a warrant from th court of Just lo of th Paaoe P. C. Caldwell of South Omaha, Constebl Oeorg Col lin yesterday afternoon left for Mtnden, Neb., to arrest Calvin 9. Rogers, a prom inent banker of that place. Ilogero 1 wanted here on a statutory complaint filed by Mlsg Mae Crouch of this city. Only recently Rogers wa mad de fendant in a breach of promise suit brought by Mla Crouch. The damages asked for amount to tDO.OuO. Til suit )uut brought la not a criminal action, but is a legal provision designed for ths benefit of th plaintiff in such esse. Because of th promlnanoa of Rogers In th social and financial world much In terest attache to th case. Mis Crouch Is also of a tvel! known family. Conslabl Collins ta expected back this evening, y. M. C. A. Art Exhibit. An art exhibit worth th time cf local connoleur was glvn last night' by ths Magics City branch of the Young Men Christian association. Th affair l man aged by the boys of the association and a good crowd lent enoourgsmnt to the efforts ot th young men. Tomorrow and Haturday nights will b given to an In door carnival. On Monday avenlng the affair will close with an exhibition of th gymnasium work don at the local Egyptian Chccchtcs Our Latest Creation None) Wetter at Any Trice. Sola la 1 and 3 Pound Itoxea Only ITIce IMh) and 6J1.B0. " If by Mall f l.OO and fXOO. Myers-Dillon Drug Go. liith and Faraam Sts., Omaha. Miller, ' Stewart & Beaton Co. 413-15-17 South 16th Street. Our greatest annual furniture sale begins at 8 o'clock, Ti'ftartW morninc. Januarv 9. 1-161 The Children's Hour ahoulil be one of comfort and repoae. Story books and pictures take the place of the day time romp. Tho comforting light of an Upright Incandescent Gas Lamp brings repose to the chil dren s hour. It is soft and mellow, splendid to read by. . It is also n comfort to the one who pays the bills because the ; low consumption of Gas means small light bills. ' t. This lamp complete, $1.25. OMAHA GAS CO. bureau. Tim exhibition was plunned aiJ Is bring l arrleil put by I'l" b.:;, s tlieaXiL selyes. In an effort to rala t lie money nerrtiMl for gyniniilum enulpment and other gildciula to Ihc ltKa.1 hcdquartcr. a JZl 3 Cured in One Day A - rtf It.in.n-., r-..l.l lun,. edy will break up any cold and prevent I . ..II..... .... .Kn.. I'llT-IIIIIOIIia. I . I run... ,lin HC.ll, ....VF. and lungs almost Instantly. Pric 2a cent at any druggist's, or sent postpaid. If you need Medical Advice write ti Munyon'a Doctors. They will carefully diagnose your esse and give you advlre. by n.all absolutely free on any d I sea so. 6d and Jefferson Ms.. Philadelphia, Pa. B Oneof these 1 0 , 0 0 0 MISSION CLOCKS I your If you trill secure two ubHi-rlptlons to a tverKlj niitKAaiDr. Vl-i v.- 6 . aWaal Ik-eant .awiffairiffiiaaa.iajijrrg'tt THIS t-DA Y MISSION CLOCK .,e htainu Vlamlahad li 11 ,.-d l'lHd oak with raised motal num--,ij aid, large bras pendulum tiUh, Lj and ornamental aid weights, cup hi ull etrlkes the half liour ami -ft cathedral gong on tb hour. sUK 1 Kk'.fj xl.-, la your at nu vaili coai'lTl to 0.l A Superb Xinaa Gift A Perfect Timekeeper A handsome object of American art, suitable for th finest home, hend us your nan.e and address and w will tell you what to do to get it It ig worth the atKlug ior. . wares TowictJrr to MISSIJN CLCX DEPI. Blaa BoUding, Bcranton. Tm. For soma of rbur neighbor to tell you of their los pf Private Tapers. Jewelry, etc., by Vfre 'ort JfllirtiJar. before renting a Safe Deposit Box In our modern Hteel Vault for keeping aafely your valuables. - Come here today and aelect. th site Safety Box you require pay 13.00 fur a year's rent, and feel se cure. Omaha Safe Deposit Company Street' Level .Kntrsnce to Vaults. 1S14 Farnam fllreet. -t 1 IJ.O i . I' " - - - It' 1"asa 4ft-- - f-i - B . ,VM M